Chasing Christmas Eve: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel

ByJill Shalvis

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ferdi karadas
I really do believe that finding your perfect match doesn’t just involve love, lust and attraction. I think that tolerance is one of the biggest components of a successful relationship. You can be seriously attracted to someone but the smell of their feet will turn you off. Sexual attraction can be rampant but their constant humming could send you over the edge. Loving someone who is good and kind could mean absolutely nothing if they pick their toe nails then flick the contents at your coffee cup (GROSS!!). Tolerance plays a huge part because if you love someone you put up with the gross stuff. Or, you share your disgust with the gross stuff and work together to fix/avoid the smelly feet, humming and picking toe nails. If they love you, they will willingly work towards not grossing you out.

Now, tolerance with family…that’s a different story. You’re kind of obliged to be tolerant when it comes to family members. The thing is though, with family, your tolerance could falter, and that’s OK. It’s different because you won’t hesitate to tell your sister that her feet stink, and she won’t hesitate to tell you to bugger off. If your brother hums constantly, threatening his life if he does it again will not have them running for the hills scared that you might actually mean it. More than likely he’ll tell you to bugger off AND hum louder. If your Dad picks his toes…ummm…I'd tell him it's gross and then probably tell my Mum on him.

I think we put up with a lot more from family members than we do from our partners, especially in the beginning stages of a relationship. If you love someone, family or partner, you will have an unlimited amount of tolerance. I would also be trying my hardest that they don’t need to use it if the situation was reversed.

Sometimes your perfect match is the person who doesn’t need tolerance to put up with the things you do that drive others crazy. The right person gets you, works with you and finds a way to make your issues work for them. Besides the toe picking, that's just gross.

I’ve rambled BIG TIME!! How bloody unusual.

I absolutely loved Chasing Christmas Eve. Colbie and Spence were the perfect matches for each other. In previous relationships, Spence forgot to make his partner a priority and instead focused on his work. Colbie didn’t have a lot of experience with previous relationships because her family and her job as a writer were her main focus. Neither Spence nor Colbie was happy and realised they were missing something important in their life. Turns out that they just needed each other.

This story made me laugh, cry and squirm. The Heartbreaker Bay gang are back and I loved catching up with them. I was a little sad for Colbie at times as she seemed to have lived a pretty lonely life up till meeting Spence. His good intentions led to Colbie feeling like a loser and all I wanted to do is climb into the book to give her a hug…and give Elle a kick up the butt. The sexy times for Colbie and Spence were steamy and sweet and I definitely felt the connection between them.

There’s just something magical about Jill Shalvis’s writing that leaves me satisfied. I always finish with a smile on my face and believe that the couple was meant to be. Chasing Christmas Eve was amazing and I think this is her best book…since the last one. ?

Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
i b g wiraga
Chasing Christmas Eve is book #4 in the Heartbreaker Bay series by Jill Shalvis, which follows a group of friends in San Francisco. Although it’s part of a series, it can be read as a standalone.

Colbie is a successful young adult fiction author who, on a whim, has just flown across the country. After escaping New York and ending up in San Francisco, she’s hoping to A) break her writer’s block, B) take a break from her demanding family, and C) indulge in a little self-care, for once in her life. The combined pressures of Colbie’s wildly popular books and her family’s dependence on her have left her creative well completely dry. She plans on staying in San Francisco until Christmas Eve, at which point she’ll go back to her normal life with her family in New York.

Spence is a successful, wealthy engineer/inventor and recent addition to San Francisco’s Most Eligible Bachelors list. However, he’s no playboy. On the contrary, he shies away from publicity and is very much a self-imposed hermit. Spence’s work is his life: he has never been able to balance the professional and personal. As such, he has become accustomed to being bad at relationships and, subsequently, being alone. Spence has a group of close friends, but otherwise shuts off the outside world.

The book gets off to a great start with Colbie and Spence meeting under comical and less than ideal circumstances. It also features Shalvis’s signature comedy combined with touching moments.

Both Colbie and Spence have complicated families as well as pasts. In fact, they’re both keeping secrets. When it becomes apparent that there’s a mutual attraction, Colbie and Spence agree to a no-strings arrangement, complete with a Christmas Eve expiration date. Naturally, that turns into much more.

I haven’t read the other books in the series (with the exception of one novella) and had no trouble diving right in. However, the supporting characters feature prominently here. In particular, Elle from book #3 is a big part of this story. While she has Spence’s best interests at heart and is fiercely protective of him, I found her overbearing and downright rude at times, especially to Colbie. Since the whole book takes place over a month or so (including the epilogue), it moves at a quick pace. For me, the ending felt somewhat off, in terms of the HEA seeming a bit rushed.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read, with an especially strong first half that becomes much more complicated as the story progresses. Nonetheless, I still plan on going back and reading the previous books in the series.

I received an advance copy of this book from Edelweiss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Colbie Albright is having a really bad day. See, she's an author with writer's block and zero time for herself. A little impromptu vacation is in order, but a random TSA screening reveals some rather incriminating notes on how to kill someone and get away with it, and instead of boarding that flight to San Francisco, she gets to spend some quality intimate time with airport security. When Colbie finally makes it to her destination, my heart swelled with the Ms. Shalvis's romantic depiction of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay it guards. Everything about this opening chapter reached in and grabbed me, and I knew right then it was going to be an enjoyable read. Even if I was reading about Christmas in September!

Aaaah, Spence Baldwin! I adore rich geeky tech heroes, and Spence is just right. For a guy who goes out of his way to avoid the droves of women after his eligible rich bachelor status, he owns up to his mistakes and lends a helping hand where it counts. Like, say, after knocking a woman right into a fountain.

This story is downright delightful. It cheered me up and lifted my spirits right from the first page. The characters—all of them, even the secondaries—are unique and memorable, and the dialogue is both charming and witty.

I’m a Texas transplant, so I completely understand a tourist’s fascinating with San Francisco, and this book highlights the usual sites with a lover’s eye—mostly authentic and totally habit forming. I love the cozy, small community feel Ms. Shalvis has carved out for her cast, not an easy thing to do in a city as packed with people, businesses, and unreasonable real estate prices as San Francisco. I wish I could stroll into Finn’s bar and meet the gang myself, hang out and have a beer (okay, wine) and take in the personalities and the warm, lively holiday glow. If there were a “poster child” for heart-warming holiday romances with good friends and family you get to choose, this would be it.

Chasing Christmas Eve is a delightful, heart-warming romance that I had to finish reading through a screen of happy tears and sniffles. I thought I wasn’t ready for a Christmas story this early in the season, but I was wrong. I loved these characters, I adored the story world, and I would absolutely read more about this bigger-than-life group of friends and their love and support for one another. No matter what season it’s set in.
About That Kiss: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel :: Instant Temptation (Wilder Brothers) :: Second Chance Summer (Cedar Ridge Book 1) :: The Trouble with Mistletoe - A Heartbreaker Bay Novel :: Head Over Heels (A Lucky Harbor Novel)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary shamloo
What’s it About? Colbie Albright’s life consisted of taking care of her ADULT family like they were kids and stressing out about writing the next big hit in her YA fantasy series. After finally reaching her limit she basically runs away to San Francisco, ends up dunked in a fountain and is rescued by Spencer Baldwin. Spence isn’t looking for a relationship and neither is Colbie, after all, she’ll be going back to New York in two weeks but that doesn’t mean they can’t explore the crazy chemistry between them during her stay. Their chemistry soon extends outside of the bedroom though and quickly complicates their “No Strings” arrangement.

Overall reaction to the story? Chasing Christmas Eve is a great way to usher in the holiday season. Jill Shalvis brings the warmth of the family you choose and the chaos of the family you’re born with. Spence and Colbie aren’t the typical type of leading characters and they put a different spin on the whole “couple” dynamic. I loved spending time with these two and of course the rest of Spence’s gang. My only issue was with one of the supporting characters, Elle. Man, I LOVED her in her own book but I couldn’t stand her in this one! What happened?! Even with Elle’s nastiness (Sorry but that’s what it was, and that’s the nice way to put it), Chasing Christmas Eve is a delightfully fun romance between two lonely workaholics who finally find the one person worth finding a balance with.

Describe the hero in five words: Genuis. Caring. Gentle. Funny. Determined.
Did you like him? Yes.
Why? Jill Shalvis crafted a stand out leading man in a sea of uber alphas. Spence is not quite an alpha but he’s not a beta male either. He falls in that very small but magical space in between. He’s the guy women want as a best friend AND they guy they want to crawl into bed with. He’s the geeky stud who won’t piss a woman off with his macho BS but who can still make a woman feel feminine and wanted. I always liked Spence whenever he came out in previous books but I fell in love with him here because that’s when you really get to know him and he’s totally irresistible.

