Fyre (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Septimus Heap)

ByAngie Sage

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patr cia
This entire series was a surprise to me. I love the fact that the book comes in hardback. The hardback gives the story an additional weight. Although I have not read the book itself, I have read the entire series up to Book Seven and anticipated the release of this final story. Happy reading to anyone who wants to be truly entertained.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan collins
Angie sage truly outdid herself. This book was Wonderful. It is the last book in the series, and when I finished it I was very sad that the series was over. Septimus Heap is a awesome series for adults and children. It is full of suspense excitement and of course; Magyk!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've loved this entire series from the second I picked up the first book, and book seven does not dissapoint. Sage continues a story of magyk that entraps the reader. One of those books where time flys by as you forget youre even reading.
Angie 1st (first) Edition [Hardcover(2008/4/8)] - Queste (Septimus Heap :: A Cold Dark Place (An Emily Kenyon Thriller) :: Dark Place to Hide :: A Cold Dark Place (Cold Justice Book 1) :: Physik (Septimus Heap, Book Three)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine gardner
It was wonderful the way that everything fit into place at the end. Simon and Lucy were very happy, Jenna became queen, Marcia and septimas enjoyed the last part of sep`s apprenticeship, and the heap family was all back the way i think it should be!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I remember getting the boxed set of the first two books (Magyk and Flyte) for my birthday one year. Given to me by my grandmother, she said that since I liked fantasy books, this might be good. And it was! Of course, you'd need to read the preceding six books to really appreciate Fyre, but it ties up so many things in such a nice way!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul blumer
If you have read the father books that Angie Sage has righten then you got to know the characters fully. Angie Sage did a grate his on all her books. I would recommend it to anyone you likes fantasy adventure books. I would reread this inter series all over again!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yasmin munoz
I'm sure all who enjoy reading a series, know and understand how difficult it is to compose an ending that will satisfy readers and the story. I believe Angie Sage did a wonderful job with writing the ending to the spectacular Septimus Heap series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just wish there were more books in the series. Sage has developed a solid array of great characters. We will miss being entertained by them during our evening family reading. It has been an absolute joy!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
terry mulcahy
I had mixed feelings about this book. I recall the previous books in this series as more exciting, with more witty dialogues. But perhaps it is just me, having grown a bit older and such. Still, it is great to discover how it all ends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
per arne hoff
My kids have enjoyed this series so much. I'm glad to have them as an excuse for a grown woman enjoying the guilty pleasure of a wonderful adventure. Angie Sage created a masterfully anachronistic world filled with magnificently quirky characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
priscilla oliveras
I have read every book on this series all of them I loved. With all the detail Angie Sage uses to describe this book it makes it amazing because you can clearly imagine the setting. I recommend this book to everyone who loves fantasy and humor .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqui ainsworth
This entire series of books grabs your attention from the first sentence. I found myself really caring what happened to the characters. I especially enjoyed the was the author tied up loose ends after each story. I recommend these books for any age!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The last installment of the SEPTIMUS HEAP SERIES. In order to destroy the darke two faced ring marcellus must relite the alchimie fire but the two darke wizards escape from the two faced ring. It all comes down to one boy. SEPTIMUS HEAP !!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alejandro pis
I think this is an awesome book and it's never boring. When it is at the most exciting it turns to another chapter which makes it even better. I recommend this book to everyone who loves Septimus or other fantasy series!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
randy elster
I have been an avid reader of the Septimus book series and I love them. Overall this book is fantastic but your mistake was not making Septimus and Jenna a couple, for that reason and that reason alone I give this book 2 stars and suggest that no should read it. It will be a waste of their time and money. Again overall this book is fantastic but that mistake brought you way down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great conclusion to the series, with all the characters you know and love, in one beautifully written book.

Not to mention it begins the todhunter moon series! Yay! More books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yelena gordiyenko
As in my last review I have also not read this book yet seeing as I haven't had the time. The over all happiness I feel finally having all the books and getting to read them and be able to complete my original goal. I know this book and its series is a solid 10/10
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
cat cranston
I know it's a book and the words are REALLY what counts. But this publisher omitted the wonderful Mark Zug artwork that shows all the characters throughout the book at the beginning of each chapter. I had to return it and get the Katherine Tegan Books copy.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
cheryl myers
Thank goodness I only read the first 2 books of the Septimus Heap series and then skipped to Book 7. This series started out mediocre and just continues to go downhill.


1. Again, the Magyk and the plots are just not rational nor interesting. For example, the dragon boat is near death. Jenna "knows" that only Aunt Zelda can save the boat and for some reason, Aunt Zelda refuses to use the 3 magic bowls to revive the dragon. Aunt Zelda told Jenna (in the past) that she is waiting for "the right time" to use the 3 magic bowls. Apparently, Aunt Zelda was waiting and waiting because a snake ate one of the 3 magic bowls and Aunt Zelda neglected/"forgot" to tell anyone. In the end, all Jenna had to do to revive the dragon boat was to use a REVIVE potion that she had in her pocket all along and massage it on the dragon boat's heart. Not very exciting and just down right disappointing.

2. Lots of running around. In fact, all you read about is how everyone is always looking for everyone else. Not much action. In fact, all the running around is what is filling up the pages of the book. The authors must be getting paid per page.

