About That Kiss: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel

ByJill Shalvis

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary joy
About That Kiss is book five in the Heartbreaker Bay series by Jill Shalvis. This book…this series! I’ve loved it from the start but this one just might be my favorite. Or do I think that after every book?

Kylie Masters is a very talented wood worker. She is working for her long time friend, Gib at Reclaimed Woods. Kylie never knew her Dad and her Mom was more interested in her long string of boyfriends, so Kylie was raised by her Grandfather who was also a well known wood worker. He taught her everything she knew but he died in a fire a few years ago and Kylie still misses him every day.

Joe Malone was ex-military and now worked for a security firm in the same building. He and Kylie have known each other casually for the year that they’d both been working in the building. Until a couple of nights ago when they kissed. It wasn’t just any kiss either. It was a kiss that makes your pulse speed up, makes your blood boil, and makes you wish for things that you know can’t be. Because Joe Malone is not emotionally available. He’s hot, he’s sweet, but he is not a forever kind of guy.

Kylie always thought she wanted safe. Had even had a school girl crush on Gib. But after that kiss, she knew she didn’t want safe at all. She wanted wild, hot and sweaty. She wanted Joe. But she isn’t a one night stand kind of girl. Could she be? Could she just so she knew how it could be with him?

Now for the character that stole this book, Kylie’s little dog, Vinnie. This little guy was adorable. She would let him snuggle up in her hoodie pocket. He went everywhere with her.

All Kylie had to remember her Grandfather by was a little three inch carving of a penguin. She kept it with her all of the time. But it’s missing. And now she started getting mysterious photos of her penguin in various dangerous places. Who would do this? What do they want? Kylie knows she needs help in getting to the bottom of this so she is forced to ask Joe for help. No way, though, is Kylie going to let Joe do this alone. It’s her carving, and she wants to help.

It doesn’t take long for another kiss to follow the first one as Kylie and Joe spend time together while trying to track down her penguin. As Kylie and Joe work through a list of possible suspects, they get to know each other better and feelings develop and deepen. Kylie knows Joe can’t give her what she needs but she can’t help but to fall for this man. And she knows he feels something too. He just doesn’t want to admit it to himself, or her.

On the quest to save Kylie’s penguin, these two perhaps are saving each other at the same time. Saving each other from guilt over past events, from loneliness, and showing each other what could be, if they let it.

I am in love with this book. Every page was a joy. These two were amazing, or three if you count little Vinnie. This is one of those books that just makes you happy and gives you all the warm and fuzzy tummy twirls you can handle. Jill Shalvis, you rock! Thank you for this amazing book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
annemarie o brien
Joe Malone and Kylie Masters rocked each other's worlds with a spontaneous, Earth-shattering kiss. But now they are both trying to figure out what it should or could mean. They are completely distracted by and attracted to each other, but are opposites with different views on relationships and life.

Joe is one of Hunt Security's ex-military bad a**es. He is controlled, stoic, closed off, and refuses to do relationships. He has his reasons, but ultimately he does not want to be vulnerable or see anyone else get hurt. He is stubborn, cynical, and just going through the motions. He does not feel like he has much to give a woman even if Kylie fascinates him.

Kylie craves a connection and the true love that she has seen her friends find. She's a creative wood worker. She is quiet and quirky, but also strong-willed, sassy, and independent. She has her own reason for not doing casual hook ups.

When Kylie needs help locating something important to her, she turns to Joe. the more time they spend together, the deeper they get. She makes him laugh, lose control, and enjoy life. He makes her feel beautiful and opens her eyes to what she really wants. They have strong chemistry, definitely like each other, and can't resist the pull. But Joe has guards up and is determined to resist getting his heart involved, while Kylie is the type that can't stop what she feels.

As they work together to solve the mystery it becomes more and more personal. And they could get hurt in more ways than one.

I loved that Kylie did not want to sit back and let Joe save the day. She is brave and determined to be in the thick of things in direct opposition to Joe's need to protect those he cares about. I loved seeing both of them open their eyes and see things a bit differently. I really liked them together even if I did want to smack Joe across the head a few times, and they had some difficulty being on the same page at the same time.

This is a sweet, sexy story of unexpected love with a dash of mystery and suspense. It was not overly angsty, but they each had some emotional issues they had to address. It brings back the characters from the previous installments as they are all friends and/or work together, but it can be read as a stand-alone as well. But the more books I read in this series, the more I enjoy their dynamics and how they both stand up for each other and taunt each other.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly beckwith
Jill Shalvis! Here I come! Yeah, I am no stranger to this author's writing so I was 100% sure that I would adore her book inspite of not having read her in the past few years.

The book is hot and sweet with the right amount of spice. The characters are well developed. Joe is the alpha male with all the good intentions and bad past. He is so sweet yet so stubborn in not going forward in his like for Kylie. And Kylie is a queen with her tenacity and her willingness to stand up for herself. She is so adorable especially in the scenes where she butts head with Joe. Their interactions had me laughing in delight.

The supporting cast of Kylie's friends and Joe's family are down to earth and easy to love. They are apt to the protagonists and the story. I am looking forward to reading each of their stories now. The close knit community that the author has put together is heart warming and it further enhances the romantic tale. Speaking of romance, the tension is crackling between Joe and Kylie and their steamy scenes aren't too much.

The author's writing is always easy to read and enjoyable. It speaks to the heart and touches our feelings. And that's why I feel that her stories fly while reading. The twist in the story is the mystery of her kidnapped wood charm. And well, to be honest, I was skeptical about it at the start. Then it formed a good part of the story so I took it seriously. After all the suspects and their stories, the ending blew my head not because of the suspense but because of the argument in the revealing scene. I was literally shaking my head and sighing.. Seriously??? It had me smirking too.

All in all, I loved the story PERIOD! So if you are hesitating to pick up this book, please don't. It's a witty and adorable read. So go ahead and get your hands on it pronto!

I received a copy for reviewing purposes. This doesn't impact my thoughts on the book.

My one line review: A hot sweet witty romance

My rating : 5/5

My reread factor : 3/5
Instant Temptation (Wilder Brothers) :: Second Chance Summer (Cedar Ridge Book 1) :: The Trouble with Mistletoe - A Heartbreaker Bay Novel :: Sweet Little Lies: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel :: Chasing Christmas Eve: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie flandorfer
I think there is one thing that sets Jill Shalvis apart from other romance authors. Her heroines believe in themselves. Maybe it’s because she (Jill Shalvis) has a strong man at her side. Maybe it’s because she (Jill) brought up three intelligent, spirited and beautiful daughters. Maybe it’s because she (J. S.) doesn’t want her heroines or women, in general, to settle for less than what they deserve. Now, all of these things are probably true, but honestly, I’m just guessing. What I can say is that I love that Jill Shalvis is not afraid to give her heroine a backbone. Her heroines acknowledge that they are worthy and show strength when they walk away from someone who isn’t willing to go “in” the whole way. Jill Shalvis always manages to remind me that I deserve happiness and fulfilment.

Now, don’t get me wrong, these heroines are not perfect. They definitely have vulnerabilities, doubts and insecurities. What person doesn’t? My favourite type of heroine is capable of doing things for herself. My favourite type of heroine uses her talents and abilities to get through life. My favourite type of heroine also doesn’t mind someone giving them a hand. My favourite type of heroine also doesn’t walk into a burning building by herself because of some misguided belief that…SHE CAN DO IT ALL! (Those bloody heroines drive me up the bloody wall!!) My favourite type of heroine is Kylie.

My favourite type of hero is Joe…after he wakes up to himself. I’ll give you a hint about why I love Joe. He’s bossy, HOT, protective, HOT, sexy, HOT and he loves his family while also being HOT. Joe also thinks that he’s a bad bet on love. Of course, he just hadn’t found his “one”.

I have never met two people more afraid of throwing a penny into a love fountain. Both Joe and Kylie are scared of love but with the chemistry between them, they can’t avoid the love bug for long.

I really enjoyed About that kiss. The Heartbreaker Bay series is my favourite type of comfort read. A love story with engaging characters, an interesting storyline, bossy heroes, quirky heroines and really cute animals. I can’t get enough of these stories and I’m really hoping that Molly and Lucas might be up next. I think I see a spark between them…

Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
deniece liza
“The thought of you not remembering it the same way made me crazy.”