Describe the heroine in five words: Clumsy. Sweet. Sensitive. Clever. Fun.
Did you like her? Yes.
Why? I wasn’t sure I was going to like Colbie at first. She was a grown woman who didn’t curse and I know that sounds like a small thing but sometimes it isn’t. It could make a character seem immature or “saint level boring” in my eyes but once again, Shalvis made something that would normally bug me into something that was oddly endearing and complimentary to the character. Colbie was a lot like Spence when she got to working, she tended to ignore everything outside of work but at the same time she wasn’t a female version of Spence (How boring would that have been?). She was someone who was trying to find herself again, something many people can relate to. I liked that while had she let people take advantage of her in the past, she was dedicated to changing that and standing up for herself.

Let’s talk about the romance: Spence and Colbie were downright adorable together! These two had a very similar work ethic and quirks that enabled them to understand and make allowances for one another. I loved the way their relationship developed and that it was more of a friendship based fling. There was a lot of genuine affection between them before they had that “Aha” moment where they realized they were in love, they supported each other in little ways and in big ways so to me that made them super believable as a couple. They each brought their own brand of crazy into the mix but with both Spence and Colbie having a caretaker complex, they worked around it to create an envy worthy romance.

How about that supporting cast? I love the crew of the Heartbreak Bay series. They’re a zany, crazy loyal bunch and when more than two of them get together there are always plenty of laughs. I did have a big issue with one of the crew though. Elle. I liked her in the previous books and LOVED her in her own book but in this book she flat out got on my nerves. I get that she was protective of Spence, I really do but she came off as a royal bitch AND a crazy, possessive ex-girlfriend which she wasn’t. She was suffocating level nosy and pushy. If I hadn’t already read her book, I would have hated her. Elle just seemed like an extreme version of who she was before and it didn’t work for me.

Click It or Skip It? Click It. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Jill Shalvis is an author that shouldn’t be missed. Chasing Christmas Eve needs to be THE book to usher in your holiday season!

A copy of this book was and provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review. All conclusions are my own responsibility and I was not compensated for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I LOVED, LOVED this story! It was Quirky and Funny and made me smile and even laugh out loud more than a time or two. It's a book I wouldn't mind reading more than once!
Colbie was a hoot, and the things that came out of her mouth were so funny! And her way of using other words to substitute for cuss words were funny too! She was a very talented author but also had some ditsy accidents. It just made me like her more. It was like it wasn't that she fell down but more like the floor raised up and hit her. Don't get me wrong, she knew it and owned the fact. She was also super responsible for others too. That also caught up with her and was one of the reasons she "ran away." She knew it was only going to be for a few weeks, but boy did people hound her to take care of them. She needed a break.
Spence was another interesting main character. Geeky, handsome genius. A man who had learned to be all work and no play. He figured he could either be successful as an inventor or as a man with a relationship with a woman. He just couldn't make both work together.
Some of Spence's gang of friends added to the fun. Especially, Elle his BFF, protector and building manager. She was one good but tough friend. A friend bent on tearing up anyone who tried to take advantage of Spence. Which makes things kind of tough because Elle knows that Colbie is hiding something about herself. And she's going to find out what it is come hell or high water.
I enjoyed the game that the two main characters played. The one where they tried to guess what the other one did for a living. It made for some interesting times.
Yes, there will be romance and there will be sex too. There is also a good Epilogue with a H.E.A. that had flair.
P.S. I would have given this book high marks for the humor alone. But to let you know there were some serious issues as well. It wasn't ALL fun and games.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Chasing Christmas Eve is book #4 in the Heartbreaker Bay series by Jill Shalvis, which follows a group of friends in San Francisco. Although it’s part of a series, it can be read as a standalone.

Colbie is a successful young adult fiction author who, on a whim, has just flown across the country. After escaping New York and ending up in San Francisco, she’s hoping to A) break her writer’s block, B) take a break from her demanding family, and C) indulge in a little self-care, for once in her life. The combined pressures of Colbie’s wildly popular books and her family’s dependence on her have left her creative well completely dry. She plans on staying in San Francisco until Christmas Eve, at which point she’ll go back to her normal life with her family in New York.

Spence is a successful, wealthy engineer/inventor and recent addition to San Francisco’s Most Eligible Bachelors list. However, he’s no playboy. On the contrary, he shies away from publicity and is very much a self-imposed hermit. Spence’s work is his life: he has never been able to balance the professional and personal. As such, he has become accustomed to being bad at relationships and, subsequently, being alone. Spence has a group of close friends, but otherwise shuts off the outside world.

The book gets off to a great start with Colbie and Spence meeting under comical and less than ideal circumstances. It also features Shalvis’s signature comedy combined with touching moments.

Both Colbie and Spence have complicated families as well as pasts. In fact, they’re both keeping secrets. When it becomes apparent that there’s a mutual attraction, Colbie and Spence agree to a no-strings arrangement, complete with a Christmas Eve expiration date. Naturally, that turns into much more.

I haven’t read the other books in the series (with the exception of one novella) and had no trouble diving right in. However, the supporting characters feature prominently here. In particular, Elle from book #3 is a big part of this story. While she has Spence’s best interests at heart and is fiercely protective of him, I found her overbearing and downright rude at times, especially to Colbie. Since the whole book takes place over a month or so (including the epilogue), it moves at a quick pace. For me, the ending felt somewhat off, in terms of the HEA seeming a bit rushed.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read, with an especially strong first half that becomes much more complicated as the story progresses. Nonetheless, I still plan on going back and reading the previous books in the series.

I received an advance copy of this book from Edelweiss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohamed ali
Colbie Albright is having a really bad day. See, she's an author with writer's block and zero time for herself. A little impromptu vacation is in order, but a random TSA screening reveals some rather incriminating notes on how to kill someone and get away with it, and instead of boarding that flight to San Francisco, she gets to spend some quality intimate time with airport security. When Colbie finally makes it to her destination, my heart swelled with the Ms. Shalvis's romantic depiction of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay it guards. Everything about this opening chapter reached in and grabbed me, and I knew right then it was going to be an enjoyable read. Even if I was reading about Christmas in September!

Aaaah, Spence Baldwin! I adore rich geeky tech heroes, and Spence is just right. For a guy who goes out of his way to avoid the droves of women after his eligible rich bachelor status, he owns up to his mistakes and lends a helping hand where it counts. Like, say, after knocking a woman right into a fountain.

This story is downright delightful. It cheered me up and lifted my spirits right from the first page. The characters—all of them, even the secondaries—are unique and memorable, and the dialogue is both charming and witty.

I’m a Texas transplant, so I completely understand a tourist’s fascinating with San Francisco, and this book highlights the usual sites with a lover’s eye—mostly authentic and totally habit forming. I love the cozy, small community feel Ms. Shalvis has carved out for her cast, not an easy thing to do in a city as packed with people, businesses, and unreasonable real estate prices as San Francisco. I wish I could stroll into Finn’s bar and meet the gang myself, hang out and have a beer (okay, wine) and take in the personalities and the warm, lively holiday glow. If there were a “poster child” for heart-warming holiday romances with good friends and family you get to choose, this would be it.

Chasing Christmas Eve is a delightful, heart-warming romance that I had to finish reading through a screen of happy tears and sniffles. I thought I wasn’t ready for a Christmas story this early in the season, but I was wrong. I loved these characters, I adored the story world, and I would absolutely read more about this bigger-than-life group of friends and their love and support for one another. No matter what season it’s set in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What’s it About? Colbie Albright’s life consisted of taking care of her ADULT family like they were kids and stressing out about writing the next big hit in her YA fantasy series. After finally reaching her limit she basically runs away to San Francisco, ends up dunked in a fountain and is rescued by Spencer Baldwin. Spence isn’t looking for a relationship and neither is Colbie, after all, she’ll be going back to New York in two weeks but that doesn’t mean they can’t explore the crazy chemistry between them during her stay. Their chemistry soon extends outside of the bedroom though and quickly complicates their “No Strings” arrangement.

Overall reaction to the story? Chasing Christmas Eve is a great way to usher in the holiday season. Jill Shalvis brings the warmth of the family you choose and the chaos of the family you’re born with. Spence and Colbie aren’t the typical type of leading characters and they put a different spin on the whole “couple” dynamic. I loved spending time with these two and of course the rest of Spence’s gang. My only issue was with one of the supporting characters, Elle. Man, I LOVED her in her own book but I couldn’t stand her in this one! What happened?! Even with Elle’s nastiness (Sorry but that’s what it was, and that’s the nice way to put it), Chasing Christmas Eve is a delightfully fun romance between two lonely workaholics who finally find the one person worth finding a balance with.

Describe the hero in five words: Genuis. Caring. Gentle. Funny. Determined.
Did you like him? Yes.
Why? Jill Shalvis crafted a stand out leading man in a sea of uber alphas. Spence is not quite an alpha but he’s not a beta male either. He falls in that very small but magical space in between. He’s the guy women want as a best friend AND they guy they want to crawl into bed with. He’s the geeky stud who won’t piss a woman off with his macho BS but who can still make a woman feel feminine and wanted. I always liked Spence whenever he came out in previous books but I fell in love with him here because that’s when you really get to know him and he’s totally irresistible.

