The Good Luck Sister: A Wildstone Novella

ByJill Shalvis

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashraf a azeem
The Good Luck Sister by Jill Shalvis is a novella in the Wildstone series. It's meant to be read after Lost and Found Sisters, so if you haven't read that one yet (and why haven't you read it yet?), go out and do that first. It will make much more sense and you feel the deeper connection Dylan and Tilly.

Tilly Adams didn't have an easy life and when her mother passed away, leaving her in the care of a sister who was completely unaware of her existence, Tilly began to rely more heavily on her best friend Dylan. He became her comfort, her sanity, her escape from things she didn't want to think about. Unfortunately, shortly after admitting his feelings for her, Dylan disappeared from her life, leaving her on her own feeling lost once again.

Dylan Scott has had to fight for every good thing in his life. Growing up as the punching bag of a drunk and angry father, he carries many demons and faces them on a daily basis. The only relief from his miserable existence as a young man was his friendship with Tilly Adams. The day of their first kiss rocked his world and upset his carefully balanced life. All he could think about were the what-ifs; what if he ruined their friendship with the kiss, what if he became an abusive bastard like his father, what if he brought Tilly down and held her back from all she could be?

I was just so thrilled to see that Jill Shalvis was continuing Tilly and Dylan's story. Their young love was cute and sweet, but they needed to face their demons and handle their business. They had some growing up to do. They did it and it is amazing. Shalvis uses actual excerpts from Lost and Found Sisters mixed with present happenings and it just sets the stage so very well.

Tilly is carrying a lot of pent up anger and pain. She has made a really great life for herself. She's not looking for a man to come in and change things. Dylan has a lot to make up for. He finally feels like he has made something of himself and has become a man that could possibly worthy of Tilly. This is an incredible accounting of the way Dylan proves to Tilly that they really do have a good thing and that they need to explore what their future could be together.

This story is short and sweet and everything that needed to happen after Lost and Found Sisters. Thank you Jill Shalvis for loving these characters enough and for wanting them to get their HEA after all.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steph wavle
This is a second chance romance with a great little dog, and a novella following Lost and Found Sisters in the Wildstone series. I have not read the first book, but I felt like this one did okay as a standalone novella.

Our heroine is Tilly Adams, a small town girl with dreams of being an artist. I believe she is part of the story from Lost and Found Sisters, as the sister that Quinn raised following the death of her mother. Growing up, Tilly's world revolved around her best friend, Dylan Scott. But now its 10 years later, Dylan has not been in the picture for some time, and Tilly is trying to figure out her life. I wish we had a little more character development on Tilly, because I liked what we had. She seemed perky and full of attitude, but reasonable and caring as well.

Dylan Scott had more depth to his character. He comes from a rough background, a horrible childhood, and went off to join the military at a young age. Now he is back in his hometown and wants to find his way back to his best friend and love, Tilly. He doesn't quite go about things the right way, but I get that he might not have the clearest head when it comes to this girl. I really liked Dylan. His type of hero is usually right up my alley, so I would have loved to know more about him.

This romance had to move pretty fast to fit within the confines of >150 pages. That is the drawback to a novella for me. I would have loved to see this story more drawn out to give some depth to our characters and relationship.

My favorite part was Leo, the dog. He was a character and I wanted more of him too!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from the publisher, Avon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Good Luck Sister by Jill Shalvis is a novella in the Wildstone series. It's meant to be read after Lost and Found Sisters, so if you haven't read that one yet (and why haven't you read it yet?), go out and do that first. It will make much more sense and you feel the deeper connection Dylan and Tilly.

Tilly Adams didn't have an easy life and when her mother passed away, leaving her in the care of a sister who was completely unaware of her existence, Tilly began to rely more heavily on her best friend Dylan. He became her comfort, her sanity, her escape from things she didn't want to think about. Unfortunately, shortly after admitting his feelings for her, Dylan disappeared from her life, leaving her on her own feeling lost once again.

Dylan Scott has had to fight for every good thing in his life. Growing up as the punching bag of a drunk and angry father, he carries many demons and faces them on a daily basis. The only relief from his miserable existence as a young man was his friendship with Tilly Adams. The day of their first kiss rocked his world and upset his carefully balanced life. All he could think about were the what-ifs; what if he ruined their friendship with the kiss, what if he became an abusive bastard like his father, what if he brought Tilly down and held her back from all she could be?

