It Had to Be You (Lucky Harbor)

ByJill Shalvis

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jill Shalvis is one of my favorite authors. Lucky Harbor comes to life in It Had to Be You with new characters but also adds familiarity with many reoccurring favorites. It's a very touching, yet sexy and extremely fun read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben ihloff
is there anything bad you can say about jill shalvis???????? i mean seriously.. she has the most amazing books ever!!!!! i love all her work!!! i own all her books on kindle!!! sexy romantic novels are her thing!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Seventh in the Lucky Harbor romance series set in a small town in Washington. The couple focus is on Ali Winters and Luke Hanover.

My Take
I am rather surprised that Ali doesn't have a clue about Teddy's true self. Four months of this "relationship" and Teddy seems to be more missing-in-action than boyfriend in spite of all the things she did---behind-the-scenes, mind you---to make him look good. She keeps finding excuses for him even as he ignores her existence, and I just hate that. Jerk. I don't like women who allow themselves to be victims. Fortunately, Shalvis salvages most of this.

I don't, in general, get annoyed by the insta-love, and Shalvis does try to make this case work except this is one exhausted cop who doesn't come across as the susceptible type. If I were as tired as Luke is, I'm not sure I'd even notice chocolate or a pizza if someone wafted it under my nose. Yet Luke still allows this person he wants to see gone to stay. It's not particularly believable, a state which is reinforced with the rest of the odd bits.

Weird loose threads in this: if the senator has skated so far, why would he kill himself? Shalvis keeps saying Edward was married to Luke's grandmother for three minutes, okay, obviously intended to indicate being married a short time, but the way in which she keeps on about this, I kept thinking he wasn't a grandfather by blood. That he was more of a ship passing in the night. If Russell wants to spend time with Paul in Vegas, and he doesn't really care about the flower shop, why doesn't he just leave it in Ali's hands for a week or so? Ali keeps telling us that Bree's perfume makes her sneeze, and she doesn't make the connection?? Teddy is complaining that they hadn't had sex in two months when he's been the one never available? Terror? Ali's terrified? Of what?? Shalvis goes nowhere with this... The phone call from Angelina Montclair from the Chronicle actually seems like a real call---as opposed to the sensation-chasers earlier, a point which is reinforced by his commander's demands. Yet Ali doesn't say a word to Luke. Nor does Shalvis go anywhere with this one. Why does Aubrey feel a need to quit her job when she works for several people?

There's that eye-rolling moment when Ali plans to creep Teddy's new place. Ohh, yeah...another brilliant maneuver.

What planet does Teddy live on that he thinks he and Ali are still friends? After the way he treated her before, during, and after???

"Lucky for you, I work with a bunch of little girls."

"You work with a bunch of firefighters."

"Who all gossip like girls."

Oh, doesn't Ali know that eavesdroppers never hear good about themselves? And it's still heartbreaking when she overhears that conversation between Edward and Luke.

It's silly, it's a tiny bit irritating for all the no-we-can't/yes-I-want, and it's sweet.

Read this as a fun, fluffy romance without a lot of sense. And it is sweet with how frustrated Luke gets about wanting to get rid of Ali, but unable to go through with it. Their individual interactions with various people in town. Luke's issues with his grandfather, and how he feels as though he's failed everyone around him. Jack is adorable! Lucille's interest in Ali's art.

The Story
It's the big fundraiser for the new community center in Lucky Harbor, and Ali is excited to be going with her boyfriend, Teddy. Too bad he's so absorbed in all the gladhanding. Absorbed in other activities as well as Ali discovers in too many ways to count that night.

It's a screaming match over the phone that ends in Ali meeting her landlord. In bra and panties. A very tired landlord who wants her out of his house as soon as possible.

The Characters
Ali Winters has moved to Lucky Harbor to change her life. She volunteers doing all sorts of things at the senior center and generally makes her glowing presence felt everywhere. She's found a job she enjoys, making flower arrangements at Lucky Harbor Flowers. Mimi Winters is her happy-go-lucky mom, always optimistic, never successful. Harper Winters is her sister. They may be poor, but they're good people with a strong sense of right. Leah Sullivan is a pastry chef helping her own grandma out, and she's Ali's best friend in Lucky Harbor. Zach Mullen is a schoolfriend of Ali's who just passed the bar.

