The Power: A Titan Novel (Titan Series Book 2)

ByJennifer L. Armentrout

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c p sennett
I'm gonna make this super short 'cause otherwise I'll spoil everything in a super detail discussion.

I'm gonna asume everyone reading this already read The Return AND Covenant... if not, then get the hell out of here and go do it because you just can't keep living without having these characters in your life.
And now, let's do this.


My favorite characters from the previous books were as awesome as always, the writing -as usual - was ON POINT, and the story was just insanely good. One of the things I appreciated THE MOST in this book and I keep praising about it it's the fact that Seth didn't go down the road of "She's too good for me. I'm not worthy of this. I'm gonna hurt her. I'm dangerous.... We can't be together." He instead got determined of get better and stop making mistakes. Of prove himself worthy. And I am so sick of guys in books acting the other way that I just loved this so much.
Yes... at the end that didn't turn out so great for him.... but it still made a huge difference.

I am super dissapointed with Apollo and I want him to wake up and pull himself together for the next book.

And although I wish to say absolutely everything was perfect. I had a serious problem with Alex and Aiden in this book. Seeing them was probably the part I was waiting for THE MOST. And their attitude towards Seth was like a sucker-punch for me. I get that he did VERY wrong things and he still needs to prove himself, but he literally gave them EVERYTHING. Both of them. Alex ALWAYS believed in Seth, that the real Seth was there and would come back, and I was certain that after what he did for them, she would've reinforced that belief. That they would support him. But oh no, they were AWFUL with him and I'm not cool with that.

I hope to see a difference in that aspect in the next book.

Apart from that, everything else was so good.

The deaths were devastating, the funny parts were hilarious, the steamy moments were SUPER HOT, the fights were badass and everything was as it should've been.

I have a million theories and I really REALLY can't wait for book 3.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Power was emotionally gripping and powerful! Even though my adrenaline is still running high after those last few scenes, I keep swiping at the tears falling from my eyes. I can't seem to shake off the heartache, fear, and nervousness that are still thrumming through my veins. But that's not all that I'm feeling. The Power captured my heart all over again. It was hilarious, heartwarming, sexy and extremely addicting. Seth and Josie's story is a must read for all paranormal lovers out there!

Seth continues to pull at my heartstrings. He tries so hard to be good, yet he has this innate ability to tap into the darkest part of himself. It always seems to just be a breath away, even with Josie in the picture. But I don't care how dark his demons are. And I sure don't care that he's judged and looked down upon by others. Because he has the most pure feelings when it comes to Josie. He sends my heart into a tailspin with just the way he protects, cares and touches her.

After how The Return ended, Seth is even more adamant about training Josie in not just hand to hand combat, but in learning to control and use all five of her elements. The Titans are still out there, and they will try to get their hands on Josie again. She has to learn to protect herself and be ready to go to war with them in the future. And just like how Alex and Aiden's training sessions were sizzling hot, Seth and Josie's are scorching.

By that last page, I was so proud with how far Josie has come! She continues to find her voice while being determined to protect herself and fight right alongside with the others. And I love that some of her mannerisms are so relatable. I mean she loves french fries and sees running as a necessary evil. Hello, welcome to my life lol. But again, I find that my favorite thing about Josie is the way she sees Seth. Her faith and hope in him shined brightly. She didn't care about his past and what others thought. She saw the good in him and believed he deserved his happily ever after, just like every one else does.

And surrounding Josie and Seth are characters that I loved from The Covenant Series - Luke, Deacon and Solos. But this time we got a few more additions…... (spoiler accessible through blog) I love having them back in the mix. And seeing them through Seth and Josie's eyes felt so very different than how we viewed them through the Covenant Series. Eeks, you must read this!

So I closed the book in complete awe of my feelings. While my heart is sad over some things that happened, I can't deny how elated I still feel! From that first page I was utterly addicted and so happy to be in a world that feels like home! The Return and The Power are both books that I can't wait to pickup and read all over again!

*ARC kindly provided by Spencer Hill Pres via Inkslinger in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I should probably lose my official JLA fangirl card* for taking this long to read and review The Power. (*this isn't really a thing.) I'm actually completely ashamed of myself and, honestly, I have no real excuse so I won't even pretend. You should know that I am totally kicking myself for waiting this long because holy crap, what a follow up to The Return. I guess the only truly good thing about waiting so long is that The Struggle is available now and I can jump right on into it as soon as I make time.

Because it'd been so long since I read The Return, I was a little concerned I would have a tough time jumping back into the Titan world since I was more than likely foggy on the details. Thankfully, that wasn't a problem. The Power picks up right where The Return left off and I had no problem whatsoever getting back into the groove. It wasn't long before the details of the first book came back to me and I realized how high the stakes were as the story continued. This book had a decent dose of angst, but it wasn't overwhelming. I was so solidly Team Seth and Josie that it did make it a little tough to read some scenes, but my affection for both of them only grew. Even when I didn't like it, I understood the characters' motivation and that helped get me through. I'm not going to get deep down into the story on this one because, let's face it, you're either reading this series already or you're planning to and I don't want to ruin anything for you.

