Origin (A Lux Novel)

ByJennifer L. Armentrout

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven jamal

*CONTAINS SPOILERS* (But I try really hard to be vague)

I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up Origin. I have read series where my OTP are separated for an entire book and it is beyond frustrating so I was utterly THRILLED when Daemon did what he did. But in saying that, even before he "did what he did", the build up was just as exciting. I couldn't put this book down. It was epic and utterly swoonworthy and did I mention epic? I laughed, cried, er... swooned! That one scene near the end? You know the one I'm talking about. Holy wowsers! That played out like some of the best movies I've ever seen! I was on the metaphorical edge of my seat the whole time. And then the end end scene? Yeesh. The time between Origin and the next book is going to drraaaggg. I need to know what happens STAT.

JLA outdid herself with this book and I can't wait to read it again... Possibly tomorrow! When I recover from the shock and swooning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jimmy phillip
This whole series is really amazing. All the characters are wonderfully written. You have to love daemon and Katy. They are goals. The plot is great. It took me awhile to read this book because I was worried about where the series was going to go and I was worried that the book was going to separate daemon and Katy for a long time but it doesn't take long for them to find each other- at least not as long as I was expecting it to take so if you are worried about that, don't. Great series. You're 3 books in. Might as well read the 4th and 5th
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cj dainton
I just can't get enough of this series! Seriously! I loved the dual-POV from Katy and Daemon. I am so glad that I didn't come across this series until it had ended. I think I might have gone crazy and all stalker on the author to hurry up and finish it. Okay, maybe not quite to that extent, but wow....

I am sitting here on pins and needles with how this one ended and nervous about what might happen in the next book.

Seriously..... this is a must-read series!
The First Covenant Novel (Covenant Series) (Volume 1) :: Brave (A Wicked Trilogy) (Volume 3) :: Unchained (Nephilim Rising Book 1) :: A de Vincent Novel (de Vincent series) - Moonlight Sins :: Fall With Me (Wait for You)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I hardly know what to say after finishing Origin. The last three chapters were so intense that I actually had to take temporary breaks while I was reading. It was just so ... intense (I can't think of a better word here). And what in the world does that ending mean? Another cliffhanger? REALLY?

Origin displays all of the things that make a Jennifer Armentrout book so wonderful to read. There is heart-pounding action, surprise twists, and completely swoon-worthy romantic moments. Even with all the breaks I had to take at the end in order to give my heart time to recover I still found the entire book difficult to put down. You know those books you have to carry with you everywhere so that you can sneak some reading in at every available moment in the day? Yeah. This is one of those books.

The book begins with Katy imprisoned by the secret government agency, Daedalus. They try to confuse things a bit, making themselves to be the good guys and the Luxen to be the bad guys. I wasn't a huge fan of Obsession, Jen's VERY adult book that focused on the Arum, but I do think that having read that book made the events of this book easier to understand. Things are definitely not so black and white, and Katy begins to see that to some extent. But it is hard to sympathize a lot with a group of people who are keeping you captive and have harmed your loved ones. While Katy is captured Daemon is doing all he can to figure out how to save her. I won't spoil anything to say how he manages to rescue her from a highly secure government facility. I'll just say that fans of Daemon and Katy do not need to worry that they will be separate for this story. They find each other soon enough, thank goodness.

What happens after this escape is just insane. Absolutely insane. Government conspiracy theorists should really like the direction this story takes. I spent the last half of the book almost in disbelief, hardly believing that something like this could actually happen in real life. But, then again, this is a story about aliens living among us, so I should probably get over myself for a bit and just go with the flow and put some reality aside to enjoy the story. The government in this story is just so bad. So, so bad. Creepy bad.

So ... what I liked about this story:

Daemon. Love him! He is strong. He is protective. He is snarky. And, oh how he loves Katy! This is not a story about any angst between two people in love. No. Daemon is all in for this one. This is a story about how far someone is willing to go in order to protect the person he loves. And Daemon is willing to go far. Way far.

Katy is great in this story as well. I really kind of miss the book loving blogger who was just trying to live her high school life among aliens from the first books in this series. Now Katy is neck deep in alien politics, and things are not pretty for her. She did a great job in this story working through all of the mess that the government threw at her. If there was ever any doubt about Katy's strength, by the end of this book there shouldn't be.

