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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin bainbridge
I am a great fan of Follett. I have read everything he has written and have never been disappointed. My Canadian friend put me onto this author and I am very grateful to her for many enjoyable reads. Words flow so smoothly and description put me right in the scene. Can't wait for his next book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tracy ruggles
Found this spy thriller to be entertaining will full on action from start to finish, twisting and turning keeping you second guessing about what, when and who was next. Ken Follett's character Nat Dickstein is very entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ken Follett is a master. This book brought to life the complex revolutionary period where comment prevailed over risk. It was an excellent read. It takes the reader on a wonderful journey with frank suspense, an excellent read.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steve kline
Although entertaining, not nearly at the same level as "Pillars of the Earth" or "World Without End".
Takes what seems like a very long time to set up the plot and create the characters.
After that's accomplished, the real action begins. Or, let's delete the word "real".
The feats the hero accomplishes are so totally impossible, that not even the most powerful super heros would attempt.
Wow, can anyone really do that? The answer is "no". I like action narratives, but this is just beyond belief.
Should have been a comic book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dr sara2
I am a Big Ken Follet follower I like this book it was fast-moving and covered a lot of different subjects I had not read about. the characters were somewhat believable. I found it to be a real page turner and a little far out The ending was sort of Hollywood-ish I would recommend it
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
elo dit
I think this is a good novel, well written with enough twists to keep one interested even after the main plot line is clear. Follett has a way of building suspense as the novel unfolds even as the reader knows more rather than less. The guesses become more abundant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
scott lerch
I did not find Triple up to Ken Folletts usual standard. A good read but the plot was challenging and led to some confusion --at least on my part, perhaps because I was reading other material at the same time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
seyhun aky rek
The middleeast will be always in trouble as long as both sides stay the way they are. I visited that area and I can see both sides of their claims. Before more people die they must come together on these important issures.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kristyn brooke
This was usually a page turner. Sometimes It felt that the cast of characters was a real stretch to keep connected across the storyline. And the detail in the romantic scenes is gratuitous and detracts from the political intrigue.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jos fernandes
I think this is a good novel, well written with enough twists to keep one interested even after the main plot line is clear. Follett has a way of building suspense as the novel unfolds even as the reader knows more rather than less. The guesses become more abundant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
namrata arora
I did not find Triple up to Ken Folletts usual standard. A good read but the plot was challenging and led to some confusion --at least on my part, perhaps because I was reading other material at the same time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The middleeast will be always in trouble as long as both sides stay the way they are. I visited that area and I can see both sides of their claims. Before more people die they must come together on these important issures.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was usually a page turner. Sometimes It felt that the cast of characters was a real stretch to keep connected across the storyline. And the detail in the romantic scenes is gratuitous and detracts from the political intrigue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jdw williams
Hard to read difficult ,at times very boring over all I did not like this book and I will never buy this writer books again
Too much in book not important writer to much out of tough with real world needs to retire and leave writing to real people
Wish I never bought or tried to read this book Some of righter older books were so much better
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie somers
Making an atomic bomb is easy to do if you have a nuclear plant and the raw material (yellowcake) to make the uranium needed. Egypt has been successful in building the plant but now they need the yellowcake. Israel also has a plant and is in dire need of the same raw material.The Russians are backing the Arabs in this race so we have the agents from the Mossad, the KBG, and the Arabs and a double agent thrown in for an advantage to which nation? Ken Follett is a great writer of suspense and keeps you guessing thru the entire book as to who is going to steal and keep the stolen goods. Schoolmates from Oxford and one of their professors from ten years ago seek to favor one country over the other. We know the prof favors one country but who does his daughter favor? Who comes up with a reasonable way to transport thethousands of tons of yellowcake and who figures out a way to steal it from them? You won't want to put this book down until the end so plan on loosing some sleep. After you finish this book you may want to catch your breath before you start another of Follett's books, "Eye of the Needle" which is another suspensful spy story of WW II vintage. Both deserve more than a five star rating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan watson
I really like Ken Follett and have read almost all of his books. I think this one is among his best. The plot is intriguing and interesting and in typical Follett fashion is well researched. The characters are well developed and interesting, as usual the bad guys are not really 'bad' and the 'good' guys are not all that good. Both have feet of clay which makes me like them even more. I found this well worth the read, just one warning, when you get about a third of the way through the book you will not be able to put it down!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I always get excited when one of his books come my way. I know it will be well written, have many twists and turns and teach me about the subject.

