Chosen (The Warrior Chronicles Book 1)

ByK.F. Breene

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex gutow
K.F. Breene knocked it out of the ball park with "Chosen", the new Warrior Chronicles. I loved both the main characters, Shanti and the Captain, Cayan. The complexity of the story unraveled at just the right pace and was really well done. The kick butt heroine added to the humor and action, made it hard to put the book down. I completed it in one day, reading part of it when I downloaded it in the afternoon and being drawn back to it in the evening to complete. The heroine was burden with so many responsibilities but still has a great sarcastic wit and strong in body. Her interaction with the other characters and the story unfolding the way it did, helped set up my interest in knowing more about all of them. The plot is thick by the end of the book. There is a tiny hint of a possible developing romance, which I would like to see happen and be in the next book. What can I say, I like romance with my fantasy. I hope the author continues with this story for a few more books, as I want to see some of the others in the book flushed out more and learn their stories. I think "Chosen" is very original. I can't wait for the next book. If your thinking maybe? Say Yes!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah radke
I'm just beginning Chosen and the first thing that I notice is a strong penchant to use soliloquies to describe everything. I'm not saying that's good or bad but I like a mix up of spoken verbal dynamics that really tell me what a character is like as well as gives humor and other emotions more voice, so to speak. I'm liking Shanti but not really knowing who she is. A good book and hopefully s great series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jinna hagerty
I had trouble getting into the story at first. That is why four stars and not five. It ended with a bang and I'm not even sorry that there was no real ending to the first book. I usually hate it when an author does that to make the reader buy the next book. In this case, I'm looking forward to the next one.

The main character is well written. I enjoyed the other characters more as the story got going. The mental warfare was tough to visualize, but the end result was vividly described.

All in all, a well written story.
Curse of the Chosen (The Endarian Prophecy Book 3) :: The Chosen: A Novel :: The Making of a Special Forces Warrior - Chosen Soldier :: Chosen by a Horse :: How to Maximize Your Hand Speed - and Fighting Speed
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished reading this book... for the second time...her next one will be coming out soon. I actually did not realize I had read it the first time, until I started it again. It was worth a second read. I discovered some twists that i must have skipped over to quickly the first time. The story has well rounded male and female characters.The lead female is shown to be very capable on her own. The male lead is just coming into his own, with the female's aid. They work well both independently and together. Although,as in real life, together often, but not always, works to the advantage of both characters. I highly recommend this book, and I am anxiously awaiting the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryan walsh
Really entertaining with just the right touch of pathos and humor mixed into an adventure fantasy. I am already moving on to the next book in the series! The only minor problem I had with the story was that some of the cute play on words used words or phrases that are only appropriate in our time and in our society. As an example "chuck" versus "luck" where chuck is clearly used as ground beef. Hardly likely in a totally different fantasy world than the real one we in which we live. None-the-less even that word play was funny....just that it kind of ripped me out of the story line.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Unsure of what to expect, being so different from the Darkness Series, the beginning drew me in. I found myself wanting to know what was going to happen to Shanti.

I would recommend Chosen to anyone who enjoys a good action-filled fantasy with a side of romance. Breene has developed the characters nicely, including the secondary characters. Shanti has a Gift and is seemingly left for dead. When a band of soldiers finds Shanti, she is thrust into a society where men hold all the manly roles and women are homemakers. The Captain is an awe-inspiring individual to the town and appears to have a Gift himself. Not confiding in anyone, Shanti has an unknown purpose.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda b
I am pretty picky about what I read. I don't like extensive gore, extensive explicit sex, bodice-ripper romance, nor horror. I need books which I can put down frequently, as I deal with my family and farm, and will stay on my mind enough to make me look forward to picking them up again. I don't mind convoluted plots, as long as they are fairly easy to follow. I like good good guys, and bad bad guys.

This book fills all of my reading requirements.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
i read this story as part of the Fierce bundle - I enjoyed this story – Shanti, the tough main character who was forced to see the evil in the world at such a young age. Who overcomes gender stereotypes and proves women can be exceptional fighters on the battlefield. There were a couple of places where I wished others would just get over themselves (*cough* Cayan* cough*) and realize she is a real butt kicker and accept who she really is. I look forward to seeing Shanti and Cayan grow as characters and see what will become of them and their band of warriors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
courtney maxie
Let me tell you why I love the character of Shanti in K. F. Breene's Chosen, Warrior Chronicles Book 1. Breene is a writer who is adept at allowing her characters to evolve within the context of their storyline. Shanti is a powerful character who begins the book almost dead from fleeing a magically and physically powerful invasion force within her home country that destroyed her community. Although you are unaware if anyone is left alive in the country she seems to have temporarily abandoned, Shanti stands alone, found by young soldiers who are the seeming dregs of a traditionally male dominated culture that has yet to be tried by ruthless opponents. Her purpose is different from her rescuers and in the interest of her mission she does not confide in anyone. Her purpose is unknown but it was compelling enough for her to abandon those she loved, risk her existence and flee. The young men who adopt her have little reason to believe in her, but they too are looking for a "mission", or at least a leader to see them for who they could be.

The premise is captivating, mysterious and well paced by its creator. She does not spell anything out, instead Breene takes delight in allowing her story to unfold step by step. You will see as much as Shanti sees, put together clues as she finds them out, and learn about Shanti's world without the lazy detailed explanations forthcoming in other series. If you need a writer to fill in every detail and tell you exactly what is happening, this is not the book for you. This one will surprise you. Shanti's tale does not follow boy rescues girl, or girl rescues girl, or any other simplistic narrative. This is not a standard romance narrative, or even a standard fantasy narrative, joyfully I can report that K. F. Breene has written her own rules and I for one love them. Shanti is mature, with a casual attitude about sexuality and the human body at odds with the culture she finds herself in but perfectly adapted for the culture she lost. As Shanti recovers, she reeals a deep sense of personal loyalty, purpose and depth that drives her to fight and recover even as she teeters on the border between giving in to exhaustion and grief. As she grows stronger you see more and more of her true self until she is strong enough to make dangerous choices. She learns about her own past even as we do, seeing things through the eyes of who she has become, slowly making sense of her past and her present. Her mind is not made up, but awakens as the story evolves and that is the genius of the author. Breene has crafted a surprising tale with adult characters in a complex world, even the seemingly simple is layered. I can't wait for book two!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
iva cikojevic
I was gifted this book for an honest review. And I thought that after the Darkness series I would never be able to get excited about another book ever again! Well K.F. Breene can adopt that song " Oops I did it again, " as her motto. Chosen is her first book in The Warrior chronicles and damn does it deliver. The characters are strong, sure of themselves and to die for. I read the whole book in one sitting because honestly I couldn't put it down. Shanti has so much strength and yet so much vulnerability and Cayan will be the one to ground her and support her. I am so looking forward to the next one and hell, if s*** isn't going to hit the fan I will eat my IPad.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juli kinrich
HIGHLY Recommend! stop reading the reviews! Everyone has their own tastes, to each his own. Anything K.F. writes is awesome, and its a STORY! Reading the reviews makes me little upset, it is a book, open your mind and imagine!
I have sat and read this whole book in one afternoon! I was so enthralled: I rallied with the men storming the castle for Sanders, I was there to kick them cadets into shape, I was there when attraction hit S'am. I thoroughly enjoyed with book and CAN NOT wait for the next! I want to be first in line and in the know! Thank you for this awesome read, I am ready for the next adventure! Please, oh please, make it soon!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really wanted to like this book, I really did.

