The 90-Day Program to Stop and Reverse Heart Disease
ByChauncey Crandall
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Readers` Reviews
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I am very health conscious, and was most disgusted with Dr. Chauncey’s recommendation to take vitamin supplements especially Vitamin C. Linus Pauling’s recommendation to take vitamin C supplements was disproven my medical research-something Pauling never investigated. Research proved Vitamin C supplements does not prevent cancer, but it actually causes cancer. Read Pandora’s Lab. I do agree that walking is a beneficial health activity, but eat a vegetarian diet to get your vitamins and minerals.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Read every word first night. Very helpful plain language explanation of his findings. Been on plan for three weeks. Feeling great enjoying new foods. Never did really crave red meat but until now did not know why to avoid it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is obviously written for the novice, but that's good. Good explanation of how the Cardiovascular system works, in laymen terms. Good explanation of the foods to counter inflammation. Would like to have more suggestions regarding supplements to assist in recovery and health improvement. One disagreement with Dr. Crandall. He disapproves of the use of coconut oil. My research says that coconut oil is one of the best oils you can use for arterial health.
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brandon westlake
It will do all it claims to do. Moreover, it gives one a sense of security knowing that you are doing all you can to prevent heart disease or an event. Takes a lot of self-discipline. But its worth the peace of mind.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
derick lugo
This book was okay but not anything I didn't know already. Eat more veggies and fruits, reduce fats, meats, and salt, etc., etc. All this info can be found on the internet for free. It was a waste of money for me (a heart patient).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harry indrawan
Having suffered from A/F as a result of stress, anxiety and worry I eventually had a stroke. Dr Crandalls book is most helpful in revealing how I ended up in a mess and also how to prevent it happening again. He shows how important diet, rest and some supplements are . Today my heart is behaving itself and I feel peaceful. This is a book everyone should read and not after the problem strikes. Prevention is better than cure!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria julia
Excellent. Well written and easy to follow. As a recent heart attack victim, I can relate to Dr. Crandall same exact experience and wanting to do something about what caused it. Good information and ideas here.
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greta grond
Dr. Crandall is a Christian Heart Surgeon who believes in God and Jesus Christ not a surgeon who believes he IS God! Or a scientist that believes he can do it BETTER than God. I trust him completely with my health and the health of my family whereas I have zero faith in modern medicine and doctors in this day and age.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
presented in both intelligent and simple to follow form, the advice given in this book is one of the most valuable things I have come across. should be very useful to anyone who has a concern about their heart health, which should be most of us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda friedrich
My bro-in-law had a heart attack and I ordered this book for him. He sez that it contains vital information and he is utilizing alot of the information. He recommends this book to anyone who wants to save their life and heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherry ann
presented in both intelligent and simple to follow form, the advice given in this book is one of the most valuable things I have come across. should be very useful to anyone who has a concern about their heart health, which should be most of us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bahare shirzad
My bro-in-law had a heart attack and I ordered this book for him. He sez that it contains vital information and he is utilizing alot of the information. He recommends this book to anyone who wants to save their life and heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book with simple insights and an easy read. Follow the simple advice and you won't be wrong or far off.
Stay away from those doctors who are only after your money, using your life in the bargain.
Stay away from those doctors who are only after your money, using your life in the bargain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica gilmore
The graveyard is filled with male family members that died young (45-62) with heart disease. This book gave clear accounts of the causes of heart disease. But more importantly, it also offers a clear path to remedy along with hope. It is easy to read and provides a detailed path, in layman's terms, to bring back and maintain cardiovasular health.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In less than 4 months using the advice in the book I was able to drop my cholesterol from 198 down to 147 and didn't need to start statin that can do big damage to a persons liver and in some types of reaction to statin drugs are irreversible. I have developed a plant base diet as a life style change and expect my cholesterol to go down even farther in the next 6 months. I also recommend as a reference book to review as you develop better eating habits.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joan drebing
The Simple Heart Cure more than met my expectation. It is SIMPLE to understand. Every home in America should have a copy for each member of that family to read or read together.
Tremendous ideas and information I am using. Praise the Lord for a Heart Doc. who tells it like it is.
Tremendous ideas and information I am using. Praise the Lord for a Heart Doc. who tells it like it is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So informative. We read "Touching Heaven" by Dr.Crandall and so enjoyed that that we ordered this book. We have recommended it to others and some have bought it. It is important reading for anyone that cares about their hearts!
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cyndi johnson
I was having angina pain for two weeks and went to visit my doctor who confirmed angine. I did a google search and discovered this book. I had a "widowmaker" heart attack just after my visit to the doctor on the 11th of December and because i was reading The Simple Heart Cure i knew what was happening so my husband rang the ambulance. My cardiologist said we did the right thing otherwise i could have been dead. I believe this book came across my path just in time.
I had an angiogram and angioplasty, they discovered the LAD was 95% blocked plus two other blockages. The specialist inserted two stents and I am now three weeks on from the procedure. The Simple Heart cure book has given me lots of advice on exercise and eating a more healthy diet which i will follow.
I will also add that i have been diabetic for 52 years (genetic maturity onset type 3) i have tried to take care of myself over the years with diet and exercise.. I am also a Christian and believe that God has a plan for my life.
Thank you Dr Crandall for making your book and the other literature available.