It won't be a one day Patterson quickly written same old same story with different protagonists,
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maral sa bazar
Even if a reader is not well-versed in Ken Follett books, this book still proves an enjoyable adventure from the 1960s. Strong characters and a balance of different ideals present themselves seamlessly. Follett is well-known for attention-grabbing first lines in his books, and this novel follows that style. Good pacing leads up to an action-packed endgame.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vasco lopes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
naser farzinfar
This really is a great thriller with a complex plot involving several subplots, characters with divided loyalties, and a very satisfying conclusion that wraps everything up nicely. Ken Follett's "Eye of the Needle" was also a complex book that was very satisfying. This is not a dash-it-off book with cardboard characters as much of mystery and thriller fiction is today. If you like a fast-moving story with multiple plot elements and points of view, you will appreciate "Triple".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An Israeli agent is ordered by his government to obtain radioactive materials so Israel could build its own bomb. The bosses don't know where and how to get them. The agent should figure it out by himself. To make matters worse, he should steal the stuff in a way no one would ever suspect Israel has the materials.
Of course, the bad guys and the Americans are also around, to complicate the plot even more.
An extremely intelligent premise: a mission against all odds.
A digression: I rate this Follett's book second only to Pillars of The Earth or The Eye of the Needle, and side by side with The Man from St. Petersburg.
In addition to being (in my view) his best plots, each of these four books inaugurated a formula, later somehow repeated by Follett in other books. (For example, The Key to Rebecca or Lie Down with Lions follow the steps of The Eye of the Needle). In this sense, Triple, although a spy story like The Eye... it is also very original.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've long been a big fan of Follett's work, not one of his books has ever disappointed me. While this doesn't top the list, it's a great read. It started out a little slow but by about halfway in I couldn't put it down. My only gripe about Follett's books is that there is invariably a sex scene or two that feel really patched in and don't add much of anything to the story. The overly detailed blow by blow descriptions just make me snicker, it's as if a few pages were cut from a cheesy romance novel and pasted in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christine petrane
I'm usually not big into spy novels...but I'm a big fan of follett so I gave this book a try. At some times I found it a little hard to follow. There's several names and factions from different countries going back and forth. But the ending is as good as any slam bang ending from a spy/action novel as you'll get. Great action once again.
Follett has a talent for weaving fictional characters and stories around real life events and places. This book is no exception. While not my favorite of Follett's various works, this is definetly a solid read that's worth a look.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read this book looking for some post 9/11 escapism focused on the middle east. This is a fast moving action story that maintains its pace through all 340 pages. Follett has created an unforgettable character in Nat Dickstein, who in many ways is a metaphor for Israel herself. He has found a way to leave his hatred behind, yet methodically pursues his aims by any means necessary, looking hopefully towards a peaceful future.
In my view this is as good as "Eye of the Needle", and maybe better than "Pillars of the Earth" which I thought was overlong. Follett shows us the Israelis, Egyptians and Russians all in a bright light, where it is the ends, and not the means, that counts.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I never thought I would be disappointed by a Ken Follett book. Triple just did not hold my interest. About 1/3 through and again just past half way I was going to stop reading Triple. I kept reading only because it was Ken Follett. It had to get better. Maybe too many people jammed into the story, I am not sure. To me, I had hoped for much better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think this is the period of time when Ken Follett was probably at the top of his game. This book comes close to The Pillars of the Earth. This is a great story, similar to The Sum of All Fears just 15 years earlier and better action. Follett has always been great at developing his characters and he does it again with this book. And he always gets the facts correct; he must spend a good deal of time researching the topics. This book moves very fast and has a number of twists, there is real suspense built up through out the book. This book is one of the best of the class.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melanie berlin
Ken Follett once again writes an incredibly compelling novel. "Triple" begins at protagonist Nat Dickstein's release from the concentration camps, and goes ahead to 1968. Of three groups - Dickstein representing Israel, as well as spies from the KGB and Egypt - who will ultimately wind up with the uranium to build a nuclear weapon?
The way Follett recreates history, the book COULD be true. He does a marvelous job, even when the point of view goes from one spy to another. This is NOT a "light read" but it's intriguing... captivating... and worth your time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The title comes from the players: Israel, Egypt, and Russia. Israel hijacks a ship loaded with uranium in hopes of building a bomb before the Egyptians. The Egyptians try to stop the mastermind of the plot. The Russians also have their own interests in trying to stop Israel.