This book took me 17 days to read and not because it was long. I kept putting it down and doing other things when I had time to read because the paper thin plot was not interesting and the characters never engaged me in the least. Usually when I give a book a low rating I have a list of things that I actively disliked but in this case it just plain bored me.

The book started out with a very promising first chapter where we meet the child Shanti fights off a brutal attack displaying incredible power. She sees her family and many of her village murdered. She then wakes up as an adult with the flashback seen as a nightmare. It never gets interesting again. Starving in a burnt-out forest, Shanti is picked up by a group of men on patrol and taken back to their town to recuperate. They call it alternately a "nation" and a "city" but the world building is scant and I never got a sense of either. She spends about 70 % of the book just wandering around this foreign city verbally sparring / lecturing the men she meets there. And learning the slang which she apparently is obsessed with. (It is all modern slang the reader with recognize.) There is a brief battle when the city is attacked by her enemies and she gets to show them them she is bad-ass. She discovers that the Captain (a sort of cross between a King and Mayor though he doesn't really seem to have any duties) has the same mental powers that she has and the same extent. I get the feeling that he is supposed to be a romantic love interest and the reader is supposed to find him sexy. Mostly he is an overbearing rude over protective alfa male. There is a whole lot of talking and some sparring then they go on a rescue mission to retrieve one of the men who has been captured. Then a little more talking and sparring and she heads out on her original mission. The next book is set up in a scene in the last chapter where she hears that one of the Inka (the big bag guys) has someone claiming to have the same level of power that she does and claiming to be "Chosen' - some sort of vague prophesied role that she has cast herself in throughout the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I selected this book as a break in the magic of another series by this author.While I am not normally drawn to the battlefield,it is good to read about a strong woman in any story. As soon as I recharge this kindle of mine, I will start book two and continue with this story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barbara kuhn
This is the second book I've read by K.F. Breene and as in the Fire and Ice book, I find I have to go back and re-read to place a character or find information. If you can keep up with the story and all the odd angles it's a good read. Breene certainly does not treat the reader as an idiot and this isn't a fluff read. I think as I become more familiar with the style I'll spend less time playing catch-up.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tobias otte
I was given a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a real surprise for me. Most of the books I've read so far in a Fantasy world, the hero is the clueless one and we learn about the world and the story and the characters as the hero discovers them. And that is perfectly fine. But I remember thinking recently, something for a change would be nice. And here it is.

Shanti, the main character, knows what's going on but we as a reader only learn these things through her thoughts, and through what she is sharing with others (which is not much).
She is a strong character with many dark sides and I found that I liked her a lot.
What I thought could be improved on:
I think the author could work more on her world-building writing - I found myself very disoriented in terms of Geography and the other folks of this world. Which in addition where very black and white (maybe that will change in the second book). The Inkna for example where almost all generic evil persons.
She moved in the right direction with the people in the city who where all incredibly nice and the city almost sounded like heaven until that one guy who tries to bully a girl..

Lastly, the cover. There are good and amazing covers for a book and terrible ones. This one is leading towards a terrible one in my opinion.
The clothes or the cover girl look so modern that I actually thought this is an urban fantasy in our world.
And Shanti is blond with violet eyes.
Just saying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam brunt
I love Shanti. She’s brave, strong, a kick-ass warrior, funny, not afraid to show her tears,.... and so much more. The concept of the story is a very interesting and unique. I very much look forward to continuing this series. Edited: I’ve now read this book several times and I like it more every time! Love this!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ariana moody
I loved the beginning of the book, but by the middle of it, there were too many writing issues and I lost interest. I'm not sure if the world in this book takes place in an older time or newer time. It was confusing because a lot of contemporary slang is used by the characters and there are references to things like genetics, which a technological society might know about. I think the author needs to hire an editor who will focus on smoothing out these sort of issues.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I got this book as part of a boxed set of fantasy authors and I am very pleased. First, this is not your typical high-fantasy book. Don't get me wrong - I like high-fantasy, but this series has a different take on things. I really liked the main character, Shanti. It's very nice to see a powerful woman who is not completely all-powerful. Moreover, I enjoyed that she is both a fighter and a mage - that's not common in fantasy novels. Finally, I appreciated that Shanti (at least in this book - I have no idea what happens next) is not an outcast in her society for being a fighter - it was portrayed as common. It's really rare to find a well-written female lead character and I think the author does a great job with that here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerald berke
I really enjoyed this book and read well into the night. This author writes incredibly well. The plot was interesting and the characters were engaging and had depth to them. The book was exciting and I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee polzin
This is one of my favorite series of all time! It has EVERYTHING....bloody battles, funny laugh out loud moments, amazing characters, heartache and love. I've read this series multiple times now and you are seriously missing out of you don't give it a try. This book is what made me a K.F. Breene fan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I LOVED THIS BOOK! This was the first book I read by K.F. Breene that got me hooked on all of the others. There was so much suspense, and so many times where I was laughing out loud. I couldn't wait to keep reading. I continued to be hooked throughout the book because one small question was answered at a time. Who was this girl? What were her abilities? I wanted to know more about her, and more about the world that was happening around her. This book is part adventure and part mystery, that revolves around a strong, motivated female character. There was a little bit of sexual content that I actually was excited about- simply because it showed me this author isn't afraid of taking risks, and pulling back the curtains to a life most people are too timid to discuss publicly. I also love that it isn't written in the world we live in today. Breene takes you on an adventure to lands that existed before modern technologies came along. To create an entire world and be able to share it clearly with readers- now that is the mark of a great writer! Welldone K.F. Breene, I look forward to reading any piece of literature you ever write!

