One in a Million (A Lucky Harbor novel)

ByJill Shalvis

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This story is filled with alot of interesting characters who seem to repeat in all of the stories, but it doesn't have much of a story line. I only just started this series with Books # 10, 11 and 12 so I can't compare it to the others in the series. I guess you have to figure that the people in the story will get together and they do. I was just a bit disappointed that they weren't all that different.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This story is filled with alot of interesting characters who seem to repeat in all of the stories, but it doesn't have much of a story line. I only just started this series with Books # 10, 11 and 12 so I can't compare it to the others in the series. I guess you have to figure that the people in the story will get together and they do. I was just a bit disappointed that they weren't all that different.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gale costa
I always like Jill Shavis books because they were well-written and I thought they brought something new to the table. Not so much lately. I've heard this is the last of the Lucky Harbor books and I'm glad because I personally think they were getting stale. Not to mention that Shalvis writes the crazy girl stereotype too well and too often lately. Most of my frustrations with this book come from Callie. She spent the entire book telling Tanner and everyone else that she didn't believe in love, didn't want love, was burned by love, etc. She had nothing to do with men after one bad relationship that was before she graduated from college, apparently. She starts seeing Tanner, or sleeping with Tanner, but still repeatedly tells him it's nothing and means nothing. Towards the end of the book when she starts to realize her feelings for him, he does not introduce as his girlfriend and she FREAKS OUT. She does not talk to Tanner about this, treats him coldly, he asks her repeatedly when is wrong, she refuses to say, sleeps with him, tries to sneak out, he convinces her to go on a date, has to stand her up, she FREAKS OUT, and immediately decides to leave and go back to San Francisco. Her grandma manages to talk some sense into her but . . . really? How old is Callie? 12? She must be. She previously tries to convince Tanner not to punish his son for sneaking out of the house and getting stuck on cliffs but telling Tanner that she told his son that Tanner wouldn't be mad. She leaves in a huff because he says he's going to punish his son for this. Again, she later realizes she is butting in where she shouldn't, but still. This is a grown woman? She repeatedly talks about how she hates her job but it's unclear why. She gets to work from home in her pajamas and presumably makes good money, living in San Fran and all, but hates her job because of the brides? If you're that good at it, do something else! You obviously have good IT skills and there is a ton of money in weddings and it's never totally clear what she hates about her job except love and romance and it's all a lie! Ugh, spare me. I just couldn't connect with Callie and thought Tanner was too good for her.
Lucky in Love (A Lucky Harbor Novel) :: He's So Fine (A Lucky Harbor novel) :: Accidentally on Purpose: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel :: Instant Gratification (Wilder Brothers) :: A Heartbreaker Bay Christmas Novella - Holiday Wishes
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris clark
I procrastinated reading this book because it is the 12th and final book in the Lucky Harbor series, and I don't want to say goodbye to Lucky Harbor. Lucky Harbor is my favorite fictional American town. I have enjoyed all of the books I have read in this series, and this one was no exception.

One thing that I particularly enjoyed about this book was that the author kept the focus on the current couple and their story rather than falling into the temptation of bringing back many previous characters for an epic grand finale book. There was a sense of particular completion naturally due to the fact that the self-appointed town matchmaker announced plans to "retire." Having said that, there were a couple of appearances of past characters that naturally fit the storyline. That was fun for anyone who is already familiar with previous books, but not distracting or confusing for someone who is reading this as a standalone. This series seems to have been written in groups of three related stories about a set of friends. The returning characters were mainly the previous two couples in this triad of friends.

I greatly liked this couple, Tanner and Callie. Of special delight was the proposal scene, which contained all of the charm and humor that the author is known for. The group of friends in this final trio of stories were among my favorites. I did start to feel like Tanner and Callie had no real obstacle to their happy ending other than the fact that the story needed to be longer. Yet, this was a smooth and enjoyable read. Kudos to Jill Shalvis on maintaining the joy that is Lucky Harbor throughout this delightful series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Twelfth in the Lucky Harbor romance series and revolving around different groups of friends in this harbor town in Washington state. The couple focus is on Callie Sharpe and Tanner Riggs.

This ARC was provided by NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

My Take
I do enjoy this series…and I'm terrified that Shalvis is getting ready to end it. I suspect it's why it's taken so long for me to write the review: if I don't review it, it won't end. *Eye roll*, actually multiple ones. I know, there is NO logic to that thought at all, but I hate that this series may be finishing as I've enjoyed the characters so much. It's been uncomplicated with quirky situations and a sweet range of characters — including that crazy Lucille. The nosy old lady who knows all…and tells all, lol.

Slowly, slowly, Shalvis has been unveiling the truth behind Lucille, and it's been a fun ride and quite revealing of a sneaky, well-meaning matchmaker. This particular relationship between grandmother and granddaughter is sweet…and sad as we discover what Callie's parents were like. I do wish parents could all be wonderful and there for their kids, but I guess that would mean fewer conflicted characters in the world.

I do like what Shalvis does with the high school trope of dorky girl re-encounters hunky guy whom she secretly adored back in the day. It's also a good lesson — you remember the one where your mom always told you to wear clean underwear? Well, this is a variation: always dress nice when you leave home, as you never know who you'll run into. I do like that it's Tanner who takes the offensive, so to speak (in spite of those yoga pants *grin*) in this with some unexpected truths from the old days.

Then there's that generational trope of the older (and former) wild "teen" having to cope with his own out-of-control, wild teen. His friends and partners get a lot of laughs out of this one. As did I, lol. There's a serious side as well as Tanner remembers his own angry childhood and wants so much more for his own son. He's the man we want for a father.

Shalvis has continued her supportive banter among the trios: three men friends and three women friends who don't let each other get away with lying to themselves, give each other hard times, and are there for each other.

Some nasty truths in this one about Elisa. Makes me wanna strangle her.

There's also a possibility that, ahem, chocolate is a salad…check it out.
This one always cracks me up!!
"Dad! Don't tell her that. You might make her think."

