A de Vincent Novel (de Vincent series) - Moonlight Sins

ByJennifer L. Armentrout

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica trujillo
When I started reading Moonlight Sins, I didn't know what to expect. I started the book only to be engulfed in a world where they made their own rules and where nothing is never has it seems.

When you first meet the three De Vincent brothers, you can already tell that something dark is always hovering around them; probably all the skeletons they have hidden in their closets. De Vincent is a wealthy family that always seems to have tragic stories related to it.

In this book, you follow Lucian De Vincent, the middle brother, who is to me the guy that always acts like he doesn't care about anything at all. He goes through woman after woman like they don't matter really. But I have to give him that he's honest about his intentions. He also seems like the kind of guy who never steps away from a challenge which is probably why Julia Hughes intrigued him so much.

When Dev, the older brother, hired Julia to be the in-home nurse for Lucian's twin sister, Madeline, Lucian went to meet with Julia and see for himself who would be taking care of his sister.

As they interact , something about the way she actually seems to care about the patient and her caring nature gets to him and sets her on his radar, but she also has no clue who she is talking to though she can't deny the attraction.

The same attraction that leads Julia, a girl who never takes risk and who's always thinking thoroughly before making a decision, to invite him inside. Their brief encounter will leave her with more questions than she can answer, until she finally arrives at the De Vincent mansion.

Julia and Lucian start to play a game of mouse and cat as she tries to ignore her attraction to him and while he tries everything to get her to succumb to his charms. Julia is set on doing her job and caring for Madeline whose mysterious condition is leaving everyone in the dark about what happened to her.

The tension is palpable between them and you just want them to finally do something about it. They both get closer as they delve into each other's lives. Julia sees a side of Lucian that no many get to see and he feels like for once in his life, someone is seeing him for who he is and not for what he can give her.

But more than this, there's something going on in this house and Julia is starting to wonder what is going on: footsteps where no one should be, shadows lurking, Madeline's sickness, etc. The mystery is high in this book and you keep wondering if this house is really haunted or if there's more to it than the rumors that have been said over the decades.

What more can I say without spoiling it too much? The three brothers are quite different yet you can deny that they are close. The next book in this series is about Gabriel whom I can't wait to read about, but I will admit that Dev, the older brother, is the one that got me more curious because he really radiates darkness.

Overall, this was a great read filled with mystery after mystery while tangled with romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Moonlight Stars

I didn’t know what to expect from reading Moonlight Sins. I just finished the book and I have to say, Moonlight Sins was a good surprise. Moonlight Sins is mysterious, it has well developed characters and the storyline is flawless. I’m so excited and jumping for joy that I have another Jennifer L. Armentrout (JLA) series to get hooked on.

Moonlight Sins is a standalone and is part of the de Vincent series. Each book (I am assuming) will be focusing on one brother. JLA hasn’t mentioned who the next book will be about, but I hope (fingers crossed) it will be Gabe!

I really enjoyed this book because I love a good mystery thriller with a touch of steam and heavy on the romance. I love the tension between Julia and Lucian and I liked how it was really subtle and slowly crept up on me. If you are a fan of a slow-burn book, then this one is for you.

Julia is a nurse and she has an opportunity to take a job in Louisiana. The job is very hush hush so she takes it on with little detail to what she will be doing.

If only she knew what she was getting herself into.

Lucian’s twin sister shows up after ten years being missing. She’s not herself and needs a nurse to take care of her daily needs. Lucian has no idea what kind of person Julia is, but he likes everything he sees.

The book starts out with a bang and a lot of events start moving forward. You soon realize the house Lucian, his siblings and Julia now live in isn’t what it seems.

Is this book spooky? A little, but it’s not a scary book. Is this book paranormal? Umm… I like it keep this all mystery because I’m evil like that. Also it was fun for me to figure out if it was.

That’s right, the best part of reading this book was ALL the mystery elements to it. JLA has a great way in laying breadcrumbs for the reader to obtain and figure out. Okay and the second best part is the push and pull between Julia and Lucian. I like the interactions they have between each other and I like that each moment they had it either brought them closer together or pushed them apart. It keep me interested in the book.

Moonlight Sins is a meaty book, you get plenty out of it. There’s so much storyline, tension and buildup that your heart will be racing from page one. I love the characters, the side characters and the flow of the story.

You will be questioning EVERYONE, who did what, who is who, who is good and who is bad and is everyone being truthful? Gah, it was deliciously good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
varad pathak
Everything about this book captured my attention from the first page. The characters, the setting, the romance, and mystery were expertly executed to bring together an alluring story about deadly family secrets.

Moonlight Sins is Armentrout at her best. She’s crafted an intricate mystery with complicated family dynamics all housed within a steamy romance. Armentrout has been expanding her writing horizons lately into the mystery genre. Earlier last year (2017), she released Till Death (a murder mystery romance) and now Moonlight Sins. These types of novels she’s writing are thrilling and steamy and I hope she doesn’t stop.