I'd highly recommend this book to anyone! It is incredibly well written, and the author really took some risks to bring the reader to a world different than the one we live in today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Good action adventure with fantasy that is not over-the-top. A little slow at times, but that isn't unusual for the first book in a series, particularly with fantasy where the world, backstory and characters must be developed from scratch. I expect the next volume will have better pace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan thornton
Well you got me sucked in again. I have read all your Darkness Series and One of your other Books. I really enjoyed The Darkness Series and will continue with it. I wasn't sure I wanted to get hooked into another series, thats why it took me so long to get it. But I'm glad I did. I read it in one day, so that should tell you how much I enjoyed it. I like when a author is willing to take some advice on their writing. It shows! Awesome Job! Good Characters, action and emotions. And you remembered Friends. Enjoyed the bad characters to. I gave it Four Stars because there is always room to grow. I agree about giving a little more insight on your characters, you know, Who,What,Where,When,How and Why. I will continue looking for your other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jay ferguson
Amazing! I was NOT expecting to love the main heroin character so MUCH! The entire book either! I thought it would be a good read, I would give it a shot since I have been very happy with other books I've purchased by the author , K.F. Breene. And once again I was very impressed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara mctiernan
I am hooked. I can't seem to put this book down. It leaves me wanting more. Shanti is a great character. She has lots of spice. This story just unfolds into mayhem everyone you turn around. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and wanting more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valerie stevenson
Good character building. I am liking my heroine - she is a balance of strength and compassion with a touch of selfishness that makes her imperfect and perfect all at the same time. I look forward to meeting her honour guard again and her "mate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andy dowling
An exciting tale woven of intrigue, romance and battle. The "gifts" are reminiscent of Mercedes Lackeys "mind magic", but that in no way implies this is a knock-off. This is an original story with an interesting plot, engaging characters and a fast pace. It does end with, if not a cliff hanger, certainly a major hanging issue. Over all though an enjoyable read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
craig burke
Don't even hesitate to read this book and start the series! I have been an avid sci-fi and fantasy reader for more than 30 years. I am EATING this series up! You know the feeling when you HAVE to keep going and hold your breath for the next book - hoping you don't have to wait years for it to come out? I'm on book 4 and so happy. A new talented author has finally come along with a world, characters you care about and whose own stories also unfold with each new book and a complicated, twisty, "how will it end" plot. Those of us who read - who have to have books and reading in our own lives - can fall into this new series and feel that sigh. Ahh, a great book...go away and let me read!
As an aside, I'm so old school that it's hard not to read with a book in my hand but this is my first full Kindle series and, you know, my reader fits in my hands just fine :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The search begins as the wandering search begins. Then a second powerful gifted is found but rumors swirl of a host chosen. Then the evil that enslaves is hunting and seizing land. A good beginning tail but not comfortable with background. Book 2 should prove challenging.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
janelle green
Needs an editor very badly. The imagery was also really odd, as were all of the analogies used. Profanity was thrown around just for the hell of it (ha!). I have no problem with swearing, but seems like the author just threw it in there so the writing sounded "gritty and real."

To be fair, I didn't get father than 50 pages, although I did skim through the entire thing. I just couldn't read more than that in detail because the writing was so terrible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tassy vasi
Shanti has spent her whole life training to be a warrior, she is the Chosen one, the one who is meant to be the saviour of her people, and trying to live up to that has cost her everything. Now her people are in hiding and she has been alone for a year, searching for allies who can help her defeat their enemies. She is desperate and on the verge of starvation when a band of soldiers rescue her and take her back to their home town to recover. All she really wants is to heal up and get enough supplies to continue her journey but the town Captain Cayan is determined to find out where she came from and what secrets she is hiding. It quickly becomes obvious that Shanti has unusual abilities, ones that call to a similar power deep inside Cayan, and it isn't long before he is forced to chose between handing her over to her enemies or going into battle at her side.

I don't think I can even put into words how much I loved this book, the fact that I stayed up until 6am reading should give you a clue though, especially when I tell you that I'm planning to dive straight into the sequel, Hunted, as soon as I've written this review. I hardly ever read series books back to back but this one is definitely calling for a reading binge!

Shanti is a brilliant main character, she is incredibly strong, independent, intelligent, fierce, determined, ruthless, powerful, honourable, protective and completely badass. She has been honing her skills both physical, with all kinds of weapons and fighting styles, and mental, where she is able to use her Gift to attack on a psychic level, since she was a child and that really shows when she goes into battle. She is the kind of woman who takes no nonsense, she refuses to be seen as weaker than men and she has no time for the old fashioned gender roles in Cayan's town. I'll admit some of her actions are questionable in the beginning but I think any woman who wakes up surrounded by male soldiers is going to be immediately on the defensive and once she realises that they're not bad guys and they aren't intending to harm her she dials back on her Gift.

Shanti is slow to trust and let people into her inner circle but she's the kind of woman who inspires loyalty from those who get to know her properly. She is happy to pass on her skills and when she is forced to deal with an honour guard of young and still fairly untrained soldiers she takes it upon herself to teach them how to protect themselves. Scenes with her and her boys were absolutely hilarious and I loved the banter between them but what I really liked was how the author took her time building relationships between them all. We get to see that bond of loyalty slowly develop as they train together.

Cayan had to be another highlight, he's another complex and multi layered character who has a lot of the same great qualities of Shanti. He's a little old fashioned and the last thing he wants is a woman on the battlefield but that is before he sees Shanti in action and once he realises quite how skilled she is he is more than willing to see her as an asset. The relationship between him and Shanti is complicated, he wants to know all her secrets and she sees him as a threat, but when they decide to work together they can achieve the impossible. I really loved the way Shanti goes out of her way to tease and irritate Cayan and I have high hopes that things might develop beyond friendship at some point. I don't think it's going to happen quickly because they're only just starting to trust each other at the moment but that kind of will they / won't they build up is the best kind of relationship if you ask me.

Chosen is a fantastic start to this series, it has a whole collection of fantastic characters, a lot of humour, plenty of action and I think the world has a lot of potential. I still have a lot of questions about things but I'm definitely looking forward to learning more about Shanti's Gift and how she can use it. If the rest of the series remains as good as this book then I definitely have a new favourite on my hands.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah pierce
This is perhaps the funniest and most compelling book I've read in a long time. I had to re-read it immediately after finishing it. The kick-ass heroin, and her fantastic inner monologue was my favorite part of this first book. It is hard to believe that she stumbles into a different city, not a different planet, those that she finds are so different from her. This is the first in a series, and I hope the series can live up to the first book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was pleasantly surprised with the strong, imperfect heroine and the men she drives bonkers when entering a stereotypical patriarchal society along the route of her quest. There is a wonderful, well-structured differences between the cultures and languages of the characters, and the storyline is alluring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The chosen is one of the better series I've read in a while. I've read 3 in the series and I can say that they get even better with each installment. Shanti is the Chosen of her people who are mostly dead with the remaining scattered to a distant land. She is on a mission to the trials for the Chosen but is overcome with exhaustion and discovered by a rag tag team of boys on an excursion with their relentless superior. There are so many characters in this book but never too many. K.F. Greene does a great job of creating interesting characters and continues to use them throughout the series. She recuperates in their land of Westwood under the strict leadership of Cayan. Soon it's apparent that she has powers over them all but she is surprised to find that Cayan has similar powers which no one else in his town has. Now, no more spoilers.
In the first book I was a little put off by the cursing and slang that Shanti uses. It never seems to fit with the time period which this story is set. Shanti is full of dry humor and one of the best counterparts is the doctor who treats her. We don't get to see much of him but I've got all kinds of actors picked for his part in a movie. By the way this is a whole different world but pre-industrial. So even with the unnecessary language I'm still giving it a five because of the story and the authors way of keeping you wrapped up in it. I promise you things will change in the second installment and leave you scrabbling for the 3rd.
By the way, to the author, why do you use a brunette for the picture on books 1 and 3? Clearly Shanti is supposed to have pale complexion and very blond hair. I would hope as the author, you would get some say in this matter. Book 2 is a much better picture.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cate clark
Wow just finished and the story was well developed it was like a fine wine that blossoms on the tongue. I was surprised by my attachment to the characters. The stories is funny a d heartfelt. I so want Shanti to have someone to lean on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melanie marie
A nice, action-packed and often fun fantasy story starring a strong female lead character. Not always too logical, but explores many concepts of gender roles in a rather interesting manner throughout, and one of the recurring themes throughout is how an old-fashioned culture with male providers and subservient women manage to handle a strong woman that comes from a society where the gender roles are equal or perhaps even female provided.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason heath
What an amazing book! The storyline is beyond original. The characters are all strong in their an right, yet entwine perfectly. This is definitely a 5 star book.