Describe the heroine in five words: Clumsy. Sweet. Sensitive. Clever. Fun.
Did you like her? Yes.
Why? I wasn’t sure I was going to like Colbie at first. She was a grown woman who didn’t curse and I know that sounds like a small thing but sometimes it isn’t. It could make a character seem immature or “saint level boring” in my eyes but once again, Shalvis made something that would normally bug me into something that was oddly endearing and complimentary to the character. Colbie was a lot like Spence when she got to working, she tended to ignore everything outside of work but at the same time she wasn’t a female version of Spence (How boring would that have been?). She was someone who was trying to find herself again, something many people can relate to. I liked that while had she let people take advantage of her in the past, she was dedicated to changing that and standing up for herself.

Let’s talk about the romance: Spence and Colbie were downright adorable together! These two had a very similar work ethic and quirks that enabled them to understand and make allowances for one another. I loved the way their relationship developed and that it was more of a friendship based fling. There was a lot of genuine affection between them before they had that “Aha” moment where they realized they were in love, they supported each other in little ways and in big ways so to me that made them super believable as a couple. They each brought their own brand of crazy into the mix but with both Spence and Colbie having a caretaker complex, they worked around it to create an envy worthy romance.

How about that supporting cast? I love the crew of the Heartbreak Bay series. They’re a zany, crazy loyal bunch and when more than two of them get together there are always plenty of laughs. I did have a big issue with one of the crew though. Elle. I liked her in the previous books and LOVED her in her own book but in this book she flat out got on my nerves. I get that she was protective of Spence, I really do but she came off as a royal bitch AND a crazy, possessive ex-girlfriend which she wasn’t. She was suffocating level nosy and pushy. If I hadn’t already read her book, I would have hated her. Elle just seemed like an extreme version of who she was before and it didn’t work for me.

Click It or Skip It? Click It. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Jill Shalvis is an author that shouldn’t be missed. Chasing Christmas Eve needs to be THE book to usher in your holiday season!

A copy of this book was and provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review. All conclusions are my own responsibility and I was not compensated for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I LOVED, LOVED this story! It was Quirky and Funny and made me smile and even laugh out loud more than a time or two. It's a book I wouldn't mind reading more than once!
Colbie was a hoot, and the things that came out of her mouth were so funny! And her way of using other words to substitute for cuss words were funny too! She was a very talented author but also had some ditsy accidents. It just made me like her more. It was like it wasn't that she fell down but more like the floor raised up and hit her. Don't get me wrong, she knew it and owned the fact. She was also super responsible for others too. That also caught up with her and was one of the reasons she "ran away." She knew it was only going to be for a few weeks, but boy did people hound her to take care of them. She needed a break.
Spence was another interesting main character. Geeky, handsome genius. A man who had learned to be all work and no play. He figured he could either be successful as an inventor or as a man with a relationship with a woman. He just couldn't make both work together.
Some of Spence's gang of friends added to the fun. Especially, Elle his BFF, protector and building manager. She was one good but tough friend. A friend bent on tearing up anyone who tried to take advantage of Spence. Which makes things kind of tough because Elle knows that Colbie is hiding something about herself. And she's going to find out what it is come hell or high water.
I enjoyed the game that the two main characters played. The one where they tried to guess what the other one did for a living. It made for some interesting times.
Yes, there will be romance and there will be sex too. There is also a good Epilogue with a H.E.A. that had flair.
P.S. I would have given this book high marks for the humor alone. But to let you know there were some serious issues as well. It wasn't ALL fun and games.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren balthrop
Why does Elle make me dislike her? I really thought I got over that with Accidentally on Purpose. I got to know what makes Elle tick and all of that. But she is just too bossy for her own good and she really upset me a few times in this story Sure she has a heart of gold, but she doesn’t have to guard that heart so coldly.

But this story isn’t about Elle. It’s about Spence finally getting his HEA. And the perfect woman for him to get that with is Colbie. Really, what a total peach that woman is! The downside to Colbie is that she cares too much for those around her, to the detriment of her own happiness in most cases.

Spence and Colbie had such a wonderful “meet cute”, it was adorable. From all of the other books it was obvious that Spence is a super compassionate person and really loves his friends with all his heart. We learn so much about Spence and his blood family in this book and it amazes me that he even thinks he’s not capable of a loving relationship.

As much as I adored the relationship between Colbie and Spence, there were some other scenes in this book that seemed convoluted and unnecessary. Even confusing at times. Not that you’ll get lost in the actual story, but more the author trying to be overly cutesy in the girl’s night friendships that it gets a bit out of hand. Again, doesn’t take away from the story but it was really not needed.

All in all, this is a wonderful story and I’m glad to know so much more about Spence. I’m hoping to continue to see Colbie and Spence in future stories in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chasing Christmas Eve by Jill Shalvis is the fun and festive fourth installment in the author’s Heartbreaker Bay series. Fans of the series will be ecstatic to know that favorite characters from the previous books make appearances. It’s not surprising that I was excited to read this story for multiple reasons. I’m a huge fan of Jill’s books and the characters in this series feel like family. Holiday reads hold a special place in my heart. I’ve a soft place in my heart for nerdy geeks and have been looking forward to Spence’s story since the series began.

As the story opens, we meet Colbie, our heroine and the author of a popular YA fantasy series, in a hilarious scene. While attempting to board a plane in New York to escape from her overwhelming responsibilities which are stressing her out and silencing her muse, she’s been nabbed by airport security who are questioning her due to her highly suspicious research notes:

“What happens when the YA thriller writer heroine tries to get thru airport security with her research notes in her bag? :
“How to murder people by poison without detection,” the TSA agent read aloud.
The woman behind Colbie gasped in horror.
“Okay,” Colbie said, pointing to them. “That’s not what it looks like.”
The woman behind her, cradling a leopard-print cat carrier, had turned and was frantically whispering to the people behind her.
“Really,” Colbie said. “It’s a funny story, actually.”
But the agent was flipping through her notes, not even remotely interested in her funny story. He didn’t need to read aloud what he was looking at, because she knew exactly what was there – other Google searches, such as how to get away with murder using a variety of different everyday products that weren’t considered weapons. “It’s research,” she said to the room.
"Yeah, that’s probably what I’d say too,” a guy said from somewhere behind her.”

For Colbie, that scene is just the beginning of her ‘lucky’ streak that day as when she finally arrives in California, she gets knocked into a fountain by a run-away animal, and then rescued by Spence.

The chemistry between Colbie and Spence clicks from the beginning! They are endearing and genuine. They’re both workaholics with family issues. Neither have a positive track record with relationships. As is typical with Jill’s characters, their flirty interactions and banter are highly entertaining even as each denies the heat sizzling between them. The plot is that Colbie needs her muse back to meet her impending deadlines. Spence, who is a genius and just happens to own the building in San Francisco where this story mostly takes place, is under a deadline also - wrapping up an important humanitarian tech project he’s developed. Can they be each other’s muses? What happens in two weeks as Christmas nears and Colbie has to return to the east coast to her brothers and mother and agent and all those who depend on her… leaving Spence on the west coast? Will these two learn the secret to balancing work and pleasure?

Following please find a few of my favorite quotes from Chasing Christmas Eve:

“We all have horrible track records,” he said. “It’s what leads up to the real thing. It’s what allows you to recognize it when it shows up.”
“Ten's my favorite," he said and read it aloud-- like she didn't know what she'd written. "A wild, passionate, up-against-the-wall, forget-my-name love affair that makes me weak in the knees when I think about it-- but only a very short wild, passionate, up-against-the-wall, forget-my-name love affair because..." he paused, probably to control himself, before continuing... "I don't have the time or stamina to maintain that level of sexual activity, much less a relationship."

She moaned and closed her eyes.

"Pretty detailed," he said running a hand over his deliciously scruffy jaw to hide the smile she knew he was fighting.”

I listened to the audio of Chasing Christmas Eve voiced by Karen White. It was amazing. Her voices always sound genuine and they each seem right for the characters. It blows me away that the voices she has used for each of the multiple characters has remained consistent – not only within this installment, but since the beginning of the series. She exudes the proper nuances. Her interpretation of the characters and her polished performance add up to making listening to the audio an enjoyable experience.

Even if you haven’t picked up this series before now, I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up Chasing Christmas Eve as it can be fully enjoyed as a standalone read. Pick this up and the close-knit friends of Heartbreaker Bay will quickly become your friends too. The epilogue is warm-fuzzies’ perfection. If you enjoy feel-good contemporary romances set at Christmastime that will leave you with a huge smile, I’d encourage you to check out Chasing Christmas Eve! I can’t wait to see what will happen next in Heartbreaker Bay!

