Brave (A Wicked Trilogy) (Volume 3)

ByJennifer L. Armentrout

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My reading of this series has been quite...sporadic. I read Wicked less than a month after it released, and I remember liking it a whole heck of a lot. But then I didn't read Torn until...yesterday. Seriously. So it's been years since I started this series. Mostly because I wanted to binge read books 2 and 3 -- which I did. And, honestly, I'm glad I did because I got SO into it. As for Brave in and of itself, this was an intense, solid finale.

One of my favorite things about Brave is the massive growth we see in Ivy. She's come a long way in these three books, and seeing where she stood at the end of it all was so satisfying. Another one of my favorite things about Brave was, of course, Tink. He's been a fun character since the beginning, but he truly stepped up as an amazing, caring friend in this one and I loved it.

Then there's the icing on top of the Wicked cake -- Ren. I'll admit, I got frustrated with him (and, at some points, Ivy) at certain moments throughout the book. But through it all, he is worth ALL of the swoons. He's supportive, he's kind, he's protective, and gosh darn it he's seriously effing hot. Seeing his and Ivy's relationship walk through fire and come out stronger in the end was the BEST.

As always, Jennifer L. Armentrout has written a book that I couldn't have put down if I tried. There was so much packed into this book, it was kind of impossible to get bored. Not to mention the expertly written plot points...that I'm not going to say more about, because I'm not giving anything away. HOWEVER, I will say that there was one certain thing that was supposed to be a reveal kind of thing, but I'd figured it out waaaay earlier. So that didn't have quite the impact it could have.

Also, in terms of things that made this a great read as opposed to a perfect read, there were certain aspects that I personally just wasn't a fan of, namely things done in the Otherworld. It didn't ruin the book for me (obviously), but if you look at my rating and think "why not 5?" -- welp, those are my two little reasons why: lost impact on THING, and certain aspects that didn't work for me personally.

Overall, Brave was an incredibly satisfying conclusion to Ivy and Ren's story. If you're looking for some kickass paranormal romance, I absolutely recommend getting your hands on the Wicked trilogy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Brave is the third and final (I think) installment in Jennifer's Wicked Saga and it was a very fitting ending. I loved the first book in the series, but was a tad disappointed in Torn so I was a little apprehensive starting Brave, but I needn't have worried. Jennifer isn't one of my all-time fave authors for nothing.

Ivy isn't in a great place when we catch up to her, not surprising after the ordeal she suffered at Prince Drake's hand in the last book. Ren is amazingly patient with her, even if I wanted him to push her a little more to open up. When she finally let him in, it was great to see them gel again as a couple and they presented a united front from that point on, and I loved it! They are so perfect together and the romance was gorgeous and spot on.

Tink is fantabulous again, and his interactions with Prince Fabian were so funny! Don't even get me started on the trunk full of trolls; I laughed so hard at that scene.

Brave had plenty of the action which I felt was missing from Torn and it was a seamless blend of action-adventure, romance, mystery, and fae politics.

Is it just me or was it left quite open-ended? Don't get me wrong, we have closure for Ivy and Ren and a potential happy future, but the story of the evil Queen, the crystal, and the portals between realms isn't resolved indefinitely. I wonder if Jennifer plans to write a spin-off at some point?

Anyway, while this series isn't at the top of my list of favorite JLA series, it's still an entertaining read, with great characters, witty banter, swoony romance, and decent world building.

Overall, Brave is a solid conclusion to the Wicked Saga. Fans of this series, and this author, won't be disappointed.

I received an ARC from the author (thank you so much, Jennifer) and I am voluntarily reviewing same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Brave picks up almost immediately where Torn left off. Ivy is recovering at Hotel Good Fae while trying to decide their next steps in defeating the prince.

The first 50 pages of Brave are intense and amazing. Ivy is dealing with the memories of being held captive. She, understandably, makes poor decisions and is forced to deal with the consequences. I absolutely loved this opening sequence because Armentrout showcases her incredible ability in understanding Ivy’s trauma and corresponding emotional state. Throughout these opening pages the focus is almost solely on Ivy. Ren and Tink are very much on the periphery in terms of their ability in helping Ivy recover. The Wicked trilogy is Ivy’s story, not Ivy and Ren’s story, and that fact is made abundantly clear in this novel.