On the niggles, while I liked Tanner and Callie's "awkward" scenes at the bakery, they felt too contrived, and I wish that Shalvis had done more with Callie's "love isn't enough" attitude. A bit more "tragic" experience from Callie than one fiancé walking out on her. Then there's the unbelievable whine Callie indulges in when Tanner rushes away from her after that kiss when she knows he had to get to the high school principal's office. Followed by… her hurt feelings about Tanner not introducing her as his girlfriend? WTF? She's been adamant that they were enjoying benefits. That they weren't even friends. So, again, WTF? It's stupid moves like these that make me nuts. Then again, we do have a tendency to get stupid like this in real life, so is this what Shalvis is aiming for?

Why is Callie Tanner's greatest fantasy?
"'Home,' he whispered. 'You're like coming home.'"

A nice bit here on that myth about the freedom of being an adult, *laughing as I agree with Callie*

Mischief managed…and such an ending, such a lucky man…the luckiest in Lucky Harbor.

The Story
Callie's back in Lucky Harbor to check on Grandma. Her parents think Grandma has gone 'round the bend and want Callie to find out.

Callie is going to learn a lot about sanity and fear.

The Characters
Using her IT skills, Callie Sharpe runs a wedding site,, and plans people's weddings. She figures it's a way to get past her own travesty of a wedding. She's also Lucille's granddaughter in Lucky Harbor on a mission.

Tanner Riggs, adrenaline junkie, high school football star, Navy SEAL, and then explosives expert, now works (and owns) with his two best friends — Cole Donovan and Sam Brody — the Lucky Harbor Charters. He's their resident scuba diving instructor and comm expert. Gil was supposed to have been the fourth partner; he never made it off the oil platform. Mark is Sam's deadbeat dad working on a new leaf and helping out at the docks.

Troy is Tanner's fifteen-year-old son who suddenly got dumped on his dad by his ex-wife, Elisa. Tanner welcomes him, but is unsure how to deal with a Mini-Me. Dan is Elisa's boyfriend. Beatriz is Tanner's inquisitive, wheelchair-bound mom. Rio is her aging toy poodle. Brittney is a girl at school.

Lucille, who owns an art gallery, is the "town's unofficial media relations director", i.e., she's the town snoop and posts everything on Instagram or Facebook, well, Tumblr these days as Facebook took exception to some of her pics. Callie thinks Grandma's hormone levels need to be checked! Mr. Wykowski is an eighty-plus retired rocket scientist.

Becca Thorpe (she and Sam are getting married after events in It's in His Kiss , 10) and Olivia Bentley (she's hooked up with Cole per He's So Fine , 11) are her neighbors and friends.

Leah runs the mouthwatering bakery. The Love Shack is the local bar and grille. Lance (he has cystic fibrosis) owns the ice cream stand with his brother. Sally Taylor is the high school principal. Chloe Traeger is now Chloe Thompson, married to Sheriff Sawyer Thompson ( Head Over Heels , 3). The Eat Me Diner which Jane owns is Callie's premiere meet-up location with Olivia and Becca. Turns out "Juliet" is Jane's great-niece. Firefighter Jack warns Lucille about her bad habits.

The black-hearted ex, Eric, the local dentist, is married to Tina with a kid on the way. Michael Soder claims to be a certified scuba diver. Caden is a bully. Lacey is one of Callie's crazed brides with Joe as her unhappy groom.

Jax and Maddie are having a third baby.

The Cover
The cover is a snowy one of starry flakes dropping with Tanner scooping up Callie in his arms against a backdrop of mountains and a fir-lined slope. Both are in jeans with Callie adding eclectic layers of sweaters and a knit cap and scarf, her legs kickin' it in over-the-ankle hiking boots with calf-high gray socks.

The title is what Callie and Tanner each find, a friend, a mate who is One in a Million.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jimmy l
With this book Jill Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor series is drawing to a close, and I will miss Lucky Harbor and its slightly kooky residents. Lucille has been a geriatric pest throughout the series, and while occasionally she has pulled too much time and attention from the main characters with her antics, she appears just the right amount in this book despite the fact that it is Lucille’s unpredictable antics that has brought Callie to Lucky Harbor. Callie is Lucille’s grand-daughter and her busy parents have sent her to check up on her grandmother. Callie grew up in Lucky Harbor and left after she was jilted by her fiancee. She turned her heartbreak into a successful virtual wedding planning business, and even though she never got her big day, she ensures other brides’s days go off without a hitch without ever having to leaving her her apartment. Relocating to Lucky Harbor to check up on her grandmother is not without its perks. The biggest is being able to watch Tanner swim in the bay from her window. She used to have a huge unrequited crush on Tanner. Tanner is not as oblivious to it as she thought then and he has certainly noticed her looking now. Tanner like Callie has heartbreak in his past. He gave up college scholarship and married young to provided for his girlfriend and their unplanned son Troy. He served in Navy, and then worked on the oil rigs, providing them financially but failing to be there physically and emotionally. He feels like a failure as father and husband and hasn’t gotten seriously involved with anyone since.

There was a lot going on in this book, but I enjoyed it. Everything from Callie slowly realizing she is full of s*** when she says she doesn’t believe in love or want it, to Tanner working to reconnect with his teenage son Troy and not let Callie slip away. Their flirting was fun, and I enjoyed reading about them .

I am grateful for the review copy of One in a Million I received from Grand Central via NetGalley

4 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
synthia parveen mallick
One In A Million (Lucky Harbor #12) by Jill Shalvis is the last book in her Lucky Harbor Series. Once again Shalvis demonstrates her sense of humor, her creativity as well as her outstanding writing ability. Callie, Lucille’s granddaughter, the brains behind the website, and neighbor to Olivia & Becca, is the heroine of this story. She has returned to Lucky Harbor to check on her grandmother, Lucille, determine whether or not Lucille was “losing it” and attempt to keep Lucille out of mischief. Callie was left at the altar by her high school sweetheart, Eric, who has also returned to Lucky Harbor with his “adorable wife and to open a dentist practice.
The hero is Tanner Riggs, partner of Cole and Sam in Lucky Harbor Charters. While the guys were working on the oil rigs to earn money, an explosion occurred killing the fourth member of the group Gil and badly injuring Tanner. The three partners are all from Lucky Harbor where they attended high school. At age 17, Tanner got a girl pregnant and married her. He went into the military to earn money to support his family only to have his wife flee to Florida and divorce him. Now, 15 years later, said son, Troy, is “out of control” just like his father” and is dumped on Tanner.