I don't think I can read any further because I am bored out of my mind. Currently, I am at 75% done with the book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sungbae park
This review first appeared on the Wayward Kitsune.

Well, that was disappointing. Years and years of following the Septimus Heap series and all I get is a conclusion that is crammed with unnecessary scenes and characters that didn’t grow at all. I don’t know if my standards have improved or this book was just awful. I used to enjoy the series during my pre-blogging days. The series was not ground breaking but still, it was fun to read. This last installment though was pure torture. 684 pages of senseless stuff going on and on that I just want to set the book on fyre and end my misery.

Here are my main issues with this book:

1. Lack of character growth

All the characters remained stagnant in terms of development. They are even brimming with inconsistencies that made my head ache. 50 year old plus characters behaving like teenagers and vice-versa. Aside from that, most of their actions do not coincide with their descriptions. For example, Marcia Overstrand is the Extra-Ordinary Wizard (the highest ranking wizard in the world of Septimus Heap) and she is described as stern, wise, a leader and has zero tolerance for nonsense. But what you get in this book is a wizard who is not only petty but highly indecisive as well. There was even one scene wherein she just relied on teenagers to make the decision for a highly critical concern. I.Cannot.Even.

Dear Marcia, I suggest that you read the Harry Potter books 1-7 and learn some lessons from Albus Dumbledore. You don’t have to be him but I think it’s really time for you to evaluate yourself as an Extra-Ordinary Wizard because you are not behaving like one.

And to the rest of the characters, are you suffering from multiple personality disorder? A visit to a psychologist should be in order I think.

2. The plot that didn’t take off after 50% of the book

Why, Angie? What are you trying to accomplish during the first 50% of the story? So that you can make an impression that this ending is so grand just by the number of pages alone? Oh no, no, Angie. I really don’t mind if you’re going to make a 2000-page book as long as there’s enough interesting stuff to cover. But if you’re just going to insert irrational scenes here and there and waste a good portion of my day then please expect a very low rating from me.

3. Some dialogues are just utter rubbish

I wish I was diligent enough to take down notes of those rubbish dialogues so that I can include them on this review. Said dialogues were totally unnecessary and didn’t contribute anything other than make the story longer. But jeez, I was already so irritated with the length of this book that I just want to finish it once and for all.

Redeeming Qualities

1. World Building

Thank heavens for some reprieve. If there’s one thing that I admire about Angie Sage is that she really knows how to create a world that can make you feel that you’re actually living in it.

2. The Fully Wrapped Up Ending

All the loose ends were neatly tied up and what I really like is that Angie even made some sort of a newspaper article telling the readers what happened to all the characters in the future.

To conclude…

I really tried my best to be lenient with Fyre but it’s just so hard to turn a blind eye on the glaring flaws that I’ve mentioned above. My verdict: read this series only if you run out of books to read. And that you should just borrow all seven books from the library. There’s no point investing all your money in the series especially with this crappy conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Seventh and last in the Septimus Heap fantasy series for middle-grade readers and revolving around the Heap family.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magyk. – Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law"

My Take
I have to confess that I thought Fyre would never end. Sage kept it going and going and…shades of that Energizer Bunny! She did tie quite a few loose ends off (while introducing all sorts of new possibilities and leaving some threads dangling). This is a series I'd prefer to read as quickly as possible to retain all the twists and turns that become important in later stories. Then again, that's probably my "need to know" surfacing, as Sage does provide tidbits to remind you.

The prologue was handy as we learn what happened all those centuries ago when Hotep-Ra fled, the protections and plans he put in place to protect and serve. The reason why the Princesses and Queens ever since have been in danger.

Humph, we finally find out what caused the Great Alchemie Disaster. What. A. Betrayal!!

Dried wormsticks?? Ickkkk…!! And I can definitely do without the pig's feet.

I have enjoyed the Septimus Heap series, as Sage does a lovely job of combining the silliness of children with giving them responsibility. There are good people and bad, with the good, naturally, coming out on top. There's teamwork and supportive friends. There's the fear and the courage to ignore it, to stand up for what's right.

Sage's descriptions appeal to the child in me:
"…like a large mechanical toy, the scorpion clattered on its way — two-three-together, two-three-apart, two-three-together, two-three-apart, two-three-together, two-three-apart— "

I love it when Nursie gets some comeuppance against the Port Witch Coven, *snicker* Then there's the "truth" behind Jillie's annoying habits with Hotep-Ra's resolution, lol.

It's a constant back-and-forth of achievements and setbacks, adventures everywhere with a few disasters, choices to be made (poor Septimus is torn between his two loves), individuals getting most annoyed with others, betrayals and traps…it'll take them all to save the day. And someone, ahem, has a lot to answer for!

The Story
It's a wedding. Simon Heap and Lucy Gringe's to be exact. A happy occasion followed by the Big Freeze festivities…and a dying Dragon Boat.

Jenna will soon be Queen and Beetle is now Chief Hermetic Scribe. But it only leads to more Darke discoveries, and Septimus must rid the Castle of the Darke Domaine by destroying the Two-Faced Ring.

It will be a test of skills for many…

The Characters

Port is the town where everyone lives.

