Sacrificed to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 1)
ByJessie Donovan
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
These were sweet short stories and I ended up buying the box set so I wasn't too mad about the lengths. Overall I enjoyed the story, and I'm happy with how things turned out for Melanie and Tristan :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandon nelson
Okay so I've read this book about 4 times and it seems to get better and better every time I read it. Just the love and all they both went through I love Mel she is amazing and her dragonman are a force to be reckoned with. Them together is like magic.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
karen boyce
Well, I'm probably older than most readers of this author's hot, sizzling sex-mad novel, and in my day, romantic stories were just that - romantic, and sex scenes were written more delicately and with a lot more finesse. But Jessie writes her descriptions using plain, ordinary, vulgar English terms that no one can misunderstand - if they've ever been in a high school girls' bathroom. This is just the way I see it, and honestly, I'll stick by my opinion, that it just took away from what could have been a pretty good story. I really liked Jesse's idea of the Stonefire clan for Dragon shapeshifter. Since this is the first story I've read by Miss Donovan, I don't know if she does more world building in other books about Stonefire, but it would have added to the story if she had gone into their culture a bit more, and more character building, especially about Mel's potential mate, and all the other characters as well. The story-line was imaginative and had a lot more potential for building a deep relationship between Mel and her "dragonman." Let's face it, it was most simply just a sex book, and Mel's reason for being there was just an excuse for sex and more sex. I did find the story line interesting, even the sex, but I found myself wondering why a supposedly intelligent woman like Melanie would put up with such abusive behavior like being slapped and bitten and pinched, and most certainly she could have been more creative in describing what should have been hot love-making, rather than the F---ing you would have expected from a rapist or serial killer. Frankly, I felt embarrassed for Mel. Dragon or no Dragon, I would have taught him a few rules about how to treat me, if he loved me, he would have to prove it by teaching his Dragon the meaning of terms like gentleman, tender, loving. I don't care how hot he looked, a woman like Melanie could have taught a few things. The birthing scene showed him as a tender, caring mate, why not the same in the bedroom?
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Melanie always wants to help people. Starting with her brother, then Cait, Tristan's sister and finally Tristan himself. She helped Tristan get over his hatred of humans. I enjoyed this book very much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
frank hamrick jr
This series has it all. Great character development, fast moving story, great writing style, great ending. Couldn't but this down once I started reading. Don't plan on getting any sleep when you start reading this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm happy I came across this book by chance. I loved the interactions between the two main characters, they had the right amount of snark, fluff and love to make for a fun read :) I can't wait to read bram's story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've always loved dragons & when I came across this box set I just had to read it. I wasn't disappointed; very well written! It grabbed me & wouldn't let go until I finished the whole thing in short order, lol. Looking forward to reading more dragon-shifter books as they come out!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
erica cameron
This just was meh, the concept could have gone places but we just ended up with a fickle woman that gets all mushy for a guy that is a jerk but never fear they fall in love because of magic sex… It's always a gamble when the store gives you a book for free...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Hardcore sexual language.
The male is a jerk, which forces the woman to be a jerk until they just snark at each other the whole book.
Lots of the author unnecessarily explaining the characters feelings to the reader instead of showing.
When the completely expected--oh no he's hurt--moment happens, I actually wanted the guy to die.
His sister is a jerk.
She falls in love with him too fast, especially considering he's so mean to her. It's not realistic at all, and you kind of feel bad for her.
The world the author created was very believable and mostly logical and was the highlight of the story.
Decent writing style.
Not my favorite, and I wouldn't recommend it, but if the above doesn't bother people, they should give it a try.
The male is a jerk, which forces the woman to be a jerk until they just snark at each other the whole book.
Lots of the author unnecessarily explaining the characters feelings to the reader instead of showing.
When the completely expected--oh no he's hurt--moment happens, I actually wanted the guy to die.
His sister is a jerk.
She falls in love with him too fast, especially considering he's so mean to her. It's not realistic at all, and you kind of feel bad for her.
The world the author created was very believable and mostly logical and was the highlight of the story.
Decent writing style.
Not my favorite, and I wouldn't recommend it, but if the above doesn't bother people, they should give it a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
badariah yosiyana
Love stories about dragon shifters! This was a great read with believable characters, a minimum of grammatical errors and best of all NO cliffhanger. Looking forward to reading Bram's story which I will start today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This kept me going. I didn't want to put it down. I am looking forward to the second book I'm the series. Hopefully will hear if Melanie finishes her book and if it has helped with relationship between dragon and human
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A cute story, but the writer rushed the story. The depth of the characters personalities were not expanded enough to make them believable. The rescue scene is rushed and the explanation of why Tristian was alone is glossed over. The British government has a better than average control on its population and the police forces to protect its citizens than this story explained. People of a different race would be protected in the same way as any other British citizen. I would ask the writer for a full rewrite.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The main characters committed the cardinal sin of being too entrenched in their own mindsets. They became stereotypes rather than believable, approachable characters. All dragons are scary, all dragons are bad. Or conversely, humans kill dragons, all humans are bad. Sigh.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I wanted to like this one but I mostly struggled reading through it. I stuck with it b/c I was curious as to how the plot would turn out and I liked the characters (Tristan & Melanie). However, while their interaction with one another was good I never really fell for them as a couple.
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Read more in depth reviews by me here at From Me to You ... Video, Photography, & Book Reviews ::
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This story could be great. The man-dragon keeps going on and on (and on) about how humans are bad... And she has to take his verbal abuse of her, while she has done nothing wrong!!! After a while I didn't like him at all! The story lost my interest... The story is also not much about dragons at all. More about humans are bad and dragons are perfect...
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Curious who is writing these superb reviews? The concept is neat I suppose, but the dialogue sucks in this book. Nothing is built up, the characters are meh but they do "fk" a lot. I don't know why I finished, the book was free though so not a huge disappointment. I'd read the other ones if I was sitting on a toilet and needed something to read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
justin remer
If you're looking for substance there's very little in this book. If what little storyline is there had been expanded it would have a great book. Instead the writer focused on page after page of poorly written sex and the use of bad language that was totally unnecessary and distracts the reader because there was so much of it. Don't bother.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I thought it was pretty interesting, but the plot was pretty uninspired and it didn't really go anywhere. Neither character was particularly stimulating nor did they grow much. Good for wasting time, but it wasn't really worth what I spent on it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
There are several annoying things about this series but the most annoying is the lead female. I read a lot of fantasy novels like this as an escape and most of the time don't take them seriously however the inconsistencies and holes in this series has gotten to be too much for me to overlook. What makes a good fantasy book, ironicly, is that there has to be enough realism to get you to buy into the fantasy. The characters most of all must be believable and how they interact with each other must be realistic. The hardest thing for me to overlook, especially since I work in the mental health field, is how the author tries to make the lead female seem like she knows what she is doing when it comes to helping others with psychological issues. First of all the author doesn't make the lead female convincing as a student of anthropology and then the author must not realize just because someone studies anthropology, doesn't mean they know how to help people with their issues. The scene with the lead female meeting the sister was the last straw for me. I guess the author was trying to make her seem like someone who is assertive but that wasn't being assertive that was more like aggressive. Someone who is truely empathetic would have been more patient and would have understood it was going to take time to build trust. Then the author made it seem like it was a good thing how she treated the sister. It was at that point in the story I couldn't buy into the fantasy anymore and I haven't been able to pick the book back up to finish it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was recommended to me on all the sites and I finally picked it up on sale or for free. Totally worth it! I'm actually kinda glad I waited, now I can read all the other installments without waiting.
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