First U.S. English edition (METRO by Dmitry Glukhovsky)

ByDmitry Glukhovsky

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is an apocalyptic tale translated from Russian to English. I wish I could give 1/2 stars, since I would give this 4&1/2 instead of just 4. It's also a video game, which is why I decided read it before I actually played the game.

I couldn't give this a full 5 stars only for the reason that the translation was a little rough at times. I didn't think there was a huge amount of translation errors, but there was definitely enough to take notice and think that it really should have been re-read & revised before publishing. Now, I read the UK edition, so I'm not sure how the official US release turned out, so it may be better. Some of the smaller errors I ran into often were things like; missing punctuation, words repeated (ex: He went into THE THE tunnel..) & sentences structured incorrectly. A few times I had to re-read parts because it made no sense at all & I would have to correct the sentence & figure out what was meant.

Overall though, it was a great book. I agree with the other review that Russian's really know how to write a great apocalyptic book. This book didn't have as much "action" that I thought it would, but I found myself thinking about it often and even now, day's later after finishing it, I still find myself thinking back to things that happened.

While reading this, I was surprised with how "deep" this book went; I would find myself questioning things like religion, questioning how humans think we "rule the world" and how the overall premise of the book is actually scarily believable. It doesn't go into too much detail of what fully happened before everyone moved into the Metro, but it touches on how humans pretty much destroyed themselves & the planet with wars. While some other things weren't as believable, I really enjoyed reading this book. Now I just have to wait for the translation of Metro 2034 to be released
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An excellent work in a long history of beautiful, thought provoking Russian literary art. I will be the first to admit I read it because of the Metro PC game but it panned out less like a campy pulp sci-fi novel and more like a proper classic in the tradition of Roadside Picnic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lamis kaied
The reason for the four stars instead of 5 because it took me a little bit to get into the writing Style of the author since he and I are too different countries of origin. The story is fantastic and very unique
Metro 2033 (Romanian Edition) :: METRO 2035. English language edition. (METRO by Dmitry Glukhovsky) (Volume 3) :: Remember Me Forever (Lovely Vicious Book 3) :: Remember Me Like This: A Novel :: Legal Thrillers (Michael Gresham Legal Thrillers Book 9)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jean austin
My only complaint abut this book is that there wre a few places where the translation obviously wasn;t 100% spot on as it was difficult to understadnm a sentace or two. Usually, though, when in context of the paragraph, you could figure it out, and this was very rare - happened maybe 5 times in teh whole book. The story was excellant. People buying this expecting it to be exactly liek the game be warned - the game diverted a LOT from the book, adn in my opinion, the game does not do teh book justice! And excellant read, and highly recomended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina davis
I would highly recommend Metro 2033 the book to anyone who is a fan of science fiction literature, in particular, post-apocalyptic literature. This book is quite enjoyable, follows a decently plausible plot line, and yet, adds enough implausible encounters that it feels like the very genre it is: fiction. The novel easily grasps the reader and pulls them into the world of the protagonist, making for a thoroughly enjoyable read, one that will leave you unable to put your Kindle down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luke bartolomeo
A very entertaining book. I recently played the games and wanted to delve into the source material for them. I would recommend printing or downloading a copy of the Moscow metro map. It's a lot of fun being able to see the locations the stations in the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michele dennis
This novel is spectacular! Though it is translated from Russian to English it's very well done and full of really good detail. Sometimes though the words are hard to pronounce or really long so it's awkward to understand what it says but getting beyond that the book is amazing. Unlike anything we typically get here. Be warned though it is very dark though and I mean dark. If you like anything based on the effects of nuclear war/attack then this is for you. If you get it you are in for a treat!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Very cool setting. The English translation leaves a lot to be desired. The book has several story-wise problems. Read it for yourself and decide. If you like post-apocalyptic stuff this book is a must read
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It started out slow but it gradually grew in suspense and plot. Overall a good read on the post-apocalyptic genre and looking forward to get the sequel: 2034.