Moonlight Sins follows Julia as she decides to upend her entire life by taking a nursing position in another state. This leads her to meet the de Vincent family, a family shrouded in secrets, sins, and money. Most notably, she meets Lucien. The immediate chemistry between the characters is palpable and only increases. Their romantic tension is off the charts and banter rivals some of the best.

The other de Vincent brothers are just as compelling as Lucien. Gabe’s past is touched upon briefly in Moonlight Sins, so I’m incredibly excited for his story. I found Gabe to be intriguing, relaxed, and sexy. Dev, on the other hand, is mysterious, hard, intimidating, and downright scary at times. The mix of personalities creates interesting dynamics that play out throughout the entire novel and never get repetitive.

Overall, Moonlight Sins was absolutely captivating in everything it accomplished. I kept my review purposely vague because I went into the novel without reading the synopsis and found that it gave the best reading experience. If you’re looking for a steamy romance within an intricate mystery and interesting family politics, look no further. Moonlight Sins will delight you in every way possible.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
miho murakami
This was a spectacular read with twists and turns around every corner that had me holding my breath. It was an exciting web full of secrets and passion! The attention to detail was phenomenal. I thought Moonlight Sins was extraordinary!

The main characters Lucian and Julia were amazing. Right from the start they had this passionate chemistry, the kind that gets under your skin. There was tension and animosity as well as playfulness and fun. I loved Julia's strength and determination, uprooting her life to make positive changes. She was so sweet and caring. Lucian was awesome. He was charming and sexy and arrogant. A part of me wanted to dislike him but somehow he was so endearing and likeable, I fell in love with him.

The de Vincent family was fascinating, I loved learning their history. It's rich and detailed and I honestly felt like I was hanging on every word. I loved the dynamic of the brothers, they had such distinct personalities and I couldn’t get enough. Every chapter felt like a revelation with everything I learned and yet it made me have a million more question. The author has done an incredible job laying a foundation for this series and I cannot wait for the next book.

The precision of the storytelling was spot on. It was a full story full of depth and layers. There were so many I didn't see that coming moments. The build to Julia and Lucian's relationship and to the suspense element were perfect. The mystery happening had me hooked! I was just so blow when I finished the story. I feel like I held my breath through the majority of the story because I was so mesmerized by the intensity, passion, and gripping details. I truly was riveted!

I could go on and on but I’d be repeating myself. It’s something you have to experience for yourself. I HIGHLY recommend this!

Complimentary copy received for honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shara santiago
I received an Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review. Review can be found on *Milky Way of Books*

If you enjoy Jennifer's books, but you also want something darker and mysterious, then the "Moonlight Sins" is for you!
To summarize, take "Dynasty", strip it from its glossy theme song, add a sprinkle of darkness, then topple it with a touch of supernatural. I'm pretty sure that this family has lost the number of Ghostbusters...or even the Winchester brothers.

Julia takes the job of a live-in nurse, taking care of the sister of the famous De Vincent family. All three brothers have lots and LOTS of luggage which would make even the best psychologist tear his diplomas. Devlin, Gabriel and Lucian truly are relevant to the true meaning of their names.(see the hidden meaning!).

For me, Lucian is the alternative version of Seth, who grew in a parallel Earth as a cocky golden boy. With a dark twist. I liked his chemistry with Julia, despite the mistake he did in the beginning. She matches him in his demeanor and attitude, trying to ground him and surely their discussions can make you smile and swoon too.

The house as described by Jennifer is downright scary. I have seen the Southern style of the houses, which look like the ones from "Gone with the Wind" or the ones from "The Princess and the Frog", so I wouldn't want to stay in such a big house. The mystery keeps you on edge and you really wonder if everything is as it seems.

I surely didn't expect the last pages; Jennifer knows how to surprise me as a reader!
And seeing that Gabe is going to be the next brother in the sequel, I'm really excited and anxious about him. Devlin, on the other hand, has a lot to explain and maybe be smacked in the head a couple of times!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abigail lamarine
Moonlight Sins (de Vincent #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
4 stars
M/F Romance, Mystery
Triggers: Suicide, Murder, Cheating, familial relationships
I was given this book for an honest review by Wicked Reads.

This is a slow burn romance novel. Julia and Lucian have a chemistry that is hard to describe. While I hated how they started, the instant heat between them was hard to deny.

Julia is relocating for a new job - she's nervous but knows that her life needs a change. After getting out of a less than stellar marriage, she feels that she can live her life for herself again. While out with her friend for her going away party, she meets a very handsome man and throws caution to the wind... whoops doesn't even begin to cover that when she meets her one night stand again.

Lucian is essentially written as a man whore from the beginning. He's the black sheep of the family and is not only proud, but holds his head high when his brothers point it out. What you soon discover is that Lucian is way more sensitive than who he projects. His family has MAJOR issues and watching him interact with his brothers is a test in patience and love. Really, his brothers are nutcases and Lucian seems the most stable.

When Lucian's sister returns after being gone for a decade unable to communicate, it becomes a mystery to be solved on where she's been. Loyalties will be tested and only Lucian and Julia can find their own way through their relationship. Will the secrets become too much?