The novel is an adventure on both land and the high seas. It stays on course for the most part though does have a few twists. I was looking for a better finale. The fight scenes and each individual's abilities may be a bit of a stretch nonetheless, it was an interesting read.

LORD Bless
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nathaniel Dickstein is probably my favorite character among all the spy books I've ever read. The characters are well developed, intriguing, and there are no obvious "bad guys" as the antagonists are written in such a way as to explain and understand their motivations. This is absolutely a fantastic read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elsa mauer
Fun historic adventure tale with great character development that make Follett's stories my favorite. Was a bit disappointed with the end, however - felt like he was trying to quickly wrap things up in a James Bondish kind of way. But then I read the postscript - highlight of the book IMO. Not his best book for me, but like all Follett books I've read - a great tale based on historic events. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Easy to pick up and read; easy to put down. The good guys and the bad guys are predictable and always seem to figure out what the adversary is up to without any problem.

I am a big Follet fan, but the books are becoming cookie cutter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anita powell byrd
Ken Follett's triple is memorable to me because it is one of the first adult oriented novels I read. The story is about secret agent Nat Dickstein who has the impossible mission of stealing 200 tons of uranium, without anyone else knowing about the theft. As with many of his novels, Follett make the reader believe the impossible. There were a few times when I thought Follett pushed the limits of believability, but there were no blatant attempts to insult the reader.
The best thing about this novel is the pacing. I found it impossible to find a place to put the novel down; every page is exciting. This is not unusual for a Follett novel however, as most people will finish one of his books in week.
The only problem I had with this novel deals with the main romance of the story. The two characters go from being almost complete strangers, to waking up in the same bed in only a few pages. I realize that this is a spy novel and not a romance novel, but it would have been possible for Follett to spread it out a little bit more.
Even with the few believability issues, this is still one of the better spy-novels out there. Anyone looking for a good read should pick this book up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina kemeny
Good story, well written. Almost makes you think it's how it really happened? There were a few things that seemed like they happened a little too easily, just to keep the story moving forward. It's a little dated now, but still a very good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer rowan
I've long been a big fan of Follett's work, not one of his books has ever disappointed me. While this doesn't top the list, it's a great read. It started out a little slow but by about halfway in I couldn't put it down. My only gripe about Follett's books is that there is invariably a sex scene or two that feel really patched in and don't add much of anything to the story. The overly detailed blow by blow descriptions just make me snicker, it's as if a few pages were cut from a cheesy romance novel and pasted in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mr puddy
I'm usually not big into spy novels...but I'm a big fan of follett so I gave this book a try. At some times I found it a little hard to follow. There's several names and factions from different countries going back and forth. But the ending is as good as any slam bang ending from a spy/action novel as you'll get. Great action once again.
Follett has a talent for weaving fictional characters and stories around real life events and places. This book is no exception. While not my favorite of Follett's various works, this is definetly a solid read that's worth a look.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liz johnson
I read this book looking for some post 9/11 escapism focused on the middle east. This is a fast moving action story that maintains its pace through all 340 pages. Follett has created an unforgettable character in Nat Dickstein, who in many ways is a metaphor for Israel herself. He has found a way to leave his hatred behind, yet methodically pursues his aims by any means necessary, looking hopefully towards a peaceful future.
In my view this is as good as "Eye of the Needle", and maybe better than "Pillars of the Earth" which I thought was overlong. Follett shows us the Israelis, Egyptians and Russians all in a bright light, where it is the ends, and not the means, that counts.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
randall david cook
I never thought I would be disappointed by a Ken Follett book. Triple just did not hold my interest. About 1/3 through and again just past half way I was going to stop reading Triple. I kept reading only because it was Ken Follett. It had to get better. Maybe too many people jammed into the story, I am not sure. To me, I had hoped for much better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think this is the period of time when Ken Follett was probably at the top of his game. This book comes close to The Pillars of the Earth. This is a great story, similar to The Sum of All Fears just 15 years earlier and better action. Follett has always been great at developing his characters and he does it again with this book. And he always gets the facts correct; he must spend a good deal of time researching the topics. This book moves very fast and has a number of twists, there is real suspense built up through out the book. This book is one of the best of the class.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ken Follett once again writes an incredibly compelling novel. "Triple" begins at protagonist Nat Dickstein's release from the concentration camps, and goes ahead to 1968. Of three groups - Dickstein representing Israel, as well as spies from the KGB and Egypt - who will ultimately wind up with the uranium to build a nuclear weapon?
The way Follett recreates history, the book COULD be true. He does a marvelous job, even when the point of view goes from one spy to another. This is NOT a "light read" but it's intriguing... captivating... and worth your time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
p antle
The title comes from the players: Israel, Egypt, and Russia. Israel hijacks a ship loaded with uranium in hopes of building a bomb before the Egyptians. The Egyptians try to stop the mastermind of the plot. The Russians also have their own interests in trying to stop Israel.