It turns out that Tanner was Callie’s major crush back in high school. Callie escapes her apartment by going to the bakery, run by Leah (Lucky Harbor #8), and runs into Tanner there. With no seats available, Tanner sits with Callie who is trying to blend into the woodwork. As the days pass, the two meet up for coffee and donuts until Eric & his wife follow Callie into the bakery. Let’s just say that this is one of Shalvis’ funniest scenes with Callie falling, spilling and feeling totally embarrassed. This calamity does not keep the two from still meeting up. I found it interesting that Tanner remembered Callie from high school although Callie doesn’t think he means.

The premise of the book is learning to trust and communicate with one another. Can Tanner and Callie learn these two important traits in order to save a relationship between them? The friendship between Callie and Troy is wonderful. Tanner would benefit to learn from this situation.

One In A Million might not be my favorite Lucky Harbor book but I can still highly recommend this book to other readers. In typical Shalvis style, it is wonderful, sexy, & funny!! I'm really sorry that this is my last visit to Lucky Harbor; at least until I start re-reading the series. As with all the other books in the series, One In A Million is a stand alone book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trish stineman
~Reviewed by ANN & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

As a rabid fan of Jill Shalvis’s books, I’m so sad to have the Lucky Harbor series end. For me, it all started with SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE. After reading about Maddie and Jax, I knew that this was a world that I wanted to live in. With the quaint small town feel and the outrageous cast of quirky characters, Jill Shalvis has refined what sweet and sexy Contemporary Romance is with the Lucky Harbor series. Capping off at book twelve, ONE IN A MILLION marks the last in this beloved series. But fear not, not only is it wonderfully sexy and sweet at the same time, it has also become one of my top favorites of the series.

Readers who have read the series throughout will no doubt know the infamous Lucille. She’s a crazy old lady and a complete nut, but she brings so much to the series that it only makes sense to have the last heroine be her granddaughter, Callie.

Callie runs, an online wedding site acting as an online wedding planner. Though she’s damn good at her job, Callie harbors some bitterness despite the hearts and roses persona she portrays online. She’s been hurt by the man who she was supposed to marry. In fact, when a man stands up his fiancé at their wedding, I’m sure you’d agreed that she has a reason to be pissed. Callie returns to Lucky Harbor to watch over her grandmother, but Lucille is a little mischief maker so you can expect plenty of hijacks to go around.

Tanner Riggs is the last of the hotties in Lucky Harbor. After having been injured, he walks with a limp, but doesn’t allow that to stop him from being the same old adrenaline junkie he has always been. Yet it’s not the long swims or the wild wilderness that gets his heart rate going, it’s a girl he meets at the coffee shop that almost chokes to death when he asks if he can sit with her.

Charming yet heartfelt, Callie and Tanner’s story is definitely one of my favorites of the series. Which actually crushes my heart a bit because it is the last we’ll get from Shalvis. Tanner has a teenage son named Troy who has been getting failing grades and been getting into fights at school. As much as Tanner tries, he often can’t get much more than a word out from Troy, so a lot of the book focuses on building that trust and relationship between Tanner and his son. I absolutely loved this part of the story because it not only showcases Tanner in a different light, but it also creates so much more depth to his character. utc-top-pick

Jill Shalvis has written some unbelievable romances. What I love most about her writing is that she takes her time to get to know the characters so it feels like we relate on a more personably level. She has this incredible way of making readers fall in love with her chareacters within the first few pages of each book that you can’t help but feel a deep rooted connection to them. So by the time the conflict arises, it’s more heartwrenching, more emotional for the reader.

The Lucky Harbor series couldn’t have ended on a more higher note. If you haven’t read this series already, please treat yourself and try them. Not only will you get a laugh, but I’m sure you’ll find a multitude of potential book boyfriends with this series. While I am saddened to have to say goodbye to one of my all-time favorite series, I’m sure there will be plenty of rereads to come.

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
REVIEWED BY SUNNY (originally posted on Kindles & Wine Book Blog)

Callie Sharpe is back in Lucky Harbor and doing her best to run her wedding business while she swears off love for herself. I loved how she finds herself in fancy clothes from the waist up, but comfortable clothes from the waist down. It isn't hard to justify it to herself since her clients only see her upper body when they Skype, however, explaining it to those around town when she "forgets" her fashion faux pas had me laughing out loud! This is just one example of the humor that is Jill Shalvis!

Callie lives next door to Olivia and Becca, who we met in the previous two books of this trilogy, and I loved the relationship between these three ladies. Olivia and Becca become fast friends with Callie, and thankfully, they keep Callie grounded. I also enjoyed Callie's relationship with her grandma, Lucille. Here is a phone conversation between Callie and Lucille about Callie's love life after she unexpectedly sees her ex-fiancé and tries to cope by choosing between ice cream and vodka:

"Listen, I'll start a poll for you on my Tumblr asking who people want to see you with--"

"No!" Callie nearly went back to the freezer. "No," she said again, firmly. "No men."

"A woman then?" Lucille asked. "Being a bisexual is in style."

Forget the vodka. She needed a new life. Maybe on Mars. "Grandma, I love you," Callie said. "I love you madly, but I don't want to discuss my love life with you."

"You mean your lack of?"

She sighed. "Or that."

"Fair enough," Lucille said. "But for the record, we can discuss mine any time you want."