Septimus Heap, once known as 412 in the Young Army and whose Darke name is Sum, is now a Senior ExtraOrdinary Apprentice to Marcia. Spit Fyre is Septimus' curious dragon (Flyte, 2). Jim Knee is the reluctant jinnee Septimus picked up in Syren, 5. Jim has had a checkered past. Wait'll you read about Tallula Crum, the cook at the Port Palace that Jenna discovers.

Madam Marcia Overstrand is the ExtraOrdinary Wizard and Septimus' master, mistress?

The Wizard Tower was…
…started up by the very first ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Hotep-Ra, who also built the House of Foryx. Talmar Ray Bell is the Apprentice who left the Castle with Hotep-Ra. The Dragon Boat is a living dragon, left behind for another Dragon Master. Other, previous ExtraOrdinary Wizards include Julius Pike and Alther Mella who had been Marcia's mentor; the ghost of Alice Nettles is finally Alther's partner.

Thomasinn Tremayne is the Seal Watch Wizard. Hildegarde Pigeon is a sub-Wizard. Dandra Draa is the new Sick Bay Wizard and very skilled in DisEnchantment. Syrah Syara was Julius Pike's Senior Apprentice back in his day until she was lost on Queste (Syren, 5). She's now in a magykal coma. Rose has been an Apprentice in Sick Bay. Sassarin Sarson, Bernard Bernard, and Miroma Zoom are more wizards.

The Sealed Cell is the most secure place in the Wizard Tower and used for imprisoning dangerous and powerful Magyks. The Stranger Chamber is where visitors considered a threat to the Tower are kept.

Jenna is the Princess who had been found and raised by the Heaps fourteen-and-a-half years ago. Domino is her horse. Milo Banda is her blustering merchant father. Sir Hereward is the ghost who guards the Princess' bedroom. Queen Cerys is the ghost of Jenna's mother; I much prefer her grandmother's ghost, Queen Matthilda. Julia is the friend Jenna makes on her Journey. Petroc Trelawney is a sentient pebble.

Marcellus Pye, the Last Alchemist who is now the Castle Alchemist, is the son of the 500 years-dead, mean Queen Ethelredda while Esmeralda had been his sister. (He's also Princess Jenna's many-times great uncle.) Drummins are an underground people who tend the Chamber of Fyre, except they call it the Deeps. Duglius Drummin is their chief. Perius is his deputy.

The Heaps are…
…a large, loving, and rather messy family who took in an abandoned baby girl all those years ago back when they lived in the Ramblings, a neighborhood in Port. Sarah and Silas are the parents; she keeps house at the Palace and still carries around Ethel, her duck-in-a-bag, while Silas is an Ordinary Wizard (and once an Apprentice to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard). Simon is their oldest son who went Darke for a while. Now he's marrying Lucy Gringe, who turns out to be a good architect. Sam, the twins Edd and Erik, and Jo-Jo are the sons who ran off to live in the Forest. Nicko is a Senior Apprentice at the boatyard and loves the sea. Septimus is the youngest, the seventh son of a seventh son. Maxie is their ancient wolfhound.

Aunt Zelda Heap is the current Keeper out at Marram Marshes where she lives on Draggen Island in the Keeper's Cottage, although now that the Dragon Boat has been moved to Port… She has a disgusting fascination for all things cabbage and buggy. Wolf Boy (once known as 409 in the Young Army but christened Mandy Marwick) is her Apprentice. Bert is Zelda's duck. Wolf Boy still doesn't know that he's one-third of a set of triplets. Broda Pye was Marcellus' wife back in the day as well as the then-Keeper. Ernold and Edmund Heap are the disreputable twins; Theo Heap is a Shape-Shifted Storm Petrel; and, Benjamin Heap is a Shape-Shifted tree — and Silas and Zelda's brothers.

The Magykal Manuscriptorium and Spell Checkers Incorporated is…
…a combination magykal library, vault, and charms shop for the kingdom. And it's a disastrous mess after Jillie Djinn's reign. It also holds The Live Plan of What Lies Beneath, an interactive map of all the Ice Tunnels below the Castle. O. Beetle Beetle is its new Chief Hermetic Scribe (thank god! Darke, 6) who has gone off Jenna. Romilly Badger is the Inspection Clerk; Partridge is the new Scribe of Maps; William "Foxy" Fox is the Chief Charm Scribe; Barnaby Ewe is one of the scribes; Moira Mole is Beetle's new clerk; and, Ephaniah Grebe, a half-man half-rat, is the Conservation, Preservation, and Protection Scribe. Jillie Djinn is the ghost of the previous Chief Hermetic Scribe; a nicer thing never happened the day she died.

Smugglers' Bolt is a long tunnel to the Castle with a few ventilation shafts along the way: the Bail Out at Smugglers' Rest and Mooman and Daisy Pike's farm (yep, Julius' descendants through Martha Pike, his mother).

Rupert Gringe is Lucy's brother; He's currently seeing Maggie, the port barge skipper. Lucy's parents are the snobby Theodora and Gringe — he's the gatekeeper.

Staff at the Palace
Billy Pot is the dragon keeper; Barney Pot serves as a footman in the Palace. Maizie Smalls is the Palace and Castle TorchLighter who keeps trying to find Binkie, her cat who went feral in Darke and is now the chief of the Forest Cats.