I was just so thrilled to see that Jill Shalvis was continuing Tilly and Dylan's story. Their young love was cute and sweet, but they needed to face their demons and handle their business. They had some growing up to do. They did it and it is amazing. Shalvis uses actual excerpts from Lost and Found Sisters mixed with present happenings and it just sets the stage so very well.

Tilly is carrying a lot of pent up anger and pain. She has made a really great life for herself. She's not looking for a man to come in and change things. Dylan has a lot to make up for. He finally feels like he has made something of himself and has become a man that could possibly worthy of Tilly. This is an incredible accounting of the way Dylan proves to Tilly that they really do have a good thing and that they need to explore what their future could be together.

This story is short and sweet and everything that needed to happen after Lost and Found Sisters. Thank you Jill Shalvis for loving these characters enough and for wanting them to get their HEA after all.
A Heartbreaker Bay Christmas Novella - Holiday Wishes :: One in a Million (A Lucky Harbor novel) :: Lucky in Love (A Lucky Harbor Novel) :: He's So Fine (A Lucky Harbor novel) :: It Had to Be You (Lucky Harbor)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bethany rudd
Well, I must say that Jill Shalvis does not disappoint! I am always skeptical about reading a novella as I frequently find them lacking. But I am happy to report that this is certainly NOT the case with The Good Luck Sister. Every “new to me book” I read of this author makes me appreciate and love her writing style even more. I was even skeptical about reading book 1.5 in the series as I did not have the backstory of the main characters. But never fear…it was not a deterrent at all. The novella provided just enough backstory so that one could carry on from here (though I am now certain I will go back and read book one).

The story is a flash forward of 10 years of the main characters where they run into each other again in Wildstone. Right from the beginning the intensity and pull between Dylan and Tilly is palpable. I could see that Tilly’s desire to stay professional and distant with Dylan would probably be futile… but I enjoyed her attempt. The big questions that remain are, will they be able to get past the reasons they broke up all those years ago? Will Tilly be able to forgive Dylan for walking out on her? Will Dylan be able to articulate why he left?

And more importantly…will Tilly’s new dog (Leo) let Dylan back into her life? Yes…the dog practically stole the show.:)

I also enjoyed Quinn’s wit and sense of humour:
Tilly: How you doing?
Quinn: I’m thirty months pregnant, how do you think I’m doing? I’m peeing every two seconds and eating the house. Why aren’t you here dropping Leo off?
Tilly: Thanks for offering to up-sit, but I’m bringing him with me.
Quinn: Are you nuts?
Tilly: Yes. And also feeling guilty. I just signed the adoption papers yesterday. It’s too early to foist him off on someone.
Quinn: Aw, look at you being a good dog mom. Just don’t look directly into his soft brown eyes.

We get a glimpse of the frailty of life plans and how easily they get derailed. Tilly’s plans were to become a famous artist and live happily ever after with Dylan. Neither of which occurred 10 years ago. Tilly has returned to Wildstone to a job as an art teacher at the local community college. And given Dylan’s curiosity, who takes Tilly’s class and of all things, sits in the first row? Yup, Dylan. If that does not throw off the new teacher on the first day of class, I don’t know what would. Tilly handles herself well, but asks Dylan to drop the class. However, their interactions do not stop there.
Dylan’s joint venture (helicopter touring company) is in need of some promotional material and Dylan thinks Tilly is the perfect artist for the job. Given Tilly is starting over again; she takes the job since she feels she can handle herself professionally.

Not surprisingly, the reader is lead through their journey as they overcome the hurt and disappointment each harbours with respect to how the relationship ended 10 years ago.

This journey was an enjoyable one. The characters engaging, the writing easy to read. All in all - a solid read (in spite of being a novella) which has drawn me into the world of Wildstone…one I do not want to leave just yet.

*I would like to thank the author for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"After experiencing “feelings,” I’ve decided they’re not for me, but thanks for the opportunity. —from “The Mixed-Up Files of Tilly Adams’s Journal”

With the addition of The Good Luck Sister to the Wildstone series, Jill Shalvis gave me the book I didn't know I was desperately missing. I ADORED Tilly in Lost and Found Sisters, in looking back a good amount of my highlights same from Tilly's Journal entries. This charming and adorable orphan so needed her own book and I'm so happy Jill Shalvis shared this little nugget with us.