The little shout out to Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins. That was super cute.

With all that there is to like in this book, I still found enough that didn't thrill me to knock a star off of my rating. There is a big reveal in this book (which I won't spoil) that was so totally Breaking Dawn in nature that I had to roll my eyes. A lot. It's fine. It doesn't ruin the story and it adds a new element of intrigue to things, but it just didn't sit quite right with me as it was introduced. But, like I say, it doesn't ruin things. And, to be honest, as much as the ending had my heart pumping, at a certain point things were almost too dramatic. I felt like I was in the middle of an alien soap opera drama. Not a bad one. A great one. Really. But part of me wished for a return to the types of drama faced in the beginning books of this series. That drama was quite a bit calmer and more focused on emotions and things like that. This drama is definitely more along the level of drama you find in an action movie. But having said that, it only slightly takes away from the overall story. This is still a very enjoyable story and series ... one that I can never put down as I am reading.

Warning ... people die in this one. So much tragedy. And there is very little time to process much of what happens. Just prepare yourself.

Overall this is another great addition to the Lux universe by Jennifer Armentrout. I can't wait to see how it all ends with the final book published next year. Next year! How am I supposed to wait so long? Right now things look VERY grim for Daemon, Katy, and company. Four stars!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tom sheehan
I have been reading this series without stopping up until this book, and it was almost unbearable until the second half. Like the author wasn't even trying at first - way too much forced pop culture references and attempts at unnecessary humor. The cliches killed me. But, luckily, about halfway through the writing improved and was back to amazing like the first three books were. Onto the 5th in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This fourth book in the series absolutely blew my mind and I was on the edge of the seat throughout the whole book. Jennifer Armentrout truly out did herself and I didn't think this series could get any better but it sure did! I have been infatuated with the Lux series since Obsidian and there was a long stretch of wait time for Origin to come out, it was well worth the wait!! I was consumed with the book the whole day and I could not put it down. Origin had enough action, romance and suspense combined. There were new characters introduced, crossover characters from her other book Obsession and new information revealed that helps you understand why certain things happened and you realize that there is good and evil between each species. Let me warn you in advanced, you will be SHOCKED at some of the events that occur that would literally have your mouth drop open. I love how Jennifer Armentrout has the ability to make you laugh out loud on certain pages, teary-eyed in others, and I must say that this book has been an emotional roller coaster that I do not want to get off! I highly recommend this book and this series to everyone!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raegan butcher
Explosive action and neverending fatal situations pervade the pages of ORIGIN, the most trilling entry to-date in the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Clutch your pillows, kittens, and prepare yourself for plenty of swoons, as well! Daemon is on a rampage, and there is nothing he wouldn't do to rescue Katy. He makes even the worst kind of destruction look sexy.

The explanation behind the (Katy-less) cover is revealed early on in ORIGIN. And I warn you, from the moment that Daemon first goes all "Luxen" on his community in the beginning, to the one-helluva shocker of an ending, you simply WILL NOT be able to put this book down. Trust me on that. I took my Kindle everywhere while reading ORIGIN. I even had to "extend" a lunch break or two and hide out from the kiddo in the bathroom just to get in one... more... page!

I have to admit, Katy and Daemon with their love out in the open is my favorite kind of Katy and Daemon of all. The fact that they now share moments of the most toe-curling kind of romance (moments that are full of proclamations of their adoration for each other as well as lots of kissing and then some) with equally awesome and giggle-inducing moments involving traded insults and plenty of snark and sass (all deliciously coated in love, of course) does nothing to diminish our connection with this widely beloved pair. The fact that they are finally together does not mean that their troubles are over, either. Oh no... Instead, their love just throws a whole new wrench into the problems looming over their heads as well as those yet to arrive over the horizon. The fact that these two obviously love each other so much makes the fact that they are separated all the more harder for the reader to deal with.

...But deal with it, you must. Things will not not be easy for either Katy nor Daemon in ORIGIN.

From page one, ORIGIN will have you sitting on your heels and biting your fingernails to the quick with anxiety and anticipation. Will Daemon ever reach Katy? What will Daedalus do with her now that Katy is in their clutches? Will either one of them come out of this on the other side as the same person they were before? All this and more will be answered within these 400+ (quickly read) pages. Within ORIGIN you will learn exactly what it is that the Daedalus is up to. You will form allegiances with sides you have most likely questioned in the past and you will question those whom you thought you could always trust. Most importantly of all: the meaning behind the title, ORIGIN, will be revealed. It's a biggie.