My full review is published at Reading Between the Wines Book Club. Please check it out there!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ajay kalyankar
The holiday romance reading frenzy has begun! I kicked off mine with Chasing Christmas Eve by Jill Shalvis. A favorite of mine, Shalvis is known for her awkward and hilarious characters. I read all her books, but the last few, to me, have been lacking some of her usual hilarity. While I wouldn't really call Chasing Christmas Eve a holiday romance - it's really a romance that just happens to take place in the weeks leading up to Christmas. The holiday itself doesn't play much of a role, more just a timing device.... the clock runs out on Christmas Eve, but hey, we will go with it anyway.

Jill Shalvis is back with her trademark funny in Chasing Christmas Eve! Colbie is awkward as all hell and the Heartbreaker Bay gang is out in full force making Spence's life more interesting. Colbie is overwhelmed by her success as a writer and her responsibilities and she runs away from home to find herself in San Francisco. Specifically at the legendary fountain featured in this series. Here she runs into Spencer and Elle. Before she knows it, she's spending her vacation renting out an apartment in the building owned by Spence. And of course, falling in love. Colbie felt a little off, but she was Shalvis' trademark hot mess. And her notes while she was waitressing at Finn's were killing me!

Spence has always been one of my favorite characters in this series, so I was happy to watch him fall. :-) Spencer is the enigmatic geeky millionaire. He added humor and mystery to the series. I liked that he wasn't angry about his past. He was a little defeated about it, but not mopey and angry. He was surprisingly open to falling for Colbie.

My only peeve about Chasing Christmas Eve is one that's pretty common in romance novels - it is heavy on the insta-love. Within three weeks they are changing their lives (and I mean in a cross-country kind of move way) for one another. Colbie is portrayed as an overly cautious kind of person, so this is pretty out of character for her. But, like I said, this is a common pet peeve of mine when reading romance.

If you are a Shalvis fan, looking for a holiday themed book, or just a fan of fun, you should definitely check out Chasing Christmas Eve.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fourth in the Heartbreaker Bay contemporary romance series and revolving around a core group of friends living and/or working around the fountain of love at the Pacific Pier Building in the Cow Hollow district of San Francisco. The couple focus is on Spence and Colbie.

My Take
This was fun. What am I saying? All the Heartbreaker Bay stories are fun, although I will say that Chasing Christmas Eve doesn’t have that same level of coziness the three previous installments did. I do like the project that Spence is focusing on…the store should take on this drone project, lol.

Shalvis has a unique way to bring in the acceptance theme, of accepting people for who they need to be. Lord knows, it’s a lesson we all need to absorb, as it addresses one’s inner approach to life, not just the career choice.

Our lead protagonists certainly have their issues, and Shalvis uses third-person dual point-of-view to emphasize how focused and forgetful Spence is — along with regretting his social problems — while Colbie has lost her joy of writing. You writers will identify with her issues. And, lol, wish you had some of ‘em.

There is a LOT of tease in this before we finally get the whole enchilada. Shalvis tosses out teeny bits and pieces about how demanding Colbie’s life is (and what a pain her family is!) and about Spence’s inability to have a relationship. It did wear on me after awhile. Especially Colbie obsessing about keeping her success as a writer secret. Why? Does she think Spence is a secret fangirl, oops, -boy, of YA fantasy?

I definitely thought Colbie overreacted to those revelations on Girls’ Night Out. I’d’ve been touched if a boyfriend had been that thoughtful. Yeah, I know I whine on about these little jumps out of place, but I hate it when it feels as if an author is trying to slip one in without putting some thought into it.

Whoa, we finally get the backstory on Old Man Eddie. And whoa again…makes me think about a second look at the homeless guys I pass on the street, wondering what drove them here.
The Story
Colbie Albright can’t take it anymore. Besieged on all sides, she’s up against the walls of expectations, and it's killing her delight. And so she flees. Whichever airline is heading out first.

She had wanted sand and surf, but has to settle for being shoved into an historic San Francisco fountain within an hour of arrival. Fortunately, the guy who fishes Colbie out has her considering that escape might not be so bad. And Spence…well, Spence thinks that a woman who can laugh at herself and listen may be the one.

There's no time for Colbie and Spence to get serious, not with that Christmas Eve end date. Just two weeks of fun with no commitment. Except…

The Characters
Colbie Albright writes a YA fantasy series, Storm Fever, as CE Crown. She’s been the only responsible member of her family since she was six. Kurt and Kent are her younger ne’er-do-well twin brothers (23!!), always looking for a handout. Cinder is the stray black cat Colbie adopts. Janeen and Tracy are part of her staff. Jackson is her jerkish agent. Andrea Horvath is her editor.

The ADD-focused Spencer Baldwin is a reclusive, inventive geek with a masters in mechanical engineering who sold out his startup and made his millions. Clarissa Woodward is the girlfriend who dumped him two years ago. A doctor, she currently runs One-World, a charity, and the drone project is for her. The homeless Old Man Eddie is Spence’s grandfather; Mati was a free spirit with whom he fell in love. Caleb is Spence’s former business partner and still a friend. The very protective Elle Wheaten manages Spence and his Pacific Pier Building ( Accidentally on Purpose , 3). Trudy is the housekeeper who takes good care of Spence; Luiz is the husband she’s married three or four times.

Hunt Investigations is…
…a successful security business owned by Archer Hunt ( Accidentally on Purpose ). Molly is the receptionist and Joe’s younger sister. Joe (former Special Ops) is one of the IT wizards, Hunt's second-in-command, and a master finder and fixer.

”Seriously, you’re a grown-ass man, one who’s been trained in a million different ways to kill someone. Why do you let Elle terrify you?”

Willa Davis runs a pet shop and animal day care and is involved with Keane Winters ( The Trouble with Mistletoe , 2). Daisy Duke is one of Willa’s regulars. Finn O’Riley ( Sweet Little Lies , 1) and his brother Sean own O’Riley’s, a bar and meeting place for this core group of friends. Pru is with Finn and works as a pilot and boat captain for tours on San Francisco Bay. Kylie creates gorgeous furniture at Reclaimed Woods. Vinnie is Kylie’s French bulldog. Tina, who used to be Tim, makes the most incredible muffins. Haley, the voice of calm reason, is the optometrist on the second floor.

Mrs. Winslow is one of Spence’s neighbors. Mrs. Stein was Spence’s fourth grade teacher. Brandon had been a fellow student at college — when Spence was 16.

The Cover and Title
The cover is a deep royal blue, lightening as it encounters the well-lit Golden Gate Bridge. It’s unrealistic with Spence in rolled-up shirt sleeves and jeans and Colbie in a deep turquoise waist-length jacket and flimsy navy blue print skirt. It’s never warm enough in San Francisco at Christmas to dress this lightly. Then again, they must be well warmed-up with that kiss that has Colbie’s heels kicking up behind her. The author’s name (all uppercase) is in an embossed white with a much smaller title (all lowercase) below it in an embossed metallic gold. The blurbs and series information is scattered about in white.

The title is what Spence and Colbie are each doing in their own ways: Chasing Christmas Eve.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
will decker
I’m not usually a massive reader of romcom style chic-lit books but I have to say that sometimes I’m wrong about things. Chasing Christmas Eve started great. The way the chapter tiles are alternatives to swear words which describe how the main Character feels is a really nice touch.
The main character Colbie is loveable and relatable. You can completely feel for her when she acts and behaves the way she does. Drawn to Spence who is her polar opposite in some ways but so alike her in other ways they make for a great main and secondary character pairing.
The story itself is fun and quirky, while the end result is somewhat predictable it by no means sets out the plot from the beginning. There are twists and turns all the way through which keep you entertained. The introduction of other characters doesn’t feel forced and it reads naturally. Although it would be nice to learn a little more about them. You get a glimpse of everyone who is mentioned without feeling like it takes away from the main characters.
There is such humour throughout and the things which happen doesn’t always run as smoothly as one might expect. Colbie comes across as completely normal human despite the status of her life and the Moore we delve into her personality the more I liked her, she behaved in a way I would probably behave.
Spence is exactly the sort of boy-next-door sexy geek that most of us geeky women wish to meet. On the outside he just appears to be every bit as work involved as you’d imagine but as we get to know him we learn a lot about him and realise that he has hidden depths which aren’t always good.
The setting was perfect and the way that the environment was described left a clear image in my head. I always want to be able to picture a place when I read about it and the author did an amazing job here without bombarding us with too much information.
This isn’t the first book in the series but I haven’t read the others and it works perfectly as a standalone, however, I have decided to get the other books not only for background but because I really like the author's writing style. The flow is natural and fluid and I didn’t find myself confused at any point as to the story or plot. In fact I found that I just kept reading as there was always a reason to keep going chapter to chapter. This book is perfect for some light reading, it’s warm, funny, a little sad and a little sexy. Absolutely enjoyable. I would highly recommend this book to Everyone, including those who don’t normally enjoy this genre.
Star Ratings:
Plot: 5/5
Characters: 4/5
Heat: 3/5
Writing Style: 5/5
Overall Rating: 4/5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have loved the Heartbreaker Bay series from the first book in it that I read and whenever I know another one is coming out, it doesn’t matter who the couple is, I want to read their story. I was really excited when I found out that Chasing Christmas Eve was Spence’s story because I’ve wanted him to get his own happily-ever-after since I found out more about him in Accidentally on Purpose. It was better than I could have hoped for and I fell completely in love with this book - it was wonderful!