People who store the Coronation paraphernalia include…
…Sally Mullin who runs Sally Mullin's Tea and Ale House; she's also a good friend of Sarah's. Little Betsy Beetle and her grandmother manage to get the Coronation Pianola to the Palace all the way from the Ramblings.

Townspeople in Port
Bott's Cloaks sells both old and new to wizards, only Bertie Bott was lost in Darke, and his widow(?) feels lost now. Larry Morologus owns Larry's Dead Languages where he does translations. Stanley is head of the Rat Office who is training a Message Rat, Florence, one of his baby ratlets. Jannit Marten owns a boatyard and took Rupert and Nicko on as apprentices; Eustace Bott is the new Apprentice. Terry Tarsal owns the shoe store where Marcia buys her purple python shoes. Marcus Overland was an ex-Ordinary Wizard and Marcia's father. Igor owns Gothyk Grotto, a junk shop where Marcus and Matt, Wolf Boy's brothers, work along with Marissa, a witch who was with the the Wendron Witches under Morwenna Mould, the Witch Mother, and then the Port Witches Coven, a Darke group. Heather, Elizabeth, and Samson Snarp are stonemasons. Maureen runs The Harbor and Dock Pie Shop. Some of the pies actually sound good. Vilotta Bott and Tremula Finn are tourists in the wrong place. Alice TodHunter Moon is the little girl who waved to Septimus that night.

Merrin Meredith (Queste, 4) had been Simon's unhappy Apprentice; he truly went Darke and then took over the Manuscriptorium! Turns out Nursie Meredith is his mother who lives in the Doll House. Dorinda is part of the Port Witch Coven. DomDaniel was an evil ExtraOrdinary Wizard who used to wear the Two-Faced Ring; Simon had been his Apprentice.

The Two-Faced Ring is where Shamandrigger Saarn and Dramindonnor Naarn, Warrior Wizards and Masters of the Darke Arts, a.k.a., the Ring Wizards, were trapped. They're also the reason for the vortex that plunges to the Darke Halls beneath Bleak Creek (Darke).

Ice Wraiths haunt the Ice Tunnels. Moaning Hilda is one of them.

The Cover and Title
The cover is The Queen Rules all rebound and pretty in red leather with dulled gold corner protections and a locking clasp while the Dragon Boat, the series information at the top, the large title above center, the author's name at the bottom, and the simple scroll work forming a border around the cover are in a gleaming gilt gold. We have a bird's eye view of a small pyramid resting atop the Dragon Boat, one with the stamp of an Egyptian bird nestled within the flattened tip.

The title is the salvation at the end, the Fyre that comes to life and reveals the truth of long ago events.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I know it's a book and the words are REALLY what counts. But this publisher omitted the wonderful Mark Zug artwork that shows all the characters throughout the book at the beginning of each chapter. I had to return it and get the Katherine Tegan Books copy.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
hido heydaroff
Thank goodness I only read the first 2 books of the Septimus Heap series and then skipped to Book 7. This series started out mediocre and just continues to go downhill.


1. Again, the Magyk and the plots are just not rational nor interesting. For example, the dragon boat is near death. Jenna "knows" that only Aunt Zelda can save the boat and for some reason, Aunt Zelda refuses to use the 3 magic bowls to revive the dragon. Aunt Zelda told Jenna (in the past) that she is waiting for "the right time" to use the 3 magic bowls. Apparently, Aunt Zelda was waiting and waiting because a snake ate one of the 3 magic bowls and Aunt Zelda neglected/"forgot" to tell anyone. In the end, all Jenna had to do to revive the dragon boat was to use a REVIVE potion that she had in her pocket all along and massage it on the dragon boat's heart. Not very exciting and just down right disappointing.

2. Lots of running around. In fact, all you read about is how everyone is always looking for everyone else. Not much action. In fact, all the running around is what is filling up the pages of the book. The authors must be getting paid per page.

I don't think I can read any further because I am bored out of my mind. Currently, I am at 75% done with the book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This review first appeared on the Wayward Kitsune.

Well, that was disappointing. Years and years of following the Septimus Heap series and all I get is a conclusion that is crammed with unnecessary scenes and characters that didn’t grow at all. I don’t know if my standards have improved or this book was just awful. I used to enjoy the series during my pre-blogging days. The series was not ground breaking but still, it was fun to read. This last installment though was pure torture. 684 pages of senseless stuff going on and on that I just want to set the book on fyre and end my misery.

Here are my main issues with this book:

1. Lack of character growth

All the characters remained stagnant in terms of development. They are even brimming with inconsistencies that made my head ache. 50 year old plus characters behaving like teenagers and vice-versa. Aside from that, most of their actions do not coincide with their descriptions. For example, Marcia Overstrand is the Extra-Ordinary Wizard (the highest ranking wizard in the world of Septimus Heap) and she is described as stern, wise, a leader and has zero tolerance for nonsense. But what you get in this book is a wizard who is not only petty but highly indecisive as well. There was even one scene wherein she just relied on teenagers to make the decision for a highly critical concern. I.Cannot.Even.

Dear Marcia, I suggest that you read the Harry Potter books 1-7 and learn some lessons from Albus Dumbledore. You don’t have to be him but I think it’s really time for you to evaluate yourself as an Extra-Ordinary Wizard because you are not behaving like one.