I love these characters and I love this world. That's saying something, too, because I'm not a big PNR reader. I guess maybe it's just that I've not really found the PNR for me... until now, anyhow. With Jen's trademark humor and heart — and a little bit of down and dirty goodness — The Power was a fantastic follow up to The Return. Josie was strong and amazing. Seth is still swoony and damaged and bit anti-hero-y. Even with the complications, I find these two so easy to root for. I'm anxious about what will happen during The Struggle, but I'm also really excited to see more of the story unfold. Now, I just need to find the time to read it...
Book 3) (Paperback); 2015 Edition - Lily Blue (the Raven Cycle :: Der Gentleman mit der Feuerhand (German Edition) - Skulduggery Pleasant 1 :: Book 1) (Skulduggery Pleasant (Paperback)) - Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant :: Johnny Tremain (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) :: Opposition (A Lux Novel)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an unexpected turn of events. I have only just finished book one, and in turn dove right into The Power. Give me a Greek gods storyline any day and I will be chomping at the bit to read it.

So beginning right on the heels of book one, the ever strong and self-hating Seth is doing his best to protect his Josie - even sacrificing their happiness to do it. Their relationship takes center stage in book two. They’re learning about each other physically and emotionally, as well as coming clean with who they really are and what they are capable of.

Josie is figuring out that she can really handle herself. She is determined to learn as much as she can and not to let anyone tell what she is capable of. Ultimate girl power. I like that this girl isn’t a shrinking violet. Josie is becoming stronger in body and mind.

Some new players are also introduced, and the emotions and prejudice behaviors of the camp are reaching an all time high. Amidst the drama a road trip begins. Gathering a cast of favorites and some people from Seth’s past, they set out on a mission to find the other demigods.

Action, adventure, heart wrenching emotional upheaval, and a cliffhanger that will have you saying “Hell yeah! Let’s go!”

All in all, a great series :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

There aren't a lot of books that I read that I find myself wishing my rating system went past five stars, but this book is one of them. The Return was a great start to Seth & Josie's story but The Power cranked everything up by about 20 notches. It blew me away. So much happened within these 344 that I couldn't put the book down until I knew everything.

From the first page I was sucked in. Everything else I had planned/needed to get done was put on pause the second this book arrived on my kindle. Nothing was getting in my way of hanging out with Seth and Josie...but mostly Seth. I just love him so much. This book picks up a little bit after The Return. Seth and Josie are still adorably sexy together but there are now more challenges they have to deal with if they are going to be together.

Josie is learning how to harness her new abilities and Seth is fighting old urges that threaten to tear his relationship with Josie apart. Seth usually is very selfish when it comes to what he wants, but since meeting Josie, he's grown more as a person. He puts what she wants before his needs and is will go to any lengths to protect her, so when her safety and well being is threatened, he has to decided what is the best option for Josie.

Oh Seth. My sweet, darling, Seth. He's grown so much as a person since he was first introduced in the Covenant series. He's still Seth, but he's also different. It's hard to describe exactly what I mean by that without going to into spoilers. Just know that Seth has come so far! I swear, I just fell more in love with him in this book. I also wanted to cuddle with him. But than again, when don't I want to cuddle with Seth?

Answer: I always want to cuddle with Seth.

And poor Josie. She's had so much thrown at her since she met Seth. Her life has literally been upside down and she's had so many challenges thrown at her. But she's handled them like a champ. We do see more of insecurities rise in this book, specifically surrounding her father. Her character also grew in this book. She's come into her own and is finding her footing in her new world.

One of my favorite aspects about this book was how protective Seth and Josie were of each other. While Seth tried to protect Josie, Josie protected Seth. Especially when everyone around her can't seem to look past all of the things he's done in the past. When things really got strained between Seth and everyone else I was cheering Josie on as she stepped up and made people look past all the BS they still hadn't let go of. Don't mess with her man, peeps.

There are also special appearances from certain characters from the Covenant series that had me fangirling so hard over. Yet, their arrivals in the book put even more strain between Seth and Josie. But they also made Seth face some things he had been pushing away for a very long time.

I experienced so many emotions while reading it, I cried about three or four times (and if you know me you know that it takes a lot for me to cry in books). Honestly, this book made me feel everything! I went on such a roller coaster ride of emotions that I felt drained and destroyed and had tears streaking down my face. The ending gutted me. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME JEN! I NEED THE THIRD BOOK NOW! MY LIFE WILL NOT BE COMPLETE UNTIL I HAVE IT AND KNOW THAT MY PRECIOUS BABIES ARE OKAY!