Russell is Ali's boss: a technophobe and lovesick for his ex-boyfriend, Paul. (he "inherited" the shop from his sister Mindy who wanted to move to LA with her boyfriend, just like Russell wants to move to Las Vegas to be with his boyfriend), He resists all Ali's attempts to build up the business and refuses to update his accounting system.

Detective Lieutenant Luke Hanover needs a rest from the disastrous ending of a case he was working with the San Francisco Police Department. He's also a pie ho. The house where Teddy and Ali lived is his, inherited from his grandmother, Fay. He's estranged from his grandfather, Edward Gregory, who drives the seniors around; his parents were never there; and, he feels that he's failed his sister, Sara. Craig O'Neill is Luke's commander (and a former boyfriend of Sara's!). Jack Harper and his cousin Ben are Luke's best friends. Jack is a firefighter in Lucky Harbor whose mom, Dee Harper, is fighting breast cancer.

Teddy Marshall is the town clerk and its golden boy, sliding through life with a grin and a pat on the head. Aubrey is the assistant Teddy shares with other city workers. Tony Medina is the goodhearted mayor who took over for Jax Cullen (Simply Irresistible (Lucky Harbor, #1)); he's a financial advisor in his regular life. Bree Medina is his wife, an interior decorator to the rich and famous. Sheriff Sawyer Thompson. Roger Barrett needs his GTO back. Eddie Kitzky wants someone to catch his nephews.

The seniors...
Lucille is one of the old folks; she keeps the town's Facebook page updated, to Ali's dismay. Lyle Lyons is a professional hellraiser ( and ex-postmaster); Cecil Elroy is a former truck driver and now a playboy; Joseph Wykowski is an ex-rocket scientist---and the current ringleader (although that role seems to switch between Wykowski and Luke's grandfather); and, their friend and driver, Edward. All of them adoring fans of Ali's.

Tara Daniels Walker is the best chef in the county and runs the local B&B with her sisters. Melissa Mann runs a beauty shop in Lucky Harbor.

The Cover
The cover is sweet with an amazingly young-looking Luke embracing Ali outside the flower shop.

I'm not sure where the title comes from. The best I can come up with is that it had to be Luke for Ali and vice versa; a mutual It Had to Be You.
The Good Luck Sister: A Wildstone Novella :: A Heartbreaker Bay Christmas Novella - Holiday Wishes :: One in a Million (A Lucky Harbor novel) :: Lucky in Love (A Lucky Harbor Novel) :: Once in a Lifetime (Lucky Harbor Book 9)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david thomas
REVIEWED FOR: Swept Away By Romance

GENRE: Adult Contemporary Romance
ANGST LEVEL: Drama free! This is a feel-good book!!
NOTE: This is book #7 in the Lucky Harbor series. It can be read as a stand-alone, but I always suggest reading the whole series.

4.5 Stars!

I think I've said it before, but brace yourselves because I'm about to say it again. Jill Shalvis books are my comfort food. When I'm feeling off, feeling blue, feeling scared or worried...I grab a Jill Shalvis book, and, for a little while, things are better. It Had to Be You did this for me in spades, and it's only one of the many reasons I love and admire this author and her books.

Poor Ali Winters. This girl would have no luck if it weren't for bad luck! Yet, she maintains a happy, positive attitude and does her best to handle whatever life throws at her. But, now...well, her boyfriend's been cheating on her. He moved out of their house...the same house which he neglected to tell her the lease is up on. And, well, even worse? A LOT of money has been stolen from the town's fund to build the new community center, and that money was last seen in the office of Ali's former boyfriend. An office that Ali visited on several occasions right around the time the money went missing. Seeing as how Ali is the 'scorned woman', there are quite a few people in town who think she just might be the thief...even if they do love her to pieces! Luke Hanover is cop from San Francisco who had a very high-profile case go bad on him. Returning to his hometown for some much-needed peace, Luke heads to the house his grandmother left him. A house that's supposed to be free of renters by this point. Ali is desperate, in more ways than one, and she and Luke reach a compromise allowing her to stay in the house for the time being. The last thing he wants or needs is to be pulled into the case of the missing money, but that's just what happens. He helps Ali put her world to rights, and Ali helps Luke find some peace and...maybe something else he never thought he could have. They may just find more together than they ever could have hoped for apart.