This was a very intriguing story with a little creep factor and a lot of twists and turns. I can't wait to see what happens next because I hope those brothers of his get their own stories.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nina willner
Julia meets a sexy stranger during her going away party. Thinking she'll never see him again once she moves to New Orleans to take a private nursing job for a rich family, she agrees to take him up to her apartment for a one night stand, something the recent divorcee has never done before.

The night doesn't turn out exactly as Julia expected, as the guy leaves after giving her a very satisfying orgasm.

Turns out Julia's sexy stranger is essentially her boss, one of the brothers who hired her on to take care of a family member in their ginormous estate, an estate that may just be haunted.

Entering a dangerous world of family secrets, extreme wealth, and maybe even...ghosts!!, Julia needs to decide if Lucian is for real, or just out to use her.

This was...interesting. It felt like a cross between a V.C. Andrews novel (INCEST), a romance, and a mystery/suspense. I wanted a little more story, but everything felt a bit rushed, especially the ending. Armentrout was definitely setting up more story lines for future books.

I also didn't entirely enjoy or believe Julia's relationship with Lucian, as a I had a hard time believing she would be okay with his initial lie and the extreme power imbalance between them (employer/employee). She reminded me a bit too much of Anna Steele from 50 Shades of Grey. I appreciated the attempt to make her "curvy," but found Lucian to basically be a sexy man-baby out to get what he wanted.

A fun start to a series, I'm interested to know more!

Thank you to Avon for the ARC!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katnip hiroto
“Do you believe?”
“Believe what?”
“About the house and my family – the curse?”
“No. No, I don’t.”
“You should. You really should.”

The de Vincent family is notorious. The three brothers have devilish nicknames and reputations to match. Besides the fact that the locals avoid staying in their massive, ivy-covered mansion after dark, and the women in their family either end up unstable or dead.

From the first page, this novel reads like a game of “Clue”, laced with a steamy and deeply emotional romance, some heavy doses of suspense, and sprinkles of supernatural mystery.

My opinion is that readers should go into this story with as little foreknowledge as possible, because it will most definitely sweeten the experience. I will share that I struggled a bit to connect with Lucian (the youngest de Vincent brother and male lead in “Moonlight Sins”), but over the course of several chapters and diving deeper into his history and seriously disturbing family, he became more relatable to me. On the flip side, I connected with Julia right away. She is caring, and brave, but also insecure and indecisive, while carrying some baggage from her past, as well.

I really enjoyed how their relationship unfolded, along with the growing mystery and threat haunting the de Vincent family. I will say that the ending was surprising, and a lot of loose threads are dangling, teasing future plots in the series.

Read it. It’s great fun, and it will keep you on your toes. When it’s not sending you into a sigh-filled swoon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hamish mckenzie
Jennifer L. Armentrout returns to adult contemporary romance with the first installment in the de Vincent series titled Moonlight Sins.

Lucian is a man who likes his one night stands and not much else. Not his brothers, that's for sure. The entire de Vincent family is totally messed up, there's a new nurse on scene, and add to that a family curse and supposed haunted house, this gothic romance has a perfect stage for the unfolding family events. And the de Vincents boys (aka Lucifer, Devon and Devil) while gorgeous and sexy, have a very strange relationship.

Julia gives up her current job in Pennsylvania without knowing her real employer is the famious family. She's the new nurse at the de Vincent house hired to take care of a family member. Oh, and did I mention there's a death with suspicious circumstances? There is a definite gothic feel to this story which I adored.

I liked Julian and Lucian. I thought she handled some initial challenges quite well and Lucian's journey, especially his depth of feelings toward Julia, brought quite a bit of interest to the story. There is a lot going on under the surface of the story.

I did think that the pace was slow for my taste. It took a while to capture my interest but I was glad I stuck with it. I'm interested in reading more about this family!

A good start to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Moonlight Sins has a little bit of everything, mystery, suspense, romance and steam. JLA fans will not be disappointed!

All of the deVincent brothers are intriguing though I'm side-eyeing you so hard, Dev, and their complicated family dynamic made for tense but entertaining "family time". I enjoyed Julia and Lucian both individually and as a couple. They may come from different social classes but they are equally matched in all the ways that matter. *wink* The talk of curses and the odd happenings in and around the mansion kept me on my toes, and the twist was not at all what I was expecting.

Moonlight Sins is an enticing start to a new series and I need Gabe's book now, please and thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved Moonlight Sins! It had a great mystery and definitely a hot romance! Let's say that I'm still obsessing over this book after reading it a few weeks ago! Jennifer is definitely a master at keeping us in the dark while reading because at every turn is a new surprise! Plus it's set in a New Orleans mansion. If you haven't read any of Jen's books yet, go pick up this one immediately because you will fall in love with her newest romantic thriller series!