So basically, every single one you needs to read the Covenant series (if you haven't already) and then immediately jump into this series. Your life needs these books. Trust me. You need Seth. Go forth and read these books friends, then come back and fangirl with me about them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Witty banter, explosive chemistry between protagonists, Seth and Josie, and a pulse-pounding, action-packed narrative – these are just some of the highlights you can expect once you dive into Jennifer L. Armentrout's newest release, The Power. The book picks up where The Return left off, with Josie learning to control her newly-acquired demigod powers and with Seth helping her in this effort. With so much occurring simultaneously – tensions rising at the Covenant, the search for demigods, attacks from a number of mythological creatures – The Power is jam-packed with danger and suspense, guaranteeing that the reader’s attention is captured from start to finish. As if that wasn’t enough to have me glued to the pages, The Power provides enough gut-wrenching drama and face-fanning romance to send your emotions into upheaval.

One of my favorite things about reading a Jennifer L. Armentrout book (aside from her swoon-worthy heroes, of course), is her ability to create strong, relatable heroines you can both admire and sympathize with. When we first met Josie, her life was overturned with the knowledge of who and what she was. Instead of adopting the role of damsel-in-distress, she takes preemptive measures to ensure she’s not helpless against imminent danger. Josie has her share of insecurities, but at her core, she's brave, loyal, and resilient – qualities that are a perfect complement to our tortured, brooding hero. Seth is this otherworldly creature, burdened from the weight of his past mistakes, and no amount of wisecracks can disguise his self-imposed anguish. What I love about Seth and Josie was that they have a comfortable, teasing repartee, yet they also connect on a deeper level. Seth and Josie are constantly challenged in this book, both physically and mentally, and their journey was nothing short of intense.

As a fan of The Covenant series, I’m finding The Titan series to be just as wonderfully detailed and complex, interweaving familiar characters with new faces, and delving further into the fascinating world of Greek mythology. Reading The Power was an eye-opening experience that revealed so many unknown facets of our main characters, satisfying my need to learn more about the innerworkings of Seth and Josie's minds while holding the knowledge that they still have far to go in their journey. The Power is a book that will make you laugh, make you gasp, and make you blush (some more often than others), but mostly it's a book that makes you feel, so much so that you can't help but become invested in these characters and their story. Jennifer L. Armentrout is a master at keeping readers on their toes and I, for one, am already impatient for the next book.

*complimentary copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review

Rating: 5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Initial thoughts after finishing: So that was FREAKING AWESOME. Now I feel like crying because I need more RIGHT NOW. Mind completely blown.

Full Review:

This book will swallow you whole and then spit you out with your heart and mind shattered into a million tiny pieces. Mind-bendingly brilliant. Another epic success from the undisputed Queen of Paranormal Romance. The Power contains all the magical ingredients that are now synonymous with JLA in my mind: sublime writing, witty dialogue, perfect pace, complex characters, solidly developed plot, strong world building, and scintillating romance. I loved it in it's entirety - from the first addictive page to the last heart-wrenching one.

Sethie. Oh, Gods, where do I start? I ADORE the Covenant Series and though you don't need to read it to read this series, I would highly recommend you do because you will miss out on so much of what drives, motivates, challenges, and threatens to destroy Seth. Aiden was always my number one (he's my all time fav numero uno book boyfriend now) but I harboured a soft spot for Seth. It was hard not to. That boy just wants - no needs - to be loved. He lost his way, then grounded himself and made amends. He still has to live with the things he has done, and he feels he deserves the life he has now which is actually quite a miserable one. It's not fair. He sacrificed everything for Alex and he deserves some happiness of his own. I was delighted when Josie turned up in The Return, though at first I wasn't sure if she was the right one for him. In this book she proves that she is.

I liked how Josie's character developed in this book, and it felt real. She struggled with aspects of her new life and her fate but she got on with it. She loves Seth, and wants to help him, but he is still shutting her out of so much. What I really loved about her is she wasn't afraid to show her vulnerability, which she needed to do quite often to reach out to Seth, to really connect with him. I felt all her emotions and her pain and I was really rooting for her to get through to him.

It was fairly obvious that he was close to self-destruct mode but even still those last few chapters totally blew my mind. OMG. It was explosive and dramatic and I lapped it up like it was my favourite Sauvignon Blanc. I suppose the title gives it away really, but what has he done? What has he become? I cannot wait to find out in the next book.

The romance was perfect in this book. Seth has been taking it slow and steady with Josie because he wants to do right by her. Ah, shucks, how sweet is that? When they eventually get it on, it's super hot, and Seth can barely keep it in his pants. Loved it.

Scenes are peppered with amazing, hysterically funny dialogue and one-liners that had me laughing out loud. I especially loved when Alex and Aiden showed up and the usual snark-fest started up between the three of them. It was like reuniting with long lost friends after years apart, and I almost cried with sheer happiness.

And that leads nicely onto Alex and Aiden. (That sound you hear is me STILL jumping up and down like an excited kid on Christmas morning.) I follow Jennifer on social media so I knew they were going to make an appearance, but I didn't realize they were going to have such a strong part to play and I just loved the second half of the book so much for it. I also loved catching up with Deacon and Luke, Marcus and Solos. Colin and Gable seem like they will be good new additions, though we don't learn too much about them here.