Ten years have passed since Tilly last saw the love of her life Dylan. The two were thick as thieves and catching up with Tilly means catching up with Dylan. He's returned to Wildstone and it's clear he wants to make amends.

"For a long time, he’d been aware that someday his mistakes would catch up with him and he’d pay. There’d been so many he also knew it was going to hurt."

Oh yes, if Dylan see's himself in Tilly's world he going to need to come clean with her.

This is such a delightful and sexy second chance romance. I couldn't stop myself from smiling as the two reconnect and learn to trust each other - which is definitely an uphill battle making for some angst and some amazing make up sessions.

If you're read Lost and Found sisters, you must do yourself a favor and read TGLS. If you haven't I highly recommend starting this series asap!! Jill's writing is impeccable and her storytelling captivating! 4.5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed Tilly and Dylan’s story. I had a massive soft spot for both of these characters after reading the first book, Lost & Found Sisters, so it was great to re-meet them here, a little older, a little wiser, but no less bruised inside.

Ten years ago, Tilly dreamed of being an artist and now she’s working to make that happen, despite feeling like she isn’t quite there yet. She’s teaching and though she’s fighting nerves and self-doubt, she’s also doing something she loves and wants to stay good at. Seeing Dylan in her class throws her, but she also can’t seem to stay away from him.

Dylan left Wildstone and Tilly behind because he felt it was what he needed to do. He joined the military and learned to fly, though he fell short of his dream of becoming an Astronaut. But now he’s back in Wildstone, co-owner of a helicopter tour company, and though he initially planned to stay away from Tilly, he soon realized he couldn’t actually do it.

If you’re looking for a sweet, feel-good reunion romance that also packs an emotional punch, pick up a copy of The Good Luck Sister by Jill Shalvis. It’s a short, fast-paced read but it sure does cover a lot of beautiful and necessary ground. This is also one of those stories that hits you right in the feels and leaves you with a fully satisfied sigh.

Excellent characterization. Beautiful, emotional love story. One fantastic read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A fun little snapshot of how Tilly and Dylan grew up and came back into each others lives. Reading about how Tilly and Dylan’s lives changed as they became adults was exciting. So many young adults feel like failures if all of their dreams don’t come true in a short amount of time. What they don’t realize is that life can throw them experiences that direct their path to different goals. It doesn’t mean that your dreams aren’t coming true, just that they mature and change into adult dreams. Tilly and Dylan’s life experiences molded them into the mature young adults I read about in this novella. Their teenage love matured into adult love in a way that can only happen with time and a variety of experiences. So happy to get an update on Quinn and Mick’s life too. My one critique is the cut and paste past scenes from Lost and Found Sisters. While I understand that the background knowledge was necessary for this story to make sense and to be a stand alone novella. I would have preferred a shorter summary of past events with some new details not found in the first book to give more depth to the past characters lives while providing the background necessary for the 10 year gap in their relationship. One of my favorite parts of both stories are the quotes from Tilly’s journal that are used as chapter titles, so funny and accurate in the eyes of a teenage girl and a young adult woman. Thank you Jill Shalvis for an escape into the small town of Wildstone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When business reunites estranged best friends, and first time loves, Tilly and Dylan, it quickly becomes something else entirely that neither are prepared for, or sure that they really want. They left their relationship on not so good terms, Dylan chose to walk away without so much as a goodbye, leaving behind hurt feelings and a broken heart that Tilly isn't so sure she can forgive him for, no matter how tempting he may be! But before long walls start to come down, a friendship re-blossoms, and so do the fireworks... but not without a little angsty wit battling here and there too!!!

The Good Luck Sister is an absolutely wonderful addition to the Wildwood series, it made me laugh, swoon, and catch a serious case of the feels!! The moment my eyes landed on the page the excitement of starting a new read from the queen of witty romance took over, and her amazing words and charming characters came into view and from there I was a goner!! I loved meeting these two characters, the witty banter was on point, their steamy moments curled my toes, and their story packed an emotional punch that left me a little teary eyed!! I highly recommend you make time to read this sweet little novella, it's brimming with emotion, romance, and lots of humor that will do your heart and soul good!! Voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian santee
After reading the first book I was very interested to learn more about Tilly's character so I was excited to learn this short novella was about Tilly. I was also excited to see that the love interest was her friend Dylan.