Shanti is a wonderful leading lady. OK, lady might not be accurate in modern terms, because DAMN she kicks ass!

Making her way on a difficult, at times nearly deadly, journey to save her what few people of her nation that are left, Shanti finds herself half starved and in the care of a rag-tag crew of army cadets.

She brings out the best of each boy through her innate leadership skills. Through all of this she also manages to irritate the city's leadership; namely the captain and his commanders. She is epitome of Fantasy Heroine. Kind, smart, a survivor, the one who does what she must.

One of my favorite descriptions of Shanti:
"She was breathtaking. And extremely deadly."

The Captain of the city, Cayan, is an amazing leader himself. The care and respect he shows not only his citizens, but also the "foreign woman" is proof of his character. Cayan is the man I want going into battle with me.

Shanti's description of Cayan:
"He embodied his position and the power that went with it. He was just and right, a sword of death in his hand, heading into battle. He was upstaging her and it was slightly irritating."

I love them both!!!!!!

This is the first of what I feel will be K. F. Breene's beat work yet. Better than Darkness, and I luuurrrrved that. There are few books I look forward to as much as the next installment of The Warrior Chronicles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lamine konkobo
This was my first experience with this author ....I Loved this book ! ...I was so enchanted with this book that as soon as I finished it I immediately got the next in the series, and did this until I finished the series....Read the entire series in about three days ....Can't wait to read more by this author..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen venable
I read the Darkness series by this author and, while I was highly entertained, I was also a little let down with the quick storylines. I expected a few hours of laugh out loud entertainment from this new series. What I received instead was an intense fantasy experience. I was engaged and eagerly turning the next page to find out what happens. No, this isn't a romance - at least not at this point. I would give it more of a 'fantasy' rating. The main character is still grieving in this first book but not in such a way as to detract from the flow of the storyline. You get a glimpse of what could be (romance) in the next book, Hunted, which I am eagerly looking forward to.

I liked the swordplay aspect of the book and the general kick ass-ness of Shanti. And I found the dialogue to be humorous at times while Shanti, the 'foreign woman', learned how to swear in this new language. It is, truly, one of the first things I look up when I am learning a new language or talking to a native speaker.

Two of my favorite excerpts from the book:
"A necklace is a great way to allow someone to choke you without bringing their own supplies", she muttered.
"Why do you laugh?!" ____ screamed at Sanders.
"It is not a he, and you are all gonna die."

This book brought fantasy, swordplay, magic and humor to the table. It was an enjoyable read for me. I saw one reviewer complaining about the self-published authors and their typos. This book had typos, but so do the books of my favorite 'big house' published authors. It had less than others I have read and they didn't trip the story up unless your OCD and angry. Get over it...then read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
But the beginning of war is always brutal. This was a really good read and I'll be grabbing the next on KU. Strong, intelligent characters with likable qualities. They are still flawed enough to be human. The supporting characters were also interesting. I'd recommend this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rhonda hodges
Having read other books by this author, Chosen was exactly what I was expecting.
It drew me in, captivated me, had me snickering at times, and at others out right laughing. All the while, the momentum kept moving forward, building to first one mini climax after another, until the big one just before the end.
To top it off, anyone who has ever lost someone, been hurt by love, can empathize with Shanti's refusal to let anyone close, all the while watching and seeing people slip under her guard and through her walls to become friends, people she cares about.
With all she has been through, her mistrust of strangers is to be expected, yet she doesn't let that, nor her fear hold her back from what she feels she must do,
Cayan plays his cards close to the vest, has a huge responsibility on his shoulders that he takes very seriously, but with his quirky sense of humor he has found a balance that many strive for. And unlike most people in a position of power, he is willing to learn and ask for help to learn what he needs to do so that he remains a good and effective leader.
Together they find that they have a matching power, a power that calls to the power in the other. Together their power is stronger than separate, Shanti has the finesse and the training to help Cayan learn to use his power. And like with any gift, it is not the sole one in their arsenal, they don't rely solely on their mental abilities, but instead use them as another weapon, another tool.
By the end of the Chosen you are left wondering what is going to happen in the next book, and eager to grab it so that you can find out what happens next.
Will Shanti & Cayan rejoin forces to fight the evil, power hungry, greedy Graygual? Is an Inkna male actually the Chosen? Who will unite the people in the Shadowlands? Is Rohnan still alive?
All I know is I have to grab Hunted so I can find out what happens next.
If you like a book that is not afraid to explore the boundaries, that will have you ensnared from the get go then grab this book, if not, well's your loss. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james mcentire
I just finished this book. It was really hard for me to get into, but once I did, I REALLY got into it. The way it starts off is through flashbacks, little snippets of what the main character, Shanti, went through to get to the point where we find her, mostly starved, injured and unconscious, or she is after sliding down a hill and into a tree (I think). Anyway, she is found by a small group of young boys, probably in their mid teens. They carry her to safety in their city and bring her back to the living. That's where the story begins.

All throughout the story, it goes through stages of flashbacks and you understand more and more each time. There are tears of sorrow and tears of joy, along with tears of laughter.

Shanti has a power that I haven't read about in a book, or at least not a book this well written. She has the power of the mind. She can cause immense pain in all parts of the body, or she can illicit pleasure..among other feelings. I could tell you more, but I'm not going to. She does meet someone, a lot of someones actually, but one in particular ,but I'm not going to say anymore about that either. I'm such a tease. LOL

You really have to, not read, you have to EXPERIENCE this book for yourself. It's. That. Good!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
louise mcormond plummer
l really became surprisingly immersed within this story. I enjoyed it and am looking forward to book 2.