Deacon has really matured in this book. Yes, he's still a bit kooky and way out there but his resolute stance toward Seth at the end of the book warmed my heart. Seth needs his friends to fight for him, and Deacon really manned up. Major kudos to him.

BTW, Apollo is a crappy dad. Totally craptastic and I want to kick his arse permanently back to Olympus for failing Josie, and for using Seth in such a cruel way. Herc is the biggest douche bag to walk the planet, but he was entertaining.

I only had two minor irritations. At one point Seth references how he wouldn't care if something happened to Alex, that he was only interested in protecting Josie. I didn't like that and it wasn't true. Perhaps he's delusional. No one sacrifices everything out of guilt alone. He made his choices because he cared about Alex. No one will convince me otherwise. I'm not saying he was in love with her, because I don't believe he ever was, but he still cares deeply about her. So him saying that pissed me off a little. Then, I was also a little annoyed with Alex. Given part of the reason why they have returned, I expected her to make more of an effort to reach out and connect (not in the Apollyon way) with Seth. She didn't try very hard and that was selfish of her. He may not have known it, but he needed her reassurance too. These were my only gripes, and neither in anyway dented my enjoyment of this book.

I can't remember the last time I felt this level of excitement at a book. I literally don't know how I'll survive until the next one is released. I also fear that The Power has ruined me for the next few books I have to read. At the current moment, I don't think I can pick up another book. This one is indelibly imprinted on my heart and my mind and I'm not ready to enter another world, to become invested in other characters. I may just have to reread it immediately in the hope that it takes the edge off my worrisome addiction.

As an aside, I don't understand why the Covenant series isn't as successful as the Lux series. I adore Lux, and I've read it over and over again, but in my opinion her Covenant series is superior. Pure (Book 2) is like my equivalent of a comfort blanket. Whenever I need cheering up, I read that book. Sometimes I just flip to page 309 to read that Catskills scene which is just one of the best scenes ever written in a book. (Disturbing on one level, but hysterically funny on another.) If you loved Lux, and you haven't yet started the Covenant series go do it right now! You won't be sorry.

I would like to thank Kelly Simmon of Inkslinger PR and Spencer Hill Press for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review. I would also like to thank Jennifer for writing another amazing book. I hope you continue to write more stories in this world as I will never tire of reading them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’m seriously loving the Titan series so hard! Seth and Josie are quickly becoming some of my favorite main characters, and I just love being in the Covenant world. The Power is the second book in the Titan series, picking up where the first left off. It’s another heart-pounding, action-packed book with lots of sexy-times and swoons. If you loved The Return, you’ll want to get your hands on The Power asap!

Josie has been training hard with her new powers and building up her strength so she can find the other demigods and defeat the Titans, and Seth is with her every step of the way. But he’s battling his own demons all the while, trying to restrain himself from giving into his addiction and taking her aether. JLA does a fantastic job with the character development with Josie and Seth in The Power. Josie has grown in both physical and inner strength, and I’ve come to admire her character so much. Seth, while still that charming, cocky guy we all love, has matured and taken responsibility for his past actions and is trying to do right. And his growing feelings of love for Josie (because it’s so obvious he’s falling for her and vice versa) matures him in new ways and has him prioritizing her safety and protection above all else.

GAH, I love Josie and Seth together!!! Their relationship has grown so much since they first met each other, and it still continues to grow throughout The Power. They’ve got a great dynamic between them – one moment they’re sassy and making jokes with one another that crack me up, and the next, they’re being all intense and sensual. And holy crap, Seth is freaking HOT in this book. Wooh, JLA seriously turns up the heat when Seth and Josie move their relationship to the next level. I honestly couldn’t stop grinning at all the sexy-times – thank gods this series is New Adult!

If you were a fan of the Covenant series, just saying, you’ll want to read this book because two special someones are BACK! I was totally giddy when Alex and Aiden appeared, because I totally love their characters! They’re still exactly the same as they were in the Covenant series, and now they’re back to help out Josie and Seth with finding the demigods. But I have to say, as much as I love the former couple, Seth and Josie are what truly made me enjoy in this book, and I think I might even love the newer couple as much as the older one.

I couldn’t put this book down – there’s never a dull moment for Josie, Seth, and the gang. The banter, the action, the surprises, the romance, the steam, all of it combined made for such an entertaining read. The Power is another fantastic addition to a series I’m quickly coming to adore. But now… I’m dying to get my hands on the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa maloney
The Power is breathtakingly beautiful and so so addicting. Seth and Sam’s love affair pulled me in right away. Seth could be such a sweet guy when he let himself go. I could not for the life of me put this book down. I knew this book was going to be good, but it was so much more than I could ever expect. This book completely blew me away. Author Jennifer Armentrout is what a real paranormal/mythology romance writer is all about. She could make even a gargoyle from her Dark Elements Series sexy. I think she could write anything and make it great.