This New Adult Fantasy trilogy is one of the best I’ve read, however the magic system and the Royal Courts of Winter and Summer are not expanded upon with enough detail. I was hoping Brave would expand on the fae’s magical abilities, but, unfortunately, it does not, which is made more frustrating by the introduction of new fae. I also would have liked more information about the Winter and Summer Courts to ground my understanding of the fae’s abilities and history.

Ivy and Ren’s relationship is one of the best aspects of this trilogy. It’s realistic in its portrayal of their flaws and weaknesses. Ren is as swoon worthy as they come, but he’s far from perfect. He makes mistakes with devastating consequences. Too often in the New Adult genre male love interests are portrayed as perfect in all things, especially relationships (even when they’ve never been in one). So, Ren is a breath of fresh air.

Overall, Brave is a great conclusion to the Wicked trilogy. It’s action packed, but with an almost laser like focus on Ivy’s development. This trilogy is definitely one of the better New Adult Fantasy novels on the market so don’t miss out!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly thompson
I'm always wary when it comes to conclusion books. Most of the time it's not as exciting or enthralling as the first book and you might not get all the answers you need. JLA did a great job, however, of keeping the reader's attention and also giving you all the answers you need. There's a lot of internal growth, processing, and development in terms of Ivy herself and in terms of her relationship with Ren. Sure, there were some action scenes thrown in here and there, but for the most part, it's all about Ivy. All day, every day. I guess I would say that I'm torn with it, I liked it, but I didn't love it.

One thing I will say is that when you read a JLA book, you know you're reading a JLA book. She definitely sticks to her own formula, her brand of snark, humor, romance and pop culture references galore. What everyone comes to know and love about JLA is prominent throughout all of her books and this one is no different. Sometimes it works and I love it, other times, it's overkill and I have to admit, this walked the line. There were moments I liked, but moments where it felt a tad cheesy/unnecessary. If that's your thing though, then you'll love this.

There also wasn't nearly enough of Tink and his ridiculousness. I definitely would've liked to his character develop more and to learn more about him.

All this to say again, I liked it in the way that I read the series and I liked knowing how it ends. Was it one of my favorites from Jen? Not really. In any case, this was a solid and satisfying conclusion to this series. There's room for more, definitely, but the way it ends makes me feel good about the series in general. If you've loved the rest of the series, then you'll want to see how it all ends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
richard schranz
So, I still think more books were needed. I loved reading Brave, it was honestly a fantastic experience going back to these characters I love so much.
The relationship between Ren and Ivy just keeps getting better and better, it's definitely one of my favorites in the universe. It's so perfectly unperfect, so out-of-this-world extraordinary and yet strangley realistic. They feel like a very real couple that watches tv shows together while cuddling. Lol
But yeah, their scenes were my favorite part of this book, every one of them. Also, because it was SO satisfying after Thorn, where they were separated for such a long time, to have them like this in this book.
Now, Tink just keeps getting better and I don't even know how that's possible. We get to see a whole different side of him here, yet he's still somehow the same Tink we all know and LOVE!
What made this book so great for me were the characters and their relationships, they all get an A+.
Now, there were some moments that I've waited for ever since I read book 1. And we finally got to them in this book. The thing is, I'm not really sure how I feel about them.
I felt excited, even shocked when I read them. But after looking back, after finishing the book... They also kind of feel like an easy way out? Like, it's the last book, we have to give closure to every problem and this way we shorten everything up... I don't know, I didn't love that. And I'm not saying that's how it was, I'm saying that's how it feels to me and that I didn't love the way of doing it.
This includes a couple plot-twists there that I'll be completely honest, I NEVER saw coming, damn.
So, all in all, I did like the book, I love the story and the characters, but like I've said ever since Thorn, I think the trilogy could've handled some plots way better, even if it meant more books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
batac slothboy
With a final ending to the Wicked series, the series that made me fall in love with the city of New Orleans, the fae both good and evil, and the ones that hunt them down. I applaud Jennifer L Armentrout for bringing to life the fantasy life that should have existed instead of this one.
Trust me, the world would have been a lot better with Ren and Ivy in it. I guess I will settle for the not so fictional world with them in it.
This book was beautifully heartbreaking as majority of Armentrout’s books are.

To read: Wicked, Torn, Brave.