And to the rest of the characters, are you suffering from multiple personality disorder? A visit to a psychologist should be in order I think.

2. The plot that didn’t take off after 50% of the book

Why, Angie? What are you trying to accomplish during the first 50% of the story? So that you can make an impression that this ending is so grand just by the number of pages alone? Oh no, no, Angie. I really don’t mind if you’re going to make a 2000-page book as long as there’s enough interesting stuff to cover. But if you’re just going to insert irrational scenes here and there and waste a good portion of my day then please expect a very low rating from me.

3. Some dialogues are just utter rubbish

I wish I was diligent enough to take down notes of those rubbish dialogues so that I can include them on this review. Said dialogues were totally unnecessary and didn’t contribute anything other than make the story longer. But jeez, I was already so irritated with the length of this book that I just want to finish it once and for all.

Redeeming Qualities

1. World Building

Thank heavens for some reprieve. If there’s one thing that I admire about Angie Sage is that she really knows how to create a world that can make you feel that you’re actually living in it.

2. The Fully Wrapped Up Ending

All the loose ends were neatly tied up and what I really like is that Angie even made some sort of a newspaper article telling the readers what happened to all the characters in the future.

To conclude…

I really tried my best to be lenient with Fyre but it’s just so hard to turn a blind eye on the glaring flaws that I’ve mentioned above. My verdict: read this series only if you run out of books to read. And that you should just borrow all seven books from the library. There’s no point investing all your money in the series especially with this crappy conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Seventh and last in the Septimus Heap fantasy series for middle-grade readers and revolving around the Heap family.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magyk. – Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law"

My Take
I have to confess that I thought Fyre would never end. Sage kept it going and going and…shades of that Energizer Bunny! She did tie quite a few loose ends off (while introducing all sorts of new possibilities and leaving some threads dangling). This is a series I'd prefer to read as quickly as possible to retain all the twists and turns that become important in later stories. Then again, that's probably my "need to know" surfacing, as Sage does provide tidbits to remind you.

The prologue was handy as we learn what happened all those centuries ago when Hotep-Ra fled, the protections and plans he put in place to protect and serve. The reason why the Princesses and Queens ever since have been in danger.

Humph, we finally find out what caused the Great Alchemie Disaster. What. A. Betrayal!!

Dried wormsticks?? Ickkkk…!! And I can definitely do without the pig's feet.

I have enjoyed the Septimus Heap series, as Sage does a lovely job of combining the silliness of children with giving them responsibility. There are good people and bad, with the good, naturally, coming out on top. There's teamwork and supportive friends. There's the fear and the courage to ignore it, to stand up for what's right.

Sage's descriptions appeal to the child in me:
"…like a large mechanical toy, the scorpion clattered on its way — two-three-together, two-three-apart, two-three-together, two-three-apart, two-three-together, two-three-apart— "

I love it when Nursie gets some comeuppance against the Port Witch Coven, *snicker* Then there's the "truth" behind Jillie's annoying habits with Hotep-Ra's resolution, lol.

It's a constant back-and-forth of achievements and setbacks, adventures everywhere with a few disasters, choices to be made (poor Septimus is torn between his two loves), individuals getting most annoyed with others, betrayals and traps…it'll take them all to save the day. And someone, ahem, has a lot to answer for!

The Story
It's a wedding. Simon Heap and Lucy Gringe's to be exact. A happy occasion followed by the Big Freeze festivities…and a dying Dragon Boat.

Jenna will soon be Queen and Beetle is now Chief Hermetic Scribe. But it only leads to more Darke discoveries, and Septimus must rid the Castle of the Darke Domaine by destroying the Two-Faced Ring.

It will be a test of skills for many…

The Characters

Port is the town where everyone lives.

Septimus Heap, once known as 412 in the Young Army and whose Darke name is Sum, is now a Senior ExtraOrdinary Apprentice to Marcia. Spit Fyre is Septimus' curious dragon (Flyte, 2). Jim Knee is the reluctant jinnee Septimus picked up in Syren, 5. Jim has had a checkered past. Wait'll you read about Tallula Crum, the cook at the Port Palace that Jenna discovers.

Madam Marcia Overstrand is the ExtraOrdinary Wizard and Septimus' master, mistress?

The Wizard Tower was…
…started up by the very first ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Hotep-Ra, who also built the House of Foryx. Talmar Ray Bell is the Apprentice who left the Castle with Hotep-Ra. The Dragon Boat is a living dragon, left behind for another Dragon Master. Other, previous ExtraOrdinary Wizards include Julius Pike and Alther Mella who had been Marcia's mentor; the ghost of Alice Nettles is finally Alther's partner.

Thomasinn Tremayne is the Seal Watch Wizard. Hildegarde Pigeon is a sub-Wizard. Dandra Draa is the new Sick Bay Wizard and very skilled in DisEnchantment. Syrah Syara was Julius Pike's Senior Apprentice back in his day until she was lost on Queste (Syren, 5). She's now in a magykal coma. Rose has been an Apprentice in Sick Bay. Sassarin Sarson, Bernard Bernard, and Miroma Zoom are more wizards.

The Sealed Cell is the most secure place in the Wizard Tower and used for imprisoning dangerous and powerful Magyks. The Stranger Chamber is where visitors considered a threat to the Tower are kept.