Lucian de Vincent is our mysterious male lead who is charming and a very dangerous distraction. Under all that darkness is a sweet side that any woman would fall in love with! He will protect the ones he loves most which is one of my other favourite things about him. Then he meets Julia who has caught his eye from the moment they meet when she moves into the house as a nurse for his sister. I was so excited to see that the book was told in both of their point of views because it helps us get to know each character and the beautiful romance that develops between them.

If you love drama, danger and some family secrets with a steamy romance, this is the book you must pick up! I loved every second, minute and hour of Moonlight Sins! I'm looking forward to the next book in the series which is from Gabe's point of view!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david harvey
When Julia Hughes takes a job as a traveling nurse for a mysterious family in New Orleans, she's looking forward to making a fresh start, further from home than she's ever travelled, putting some distance between her and her ex.

When she arrives at the home of the deVincent family, she could not be more surprised to be working for a rich and tabloid famous family, and to learn that the man she met at her going away party is none other than Lucian de Vincent.

While Julia is angry to learn that Lucian had traveled to check on her without disclosing his identity, she's unable to deny the draw to him that she feels. As the mystery surrounding his father's death, and the reappearance of his sister that disappeared ten years prior unfolds, she finds it more difficult with every day to resist.

Moonlight Sins is filled with mystery - a possibly haunted house, an almost catatonic woman, an apparent suicide of the patriarch, it is also filled with romance and discovery between Julia and Lucian.

I was pulled in from the start of the story. Both the romance and the mystery surrounding the house and the family had me captivated. Jennifer L Armentrout does an amazing job of weaving the storyline in a way that kept me turning the pages late into the night.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Midnight Sins by Jennifer L. Armentrout

I am voluntarily reviewing this arc.

So getting an ARC of a Jennifer L. Armentrout book is a little like finding the golden ticket. Her writing is amazing, and all of her books and characters and plots are so different from the other. The only thing they have in common is they are all AMAZING!

This book starts out with Julia, leaving her job and friends and family to take a job as a home nurse for a wealthy family a plane ride away. This is totally out of character for her, just as having a one night stand encounter is totally not her.
Fast forward to her getting to her new place of employment. The family is a high profile, celebrity family.
Add into this mix, the house that she’ll be working in is said to be haunted. She scoffs at that idea, but then how do you explain all of the mysterious events that occur before her stay and during.
Well you will just have to get this book and find out the answers, because this girl is not going to ruin one minute of this gem for you. Go get it and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, I read this book without knowing what it was about because, well, it's Jennifer L. Armentrout after all. I didn't know what to expect and was really surprised by events that occurred. Moonlight Sins is the beginning of a series about the infamous de Vincent brothers. The first story focuses on Lucian, the younger brother, who is very charismatic in a dark sarcastic way. He goes out of his way to "audition" Julia who is being hired to be a private nurse for their family. Julia is starting fresh after a bitter divorce and arrives in Louisiana to discover the man she had a brief moment with is actually one of her bosses. After being upset about his duplicity, she decides to stay in the house that apparently is haunted. (Where are the Winchester brothers when you need them?) Julia is drawn to both Lucian and his brother Gabriel, but is totally pulled towards Lucian who wants nothing else but to claim Julia. Meanwhile, mysterious things are happening in the house, murder is being investigated and major secrets are being discovered. There are scenes in the book that are so hot that the pages could melt, but the chemistry between Julia and Lucian is on fire. I did not see that ending coming, and wonder what other secrets we shall discover in the next books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan g
As soon as I began Moonlight Sins I immediately got caught up in the intricacies of the de Vincent family. I could not put it down. It starts off with a suspicious murder-suicide and although that in itself was interesting on its own, I was intrigued with so many of the other elements until the very end.

One of those elements was getting to know the siblings - Lucian, Gabe, Devlin, and Maddie and witnessing how they interact with each other. At first, I thought that the only thing that they shared the was the same blood but JLA proved repeatedly that there is more to them than that.

Then there is Julia. She was such an amazing heroine. I loved her heart, her compassion and her willingness to think outside the box and although her professionalism came into question multiple times it made for such a great story. It gave it a good amount of angst and honestly? Who could possibly resist someone like Lucian de Vincent?

I love family sagas and overall, I thought Moonlight Sins was a fantastic one. I enjoyed the perfect balance between the romance, suspense, and mystery. The characters and the relationship among them is one of a kind and this is the reason why I will be coming back for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
JLA does it once again with Moonlight Sins! This is a very promising start to a new series and I am loving the feel of this series. It has such a gothic and slighty creepy feel at times but it is also so hot and sexy and of course has some snark thrown in.

I loved Julia. I think what makes her shine most is her compassion. She clearly cares for her patients and the people around her and I think that is such an admirable character trait. She is thrown into a crazy and intense situation and she handles it well. And of course Lucian is basically walking and talking swoon. I absolutely adored him and his sense of humor. The banter between Lucian and Julia was so so great and their chemistry was off the charts.

And of course the other de Vincent brothers intrigued me to no end! Gabe seems like he can be quite the charmer and Dev... well there is a lot more I wanna know when it comes to Dev. This family is steeped in secrets and I cannot wait to peel back more of them in future books.