“Heros don’t wear capes, they wear dog tags and camo.”

“You’re like this really big puzzle. One of those a thousand- plus pieces, and I’m not only missing a bunch of those pieces, I don’t even have all four of the corners.”

About That Kiss is the fifth book in the Heartbreaker Bay Series and it follows the story of Kylie and Joe. When we first meet up with Kylie and Joe, sparks fly and these two share one heck of a kiss. But when Kylie doesn’t ever hear from Joe, she’s forced to push all thoughts of him out of her mind. Avoiding Joe should be an easy thing. That is until one day, something precious is stolen from her. Suddenly, Kylie finds herself with no choice, but to contact the man that blew her off….Joe knows that it wasn’t cool to blow Kylie off after their amazing kiss, but at the time, it was the right thing to do. Joe is a great guy, but he just can’t promise anyone forever and Kylie is the kind of girl that deserves a forever kind of guy. The sparks are flying and the chemistry is off the charts. Working together will make avoidance impossible. Will Joe and Kylie give into their feelings?? There is only one way to find out.

About That Kiss was a really fun read. I fell in love with the characters instantly. I loved how stubborn they were and how great the pull was between them. The chemistry between Joe and Kylie was so intense, I don’t know how these two were able to stay away from one another. Joe truly was a good guy, I think he just needed to have a little more faith in himself. He had so much to give, he just had to be willing to take that leap and I liked that Kylie challenged him and made him want more.

I thought the story-line was a lot of fun. I love missed opportunity romances. They just pull at my heart and having me rooting for that happily ever after. This story also had a bit of mystery to it with the piece of property that was stolen from Kylie. I enjoyed trying to figure out who was behind it and what their agenda was.

Overall, this book was a quick and easy read for me. The writing was smart and entertaining. This book had just the right amount of laughter, romance, mystery and steamy moments. I thought About That Kiss was a great addition to The Heartbreaker Bay Series and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john patrick gallagher
Kylie Masters is a woodworker, but on that day it was her turn to mind the Reclaimed Woods front desk. Of course, Joe Malone would choose that moment to step into the shop. A few days ago, when she was a bit tipsy, Kylie and Joe had shared a passionate kiss, nothing came of it, and Kylie tried to forget about it; it seemed Joe had. Joe is shopping for a present for his sister Molly, but the mirror he had in mind – one of Kylie’s creations – has already been sold, so he commissions a similar one. Case closed, thinks Kylie, but not quite. As she’s leaving the shop, Kylie notices that her precious wooden penguin, the only thing she has left from her late grandfather, is missing. Upon opening her front door, there’s an envelope with a photograph showing her penguin in peril. Desperate times call for desperate measures: she needs Joe’s help; it’s his job after all, he works for Hunt Investigations. If it weren’t for that kiss…

In this fifth book in the Heartbreaker Bay series, faithful readers get to catch up with characters from previous books, while newcomers will feel entirely at ease dropping by. I really liked that Kylie has an unusual occupation, and that she is not your typical Jill Shalvis klutz, although Kylie is a bit shy and insecure but she does have a funny pooch. I was quite pleased that what first appeared a little joke of a mystery turned out to be quite an ingenious one. The romance progressed at a realistic pace, and some of the best moments in ABOUT THAT KISS consist of Joe and Kylie’s exchanges about their pasts. Ms. Shalvis’ descriptions of Joe’s childhood neighbourhood bordered on postapocalyptic, as our inner cities often appear. I felt that the story dragged a bit in the middle, as there was some meandering in several directions, and while Joe is a good and sweet man, his determination to deny that he was in love with Kylie grated a bit. On the other hand, Kylie handled his obstinacy surprisingly well and I thought Ms. Shalvis did an amazing job: Kylie never came across as a victim or a wimp, and I really liked her.

There are also superb secondary characters in ABOUT THAT KISS, namely Molly – Joe’s sister and Kylie’s mother. ABOUT THAT KISS is cute, light, flirty, and there is a silly puppy that will steal your heart.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

I give 3 ½ stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My Review:
I liked this story. Neither Kylie nor Joe want or need a relationship, but they keep drifting toward one another. One drunken night they shared a kiss and now neither one can forget it. It's best to just stay away from one another.

But then Kylie's beloved carved penguin made for her by her grandfather is stolen and a threatening photo arrives. Her grandfather was a talented woodworker, but he and almost all his work were destroyed in a fire at his workshop. The penguin is all she has left. But the villain won't return it unless Kylie falsely authenticates some woodworking as her grandfather's.

Joe works for Archer's security firm and is as tough and smart as they come, so he's the one she turns to for help. She needs her penguin back, but isn't willing to sully her grandfather's reputation with sub-standard woodworking. They have to work together to try to find out who is trying to bribe her. And you know what all that time together is going to do for them...this is a romance novel. ;)

Both of these characters have good reasons for being leery of relationships. But I loved watching them fall for one another when they had no idea that could even happen. Joe is gruff and sexy and protective. And it's awesome watching him fall apart and lose control over Kylie. Kylie can admit that Joe is a darn sexy man, but she's been left by way too many people. She's better off alone than getting hurt again. She just wants her penguin back.

But as the two work more and more together, their friendship and understanding of the other person deepens...and that sexual chemistry sure isn't going away. This was a sexy, fun read. I liked the little details about Joe's history with his sister Molly and how that all plays into his protective stance with Kylie. I also loved watching all the guys who work with Joe at Archer's security firm give Joe a hard time...bromance at its best.

This was just a fun book to read...and it had the added bonus of a light bit of mystery and suspense added to the story that kicked it up a notch. LOVED that!

I definitely recommend this and the entire series, although you can read any of the books as stand alones.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was great! I am really enjoying this series and this book was no exception. This is the fifth book in the Heartbreaker Bay series but it could easily be read as a stand alone since it does tell its own story. I would warn new readers to the series that you will want to read the other books in this amazing series as soon you finish this one just because you will want to spend a little more time with these amazing characters. I had a lot of fun spending time with the group and watching Joe and Kylie find their happily ever after.

Joe and Kylie are the focus of this book. I have been waiting to read Joe's story since I love his character. I really was curious about what his story was and this book did not disappoint. We get to learn a bit about Joe and Molly's history in this book and it wasn't anything I could have expected. It was great to really get to know Joe. Kylie was also a wonderful character. I thought that her past was just as interesting as Joe's. Neither Joe nor Kylie has had an ideal childhood but they are both strong individuals that have been able to move past it.

I loved Joe and Kylie together. I loved it every single time they were together in this book. The chemistry between them was intense. It wasn't just about the chemistry because they really had fun with each other. It seemed like they were both people that really needed a true friend that they could count on and they filled that role for each other. There were a few more comical moments in the story and I really enjoyed seeing them laugh together.

They mystery in the story was well done. Kylie asks Joe to help her find the wooden penguin that her grandfather gave to her. Sounds easy right? Well, it was anything but easy. This pair spend a lot of time together checking out leads and going on the occasional stake out. Things go wrong from time to time but they are both determined to figure out what is going on.

I would highly recommend this book to others. I found this book to be an absolute delight to read and I couldn't get enough of Joe and Kylie. I can't wait to watch another couple find love in Heartbreaker Bay!

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Avon Books via Edelweiss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane murphy
Kylie's little wooden carved penguin has always brought her a sense of peace, and been a wonderful reminder of her grandfather...but she never expected it to bring her love! When someone steals it, and holds it hostage she is completely devastated, and is desperate to get it back... even if it means turning to the one person she has always steered clear of... Joe Malone. It's not that she doesn't like Joe, problem is she likes him a little too much, but relationships give her hives, and a one night stands just aren't her thing, so it's best just to keep him at a distance... but now she needs him and his investigative skills! Now if she can just manage to keep her hormones in check while working right alongside him...

Joe Malone can't believe the words coming out of Kylie's mouth, she wants him to help her find a wooden penguin, he isn't real keen on getting involved, but he can't help but notice the hurt that is written all over her face, and dang it if he doesn't want to make her happy again. He agrees to help, and assumes he can more than handle the task alone, but Kylie refuses to let him go at it alone, she wants to help bring her beloved penguin home. Joe knows working alongside her is going to be challenging, mainly because the minute she comes around his heart starts to go into overdrive, and the sparks start to fly... but he doesn't do love, relationships, or anything of the sort, or does he?