Jenna is the Princess who had been found and raised by the Heaps fourteen-and-a-half years ago. Domino is her horse. Milo Banda is her blustering merchant father. Sir Hereward is the ghost who guards the Princess' bedroom. Queen Cerys is the ghost of Jenna's mother; I much prefer her grandmother's ghost, Queen Matthilda. Julia is the friend Jenna makes on her Journey. Petroc Trelawney is a sentient pebble.

Marcellus Pye, the Last Alchemist who is now the Castle Alchemist, is the son of the 500 years-dead, mean Queen Ethelredda while Esmeralda had been his sister. (He's also Princess Jenna's many-times great uncle.) Drummins are an underground people who tend the Chamber of Fyre, except they call it the Deeps. Duglius Drummin is their chief. Perius is his deputy.

The Heaps are…
…a large, loving, and rather messy family who took in an abandoned baby girl all those years ago back when they lived in the Ramblings, a neighborhood in Port. Sarah and Silas are the parents; she keeps house at the Palace and still carries around Ethel, her duck-in-a-bag, while Silas is an Ordinary Wizard (and once an Apprentice to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard). Simon is their oldest son who went Darke for a while. Now he's marrying Lucy Gringe, who turns out to be a good architect. Sam, the twins Edd and Erik, and Jo-Jo are the sons who ran off to live in the Forest. Nicko is a Senior Apprentice at the boatyard and loves the sea. Septimus is the youngest, the seventh son of a seventh son. Maxie is their ancient wolfhound.

Aunt Zelda Heap is the current Keeper out at Marram Marshes where she lives on Draggen Island in the Keeper's Cottage, although now that the Dragon Boat has been moved to Port… She has a disgusting fascination for all things cabbage and buggy. Wolf Boy (once known as 409 in the Young Army but christened Mandy Marwick) is her Apprentice. Bert is Zelda's duck. Wolf Boy still doesn't know that he's one-third of a set of triplets. Broda Pye was Marcellus' wife back in the day as well as the then-Keeper. Ernold and Edmund Heap are the disreputable twins; Theo Heap is a Shape-Shifted Storm Petrel; and, Benjamin Heap is a Shape-Shifted tree — and Silas and Zelda's brothers.

The Magykal Manuscriptorium and Spell Checkers Incorporated is…
…a combination magykal library, vault, and charms shop for the kingdom. And it's a disastrous mess after Jillie Djinn's reign. It also holds The Live Plan of What Lies Beneath, an interactive map of all the Ice Tunnels below the Castle. O. Beetle Beetle is its new Chief Hermetic Scribe (thank god! Darke, 6) who has gone off Jenna. Romilly Badger is the Inspection Clerk; Partridge is the new Scribe of Maps; William "Foxy" Fox is the Chief Charm Scribe; Barnaby Ewe is one of the scribes; Moira Mole is Beetle's new clerk; and, Ephaniah Grebe, a half-man half-rat, is the Conservation, Preservation, and Protection Scribe. Jillie Djinn is the ghost of the previous Chief Hermetic Scribe; a nicer thing never happened the day she died.

Smugglers' Bolt is a long tunnel to the Castle with a few ventilation shafts along the way: the Bail Out at Smugglers' Rest and Mooman and Daisy Pike's farm (yep, Julius' descendants through Martha Pike, his mother).

Rupert Gringe is Lucy's brother; He's currently seeing Maggie, the port barge skipper. Lucy's parents are the snobby Theodora and Gringe — he's the gatekeeper.

Staff at the Palace
Billy Pot is the dragon keeper; Barney Pot serves as a footman in the Palace. Maizie Smalls is the Palace and Castle TorchLighter who keeps trying to find Binkie, her cat who went feral in Darke and is now the chief of the Forest Cats.

People who store the Coronation paraphernalia include…
…Sally Mullin who runs Sally Mullin's Tea and Ale House; she's also a good friend of Sarah's. Little Betsy Beetle and her grandmother manage to get the Coronation Pianola to the Palace all the way from the Ramblings.

Townspeople in Port
Bott's Cloaks sells both old and new to wizards, only Bertie Bott was lost in Darke, and his widow(?) feels lost now. Larry Morologus owns Larry's Dead Languages where he does translations. Stanley is head of the Rat Office who is training a Message Rat, Florence, one of his baby ratlets. Jannit Marten owns a boatyard and took Rupert and Nicko on as apprentices; Eustace Bott is the new Apprentice. Terry Tarsal owns the shoe store where Marcia buys her purple python shoes. Marcus Overland was an ex-Ordinary Wizard and Marcia's father. Igor owns Gothyk Grotto, a junk shop where Marcus and Matt, Wolf Boy's brothers, work along with Marissa, a witch who was with the the Wendron Witches under Morwenna Mould, the Witch Mother, and then the Port Witches Coven, a Darke group. Heather, Elizabeth, and Samson Snarp are stonemasons. Maureen runs The Harbor and Dock Pie Shop. Some of the pies actually sound good. Vilotta Bott and Tremula Finn are tourists in the wrong place. Alice TodHunter Moon is the little girl who waved to Septimus that night.