Ann Hall, Christchurch, New Zealand
I had an angiogram and angioplasty, they discovered the LAD was 95% blocked plus two other blockages. The specialist inserted two stents and I am now three weeks on from the procedure. The Simple Heart cure book has given me lots of advice on exercise and eating a more healthy diet which i will follow.
I will also add that i have been diabetic for 52 years (genetic maturity onset type 3) i have tried to take care of myself over the years with diet and exercise.. I am also a Christian and believe that God has a plan for my life.
Thank you Dr Crandall for making your book and the other literature available.
Ann Hall, Christchurch, New Zealand
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great advice for someone who is not already on a restricted diet. Plus, it took a VERY long time to get to the nuts & bolts of what is good. The stories at the beginning were meant for impact and to let everyone know they should eat better. Wish the "eat better" part came closer. My former nutritionist said that the deer meat (I killed the wild deer who rummaged through the forest, eating most acorns (NOT corn), was the best meat I could put in me as it IS easily processed through intestines that have been resected to the point of leaving minimal small intestine. Okay, I'm the zebra among patients, however, I do think THAT issue should be addressed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heidi corcoran
This book provides a concise, step by step pattern to help everyone avoid or reverse the the causes of the biggest killer in America. He offers excellent, specific information for women as well. And finally Dr. Crandall provides a well thought out meal plan that anyone can follow.
Editor, [...]
Editor, [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I think it will be easy to follow the only trouble I live in a very small town we have two stores some things are not easy to find such as bread without sugar, some veggies that are mentioned, but think I can do going to show it to my Cardiac Doctor
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenifer cost
Dr Crandall lays out his plan very clearly. It is easy for anyone to understand it. I have started it and can already see a difference.It is a very small book but packed with information and recipes. It is easy to reread it if you need to because it is so compact and if you need to look something up you can find it easily.I had planned to get a heart ct but after I read in this book it could be the equivalent of 400 chest xrays,I am so glad I did not and read this first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah schranz oliveira
I love this book for all the knowledge it has about my CHF ! I am following it to a "T" and feeling better on first week ! HOUSTON memorial said their was nothing they could do for me and sent me home to die ! I am refusing to go down without a fight and found this wonderful book !
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer oliver
We got this book for my mother who has already done a lot of research on the subject of natural cures for heart problems. She felt it was one of the best books on the subject and very well written for easy understanding of the information and general readability.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lei paulick
I have read parts of the book and while the author talks about "inflammation" and "hardening of the arteries", I was surprised that (although he mentions a variety of dietary supplements in the book), he failed to mention one of the most effective dietary supplements in preventing heart attacks and strokes- Resveratrol. Based on hundreds of scientific studies, resveratrol have been proven to decrease inflammation, thin the blood and soften the arteries walls. Hopefully "resveratrol" will be included in the next edition of the book. Doron Rapp- Mega Resveratrol.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andy harrison
Lots of heart information which you can get anywhere, but useful.
Would like to have had more of the "corrective" information other than "exercise and diet" which I already know.
More specific on foods, somewhat limited on that side of the information.
Enjoyed the book however
Would like to have had more of the "corrective" information other than "exercise and diet" which I already know.
More specific on foods, somewhat limited on that side of the information.
Enjoyed the book however
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ehikhamenor ehizele
A very quick read, solid although for the most part familiar advice. Some food and supplements advice new to me and good. Repetitive; the 90 day plan is like"let's see, what should I put down for Week 1?" iMO, A better plan would be to set out interim goals over the 12 months. Appears to be a rushed writing job.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
selora pereira
The book has much medical information which I can get on google, but very little on dieting which I was looking forward to and never the less on the introduction the author try to get the reader to open a subscription, wich I was not expecting after purchasing the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this book! I'm turning 55 soon, only 10 lbs overweight, but my LDL cholesterol came back way too high, and GASP, my doc prescribed me with a statin drug. Can you say, WAKE UP CALL? After losing my 52 year old husband to a first and fatal heart attack 3 years ago, and receiving these test results, I knew it was time to stop just hoping to avoid a heart attack. This is easy to read, provides lots of hope and encouragement, and he speaks not just from his professional experience, but also his personal experience. He practices what he preaches!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is a short and simple, basic book about living with heart disease and should be helpful for someone who has not read much about the topic. The 90 day "program" only takes up 10 pages of the 193 page book and is quite simple, as the title says, and pretty much common sense for those who have read anything about heart disease. I received this book free to review from Netgalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As someone who has fought heart disease for 20 years (6 stents) I found the information Dr. Crandall shares as mostly old news for someone who has been actively trying to do much of what he recommends for a long time. Even for me though it is chock full of good advice and encouragement to continue the fight. If you are just learning about Heart Disease and looking for information to help you with the challenges you face this book is an excellent place to start.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elah moshtatgh
Week and a half. Lost 6 lbs and off my bp meds! 111/75 today no meds. Normally, 150/100. Hopefully it hold, so far very good...I'm going to do this for 3 month and get down to my high school wieght. I'm using a calories counting app that breaks down my nutrition intake. That has help a lot to see what I'm intaking.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
janie lange
I did not intend to order this book. I don’t have a kindle and do not want this book. All I did was read the sample and suddenly I get a confirmation in my email. Seems like a scam. I better not have been charged
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I purchased this for my mom after she began having heart issues. This book gave clear records of the reason for coronary illness. At the same time more importantly, it is not difficult to understand and gives a point by point way, in layman's terms, to bring back and uphold cardiovascular health.
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