I think Jill did a great job as always by creating well developed characters from the very first page that you read to the very last one. I think no matter what book you pick up in the series, you the reader understand the backstory of the characters as much as you need to.

In addition, I think that she did a great job of creating the right level of drama and romance in the book. She didn't have everything happen out perfectly. The characters really had to work out things to get to their end solution. In addition, I think it was interesting to read more about Dylan's character because you learned more about him in this book than you did in the last one that Tilly was in. Lastly, I truly enjoyed seeing Tilly and her sisters relationship grow even more in this book. You saw this even more since returning to town a couple years after she left.

I am very excited to read more in the Wildstone series as this book did not disappoint. Great job Jill
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tilly and Dylan were best friends as teens. Dylan was abused by his father and Tilly was always there to take care of his wounds (physical and mental). They they fell in love, but Dylan didn't want Tilly to give up on her future and waste it on him. So, being a man, he just up and left goodbyes, nothing. Saying she was devastated is an understatement.

Fast forward when she's teaching a graphic design class and there sitting in the front row is her past coming back to haunt her....Dylan. She didn't see that one coming!! WHY is he still so gorgeous and makes her heart skip beats?!

These two were so in love back as teens. Is Dylan back in town to rip her heart out again? The journey to find out makes this story a must read! This story is so moving! I love second chance romance stories and no one does them as well as Jill Shalvis! A great quick read!!

My favorite part of this story (other than Tilly and Dylan) is at the beginning of each chapter there was wisdom from "The mixed up files of Tilly Adam's Journal". They were hilarious and oh so true!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ala a
Tilly always thought she would make it big in the art world, but life happened and to pay the bills she had to "settle" according to her in teaching others. Little does she know, she may have just found her true calling.

Dylan is a war hero and has come back to Wildstone to open a helitour business with two of his best buds that he served with. Plus maybe get back in good graces with Tilly. The one he left behind, but felt he had to.

Tilly and Dylan were best friends growing up. She was there for him during his rough childhood of having an abusive father, he was there for her while she dealt with losing her mother and living with her sister she never really knew she had. They were each others first love and maybe only love.

Tilly and Dylan find themselves back together but is it for the long haul this time? Can they make it work this time?

I loved this story so much. It was so sweet to see Tilly again and reading her journal entries. They always crack me up. I can't wait for the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gianna mosser
I absolutely loved this book!! I was so excited to receive this and jumped right on it! I wasn't disappointed at all because I loved Tilly in the last book and couldn't wait to read her story. Dylan - loved him sooo much. I just can't say how much I absolutely loved him. Those two together are life, my friends. The thing about Jill Shalvis - and here is where I might be aging the both of us...I've been reading her since I was a teen and she keeps churning out grade A++ work. It's not overdone and it's not a been there and done that scene. It's always something new and enjoyable and as an added bonus you get some sexy times. I highly recommend this if you liked or loved the first book in the Wildstone series. It wasn't a long drawn out book and I read it in a couple hours.

An ARC copy was provided for free or at a discount by the publisher without expectation or any attempt to influence or manipulate this review. All opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect anyone else's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
april r
Short and sweet!! This book was a both a satisfying look back at two characters from her first book in the Wildstone series (if you haven't read "lost and found sisters" you really won't see the point of the story). Tilly and Dylan were teenagers when we left them in the first book--they shared a special bond built of understanding and acceptance. Tilly is grown up now and teaching art at the local college, Dylan has returned with two buddies to open a flight/air business and to seek out Tilly. The initial meeting was pure Jill Shalvis and done very well--as were the flashback scenes. I laughed out loud (usual occurrence for me when reading a Shalvis book) and I swooned (also a regular occurrence). If you are a fan of Jill Shalvis you will love this story and if you aren't--what are you waiting for?? Get "lost and found sisters" and get on board the fun train.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
peter fisker
Tilly Adams has returned to her hometown to teach art at the local college. While she didn't quite achieve her dreams of becoming a famous artist, she's happy to be doing something she loves and to be near her sister (who we met in The Lost and Found Sister). What she isn't too happy about is that her ex-boyfriend Dylan is apparently enrolled in her class. Great.