Moonlight Sins is another great read from JLA. Her books never fail to captivate me with great characters and a great story and I know I am going to love this newest series from her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wendy chandler
Moonlight Sins is a creepy, atmospheric read about a trio of brothers whose morals are a tad bit...lax, shall we say? They've grown up enormously wealthy in a huge house with fun little quirks--vegetation that might be a little too alive, laughter and footsteps where there shouldn't be any at all hours of the day, lights that flicker on and off--none but the family (and our heroine, of course) will even spend the night there.

Like Julia, I liked Lucian almost in spite of myself. He's a bit over-the-top in his cocky 'tude, but he really did know how to make both of us smile, darn him. Of course by about 2/3 in he was making Julia smile for *other* reasons...at which point, whoa.

Though I guessed some aspects of the overall mystery in the book, other parts surprised me. I really liked Gabe (the middle brother) here, and can't wait to see what will happen in his book, out next. I'm a little afraid of Devlin, the oldest, though, and am really curious to see what Ms. Armentrout will be doing with his story to make him seem more sympathetic.

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren loves llamas
Moonlight Sins by Jennifer L. Armentrout is the First Book in the series "de Vincent". This is the story of Lucian de Vincent and Julia Hughes.
Julia is a divorced women who has lived a sheltered and quiet life working as a nurse. Of late she has been working in a care facility living on her own. With no real social life and just her work friends as friends. So she takes the bold move to apply for a job out of the State and working has in home care for someone.
Lucian and his brothers are hard and tough guys who aren't emotionally attached to much. But Lucian is attached to their traumatized sister who needs in help care so when his older brother who first wanted to put her into a institution hires someone....Lucian goes to look into the new nurse named Julia Hughes's past.
This book has some mystery with the death of the de Vincent father. Lucian falls into instant lust with Julia although in the back of his mind her remembers that she said the de Vincent men fall instantly in love with the women they are to be with.
This was one book that I found very hard to put down and I will be looking for more books by this author for sure!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent one sit read! This book is very dark and mysterious. It will have you checking every single noise you hear in your home. There is no lack of romance in this novel. If you enjoy NA reads, then you will like this one.

Julia Hughes is a nurse who is offered a job working for an anonymous patient in the south. She leaves her very predictable life and moves to care for her new patient. Little does she know she is entering a world of mystery, lies, and secrets. Enjoyed Julie's character very much. She is not a whiney girl, she's very headstrong and straight forward. I was rooting for her the entire novel.

Lucian is southern royalty. He is one of the de Vincent brother's who have a massive fortune thanks to their father. When his twin sister mysterious reappears, Lucian seeks out the care of a nurse for her. Enter Julia Hughes. When she enters their world Lucian becomes slightly obsessed with this new nurse. It's actually a little endearing.

There are several plot twists and new information with each chapter. Each page will have you wanting more. I would definitely recommend this one and cannot wait for the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekah caldwell
Wow, just wow. Jennifer Armentrout never ceases to amaze me and this book is no exception. It was utterly amazing. It was sexy, mysterious, and kind of thrilling by the end. The sex scenes are H-O-T and anyone that can complain about those scenes are prudes and need to find a new genre to read.

Lucifer...Whoops I mean Lucian is a terrific character that had such an ego I couldn't help but love him. Julia handled him like a pro but of course, she couldn't stop herself from falling for him either. Gabe and Dev, have a lot of promise and I feel like their books are going to be just as interesting. That being said I'm glad the series started with Lucian.

I spent a lot of the book (the parts that I wasn't obsessing about Lucian and Julia) trying to figure out if Maddie was faking her situation. At times, I thought something was fishy about her and then sometimes I wasn't sure. I thought how all of that played out was incredible. Kudos, to Armentrout for that one.

I can't wait to see what else these brothers can get into in the next books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janice mcquaid
I have been a huge fan of Jennifer Armentrout since the Onyx series and have loved every book she has written since. And after finishing Moonlight Sins I once again have the butterflies in my stomach and straight up buzz of pure excitement of finding another series I am in love with. I FLOVED this book. I swear it's a crime to call it just a book as it felt just like a movie. An amazing movie with so many facets and parts that together created this whole masterpiece. GAHHHH!! It was so incredible!!