It’s hard to decide who I love more between Spence and Colbie because they’re both excellent characters. In this case, I think that honor has to go to Colbie although Spence isn’t far behind her. And how could he not be? He’s kind and sweet with the biggest heart in the world. Spence is always trying to take care of his friends and family and he would do absolutely anything for them. There were times when I wished that Spence could stand to believe in himself a little more, but he learns and he really is the total package. I loved him and I have no doubts that he’ll make you fall in love with him too.

Colbie is exactly my kind of heroine. She’s funny and strong with a core of steel, but also sweet with some vulnerable, weak moments although she doesn’t let anything keep her down forever. She works hard and has a lot of responsibilities, but she discovers how to let go and have fun. Colbie is giving and generous and tough and has a heart of gold. I loved being inside her head - I just loved her.

Chasing Christmas Eve gave me heart pains at and made me ache, but it made me laugh out loud so much too. It was funny and sweet and heartglowing. It made feel all warm and toasty inside and I fell in love with Colbie and Spence and their tale at the same time they were. I loved reading Chasing Christmas Eve to the moon and back, it is a perfect holiday novel and has that magic you feel around Christmas - I just couldn't have enjoyed it any more than I did!

Chasing Christmas Eve is the fourth book in the Heartbreaker Bay series, but it can be read as a standalone. It’s told from Spence and Colbie’s point of view, they get their HEA, and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Chasing Christmas Eve by Jill Shalvis is a 2017 Avon publication.

A light, slightly offbeat, and humorous holiday tale set in romantic San Francisco.

This fourth installment in the Heartbreaker Bay series features two adorable socially awkward workaholics, in Colbie and Spencer, who literally take a fall… right into the ‘Make a Wish’ fountain.

Colbie is a famous Young Adult author experiencing a case of writer’s block, under a hard and a looming deadline, who needs a break from all the pressure and from her co-dependent family who is putting a serious drain on her mojo.

She decides to run away for a little vacation so she recharge and recapture her love of writing. San Francisco was not her first choice of destinations, but it just might be her best choice, after all.

Spencer is a very successful tech genius, but that success has come at a price. His workaholic habits have already cost him one serious relationship, making him wary of getting involved with anyone again.

But, when he meets Colbie, the two seem to really hit it off! That’s great, right? The two ‘get’ each other like no one else ever has. But, Colbie has promised her family she would be home by Christmas Eve, when she will have to return to the daily grind and back to her all responsibilities.

Can the couple find a way to make their newfound relationship work or will they have to say goodbye forever?

I’ve struggled to find just the right word to describe this novel. Compared to the other books in the series, this one is a little- eccentric? Maybe? It’s quirky, a little goofy, and zany and lots of fun. Of course, It goes without saying, there are some hilarious scenes, and the dialogue is snappy. The story has plenty of energy, the tone is very light, but the emotional elements are more subdued.

There are a few minor drawbacks, however, such as Colbie’s substitutions for ‘colorful metaphors’, which was cute in the beginning, but sort of lost their charm by the end of the book- at least for me.

The sexual chemistry is hot and steamy, but due to time constraints, I suppose, the build -up was too short, which stunted the emotional growth in the relationship.

But, the romantic comedy format is nice and maybe even somewhat of a relief..

There are a few touching and gooey moments, of course, but it did give me a break from the sugary sweet and sappy, overly emotional, heart string tugging holiday tales I'm normally inundated with. So, personally, had no problems with the lighter approach in this one.

For the most part, I enjoyed this slightly unconventional Romcom, which really did lighten my mood and made me literally laugh out loud once or twice.

So, if you are in the market for a light, fun, and sexy holiday story, this is the book for you. Enjoy!

3.5 stars rounded up
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chasing Christmas Eve is book four in the Heartbreaker Bay series by Jill Shalvis. I have loved this series from the start. This small community of people that live and work in this small courtyard in San Francisco have become part of my family. I was so excited to finally get Spence’s story and it was amazing. He is everything I hoped he would be and so much more.

Spencer Baldwin is the owner of the building that this series revolves around. He is the resident genius/recluse/workaholic we have come to know and love. We also get to know his partner, Caleb, a little better in this book and he is quite a character. Spence’s life is his inventions. When he is working, everything and everyone else gets tuned out. He had a long term relationship and lost her because he would get so lost in his work that he would forget all about her. He didn’t make her a priority. So he has accepted the fact that he can’t have both. He can’t have love and work. So he knows that he will most likely grow old alone, just as his ex said he would.

Colbie Albright lives in New York. Her life has always been, since a very young age, taking care of her younger twin brothers and her mom. Colbie is a writer. In the early days, she would do anything to make ends meet, waitress, whatever it took. But then a young adult fantasy adventure she wrote hit it big, Storm Fever. Now a series and the first book coming out in a movie soon, she is able to provide for her brothers and mom as she was never able to. But she has been so good at taking care of them that they depend on her for everything. She does everything for them. At the same time, she is under enormous stress from her agent to work on the next book in the series and to make public appearances. She wrote the series under a pen name and does not enjoy being in the public eye. All the stress from both family and work has blocked her writing. So she decides she needs a break away from all of them. She packs a bag and ends up in San Francisco standing at the very fountain in the courtyard of the building Spence owns. And before she knows it, she is actually IN the water of the fountain, and standing before her is the best looking man she has ever seen.

Spence and Colbie were both lonely, both introverts, both under enormous amounts of stress. Together, they found something they both needed, someone that completely understood them, someone that made them smile, take a step back and relax a little bit. Their time together, though, has an expiration date. Colbie is returning home on Christmas Eve.

“She’d offered him her friendship. Her body. And he’d taken both. He wanted to keep them both. And he also wanted more, so much more. He wanted her heart, like she had his.”

Jill Shalvis has this unbelievable talent of making these characters she writes about so real, so easy to love, so easy to relate to. How many of us have been so overwhelmed with life that we just want to drop everything and run? Even if for just a little while. Little did Colbie realize that she was not only running away, she was running towards something. Towards the man that was soon to become more important to her than any of the other things that ruled her life. Both he, and this magical place he lives in, would open her heart and her creativity to new things she didn’t even know she was capable of.

We get plenty of all of the other couples we have loved in the previous books. And of course, when these women get together, chaos soon follows. We also get some surprises regarding Eddie, the homeless man that lives in their alley. Now I love him even more.

You’re not going to want to miss this one. But I do urge you to take a look at the earlier books in this series if you haven’t read them already. You won’t want to miss any of these wonderfully endearing characters. So grab a cup of tea or coffee or your beverage of choice, put on those fuzzy socks and get comfortable. You are in for a fabulous time with this bunch. If you want, drop me a note and let me know if you fall in love with them as much as I have. I surely hope you do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leslie c
Sometimes the pressures in life force your hand. For Colbie – the demands of being a successful author, taking care of her family, and a misinterpreted romance have driven her to flee from it all. With her famous YA book series hitting the big screen, the demands to produce another book is killing her creativity. Writers block is strangling Colbie with a grasp so strong that the only solution is fleeing to a place where no one knows who you are. Plagued with a curse of a hurricane, Colbie finds herself on the farthest coast of the US where no one knows her real identity.

When you are a genius, life tends to plague you with its own set of difficulties. Spencer has used his expertise to help those around him. Earning him a substantial amount of money, but very little time for relationships. If his track record is any indication, Spencer is clearly NOT boyfriend/husband material. As the owner of the building where he lives and works, Spencer has accumulated quite the ‘collective’. A family of neighbors that are always on the lookout for him.

A chance ‘meeting’ has Spencer and Colbie crossing paths. Or should I say Colbie’s fall into a fountain gives pause to the studious Spencer. Acting as gentlemanly as possible, Spencer can’t help but find himself drawn to Colbie and her mysterious ways. As the two begin to spend time together, they both discover a fulfillment with the others company. As the clock on Colbie’s time in San Francisco winds down, the two wonder what the future will hold.

This latest installment in the Heartbreaker Bay series will warm the heart of any reader. Colbie and Spencer both have given up on love. Devoted to their lives, the two happen to cross paths. Leading fans of the series down the path that two work driven people rarely experience. Jill Shalvis always knows how to add the perfect touch to each couple in the Heartbreaker Bay series. Colbie and Spencer are no exception!!