The only issue was that the translation sometimes was not the best. Nothing major but it distracted from the read a bit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bobby simic
I chose this rating because Metro 2033 was a very thrilling and exciting book. I liked the setting and the characters as well as the suspenseful feel. I would recommend this book to anyone who liked the video game or just someone who wants a good thrilling novel.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I got this book after playing metro 2033 the video game. I loved teh video game because of its atmosphere and story. The book retains the same great story, but i felt the author talked too much about how dreadful everything is. It became redundant after a while.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The content of the book is excellent. Dmitry wrote an excellent tale here that can get you thinking. The video games only hint at the world, and are amped up on the action to give a player something to do. The book, on the other hand, has a constant sense of despair and loneliness throughout. You almost feel bad for humanity huddling in the metro, yet still continuing the ways that got them down there with fascists, communists, and the various other sects fighting each other.

Then the main character goes up to the surface and you see why it is so scary up there. The book was impossible to put down once he went up to the surface. Then the ending has you questioning everything you read up until that point, pulling you out and making you reexamine your previous assumptions.

The only thing I was not terribly pleased with was some of the formatting, grammar, and word choice errors. While I'm aware that translating from Russian to English is not the easiest task, most of these errors I would chalked up to bad editing. Missing spaces between words, endless paragraphs, and even a few incorrect word choices. Hopefully the publisher will go back through and update the eBook to fix many of these. They didn't stop me from enjoying it, but I think someone a little more prone to OCD could throw the book across the room.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan finck
This is the English Version, be sure you get this one. From UK I think. I have no idea how this book has not become bigger in the US. I read a few reviews which criticized the quality of the translation. While it is poor at times and clunky this did not take away from the story whatsoever. One of the better post apocalypse books I've ever read. You will really enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
suzanne hamilton
This book has everything a book should have, ghosts, zombies, mutants, unseen horrors, masses of flesh that devour children and there was probably even a werewolf in there somewhere I missed (probably not). Anyways I'm not being sarcastic here I really enjoyed the novel it was action packed and adventerous and left you wanting to keep moving from chapter to chapter. The names could be a little hard to follow since this novel is written by a Russian author and a lot of the places were Russian sounding since the novel takes place in Russia. Still I had no trouble keeping track, the characters aside from the protagonist come and go very quickly and context describes the locations well enough to not have to pay attention to the geography too much. If you want to read a good action/horror novel this comes highly recommended being both a clear story and though out plot, it was not generic. I can't wait until they release the sequel in English.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I'm not into videogames, however i could picture the whole thing as a game reading this. It's an ok book, a thriller that has a pretty good build up,however since it has a second book, the explosion I was so eagerly waiting for didn't happen. I'm still not sure if I'm going to read the second book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Metro 2033" by Dmitry Glukhovsky is the foundation the video game was built on. The film adaptions of literature never do the stories any justice and gaming is no exception. If you're a fan of the game...READ THE BOOK! If you're addicted to obscure literature...READ THE BOOK! If you've ever wondered what the end of the world would be like...READ THE BOOK!

Keep in mind this is a Russian title. Make sure the copy you're attempting to purchase has been translated into your language!

Note: If you've ever done business online you may have had at least one bad deal. Am I right? I can't stress how important it is to read the customer and buyer reviews before making a purchase.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book, as the title indicates, in post-apocalyptic 2033 Russia. The main character, Artyom, battles daily to survive while on an enduring mission.

In comparison to the game, the book obviously is far more in-depth. There are some parts in the game that are completely absent in the book and vice versa.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I purchased and read the book after playing the game and it was still full of surprises. It also made the game more enjoyable because there was a lot more background and character development. The book has a lot of attention to detail. It's translated from Russian, so sometimes the wording may seem a little bit weird, but it is understandable (it even adds to the charm of the story, since it takes place in Russia). A lot of the names and places in the book are in Russian, so... if you're trying to pronounce them, it may be difficult.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maggie mauk
This book, as the title indicates, in post-apocalyptic 2033 Russia. The main character, Artyom, battles daily to survive while on an enduring mission.