Once again this author has brought her A-game and given readers a heartwarming tale and two endearing characters that they can't help but lose their heart too. Between the pages of "About That Kiss" you will find two characters that don't believe in love and are adamant that they don't want to fall victim to it, but fortunately for them the love gods are looking out for them and have other plans! The moment a missing little penguin brings these two together the sparks start to fly, desire takes over and things really start to heat up, so be ready to get your blush on!! I thoroughly enjoyed this new addition to the Heartbreaker Bay series, it had this author's trademark humor, her eccentric characters, and a little suspenseful action to boot, definitely a MUST read to look for in January!! Highly recommend!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne duncan
About That Kiss is a Heartbreaker Bay novel, set in San Francisco, ultimately about a group of friends who reside and work in or near an apartment building. Readers will once again fall in love with the ongoing characters and their crazy shenanigans and quirky nature, and of course the alpha men that make up a good portion of this series.

About That Kiss is the story of Joe Malone and Kylie Masters, and an attraction they keep fighting, but can't control. Joe, who works for Archers security company, is all male muscles and hot looks, but deep down he's had a hard life, and we see a glimpse into his life, his family, his past and what makes him tick. Kylie is a woodworker, getting her passion and love for the trade from her beloved grandfather who sadly passed away tragically in a fire. Kylie cherishes a carving of a penguin given to her by her grandfather, who also raised her. It is when this carving goes missing, along with cryptic notes, that Kylie needs Joe's help. And did I mention there was previously a kiss between these two? And not just any kiss, a steamy, toe curling one of a kind kiss, that was not planned but definitely not unwelcome either. And so the hunt begins, with a little suspense, and attraction along the way. Add in the lovable friends, the alpha males, Kylie's dog called Vinnie, a potential love triangle, and of course Eddie, the homeless guy who keeps them all entertained, (they do love him) and you have a wonderfly written, funny and endearing book about Kylie and Joe's attraction and romance. Ms Shalvis keeps her readers on track with stories we love and characters we adore. It is so nice being able to revisit the gang and see how their own lives are going, as well as the comraderie between them all. About That Kiss ticks all the boxes for a great read for lovers of contemporary romance. While this book could be read as a standalone, i do recommend you read it as part of the series to get the maximum enjoyment out of it.

I look forward to the next instalment of Heartbreaker Bay!Happy reading.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa kyeyune
I absolutely adored this. About That Kiss is my favorite book in the Heartbreaker Bay series so far. I loved the main characters, the animosity between them, the humor, and the bit of mystery mixed in. This was pretty perfect to me!

I loved Joe and Kylie. They had such great chemistry and I loved how they played off one another and the humor that was created. That animosity was really playful and a bit snarky and I ate it up. I thought Joe was fantastic, all gruff and bossy but really sweet and caring. I loved learning about his past and having him let his guard down. Those moments when he opens to her were wonderful. I loved, loved, loved Kylie! She was a tough spitfire that spoke her mind and I loved that feistiness and attitude. Together they had so many great scenes with excellent back and forth banter and I enjoyed the build of them coming together immensely.

This is one of those stories that had me smiling the entire time. It's so entertaining to read and I keep having little bursts of laughter bubble out of me. Adding to that is a really well rounded cast of characters that I feel like I've come to know since the series began. I love seeing couples and people from other books and getting updates on them, it was fantastic.

The writing was great with excellent details. I loved the dual POVs and thought both Kylie and Joe had great voices. There was a really nice mystery, suspense element happening which is one of the things that brought Joe and Kylie together and I really like how everything flowed. There were also these subtle, emotional moments that I thought were perfect when one of them opened up. There a lot of small elements woven in and I kept thinking, this is just getting better and better.

This story was just so ridiculously fun to read with these great characters who where on an adventure of sorts. I loved Joe and Kylie’s chemistry and heat, getting to know them, the bits of drama, and the overall feel the story gave me. A must read! Reading a Jill Shalvis book always feels like coming home because I know exactly what I'm going to get.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I must say, I am truly loving the Heartbreaker Bay series. About That Kiss, the fifth book in the Heartbreaker series, is a wonderfully written contemporary romance novel. My attention and interest was ignited from the very beginning and did not wane at all throughout the book.

Kylie is a professional woodworker, following in her grandpa’s footsteps. Something has gone missing and Kylie is desperate to get it back. And then the hints about the missing items imminent destruction by the thief begin to arrive. Kylie needs help. She will put up with anyone to get this precious item back. This will involve the really sexy pain the bu**, Joe…. Who kissed her (and it was a really GOOD kiss) ... and did not call her!

Joe is a confirmed bachelor in his eyes. He is not good enough for Kylie. She deserves someone… well… not him. But when Kylie needs help solving the mystery of who took her previous carving, Joe does everything he can to help her get the carving back. Of course, Kylie insists in “helping” at every step. This at times created some rather interesting situations.

So it seems this romance has some mystery. Now I can get into that as I love mysteries. The journey that Kylie and Joe traverse to find the carving definitely brings out each of their strengths and their weaknesses. I really enjoyed learning each others backstory and how it played into the events leading up to and including the abduction of the carving.

As with any good book, it takes a village and indeed the cast of supporting characters in this book were good. One character I particularly liked was Vinnie, Kylie's dog:

“At the doorway between the shop and the showroom, he skidded to a stop and lifted a paw, poking at the empty air in front of his face. Not too long ago, her undersized rescue pup had run face-first into a glass door. So now he went through this pantomime routine at every doorway he came to. And she did mean every doorway. Poor Vinnie had PTSD, and she was his emotional support human.”

Joe’s co-workers were an interesting part of the story. I quite enjoyed their heckling of Joe, while he denied his feelings for Kylie. Re-acquainting myself with some of these wonderful characters really tied the series together.

Jill Shalvis certainly knows how to write contemporary romance, especially with sizzle. This is certainly not a series to miss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arda alkk sk gen
The Heartbreaker Bay series is a new favourite of mine. Ever since I watched The Trouble With Mistletoe on Passionflix, I knew I had to get my hands on this series and voila, I binge-read the books because I just couldn't put them down! They're just that good. I can't get enough of Jill Shalvis' writing and I'm totally disappointed I didn't pick up her books sooner.

About That Kiss is a swoon-worthy, slow-burn romance, coupled with a little bit of mystery. If you've read the previous books, you'll understand Kylie and Joe are friends... well, sort of...and it seems like there's a little bit of tension going on between them because of a 'kiss' which apparently happened not too long ago. So, when Kylie enlists Joe's help to find the penguin carving that's been stolen from her, they're both forced to put their 'differences' aside.

Frankly speaking, the idea of Joe and Kylie as a couple was never under my radar when reading the previous books, but there's no denying I was really intrigued as to how Jill Shalvis was going to bring these two headstrong characters together.

I really enjoyed getting to know Kylie and Joe's character more. In the past books, Kylie has been introduced as the cute and quirky friend with an adorable rescue named Vinnie (I've been imagining him as a teacup chihuahua mix because he fits in her pocket but apparently he isn't! My whole life has been a lie!). She's the type of girl who doesn't really care much for appearance, especially being someone who works in a male-dominated industry--she's a woodworker! I love that we get to see more of her quirky side, especially when she begins to spend more time with Joe during their 'stakeouts' as they search for her missing penguin.

Meanwhile, it's no surprise Joe comes off as a total alpha male, especially because of his career as a former soldier, but he's also a total goofball and a sweetheart. He's serious and makes sure his head is in the game when needed. We also find out that he's a very family-oriented person, because not only does he watch out for his younger sister, Molly, he also cares deeply for his father who suffers from PTSD. It's very heartwarming to read about characters who care so much about their family.

Jill Shalvis writes slow burn romances so good, she'll definitely leave you satisfied. I absolutely loved how Kylie and Joe's relationship developed slowly as they continue to spend time with each other. No complications--none of that annoying push and pull. I just wish we caught a glimpse of how the 'kiss' happened because there's barely any interaction between just the two of them in the previous books. Not unless they're with friends. But there's no denying the chemistry between them is off-the-charts hot! The sexy times are an absolute thumbs up!