Lucille has been the matchmaker of Lucky Harbor since the beginning of the series, and now that she is trying to complete her granddaughter's match (with Tumblr, no less), things get tough. It was Callie's stubbornness to allow herself to love that I had the hardest time with, as did Lucille.

Tanner Riggs is another Lucky Harbor local who has come back as an adult to work with his buddies, Cole and Sam, at Lucky Harbor Charters. I enjoyed getting to know Tanner a bit in It's in His Kiss (Lucky Harbor Book 10) (Sam's story) and He's So Fine (Lucky Harbor Book 11) (Cole's story), but Shalvis did a great job of developing Tanner more fully in his story. I was so impressed with his undeniable sense of responsibility for his mom and his son, Troy. He has given up many things in life to support those who needed him, yet he never felt sorry for himself. He doesn't walk away from a challenge, even in his relationship with Troy, which was a struggle! I loved how Tanner demonstrated that the relationship with his son was one worth fighting for!

The relationship between Callie and Tanner was difficult and not one of my favorite Lucky Harbor love stories. However, I really did enjoy the chemistry between the two, demonstrated here by their first kiss:

He started with a brush of his lips against one corner of her mouth, a butterfly touch. And then the other corner.
She heard a soft sound, an almost whimper, and realized it was her.

He slowly sank his fingers into her hair and she melted. Not other word for it, her bones just melted clean away. And then he proceeded to kiss the living daylights out of her, a hot, wet, deep kiss that was good. So very good.

As it went on his fingers squeezed her hips, pulling her in closer. And then closer still, so that she could feel every inch of him. And oh goodness, he had some really great inches.

She was lost, swirling in the sensations that would surely drown her if she let them. With a moan she leaned in, feeling his heard pounding at rocket speed now. Gratifying.

Tanner shifted and kissed his way over her jaw to the shell of her ear, his lips closing around the lobe, sucking it into his mouth before his teeth scraped over it.

A rush seared through her belly and she gasped. She opened her eyes and found Tanner watching her with a look she couldn't quite place.

"What was that?" she whispered, staring at his mouth.

"A test." His voice was husky, doing nothing to ease the need inside her.

"Did we pass?" she asked.

"No. We failed. Spectacularly," he said. And then he kissed her again, a hot, intense tangle of tongues and teeth that had her letting out that soft, needy sound again.

And again.

And again.

In fact, he didn't stop until she was completely and utterly one-hundred-percent upside down and inside out. She might have even been transported to infinity and beyond.

When he finally lifted his head, she had to take a second before she could open her eyes.

Or maybe it was an hour.

Or a lifetime.

But when she finally dragged her lids up and stared at him, he smiled an especially bad-boy smile. "We're going to do that again," he said.

"Oh," she whispered. "Okay."

He nipped lightly at her wet lower lip, flashed a grin, and then...



Even though they had a ton of chemistry, Callie had been hurt before and was therefore a bit closed off to the idea of love. I found it ironic as determined as Tanner was to fight for things, how quickly he went along with Callie when she said she wasn't looking for love. Their heads and words said one thing, but their hearts and bodies said the complete opposite. It was frustrating to me to reconcile that throughout. In the end, I did like how they resolved this and how key characters had a hand in helping them get past their issues.

As with all Lucky Harbor novels, I really did love ONE IN A MILLION. Even though this could be read as a stand-alone, I would suggest reading the other two books in the trilogy first. But you certainly don't have to read the other nine books before that to enjoy it.

Before calling this review quits, I would like to share a tribute to all the things I loved most about this series, and tell you why, if you haven't already, you should pick up this series and read it from start to finish:

Town/Setting - In Lucky Harbor, you don't have to lock your door, but you can't keep a secret. In fact, I LOVED how everyone is all up in other people's business 99% of the time, but for ALL the right reasons.

Characters - Each trilogy had a group of siblings and/or friends to fall in love with and get glimpses of over and over again. A couple of my all-time favorite heroes exist right here in these books!

Humor - Jill Shalvis has a way of incorporating laugh-out-loud moments at unexpected times. It is the humor she brings to each story that sets her apart from other contemporary romance authors. At the top of the list for providing humor is the geriatric social media guru, Lucille. I think I have mentioned her in each and every Lucky Harbor review I have written because, even as a secondary character, she has provided so much to each and every story.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the drift; I love Lucky Harbor and will miss reading more of this amazing place! ☺

If you like a book with strong chemistry, strong supporting characters, and humor to strengthen the love story, ONE IN A MILLION is the book for you. Even though this wasn't my favorite love story in Lucky Harbor, it has all of the great elements that I have always loved in this Jill Shalvis series.

RATING: B+ (4½ stars)

Note: I received a review copy of this title courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexa bergstrom laduke
We all remember Tanner from the previous two books. (He's a partner in Lucky Harbor Charters - the boat charter business he shares with Sam and Cole)

And Callie - she just moved in next door to Becca and Olivia. But she's not really new in town. She grew up here. She's Lucille's granddaughter!!! And her parents sent her to check if Lucille is still able and sane enough to live on her own ☺

Callie left Lucky Harbor years ago when she was left at the alter by her fiancé Eric - who is now Lucky Harbor's only dentist.

Leaving her on her own wedding day was the worst thing anyone could ever do to Callie. Because she's always been in love with weddings - ever since she was a little girl. That's why she combined her nerdy IT skills with her love of weddings and is now running her own online wedding-planner business.


Planning dream weddings for other people. Not for her. Never again for her!!!

Tanner, as we all know, was working on the oil rig with Cole and Sam and Gil - Gil, who died in the fire that also left Tanner with a bad leg injury.

And Tanner has never really gotten over what happened. And he still has the stupid leg to remind him of the fire every single day.

And if that wasn't enough to keep him in a sour mood most of the time, his ex wife just left his 15-year-old son Troy to live in Lucky Harbor with his Dad. A Dad who doesn't really have any idea how to raise a kid. And a really difficult kid too. Karma is really having fun with Tanner at the moment - because he was just the same when he was his son's age!