Seriously, Lucky Harbor is THE place to be! I need to find this town, ASAP!! I love this series. I really do. Even if it is getting just a bit predictable, I honestly don't care. Why? Because I'll read just about anything Jill Shalvis writes. So, am I unbiased in this review? Eh, probably not. But, I do tend to tell it like it is, either way. So, let's discuss.

Ali Winters was a fun, sympathetic character that could easily be your best friend. I liked her a lot! She kept her chin up even at the worst of times, and, when she did need a shoulder, well, it was well-earned. Her family were crazy and always in financial straits, but they loved each other and no one was ashamed of anyone else. That was refreshing. I felt for her every time life knocked her down, but, ultimately, she always got right back up. I can admire that.

Luke Hanover was sober, serious, brooding and HOT! He could never be my best friend 'cause I'd totally jump him. Probably constantly ;-) I loved his relationship with his grandparents, both living and dead. Anytime you give me a story with a grandparent and grandchild, I'm almost always guaranteed to love it. I can identify with the strength of feeling in that particular familial bond, and it always speaks to me when I read of it. He and Ali were very cute together. They aren't my favorite couple Jill Shalvis has ever written, but they were quite enjoyable nonetheless.

The one thing Jill Shalvis seems to always get right, at least for me, is how she writes the old-timers of Lucky Harbor! The group in It Had to Be You cracked me up and made me grin on more than one occasion. They are so lively, humorous, crude and real! I love, love, love when we get a book from Jill that features a character(s) of the older generation. No one writes them better!

I believe we get Jack and Leah's story next, and I'm SO looking forward to that!! Those two bantered so well in this story, and I hope that continues when we get their book, Always on My Mind. These two could provide a lot of laughs, as well as some great chemistry and tension!

Jill Shalvis writes with such a light touch. You can tell she's at ease with her ability. It sounds ridiculous, but, to me, when I read one of her books, it always feels like a sunny, blue-sky, beautiful day. I have no idea why. Other than, maybe, her genuinely comical nature and upbeat personality are infused into every single book she writes. Then again, maybe that's just her special gift and make people feel better, to lift their spirits. Her books work like that for me. I hope they do the same for you :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reviewed by Robin
Book provided by the publisher
Originally posted at Romancing the Book

Once again another fun and easy read by Ms. Shalvis. I love the whole Lucky Harbor series. You can read them in order or if you miss one you can read the next than go back and read the one missed. They each stand on their own but yet each one incorporates the characters from the other stories making it feel as if you live right next to the zany people that may Lucky Harbor their home.

Ali and Luke meet by accident. Ali learns that the person she thought she was in love with and who loved her has just split. Letting her know that the lease was not being renewed, add to that the owner of the house is back in town. Ali is accused of theft by her ex. I thought I had a bad day. Sexy Luke to the rescue (I wish all cops were like him). I wouldn’t mind getting into a little trouble if Luke came to my rescue.

As always this is a very well written story that pulls you in making you believe that you live right in the middle of the whole town. You are a part of Lucky Harbor and those that live there.

Ms. Shalvis gives you characters that are so real you can actually imagine them as a neighbor and friend. They are so cohesive within the story that they stick with you long after the story is finished wishing that it was longer because you don’t want to say good-bye.

This is a light, lovable story full of people that will touch your heartstrings and warm your soul. So grab your comfy chair and settle in for a really enjoyable read. Alone or as part of the series you won’t be disappointed.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mohammad ashraf
The author had some good ideas and interesting characters. But when it came to filling in 300 pages, it just wasn’t special enough. At the end a small thing bothered me because it was predictable.

Someone calls the police saying a bad guy has a gun. By the time the police arrive the good guy managed to get the gun away from the bad guy, so the police arrest the good guy. I shouldn’t be bothered, but I was, but it was brief. Anyway the police suspected the bad guy and were supposed to be doing surveillance on the bad guy. So why were no police following the bad guy?

Ali was searching for the stolen money. If she was successful in finding it, the police might think she knew where it was all along and think she was guilty - again. She was kind of stupid in the things she was doing. Sometimes light stupidity is funny, but it wasn’t working for me.

I wish the author went into more plot development. Some good ideas were started but not continued. Why did the senator kill himself if he was getting away with other murders? Somehow this was Luke’s big guilt problem and I didn’t understand. I also wanted more about the reporters and his commander.

The relationship between Luke and Ali was kind of blah. It’s mostly doing good things to help each other out with their problems.