Dylan, also returned to Wildwood after ending his military career and starting a helicopter chartering business. He's loved Tilly since they were teens, but needed to let her follow her dreams to college. He's not determined to win her back, despite leaving her so many years ago.

These two former high-school sweethearts must learn to leave the past behind in order to come back home, to each other.

A sweet novella that is satisfying despite it's short length.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
craig maloney
Tilly and Dylan were best friends as teens. Dylan was abused by his father and Tilly was always there to take care of his wounds (physical and mental). They they fell in love, but Dylan didn't want Tilly to give up on her future and waste it on him. So, being a man, he just up and left goodbyes, nothing. Saying she was devastated is an understatement.

Fast forward when she's teaching a graphic design class and there sitting in the front row is her past coming back to haunt her....Dylan. She didn't see that one coming!! WHY is he still so gorgeous and makes her heart skip beats?!

These two were so in love back as teens. Is Dylan back in town to rip her heart out again? The journey to find out makes this story a must read! This story is so moving! I love second chance romance stories and no one does them as well as Jill Shalvis! A great quick read!!

My favorite part of this story (other than Tilly and Dylan) is at the beginning of each chapter there was wisdom from "The mixed up files of Tilly Adam's Journal". They were hilarious and oh so true!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alandra weaver
Tilly always thought she would make it big in the art world, but life happened and to pay the bills she had to "settle" according to her in teaching others. Little does she know, she may have just found her true calling.

Dylan is a war hero and has come back to Wildstone to open a helitour business with two of his best buds that he served with. Plus maybe get back in good graces with Tilly. The one he left behind, but felt he had to.

Tilly and Dylan were best friends growing up. She was there for him during his rough childhood of having an abusive father, he was there for her while she dealt with losing her mother and living with her sister she never really knew she had. They were each others first love and maybe only love.

Tilly and Dylan find themselves back together but is it for the long haul this time? Can they make it work this time?

I loved this story so much. It was so sweet to see Tilly again and reading her journal entries. They always crack me up. I can't wait for the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book!! I was so excited to receive this and jumped right on it! I wasn't disappointed at all because I loved Tilly in the last book and couldn't wait to read her story. Dylan - loved him sooo much. I just can't say how much I absolutely loved him. Those two together are life, my friends. The thing about Jill Shalvis - and here is where I might be aging the both of us...I've been reading her since I was a teen and she keeps churning out grade A++ work. It's not overdone and it's not a been there and done that scene. It's always something new and enjoyable and as an added bonus you get some sexy times. I highly recommend this if you liked or loved the first book in the Wildstone series. It wasn't a long drawn out book and I read it in a couple hours.

An ARC copy was provided for free or at a discount by the publisher without expectation or any attempt to influence or manipulate this review. All opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect anyone else's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lama haddadin
Jill Shalvis is my all time favorite #1, sexy time and nose snorts and let's throw in a quirky animal author. I'm pretty sure she could write Run, Dick, Run and she'd somehow do it in a way to get 5 stars from me.
I loved The Good Luck Sister (big surprise)! Tilly was a total teenage mess in Lost and Found Sisters when we met her. Her friend Dylan's life was a total wreck. Now we get to meet them again when they are all grown up and have some living under their belts. They are definitely coming at each other from different emotional places. Tilly is still hurting from Dylan walking away when they were teenagers and would be quite happy if the earth were really flat and he could take a long step over the edge. Dylan wants to get back in Tilly's heart and maybe her pants. The question is how much humble pie Tilly will make him eat before she forgives him and lets him back in one or both!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie jones
Short and sweet!! This book was a both a satisfying look back at two characters from her first book in the Wildstone series (if you haven't read "lost and found sisters" you really won't see the point of the story). Tilly and Dylan were teenagers when we left them in the first book--they shared a special bond built of understanding and acceptance. Tilly is grown up now and teaching art at the local college, Dylan has returned with two buddies to open a flight/air business and to seek out Tilly. The initial meeting was pure Jill Shalvis and done very well--as were the flashback scenes. I laughed out loud (usual occurrence for me when reading a Shalvis book) and I swooned (also a regular occurrence). If you are a fan of Jill Shalvis you will love this story and if you aren't--what are you waiting for?? Get "lost and found sisters" and get on board the fun train.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lori crawford
Tilly Adams has returned to her hometown to teach art at the local college. While she didn't quite achieve her dreams of becoming a famous artist, she's happy to be doing something she loves and to be near her sister (who we met in The Lost and Found Sister). What she isn't too happy about is that her ex-boyfriend Dylan is apparently enrolled in her class. Great.