Ivy is Brave... as are the other characters such as Ren, and Tink (my favorite)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The ending of this series had me so emotional. One one hand I am so happy it finally came to a close and Ivy gets her happy ever after, but on the other hand I am sad that it is all over and there will be no more adventures with Ivy. Tink quickly became one of my favorite characters and most definitely one of the funniest. In this stunning conclusion everything finally came to a head. I spent half the book wondering if Ivy was going to have to sacrifice herself in order to save every one else, and that would have definitely been devastated. From start to finish the series had my attention and Jennifer Armentrout continues to hold a spot among my favorite authors. She has yet to disappoint me with any of her books. All of her books come highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I made myself go back and start at the beginning...I read all three books in this series and Brave was just SO good! Watching Ivy be the ultimate strong woman through some crazy, crazy twists and turns was an amazing way to end the series. ( what I'm dying to know is - did anyone else notice that the end of the book said Wicked Sage?!?! More books?? Stories about Tink??) I feel in love with how Ren stuck by Ivy, supported her through some world-rocking information and was just his awesome self. Not everyone would agree with the decisions he made for Ivy, but when the world is ending....what do you do? But even with as awesome Ren is....Tink is still my hero!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
cath wagas
I really liked Wicked and Torn, but for some reason Brave just didn't cut if for me. I don't know if it's because it has been too long since the previous books or just felt repetitive. I think that is what happened. I felt like it was repetitive of previous books written by JLA, I felt like I was reading something that was good, but at the same time it wasn't. I don't know if I just wasn't in the mood to read it or something, but I just was not impress with it.
It had a really good ending and it answered all of my questions. Well, most of my questions, but just getting to the ending dragged a little. Still, love JLA's writing and I will forever read her books!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Okay fellow Armentrout fans, please no hate mail, but I didn't quite love this one as much as the other two. Not because it's not good, because it most definitely is, but because Ivy becomes a huge whiner and I absolutely hated that.
Yeah things are bad, but to whine through almost half the book about the same problem over and over again absolutely killed me.
Will I ever read this book again? yes because the storyline is phenomenal! Definitely pick it up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
asal sepassi
This. This is JLA- how she approached this third book in the Wicked Trilogy; absolutely LOVED this book and how it ended. There are so many possibilities now- she doesn’t just, end, a series. She leaves you thinking and wanting more and just a can’t say how much I loved this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love love love Brave !!!! it was an excellent ending to a phenomenal series. I had so much fun reading this story and I cannot wait to read prince!! Omg the minute I finished this book I started my coutdown clock for the next book ! Brave was a fantastic read and if your wondering if you should read this book the answer is YES as soon as you can !!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
frank kenan
I liked the whole series, but did find myself getting frustrated with the main characters on occasion. I was also very confused about Daniel, was he David in the other books?

I’ll definitely read the prince Novella and learn more about Caden and Brighton.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pedro ranieri

Okay, I received an e-arc in exchange for an honest review for this book, so here it goes.

JLA has been an intricate part of my last two years, as her characters are relatable when it comes to current issues going on in the world, and in the typical JLA fashion, she rips your heart out and stomps on it in the beginning of the book. Ivy obviously suffers from PTSD and struggles with her relationship with Ren and Tink. Although she is physically there, mentally she constantly flashes back to a time where she was the most vulnerable and Drake took advantage of her to get his way. And even though she is strong (which I love because JLA is always consistent with strong female characters) she shows that people aren’t invincible. And even though she is a fictional character, the realness that JLA provides is what keeps us readers coming back for more.

The issue at hand is that the prophecy has to be stopped at all cost—and even though they have reinforcements, it’s questionable if it will actually be stopped. We find out a lot about Drake (PLOT TWIST, JLA!! DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING!!) and we also learn about the very human ability to forgive, which in the face of trauma, is extremely hard.

In their adventures to stopping the prophecy, we get the comic relief of Tink, the sexiness that is Ren and Ivy, and we get some peace with our favorite characters come the end, but that is when the most interesting part, at least for me, comes in. AND THIS IS WHERE I’M GOING TO INCLUDE SOME SPOILERS!!!