And speaking of friends, a Heartbreaker Bay novel isn't complete without the rest of the squad! These are my people and I love them so much! Jill Shalvis sure knows how to write lovable characters you'll never forget... not to mention their adorable fur-babies. I just can't get enough of them!

About That Kiss will definitely go down as a memorable read this 2018. It's a romantic read coupled with steamy scenes, witty dialogue, a little bit of action (Maybe Jill Shalvis should consider writing romantic suspense novels) and lots and lots of kissing! I want more of this series, I don't want it to ever end!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
afnaldi syaiful
With witty characters helplessly fumbling into a relationship, adorable puppy stealing the attention, and the family and friends meddling in all affairs About That Kiss proved to be an entertaining and enjoyable read.
Kylie and Joe were delightfully well paired and sexy as all get out. Both being alpha by nature, controlling, protective, stubborn, and bossy, there were sparks flying both mentally and physically.
They both had survived challenging childhoods, made a good life for themselves where the love for the family was in the center, and taking care of those surrounding them a priority. They both had their own quirks and challenges, but that made them even more likable and easy to relate to. I really liked them together, they got each other, they argued but had those difficult talks about feelings, they accepted each other as they were and to understand that it might have been the biggest challenge in between them.
The story has a touch of romantic suspense in it with the investigation Joe is helping Kylie with, but without the sharp edges and intensity, the genre is associated with. The sharpness of the story comes from the clever banter between all the characters, sarcasm and jibing the main forms of communication.
Each chapter in the book starts with a cliche in a hashtag. I have seen that done by a couple of times, and I admit it is coming to be a pet peeve of mine. I have noticed that the hashtag at the beginning of the chapter is like letting all the air out of a balloon when it comes to the build-up from the previous chapter in the story. The cliche also sells the upcoming chapter cheap keeping the expectation lower than they need to be.
With the ideal balance of humor and emotion, angst and adoration, past information and present character development, all embedded into the vivid images and lovely natural flow of the well-written story, About That Kiss was an engaging, endearing, and amiable story.
~ Four Spoons
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda kerr
Kylie and Joe share an amazing, explosive kiss. Joe never calls or really interacts with Kylie after said kiss.

Kylie grew up with her Grandfather, whom was a woodworker and showed Kylie the way to carve, craft, and create amazing pieces. Sadly her Grandfather passed away, and Kylie has always felt responsible for the death of her grandfather. Little does she know, she is not at fault what so ever.
Kylie gets a very special wood carving stolen from her and it is held hostage until she can authenticate a piece of wood working that her grandfather did, since his pieces are worth a lot, since most of his pieces were destroyed in a fire.

Joe can not get Kylie out of his head. He is mr tough guy, yet he has a very soft spot in his heart for family and those he considers family. Joe is all about a fun time, not any serious relationship. He doesn't think he can let anyone in. However Kylie seems to be able to make her way in.

Joe and Kylie go on a bit of a scavenger hunt to find out who stole this special carving from her. They track down a whole bunch of people, but none seem to be the culprit. Along the way, the two spend more and more time together, and not all time is spent vertical. These two heat up the sheets.

Can Joe help Kylie find this special carving, not fall in love along the way, and not let her get to close to his heart? The way he always likes things. Or does Kylie come in like a bull dozer and make him face how he really feels and help him move on from his past as well?

Is Kylie the one to convince Joe that there are such things as happily ever afters? Will Joe help Kylie find the truth about her Grandfather's passing and help maybe mend the relationship she has with her mother?

These two have some major chemistry and are smoking hot together!! It was great to see into the life of the previous characters from past books and find out what is happening in their lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean gursky
Favorite Quotes:

Do me a favor and don’t compare me to the women you date… Or whatever you do with them. We all know the only reason you even remember their names is that you take them to the coffee shop in the morning and then read what gets written on their cup.

She told me not to mistake her silence for weakness, that no one plans a murder out loud.

I actually like being single. I get to be selfish with my time and personal space. I can leave the top off the toothpaste and sleep like a starfish.

“Don’t worry honey,” someone said from behind her in line. Eighty-something Mrs. Winslow, who lived on the third floor of the building. The older woman smiled knowingly. “He’ll appreciate your toys. But remember, it’s all fun and games until someone loses the key to the handcuffs.”

I know diamonds are supposed to be a girl’s best friend… but then leggings happened. Leggings are the new diamonds.

My Review:

This was my first Jill Shalvis experience, silly me, I have been missing out. I adored her clever wry humor, breezy storytelling, and endearingly flawed and quirky characters. About That Kiss was a delightfully entertaining and engaging read that was easy to follow and never failed to hold my interest. Despite being the fifth book in a series, the story stood alone and on solid terra firma. And I while I never felt lost or confused without previous knowledge, I am sure I would enjoy going backward and acquainting myself with the earlier stories of this lively and alluring group. Each chapter was titled with a popular line from a movie that never failed to bring a smirk to my face if one wasn’t already in place. More, please.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeremiah genest
About That Kiss is another fabulous addition to the Heartbreaker Bay series, this time bringing us the story of Joe and Kylie. Full of fun moments, swoons, and a romance they didn't expect, this book delivers everything needed to leave a reader happy at the end.

The set up for About that Kiss was fun and different - and it worked in the favor of Joe and Kylie as a way to bring them together and work through their thoughts/feelings. Joe hadn't called Kylie after a kiss and she was left with all sorts of feelings about that fact. But when Kylie finds herself in trouble of sorts, Joe is the first one to step up and step in to help her - and in doing so she finds herself with more feelings.

One of my favorite things about this series is the closeness of the group of characters - even when they are going through serious things - there's always a little bit of fun and silliness to add levity. But there is also that feeling of "Don't screw this up" because when you live in such a small town - where everyone knows everything - you are always being watched. I love that little bit of angst added because it sort of builds on the story - a what happens if things don't work out - how do you move on with the rest of your friends if they feel you are in the wrong. Thankfully, Joe and Kylie do find their happiness and work through her trouble as well, and they do it in such a fun sort, growing closer along the way.

About that Kiss will suck you right in, not just to the story, but to the town, to the people in it, and to the magic of it all. You'll laugh, swoon, and fall in love alongside Joe and Kylie.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea adams
Does anyone write swoony, charming, sweet but sexy romance like Jill Shalvis? I think not. I just can't get enough of her writing, characters and especially the Heartbreaker Bay series. Can she please just keep adding new books to it forever? They make me totally heart-eyed every single time and I don't think I'll ever get enough of them.

About That Kiss is the story of Joe and Kylie. I absolutely adored both of them. Their story was fun, yet still had plenty of feels. And kissing. There was lots of that, too. Neither Joe nor Kylie were looking for a relationship, but their chemistry was undeniable — even if they tried — and the more time they spent together, the more apparent it became there was something special brewing. I read half this book with a giant, cheesy grin on my face and totally loved every minute of their story.

The Heartbreaker Bay series is rife with characters I've fallen for... hard. Joe and Kylie were stellar, obviously, but I also really enjoyed getting to see some of my favorites from earlier in the series again. I'm also looking forward to Molly's story because I think I'm half in girl crush mode with her already. (Oh how I hope her book is next!) It's not just the humans who bring something special to this series either. Kylie's dog Vinnie? Oh. My. Heart. He was just about the cutest and most charming little guy EVER — and this is coming from someone who really isn't a dog person. But, oh did he melt my heart.

I know I can always turn to Jill Shalvis when I want a darn good romance. Her books are the perfect combination of sweet, sass, sex, humor and swoons. About That Kiss was no exception. I loved it so freaking hard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chandra reilly
Contemporary romance at it's finest...and funniest. ABOUT THAT KISS is a fun and flirty story about Joe and Kylie who share an amazing and unforgettable kiss one night-then-nothing. Our Joe is commitment shy and ignores the zing of interest towards Kylie in his heart. Kylie ignores the disappointment at first, her boss and friend Gil is showing interest in her at last. She's been interested in Gil for a long time, but now the spark is gone. Besides now, something dear to her is missing and she needs Joe's help in retrieving it.