Jennifer shows no mercy in ORIGIN - no mercy for the characters and no mercy for the state of the world by the book's end. They weren't kidding when they said that Daedalus could cause a person to develop severe physical and emotional issues once they've gotten their hands on you. Prepare yourself for some difficult scenes involving torture, brutality, illness and unbelievable science, not to mention the occasional (sometimes gruesome) death. That aside, while the new truth of Katy's world is terrifying, there's nothing here that Jennifer's fans can't handle.

I can honestly say that I had no idea where ORIGIN was going to take me, even as I blasted my way through its pages. The direction in which the story heads, as well as the changing motivations of the characters themselves as events unfold, took me completely by surprise... over and over again!

A racing plot full of unpredictability and action makes ORIGIN one of the most thrilling books I have read all year. AND THAT ENDING!!! Gah! I can tell you this much: Jennifer has set things up for what is guaranteed to be one INSANE conclusion to the series in book five.

To say that ORIGIN is, thus far, my favorite entry in the series is a huge understatement.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
topher kohan
Yeah that is pretty much my response to this next book in The "Lux" series. Warning: if you don't like cliffhangers then you will want to wait until the rest of the books come out in this series because this author has cliffhanger endings down pat. Like she wrote the book on how to make cliffhangers. Lol. Seriously though even if you have to wait until all the books in the series are released you need to put this down on your "to be read" list. No matter what genera you like romance, sci-fi, suspense, teen, adult it doesn't matter this series has something for everyone to fall in love with. It is a MUST READ!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I truly love this series so much. This book caught my attention from the first sentence. I was on the edge of my seat just wanting to know how things were going to work out. Daemon and Katy's story is a wonderful love story. They continue to get all types of problems thrown their way, but they prevail. All of the characters are fantastic. I love this series and cannot wait for the next book. I am hoping that Daemon and Katy get their happily ever after, after all the torment and pain they have endured to stay together. All characters in this book deserve a happily ever after. Kudos to the author. This was a fantastic read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mattaca warnick
Jennifer L. Armentrout has written another fun, addictive installment to the Lux series. The twists are somewhat predictable but the action scenes more than make up for excessive foreshadowing and slow romance. "Origins" filled us in about a lot of what Daedalus has been up to presented an interesting combination of conspiracy theory and the ethics of DNA manipulation.
Bouncing back and forth between Katy and Daemon's point of view was a welcome addition- they are finally starting to understand the negative effects of keeping secrets. I truly look forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda ryan
I hope you are following this book series because it is a great series. This is the major culmination of cliff hangers and as they say the poop has hit the proverbial fan. I really enjoyed reading both points of view between Katy and Daemon. It is really good to see the strength they have in their relationship and in each other. I read this book twice because I had to make sure I did not miss anything in my rush to read through it the first time. I also enjoyed reading about the Origins, a nice plus to this book series....I don't want to give away anything so that you can enjoy reading this yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
v ctor
Origin is the latest installment of Armentrout's Lux series, which is an absolute must read set of books! Hot sarcastic aliens fighting deadly arch-nemesis aliens while trying remain unseen by humans and stay off a powerful government agencies' radar... What's not to love!? Daemon Black (hot sarcastic alien) is a total dreamboat, who would "burn the world" to save his leading lady, Katy. The entire series is full of witty writing and frustratingly awesome cliffhanger endings that will make you want to read the entire series in one sitting. Origin itself picks up right where we are left quite literally hanging at the end of Opal, and is an action packed read full of twists and turns that will keep you on your toes the entire time. I cannot freaking wait to see what she has in store for us in Opposition!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tyrese patterson
This ending to the series is satisfying on so many fronts. Armentrout is a fantastic writer. I did find myself skipping through some of the romance because there wasn't as much tension as I look for, but I think many readers will still enjoy seeing these two characters have their moments.

I'd love to read Luke's story and hope Armentrout will consider sharing that with her fans at some point.

