In Finn's Heart (Fighting Connollys #3)

ByRoxie Rivera

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book was definitely the most romantic of the series and dealt primarily on the development of their relationship. I was disappointed by the lack of mob and/or fighting action in this book. The cover art is fantastic but definitely doesn't fit with the plot of the story. I liked how this book showcased falling in love regardless of serious health concerns both past and present. The sex scenes are okay but not the caliber readers have come to expect from the author. I am bothered by the fact that this is the end of the series because there are no more Connelly brothers, yet it doesn't wrap everything up. It mentions Jack getting married, nothing really of Kelly and leaves off with just a proposal from Finn. I can only hope the author will address these things in some of her future free reads she offers on her website or some kind of follow up book. Although if the author doesn't start keeping her deadlines for books (she didn't release any of the promised books last year) I know I may just have to give up the waiting and the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shamira nawz
Finn & Hadley's story might just be my favorite of the Connolly brothers, altho I really loved all 3 stories. The first story of Kelly & Bee had a lot of action, but was a little bogged down introducing all the characters & having cameos from the Russian Protector series. Jack & Abby's story was smoother, and led up to Finn & Hadley's.

Some of the things I loved about this story are things other reviews complained about, so I guess that just proves every story doesn't touch ppl the same way. I liked that the things that could have caused angst, didn't - Hadley has a medical condition, Finn is a recovering alcoholic and wounded war vet; Hadley comes from extreme wealth, Finn is a successful business owner, but pretty firmly middle class; Hadley's family isn't keen on anyone being in her life at first... Oh yeah, and Finn is being blackmailed by the Russian mafia AND a Mexican cartel (who just happens to have family ties w/ Hadley). I liked that none of these things caused problems in their relationship, and that the main focus of the story WAS that relationship. The outside things happening were used to highlight their working together to build a life. And that made me happy! : )

My only complaint, which is not really a complaint, more of an observation, is that it felt a little like one of the big storylines - the blackmail part & what exactly was going on w/ that - fizzled at the end. It was all this build up to something & then *poof* like 3 pages of plotting & no real explanation as to what was happening. Finn apparently knew what was going on, but WE the readers did not. Or, maybe it was just me? Maybe this is a set up for a future book in another connected series? Still, it annoyed me.

But overall, I greatly enjoyed this story, and I L O V E how she did the epilogue! : )
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen mackinnon
Number two favorite behind Nikolia (both) for sure! Favorite for the Connolly series though. I really enjoyed Hadley and Finn in this one. At the beginning it seemed like they both had some kind of mental problem almost like they were "mentally slow" but once the first date was out the way the awkwardness simmered some. The tangles with all the books and characters I just can't get enough of. You really get trapped up in this make believe world and start trying to put the pieces together. I thought for a second there that Koysta was trying to setup Nikolia then I remembered the Christmas book. Then I thought Finn was going to do it for real but Hector as setting him up. I was just too into this making more drama then enough. I like how the Connolly's are attractive but all have some physical or mental issue with them. The fact that Finn found what he was looking for was even better. I think this is the first book that I read that had me squeamish, the talk about the heart surgery was a worse, to me, then the shootings and killings. I can't wait for some more because this was just too good.
Brighter Than the Sun (KGI Series Book 11) :: NIKOLAI (Her Russian Protector #4) :: Ivan (Her Russian Protector #1) :: Alexei (Her Russian Protector #8) (Volume 8) :: Sergei 2 (Her Russian Protector 5.5)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I thought that the story was pretty good. I liked the H/h. Both broken in their own ways and finding strength in each other. I didn't understand the whole Russian mob - Mexican drug cartel cross over. In one second the H was being blackmailed then it was quickly wrapped up with a bow so we could get back to the love story. I was like - Huh? I haven't read any of the other stories in the series so that might be the problem. From an audiobook perspective I could NOT get into the voice used by the narrator for Finn. It was SO distracting. He sounded like a guy that sucked in helium before he spoke every time. The voice characterization definitely did not go with my image of the H. Finn's dad (side character) got a better voice that Finn. Also, the Mexican drug cartel guy sounded like he was Russian. I will stick with the book next time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey tobin
Finn and Hadley are scarred people; both physically and emotionally. Each one perfects the other, filling in the broken places. The story line has plenty of action and sweet moment.
Highly recommended author and series
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