But with the help of his buddies and lots of patience and love he does everything he can to stop his son from screwing up his life.

Callie & Tanner.

Callie has had a crush on Tanner forever. She was soo in love with the highschool bad boy. But she was just this nerdy kid back then - he never even noticed her.

Wrong. He does remember her.

And even better - he seems really interested in her now.

And grandma Lucille and her geriatric gang of Tumblr and Twitter addicts is trying her best to play matchmaker for the "Last Hot Single Guy for Two Hundred Miles". Who better to pair him with than her own grandchild? ☺ Oh, and btw. Lucille now has a youtube channel too ☺☺☺

Nope . . . I'm not telling you ☺

Such a beautiful & funny story!

This being the last Lucky Harbor book ever, I was in a very sad mood when I read it.

But I loved it from the first seconds to the last words.

I know I said the last two books were my favorite Lucky Harbor books ever - but this one is right there with them!!!


Tanner is this sexy and sad ex Navy SEAL / ex oil-rig explosives expert and now he's about to really fall in love for the first time in his life! - With this adorable klutzy and sexy nerd - Callie.

They sooo belong together.

Both not believing in love and HEA and all that stuff - but how can they not believe it when it's right there in front of them??

They were sooo cute together - and so funny - their daily 'meetings' at the bakery! Adorable!

And the way Callie falls not only in love with Tanner but also with his son - and the poor boy - who finally starts to be happy again. Ugh - soo moving!

It was such an adorable and funny and sexy and moving Romance and grrrrr I just loved it!

Why does this series have to end :((((((

Can we at least turn the whole thing into a TV series???

I would sooo watch that every week - every day even!!!!

And Lucille?! I will miss her - but she now found the perfect girl for 12 hot guys - she deserves to retire now☺

Like all previous books in the series, but especially like the last 2, this 12th Lucky Harbor Romance had everything I need in my Romances:




ONE IN A MiLLiON was just PERFECT!!!

And if you haven't read any of those 12 Lucky Harbor Romances - shame on you!!!

GO. READ. THEM. !!!!!


But - I'm sure whatever Jill comes up with next will be just as amazing!! ☺

PS ☺ There might be a tiny little Christmas Novella coming from Lucky Harbor on 2 December ☺☺☺

we'll see Chloe & Sawyer again!!!!! ♥
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

As the brains behind wedding site, Callie sees it all: from the ring to the dress, the smiles . . . to the tears. It's that last part that keeps her single and not looking. Getting left at the altar will do that to a girl. But when Callie returns to her old hometown, she finds that her sweet high school crush is sexier than ever. And he makes it hard to remember why she's sworn off love . . .

Tanner is a deep-sea diver with a wild, adrenaline-junkie past—and now his teenage son is back in his life. How can Tanner be a role model when he's still paying for his own mistakes? It's hard enough that gorgeous Callie has appeared in town like a beautiful dream, challenging his best-laid plans to keep his heart on lockdown. Though there's something about being around her again that makes him feel like he can be the man she—and his son—deserve. Little Lucky Harbor holds their past; can it hold a beautiful new future?


I tell you what—Lucky Harbor once again is a place I want to visit. Ms Shalvis has made it that way with her vivid characters and clear descriptive words. Her characters are ones I often finish a book thinking they are friends. This book is no different.

Poor Callie had a lot of issues to work past (which book hasn’t?), and Tanner’s pushy ways didn’t help matters. Despite what she originally though, this was indeed, a very good thing. Toss in a kid that gives him hell, and pushes him to be the dad he needs to be, and a whirlwind of conflict paves the way for both.

The catch and release in this story was very moving, and highly emotional. All of it combined, along with the friends each have, forced these two to really open their hearts and minds to the possibility of something more.

It was an engaging read, and a story that will leave you wanting more, and will have you keying in for airline tickets to visit.

Review can be found on Goodreads, the store, Barnes & Noble, Romantic Romp, and LibraryThing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa johnson
Jill Shalvis has the magic touch when it comes to delivering sparkling romances that grab your heart. One in a Million is a charming, utterly addictive read – the kind of book you want to start all over again as soon as you finish.

Callie has joined the list of my favorite heroines and she has a special place in my heart. She’s a smart, funny woman who is afraid of love after being hurt more than once. Even though she has wonderful new friends in Becca and Olivia, a loving (if zany) grandmother, and a good career, there’s something a bit lonely about Callie. I loved watching her open her heart over the course of the story. Meeting Tanner is, of course, the catalyst for her change. He’s the high school crush that never noticed her, but the football superstar of her past has been replaced by a man who had to grow up fast and hard. Tanner is now a divorced father of a teenage son he’s trying desperately to reach, and the way he puts those he loves first endeared him to me from the start. Tanner’s development as a father is every bit as important to the story as his relationship with Callie, and of course Ms. Shalvis handles both storylines beautifully. Tanner and Callie have fantastic chemistry; their scenes together are sexy, funny, and sigh-worthy – everything I’ve come to expect and adore from a Jill Shalvis couple. It’s not easy for Callie and Tanner to go from attraction to real relationship, but Ms. Shalvis makes every step of the journey worth it.

One in a Million is the twelfth book in the Lucky Harbor series, but it can be read as a standalone. Tanner’s best friends, Cole and Sam, along with Olivia’s newfound friends, Becca and Olivia, all play strong supporting roles, which is sure to please readers who loved It’s in His Kiss and He’s So Fine. Other past Lucky Harbor heroes and heroines also appear or are mentioned throughout the book. This works not just in the context of the story, as Lucky Harbor is a small town, but also as Easter eggs for fans of the series. It would be remiss of me to write about One in a Million without mentioning the town’s resident social media superstar and self-proclaimed matchmaker, Lucille. The geriatric firebrand has a bigger role than ever in One in a Million, which is no surprise since Callie is her granddaughter. I have a soft spot for Lucille – how could I not after twelve Lucky Harbor novels? – and though her usual brand of quirk is on display here, there are some honest and heartwarming scenes with her as well.