I loved the premise of this story. Kylie is a woman with a career she loves, working as a woodworker and creating beautiful items. She was taught by her grandfather who raised her. She also knows her mind and refuses to settle for just anything. When a small precious item goes missing, she strikes a bargain with the reluctant Joe.

Ah, Joe. He is such a guy. He is strong, confident, and sexy as hell. It was such fun watching him fall for Kylie. In his heart he can't resist her, but his brain has him wanting to run in the opposite direction. But Kylie needed him. I didn't expect the "who done it" thread in the story. It brought another layer to this wonderfully humorous love story.

If you love stories with a zany premise, a hint of mystery, heroines who know what they want and hunky heroes brought to their knees by Cupid, do yourself a favor a favor and get this book! Jill Shalvis writes fun and heartwarming tales with characters that make you feel that you know them, so enjoy another visit to Heartbreaker Bay.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fire burns. Sometimes fires start out in unexpected ways and change the course of a life forever, sometimes in good ways and sometimes in bad.

Kylie Masters knew a little something about fires, including the one that she thought burned hot between her and Joe Malone, but maybe not. Maybe he was just a one time kiss that was destined to be no more, though it was kind of fun to watch him need something from her.

Joe Malone was a loner. Yes he had his father and his sister, but otherwise, he was a loner. Then he had the nerve to kiss Kylie Masters and with that his whole world twisted, but he was determined to ignore it. Until that is he needed something from her. Then he realized karma was a cruel mistress.

Joe and Kylie seemed to be thrown together and now needed each other, but could they deny the heat that was building? Or would there fire burn out of control quickly? Add in crazy relations, mystery and crime and there is a recipe for true love or true disaster.

Ms. Shavis has knocked this one so far out of the park there is nothing to say other than go pick this up. In truth her characters are so well written that they seem to walk off of the page and into your life. There is suspense without overkill, romance with fairy tales and a sense of realism that is hard to find elsewhere. Giving love to the primary and secondary characters in any book is a feat but to get a reader engaged and to care about all the players in a book is just shy of a miracle and Ms. Shavis has given her readers that in this book. The problem? Awaiting the next release.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
louise manimtim
**Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

"About That Kiss" is written by Jill Shalvis, and it is the 5th book in her Heartbreaker Bay series. It can be read as a stand-alone book. It features Joe Malone and Kylie Masters.

Joe and Kylie share a hot kiss one night, but Joe didn't call her back. She chooses to forget about that kiss and doesn't want to acknowledge it. But Joe reminds her often that their kiss was not something you could easily forget. Unfortunately, he's not ready to commit. He's not the forever type of guy. She wants otherwise. But when an invaluable possession of hers was stolen from her, she is determined to get it back. She'll need Joe's help to do so.

As the story progresses, you'll see Kylie and Joe work together to solve the mystery. They banter a lot in the process, which will provide for some funny scenes! Despite their banters, their attraction for each other doesn't die down. It just gets stronger. And no matter how often Kylie is determined in thinking their kisses are forgettable, Joe will always prove to her otherwise.

Will she be able to get her invaluable possession back on time? Will Joe be able to protect her? Will he be her forever guy?

This was such a great book! It helped that I had a snow day yesterday, so I actually read this whole book in 1 day! That's how much I loved it! Just like Jill's other books, readers will be kept on their toes! "About That Kiss" will make you smile, laugh, and swoon! It's honestly everything you would want in a story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joe wilcox
About That Kiss starts after "that kiss". I didn't read the previous book so I didn't get to see the events that concluded with the kiss, but it didn't affect my ability to read this story. Joe is a playboy and not into relationships. Kylie is not about to let a guy like Joe hurt her. These two have a very antagonistic relationship filled with banter and teasing.

Kylie is a wood worker and makes beautiful pieces. She learned from her grandfather who passed away years ago. She has a treasured carved wood penguin he made for her and it is stolen by someone. She hires Joe to help her find it. While it is worthless to everyone but her, its all she has left of her grandfather. I didn't expect this to be a big deal, but actually it turns into more than just a simple theft. I was surprised at how devious this thief was! It added a bit of mystery and suspense I wasn't expecting.

The slow burn between Kylie and Joe is delicious! Lots of heated kisses that build and build. Joe knows that Kylie is hiding something and he finds that he actually wants to get to know her better. He has never felt that way before so its all a little strange and unsettling for him. Kylie doesn't want to get hurt, so she is cautious with Joe. Of course Joe is an idiot and has no idea what to do with feelings. Add in the tension with whomever is taunting Kylie and you have a really compelling story that I enjoyed a great deal. Joe wasn't the easiest person to like, but as the story unfolds and you see him with his dad and sister and friends, you get him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex stronach
I definitely need to start by saying, that I have had a huge fan girl, reader crush on Jill Shalvis for a few years now! Her books always have me laughing, binge reading late into the night wayyy past my beadtime, and just begging for the next book!

Joe and Kylie's story was one of my favorites so far! Joe is just a typical alpha male, he plays his cards close to his chest, doesn't do commitment or long term, and definitely doesn't do love. Until Kylie blows into his life and tilts everything off of his axis.

Kylie is missing a family item that is truly near and dear to her heart. And she knows that she cannot find it on her own. While it just about kills her to ask for Joe's help, she knows that he is one of the only people that will help her get the job done. And she WON'T let him solve anything with out her! I absolutely LOVED that about her character. She wants help, but she wants to be there every step of the way, and she isn't taking no for an answer. I found myself relating to her throughout the whole book. Wanting to be independent, being used to taking care of things yourself, and just NEEDING to be involved someway, somehow.

About That Kiss was just FANTASTIC. I couldn't put it down! It had a whole "who done it" theme throughout and really kept you guessing until the very end! It also had me wanting Joe to pull his head out of his butt the whole time, but... MEN! Can't live with em can't kill em! ;)

Well done. Cannot WAIT for the next book!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jill Shalvis has certainly found her stride with this series now. While I liked the first few books in the series, I really feel like things are starting to feel like her older titles which I simply adore. ABOUT THAT KISS is the fifth book in the Heartbreaker Bay series and it features Joe and Kylie. At first, I wasn’t sure I was going to like Joe. I don’t really know why that is. I just went into the book thinking that he was going to be one of those stuck-up heroes so made a move on the heroine and would forever hold that scorching kiss between them forever. However, I quickly changed my mind about him. Joe was great. Sweet and fun, he turned out to be a great hero for Kylie.

Kylie was a character that I immediately liked. She’s a do-it-yourself kind of girl and I really liked that about her. Although she has be persuade, she also doesn’t allow people to walk over her so when Joe comes in, intending to purchase a mirror she made for his sister, Molly, Kylie is quick to turn him down. It’s only when she realized she needs his assistance that she goes hunting for him.

Simple yet effective, this story is one of my favorites in the series. I thought it was upbeat and fun, without trying too hard. It had the perfect balance of heart and humor and I really enjoyed the banter between these two. With each book in this series, I am beginning to enjoy the series more and more. So I’m confident that Shalvis has found the key to writing a successful novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ernestasia siahaan
About That Kiss is book 5 in the Heartbreaker Bay series. I'm really loving this group of friends that the series revolves around. This novel focuses on Kylie and Joe and I found myself hooked from the first chapter. If you're wanting a Contemporary Romance series to try you have to grab this series!

Kylie Masters is a bit different from our usual leading lady, she makes custom wood pieces at Reclaimed Woods and is quite talented. She's frantic when she loses the only thing she has left from her Grandfather that raised her and turns to Joe Malone to help track down who stole it. Our duo strikes a bargain, Kylie makes Joe's sister a wood framed mirror and he'll track down the person that stole her carved penguin. Joe's the perfect guy for the job since he works with Archer at his security business. They go through their suspects but the tension between the two grows until they decide to have a fling. Neither is looking for something serious but as the novel progressed I wondered how they'd make it work. Joe has some major commitment issues and Kylie has seen her mom go from guy to guy and it's left some insecurities on her part too.