Dylan, also returned to Wildwood after ending his military career and starting a helicopter chartering business. He's loved Tilly since they were teens, but needed to let her follow her dreams to college. He's not determined to win her back, despite leaving her so many years ago.

These two former high-school sweethearts must learn to leave the past behind in order to come back home, to each other.

A sweet novella that is satisfying despite it's short length.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Other reviews include good story recaps, so I’ll simply say...
Another great read from Jill Shalvis! If you’re new to her: You can always count on Ms. Shalvis for characters who seem like people you might actually meet and want to get to know, with the sorts of jobs, family relationships and daily ups and downs we all recognize. AND, always a hero who is Hot, Hot, Hot. With a good dose of laughter and such well written sexual tension, it’s a great romantic adventure. If this is your first Shalvis story, you have lots of fun times ahead!

My only nitpicking about this particular book is that it’s a novella. I’m a fast reader so I always want more! Can’t wait for the next in the series. Although all of her books can be read alone, it’s always lovely to meet and re-meet some characters and see what’s developed in their lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john sorensen
I received an advanced copy of this book to leave an honest review. Let me start out by saying I am a huge Jill Shalvis fan and this book was good closure for Tilly and Dylan. I loved the first book in this series so it is really good to read about what is happening years down the road.

Basic synopsis is that Dylan left Tilly right after high school without letting her know that was his plan and not contacting her at all. Fast forward years later, Tilly is teaching a class at the local college when Dylan shows up in said class. She is angry for obvious reasons and tries to resist but with Dylan can be pretty persistent. This is a quick read and fast. Can't say it was my favorite book of hers but loved seeing where people in Wildstone are at.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dylan and Tilly's story is about second chances, and I'm really glad that they both got were able to appreciate that they got a second chance at life and love. Their connection was strong from the beginning, even when Tilly wanted nothing to do with Dylan. I loved that Dylan worked hard to get Tilly to let him in again. I almost forgot that this was a novella as I was reading. I usually feel rushed as I'm reading shorter books, but I didn't feel like it this time. Of course I wish it was longer, but only because I enjoyed it so much. I don't think I've ever read a Jill Shalvis that I didn't love.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. I was not compensated for this review, all conclusions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
flynn meaney
Once again Jill Shalvis introduces us to characters that the reader cannot help but fall in love with. Dylan has always loved Tilly. She has seen him at his worst but still made him feel worthy. When he felt he was holding her back he walked away and ended their young love. But now Dylan has come back home and fights for the woman he loves. Will Tilly forgive him and let him back in her heart? Or will sh always wonder if he is going to run off again? With beautiful characters and a storyline that I did not want to see end this book is a must read. I cannot wait for more in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Good Luck Sister fast forwards from Lost and Found sisters - Tilly's all grown up and got her first art teaching gig. While Dylan left town suddenly when they were young, for altruistic reasons that he never shared with her, it devastated Tilly. A lot has happened between then and now, and now Dylan is back in town. And he's in her art class, engaging her when she doesn't want to be engaged and he's not going away. This story is about reconnecting after years apart living their own lives. And learning whether they can love and trust again. Jill Shalvis does not disappoint with love, angst, and real world problems. Her books speak to my soul.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie humphreys
Good Luck Sisters, a brief return to Wildstone! In this Novella we return to favorite characters Tilly and Dylan in their adulthood. When I say Novella and Brief I do mean brief! I thoroughly enjoyed Tilly all grown up 10 years later. I liked returning to a storyline and characters so loved. I thought Shalvis's usual wit and charm were present. However, I did find myself missing something in this story, it felt like it had just gotten started and then it was over. I felt the climax and falling action were very rushed. That being said any lover of the characters will want to catch up with their favorites!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
(Disclaimer: I received an Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest and fair review).