One in a Million is (as of right now) the final full-length book in the Lucky Harbor series, and Ms. Shalvis ends things on a perfect note. Tanner and Callie’s story is sweet, sassy, heartbreaking, and uplifting. I couldn’t have loved them more and I cannot wait to read their book again!

Review courtesy of Wit and Sin
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Callie is the grand daughter of the infamous Lucille in Lucky Harbor and she has returned to check on her grandmother, at the request of her parents to see if Lucille's sanity is still intact. Not having the best memories in Lucky Harbor, especially after being jilted at the altar, she restricts herself from socializing and keep herself as inconspicuous as possible. Since being burnt, she now keeps her heart guarded and doesn't believe in love despite being the brains of a wedding site Tying The

Tanner who is running Lucky Harbor Charters with his best friends, is trying his best to be a dad to his sully teenage son, Troy whom he didn't getta spend any time with when growing up. Tanner spent his years trying to do the right thing and that included forgoing the football scholarship to join the Navy Seals and then to work on the rig when he impregnated Elisa, Troy's mum in order to support them. Tanner feels undeserving since he couldn't do right by his mum, Elisa and Troy. Despite having developed feelings for Callie, he refuses to give more thought to their relationship than he has to.

This is the final book in the Lucky Harbor series. And while I have enjoyed every bit of it, I must say that the series had become very predictable with the endings a little cliched. I really liked Tanner and in fact I think I liked him the most. He just had that personality and attitude in him but he wasn't given more. I love how he tried with Troy and the relationship they had. I also enjoyed how Callie bonded with Troy. What I thought was also nice was that Tanner and Callie had some history together (from school) and they continued that friendship from there. I'm also gonna miss the bromance between Cole, Sam and Tanner. I really enjoyed their banter, quarrels and fights. And while the ending was predictable, it was so sweet and swoon worthy and I especially liked the epilogue:

"Turn around," Tanner said, and she did.
He was standing there in front of her, phone to his ear. Behind him was a crowd of people. He grinned at her and said into the phone, "Gotta go, babe, I'm going to marry the most gorgeous, wonderful, amazing woman I've ever met."
"You sound like a lucky man," she said softly.
"The luckiest."

Jill Shalvis is still going to be one of my go-to, must read authors and I hope she will come up with a new book or series soon.

Many thanks to Grand Central Publishing and Netgalley for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria elena sullivan
I received this book free from Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Firstly, I have to preface my review by saying I love all of Jill Shalvis's books. She writes many different genres from clean stories for the Loveswept , clean romantic suspense in the Harlequin SIM series, to the current books she writes which can be suspense, hot and heavy romances. I love them all.

This series, Lucky Harbor, has romance and humor and hot alpha guys and hard-working caring women. We always know who loves whom before the book began. The problem is that we never know how they get there or what problems they will have to take care in order to make it.

Callie is in charge of the website. It takes care of everything from the ring to the wedding itself. However, she also hears about the breakups and, having had her own breakup, it makes her gun-shy about marriage. Tanner is a deep-sea driver and has been an adrenaline-junkie his whole life. He also has a teenage son.

I love Tanner and Callie as a couple. But, for those of you who care, the language and sex are a little graphic. However, there is lots of humor and fun in this book also.

This book is supposed to be the last book in the series and it references all of the other characters, so it could be confusing if you have not read the other books. The books are all so good, I would certainly recommend you read them all!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

My rating: 4 of 5 ⭐️


Third of the friends and co-owners of the Lucky Harbor Charter company, Tanner can be considered the wild one of the bunch. Father of a teenager, he suddenly is thrown into parenthood full time, something that he has wanted for a long time, but it isn't easy. The only love he is interested in winning is that of his son, but the newest neighbor in the old warehouse next to the marina is Callie, a sight for sore eyes, pyjama bottoms and all!

Granddaughter of the omni-present Lucille, Lucky Harbor's town gossip and matchmaker, Callie is in town mainly to make sure her Gran hasn't gone completely off the deep end. Running a wedding planning company online, Callie can work from just about anywhere, and returns to Lucky Harbor to keep an eye on Lucille. But her eye has been wandering.... straight to the delectable abs of her high school crush Tanner, who shows off his well-toned body outside her window on a regular basis.

Lust is an emotion both Callie and Tanner know how to deal with. Love however, is an absolute deal breaker and has them both scurrying for cover! Stubbornness is not a becoming quality, I've decided.....

Another fun instalment, this time with the slightly more serious involvement of a teenager in need of some good parenting. I wasn't as in love with it as with the eleventh book, but there is no denying Jill Shalvis' quality writing.

✨Heat, humor and a whole lotta drama!!✨

**Copy provided in return for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
g i goodrich
I just love the Lucky Harbor series by Jill Shalvis. Each novel is a companion novel and can be read as a standalone, though you do get glimpses of characters from previous novels in the series. One in a Million is Tanner and Callie's story. It is set in the beautiful little town of Lucky Harbor, and Jill Shalvis has created one of those "book fantasy places" that you just want to be magically transported to. Being a small town, everyone pretty much knows each others business, especially thanks to Callie's grandmother, Lucille, who is a social media nut and has played a role in so many of the previous novels.

Tanner is a hot, sexy, ex Navy SEAL who is part owner of Lucky Harbor Charters with his best friends Cole and Sam, who the previous two novels were about. He is also the last most eligible bachelor in the town of Lucky Harbor, at least according to Lucille. Callie finds herself back in Lucky Harbor after years of being away, here to check on her grandmother for a while. These two find their path crossing more than once and Callie soon finds her high school crush rekindled for this man. Both Callie and Tanner have been unlucky in love in the past, and are reluctant to get into a relationship, though the chemistry between them is undeniable. She is feisty, he's a bit broody and sexy as sin, and the romance between them makes for one of those reads that lets you just get caught up in it and disappear while you're reading it. I loved the characters and I loved the story. Once again, Jill Shalvis has delivered an outstanding story that her fans, as well as fans of contemporary romance will love. Check it out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ruby straaten
There is so much growth development made by so many characters in "One In A Million". The characters, as always, were engaging and of course the setting was the ever quirky and charming small town of Lucky Harbor. Tanner was sweet, sexy and a little bit vulnerable. Callie was intelligent, forlorn in some ways but confident and capable in others. I really did not want to shake anyone into thinking sensibly while reading the novel - always a excellent sign! As usual I couldn't put the book down the uproarious situations had me laughing out loud and the insecurities in various characters caught me in the chest. I give this novel a solid 5 lightning bolts so you know the drill ... run don't walk and get this book in whatever media you choose: ebook, paper turning, or from the Library and read!