I wish so many secondary characters didn't have to die. After a while it felt gratuitous, as if only couples who were in love could survive. But I did think that it was realistic for Katie's mom to die, even though her death was devastating. I do wish the author had taken the time to show us the impact of all these deaths on the characters, but I think grief is a difficult subject to write and this is a romance with a happily ever after ending, after all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen kelchner
Another great addition to the Lux Series and another cliffhanger! This book had so much going on (in a good way!) that I literally couldn't put it down. I have always enjoyed this series and was really looking forward to what was going to happen to Katy. Of course Daemon (being Daemon) wasn't going to let her go and his love for her really showed. There were answers to questions from the last book, and now more questions as to what is going to happen in the next book. I prefer not to give any spoilers but it's safe to say that if you are a fan of the series you will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle robb
OMG...I have been waiting to see what happens with Daemon & Kat and everyone else.
Jennifer DID NOT disappoint. What a story. I am not even sure where to start - The book starts off where the 3rd one left off. It gives SOOO much information about more details into the what the DOD are doing and what the title of the book "origin" actually means. I really enjoyed getting to know a new character Archer - Reminds a LOT of Hunter...I also like Luc's part in the book...
I cannot wait for the 5th and final book. I will SOOO miss this series, but I have also LOVED this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul segal
I have loved this series since day 1!! Jennifer didn't disappoint with book 4!

In Book 3 we were left with a HUGE HUGE HUGE cliffhanger and Origin picked up right there. Katy wasn't doing well, but don't worry Daemon will save the day!!!!

But, there are bigger troubles on the horizon...BIG BIG BIG ONES!!! Now no one knows who to trust and not too! It's a all out world!

BUT, there are a couple romantic moments with Katy and Daemon and a HUGE surprise that I DIDN'T SEE COMING!!!!

All I can see is ......... bring on book 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of thee best well written and page turner book I've ever read (and I read quite a lot) I could picture the book like an awesome movie that has me at the edge of my seat!! All those restless nights is so not regretted, only thing I regret is reading so fast I have to wait several months for the next one to come out *pause* sighs...

Anyways this is an AWESOME YA book and series (there are 3.5 books before this one). You will not regret it I promise (I've ditched my friends for days because of this series...dead serious)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cecily williams
Wow...simply wow. This installment brought so much insight to everything that has happened prior. The characters are pushed to their limits, trust, deceit, loss, new revelations, and armageddon all rolled into one very captivating novel. Emotions are so sky high that you have no choice but to feel for each character and their actions, even the ones that you may not have liked in the earlier reads. Such a great series. Now on to the final installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Aren't rout did it again!!!! Holly alien babies!!!! That was a hell of a story!!! And wat makes it better is that there's more!!!! I definitely do not want to spoil this for anyone so I won't be specific on my review but it was an intense ride! There was love,sex, angst, sadness, excitement, and lots of butt kicking!!! Katy is awesome!!! And daemon just gets better and better!!! I recommend this to everyone!!! And I cannot wait for the next book!!!! Seriously it's going to be wild!!! But Jesus!!! No more cliffhangers please!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandy f
This was a pretty good book and continuation of the Lux series. A bit slow to start, but it picked up fast. I totally saw the Dawson and Bethany thing. I wonder if it will happen to Kat too. The origins were crazy! And the ending....I totally didn't see that happening. Overall, there were a lot of crazy stuff that happened that I didn't see coming. Good read and I'm anxious to see how this series will end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Origin is the first book in the series that allows readers to see a glimpse from Daemon Black's point of view. The story draws a reader in
before the end of the first paragraph! Written in the view of both Katy Swartz, and Daemon Black, Jennifer Armentrout tugs on heartstrings
from the very beginning.

Katy, taken captive by the DOD, and Daemon, threatening the world to save her. Origin is brilliantly written with an Obsession cross over,
POV shifts, and fun YA "shout outs".

Origin is easily my favorite book of the series thus far. I could not put it down and literally laughed, cried, yelled, and gasped out loud! We
visit some old characters, and meet some new and intriguing characters along the way. There is love, death, betrayal, and revenge.

Origin will take you on a sweet alien baby roller coaster of feels - go out and read it NOW!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennifer Armentrout, you are FABULOUS! Every time I read a new book of yours I'm a always left wanting MORE MORE MORE! And Origin was no different... It had everything I have come to LOVE about this series & MORE!! I absolutely LOVED the tie in from Obsession (which was soooooo good & if you haven't read yet, do yourself a favor and read it... Soon!!) & I am not looking forward to the torturous wait until the next installment. Bravo Jennifer, thank you once again for such an exciting, heart pound, edge of my seat, & let's not forget sexy, ride... Because that is exactly what Origin was!! I look forward to the next time I am able to get thrown into a spin cycle of emotions & become completely hypnotized by these characters & their story! Keep up the GREAT work!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle rae
So many feels!!!!!!!! Gah! Loved this book. It got a little bit governmental, but I don't care because I love Daemon and Katy so much!