About That Kiss is a great addition to a series I adore. I enjoyed seeing their romance unfold along with the mystery. I'm hoping we see some more of the guys in the security companies as future lead characters, because I can't get enough of them! If you're a fan of Contemporary Romance with a touch of whodunit mixed in you'll love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
muneer babar
About that Kiss is the fifth book in the Heartbreaker Bay series. It made my most anticipated reads of 2018 list. Usually about this time, I find my interest fading in a series because I feel like the stories start to blend together and there is nothing new. Not so with this series. I have to say that this is probably my second favorite of the series so far. Accidentally on Purpose still holds the number one slot. That being said, I adored this book. This is Joe and Kylie's story. Someone has stolen a memento from her childhood (a carved penguin from her grandfather) and is holding it hostage. She runs to Joe to get it back.

It was just such a fun read. The banter between Joe and Kylie was so funny and comfortable. Nothing felt forced or cliche. The romance was steamy and just fun. I was rooting for them the whole time.There were so many laugh out loud moments that it was hard to pick a favorite. I loved Kylie's "disguises". The other characters from the previous books make appearances here and add to the fun of the story. They are all among my favorite "fiction friend groups" and I would love to have friends like that in real life.

Does Kylie manage to get the guy and the penguin? You''ll have to read to find out. The next book in the series doesn't come out until this fall. I can't wait!

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jill Shalvis is back with another book in her Heartbreaker Bay series. This author has been on my auto-buy list for years. I’m a huge fan. Her books are always a delight and this one is no exception.

Kylie Masters always loved Gib, but he is her boss. She knows nothing could ever come from her huge crush. It doesn’t stop her from dreaming, though. That is until Joe Malone kisses her. Then, he’s all she can think about.

When something precious belonging to Kylie is stolen, she turns to Joe’s expertise to help her find it. Their hunt turns quite personal and their attraction for each other gets closer and closer all the time.

Kylie and Joe’s chemistry is strong. Their romance grows with each page. I couldn’t help but cheer them on as they discover their feelings for each other. It’s a fast-paced book with endearing characters. It’s so easy to be transported into Kylie and Joe’s world and truly care about them. It’s a “feel good” type of story.

Jill Shalvis writes romance beautifully and mixes a bit of suspense in the story, as well. She’s an expert in her field and I, for one, can’t wait for her next book.

FTC Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from Edelweiss and the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love how every single character in the Heartbreaker Bay series has a distinct personality, with distinct fears and flaws to overcome. And each time I read about a couple, I think Jill Shalvis can’t possibly top them being my favorite…and then somehow, she totally does.

Kylie and Joe are amazing together! Adorable, endearing, and so, so sweet. They both have their flaws and their idiosyncrasies, of course, but underneath all that, they’re truly good people who have experienced some really bad things in their lives. They get each other, and that’s what truly binds them together in ways neither one of them expected.

Joe is someone Kylie both wants and tells herself she can’t have. He’s “wrong” for her, and yet, she can’t seem to stop from wanting him. Kylie is someone Joe has wanted for a while, but deep down believes deserves better than he could ever give her. He’s tough, protective, and a has a beautiful heart and a great sense of humor. Which is a really good thing because Kylie is quite the character—truly a larger than life heroine who I would totally befriend.

If you’re looking for a dynamite contemporary romance with a charming heroine and a kick-butt hero, pick up a copy of About that Kiss by Jill Shalvis! It’s a swoon-worthy romance that, if you’re anything like me, will be impossible to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rizwana khan
Contemporary romance at it's finest...and funniest. ABOUT THAT KISS is a fun and flirty story about Joe and Kylie who share an amazing and unforgettable kiss one night-then-nothing. Our Joe is commitment shy and ignores the zing of interest towards Kylie in his heart. Kylie ignores the disappointment at first, her boss and friend Gil is showing interest in her at last. She's been interested in Gil for a long time, but now the spark is gone. Besides now, something dear to her is missing and she needs Joe's help in retrieving it.

I loved the premise of this story. Kylie is a woman with a career she loves, working as a woodworker and creating beautiful items. She was taught by her grandfather who raised her. She also knows her mind and refuses to settle for just anything. When a small precious item goes missing, she strikes a bargain with the reluctant Joe.

Ah, Joe. He is such a guy. He is strong, confident, and sexy as hell. It was such fun watching him fall for Kylie. In his heart he can't resist her, but his brain has him wanting to run in the opposite direction. But Kylie needed him. I didn't expect the "who done it" thread in the story. It brought another layer to this wonderfully humorous love story.

If you love stories with a zany premise, a hint of mystery, heroines who know what they want and hunky heroes brought to their knees by Cupid, do yourself a favor a favor and get this book! Jill Shalvis writes fun and heartwarming tales with characters that make you feel that you know them, so enjoy another visit to Heartbreaker Bay.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
candice crowell
Fire burns. Sometimes fires start out in unexpected ways and change the course of a life forever, sometimes in good ways and sometimes in bad.

Kylie Masters knew a little something about fires, including the one that she thought burned hot between her and Joe Malone, but maybe not. Maybe he was just a one time kiss that was destined to be no more, though it was kind of fun to watch him need something from her.

Joe Malone was a loner. Yes he had his father and his sister, but otherwise, he was a loner. Then he had the nerve to kiss Kylie Masters and with that his whole world twisted, but he was determined to ignore it. Until that is he needed something from her. Then he realized karma was a cruel mistress.

Joe and Kylie seemed to be thrown together and now needed each other, but could they deny the heat that was building? Or would there fire burn out of control quickly? Add in crazy relations, mystery and crime and there is a recipe for true love or true disaster.

Ms. Shavis has knocked this one so far out of the park there is nothing to say other than go pick this up. In truth her characters are so well written that they seem to walk off of the page and into your life. There is suspense without overkill, romance with fairy tales and a sense of realism that is hard to find elsewhere. Giving love to the primary and secondary characters in any book is a feat but to get a reader engaged and to care about all the players in a book is just shy of a miracle and Ms. Shavis has given her readers that in this book. The problem? Awaiting the next release.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
**Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

"About That Kiss" is written by Jill Shalvis, and it is the 5th book in her Heartbreaker Bay series. It can be read as a stand-alone book. It features Joe Malone and Kylie Masters.

Joe and Kylie share a hot kiss one night, but Joe didn't call her back. She chooses to forget about that kiss and doesn't want to acknowledge it. But Joe reminds her often that their kiss was not something you could easily forget. Unfortunately, he's not ready to commit. He's not the forever type of guy. She wants otherwise. But when an invaluable possession of hers was stolen from her, she is determined to get it back. She'll need Joe's help to do so.

As the story progresses, you'll see Kylie and Joe work together to solve the mystery. They banter a lot in the process, which will provide for some funny scenes! Despite their banters, their attraction for each other doesn't die down. It just gets stronger. And no matter how often Kylie is determined in thinking their kisses are forgettable, Joe will always prove to her otherwise.

Will she be able to get her invaluable possession back on time? Will Joe be able to protect her? Will he be her forever guy?

This was such a great book! It helped that I had a snow day yesterday, so I actually read this whole book in 1 day! That's how much I loved it! Just like Jill's other books, readers will be kept on their toes! "About That Kiss" will make you smile, laugh, and swoon! It's honestly everything you would want in a story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caroline tell
About That Kiss starts after "that kiss". I didn't read the previous book so I didn't get to see the events that concluded with the kiss, but it didn't affect my ability to read this story. Joe is a playboy and not into relationships. Kylie is not about to let a guy like Joe hurt her. These two have a very antagonistic relationship filled with banter and teasing.

Kylie is a wood worker and makes beautiful pieces. She learned from her grandfather who passed away years ago. She has a treasured carved wood penguin he made for her and it is stolen by someone. She hires Joe to help her find it. While it is worthless to everyone but her, its all she has left of her grandfather. I didn't expect this to be a big deal, but actually it turns into more than just a simple theft. I was surprised at how devious this thief was! It added a bit of mystery and suspense I wasn't expecting.

The slow burn between Kylie and Joe is delicious! Lots of heated kisses that build and build. Joe knows that Kylie is hiding something and he finds that he actually wants to get to know her better. He has never felt that way before so its all a little strange and unsettling for him. Kylie doesn't want to get hurt, so she is cautious with Joe. Of course Joe is an idiot and has no idea what to do with feelings. Add in the tension with whomever is taunting Kylie and you have a really compelling story that I enjoyed a great deal. Joe wasn't the easiest person to like, but as the story unfolds and you see him with his dad and sister and friends, you get him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbara mccord
I definitely need to start by saying, that I have had a huge fan girl, reader crush on Jill Shalvis for a few years now! Her books always have me laughing, binge reading late into the night wayyy past my beadtime, and just begging for the next book!