This book is from my personal library so it is an honest review.

For a more detailed review please visit my book review website

One In A Million by Jill Shalvis
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
FANTASTIC, would be my word if I was only allowed one for this book.

One in a Million is about Tanner and Callie, two of Lucky Harbors residents. Callie is the granddaughter of the infamous Lucille - the matchmaking old lady who just loves to put everything on the social media networks for the residents to see and vote on and she has set he sights now on Callie to match her to Tanner, one of the Lucky Harbor Charters owners. So Callie and Tanner do not stand a chance.

Callie runs a business called, where she arranges everything for a perfect wedding for her brides even though she is cynical about love because she was left standing at the alter by her groom to be.

Tanner is a divorcee not looking for love with a teenage son, who has just come to live with him and he is trying to be the dad that Troy deserves, however he is attracted to Callie and this is were the story begins.

Callie had a crush on Tanner in High School but she was the geek and he was a football jock so Callie was never on Tanners radar, when she comes back to Lucky Harbor to check on her nan to see if she is going crazy or not, she definitely is on Tanners radar then.

This story is about people learning to trust each other, family learning to believe in one another and in believing that love can exist and last.

This story is beautifully written, full of warmth, humour, friendship and romance - I LOVED IT. It is a definite must read for all you romance junkies out there. Congrats once again Jill Shalvis on a feel good romance once again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda juliano
Seriously, I can not get enough of Jill Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor books. Every single book that I have read I have totally and utterly fallen in love with. I am so very upset and hope that this is not true that this is the last Lucky Harbor novel. I know there is a novella to come in December. But I honestly don’t know what I am going to do about not having a new Lucky Harbor book in my future. Well I guess I could do a re-read. And I guess I can hope that Ms. Shalvis will come to her senses and realize that Lucky Harbor needs more love stories.

That being said back to One in a Million. There was just something about Tanner that grabbed me when he stepped on the pages in He’s So Fine. Now don’t get me wrong Cole & Sam are hot and I loved them too. But Tanner stole my heart. There is just something about this tough, wounded, ex Navy Seal that screams “I need a hug”. But never fear Callie seems to have that part covered (darn her ;) ) Anywhoo..... Loved loved loved loved this book. Loved Callie (even if I wanted to slap her up side the head a time or two. Thank goodness for Lucille).

Loved this whole series. And honestly tearing up just a bit that it could be over. But never say never right *sniff, sniff* If you are a Lucky Harbor fan you will totally love One in a Million. If you are new you really should start at the beginning with Simply Irresistible.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley & Forever (Grand Central Publishing in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gena khodos
Another winner in Lucky Harbor..

The last man of the group Tanner Riggs who is a deep-sea diver for the Lucky Harbor Charters which he runs with his partners Sam and Cole. When his ex wife drops and hands his son Troy off him, and says it's your turn because of issues he's having at school Tanner is very happy about it. Tanner will do anything to spend time with his son, and hopefully see what's going on with him.

Now he has a little run in with Callie who returns to Lucky Harbor to look out for her grandma Lucille who is Lucky Harbors social media queen. She is the matchmaker in the town and takes pride in what she has done over the years.. Callie runs when she was burned at the alter she goes into the business for helping brides with there blissful day. In taking every detail for that day.
One day she runs into Tanner Riggs in the bakery Leah runs. It's all innocent at first when Tanner sit's at her table. It soon becomes a little more. They have issues and don't want to act on them.

Tanner is at a crossroads with his son. He is trying everything to get across to him. Troy is nervous about telling his dad about his news from school. He's embarrassed and turns to Callie. Tanner tells Troy he's proud of him with whatever he decides to do.

So now is love worth the risk? Can Tanner and Callie overcome the cards they had been dealt with.

I highly recommend this book..The entire set of Lucky Harbor books are wonderful. Do not need to be read in order.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa spielman
The Lucky Harbor series is a true favorite, 12 books, and the residents of Lucky Harbor are a part of my life! I am sad to see it end!
Callie, a virtual wedding planner, doesn’t believe in love, even though she’s selling it and relationship advice on her web site A true romantic but had her dreams destroyed when she was left at the altar & when your heart is crushed you hide. If she lives a pretty solitary life & says she doesn’t believer she’ll be safe, right? To top it off her grandmother is Lucille, which is the main reason for Callie returning to Lucky Harbor.
Tanner, one of the 3 Lucky Harbor Charter owners, found out at 17 he was going to be a father, so he gave up his football scholarship, got married and joined the Navy so he could support his family. But his being away broke up his family. Now he is faced with his typical 15 year son coming to live with him, as he is a handful to his mom. Tanner is determined to succeed at this.
Callie breaks her rules when Tanner comes along. Tanner likes Callie, her clumsiness is cute & refreshing. He continues to try to get her to open up about herself even when he discovers how he unknowing had left things his senior year! With them having a relationship had to be by “rules” and that is how is started out. Callie becomes more & more a part of a life with Tanner as she becomes part of his son’s life with her need to help out. Lucille gets involved with one last “love match” before she retires as she might just have found her own happily ever after also. Will it truly be a love match? Tanner makes a lot of mistakes with Callie, but will she accept his apology?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nothing fills my heart like a good Jill Shalvis romance.
I imagine to certain readers, the stories get old because they do follow a certain pattern, but to me that's part of what I love about them. I like knowing what I'm in for with her books and prefer to read then when I'm in need of an easy, honest read with little angst and a lot of sweet.
Her stories are the perfect blend of real and attainable romance with just enough fantasy for me to get lost in. Her heroes are completely swoonworthy, responsible, mature, hot, of course and just overall loving, caring human beings. Her heroines are strong, yet vulnerable, independent, smart and full of love to give.
This is probably my favorite of The Lucky Harbor series, at least until I read the next or reread an older one. I love that the storyline included so much of Troy and that we got to fall in love with Tanner as both a man and a father. Seeing Callie so easily connect and care for Troy was one of my favorite parts of the book. I'm actual sad this story had to end.