There are many books in the series. This is book 7. And even though I did not give this a high rating, I liked reading about this community. It was enjoyable. I felt like I’m living in a small town on the ocean.

One cute event made me chuckle. Luke and Ali were driving to a bar to talk to someone. Luke said “When we get there, let me lead.” He parked in the parking lot, catching her before she could jump out of the truck. “Wait.” He said. His phone was ringing. Holding onto her purse, clearly a man who knew how to slow down a woman, he punched speaker on his phone.

The narrator Annie Greene was very good as a performer/narrator, but she says contractions in a way that jars me. Instead of couldn’t, hadn’t, etc., she says couldet and hadet. If speaking slowly she says couldunt, hadant, woulden. Every time she did this my mind went “what’s she doing?” I’m sorry for complaining, but I really prefer generic TV anchor speak.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Unabridged audiobook length: 8 hrs and 54 mins. Swearing language: strong including religious swear words but rarely used. Sexual language: mild plus the f-word once. Number of sex scenes: 4. Setting: current day Lucky Harbor, Washington. Book copyright: 2013. Genre: contemporary romantic mystery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim riley
The latest installment of Shalvis's Lucky Harbor series. We return to the quaint little town were everyone knows everyone, and people return to find themselves!

Both the hero and heroine (Luke and Ali) were dealt crappy hands, neither ones outbeat the other. Throughout their equally tough times, and despite their reluctance, desire blossomed.

Luke's haunted by some things in the past. So when things got dicy at his job in San Francisco, he came back to Lucky Harbor, to the place that held many fond warm memories of his childhood and summers spent there.

So he sort of knows what to expect from the place.

Ali's not your run of the miles born on the wrong side of the tracks kinda girl. She seen the hard life, toed the line, but she never let it define her person but strength the inner person inside.

She'd not the usual type of character I like but I connected with Ali. There were some aspects of herself, the way she feels, etc, that really struck close to home with me.

Shalvis did NOT hold back the funny parts. Oh goddess, Luke and Jack's interactment! I absolutely giggled over them. Reading I really hope that Jack and Leah's the next book. Those two, especially Jack's behavior.

Then there is the mysterious Ben, the third wheel. I had kinda hoped he would have made an appearance so we got to meet him! But oh the minor casts like Lucille. Love how she created a Pinterest account.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david hartman

Jill Shalvis continues to delight me (and probably you too) with the seventh book in the Lucky Harbor series, IT HAD TO BE YOU. It seems like she's got writing great books down to a science at this point. Great characters, fun story lines, and a quirky town come together again to create another great installment in this series.

Ali and Luke are a perfect couple. On one hand, they are both having a tough time in their lives right now: Ali was just dumped by her boyfriend via text, and then she's accused of a major theft; Luke has come back to Lucky Harbor after a case he was working on fell apart and an innocent woman died. But on the other hand, they are opposites: Luke wants to go into seclusion so he can recover his equilibrium; Ali wants to go out and still be part of the community and wants to clear her name and help solve the case while she also wants to tell her ex-boyfriend to take a long walk off of a short pier!

Ali is so cute! While I wish she would have been able to punch her ex in the face or something (trust me, after you read this book, you'll agree), I have to admit she behaved in a way that was better than I would have! Also, the way that Ali and Luke first meet is awesome! Ali is trying to calm herself down, and she's sort of leaning against the fridge, looking like she's hugging it, and she's saying to herself, "It's just one bad day..." and I thought that was SO hilarious all on its own. Then Luke walks in, and she thinks he's an intruder. She starts throwing things at him, and the confusion is so silly and funny.

Luke is so taciturn that he almost feels like the straight man to Ali's comedy, even though Ali isn't really trying to be funny. It was so much fun to watch Ali sort of coax Luke out of himself, and that's a great thing, because it was a little hard to get to know Luke. Eventually, you can see that he is loyal and dedicated. Luke really cares about people--not just the people in his inner circle, but people in general. I felt like the author was able to show his love for people and for his community without shoving it in your face and without Luke losing any of his tough-guy persona.