In comparison to the game, the book obviously is far more in-depth. There are some parts in the game that are completely absent in the book and vice versa.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I purchased and read the book after playing the game and it was still full of surprises. It also made the game more enjoyable because there was a lot more background and character development. The book has a lot of attention to detail. It's translated from Russian, so sometimes the wording may seem a little bit weird, but it is understandable (it even adds to the charm of the story, since it takes place in Russia). A lot of the names and places in the book are in Russian, so... if you're trying to pronounce them, it may be difficult.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great Book! Following the protagonist through his harrowing exodus through Russia's metro system is an awesome read! Minor grammatical mistakes, but considering this is a translation from Russian to English, this should be overlooked, especially because of the enthralling storytelling of the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt mishkoff
I had nightmares about giant rats eating me the first night after reading a chunk of it. I like it but there are a few typos and the storyline is a sort of stream of consciousness which is interesting. 4 stars for the few typos because I'm a fan of the written word and that bothers me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
salaeha shariff
Metro has all the hallmarks of a classic coming of age story, but with a bleaker, more horrifying tone than I've ever encountered in a young adult book. Each metro station serves as a new canvas for Glukhovsky to draw vivid and chilling new stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ricky d
I picked this book up because a friend raved about the game, and the new game Metro: Last Light is coming out soon, so i figured i'd check into the series. I couldn't find the book on the Kindle store so i did the next best thing. Bought the paperback. The shipment came faster than expected and was suprisingly in great condition. Easy reading and not too fine font makes this book my new favorite.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah hack
A Must-Read for gamers interested in a more literary experience. To riff off Karl Marx's famous exhortation from the 1848 COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, "Dystopia fans of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your illusions of happiness."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you enjoy a nerve wrecking spine chilling read from the first to the last page you will enjoy this roller coaster ride tremendously.
I have been literally sitting in my bed frozen with fear while not being able to tear myself away from eerie adventures
of Artyom.
Flavored with political and philosophical explanations of various viewpoints as the journey takes its course we (the readers) are always on the level of ignorance with the hero as he peruses his mission and step by step revelations are met which just as well might be opinions or gossip as well as facts. Our guess is as good as his.

To my understanding the author is genius, he wrote the chapters at the age of 18 publishing them on a website for free. He had more than 3 million followers worldwide according to Wikipedia.

In many reviews it was pointed out that the English translation is very bad. This didn't diminish my reading pleasure one bit.
Just the opposite it gave me the feeling as if the story was told by a stranger from a foreign world and added authenticity to a very unique unmatched Si Fi reading experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a great under ground adventure that takes you through moscow the metro and the krimlin. If you buy this book prepair to do some research about what your reading. My only problam is that the chapters are longer than American books because of the translation to english, But I will give this book five stars because It might be a user error, and this book is just buy it. If your conserned that you might not like the book, try to see if someone you know has the book, or get the paperback version. Over all this book is great and I would recomend it to anybody thats sick of the some old stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book that inspired the games, a really good read, especially if you enjoyed the games. I do find it interesting that the cover says "The novel Behind Metro: Last Light" when it was the novel behind Metro 2033. But I guess publishers don't care that much for details.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I played the games so naturally I was interested in the book. Haven't even made it halfway through the book and I want to replay the games. All the new information I have from the book will make the games so much better. The book alone is phenomenal and I can't wait for the second to be translated in English for a hard copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sha narah
Dmitry Glukhovsky, you wrote this beautifully. This is one of my favorite books. The way he describes things, the way he makes the characters interact; makes me feel like I'm truly there. The video game has nothing on the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura belle
A unique and well developed setting. It is easy to see why a game was built around it. Still, it never became a page turner for me, and I wonder if something wasn't lost in translation, The story was easy to read, but also easy to walk away from also. I can't help but wonder if it was more compelling in the original Russian.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mackenzie wilson
Although it begins at a slow pace, the main character slowly wandering around and coming into contact with different characters, and each with a different idea about life in the new destroyed world, it all comes together later on.
It might sound like a bit of a reading stretch, but this book gets really good near page 300, and its at this point that you realize how it could become a videogame.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Played the game, it was awesome. Read the book, it was awesome. Yes it lacked certain elements that I typically enjoy in books, but I will not allow my personal preferences to obstruct this book. Not all may like it, but the people who enjoyed the games are more likely to enjoy the book.
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