It's just disappointing that every author I've read recently that have stories that I've enjoyed and wanted to read more of, put them on hold to do several other projects. (As K.F. Breene has done with this series). I just hope I remember to come back to pick the story up whenever she gets around to doing more of the series because I really would be interested in reading more of how the story is to progress.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ruthanne swanson
The plot is simple : gifted heroine trying to fight for her people meets gifted, handsome hero. Once you get past the halfway mark, the characters become more likable and the plot takes off - becoming quite suspenseful.
An entertaining read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pat hendrickson
A great tale with such great writing I did not put it down from start to finish. I am totally enthralled by Shanti that I can't wait to see what the next leg of her journey holds. If you like books like the Hobbit with out the elves but lots of magic you will love this one. Happy reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin benson
Started off a little slow so I wasn't sure about the book but I am so glad I stuck with it while the characters developed because now I have such an attachment to them all. As Shanti heals and grows in her relationships with her saviors I became totally wrapped up in the book and couldn't wait to read more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie nolan
This is such an exciting and different series! The narrator was a big part of that! Beware, only the first two books had the narrator. I am so disappointed! I still will give the first two books high ratings. I was on the edge of my seat as the narrator told this thrilling, action tale of a woman alone, with strength and power!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In between books and waiting for the next one to come out, I was in need of a new series and came across the Warrior Chronicles...what an amazing find!! K.F. Breeze is a talented writer/story teller, I was laughing out loud one paragraph and biting my nail the next. And the bonus to my new find...there's plenty to read in the series! Happy reading everyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I gave Chosen 5 stars cause I could not put it down from day one. Right from the beginning you get sucked in and just have to know what is going to happen next. Shanti is taking you thru so much adventure from her almost dying in the beginning, meeting Canya and discovering they both have the gift, and kept me on the edge of my seat when she was at the tavern in the end. Read the entire book in just 2 days. I am about to start inn the 2nd installment and am so excited. Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Came to be his series because I just loved the new series by this author. It's very different than her other series but, still good. Really like Shanti's character and Cayan's also. Good dynamic, not really a romance if that's what you're looking for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Shanti is an attractive heroine, suffering from probable post-traumatic stress syndrome and carrying the burden of being the Chosen. The author created several interesting and useful literary devices, including having the heroine learn street language along the way. Good action packed fight scenes. However, you sort of wonder why she doesn't get it. The guy loves her. Nobody could be that dense. She seems to be so smart and capable in very way except recognition of her mate.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
garrett morris
saw a notice (Kinja deals maybe) there were black friday deals on select books, saw this listed, so thought I would try it. 20% through the book and I had to put it down. This really needed an editor, if I had realized it was self published I would have passed.

If your character development mainly consists of describing someone's physical appearance... not interesting. Main character, not complex or particularly sympathetic, apparently without any inner conflict whatsoever (which is remarkable). There was more effort describing furniture than there was creating any kind of reader interest about the antagonists the characters were (evidently) going to face down the road, or the geo-political climate they were currently in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story has an amazing storyline that completely draws you into. You cannot help falling in love with the characters and feeling all of their emotions as if they were you. This story sucks you in and I couldn't put it down until the end. I cannot wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew sullivan
It's hard nowadays to find something new in fantasy novels. The author was able to delight me with new twists on fantasy staples like magic and power, as well as her world, and people (and inevitable war) creations. The dialogue is quick and smart and funny, the heroine refreshingly not that nice, nor the annoyingly too common "bitch with a heart of gold" often used in the genre. She never becomes "infuriated", which sometimes is used as a plot device (or so it seems). The action is well paced and none-too-long to be resolved, and there are enough respite periods (or relative calm) to make everything believable. If I am to be picky, though, I would say I was sometimes surprised by Shanti's tactical analyses and war knowledge, being that she declares herself to be from a self-sufficient remote tribe. Though I did love every one of her zen master/yoda-isms. And, I do appreciate very very much the scarcity of lengthy descriptives! Everything is to the point, no dallying, circling, or over-explaining. Yay! I'm really sad to have discovered/read this book (in less than 24hrs) before the 2nd one was out!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chosen is an action packed fantasy adventure. In this fantasy world, it's a medieval atmosphere with modern twists. The story revolves around Shanti, a mysterious warrior woman with a special gift. She is found just about to die and brought to a strange land to recover. She believes she is the Chosen, the only one who can stop an evil group, the Graygual. In this new land, she meets a band of misfit boys and turns them into soldiers. I love the character of Shanti. She is strong, funny, determined, and still vulnerable. Cayan is the Captain, the ruler of the new land. She finds he also has the gift but was not trained. I am enjoying the building of the relationship between Shanti and Cayan. There isn't a romance there now, but I'm hopeful these two will get together in the next book. The side characters are also well developed and I'm already emotionally attached to so many of them.

This is the first book in a series, so while it isn't a cliffhanger, there is also a lot more story to tell. And I definitely recommend going on this fantasy journey.

My only complaint is the cover of the book shows a dark haired woman, while Shanti is described as having light wheat colored hair.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marcela vaccaro rivera
I’ve read a few works of art from k.f. Breene. I can say without hesitation that this is another great work of material from her! Strong female character. Great whit and humor. The dynamics between the female and the males surrounding her is hilarious!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an amazing start to what I'm sure is going to be a great series. There was a few typos, couple words that were missing, but it didn't take away from the story at all. I loved the banter between Shanti and, well, everyone. Haha! I highly recommend you give this a try, I doubt you'll be disappointed. Just remember that it is a series and there is a cliffhanger. I'm definitely looking forward to the next one. <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine ellis
This was my first experience with this author ....I Loved this book ! ...I was so enchanted with this book that as soon as I finished it I immediately got the next in the series, and did this until I finished the series....Read the entire series in about three days ....Can't wait to read more by this author..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marlana cimmino
I read the Darkness series by this author and, while I was highly entertained, I was also a little let down with the quick storylines. I expected a few hours of laugh out loud entertainment from this new series. What I received instead was an intense fantasy experience. I was engaged and eagerly turning the next page to find out what happens. No, this isn't a romance - at least not at this point. I would give it more of a 'fantasy' rating. The main character is still grieving in this first book but not in such a way as to detract from the flow of the storyline. You get a glimpse of what could be (romance) in the next book, Hunted, which I am eagerly looking forward to.

I liked the swordplay aspect of the book and the general kick ass-ness of Shanti. And I found the dialogue to be humorous at times while Shanti, the 'foreign woman', learned how to swear in this new language. It is, truly, one of the first things I look up when I am learning a new language or talking to a native speaker.

Two of my favorite excerpts from the book:
"A necklace is a great way to allow someone to choke you without bringing their own supplies", she muttered.
"Why do you laugh?!" ____ screamed at Sanders.
"It is not a he, and you are all gonna die."