The plot was engaging, and the setting made me picture every nuance of the bay in my mind. A wonderful combination so close to the holiday season. Each page left me rooting for the couple who have given their all to their craft, but have taken little time for their own personal satisfaction. A great edition to the series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura haven
It’s December first, and Colbie Albright was waiting in La Guardia for a plane to take her anywhere warm, where should wouldn’t think of the approaching Holidays. Colbie is a successful author of YA dystopian novels, and inspiration has recently deserted her; her family, editor, and agent are all making demands; Colbie just has to get away. San Francisco was not her destination of choice, but Fate and Mother Nature decided for her…

Spencer Baldwin is a wealthy engineer and inventor, and it seems it’s all he’ll ever have. The Baldwin men don’t seem to be able to combine successful careers and happy love lives, so Spencer concentrates on his career; he knows for a fact that he can’t do both. He is also a very nice man, which gets him more than he bargained for when, good Samaritan that he is, he offered a friend to take a huge and very enthusiastic dog for a walk, and said puppy topples the very attractive Colbie into the town fountain…

Sometimes I wonder if Christmas would be the same without a Jill Shalvis book! Without being syrupy, CHASING CHRISTMAS EVE is a perfect Christmas book, and it still can be read at any time of the year, as Christmas occurs only towards the very end.

What an excellent romance this is! Colbie and Spencer are extremely likable characters, very relatable, and the conflict that threatens their romance is unavoidable because of who they are and of their respective family experiences. Their chemistry is palpable from their first meeting, which was typical hilarious Jill Shalvis. They are very good together, and I liked how they related to each other through conversations and much more. Characters from the previous books also played an active part in the story, and I loved the banter, the teasing, the warm friendship, and Spencer’s eccentric grandfather.

CHASING CHRISTMAS EVE is a very quick read because it’s so enjoyable and pleasant; there are quite a few laughs, tender and sultry moments, and the expected various critters. CHASING CHRISTMAS EVE is like a cup of hot cocoa on a chilly day with a beloved pet on one’s lap. Cozy and lovely, CHASING CHRISTMAS EVE is a delightful way to spend the day!

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jordan grundy
ARC Review of Chasing Christmas Eve by Jill Shalvis

My Review: This is the first book that I have read of Jill Shalvis. But I admit I may be searching through her other books. Chasing Christmas Eve was a nice easy read, and yet the characters were lovable and realistic. The storyline was pretty simple to follow. Most of the conflict came from the characters themselves. I was pulled along by the hot and steamy romance budding between Colbie and Spencer.

Colbie is a best selling author from New York, who is exhausted from taking care of everyone in her family. She “runs away” to California for a much needed change of scenery and to hide while she focuses on her next book. When Colbie runs into Spencer, she is in need of companionship and she seems almost relieved that he is so determined to take care of her (after he knocks her into a fountain). Spence is a genius in the lab, but a failure at relationships. He may not think he can keep a woman happy long term, but with the steamy love scenes we read, it is clear that he simply hadn’t found the right woman. Spencer spends his energy caring for his adopted family above all else but he does not expect anything good for himself. After they crash into each other at the water fountain, these two wonderful characters have three weeks to decide if the sizzling attraction to each other is enough to make permanent changes to their lives.

In short, if you want a simple romance, with lovable characters, and a storyline that pulls you along for the ride, then this Christmas novel is for you.


A Mass Market Original—Also Available in a Hardcover Library Edition
From New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis comes this, fun, sassy, and romantic Christmas love story
Meet cute...
Run for the hills-temporarily. That’s Colbie Albright’s plan when she flees New York for San Francisco. Wrangling her crazy family by day and writing a bestselling YA fantasy series by night has taken its toll. In short, Colbie’s so over it that she’s under it. She’s also under the waters of a historic San Francisco fountain within an hour of arrival. Fortunately, the guy who fishes Colbie out has her looking forward to Christmas among strangers. But she’s pretty sure Spencer Baldwin won’t be a stranger for long.
Make merry...
Spence’s commitment to hiding from the Ghosts of Relationships Past means he doesn’t have to worry about the powerful-okay, crazy hot-chemistry he’s got with Colbie. Just because she can laugh at any-thing, especially herself... just because she’s gorgeous and a great listener…just because she “gets” Spencer immediately doesn’t mean he won’t be able to let Colbie go. Does it?
…and hope for a miracle.
Now the clock’s ticking for Colbie and Spence: Two weeks to cut loose. Two weeks to fall hard. Two weeks to figure out how to make this Christmas last a lifetime.

About Jill Shalvis:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras full of quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is, um, mostly coincidental. Look for Jill’s sexy contemporary and award-winning books wherever romances are sold and click on the blog button above for a complete book list and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucy burrows
Oh my gosh. Chasing Christmas Eve was adorable! I seriously want to move in to Heartbreaker Bay and MAKE them all be my friends. Even Elle and her bitchy self. lol

Spencer. This one is all about Spence and the lady who's caught his eye. Finally! Workaholic, glasses wearing, sexy, oblivious geek meeting his distraction in a girl he maybe accidentally pushed into the enchanted fountain in his courtyard. And maybe kinda falling for her without realizing. A girl who's only going to be in town for 3 weeks while working through her writer's block and'll then jetting back to her life in New York.


Spence and Colbie were peas in a pod and I loved them both. She's a writer, he's an inventor. And I loved them together. They both kind of get lost in their own little creative worlds when inspiration hits and both are struggling with outside pressure stifling their process. I loved that they pushed each other to have a little fun just for them while working through her vacation to-do list of sights and such around town. Not having to worry about what others wanted or taking care of anyone. They were cute and sexy and had a lovely little spark when they were around each other.

Now. I was reading. And I was loving. And I was like oh this is so fun. And then...

Some unnamed author *cough, Jill, cough* just casually dropped information in a book and I was over here going OMG! No way! Seriously? No, seriously?!! #mindblown

And they were big deal.

But I was still over here with a whisper of 'oh...mi...god.' going through my head over the tiny little tidbit of info. lol

I did NOT see that coming, Jill Shalvis! You...are a sneaky one and I loved it!

And then I was back to the romance. Watching these two workaholics find their joy and passion and their perfect match. Their romance was really just adorable.

All in all, I'm falling more and more in love with Heartbreaker Bay, this quirky group of friends and the magical building they call home. Chasing Christmas Eve melted my heart and left me grinning. The perfect taste of Christmasy romance all wrapped up into one sexy, make-you-smile, oh-my-gosh-that-was-so-fun package with a covergasm topper. Next please! I'm gonna need me so Joe!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
megumi terui
Chasing Christmas Eve is book 4 in the Heartbreaker Bay series. I've loved each of the books in this series but this one is right up there as one of my favorites now. The series changes leading characters with each book as we progress through a group of friends and meet their love interests. All of the friends are awesome and I love that we get to see what our past leading characters are doing now. I've been waiting for Spencer's book for awhile and was so glad to see this was his story! The love interest, Colbie is a writer and oh man were there funny scenes.

We start off meeting Colbie Albright at the airport. She's running away from New York to escape everything and heading to San Francisco to hopefully get some writing in for her next novel. There is a hilarious scene in the airport that makes me question if this has happened to JShalvis or any of the authors she knows. Anyway, Colbie winds up in San Francisco and is walking down the street when next thing she knows she's dunked in a fountain by the excited dog Spencer is walking. After chatting a bit and drying off, she winds up staying in an apartment in the building. This of course leads to Spencer and Colbie connecting as friends but the sparks are seriously flying. Both are hiding things from the other, Colbie being an author and Spencer being mega wealthy and one of the top ten eligible bachelors of San Francisco and I was interested in seeing what would happen when everything was revealed. As always, the friends make this book so lively, I had to laugh at some of the antics that happened with them. The romance though *fans self* I fell in love with this story and know you will too.

Chasing Christmas Eve is a fast read that you'll fall in love with. I loved that this book had a YA writer in the mix as the love interest. I'm always surprised more authors don't add that as one of the leading character's professions. I thought it worked well with the plot and loved seeing how similar both of them were seeing as they both dive into their work and don't come up for air. With steamy romance, strong friendships and plenty of humor mixed in this book is a must read. If you're a fan of Contemporary Romance, you need to try this series out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
You know those books that just make you smile when you read them? Chasing Christmas Eve is exactly that kind of story. Spence and Colbie’s romance is flirty and fun with a whole lot of warmth; it’s a holiday romance you can enjoy all year long.

I have a soft spot for nerdy heroes and Spence is a totally sigh-worthy one. He’s brilliant, sexy, generous, and kind – the perfect hero without ever becoming a cardboard character. He’s also quite wealthy and the way people have tried to use him for that wealth has made him wary and his friends protective. Spence was a pretty dreamy hero. He’s not without flaw – he has a huge problem with work/life balance – but I fell pretty fast and hard for him and was eager to see him get his happily ever after with Colbie. Colbie is a quirky, sweet heroine I adored. She’s also a bestselling author who is under so much pressure personally and professionally that she’s ready to crack. An accident involving rogue animals and a special fountain bring Spence and Colbie together and they click right away. Both of them are stressed out by their work, have been hurt in the past, and I liked that they understood one another so well. Colbie and Spence’s romance is both sweet and sensual and their slide into love had me sighing. Though they know from the outset their time together has an expiration date, I was rooting for them to take the leap, open their hearts, and find a way to make things work.