I really have no other words for this novel because "love" pretty much explains it all.

If you have not read JLA's novels, you have not lived. Get them. Read them. Love them. That is all.

(Thanks JLA for another great novel in this series, and just plain writing great books!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ok so I love basically everything Jennifer L Armentrout writes but Origin has got to be my favourite so far. I want Opposition so bad right now. I loved the switching POVs, mainly because I loved getting inside Daemons head ;) Some parts of the book I was WTF?!?! I cannot believe that just happened!!!
I love Archer, I was so hoping that he was going to be one of the.... nah I can't say, you will have to read Origin to find what he is or isn't. Micah and the other kids, well they are a little creepy but I hope we get to see more of them in the next book.
Origin will definetly take you on a rollercaoster ride of emotions but it is so worth it :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
toledo t j
Great books, made me close the book in frustration and open it again multiple times, just because I'm like that. (Not in bad frustration, in good frustration.(If that makes sense.) Product arrived on time, and in perfect condition. I was very happy with my purchase.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terika brown
I love this series - from Daemon's smart remarks to Kat's personality. I just reread the previous 3 (plus the novella) to read this new addition and I think that this one was the best! I couldn't put it down and although I knew that this one would probably end like the others, with a cliffhanger but wow - I can't believe what happened at the end! Please don't be too long in publishing the next!!! I'm dying to know what happened.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt clemons
I absolutely love this series! I couldn't wait for this book to come out after how the last part ended. It's amazing because I didn't need to reread the last part because everything was still there in my mind like it was ingrained.

These stories are so well written that they stick with you. The ending to this will keep me on my toes u til next summer when the last book comes out. The next book is called Opposition.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennifer, you've done it again! This series just keeps getting better and better. Jennifer L. Armentrout (J. Lynn) is by far by favorite author. All of her books pull you in and keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time, Origin was no different. I want to gush the crap out of this book, but I know I will give A LOT away. So, to save people from spoilers I will just say READ IT!!! I can't wait for the 5th book now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mariana guzman
A very exciting "next chapter" in the Lux series. Jennifer Armentrout is a masterful story teller. Like her previous books, her sense of humor ran a current throughout "Origins" making me literally laugh out loud. Also in keeping with her previous books, Origin ends on a cliffhanger that makes waiting for book five excruciating. Argh!!! I am also looking forward to the "Obsidian" movie as the rights to it were just recently purchased. If you haven't read the Lux series, you absolutely MUST!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark bradley
Aaaaaaagh! Holy alien babies..... JLA you did it again! I absolutely frikken loved this all action incredibly fast moving book. BUT did we have to have another clinging by your nails cliffhanger?!?! Really?!?! If you love this series but loathe cliffhangers I would suggest you wait until book 5 is released before you read this... This story is epic! Love, love, love it ....... but now I must wait.......AGAIN!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard stomp
What a joy ride.. these books are just phenomenal!! I can't get enough of these books. They just completely rock!! I have to say this is my favorite book so far, even though we lost some of our Lux team (won't tell ya who.. you'll have to read it) I can't wait for the next book to come out, I hope we don't have to wait to long!! Jenn you completely rock, girl, you sure know how to write an awesome series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca wilcox
Wow! This one....This one just......*sigh*This one just blew me away! I seriously tried to take my time reading this one. You know,read a chapter.Clean something.Read a chapter. Do laundry.Read another chapter. Acknowledge husband,kids and friends! All this great planning went right. out.the.window!! It was about 3am and 90% that Mr.Sandman demanded my attention so I gave myself a couple of good z's,then finished.*big sigh*
If your reading this to get an idea of what's going to happen in this book, your crazy!! Jump in head first!! So much happens in this one it will make your head spin! Really,REALLY wishing Opposition was out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela to
Wow! The 4th book of this series was AMAZING! Totally worth staying up till midnight to order and then into the wee hours of the morning to read. Folgers coffee thanks Jennifer Armentrout because without a doubt there are hundreds of us slogging our way through the day powered on coffee from staying up all night.