This book brought fantasy, swordplay, magic and humor to the table. It was an enjoyable read for me. I saw one reviewer complaining about the self-published authors and their typos. This book had typos, but so do the books of my favorite 'big house' published authors. It had less than others I have read and they didn't trip the story up unless your OCD and angry. Get over it...then read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kim belcik
But the beginning of war is always brutal. This was a really good read and I'll be grabbing the next on KU. Strong, intelligent characters with likable qualities. They are still flawed enough to be human. The supporting characters were also interesting. I'd recommend this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having read other books by this author, Chosen was exactly what I was expecting.
It drew me in, captivated me, had me snickering at times, and at others out right laughing. All the while, the momentum kept moving forward, building to first one mini climax after another, until the big one just before the end.
To top it off, anyone who has ever lost someone, been hurt by love, can empathize with Shanti's refusal to let anyone close, all the while watching and seeing people slip under her guard and through her walls to become friends, people she cares about.
With all she has been through, her mistrust of strangers is to be expected, yet she doesn't let that, nor her fear hold her back from what she feels she must do,
Cayan plays his cards close to the vest, has a huge responsibility on his shoulders that he takes very seriously, but with his quirky sense of humor he has found a balance that many strive for. And unlike most people in a position of power, he is willing to learn and ask for help to learn what he needs to do so that he remains a good and effective leader.
Together they find that they have a matching power, a power that calls to the power in the other. Together their power is stronger than separate, Shanti has the finesse and the training to help Cayan learn to use his power. And like with any gift, it is not the sole one in their arsenal, they don't rely solely on their mental abilities, but instead use them as another weapon, another tool.
By the end of the Chosen you are left wondering what is going to happen in the next book, and eager to grab it so that you can find out what happens next.
Will Shanti & Cayan rejoin forces to fight the evil, power hungry, greedy Graygual? Is an Inkna male actually the Chosen? Who will unite the people in the Shadowlands? Is Rohnan still alive?
All I know is I have to grab Hunted so I can find out what happens next.
If you like a book that is not afraid to explore the boundaries, that will have you ensnared from the get go then grab this book, if not, well's your loss. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan demole
I just finished this book. It was really hard for me to get into, but once I did, I REALLY got into it. The way it starts off is through flashbacks, little snippets of what the main character, Shanti, went through to get to the point where we find her, mostly starved, injured and unconscious, or she is after sliding down a hill and into a tree (I think). Anyway, she is found by a small group of young boys, probably in their mid teens. They carry her to safety in their city and bring her back to the living. That's where the story begins.

All throughout the story, it goes through stages of flashbacks and you understand more and more each time. There are tears of sorrow and tears of joy, along with tears of laughter.

Shanti has a power that I haven't read about in a book, or at least not a book this well written. She has the power of the mind. She can cause immense pain in all parts of the body, or she can illicit pleasure..among other feelings. I could tell you more, but I'm not going to. She does meet someone, a lot of someones actually, but one in particular ,but I'm not going to say anymore about that either. I'm such a tease. LOL

You really have to, not read, you have to EXPERIENCE this book for yourself. It's. That. Good!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love all of her books and will continue to read them in the future. This series is no exception. She is a very good writer, and I hope she has a successful career. Read the whole series and then read all of her others. Totally worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
l really became surprisingly immersed within this story. I enjoyed it and am looking forward to book 2.

It's just disappointing that every author I've read recently that have stories that I've enjoyed and wanted to read more of, put them on hold to do several other projects. (As K.F. Breene has done with this series). I just hope I remember to come back to pick the story up whenever she gets around to doing more of the series because I really would be interested in reading more of how the story is to progress.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anna duncanson
The plot is simple : gifted heroine trying to fight for her people meets gifted, handsome hero. Once you get past the halfway mark, the characters become more likable and the plot takes off - becoming quite suspenseful.
An entertaining read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben foster
A great tale with such great writing I did not put it down from start to finish. I am totally enthralled by Shanti that I can't wait to see what the next leg of her journey holds. If you like books like the Hobbit with out the elves but lots of magic you will love this one. Happy reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Started off a little slow so I wasn't sure about the book but I am so glad I stuck with it while the characters developed because now I have such an attachment to them all. As Shanti heals and grows in her relationships with her saviors I became totally wrapped up in the book and couldn't wait to read more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is such an exciting and different series! The narrator was a big part of that! Beware, only the first two books had the narrator. I am so disappointed! I still will give the first two books high ratings. I was on the edge of my seat as the narrator told this thrilling, action tale of a woman alone, with strength and power!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ciaran mccullough
In between books and waiting for the next one to come out, I was in need of a new series and came across the Warrior Chronicles...what an amazing find!! K.F. Breeze is a talented writer/story teller, I was laughing out loud one paragraph and biting my nail the next. And the bonus to my new find...there's plenty to read in the series! Happy reading everyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda kihlstr m
I gave Chosen 5 stars cause I could not put it down from day one. Right from the beginning you get sucked in and just have to know what is going to happen next. Shanti is taking you thru so much adventure from her almost dying in the beginning, meeting Canya and discovering they both have the gift, and kept me on the edge of my seat when she was at the tavern in the end. Read the entire book in just 2 days. I am about to start inn the 2nd installment and am so excited. Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Came to be his series because I just loved the new series by this author. It's very different than her other series but, still good. Really like Shanti's character and Cayan's also. Good dynamic, not really a romance if that's what you're looking for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Shanti is an attractive heroine, suffering from probable post-traumatic stress syndrome and carrying the burden of being the Chosen. The author created several interesting and useful literary devices, including having the heroine learn street language along the way. Good action packed fight scenes. However, you sort of wonder why she doesn't get it. The guy loves her. Nobody could be that dense. She seems to be so smart and capable in very way except recognition of her mate.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
saw a notice (Kinja deals maybe) there were black friday deals on select books, saw this listed, so thought I would try it. 20% through the book and I had to put it down. This really needed an editor, if I had realized it was self published I would have passed.