Yes, I admit I missed the first book, don’t hate me for it. lol. This book 2 completely gives readers a history of what happened in book 1 throughout the story, that I felt all caught up. But I will for sure make time to read book 1, I wouldn’t want to miss anything that has to do with Seth. Seth completely captured my heart from the very first page. The way he cared and protected Josie was oh so sweet. I am in love with Seth, anyone that reads this series will understand how I feel. As for Josie, love her. Such a strong heroine, that is completely in love with Seth. I love the push and pull between these two, the way these two look at each other can melt any reader's heart. They had so much chemistry, it completely just flies off the pages. Since Seth had gotten with Josie all he could think about was her, everything he did, he did for her..damn everyone else. But what Seth didn’t realize was Josie was the same way. She would do anything to let him see that they were perfect for each other, she swore to herself that she would never let him down, he was worth everything and anything.

Of course let’s not forget about how sexy this book is. The way Seth and Josie were together were so full of heat and sweetness. Their love scenes were not at all dirty, it was freaking hot. The things that Seth would say to Josie will definitely melt anyones panties. He always made sure he took care of her, before he took care of his own needs. Seth was a great lover and Josie was his perfect match.

I really enjoyed this reading, I am so in love with this series and Seth ;). This book is a mix of sexy romance and paranormal, what more can a paranormal/mythology romance lover like me want? This book may have ended in a cliffhanger, but It left me with a happy feeling when it ended. Now I have to count down the days until book 3 comes out. How will I ever survive? I just have to endure I guess. One year to wait, let the countdown begin.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron post
Jennifer has a way of weaving a story, and packing it with action, humor, and clever heroes. The Power plays out just like a box office Blockbuster. I almost wish we were left with an Easter egg ending to hold us over until the next book releases. This series is in the same world as the Covenant Series was, but I think it appeals to me more, because it's newer adult. It's much more emotional for me, and this one broke my heart just a little at a time. Seth and Josie characters have drastically changed in this one, both joining in some very new experiences. I loved where this book took them, and I know it can only get better, and better.

Seth is still responsible for training Josie, and she's definitely getting stronger. She is a demigod, so I'm assuming that once she's fully into her own she will be on kick ass heroine, even though what I've already witnessed she's got some special power over Seth's heart. Speaking of my favorite Apollyon is still his self-assured, and courageous self, but he's also coming to terms with what he has sacrificed, and until Josie was part of the equation, he never truly understood what he could be giving up.

Josie is the most selfless, and loving human being. My favorite of all of Jennifer's heroines, normal, and relatable. She is the definition of purity. I loved getting to see her grow in this book. Accepting change and becoming stronger with the fate she has been handed. I mean. How bad could it really be when Seth is your boyfriend?

We are delivered with an exquisite book. It's a lot deeper emotionally, and I liked that about it the most. Finally, Seth's frozen heart is slowly melting, and I can see a happy future for him with Josie. I'm looking forward to seeing how this story continues. If I know anything for sure is that the next book cannot come soon enough. As proven Jennifer truly has sealed her place as a brilliant storyteller, and her writing is one I can't bear to miss.

This is a must-read for the Titan's Series.. There is nothing predictable about it, and entwined with the mythology it's like falling in love with the stories all over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Review can be found on *Milky Way of Books*

There is no doubt that Jennifer Armentrout is one of the top authors I read, especially since 2016 is one of her most productive year! On "The Power" we get to have more Seth moments we all adore and want to see, not to mention the thickening mystery behind the demigods, the gods and Titans.

The book picks after the events of "The Return", with Josie trying to learn about her new powers and Seth...trying to keep his hands off her. Althought many readers of the COVENANT series had known Seth as the "bad guy" who in the last minute did something heroic (you need to read the series for that), in this book through his POV we get to know more about his inner world.

And I am not talking about his abs. Or his eyes. Or the arms. *brain failure*

So, through the double POV, Josie's and Seth's, we have their reaction to the arrival of two old characters. If you're a follower of the author, you'll know which pair I mean. Add in the magic man known as Deacon, Luke, Solos and a demigod who is know for his twelve labors and you have quite the hot team.

I liked the use of the Greek words as also the mythological mentions. No sugarcoatting some facts but there was a nice twist on a certain character's behavior. :)

There was also lots of "Supernatural" too!

The only drawback of this book is the plot. There is not much done in this part of the story, since the burden of the plot is given to the characters' development. Josie finds some clues about the demigods and how to defeat the Titans and she gets stronger, despite the emotional rollercoaster Seth puts her in. The ending of the book is not exactly a cliffhanger but it can also leave you in a book slump if you don't have another book next to you to pull you though.

I enjoyed it very much and the wait for the sequel is going to be loooong.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I re-read the first in this series in anticipation of this book which I graciously received from the publisher. What a gift to receive a book from one of your favorite authors before it is released!!!

I was wondering how this next installment would be and where it might go. I was not disappointed in the least. I am a Seth fan and believe that there is enough good in him to deserve Josie no matter what he thinks. I was tempted to move my thoughts to the other side of this thought after reading this book. You get to know Seth a lot more and enjoy his story and love of Josie. Which he really does even if he is a giant pain about it!!