When Colbie flees New York for San Francisco to take a break from her life, she not only finds love, but a whole new group of friends. Colbie fits right in with the Heartbreaker Bay gang and the whole group made me go all warm and gushy. They’re the kind of characters you just wish were real so you could be friends with them. The Heartbreaker Bay cast is truly charming and helps make this story shine. Chasing Christmas Eve is classic Jill Shalvis in that it’s an excellent mix of humor and heart. I finished Colbie and Spence’s book a well-satisfied reader and I can’t wait for the next Heartbreaker Bay story!

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jill Shalvis has done it again. Ms. Shalvis has made character creation an art form; she has a true gift for making characters who are real and relatable, with a mix of humor and charm that can only be found in the skilled writer.
Colbie Albright is on the run from the chaos that has been her life for most of her life. A writer under a popular pseudonym, she has been overwhelmed with taking care of her younger siblings and unstable mother, and is fed up with being the go-to person to fix their problems. Her random trip brings her to San Francisco, to the heart of Heartbreaker Bay in front of the fountain that brings true love to those who don’t wish for it for themselves.
Spencer Baldwin has secrets of his own. Not only does he own the building most of his friends live and work in, his main career field has him creating some of the up to date technology most people take for granted. Their meeting, and the two weeks limit they set on their fling, has them rethinking their priorities.
Colbie is probably the closest I have ever had a character relate to my own story, and her approach to life is something I admire and respect. Spencer, with his hyperfocusing on projects and sometimes forgetting others, but still caring deeply for his friends, reminds me of my own husband. While we aren’t young and successful like the characters, the traits shown made this couple my favorite and had me rooting for them until the very end. Shalvis made both characters believable by not making them perfect, and by making them feel smart and fun and still able to admit their flaws and vulnerability to themselves.
Shalvis has a talent for making what appear to be minor characters be just as important as the two leads. In the entire Heartbreaker Bay series, she floats between couples, centering on them for one book but making the bonds with other characters strong throughout the whole series. We see the protectiveness of Elle for Spencer and protecting his identity in this book, and we saw his care and brotherly protectiveness of her in the previous book where she was the main female lead. We see the truth behind the beloved homeless man in the square, and we see two people who deserve to be loved for being themselves come together.

All in all, 5 stars out of Five, and a recommendation for anyone who has yet to read this series, or any of Jill Shalvis’ series out there to start loading their Kindles or make room on their bookshelves for her brand of great romance fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cath wagas
Shattering my sturdy book slump, Shalvis came through once again in delivering a feel-good romance that had a huge smile stretching across my face. There's something about her writing that feels effortlessly smooth and genuine every single time. Her characters are endearing, yet human and relatable. The humor is snappy and clever, and it never fails to make me laugh out loud multiple times throughout the pages.

I was so excited to get to know Heartbreaker Bay's resident genius Spencer. Delving into his family, his past, and his idiosyncrasies made me love him even more than I already did. Spence isn't perfect by far-he's work obsessed, extremely forgetful, and unable to maintain a healthy romantic relationship because he doesn't know how to successfully balance work and pleasure. Genius runs in his family, and he's come to the conclusion by example that family and career are two separate entities never to be merged. He's about to learn that sometimes you can't choose to turn away from love. Love chooses you, often when you least expect it.

Colbie has escaped her stressful life in New York for some much needed peace and relaxation in California. Her alter ego, CE Crown is the number one New York Times bestselling author of the Storm Fever series. It was even translated to the big screen, and now the pressure is on to produce more money makers. Feeling trapped into catering to her immature family, her impatient publishers and agent, she did the only thing she could: she ran. After an inauspicious, yet indulgently charming first meeting, Spencer is determined to take her under his wing for the few weeks she's there. Beyond feeling responsible for her welfare, he felt an immediate attraction that he couldn't seem to let go.

What ensued after he moved her into one of his spare apartments was a whole lot of flirting, sexy bantering, and unsuccessful attempts to deny the sparks that were flying. So another alternative was presented: could they pull off a respectful, no expectations affair with an expiration date? There were sure more than willing to try. Approaching it as two reasonable and rational adults who knew that geography and pressing careers would interfere, they vowed to enjoy the now together. What they didn't anticipate was being able to relate so effortlessly and understand one another where others had so hopelessly failed.

Both had secrets that came back to bite them eventually, but the conflicts were not drawn out or overdone. Overall, this was a wonderfully sweet story without falling into the saccharine, sappy category. Spence had a bit of a naughty side that came out to play that I think many will find a happy surprise and steam up some E-readers. Colbie and Spence were a perfectly matched pair, teaching each other about the difference between family support and enabling those programed to use. Learning to set priorities for people in your life, and setting boundaries for your career. I felt the joy that they found in just being able to be. To not have to try to change the essence of who they were, or put aside the love of what they do.

I simply adore this series! Perhaps this storyline was a bit simple and straightforward, but as a light and charming rom-com this really hit the spot. One thing in particular that I really appreciated was the fact that neither Colbie or Spencer distrusted one another because of their past romantic failures. There was no automatic, unearned black marks. They had their hang ups, but were adult enough to respect each other instead of making misplaced assumptions.

Even if you haven't been following along with the series this far, don't hesitate to jump right in, head first. Jill Shalvis' Heartbreaker Bay friends will quickly become your own, ones that you will rush to revisit time and again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just loved this story! I have found this series to be consistently good so I was really excited to get my hands on this newest installment. I was even more excited to read this one once I discovered it would be Spence's story since I have really enjoyed his character in the previous books in the series. I had pretty high expectations going into this book and it met or exceeded every one of them. I had such a good time reading this charming romance.

Spence and Colbie are the focus of this story. Spence has had a role in the previous books in this series that revolves around a group of friends and the building that they live and work in. Spence happens to own the building and is the genius of the group. He spends his time inventing and working out complex problems.

Colbie is a big name author and the stress of her life has prompted her to run away from everything for just a bit. Colbie meets Spence during an unfortunate encounter at a rather famous fountain. They are so much fun to see together from that very first meeting. Colbie decides to stay for a while so that she can get the break that she so desperately needs.

Spence and Colbie were just adorable together. They had great chemistry from the very beginning of the story. There were so many moments that brought a huge grin my face and I may have chuckled out loud a time or too. The banter between this pair was really well done and provided a nice balance to the hotter sections of the story.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of contemporary romance. This book is the fourth book in the Heartbreaker Bay but it could easily be read as a stand alone novel. Readers of the series will enjoy seeing all of the characters featured in earlier books in the series. I can't wait to see what happens next in Heartbreaker Bay!

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Avon Books via Edelweiss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Colbie runs away to San Franscico to get away from her family, her editor, and to try and find her muse again.

Spence is a wealthy, smart, business man. He made his fortunes by selling an app and now runs a business with his friend. His current project is to use droids to deliver medicines and needed supplies to war torn countries. However he is having issues with his current project and is getting very frustrated.

Colbie and Spence meet in a very funny scene and they seem to click right away. Spence feels like he owes her and offers her a place to stay in his building. Colbie is really trying to get everything on the down low of whom she really is, a best selling author and now her famous book series is being made into a movie. She lets everyone think she is a struggling writer and takes odd jobs here and there.

Spence has never let a woman side track him from his work. That is how his last relationship ended, he spent more time working and not putting time into his relationships. His friends even have to drag him out of his condo to socialize and join the living. However with Colbie things are different. He wants to spend time with her and does not think about work so much or want to work so much.

Colbie is trying to find her muse, and she finds it. She is writing like she has never written before and is actually writing something new. She eventually opens up to Spence to explain why she is in San Fran. He totally understands all about being burnt out, struggling with work, and with those around them.

Colbie and Spence sure heat up the pages and click so well. It is great to see all of our favorites from previous books in the series and we find out a secret about my favorite characters, the lovely man with all the wisdom that lives in the alley.

Another great read by Jill Shalvis. It is always wonderful to head back to Heartbreaker Bay. It feels like visiting old friends and family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ahmed mamdouh
**4-4.5 STARS** I loved returning to the Heartbreaker Bay series! This time around is Spence’s story and I was very much looking forward to reading about his journey to his HEA. It was a winner!

When sexy genius Spencer Baldwin first meets YA writer Colbie Albright, it isn’t under the best of circumstances. Colbie has just arrived in San Francisco from New York, needing a break from her too dependent family and the pressures of her writing career. She wants to get her muse back and just have a chance to breathe, away from everyone back home. When she visits the famous fountain in the courtyard of Spence’s building and is accidentally knocked into the fountain by a dog that Spence is walking, Spence quickly goes to help her. He feels so bad about what happened, but Colbie has such a great attitude about it and he finds himself wanting to spend more time with her. This is a rare thing for Spence, since he’s a workaholic and doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to dating and relationships.