Merrin Meredith (Queste, 4) had been Simon's unhappy Apprentice; he truly went Darke and then took over the Manuscriptorium! Turns out Nursie Meredith is his mother who lives in the Doll House. Dorinda is part of the Port Witch Coven. DomDaniel was an evil ExtraOrdinary Wizard who used to wear the Two-Faced Ring; Simon had been his Apprentice.

The Two-Faced Ring is where Shamandrigger Saarn and Dramindonnor Naarn, Warrior Wizards and Masters of the Darke Arts, a.k.a., the Ring Wizards, were trapped. They're also the reason for the vortex that plunges to the Darke Halls beneath Bleak Creek (Darke).

Ice Wraiths haunt the Ice Tunnels. Moaning Hilda is one of them.

The Cover and Title
The cover is The Queen Rules all rebound and pretty in red leather with dulled gold corner protections and a locking clasp while the Dragon Boat, the series information at the top, the large title above center, the author's name at the bottom, and the simple scroll work forming a border around the cover are in a gleaming gilt gold. We have a bird's eye view of a small pyramid resting atop the Dragon Boat, one with the stamp of an Egyptian bird nestled within the flattened tip.

The title is the salvation at the end, the Fyre that comes to life and reveals the truth of long ago events.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Story-
It is time for the Darke two-faced ring to be destroyed. To accomplish the task, Alchemist Marcellus reopens the Alchemy chamber, and unknown to Extra-Ordinary Wizard Marcia, he relights the Fyre.
Things are going well until the Darke Magic of the ring escapes and possesses Septimus's two uncles. In time, the magic will consume the uncles and the real Darke wizards that were captured hundreds of years ago will return.

These two wizards have two things on their minds, destroy Princess Jenna and destroy the Fyre and its ability to destroy the ring. It is a race against time and mighty magic as Septimus and the entire Heap family try to survive.

My Thoughts-
I have loved these books from book one, Magyk. The are unique and original with their own special vocabulary and circumstances. Sage is able to create an entire magical world that feels like it has always existed. In this book, the readers get an exciting conclusion, and my personal favorite, individual story endings for each important character.

Though the stories are based around Septimus, it is really the story of the entire Heap clan that keeps readers moving through the books. Each character is well developed and full of emotion and individuality. I was sad to reach the end, but yeah, then Sage announced a spin-off series that will include spotlights from our favorites.

5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nathan buchanan
The author did a great job in this book taking little details from all the various books and wrapping them together. It wasn't forced and it didn't leave things undone. There wasn't a perfect happy ending for everyone, but a sense of how life moves forward and is constantly changing. I liked that unlike Harry Potter that always had a new sorry each book that reach chalet here was not rushed, there were new characters and character development, there were finished to the small details webbed through all the stress coming together and the past is reconciled between Magyk and Alchemie. Great series. I would suggest it to any one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tristan child
Well the series is finally over. I must say I am disappointed in more than one way. I was expecting an EPIC ending to an awesome series. Seriously, I could have read that book in 1-2 days tops. But did it? Nope. It took me almost 2 weeks. Why you ask? Because out of the 700 pages, it took until about 360-400 pages in to actually get to the story. The first 400 ish pages was pretty much a recap of all the characters and as I like to say 'Filler' information. Such as Simon and Lucy's wedding. Actually, I blocked most of the first half of the book out and tried to focus on the last part.

How did it get a rating of 3? Well I really wanted to give it a two, but I did like the ending so I rounded it up to a three. But really I was tittering on a 2.

So, it is the end of the series. There is a great FYRE under the castle that used keep the area warm during the harsh BIG FREEZE. But something happened hundreds a years ago and it was EXTINGUSHED and all of it's existence was taken out of all the records. Marcellus is the only one who knows it exists and decides to rekindle it. He also wants to know what really happened all those years ago that caused the great disaster. The reason he is rekindling the FYRE, is because we need to destroy the evil two-faced ring before the two DARKE wizards are able to REVERSE and come back to life to reek havoc. Time is not on their side. Besides that, we have a dragon boat that may very likely be dead... Or maybe she is still barley alive... There is Jenna who has to go and come back from her Queen's Journey.

It does have an ending and it 'wrapped up' but I didn't really like it. I would have liked to see an epilogue that was maybe set 10 years ahead in time. When they are in there mid twenties. See the 'Where are they now?' and 'What is everyone up too?'
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
J.K. Rowling could learn a lot from this book. I hated 95% of Deathly Hallows and thought it was a terrible ending to a good series. This series has a lot in common with Potter. It wasn't always as exciting, and it maybe didn't have as much humor, but it was consistently entertaining. And this last book blew Potter out of the water in terms of wrapping up a series in a satisfying way. No one was pointlessly killed off, questions were answered, character arcs were concluded, and no questions were left to drive us nuts. Besides that, there was a hint at her next series, which appears that it will be set in the same world, so it gives us that to look forward to. Just a really, really satisfying conclusion that pretty much does everything right in wrapping up a series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is exciting action and sudden things. It also is magical and give your imagination a whole new level of fun! I hope you choose this wonderful book. It's awesome!

Emma (5th Grader)

I recommend you read this book because I thought it was the best in the series. I really love how the characters interact with Magyk. Also, I like that after you read the books it has the endings and the beginnings. That is why you should read this book.