Can't wait for book 5! I want to know what Daemon Black can really do!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie manning
Initial Reaction: I just finished the book..... and I'm speechless..... that ending..... Daemon...... I can't....... I can't even...... asdfghjkl;

Okay, I'm going to attempt to 'review' this book and refrain from too much fangirling. First of all, I think it's obvious that I absolutely loved it! So much stuff happened and it was so action-packed! But there were also really beautiful, tender moments between Daemon & Katy. Which leads me to.... Daemon.... *sigh* I absolutely love me some Daemon Black. And being in his head and seeing how he thinks and how much he loves his Kitten was just ahhh-mazing! I loved uncovering the mystery behind the title. I loved meeting the new character, Archer. And I absolutely loved every single page of this book! That ending.... pretty much left me writhing in agony as I await the sequel. Jennifer- you are a freakin' genius (kind of evil.....), but still a literary genius! <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I don't understand how I keep getting sucked into this series! Run while you can!! I was going to wait to read Origin since the 5th book (Opposition) doesn't come out for a while. I just opened it for a second! I swear! Now here I am, not even 48 hours later, sleep deprived and gasping for breath. Thats what this book will do to you!!

There really isnt much to say without giving spoilers. If you like the series, this one will nail you to the floor. Although there are some pretty outstanding parts (the entire last quarter will have you screaming "Whaaaat?!!") the entire book from page 1 to the last word is garanteed to keep you enthralled (and drooling over Deamon. Just sayin'). This book manages to hit every emotion with an unexpected suckerpunch.

This book hangover is likely to end me...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jc moretta
I have been anxiously awaiting this book, love the whole series. This did not disappoint! It was so good, I had a hard time putting it down, done reading it in just over 24 hours. It is so well written, you find yourself living this story along with the characters. Found myself laughing, cringing and close to tears at different points in the book. The end leaves me hanging, with a surprising twist of course. But this just means we get to anticipate another book. Already looking forward to it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cameron husom
OMG! Daemon just keeps getting better. This book had me at the edge of my seat the whole time. It was filled with lots of action and crazy unexpected twists. And of course it still had the fun cocky banter between Kat & Daemon that I love so much. I cannot wait for the final book.
If you love action, drama, romance, and awesome bad boys then you should definitely read this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series takes star crossed lovers to a whole new level. Daemon and Katy have more than just their future in their hands. Their decisions in this book effect humans, Lux, hybrids, Arum and the newly discovered Origins. Mistakes are made, they are betrayed once again, lives are lost, and the world goes to hell. I seriously cannot wait for the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a well written story. Another cliff hanger ending. I am not telling what happens just that it is good. I normally can't stand cliff hanger endings since it is almost like blackmail but Jennifer knows how to do them. I can't wait for the next book! No rush. I want all the goodness that has been in this series. I have read other stories of Jennifer and I must say it is well worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you're looking into reading this book, then you've probably already read Obsidian, Onyx, Opal, and quite possibly even Shadows. If you haven't ... then turn back now as you've got some catching up to do!

This book is the game changer for the entire series. You have chapters in Katy's POV as well as Daemon's. There's more action than all of the other books combined. The introduction of a new race. And the fact that Jennifer has no issues killing off main characters will keep you on your toes as an all out war begins.

While I was reading this book, so many thoughts filtered through my head. Seriously! If you tried to filter through them, it would probably look a little something like this:

** Poor Katy! I love Daemon! Screw Blake. Haha Blake. I hate Nancy. Origins? Oooh. That child is psychotic. Mmm. He needs to die. Her too. Awe hell. Can we just burn them all?? Wait! Where's the next page?? It ended? WHY!!! Now I have to wait!! **

In all seriousness, I absolutely loved this book. I'm a huge fan of this series and cannot wait to see how Jennifer will finish the series (and break my heart with the thought of no more Daemon and Katy continuations.)

This book does have another ending that just, well, ends. As Opal did. The kind where you look at your book (or kindle) for a few minutes in a blank stare, hoping that more pages will just magically appear. And when they don't, you'll feel like you're going to go mad because you know that Opposition isn't slated to come out until next year. Here's to hoping that time flies by!!
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