The novel is an adventure on both land and the high seas. It stays on course for the most part though does have a few twists. I was looking for a better finale. The fight scenes and each individual's abilities may be a bit of a stretch nonetheless, it was an interesting read.

LORD Bless
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vesra when she reads
Nathaniel Dickstein is probably my favorite character among all the spy books I've ever read. The characters are well developed, intriguing, and there are no obvious "bad guys" as the antagonists are written in such a way as to explain and understand their motivations. This is absolutely a fantastic read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fun historic adventure tale with great character development that make Follett's stories my favorite. Was a bit disappointed with the end, however - felt like he was trying to quickly wrap things up in a James Bondish kind of way. But then I read the postscript - highlight of the book IMO. Not his best book for me, but like all Follett books I've read - a great tale based on historic events. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
aida b
Easy to pick up and read; easy to put down. The good guys and the bad guys are predictable and always seem to figure out what the adversary is up to without any problem.

I am a big Follet fan, but the books are becoming cookie cutter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pavan gowtham
Ken Follett's triple is memorable to me because it is one of the first adult oriented novels I read. The story is about secret agent Nat Dickstein who has the impossible mission of stealing 200 tons of uranium, without anyone else knowing about the theft. As with many of his novels, Follett make the reader believe the impossible. There were a few times when I thought Follett pushed the limits of believability, but there were no blatant attempts to insult the reader.
The best thing about this novel is the pacing. I found it impossible to find a place to put the novel down; every page is exciting. This is not unusual for a Follett novel however, as most people will finish one of his books in week.
The only problem I had with this novel deals with the main romance of the story. The two characters go from being almost complete strangers, to waking up in the same bed in only a few pages. I realize that this is a spy novel and not a romance novel, but it would have been possible for Follett to spread it out a little bit more.
Even with the few believability issues, this is still one of the better spy-novels out there. Anyone looking for a good read should pick this book up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin benson
Good story, well written. Almost makes you think it's how it really happened? There were a few things that seemed like they happened a little too easily, just to keep the story moving forward. It's a little dated now, but still a very good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ken Follett is one of my favorite writers, and this book does not disappoint. I was enthralled in the story from the first page. The story line involves a conflict between Israelis and Arabs in 1968, and is full of turns and twists that will keep you on the edge of your chair. This is a highly entertaining book and I recommend it.