One of the things I didn't love about this book was that the side characters from earlier in the series didn't have much presence in IT HAD TO BE YOU. I love Lucille and the heroes and heroines from all the previous novels, but we don't see very much of them in this book. Now I can't really complain TOO much, because first of all, hello, they're secondary characters for a reason! Also, since this is the start of a new trilogy set in Lucky Harbor, we're being introduced to a whole new cast of primary and secondary characters. Really, there probably wouldn't be any room in this book for all of our series favorites to have a big part unless the author made the book 500+ pages...not that we would mind, right? Hmmm, now that I'm thinking of it... {makes note to self: write a letter to Jill Shalvis requesting that all future Lucky Harbor books contain 500+ pages} :)

I also never really understood why Luke blamed himself for his case falling apart. I get that the case really affected him, but I didn't think he needed to blame himself for all of that. On the other hand, I think that it was a great way for us to immediately warm up to Luke, because he clearly DID feel so bad about what happened.


IT HAD TO BE YOU is a great book and a fun read! Since it starts a new trilogy within the Lucky Harbor universe, if you're new to the series, this would be the perfect book to pick up so you can start falling in love with Lucky Harbor like the rest of us! You can always expect a good mix of laughter and heartfelt moments from the folks in this small Washington town, and this one will not disappoint. Like all of the books in this series, you can read this one on its own without having read any others. But I think that once you read It Had to Be You, you'll be going back for more (I know I did!).


Note: I received a giveaway copy from the publisher at RT13.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
~Reviewed by ANN & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

Jill Shalvis has easily become my favorite author of this genre. With her unique ability to breathe life into her characters, she has single handedly rejuvenated the genre and has become a force to be reckoned with! ~ Under the Covers

In the highly anticipated seventh book of the Lucky Harbor series, IT HAD TO BE YOU, Jill Shalvis brings readers a sweet, determined and independent heroine in Ali Winters. Life hasn't been too kind to Ali in recent months. Her boyfriend is a first-class jerk, she is low on cash, and she becomes the prime suspect of a robbery case. Add to that the fact that she is nearly homeless and if she can't find a new place soon, she will be in big trouble.

But trouble finds her instead in the form of a hot bodied, gun-toting, brooding and protective detective named Luke Hanover. Who just happens to be her landlord as well. Searching for an escape, Luke returns to Lucky Harbor to escape the prying eyes and questions of the media after a case has gone wrong. Though Ali and Luke don't start off on the right foot, their chemistry is potent and will light a bonfire that readers can snuggle up to and enjoy.

Shalvis takes a different approach to this book. Using Luke's profession as a way to create an interesting plot, Shalvis creates a mystery that slowly unfolds itself in the book. I loved the idea, but felt that it was resolved a little too quickly in the end. I don't think it will diminish reader's enjoyment of the book though because there is plenty of antics to keep you entertained - quirky characters and hot sex are there in spades!

I am DYING for more of Jack. He stomped right into this book and made a huge impression on me. With his protective ways and his little crush on Leah, I'm interested to see what Shalvis has up her sleeve. That being said, Ben also sounds like an interesting one. Shalvis is keeping him in the dark and if she continues her pattern, Ben's book might just be the one readers have been waiting for!

Jill Shalvis has easily become my favorite author of this genre. With her unique ability to breathe life into her characters, she has single handedly rejuvenated the genre and has become a force to be reckoned with!

I forgot one last thing.... I CLAIM LUKE FOR MY HAREM!!! Hands off, hussies! *crazy eyes*

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melanie davis
Lucky Harbor has always been a favorite series of mine and I'm glad it can be read as a standalone as I, for the life of me, couldn't recall where Ali stood in this series. I gave up trying to figure out and continued reading the story as is.

Ali seemed to be down in her luck... things just keep kinda going wrong for her, from when she was younger till now. Catching her boyfriend up in the neck with another girl to being dumped over text, having her iPod taken by her cheating ex and as if things just couldn't get any worse, she was accused of stealing the town's money.

While I wasn't captivated by the story initially, it gripped me when Luke came into the picture. There were a lot of funny and sweet moments between Luke and Ali that couldn't be missed. Luke who is currently on vacation, has some personal issues to deal with himself, guilt from work and from years ago. With some reluctance after some pressure from a group of grandpas who were fond of Ali, he gives a helping hand to Ali's case.

I love the progression of Luke and Ali's relationship. Both of them are actually givers but they just do not realize it. Jill Shalvis is a master at writing sweet with funny and HOT scenes. I love the banter between Luke and Ali and it was an ooohh moment when they finally came together after a big circle.