If you're like me and haven't read the first book in the Wildstone series, feel free to start with this one (as long as you don't mind a few spoilers). This sweet novella will likely leaving you clamoring for more Wildstone.

The Good Luck Sister centers on Tilly, who at 25, is still feeling a little lost in her life. Things aren't turning out quite the way she planned. And she's mostly okay with it or at least she thinks she is until her former best friend and first love, Dylan, returns.

Like any great romance, things are complicated between Tilly and Dylan. Shalvis weaves their story together using flashbacks to their teenage lives and their present day interactions. It's both heartwarming and heartbreaking to see how far they've come and what they lost along the way.

Thanks to Shalvis' trademark humor and fantastic ability to create characters we can all relate to, The Good Luck Sister is a quick, fun read about two people who are a little bit broken and doing their best to heal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Good Luck Sister is a heart-warming, second-chance romance story. It's always nice to read about second chance romance as it gives you the hope that with love, anything is possible, even if the person had hurt you deeply in the past. Definitely enjoyed Dylan and Tilly's story. Generally, I'm not so fond of novellas as I prefer a story that is longer and not so rushed. This story is not too rushed but still wish it was a longer story.

** I received a copy of this book from the author. All opinions are my own
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashleigh smith
I just have to say, I absolutely loved coming back and seeing Tilly And Dylan. They needed to have their story told and the author does a fantastic job. It’s fast-paced and and a very enjoyable read. I couldn’t put it down (and I was in the middle of writing several papers for my classes). I always love returning and seeing old characters. In fact, that is one of my favorite things about Jill Shalvis. I can’t wait for the next! While this is a novella, I really don't feel that we are missing anything at all and the introduction of new Alpha Males has my fingers crossed for more Wildstone books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Every time that I read a books that has interesting supporting characters, I wonder what happens to them. What has lead them on their journey, where have they gone. My brain wants more.

In The Good Luck Sister (Wildstone 1.5) you get a good helping of just that. You get to find out what happen to Tilly not only as she grew up, but there are flashbacks to situations that you had introduced to before.

Tilly and Dillon are reunited in this wonderful book, by Jill Shalvis. This book can be a read alone, or grab the first book Lost and Found Sisters, and hope for this book, The Good Luck Sister.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The story was rolling along when suddenly we read that when Dylan was injured his buddy kept him alive by transfusing him with some of his own blood via a fuel line he'd ripped from a truck. He of course had no negative reaction to the gasoline still coating the inside of the line, or an infection from the equipment. And naturally, there just happened to be needles that connect to fuel lines with them. I think not!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tilly and Dylan, 10 years after "Lost and Found Sisters"
Reading Tilly and Dylan's story was a wonderful way to spend my afternoon! This was a fun second-chance romance, with several glimpses back to what happened to them ten years ago. They've both matured with their experiences and it was fun to see their interactions with the other characters as adults.
I can see there being more books about Dylan's partners, but its easily a standalone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jill Shalvis is an author with the truly innate ability to take a story and bring it to life! Even though this read was a novella and shorter than her usual stories, I could NOT put it down. Tilly and Dylan have a history, and he is back to try and get Tilly in his life for good.

I cannot say enough good things about this book. I love Jill Shalvis and her stories, and will be diving right into the next book in the series as soon as I can!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Loved getting to see the story of Tilly and Dylan. And seeing a bit of Quinn and Mick. The flashbacks helped as a reminder if you had read Lost and Found Sisters, or help you understand their history if you haven’t. And with every Jill Shalvis novel that I've read (and there have been a few!) - you get hooked, stay hooked and will love the story.

Thank you to the author and publisher for the ARC in exchange for a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vanessa conde
This was a sweet, well-written story. Tilly has first-day nerves starting her first day teaching art at the local community college, until she sees Dylan, her first love, returned to town. Dylan left ten years ago, but now that he's back he wants Tilly in his life. This novella can be read as a standalone story, though it is part of a series. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading other books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although this is a stand alone novella, we first met Tilly and Dylan in Lost and Found Sisters. This is a quick, easy, fun read that explores the history and the current relationship between Tilly and Dylan. There are laughs, a few tears and a some sigh worthy moments for the reader to enjoy. The quotes at the beginning of each chapter are comical and unique to the story. Loved it.
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