Ali Julia review
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoy reading Ken Follett's books and Triple was a good read, however, will not be on my list of favorites. I'm not crazy about the Middle East in general & probably would have liked the book more if it was in a different setting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mai mahrous
Based on a true occurrence, Follett weaves a tale about how an Israeli James Bond absconded with tons of yellow cake uranium in order to enable Israel to enter the nuclear age. There is the predictable love interest and betrayal of old school chums. A ver quick and compelling read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Triple" has all the Ken Follett hallmarks of great plot and great excitement, also with the usual not-so-great kinky sex scenes I could do without. But I listened to this on CD and the narrator does the worst accents I've ever heard. The hero, Nat Dickstein, is supposed to be a Cockney, but his accent sometimes sounds southern U.S. and sometimes New York thug, sometimes other things but never Cockney. Even Dick Van Dyke did it better in Mary Poppins, and that was pretty bad. Lucky the book is so riveting, or I wouldn't have been able to sit throught the whole thing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I hope Ken writes some more Historical History. I read all good historical novels and his are the best. What a talent and it should not be all wasted on espionage. Anyone who has not read his two historical novels is missing the best of the best in historical authenticity woved into the lives of real and fictional characters. Even if you think you do not like historical novels, these two books read in order of publication will change your mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
darcy o
The characters in this thriller are believable and well developed. The storyline has many twists and turns that keep your interest to the conclusion. The setting in the Middle East, and the countries Russia, Egypt and Israel and their spy organizations make interesting reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dennis murphy
If you really want to read a book of action, love and spies, this is the book you have to read, from the first page to the last, you will be interested in the story of all the persons involved, including the 5 years old child.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed triple a lot only problem was it was too complex for a follett work and at times I had trouble keeping up with all that was happening and who was who. It took a while to get into for me as well, which is rare for a follett book. But Overall it was a great story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
colleen besselievre
A great book. I think even a little better than Eye of the Needle but that may because the movie version of 'Eye' was really bad.
I enjoyed this book and I thought the action was great. One of my all time favourites.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
david konefal shaer
Follett takes a set of not quite believable characters and blends them together into a story that flows smoothly. If you like espionage, intrigue and sex mixed in with a little Mafia, a touch of academia, a smidgen of nuclear threat, and the high seas, you'll probably like this book. As in so many modern American novels, the firm porn (midway between soft and hard) is a little monotonous unless you happen to have a bit of the peeping Tom in you. Like so much in this fantastic story it is contrived but folded smoothly into the storyline. When I began skipping over the heavy breathing and anatomical explorations the story improved measurably.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read this book many years ago and couldn't put it down. It was one of the first Follett novels I had read. It definitely contributed to my getting "hooked on Follett". If you haven't read many of his books, make this one of your first.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
robert magness
This book was a decent book but i felt that how almost all the characters in the book knew each other was a little to coincidental.

Also some parts of the books seemed rushed as if he was saving pages. I guess this could also be taken for fast moving depending on how you want to look at it.

For a real good fast paced exciting book i would look to Vince Flynn and his reocurring character Mitch Rapp.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chitra tarigopula
Follett takes a set of not quite believable characters and blends them together into a story that flows smoothly. If you like espionage, intrigue and sex mixed in with a little Mafia, a touch of academia, a smidgen of nuclear threat, and the high seas, you'll probably like this book. As in so many modern American novels, the firm porn (midway between soft and hard) is a little monotonous unless you happen to have a bit of the peeping Tom in you. Like so much in this fantastic story it is contrived but folded smoothly into the storyline. When I began skipping over the heavy breathing and anatomical explorations the story improved measurably.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read this book many years ago and couldn't put it down. It was one of the first Follett novels I had read. It definitely contributed to my getting "hooked on Follett". If you haven't read many of his books, make this one of your first.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book was a decent book but i felt that how almost all the characters in the book knew each other was a little to coincidental.

Also some parts of the books seemed rushed as if he was saving pages. I guess this could also be taken for fast moving depending on how you want to look at it.

For a real good fast paced exciting book i would look to Vince Flynn and his reocurring character Mitch Rapp.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin carey infante
I have enjoyed Ken follett for hs epic stories, second to none, like the pillars of the earth or the recent century series. Triple is very different, but for the quality of the story telling. It is a classic international spy thriller, like many others around, but with the special follett touch: deep characters, complex human interactions and a well researched background. This is a page turner of great quality. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
n l hoffmann
I bought this book for a recent plane trip, and it was perfect read.

While there are some shortcomings in what or how certain things can happen, a short suspension of belief of what is "real" in this type of book is something I am willing to give and do not let it get in the way of having a "fun read"
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