I loved everything about this book. Lucian and Julia were perfection. Their passion was fiery and their banter just as hot. I loved their connection and the push and pull between them. It was so sexy and engaging. And the Underlying suspense prevalent throughout the story? PERFECTION!! I also could not get enough of this author's writing style and voice as she writes with a realness that is unparalleled. All in all this was fantastic and I honestly can't wait for book two!! Bravo! 5 stars! ~Ratula
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah woehler
Hot , fun and just a bit suspenseful. Moonlight Sins is another winning series in my opinion from the awesome Jennifer Armentrout. it centers around the 'De Vincent family of Louisiana, a very wealthy influential seemingly above the law family that the tabloids name American Royalty. Lucian de Vincent the youngest brother and home care nurse Julia Hughes have an instant attraction the moment they meet at a bar, when her friends take her our to celebrate her new job, and they have a scorching one night stand. Julia just accepted a job working for a wealthy family in Louisiana the change of scenery is just what she wants, what she doesn't know is that Lucian is part of that family. Julia realizes just who Lucian is soon enough and the fireworks just get bigger. this is a wonderful introduction to this series with fun, sexy banter a bit of mystery and a couple of other brothers just waiting for us to get to know. its becoming cliche to say that Armentrout has done it again but she has and I for one can't wait for the fun to continue. ??? 5 hot scorching stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennifer L. Armentrout brings us a dark, mysterious, EXTREMELY SEXY novel that made me weak in the knees, excited, and hot all over! This book was really hard to put down. It had a almost dark feel to it but in a hot way that captures the readers attention from chapter 1. I really liked Lucian and Julia. These two had unbelievable chemistry, a crackling fizzle that made me feel energized and giddy. I was eagerly turning the pages and didn't want it to end but when it did, it made me really anxious to read the next one and that is a feeling I could never get sick of!

These de Vincent books are really absorbing and super exhilarating! This is the type of read you can expect with ANY book from Miss Armentrout but Moonlight Sins will absolutely bring in every reader a brand new series to FLOVE with every beat of their hearts.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
3,5 stars

I must admit, immediately after reading I was sort of on the fence about this book but now almost a week has passed and I keep catching my mind wandering to this book and characters and I am kind of itching to re-read this.

This book was gloriously creepy at times and it felt very different from Armentrout's other books. The setting in this seemingly haunted mansion was so cool.

The de Vincent brothers sure are a handful, what the hell is up with Devlin? He gives me the chills but is also mysterious and interesting at the same time, I definitely want a book from his point of view.

Lucian and Julia's banter was funny and entertaining but their chemistry was lacking. The ending and big reveal also left me unsatisfied. That was too convoluted and far fetched for me, it seemed utterly ridiculous. After all the suspense and build-up the reveal was quite disappointing.

I am eager, though, for the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked Moonlight Sins. After the first chapter, I quickly found myself sucked into the mystery. It was really good with a couple of surprises. I thought I had called one of them, but I was way off base. The whole time I was second guessing myself as to whether or not there was a ghost or not. I'm not telling, btw.

From the beginning, Julia and Lucian had great chemistry. They say that when de Vincent falls in love, he falls hard and fast. It was certainly that way for Lucian. I wouldn't say it was insta-love, but it was definitely insta-like that turned into love. While the book ends with some answers, we are left with a couple of questions as well. I need Gabe and Devlin's stories as soon as possible. I highly recommend this one. It will keep you guessing until the end.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claudio arena
I have been a huge fan of Jennifer Armentrout since the Onyx series and have loved every book she has written since. And after finishing Moonlight Sins I once again have the butterflies in my stomach and straight up buzz of pure excitement of finding another series I am in love with. I FLOVED this book. I swear it's a crime to call it just a book as it felt just like a movie. An amazing movie with so many facets and parts that together created this whole masterpiece. GAHHHH!! It was so incredible!!

I loved everything about this book. Lucian and Julia were perfection. Their passion was fiery and their banter just as hot. I loved their connection and the push and pull between them. It was so sexy and engaging. And the Underlying suspense prevalent throughout the story? PERFECTION!! I also could not get enough of this author's writing style and voice as she writes with a realness that is unparalleled. All in all this was fantastic and I honestly can't wait for book two!! Bravo! 5 stars! ~Ratula
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katrina coburn
Hot , fun and just a bit suspenseful. Moonlight Sins is another winning series in my opinion from the awesome Jennifer Armentrout. it centers around the 'De Vincent family of Louisiana, a very wealthy influential seemingly above the law family that the tabloids name American Royalty. Lucian de Vincent the youngest brother and home care nurse Julia Hughes have an instant attraction the moment they meet at a bar, when her friends take her our to celebrate her new job, and they have a scorching one night stand. Julia just accepted a job working for a wealthy family in Louisiana the change of scenery is just what she wants, what she doesn't know is that Lucian is part of that family. Julia realizes just who Lucian is soon enough and the fireworks just get bigger. this is a wonderful introduction to this series with fun, sexy banter a bit of mystery and a couple of other brothers just waiting for us to get to know. its becoming cliche to say that Armentrout has done it again but she has and I for one can't wait for the fun to continue. ??? 5 hot scorching stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ebnewberry newberry
Jennifer L. Armentrout brings us a dark, mysterious, EXTREMELY SEXY novel that made me weak in the knees, excited, and hot all over! This book was really hard to put down. It had a almost dark feel to it but in a hot way that captures the readers attention from chapter 1. I really liked Lucian and Julia. These two had unbelievable chemistry, a crackling fizzle that made me feel energized and giddy. I was eagerly turning the pages and didn't want it to end but when it did, it made me really anxious to read the next one and that is a feeling I could never get sick of!