Joe and Kylie's story was one of my favorites so far! Joe is just a typical alpha male, he plays his cards close to his chest, doesn't do commitment or long term, and definitely doesn't do love. Until Kylie blows into his life and tilts everything off of his axis.

Kylie is missing a family item that is truly near and dear to her heart. And she knows that she cannot find it on her own. While it just about kills her to ask for Joe's help, she knows that he is one of the only people that will help her get the job done. And she WON'T let him solve anything with out her! I absolutely LOVED that about her character. She wants help, but she wants to be there every step of the way, and she isn't taking no for an answer. I found myself relating to her throughout the whole book. Wanting to be independent, being used to taking care of things yourself, and just NEEDING to be involved someway, somehow.

About That Kiss was just FANTASTIC. I couldn't put it down! It had a whole "who done it" theme throughout and really kept you guessing until the very end! It also had me wanting Joe to pull his head out of his butt the whole time, but... MEN! Can't live with em can't kill em! ;)

Well done. Cannot WAIT for the next book!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
debbie walmsley
Jill Shalvis has certainly found her stride with this series now. While I liked the first few books in the series, I really feel like things are starting to feel like her older titles which I simply adore. ABOUT THAT KISS is the fifth book in the Heartbreaker Bay series and it features Joe and Kylie. At first, I wasn’t sure I was going to like Joe. I don’t really know why that is. I just went into the book thinking that he was going to be one of those stuck-up heroes so made a move on the heroine and would forever hold that scorching kiss between them forever. However, I quickly changed my mind about him. Joe was great. Sweet and fun, he turned out to be a great hero for Kylie.

Kylie was a character that I immediately liked. She’s a do-it-yourself kind of girl and I really liked that about her. Although she has be persuade, she also doesn’t allow people to walk over her so when Joe comes in, intending to purchase a mirror she made for his sister, Molly, Kylie is quick to turn him down. It’s only when she realized she needs his assistance that she goes hunting for him.

Simple yet effective, this story is one of my favorites in the series. I thought it was upbeat and fun, without trying too hard. It had the perfect balance of heart and humor and I really enjoyed the banter between these two. With each book in this series, I am beginning to enjoy the series more and more. So I’m confident that Shalvis has found the key to writing a successful novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bola babs
About That Kiss is book 5 in the Heartbreaker Bay series. I'm really loving this group of friends that the series revolves around. This novel focuses on Kylie and Joe and I found myself hooked from the first chapter. If you're wanting a Contemporary Romance series to try you have to grab this series!

Kylie Masters is a bit different from our usual leading lady, she makes custom wood pieces at Reclaimed Woods and is quite talented. She's frantic when she loses the only thing she has left from her Grandfather that raised her and turns to Joe Malone to help track down who stole it. Our duo strikes a bargain, Kylie makes Joe's sister a wood framed mirror and he'll track down the person that stole her carved penguin. Joe's the perfect guy for the job since he works with Archer at his security business. They go through their suspects but the tension between the two grows until they decide to have a fling. Neither is looking for something serious but as the novel progressed I wondered how they'd make it work. Joe has some major commitment issues and Kylie has seen her mom go from guy to guy and it's left some insecurities on her part too.

About That Kiss is a great addition to a series I adore. I enjoyed seeing their romance unfold along with the mystery. I'm hoping we see some more of the guys in the security companies as future lead characters, because I can't get enough of them! If you're a fan of Contemporary Romance with a touch of whodunit mixed in you'll love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly huddleston
About that Kiss is the fifth book in the Heartbreaker Bay series. It made my most anticipated reads of 2018 list. Usually about this time, I find my interest fading in a series because I feel like the stories start to blend together and there is nothing new. Not so with this series. I have to say that this is probably my second favorite of the series so far. Accidentally on Purpose still holds the number one slot. That being said, I adored this book. This is Joe and Kylie's story. Someone has stolen a memento from her childhood (a carved penguin from her grandfather) and is holding it hostage. She runs to Joe to get it back.

It was just such a fun read. The banter between Joe and Kylie was so funny and comfortable. Nothing felt forced or cliche. The romance was steamy and just fun. I was rooting for them the whole time.There were so many laugh out loud moments that it was hard to pick a favorite. I loved Kylie's "disguises". The other characters from the previous books make appearances here and add to the fun of the story. They are all among my favorite "fiction friend groups" and I would love to have friends like that in real life.

Does Kylie manage to get the guy and the penguin? You''ll have to read to find out. The next book in the series doesn't come out until this fall. I can't wait!

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martha doherty
Jill Shalvis is back with another book in her Heartbreaker Bay series. This author has been on my auto-buy list for years. I’m a huge fan. Her books are always a delight and this one is no exception.

Kylie Masters always loved Gib, but he is her boss. She knows nothing could ever come from her huge crush. It doesn’t stop her from dreaming, though. That is until Joe Malone kisses her. Then, he’s all she can think about.

When something precious belonging to Kylie is stolen, she turns to Joe’s expertise to help her find it. Their hunt turns quite personal and their attraction for each other gets closer and closer all the time.

Kylie and Joe’s chemistry is strong. Their romance grows with each page. I couldn’t help but cheer them on as they discover their feelings for each other. It’s a fast-paced book with endearing characters. It’s so easy to be transported into Kylie and Joe’s world and truly care about them. It’s a “feel good” type of story.

Jill Shalvis writes romance beautifully and mixes a bit of suspense in the story, as well. She’s an expert in her field and I, for one, can’t wait for her next book.

FTC Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from Edelweiss and the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matvey zhdanovich
I love how every single character in the Heartbreaker Bay series has a distinct personality, with distinct fears and flaws to overcome. And each time I read about a couple, I think Jill Shalvis can’t possibly top them being my favorite…and then somehow, she totally does.

Kylie and Joe are amazing together! Adorable, endearing, and so, so sweet. They both have their flaws and their idiosyncrasies, of course, but underneath all that, they’re truly good people who have experienced some really bad things in their lives. They get each other, and that’s what truly binds them together in ways neither one of them expected.

Joe is someone Kylie both wants and tells herself she can’t have. He’s “wrong” for her, and yet, she can’t seem to stop from wanting him. Kylie is someone Joe has wanted for a while, but deep down believes deserves better than he could ever give her. He’s tough, protective, and a has a beautiful heart and a great sense of humor. Which is a really good thing because Kylie is quite the character—truly a larger than life heroine who I would totally befriend.

If you’re looking for a dynamite contemporary romance with a charming heroine and a kick-butt hero, pick up a copy of About that Kiss by Jill Shalvis! It’s a swoon-worthy romance that, if you’re anything like me, will be impossible to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So if you read through that excerpt with me…let’s take a moment to fan ourselves…talk about chemistry! About that Kiss certainly delivers on that component!

Jill Shalvis‘ latest installment in The Heartbreaker Bay series gives us Kylie and Joe’s story and boy what a story.

From great characters…to a suspenseful mystery…to peeks at how our couples from previous books in the series are doing…About That Kiss had it all.

Both Joe and Kylie had different but equally difficult upbringings and they are both incredibly stubborn..so you can imagine the dynamic between them is something intense to begin with. Add in the fact that Kylie is forced to ask for Joe’s help to find a stolen carving and the fact that she insists on accompanying him of all of the legwork for the case and we end up with fireworks.

I was a little disappointed that Shalvis didn’t give us the sort of mystery that the reader could really feel a part of…but the important aspect was how it threw the two of them together and led to a few hair-raising incidents.

I can’t wait to see what Jill Shalvis has in store for us with the next Heartbreaker Bay novel. I can guarantee that I won’t hesitate one-click once available.

NOTE: Review copy from publisher...all thoughts and opinions my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ekta biyani
Ever since Joe Malone and Kylie Masters shared that earth shattering kiss outside of the bar, they avoid each other like the plague. Neither of them ever expected a kiss would make them feel all those feelings. Kylie couldn't understand why Joe wouldn't talk to her. Joe Malone is a loner. He was in the Army's special forces, did a stint in the MMA and now works for Archer at his security/investigation company. Joe also is Molly's brother.