These two both aren’t looking for a relationship. Colbie is only in town for a couple of weeks. She’s planning on returning to New York on Christmas Eve and Spence has been working on a very important project/invention that must get done soon. But the more time they spend together, it’s becoming apparent that even though they have an expiration date, it won’t be easy to let each other go. Will they be able to make it work or will the pressures of work/life keep them apart?

This was such a great, heartfelt, sexy, fun read! Loved Spence and Colbie!

Jill Shalvis is definitely one of my go-to authors for contemporary romances. It’s always a treat to read about the characters of Heartbreaker Bay!

*This can be read as a standalone*

**I received an ARC from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angelique wesley
Who knew I was ready for Christmas? I suppose having Jill Shalvis dish up the story is a sure way to put me in the mood for the holiday hi-jinx in Heartbreaker Bay. In Chasing Christmas Eve we get to know the enigmatic Spencer Baldwin and East Coast based writer Colbie Albright.

Spencer Baldwin has always been bit a big mystery. In the other books in this series he was the hardest gentlemen in the group to get a bead on. As Elle's boss he was simply reclusive genious. Now that I understand him better, he's certainly living up to the sexy geek thing he has going on. Spence was deeply in need to have his life shaken up and the entrance of Colbie has him taking chances that this calculated inventor is much more willing to embrace then he realized.

Colbie is an inspiring heroine. Armed with her San Francisco vacation bucket list, her identity is slowly revealed. Her quirks make her the perfect candidate for Spencer and I love the way they embrace their connection.

"She had no skills for navigating these kinds of waters, none. She needed a GPS for her life. Was there an app for that? Someone needed to invent that and pronto."

It's sweet and sexy all rolled into one 3 week fling that has the potential to be so much more. If they could just get past their pasts...

"Grinch. He wasn’t the Grinch. And just because he chose not to use it, didn’t mean that his heart was two sizes too small. "

Once again its the crew of the Pacific Pier Building interject themselves into each others lives and create a great backdrop for Spence and Colbie. CCE is yet another great addition to the series and another reminder why I love Jills' writing. This story put me in a really happy place and I highly recommend this series and this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deb myers
Colbie Albright needs a break from her current reality, her author life is blowing up, her family is in her business, and it's a daily struggle just to have a moment to herself. So she decides to pack a bag and set out a little vacation and get in some much needed "me" time. Which takes her to San Francisco, it has the historic appeal that she was looking for, the warmer weather she was craving, and a super sexy knight in shining armor that comes to save the day when she is accidentally knocked into a water fountain. From there the sparks start to fly, and these two start to take a shine to one another, problem is there little love affair will end in a few short weeks, when Colbie must return to the life she momentarily left behind...

The moment that Colbie splashes into Spencer Baldwin's life he can't help but be drawn to her, she is beautiful, funny, and the best thing to wander into his sheltered life in a long time. He tends to want to help folks and his friends have watched that come back and bite him in the past, but he reassures them that she is different, that they can trust her like he does. It's not like he is planning to get involved with her, he just wants to help her out and give her a place to stay for the month... but little does he know fate has other plans for them!

Chasing Christmas Eve is a delightful, clever, and light-hearted tale that is sure to warm the hearts of readers and leave a smile on their face! I am no stranger to Ms. Shalvis's wonderful tales, she is my go-to author when I am looking for a funny read to lift my spirits and curl my toes... and to this date she has yet to let me down. I thoroughly enjoyed this latest offering from her, the story line was very engaging, the characters were well drawn, and it gave me the holiday feels I hoped to find! Highly recommend you get your hands on this one, Ms. Shalvis's endearing characters will pull you into their world and make you feel right at home in a matter of minutes!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kerry jones
I have loved each and every story in the Heartbreaker Bay series, because Shalvis has sucked me into this small community and made me fall for these characters. I've loved the small town feel of it, and getting to know all of this group of friends and waiting for their stories. So I was super excited to get Spence's story and I wasn't disappointed at all.

Spence has always intrigued me in the books, curious to know his story, to know more about him. He's a quiet one at times, private, mysterious, but also super smart and sweet. Figuring him out was fun, and it really helped me understand him and how he fit into the group of friends from these books. I love how everyone, especially Elle, worries for him and wants to protect him. I really enjoyed watching as he figured out what was really important in life.

Colbie was a sweet but feisty heroine, which of course meant she fit right into the group. She's got her own struggles, a family she feels bound to take care of, but no one she can really rely on herself. She finds herself wanting to be alone, just for once, which is how she found her way into Spence's world to begin with. I loved her creative cursing, it showed another side of her personality and added a touch of humor to the book.

Chasing Christmas Eve was a sweet story about two people who find themselves completely, unexpectedly, falling for someone they just met. Someone who is not only the perfect match for them, but someone who needs just as much love as they do. I loved discovering secrets about the characters I've come to know and love from previous books and learning more about the couple this book focused on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dorri olds
I absolutely loved this! Chasing Christmas Eve was incredibly funny (seriously a hilarious start!) but it was also sweet and flirty with the perfect mix of emotion blended in. Spence and Colbie were wonderful, real characters. Watching them come together completely melted my heart and left a huge smile on my face.

Spence and Colbie meeting for the first time was so entertaining. I loved their sweet flirting and getting to know one another. They could be so playful together and I loved their banter. Spence was so incredibly sweet and loving. I loved getting to see the man behind the brain. I totally got Colbie and liked her instantly. These two coming together was a joy to watch. I really enjoyed them opening up and sharing, it totally melted me.

Awesome cast of characters. There is this great group of friends that have made their own family and I love their connection. I like all the couples and seeing their closeness and also their protectiveness of Spence. They just helped to create a really well rounded story. Just to add, there’s a moment in this story where my mind was completely blown. One of those I did not see THAT coming type of things and I absolutely LOVED it!!!

This story was so fantastic. These real people finding there way together and falling in love. It was so sweet, caring, and extremely entertaining… and there’s a pretty good amount of sexiness mixed in too. I loved all the details and I thought Spence and Colbie had excellent character development. I love what they were both going through in their lives and how them coming together effected that. There's a lot of emotion and it's light in the drama department but it had the perfect amount of everything I love in a great story.

This book just made me so incredibly happy! Jill Shalvis is an amazing, engaging writer who creates exceptional characters and I feel like I'm a part of their world. This was an excellent story!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy m
Chasing Christmas Eve takes readers back to Heartbreaker Bay and this time it's the genius inventor's turn to find his ever after with a petite equally averse to their new found fame writer. Colbie has run away from home or as near as a grown woman can run away from her family and their overbearing need for her to fix everything. Not to mention that her writing muse is being stifled by all of it. So when an oncoming storm redirects her to the west coast rather than a Pacific island she dreams of, she grabs at the chance to enjoy being not her. Spence has been hitting his own road block. His invention isn't performing according to plan, the same way that his life seems to be hitting a glitch. So when these two hit it off with not so little dose of lust, they decided to enjoy the break from real life and just go with the attraction. But what if happily ever after is just around the corner, can these two decide to leave the old ways behind and pursue a new one?

The ever adorable Heartbreaker Series is back and fans will not be disappointed with the way Spence gets his happily ever after. The resident genius is simply adorable when it comes to his interactions with Colbie, who knew he had it in him to be romantic. Colbie is definitely his equal, they are both driven but have let each other's past dictate their future. The rest of the gang is back as well, lending advice and pretty much becoming comedic side kicks, giving fans of the series a glimpse of their favorite couples plus a fantastic way of spotlighting how close these characters are to each other. Sweet, romantic and yes the sex is definitely hot which makes this a holiday read worth spending reading time with.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Colbie Albright is 28 years old, a YA author, and running away from home. Not sure where she's headed to she goes to the airport, bags packed. Once her decision is made to go to San Francisco, she gets in the security line like a herd of cattle to have to bags checked. The guard doesn't like what he sees while scanning her bag and all of the sudden he's calling for a female security person. Great..what a way to start her trip. All over an apple and an unfinished manuscript she's written. Oh the writers world and the research that has to be done that the rest of the world deems inappropriate.

Spencer Baldwin is hot and super intelligent! He does however have issues with keeping cell phones. When the frustration of his job and the latest cell phone death happened he'd go volunteer for Willa at her pet shop, walking dogs. But, when he's walking Daisy and a cat crosses their path and she breaks free and knocks a woman in the fountain. He does the only thing he can do, help her. However, this woman instead of being furious that she was knocked in the water, she does something totally unexpected...she makes a joke of it! That's when Spencer knows the sparks he's feeling for this gorgeous woman must be investigated!!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this series!! Each book is like visiting with old friends!! Spencer and Colbie's story is so amazing, sweet, funny, and sexy!! Once I finish a Jill Shalvis book I always have a hard time getting interested in the next book I read! She ruins me! Absolutely, my favorite author and all of her books are AMAZING!!!
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