These de Vincent books are really absorbing and super exhilarating! This is the type of read you can expect with ANY book from Miss Armentrout but Moonlight Sins will absolutely bring in every reader a brand new series to FLOVE with every beat of their hearts.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bonnie feng
3,5 stars

I must admit, immediately after reading I was sort of on the fence about this book but now almost a week has passed and I keep catching my mind wandering to this book and characters and I am kind of itching to re-read this.

This book was gloriously creepy at times and it felt very different from Armentrout's other books. The setting in this seemingly haunted mansion was so cool.

The de Vincent brothers sure are a handful, what the hell is up with Devlin? He gives me the chills but is also mysterious and interesting at the same time, I definitely want a book from his point of view.

Lucian and Julia's banter was funny and entertaining but their chemistry was lacking. The ending and big reveal also left me unsatisfied. That was too convoluted and far fetched for me, it seemed utterly ridiculous. After all the suspense and build-up the reveal was quite disappointing.

I am eager, though, for the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elaine ho
I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked Moonlight Sins. After the first chapter, I quickly found myself sucked into the mystery. It was really good with a couple of surprises. I thought I had called one of them, but I was way off base. The whole time I was second guessing myself as to whether or not there was a ghost or not. I'm not telling, btw.

From the beginning, Julia and Lucian had great chemistry. They say that when de Vincent falls in love, he falls hard and fast. It was certainly that way for Lucian. I wouldn't say it was insta-love, but it was definitely insta-like that turned into love. While the book ends with some answers, we are left with a couple of questions as well. I need Gabe and Devlin's stories as soon as possible. I highly recommend this one. It will keep you guessing until the end.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer nye
Moonlight Sins was a great Southern gothic read that included a little bit of everything. There was sex, mysterious happenings, secrets, ghosts, and a family haunted by their collective pasts.

The sexy times were HOT and Lucien was just the best when it came to sexy talk. Julia resisted at first and I loved their chemistry. When he told Julia he would wait for her to come to him, I fell even harder for this man!

Lucian's family is pretty messed up and Julia was brave for taking them on considering their hiring process. But that's one of the things I loved about her. She was brave, even though she would never think that about herself.

This book was a twisty, hot, joy to read and I can't wait for the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tristan olson
This book has everything a girl could want You have hot brothers with massive issues, a sister who has reappeared after having been for missing 10 years, and a death to kick off the crazy. And there is a lot of crazy with the De Vincent’s.
The De Vincent clan have many skeletons in their closets and a few fresh bodies to boot. With the questionable reappearance of their sister things aren’t always what they seem.
The banter between Lucian and Julia was one of my favorite things and made the book very fun to read. Even though I really enjoyed this book, I kept feeling like there should be a bit more of the paranormal with all the talk of ghosts and curses. Plus the book is set in BFE Louisiana which added to the paranormal feel of it. All in all Jennifer L. Armentrout has written another great book that I will reread many times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff falzone
I can never get enough of Jennifer Armentrout’s writing. It doesn’t matter what the genre is—if she writes it, then I’ll read it. I can honestly say I went into the book without reading the synopsis (which I never do) so I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know which direction the story would take and it was so much fun that way! Moonlight Sins was fast paced, enthralling, and unputdownable.

JLA writes the best romances and heroes ever. Lucian was sexy, mysterious, and oh so yummy. I loved the tension between him and Julia. JLA really brought the steam in this book and it was HOT.

I would highly recommend Moonlight Sins to those who love a delicious romance and some mystery. I can’t wait to read about the other de Vincent brothers!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Lucian wanted to... he wanted ot paint her. And he couldn't remember the last time he wanted to do that. That urge had peaced out on him a long time ago, but now his fingers itched." - Moonlight Sins

As an avid Jennifer L. Armentrout fan, who has read all of her books, I often see patterns throughout her books. These can come through a common description or two that I've read in a previous book, a common characteristic, or a common theme. Most likely this isn't something most people think about, or would even give a second thought on as I'm the only person who would catch these, as I've read all of her books... multiple times. I'm serious, I could probably quote whole entire scenes from The Lux Series at this point. And while there are a few of these commonalities in Moonlight Sins, JLA takes a risk and delves into a refreshing new archetype - the real bad boy.

The De Vincents are bad boy incarnate. Sexy, dangerous, and sarcastic, you love to hate them. When you first read out the De Vincents' names - Lucian, Gabriel, and Devlin - you get a creepy vibe that is reminiscent of a certain fallen angel and biblical story. While this story is a thriller mystery mixed with some devilishly smart romance (pun definitely intended,) this book still emanates this vibe of danger and mystery that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The two main characters are Lucian, the over-protective younger heir of a family that's basically American royalty, and Julia, a nurse who takes a job as an in-home caregiver to evoke change in her stagnant life. The two main characters fall in love (obviously) and deal with a reappearing long lost sister and the creepiness that is the De Vincent curse. The whole thing is reminiscent of ghost stories and age-old prophecies and it will keep you up late at night.