If your character development mainly consists of describing someone's physical appearance... not interesting. Main character, not complex or particularly sympathetic, apparently without any inner conflict whatsoever (which is remarkable). There was more effort describing furniture than there was creating any kind of reader interest about the antagonists the characters were (evidently) going to face down the road, or the geo-political climate they were currently in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rowena wormald
This story has an amazing storyline that completely draws you into. You cannot help falling in love with the characters and feeling all of their emotions as if they were you. This story sucks you in and I couldn't put it down until the end. I cannot wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carter van noy
It's hard nowadays to find something new in fantasy novels. The author was able to delight me with new twists on fantasy staples like magic and power, as well as her world, and people (and inevitable war) creations. The dialogue is quick and smart and funny, the heroine refreshingly not that nice, nor the annoyingly too common "bitch with a heart of gold" often used in the genre. She never becomes "infuriated", which sometimes is used as a plot device (or so it seems). The action is well paced and none-too-long to be resolved, and there are enough respite periods (or relative calm) to make everything believable. If I am to be picky, though, I would say I was sometimes surprised by Shanti's tactical analyses and war knowledge, being that she declares herself to be from a self-sufficient remote tribe. Though I did love every one of her zen master/yoda-isms. And, I do appreciate very very much the scarcity of lengthy descriptives! Everything is to the point, no dallying, circling, or over-explaining. Yay! I'm really sad to have discovered/read this book (in less than 24hrs) before the 2nd one was out!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane meagher
Chosen is an action packed fantasy adventure. In this fantasy world, it's a medieval atmosphere with modern twists. The story revolves around Shanti, a mysterious warrior woman with a special gift. She is found just about to die and brought to a strange land to recover. She believes she is the Chosen, the only one who can stop an evil group, the Graygual. In this new land, she meets a band of misfit boys and turns them into soldiers. I love the character of Shanti. She is strong, funny, determined, and still vulnerable. Cayan is the Captain, the ruler of the new land. She finds he also has the gift but was not trained. I am enjoying the building of the relationship between Shanti and Cayan. There isn't a romance there now, but I'm hopeful these two will get together in the next book. The side characters are also well developed and I'm already emotionally attached to so many of them.

This is the first book in a series, so while it isn't a cliffhanger, there is also a lot more story to tell. And I definitely recommend going on this fantasy journey.

My only complaint is the cover of the book shows a dark haired woman, while Shanti is described as having light wheat colored hair.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nazaruddin mlis
I’ve read a few works of art from k.f. Breene. I can say without hesitation that this is another great work of material from her! Strong female character. Great whit and humor. The dynamics between the female and the males surrounding her is hilarious!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an amazing start to what I'm sure is going to be a great series. There was a few typos, couple words that were missing, but it didn't take away from the story at all. I loved the banter between Shanti and, well, everyone. Haha! I highly recommend you give this a try, I doubt you'll be disappointed. Just remember that it is a series and there is a cliffhanger. I'm definitely looking forward to the next one. <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martine liberman
It's books like these that makes a monthly subscription to Kindle Unlimited worth it.
Shanti's odd mixture of bravado and self doubt makes us root for her and and her Honour Guard. This book had me laughing in some unexpected places. Great start to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda arceo
This book kept my attention from start to finish.
Well written.
Enough background to get you involved but not enough to give away the whole saga.
The characters have been well thought out and have individual favors.
Looking foreward to reading more in the series
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah powell
I couldn't put it down! One of those story's that makes you stay up way to late hoping you can come to a stopping point, but I had to go to sleep when I noticed it was almost 2 in the morning, and it was the first thing I picked up when I got my coffee this morning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I haven't read this author before and was pleasantly surprised on this first book of the series. The characters were vivid and the story was built solid and flowed well. Adventure w a hint of romance and I am hooked. Onward to book 2!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Have read all the classics related to this genre. Author does a nice job of character development and writing their own story and not pulling to much from any one dimension. Enjoy the action, the character's and dialogue. Looking forward to completing the whole series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie peterson
This is an exceptional series. The world building is great with characters that you love. I’ve read the whole series multiple times and will be reading it again. It’s that good. Every book by KFBreene is excellent!! Read it. You won’t be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela mathe
This came in a collection of other stories. Given the covers of her books, it is obvious the author comes from the romance side of Fantasy authors. While some of that is obvious in this book (some obvious attraction between the lead character and the alpha male in the story, also the very heavy sexual overtones), it doesn't become the focus of the story. Instead, we get a well developed world with well rounded characters. Breene weaves a good yarn. While romance does seem to be hanging out there, this isn't a Romance novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book!! I was hooked right from the very beginning.
I loved that it kept me interested right from the very start. As I continued to read, the story kept building. And I found the answers to some of the questions I was asking myself as I read.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves great story telling mixed with all the elements that makes an amazing story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was thoroughly entertained. I am already halfway through the second book. This story has adventure, gruesome battles, humor, and honor. I cringed, cried and laughed. The fact that I'm taking the time to write a review says how much I enjoyed it. Most books no matter genre have a pattern of events. This book didn't, sometimes I was barely catching my breath when something else would make my breath hitch. Does that make sense? I'm reader, not a writer. I am looking forward to reading the entire series, and trying any others the Author has to offer.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jonathan humphreys
It's a fun read. One can see where the series is going. Just a little too much repetition and either I forgot, I won't reread, or there were a few loose ends. Nonetheless, it held my interest and I intend to quickly read the other 2 books in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was getting desperate for something to read and this was something I could borrow. I really liked it. It had characters I cared about, the pace was pretty good. Surprises here and there along with some stuff that you knew was coming. Al in all an enjoyable read. Only issue I have is when, if ever, will the sequel be out?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky page
I was looking for a novel with a strong woman role model. I love the wold the author has created and the effort she has put into making the emotions and characters behavior believable and realistic. All an all a page turner!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen willett
This series has everything a reader could want - great writing, real characters, believable dialogue & human foibles & nobility.

I can hardly wait for the next installment.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An interesting take on psychic warriors. There is a lot less romance than the cover led me to believe, which is a huge plus. This story is very akin to a fantasy epic, but so far without the fantasticalbum creatures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joel bass
Shanti kicks butt, and more. She is great protagonist. Good character development. Good subplots and ongoing plot for the series. Well worth the read. I was in her world and living vicariously. What a great start
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It really surprised me. I was done withy favorite books and didn't have much to read but now...! I really liked the heroine! EVERYTHING! She's strong, funny, no Mary Sue, no jealousy nightmares, loved it! It was a nice surprise
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This made for an exciting fast paced read. I loved the heroine being strong willed and tough. While the ending left much to be desired that's almost become the average for "series". I'm just personally not of cliffhanger. I think this will likely be a series I continue.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
molly rynn
The banter between characters was enjoyable.
Other than the prologue. It took a while for the action and pace to get moving.
The main two characters had angst to deal with but it didn't quite feel substantial.
Overall fun, but not as deep as I hoped.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a tough call gave it 4 stars but it was very close to being a 5 star rating.Fast paced and a great story I would recommend this highly.Kind of a drag that I have to wait for the next one in this series.First book from K.F. Breene that I've read,but it will not be the last.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again K F Breene shows what a great writer she is. I love the strong female lead character and her humorous ways and her band of misfits. This fantasy book is full of action and adventure. It is a must read as is all her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bev goodman
This is a fascinating story with many interesting twists. Just about the time you think you have figured it out here comes a twist. Really like a book that keeps you on your toes! Ready for book two!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth devlin
A dynamic and inspiring story of a warrior who just happens to be a powerful woman. Great battle's, adventure enough to keep me reading long into the night. Shanti finds the handsome Captain Cayan to sav her and then learns to find a place amid boys in the new army to train. Great !! To find Shanti the warrior fight these epic battle's awesome !! Can't wait to start book #2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea dinsky
Made me stay up late to read. Excellent to read about a strong female lead character; and great character development throughout. Fight scenes are great. Plot is interesting, with a few reasonable twists. Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annisa anggiana
From the beginning, Breene pulls you in until you are not able to put the book down. It includes action, witty humor, a strong female lead, and a dominating captain. Both women and men would enjoy this book. I would highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie rasmussen
I had a hard time putting this book down. I've been anxiously awaiting the sequel ever since I finished it. I enjoyed the attraction in the book as well as the lack of extreme erotica. Most was cleverly left to the imagination.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
daphne sayed
The author is obviously a feminist with a poor understanding of men. All the men in the story are driven by lust and the desire to dominate others while women use seduction tactics to manipulate men. Relationships in the story are a battle for dominance. It is ridiculous. As a former relationship counselor, if this is the author's view of relationships, she needs serious counselling.