Audiobook Notes: It took me some time to really get into this story because I kept starting when I was getting into bed and I kept falling asleep. This has more to do with exhaustion on my part than the story though.
I enjoyed the narrator in this, even though I wasn't crazy about her male voice. I really liked the way that she read Tanner's mom though. Especially when she called him baby. ;
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One in a Million
This was an ARC book for me ----- and I am so pleased I get to read Jill’s books before they hit the shelves! Book Fairy jackpot!

This is the last book in the Lucky Harbor series. Throughout all the books, we meet some of the same characters. Lucille is a standout. She is “older than dirt”, runs and art gallery and specializes in town gossip and social media. Meddling and match making are her forte. Her grand daughter Callie comes back to Lucky Harbor to check on Lucille. Is she in her right mind or does she need to be placed in a home?

Callie has lots of baggage. She left Lucky Harbor after the humiliation of being jilted at the altar! She doesn’t trust men or herself! Love is an illusion that she uses in her wedding planning business. No long lasting relationships for her! Her apartment has a view of the Pacific Ocean and she spots Tanner Riggs on the dock. Callie dredged up the memories of him and her crush on him in high school. But she was a nerd and he was a jock.

Tanner co-owns Lucky Harbor Charters with friends Sam and Cole. He was a Navy SEAL and worked on the oilrig with both of them. He is tough, smart, confident and loyal ---- and totally hot! Tanner is also a single father to Troy, now 15. He has a commitment phobia, too.

Both of them love doughnuts and coffee and they meet at the bakery. These scenes are hilarious!!!! So pull up a chair, grab your favorite beverage and treat and enjoy this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgan prince
Bookaholics ARC was received to an honest review!!!!

Saying Goodbye is always hard to do especially to a place near and dear like Lucky Harbor!!!! The final book was everything I hoped for and more. Callie returned home to check up on her grandmother to see I'd she is losing it "Lucille". Tanner super hot Ex Navy Seal is always working to be a better man. He is trying to build a relationship with his teenage son. He remembers what it felt like when his dad walked out on him and his mom. Tanner left his son and wife for unselfish reasons to make money. He wanted to provide a better life for his family. Callie is running from love and doesn't believe in it since she was left at the alter. She was the quiet nerdy girl that the jocks paid to do their homework. They never noticed her other then that. Tanner was her first crush. This story didn't fall short anywhere in my eyes. I laughed, and got tears in my eyes. The sex scenes were hot. This would of been my favorite if it wasn't the last book because I'm so sad to have it end. I'm just glad I've got all the books so I can read them whenever I want to visit that funny Harbor town I fell in love with.

Thank you so much Jill for bringing this town to life!!! I can't wait for what you have in store for us next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One in a Million was an enjoyable contemporary romance and a real page turner. This book was the last in her terrific Lucky Harbor series. This series has been terrific and I feel as though I have been there. Jill writes in such detail with the setting as well as the characters. She adds humor as well as sorrow.

The main characters in this story, Tanner and Callie were a good match and had great chemistry. They struggled and matured, but learned to trust each other and finally believe in love. Other side stories where added into the mix with Tanner’s teenage son who comes to live with him, and of course Lucille and her group of little old ladies. This added another element of families learning to trust and believe in each other. The story is well written and the all the characters are believable.

I loved the Lucky Harbor series and highly recommend it to all! There are some real zany characters that add extra humor to Jill Shalvis’s books. Jill is a terrific author and one of my favorites. I recommend her books and am eager to get started on her next series she presents us with.
(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christiana czarnowski
Dang it! Shalvis has written another shamazing hero. How do they just keep getting better?
Callie owns an online wedding planner service. As a jilted bride, she's somewhat jaded, yet really successful in her career. She returns to Lucky Harbor to keep an eye on her grandma Lucille because her folks think Lucille might not be running on a full battery. Since Callie's business is online, she can work from anywhere, right? But Lucky Harbor is filled with some not so pleasant memories for Callie; the ex who left her at the alter is the dentist on the island, her not quite fulfilling childhood memories, and her first crush...Tanner Riggs.
Tanner has returned to Lucky Harbor with his buddies to open and run Lucky Harbor Charters. His teenage son Troy has moved to Lucky Harbor so Tanner is trying to build a relationship with Troy. Troy seems to be a "chip off the old block" and is feeling the pressure. Tanner also meets up with Callie at the local bakery and they decide to mutually "hide behind each other". A friends with benefits agreement is reached and of course, things begin to heat up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hamza mousa
Callie Sharpe is back in Lucky Harbor to check up on her Grandma Lucille, everyone's favorite busy body. I just adore Lucille. She is so funny and sassy that I hope I'm just like that when I get that age.

As Callie is back, she runs into Tanner Riggs, the boy she crushed on throughout high school and she sees that he has grown up just fine. I loved the way these two rekindled their friendship. The whole coffee and donuts was a hoot. I just laughed throughout this story.

I could sympathize with Tanner and his whole ex thing and with now trying to raise a teenage son. Loved the banter between these two. The purple bedroom...OMG...too funny!

I loved how Lucille was so determined to match her granddaughter up with Tanner.

Callie and Tanner had a wonderful happy ending and a great end of a series book. I loved how so many blasts from the past were mentioned. I'm sad to see this series has been one of my all time favorites.
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