Josie grows in this book as well and you get to see the Demigod she can become. I really do love them together and believe they are stronger together.

Other characters are introduced and play vital roles in this story. They are amazing to read and enjoy and get to know.

Overall (yes I am wrapping it up as I do not want to reveal anything) I give this one a 5 star rating. I also feel you should all order this book now if any part of you enjoys Gods/Goddesses/mythical people. You will not be disappointed. And did I mention how HOT Seth is? Cause he kinds of melts me (literally he could and emotionally he does).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have only just come across this paranormal world. Starting with book one in this series and completely missing the whole covenent books, i do feel like i am missing out, not that you really have to read that series to enjoy this one, I think it would help a little, but more than that, I have been missing out!!!

Josie made this book for me, I was like a freaking cheerleader waving pom pom's whenever she managed to kick a@@, bullies beware, but lets not forget, these bullies are not your normal campus bullies, no. These bullies play with fire. Really!!

I loved the action, all of the characters you meet, but not only that, the wit and humour that was interlaced into the writing. Josie is funny! Her inner dialogue had me chuckling and her love for the food, well if it was as good as described, well let me move on in, rip my bra off and have me some cafeteria food please.

Can not wait to get to grips with the previous series and more in this series. I have thoroughly enjoyed this world of Pures, halfs and Gods. And so much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin michael
As always Jennifer Armentrout delivered another amazing, captivating read. I swear I gain a new book boyfriend with every one of her series.
Granted, everyone was not a huge Seth fan by the end of the Covenant series, he had a lot of redeeming to do. JA helps us remember who he is while shedding a different light on him. We see his power but we also get to see his vulnerability. In the past Seth has not had anything to fight for, nothing to lose. Now he does.
Yes Josie is struggling to find her own place, but she is learning who she wants to be. Most of the first part of this book revolves around their relationship, but I think its important to show how they affect one another. I have a feeling Seth and Josie are going to find their place together. All the old crew is back together and are in a way forming their own family.
Big things are going to happen in this next book and I am beyond excited to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennifer Armentrout is one of my favorite authors. Read all of her books, and am a huge fan. When I heard that Seth was getting his own story I was beyond excited. Josie and Seth's story was mind boggling, and a captivating love story I could not put down! The action, seeing Aiden and Alex again and the romance was just so flipping good. In the second book The Power you could just feel Seth's struggle on how he was trying to make up for his past mistakes for his girl Josie. There journey to be together in the end is a rough one, and It was one hell of a ride. The cliffhanger was excellent, and left me crying in the corner, wondering if Seth and Josie will ever get the happy ending they both deserve.
I highly recommend!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alice cairns
Okay, first off, I have to thank Jennifer L Armentrout and her publishers from the bottom of my fangirl heart and express my deepest gratitude for being given a copy of this book early. It made my day to see it arrive in my Kindle, and I couldn’t get enough of my favourite Apollyon.

I couldn’t wait to get back into the world of pures, halfs, demigods and all that godly good stuff. This book takes off directly after the events of The Return, with Josie, our mortal-turned-demigod still learning more about her new powers and coming to terms with who and what she is.

Seth is still the Seth we all love, and still racked with guilt over his part in what happened at the end of the Covenant series. He doesn’t believe he’s worthy of Josie’s love, or anything good in general. He’s never been loved, and doesn’t believe he should be loved. Because of this, he starts doing silly things like speaking without thinking, or pushing Josie away. It was so sad to read because we all love Seth, and know that the guilt he’s feeling means HE IS WORTHY OF LOVE. He just doesn’t see it.

“Him pushing me away had nothing to do with Alex or with me. It was because of him, because of how he believed he deserved nothing more than punishment.”

Plot wise, there isn’t a lot. This book focuses mainly on Josie and Seth’s relationship together as well as their character development. Old faces return (guess who??) and our usual favourites appear, such as Deacon, Luke, Solos, and Apollo with his epically bad timing. Deacon and Luke are still wonderfully funny and great friends, and I loved how much they loved Supernatural.

“‘You don’t apologise,’ (Deacon) said, pressing a kiss to my gross, greasy head, instantly unlocking best friend status.”

Josie has to prove herself a lot, that she’s not something to hide away and protect; that she’s worthy of fighting beside everyone when she has to. And I loved her just as much as I did in The Return. I loved how much she cared for everyone; how she was willing to give everyone a chance, even when others didn’t think it was deserved.

"I was not a weakness that needed to be hidden away. I was a mother-freaking demigod."

Everyone has to start looking for the other demigods to help fight against the Titans, and Apollo helps by bringing in one nobody expects, but was freaking perfect.