Ivy was literally about to be sucked into the Otherworld, and in her caring nature, she told Ren to let go—because it was useless to have them both there. Ren is her kryptonite, and the Queen would definitely use him against her. JLA ended it on a kind of cliff hanger, leaving us to wonder what is going to happen to the Queen, as the Prince “Drake” (AKA Caden!!!!!!) saved Ivy—which in a way is his I’m sorry for all the crap that I did to you. But the Queen has the crystal in the otherworld, and although she can’t come back for some time, SHE CAN STILL COME BACK, JLA!!! So….does that mean spin off? Do we get more of Ivy, Ren, Tink, and get to know more about this Prince Caden? I NEED TO KNOW!!!

Overall, JLA knocked it out of the park and yet again, my feels are killing me. I can’t get enough of these characters, and I can’t wait to see what her next book brings to us (and my feels!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book begins with Ivy still reeling from the events of the previous book. She is lost and struggling to come to terms with all that she’s been through and what it means to her now, and it leaves her confused, distracted grief-stricken and withdrawn. It’s an emotional and angsty time as she pulls away from everybody, but she’s a strong girl, and she has Ren and Tink by her side as she works through it all.

And she needs to do it quickly, because the fae Prince is still out to wreak havoc on the world, and it’s up to Ivy, Ren, their fae allies, and a mysterious stranger, to save the day.

I don’t want to say anything about the story because there are twists and turns as it all unfolds and it’s exciting, fun and surprising, with lots of action and a whole lot of supernatural badassery going down and I couldn’t flip pages fast enough. There’s a nice amount of emotion as it all plays out, too, with Ivy dealing with big changes in her life, as well as facing up to the fight ahead with strength and determination.

And, of course, the romance is absolutely gorgeous as Ivy and Ren’s relationship shifts and changes, their passion for each other continues to sizzle (hot damn!), and their love for each other is beautiful to see.

And Tink continues to be a complete scene stealer – bringing not only his own version of badass, but also some much-appreciated humour. I freaking love that brownie!

The book finishes off The Wicked Saga well, bringing lots of twists and turns but still managing to close off the main storylines, while leaving the door open for more, with a spin-off novella coming soon that I can’t wait to get my hands on!

This was a fun read, and fans of the trilogy will not be disappointed with this big finale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
israa el naggar
Ivy is a strong and snarky girl through the series so far but in this book, you really see her at her most vulnerable.

Her experience with the prince weighs so heavily on her mind that she looses focus for a bit with dire consequences.

New enemies are revealed while new alliances are made and heart breaking revelations follow Ivy wherever she goes.

I would recommend this for lovers of urban fantasy that like more mature dialogue and content.

I have purchased my copy on the store AU.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Brave” was one of the most anticipated reads of the year for me. I adored the first two books of the Wicked Trilogy and couldn’t wait for the finale. This book was classically amazing in natural Jennifer L. Armentrout fashion. (I don’t think she can write a bad book.)
As someone who likes to be a bit analytical - especially since I’ve read JLA’s entire discography - I looked at this book in two parts. Part one was the sort of depressing, but oddly satisfying, part that I like to think of as Ivy earning the title of the book, Brave. “Brave” is all about Ivy and what she’s dealt with in the previous books and how that shapes her. Part one had my nose in stuck in the book, crying and laughing like a crazy person.
Part two included a lot of ass kicking and shocking moments. Surprisingly, this was the part I felt fell short of my expectations. I felt the second half of the book was anti-climactic for the last book in the series. I couldn’t embrace the second half of the book as something that was happening - it didn’t seem real to me. I felt like JLA was adding on more and more of the plot in the second half, when the rest of the plot wasn’t resolved. I honestly kept looking at how many pages I had left and thinking how in the world is she going to tie everything up in this many pages?
The answer - she didn’t. The ending still left a bit of a cliffhanger, with many questions still rolling through my head. I was a bit shocked until I found out that we get a Wicked novella in 2018! (Which I kinda called nearing the end of the book. My exact response to when she deliberately left plot holes: “I see what you’re doing JLA.”) This dramatically changed my viewing of the last book as something not-as-satisfying to it’s-not-over-yet.
Of course I will always recommend JLA books to every person I ever meet, and “Brave” was excellent in its own right. I just think that the series needs another book or two to really expand the series into what it could be. *Wink wink*
Please RateBrave (A Wicked Trilogy) (Volume 3)
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