When Joe needs to get Molly a birthday present, a mirror that Kylie made at her woodworking shop, Joe must finally talk to Kylie. I just loved the smart aleck banter between these two! When something important to Kylie goes missing, she makes a deal with Joe....he helps her find her penguin and she will make Molly a mirror.

Kylie insists on being with Joe every step of the investigation. This of course causes a lot of great moments between the two of them. As they spend more time together, their feelings start to come out.

This was such a fun, sexy story. I loved these two characters. They were both stubborn but so great together. The added mystery with the penguin was fun. Overall, another great story by Jill Shalvis!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cathy wood
If you have read the Heartbreak bay series, you know the formula by now....
1 Alpha male + 1 sassy heroine + 1 group of friends (male and female) to hold you accountable + humor + sexy time = a fun story with intrigue, romance, and a dose of redemption (whether needed or not).
Joe and Kylie have been secondary characters in several of the other books in the series, but this is the first time we’ve really gotten to know them.
I was impressed with the fact that even though this book is fairly far into the series, Ms Shalvis managed to keep Joe and Kylie’s story fresh and a pleasure to read. This is a cast of characters that I look forward to getting to revisit. Each book stands on its own, but the little tid bits from prior main characters that trickle in make it truly fun for loyal series readers too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeannie hunter
About that kiss is another hit for the Heartbreaker Bay series by Jill Shalvis. I revieved a complementary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review but only because I can't ever wait until street date to get my hands on her books. If you are a fan of contemporary romance, then I'm sure you have every book written by this author, right? If not, what are you waiting for. This book is a continuation of her lastest series of the most lovable down to earth mix of characters. Her stories are well written and have you laughing, crying and sometimes looking over your shoulder during the steamier parts. Looking forward to the next book, I have my fingers crossed as to who will be next.
In the meantime, this book, this series and this author is a must have for your collection.
Happy Reading...enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca daniel
Kylie grew up working beside her grandfather learning and mastering woodworking. Years later after a fire that destroyed her grandfathers shop and took his life the only thing she has left of him is a penguin carving. The penguin goes missing and she starts receiving strange messages and photos. She decides to ask Joe Malone the sexy investigator to help her find her precious gem.

Joe and Kylie shared a steamy kiss a while back and Joe never called so she will have to set aside her feelings as they work together. Joe loves to have fun, never getting too serious or close to any woman he spends time with. Until Kylie, he finds it hard to focus when shes around and he finds he is always thinking of her.

Will Kylie be able to settle down the fun guy and make him the forever guy?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In Jill Shalvis’s latest Heartbreaker Bay book, About That Kiss, we are re-immersed in the community of the Pacific Pier Building and the magical fountain. This time the story is Joe and Kylie’s. I enjoyed the fact that Kylie has an unconventional job as a woodworker/artist and was paired with tough guy Joe who is second in command at Hunt Investigations. The tension between the two starts with a stolen kiss in the alley. It was fun reading the way Kylie brought Joe “back to human” by being herself and standing up to Joe’s deeply entrenched need to protect. I love the way Jill Shalvis fleshes out her characters by showing them from different character’s perspectives and her sense of humor in telling the story of Kylie’s dog finally learning to fetch! Fans of her books will not be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
burgess lepage
Another great addition to this series. Joe and Kylie shared one explosive kiss which they can't believe because usually they antagonize each other. Someone is threatening Kylie so Joe agrees to help in exchange for Kylie making his sister a mirror she's dying to have. One kiss leads to more and two people who never believed love was for them, learn maybe that's not the case.

Shalvis blends humor, romance, friendship, and mystery together in a way that you can't put this book down. Many of our favorites from previous books are back, but the book can still be read as a standalone. I loved Joe's family - his dad is a great character and I'm really hoping sis Molly gets her own HEA.

Thanks to the author for a review copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patricia hong
What I have always liked about Jill Shalvis' books is that there is always a group of close knitted people who always stand by each other and are always there for each other, be it friends or family. I just love reading about how this group of friends in Heartbreaker Bay bond together.

And of coz, there's always that explosive chemistry between the hero and heroine in Ms Shalvis' stories and Joe and Kylie are no exception. There chemistry could just ignite a room and you would just want to read on and see how their relationship progress. Definitely five stars for this story and I can't wait to read more of Ms Shalvis' books.

** I received a copy of this book from the author. All opinions are my own
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kylie Masters knows that the smart thing to do would be to forget that kiss she shared with the hot guy, Joe Malone, but her heart and brain cannot agree on the idea. Joe knows that it was a very memorable kiss and doesn't think it should be forgotten so he is eager to help Kylie when she enlists his help with a missing carving and mysterious notes. Joe knows how to investigate and how to protect but will his feelings for Kylie get in the way of doing the job?

I do love these guys from the Heartbreaker Bay series and I was happy to discover how Kylie and Joe manage their attraction. I cannot wait to see who will be next to fall in love!

I received a complimentary ARC; all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jill Shalvis does it again with another great story! Absolutely love her books; you really get attached to the characters and there is so much fun humor that takes place. That being said, there is still some drama that brings the main characters closer together.

This book is about Kylie and Joe who shared a hot kiss but then nothing more comes of it. Both have hidden secrets/issues and decide to help each other out. Joe needs a very specific mirror that Kylie has made before and Kylie needs Joe's help to find a penguin carving. Kylie of course has to tag along while Joe investigates and all kinds of shenanigans ensue.

You will love the book and the characters!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lori hoad
Joe Malone wanted to commission a present for his sister’s birthday, but Kylie refuses to help in order to avoid any contact with the sexy alpha that didn’t call or come around after they kissed that one time. But when she finds out the one thing she had left from her grandfather has gone missing, she has to swallow her pride and offer a trade in exchange for his help.
The one thing Joe is not counting on is that Kylie Masters is a hands-on kind of girl and she’ll tag along during his investigation. The more time they spend together, the more difficult it will be to resist his attraction to the feisty woodworker.
This is the fifth installment of the Heartbreaker Bay series and, though it can be read as a standalone, I felt I was missing a part of the story as I haven’t read book #4. That said, the book is well written, fun and dynamic as most of Ms. Shalvis’ work and it makes for an enjoyable read.
As with the other characters in this series, Joe and Kylie are good natured and loving people with their own issues that will create the conflicts they’ll have to overcome in order to find their HEA.
One thing I completely loved about this book was the movie taglines at the beginning of each chapter. Being a movie lover, it was a great excercise to figure out the few I didn’t remember from top of my head.

3 stars
*Received an ARC for which I voluntarily provided an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
m guffey
What makes reading fun is watching an author explore new directions. About That Kiss is Jill Shalvis veering into new territory, but reminding readers, she has the talent to back it up. While keeping with tradition and seducing our socks off, Joe and Kylie add some mystery to the lovable canvas of Heartbreaker Bay. What began with a kiss grew in a most intriguing way. From a scene stealing dog, to a curmudgeonly father, a flighty mother and a missing penguin, Ms. Shalvis keeps the charm while adding a hint of suspense. What I enjoy most about the crew from Heartbreaker Bay is that they show how love can build a family. Blood may not bind them but heart does.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica payne
Jill Shalvis has a skill when it comes to writing strong and sexy characters who have believable back stories. Once again, with Joe and Kylie, she hits it out of the park. Both have their troubled pasts, but acknowledge it within themselves and work to get past their issues in their own ways. The mystery involved in the story is light, but enough to keep you interested.
A special note: a lot of the stories have dogs or animals in them that are cute and fun in their own rights, and this one is no exception. It's a nice addition to the series and I like that not every story has it, though it feels like it does in the newer ones of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel e leinker
About That Kiss is about to tie with Sweet Little Lies for being my favorite book in this series. Kylie and Joe's chemistry, connection and humor kept the story steady paced and completely fascinating. Kylie has a unique backstory and I love how her past twists in unique ways bringing us in the present mystery she's confronted with. Joe is just swoonworthy though a bit hard headed at times but like always men usually have a bit of that in them no matter how awesome they are.
If you enjoy a fast paced romance with a touch of suspense I highly recommend checking out About That Kiss and the rest of the Heartbreaker Bay Series.
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