This book was the sequel worth waiting for and fans of the first book and the Covenant series are going to love it. You don't want to miss it; it has everything you want and more. Can I have the next book now please?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz aragona
he Power still offers all the good things the first book, and even The Covenant Series offers. All banters and kick-ass and steamy hot scenes - was so good I just couldn't get enough of it. Dude, if you think The Return was hot, then you'd have to read this sequel right away and see how this book's going to burn your hands.. and underwear. Seriously. I don't usually read NA books because I can't help but notice how everything is revolving around sex that made me so uncomfortable, but with Seth and Josie.... It make me feel good!

I'am seriously running out of words to describe how wonderful this whole series has been, I just wanted all you guys to know that everything about this sequel was more than worth the suffering I experienced waiting. When you got a copy of this book, I bet you'd finish this in one sitting as well. The book was still fast-paced-typical Armentrout novel - but totally unpredictable making it so hard to put the book down! Old faces will join the adventure that the Covenant Series fans will surely love that will make this book a total win win for a sequel. Grab this book out as soon as you can! :)

Now on the most important part, Can we also get the sequel like right now?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I want to thank Spencer Hill Press for providing me with a copy of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way altered or changed my opinion or review.

If you haven't read the first book in this series STOP HERE. There may be spoilers in this review. So, turn around, walk to your nearest bookstore/library/computer with the store link and read the first book!

I loved JLA's Covenant series. I will say it's probably one of my favorite series ever. So when she announced she would be doing a spin off about Seth (I happened to be at that event, and you can imagine the crowd and their reaction), I knew I'd be reading it. I've always had a soft spot for the "bad guy" in books. Not sure why. Maybe it's their mystique, maybe it's that they are always so bad they are just too good to ignore. Whatever it is, I fell for Seth, so I was ready to read his story.

I really enjoyed The Return. I loved being back in the mythological world JLA had created in Covenant. And I also loved that this series is much more on the adult side than Covenant ever was. The characters do have to grow up after all.

The Power picks up right where The Return left off. The breed order has been abolished causing tons of tension at the University. Josie has taken hold of her power and she is trying to hone it with the help of Seth at her side. And things are just overall rocky.

I really like Josie. Even though she's not sure what her place is, she's totally willing to put herself out there and learn what she needs to know. She's vulnerable in all the right ways while growing stronger in both her power and her resolve. She is forced to prove herself over and over again. And she's intent on showing everyone that she can be strong enough to survive whatever comes her way.

Seth, well, he's Seth. I really love him but at the same time he makes me want to punch him. He's completely aware of how attracted he is to Josie, yet he distances himself for fear he will hurt her. I understand his dilemma, he is the Apollyon after all. But I hate that he chooses to kept everything a secret from her. As if she's too easy to break. She's so much stronger than he gives her credit for. But this is Seth and he likes to be a bit self-destructive. So it's no surprise that he pushes everyone away to deal with whatever is on his shoulders on his own.

The plot revolves a lot around Seth and Josie's relationship. They hit lots of bumps as they try to figure out exactly what it is that is growing between them. I will say JLA ramps up the sexual tension in this one, which I was missing in the first one. I won't go any further than that as it's an important part of the story and I don't want to spoil it. But we also get the action and fight scenes we look forward to when the Pures and Halfs fight with the Gods and Goddesses and, of course, the Titans!

We see some favorite old characters in this book: Deacon (definitely my favorite of all JLA's characters in this entire series), Luke, Alex, Aiden, Solis and many more. It was great to see my old friends come back to lend a hand.

I will let you know that this installment ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. I immediately wanted the finale book when I read the last page. So that goes to show JLA was able to certainly keep my attention and has me coming back for more!

If you're a JLA fan, you will adore this book as you have with all her others. I do caution younger readers that this is much more adult than the first book: more sex, more descriptive language and content. Keep that in mind if you choose to go into it. I'm looking forward to seeing how Armentrout ramps it up even more in the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As expected Jennifer Armentrout has wrote another wonderful book! Her books keep you on the edge of your seat and make you not want to put the book down.
The power was another one of those books! This book is full of action, mythology and some romance. You will meet new characters, original characters and some characters form the covenant series return. If your like mythology, a little romance and characters that know how to kick some butt, this is the book for you. I strongly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim lacey
In the Power, Jennifer Armentrout marries the very best part of the paranormal/fantasy genre with the very best part of new adult genre - you get creepy monsters and awesome super powers coupled with angst and feels so strong that I promise your tears will be real. Oh - and there WILL be tears.

Seth and Josie have hit their stride as he's training her to use her powers by day and being her cuddle bunny by night. But, they have a dangerous mission on which they must soon embark. And old friends are scheduled to arrive that will only serve to complicate matters even more.

Seth broke my heart in The Power. Into. A. Million. Pieces. He has never dealt with the guilt he still harbors over his actions in the past. And, now Josie looks at him with her heart in her eyes, and it's making him feel even more unworthy. And, he knows she's full of aether now that her identity has been unlocked, and he's tempted every minute by it. Which, of course, only makes him feel worse.

Seth has trouble recognizing his positive presence in the lives of those around him. He only sees the bad, and every time Josie does something nice for him, it hits him like a ton of bricks. I wanted to give him a hundred hugs. From the very beginning of The Power, you got the feeling that Seth was nearing his breaking point, and we were just waiting for that other shoe to drop.