While the main plot of the story is about curses and secrets, you can't forget about the swoon-worthy, clutch-your-pearls, angst-inducing romance. It takes off almost right away in the book, and undergoes some tumultuous times, but is still incredibly prevalent throughout the entire book. Don't fool yourself with the creepiness of the curse, this is definitely a love story.

I loved reading Moonlight Sins, and I always know I'm going to adore anything JLA writes, but I had a lot of questions about the De Vincents that didn't get answered - or were kept vague. This was definitely intentional, i'm just itching for more. At least we only have to wait until the summer for the next book in the series. SUMMER COME FASTER I NEED MORE OF THE DE VINCENTS!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kimberly merritt
Ugh this entire story consists of trying to keep you captivated because of secrets Lucian's family has and lets make Julia care so much for Lucian that whatever happens she'll still love him. The big secret is there isn't any. Your own family is your greatest enemy and Julia is just the audience watching it all go down. There's a problem when a story is so vague you don't care about the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin guilfoyle
Lucian is a blunt man, he holds nothing back, “so you’re saying you wouldn’t have let me rip your dress and eff you with my fingers? Is that what you’re saying?” Lucian is such a smart***, “I didn’t eye-eff her for the full ten minutes.” Lucian took a sip of the rich liquor. “There were about two minutes where I was actually listening to your conversation with her.” There are times Lucian has no self control, “eff it,” he growled. And then he kissed her." This is one of those books that stick with you, and end up giving you a big ole mind eff and I cannot wait for the next brother to get his story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I’ve loved all the other Jennifer L. Armentrout books I’ve read but I have to admit this one was just meh to me. It was a mix of mystery, thriller and romance but the story dragged a little to me. I felt the pacing could have moved a little faster and it would have made the book more enjoyable. I liked Julia and Lucien but I can’t say I fell in love with either. Lucien’s family has a lot of issues and Lucien’s brothers are intriguing. I will say I’m curious to find out more about Gabe and Devlin and since like I mentioned, I normally love Armentrout’s books I will definitely give the next one a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This book is absolutely amazing. Julia Hughes is hired to care for the de Vincent's sister after she mysteriously comes back after a decade of being declared missing. Julia has a connection with the youngest de Vincent, Lucian or "Lucifer". Holy cow the twists and turns in this book will leave your head spinning!

This book has the power to grab you and keep you enthralled until the very end. Mystery, tension, romance, drama. This book has absolutely everything you could ever want in a book. Definitely a five star read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was hands down freaking amazing! This is the first book set in the devincient world. Moonlight sins focuses on Lucien and Julia. I love the story of Lucien and Julia. Julia takes a job with the devincient's, she has no clue what she's getting herself into. Let me break it down for you three hot brothers, mysterious past and present, Lucien with his sites set on Julia. This book had romance with the perfect amount of mystery. Sign me up for book 2! This is Jennifer Armentrouts best adult book so far!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa cascino
This has been an anticipated read for months now and it definitely lives up to the hype. While I can live without the graphic sex scenes and dirty talk, the story isn’t all that and would stand up without it. Julia is a great heroine that has s a great foil for Lucian, who has more layers than he lets on. There was no cheating, no other women and a great ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lorie kleiner eckert
This was great....I’m seriously being real about this. I loved the suspense, the hot description of characters, made you visually see the details of each character. There were a lot of times I was laughing because I could picture myself like Julia. But I can’t help wondering if the author got there inspiration from there own ghost story in there bathroom??? Maybe with the weird sounds and it being in the bathroom???, well we may never know. But I loved the story line . Keeping me on my toes. And I’m still wondering who done it. Something tells me dev story is going to be to die for. If you love romance in New Orleans and mystery and suspense, you are going to want to read this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gwen bonilla
Wow, this story is dark, mysterious, intriguing and sexy. The de Vincent family's dysfunctionality had me thinking about "Mr. Grey" but they weren't anywhere as serious. I loved seeing Lucien "grow", experience things he never had before...like love and trust.

I can't wait to read about Gabe!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There's nothing better than a good mystery wrapped up in some romance. It doesn't hurt to get spooked by it either. If any of those things are up your alley then you'll want to read Moonlight Sins immediately! I loved this book; I loved the setting (Louisiana), the characters, and the ghost story(maybe, read to find out). I'm excited for the next two books in the series so I can delve deeper into the de Vincent family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, just wow! I loved this book so much! Seriously, from the very first page Jennifer Armentrout pulls you into a mysterious world of wealth and excess. The passion and desire between Lucian and Julia left me wanting more! Seriously, read this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennifer Armentrout has done is again!
I’ve been waiting for the first book in this series ever since she announced it. She pulled me in right away with the mystery and will keep pulling readers back in with the unanswered questions we still have.
I loved the mystery and kept trying to figure the several mysteries out, which I don’t normally do. I like to be surprised and was surprised by the turn out. I’m looking forward to reading Gabe’s story and then Dev. And getting answers to the mysteries in this book we didn’t get!
Please RateA de Vincent Novel (de Vincent series) - Moonlight Sins
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