Kyle (5th Grader)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ben pietrzyk
I really enjoyed Fyre! I am a bit jaded in the fantasy department, though, so the younger-skewed Septimus Heap books are not much more than a fun page-turner for me. The conflict was never so deep nor the tension so high that I found myself physically reacting or truly on the edge of my seat anxious to see how things would be sorted. It was fun, I liked watching things unfold, there were some neat twists and turns, but nothing extraordinary (or ExtraOrdinary, perhaps). I'll probably try to squeeze Septimus into the books I one day read to my kids to introduce them to the joys of fantasy reading, but it doubt I'll ever read them again for my own benefit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stan pedzick
This was a great ending to the series, with a teaser for a new series to come. A new character is introduced and at the end the author says she'll be the focus of a new series. Fyre tied up all the loose ends of the story and the characters and gave closure on Septimus and his family. I listened to all the previous books, so reading this one was a different experience. There are cool illustrations and bolded words in a different font when the characters talk about magical stuff. Who knew? I love listening to books while I walk, garden, quilt, do housework, but sometimes you miss things in the print book.

These characters are interesting, the stories are clever and original, and this ending was satisfying. Fun, fun series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennie rogers
I really love this series of books -- gentle and kind enough for young readers, intriguing and suspenseful enough to keep adults interested, too. The Septimus Heap books are great family reads, and the audio version is a terrific addition to any long family road trip.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marion leary
It is the best book I have read! It is so passoinate adventous fun and epic. I would reccomend it to any one I meet! I loved this book so much! I am literly crying as I writenthis reveiw. With septimus heap on his last main series it is an awesome wrap up! What a great ending for a great series! I loced this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
george marzen
This was the best series I have read in a long time! I'd love to meet Angie Sage in reality and say hi. I must say that I was impressed by the way Angie Sage made her books. Lastly I'd like to thank her for her amazing stories. Please make more.I hope in the future I have made something like her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jolene riordan
This book was just amazing!!! The first 6 books were awesome, some how Angie Sage has made this book even better than the others! My personal favorite Spit Fyre is the COOLEST looking dragon in ANY, especially when he has adult spikes on his back legs! Septimus Heap himself is really awesome but I still like Spit Fyre cause he looks cooler and he is a dragon, one really cool dragon. Septimus's family in general is awesome. Pretty much all the good guys were just plain old AWESOME, hands down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany crawford
I have been reading these books since Magyk was first released and have been following the series every since. I grew up alongside these books and have always the loved the adventure, wit, wonder, and humor of these novels. The characters are flawed, but lovable and this was an exciting ending to an inventive and heartwarming series. Characters and references from all of the books were brought forward and it felt like a walk down memory lane, remembering old friends I had forgotten. We received glimpses into the lives of many characters and got closure. The end was perfect. Simply put, I loved it. So, so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth wilkinson
As a series finale, this book does NOT disappoint! My kids and I all love this series--every single book--but FYRE is now at the top of my favorites. All our favorite characters are here, and the action and suspense are fantastic. I don't think we could have asked for a better end to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this book is super because it is very adventurous .i hate whoever does not like book .its a big favorite and i was sad that this the last book.Mrs Sage is a very good author and i read this book at least 50 times.She makes you keep guessing to the very end.i suggest u get this book on your kindle or get this book out of the library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raphaella pereira
I loved the Septimus Heap Series because of the amazing plot and tricky vocabulary. Although the first book was boring, the rest of the series made up for it. I would recommend this book to all readers who love Magyk and adventure!;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam pearlman
This was very good. I can not wait to re-read the series it is so good. Very detailed but sticks to the main story line! Keeps you wanting more and she gives you more. Can nit wait to read the new but connected series that will follow! This book is also good for the more imaginative even though one would find these books in the kids section of a bookstore.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy krivohlavek
This book was amazing. It tied up loose ends from the previous six books and created a clever way to end the series that reassures readers of what will come after the book. My one complaint would be that the relationships between Jenna and Beetle as well as Septimus and Rose are not explored as much as they should be. Still, this book is a good read for anyone, whatever their interests, ages 7-13.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle buck
This book was exiting, but much of it I found hard to read. I think Sage could have done better. It was a good book but it just wasn't enough for me. I did llve how it had every character. To sum it up: Well written but it could have been better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
len mason
First of all, this was probably the best SH book Angie Sage has ever written, excepting Darke and Flyte. Second...AHH!!!! THE ENDING!!!!
I was so excited when Simon became Alchemy Apprentice!!! Sure, he didn't become an Ordinary Wizard, but this is even better! As you have probably guessed, Simon is my favorite character:)
And plus the thing about the baby...
But anyway, this was a great conclusion to an awesome series! Now I just have to wait for TodHunter Moon...hurry up and get here, 2014!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sami melaragno
This book concludes the series Magykly with its Magyk powers. I recommend this book to all who like Magyk books. I rated this book for its great use in suspense and Magyk. I love the ending where sorry I feel Darke Beings I can't speak about it any more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
muna cullivan
I was waiting for this book for what seemed to be an eternity and when it finally came out, I couldn't order it from the store.com fast enough!

I won't give anything away, but this book produces the best and most solid end to this saga.

Thank you so much Angie.
Please RateFyre (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Septimus Heap)
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