This book as well as the rest of the Lucky Harbor series are not to be missed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joshua pratt
When a cop on vacation after an investigation goes horribly wrong meets up with a half dressed woman in his kitchen that has been dumped by her cheating boyfriend, you know you are in for an interesting read. Luke is a San Francisco cop taking three weeks' vacation after the murder of one of his sources and the suicide of her probable murderer. He comes to Crystal Lake to stay in the cottage that his grandmother left him and finds Ali in his kitchen. Ali has just found her boyfriend doing the nasty with the local beautician and then been dumped by the cheater. On top of that he neglected to tell Ali that he didn't renew the lease to the cottage where they lived and she has just met the owner while half naked. Her day gets better when she is accused of stealing a big pot of money from the ex's office.
Luke is a man with a lot of regrets in his life. He feels responsible for so many things that have gone wrong for his sister, his late grandmother, and the victim in his latest case. Ali is a woman with a history of her own. A mother who was a serial dater, a sister who has had run-ins with the law and a job that looks less secure by the day. Being accused of theft is just the latest bump in the road to a normal life with some stability. Both Luke and Ali have a great deal of attitude adjustment to do before this relationship can work. He doesn't need to carry the load for another needy person and she doesn't want to get mixed up with another temporary fling. But, wow, the chemistry is really there!
This series keeps getting better. The secondary characters add a lot to the book including a group of quirky seniors which includes Luke's grandfather. Then there are Luke's two best friends, Jake and Ben, who seem to be the next ones to have a full story line. There are just enough of the previous story characters to fill out the story without confusing a new reader. It is nice to see a long running series keep it fresh and leaving the reader anxious for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Who would have thought that the Lucky Harbor series from Jill Shalvis could get any better? Well it happened; Jill has managed to once more knock it out of the park with It Had to Be You! Jill proves that she is quickly becoming one of the top writers in the contemporary romance genre. She knows how to write characters which draw the person who is reading her books right in.
If it wasn't for bad luck Ali Winters would have no luck at all. She catches her current boyfriend cheating, he's moved out of the place they were living and neglects to tell her that the least runs out that same day, and then she's arrested for missing community money. Luke Hanover is a detective from San Francisco who returns to his home town for a much needed vacation. He returns to his grandmother's house that at this point should be renter free, not knowing that Ali remains in the house. Ali is desperate for a place to stay, and she and Luke reach a compromise about her remaining in the house. With his last case having gone wrong, the last thing Luke needs or wants is to be dragged into another case, but when Ali is arrested in his home Luke cannot help but be pulled in. As he's pulled into the case to help Ali set her life right, the sparks between these Ali and Luke begin to fly.
It Had to Be You is like cotton candy, you can eat this book up in a single sitting. She writes very vivid and often times true to life characters that seem to come to life off of the pages. I love that she doesn't neglect to revisit characters from the previous books, and she does it in such a way that they don't take focus of the story but add to the current couples.
It Had to Be You ranks up there as one of my favorites thus far in the Lucky Harbor series! Be sure not to miss this gem of a story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ali Winters, a florist who loses her boyfriend and her place to stay at the same time is feeling like it is the worst day of her life.
She is still at her former boyfriend's place until she can get a place of her own not realizing the lease ran out and the guy never told her.

Luke Hanover , a police detective, returns to his home only to find Ali is still there and he was expecting the place to be empty not with some one inside. He was also surprise to see a woman as he was renting to the old boyfriend of Ali's and not her.

All Luke wants to do is go into hiding for a few weeks and get over a case he had go bad for him but how can he just toss some one out on the streets after she tells him what the boyfriend had done.

Before Luke knows what is going on Ali is accused of stealing thousands of dollars from her ex-boyfriend and she is being harrassed because she claims she did not take it. The boyfriend is sure she did because of him breaking up with her. Now Ali is not just homeless but also facing charges of taking the money.

Luke wants no part of this..his vacation time is NOW and he wants no part of any investigation. After a few other incidents he finds himself getting a little soft in the head and keeps telling himself it is not his affair to butt into.

This story is action packed and sometime funny. You will love the small town and the characters will capture your heart. How will this turn out? Will Luke help and what about the rest he is seeking. He needs to really think things over.

I really enjoyed this book and have to say Jill Shalvis knows how to get you into her books. I hope to read a lot more of her books.
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