My heart went out to Josie too. She is flat out totally in love with Seth, and because of his issues, he's running very hot and cold with her. Those hot moments are SCORCHING. But, the cold moments brought tears to my eyes. And things only get more complicated for her when Alex returns with Aiden for their six months topside. It is not easy to be around Seth and Alex with their connection and their history when you're trying to be the new woman in his life. Talk about odd woman out.

Despite how awful all that had to be for her, Josie has no problem stepping up when she needs to and putting her new skills to use. This chick is totally my hero. She's fighting for everything - her man, her life, the whole world.

The Power is feels upon feels upon feels. It's also crazy awesome action and a creative blend of Greek mythology and that certain something that can only come from Jennifer L. Armentrout. You will laugh. You will cry. You will root for the good guys and yell at the bad guys and bemoan the end when it comes, because it will be a whole year until we find out what happens next. But that's okay - that just gives us plenty of chances to re-read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim bateson
Wow! Ms Armentrout's writing is magic - I was spellbound the entire book and didn't want it to end. There is nothing that I did not like about this book. I loved Josie and Seth, as well as Deacon, Alex and Aiden. It made me laugh and cry, and feel every emotion in between. And the ending! I don't know I how am I going to hold out for the next book
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica jones
Let me just say I love Jennifer L. Armentrout, now that being said the main character Josie really annoyed me in this book. I kind of wanted to shake her and tell her to snap the f@$! out of it. Hopefully in the next book she won't be such a baby!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon barrett

Oh. My. Gods. “The Power” was definitely a surprising and epic second installment in the Titan series, and I enjoyed reading every single page. As always, Seth, Josie, and most of the other characters were amazing, and I loved their personalities, chemistry, and banter with each other. They were all immensely entertaining, and there was certainly never a dull moment with any of them. I loved that a few characters from the Covenant series made an appearance, and I was pleasantly surprised that they were incorporated into more of the storyline than I thought they would be. It was amazing to once again have the story told from both Seth and Josie’s POV as well. They were both awesome and easily likable characters, and I was rooting for them as a couple from the very beginning.

There were a few things I didn’t care for that occurred throughout the book, but I don’t want to give away any spoilers in case there are some people who haven’t read it yet, so I’ll keep my lips sealed. ;) I was trying to decide if I liked “The Power” more than I did “The Return,” and to be honest I really don’t know. I’d say they were about equal for me. That being said, I really did enjoy reading “The Power” and getting to discover more about Seth, Josie, and the rest of the Titan series gang. There were times in the story where I experienced great happiness, great sadness, and everything in between, but the book was an excellent mixture of all those feelings and emotions.

Jennifer L. Armentrout is a truly amazing and talented author, and she has never ceased to hook me in and make me fall in love with the world, storyline, and characters she has created. I love her hilarious, creative mind and writing style. No matter what she writes, she always makes things interesting and entertaining to read, and that is why she is – and always will be – one of my top favorite authors. I am absolutely in love with the Titan series, and honestly cannot wait to get my hands on “The Struggle” next year!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen mason
The Power is #2 in The Titan series. This particular series is also a spin-off to The Covenant Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout and I would recommend you read that series first because it will give you the background of Seth and also because it is just that FANTASTIC!!!. It is dual point of view from Seth and Josie.

Have you ever been so engrossed in a book that the end took you by surprise?? Well this is exactly what happened to me with this book. I absolutely love the character development in the book, for both Josie and Seth. There are so many layers to our lovely Sethie and I don't think we have even seen half of them but I do feel that if anyone can peel them all back it will be Josie. She has really proven herself in this book, managing to show her vulnerable side while also being strong in the face of some terrible tragedies.

Seth really shows his true colours in this book and I loved it. I did not like Seth in The Covenant series I just felt like he was a complete arse, too cocky and full of himself and well this book changed that for me. The second half of this book was defiantly my favourite with the return of Alex and Aiden and just having the whole group back together Deacon, Luke, Solos and Marcus and some new additions of Colin and Gable (whom I hope to see alot more of in future books). Seth tries to put up a front of not caring but you can tell that he likes to have them all around again.

Jennifer L. Armentrout has managed to do it again with another book that will defiantly be added to my bookshelf soon. It doesn't seem to matter what she writes it all turns out to be gold. The romance is HOT, it reads at the perfect pace with hilarious dialogue between all the characters and manages to be heart breaking. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In 'The Power', Seth continues to protect and train Josie while trying to have a relationship with her at the same time.

His inner demons start to surface and his addiction to aether overtakes him.

Their search for the rest of the demigods resumes with some old friends returning which I absolutely loved!

It's different to see the changes from YA to NA between the Covenant series and this one. The issues are heavier such as recovery from addiction and the result of decades of animosity between the pures and the half bloods.

Overall, this is an intriguing continuation to the Titan series and I can't wait to see how everything plays out.

I have purchased my copy on the store AU.
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