The heroine of the story is a classic Jezebel as opposed to a Honor Harrington or a Paksenarrion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kayte nunn
Liked this book, characters developed, story line needs a little more so hoping #2 continues with more. Back ground on Shanti and the Captain I am sure will continue to develop as the next book comes forth.
Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ragavendra natarajan
Awesome start to a new series. This book is great, could not put it down.I ended up reading it in one seating. The characters where well developed, the book kept me interested and made me and my husband laugh when i read him parts of the book . I cannot wait to see what happens next in the new book coming out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Exactly the kind of book I search for all the time. Strong characters excellent story, new ideas. Its late now because I could not stop reading. Cannot, canNOT wait for second book. Wish there was a waiting list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chosen (Warrior Chronicles 1) by KF Breene is a fantastic start to this series. It draws the reader into the story from the very beginning. The synopsis is what intrigued me but the book is far better. The heroine is a strong character whose battles run both internal and external in her journey to avenge her people. I also recommend KF Brenne's Darkness series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was given this book in exchange for an honest review and thought this book was excellent!! It had just the right amount of violence and sexual content. I love that the lead female is a strong woman. I hate when the woman is a push over. This book kept my interest during the entire book and I wanted to cry when I was done the book because I wasn't ready for the story to end so I HAD to get the next book! It's definitely worth reading!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just finished this book, and it was amazing! Not normally into Sci-fi or futuristic novels, but this one changed my mind on that! The story had me invested from the first chapter, and I only got more invested as the story went on. The story is basically a girl trying to make good on a promise made to her people. As she is attempting to do this she finds out some things are not at all like she was told. She is taken in by a city, and ends up helping them while they are also helping her. Sorry to be vague, but I don't want to give the story away lol. Great characters that you can relate to, or hate since of course there are bad guys you wouldn't want to relate to. Such great writing that just sucks you in, and won't let you go. I need this second book to come out soon to know where the characters end up! If you are wanting to dip your toes into something different than a normal romance definitely pick this one up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Enjoyable story that draws you in. There it's no way I could stop without finishing the series. It's only problem is thst it has an end. ? I hate it when stories I love are over.

I have never read anything else by K.F. Breene but this series is a treat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen d
Once again K F Breene shows what a great writer she is. I love the strong female lead character and her humorous ways and her band of misfits. This fantasy book is full of action and adventure. It is a must read as is all her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren deville
This is a fascinating story with many interesting twists. Just about the time you think you have figured it out here comes a twist. Really like a book that keeps you on your toes! Ready for book two!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A dynamic and inspiring story of a warrior who just happens to be a powerful woman. Great battle's, adventure enough to keep me reading long into the night. Shanti finds the handsome Captain Cayan to sav her and then learns to find a place amid boys in the new army to train. Great !! To find Shanti the warrior fight these epic battle's awesome !! Can't wait to start book #2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Made me stay up late to read. Excellent to read about a strong female lead character; and great character development throughout. Fight scenes are great. Plot is interesting, with a few reasonable twists. Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne lao
From the beginning, Breene pulls you in until you are not able to put the book down. It includes action, witty humor, a strong female lead, and a dominating captain. Both women and men would enjoy this book. I would highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had a hard time putting this book down. I've been anxiously awaiting the sequel ever since I finished it. I enjoyed the attraction in the book as well as the lack of extreme erotica. Most was cleverly left to the imagination.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anna ros
The author is obviously a feminist with a poor understanding of men. All the men in the story are driven by lust and the desire to dominate others while women use seduction tactics to manipulate men. Relationships in the story are a battle for dominance. It is ridiculous. As a former relationship counselor, if this is the author's view of relationships, she needs serious counselling.

The heroine of the story is a classic Jezebel as opposed to a Honor Harrington or a Paksenarrion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Blazed through this book. The story is engrossing with characters you want to watch develop and relationships you're cheering for, platonic and otherwise. Already have the next book in the series downloaded.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james day
I will definitely be following this series! The storyline is fairly familiar: the threat of war knocks at the door, and the fate of the world thereby lies with the Chosen one (ones?) and the tough decisions faced on a constant basis. What makes this iteration thoroughly enjoyable is that despite the powerful and supernatural abilities of the main characters, they also display very relatable human qualities - compassion, vulnerability, fear, and of course my favorite, flippant attitudes. I finished the book much sooner than expected, and I can't wait for the next installment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well written and keeps you involved. If the second is as good as the first then I really am looking forward to its release. This is the first book I have read by this author and I am looking forward to trying some of the other ones.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this read! I cannot wait for the second book! I enjoyed getting to know all the characters and there is great sexual tension between the hero and heroine. I think I prefer this series over her others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine wyvern
Loved this entire series. Couldn't put it down. Smoothly written with great characters, loved the personalities and dialogue with such sarcasm, crass, and love. Well thought out background world, powers, and plot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindy thomas
Looks like she's done it again! I loved Chosen. Action, adventure, sexual tension, a kick-ass heroine and an equally awesome male counterpart. Shanti is thought to be THE Chosen. She's supposed to be the one to save her people, to bring war to an end. She is powerful, skilled, and not afraid of sacrifice. She gains support and loyalty every where she goes. Her purpose has been drilled into her head since she was a child. She carries the burden of being the Chosen all on her own. She doesn't trust easily, and with reason. Cayan is the Chief, head honcho, in the nation Shanti found herself in. He also seems to have special abilities, but he is untrained. Shanti frustrates Cayan, because she has a story she doesn't want to share. She also inspires loyalty and teaches the unteachable. She also frustrates Cayan's commanders, because they don't understand this strange woman, and why it is that she can command such loyalty. This story does end cliffy, however, it is a series. I'm just going to stress how much I can't wait for the next book. Fantastic.
Please RateChosen (The Warrior Chronicles Book 1)
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