The Sweetest Thing (A Lucky Harbor Novel)

ByJill Shalvis

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eden bernal
I just love reading books written by Jill Shalvis! The Sweetest Thing is wonderful and well worth reading. It is funny, heart wrenching, warm, fuzzy and sinfully sexy. Tara and Ford are great characters and their long lost daughter, Mia, is a miracle come true to them.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Unfortunately I could not finish this book. There was no real depth at all to any of the characters and there was just too much going on between all of them. The book dragged on and on with no substance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda weber
Tara Daniels has been thrown into the mix with sisters she never knew after her mother passed away. Each of the women had different fathers, personalities and traits that made them strangers to one another but determined to get to know one another and rediscover the magic that was their mother's eclectic lifestyle. What they discover as a continuation in this second book is taking their personalities and figuring out how to turn that into a winning B&B where they can live and work together as one. Sounded good on paper but when all this female chaos tries to mix into one pot it tends to burn more than bake evenly.

Tara is the controlling, bossy and very ordered life. She had a teenage fling with a local boy at 17 and the result of that was a child they had given up for adoption. But now that Tara is back in Lucky Harbor and Ford Walker is standing right there all handsome and enticing can she walk away from him twice in one lifetime and still retain any part of her heart that is still beating. Ford never forgot her and while he did not chase her down to keep her the love he felt for her and the regret at having to release the baby they created still haunts him. Tara made the adult decision but now that she is seeing her life as it was and how it can be again standing in front of her what will she do?

Ford made a career of being a world class, winning sailor who has the time, money and talent to do anything but still wants to be in Lucky Harbor doing everything but sail competitively again. The heat between him and Tara is alive and running through every fiber of his body and his yearning for her is real and over powering. But convincing Tara of this being fact not fiction is easier said than done since she believes he talks a good game and runs when the game is over.

But when Tara's ex-husband shows up in town claiming he wants her back and a ghost from the past also knocks on the door Tara is not sure which one is going to rattle her more. The ex-husband she has long since gotten over or the daughter she gave up that that she wants in her life more than her next breath.

Bringing pieces of your life to a relationship is enough to make it sustain but not thrive. When Tara starts to see that the missing parts are coming together does she have room for one man and one daughter or will she run away again and not make any choice at all? Careful is good but it is not fun, it is not relaxing and some days it makes no sense at all. Taking chances is risky but there are times when rolling the dice and running with the results may just work out and Tara finds Ford to be the winning hand she is hoping for.

Tara is a difficult character to like because I unfortunately see way too much of myself in her. She is bossy, controlling, and a tad pushy and wants everything to be in order. Ford is messy and tends to embrace the day and see how it plays out. But Tara is also like me in that she knows the love is there in her heart she is just afraid to let it go because getting hurt is not easy and Ford has broken her heart once before. But truth be told you have to run the risk of giving everything you can to the relationship, see how it plays out and not blame anyone for the good or bad parts. Ms. Shalvis knows how to write characters that are human which means imperfect and just like the rest of us going with the flow of life and seeing where it takes us.
Instant Attraction (Wilder Brothers) :: Animal Attraction (An Animal Magnetism Novel) :: It's in His Kiss (Lucky Harbor) :: Rumor Has It (An Animal Magnetism Novel) :: Still the One (An Animal Magnetism Novel)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Sweetest Thing is book two in the Lucky Harbor series by Jill Shalvis. I was lucky enough to get this book as a Christmas gift from my dear friend and am just now getting to it. But it was oh so worth the wait. I couldn’t have loved this book more.

Tara Daniels is the oldest of the three sisters. All three have returned to Lucky Harbor after their mother’s death, a mother Tara had barely known. Tara’s plan is to help her sisters get the Inn their mother left them up and running and to make sure that they were all set up and then to leave. But she doesn’t have much to go back to. Her marriage ended two years ago. And the truth is, she isn’t really hating it all that much in Lucky Harbor. She is enjoying the relationship, though still a rocky one, that is developing with her sisters.

On the outside, Tara is always put together with her pencil skirts and silk blouses, perfect hair and southern charm. But on the inside, she’s a mess. It doesn’t help that the boy that she fell in love with back when she was seventeen year old, and who is nothing like a boy at all now, is still here and seems to find a way into her path every single day. In the six months that Tara has been back, she has done all that is in her power to keep her distance. But it’s getting harder and harder.

Tara also finds herself face to face with another part of her past she never imagined would happen. It’s both a dream and the scariest thing she has ever dealt with.

On top of everything else, including the increasing attraction she is feeling towards her old teenage love, Ford, her ex-husband has shown up in town, claiming that after all this time, he has seen the error of his ways and wants her back. But Tara isn’t that same woman she was when her marriage broke up. She’s been working on herself and liking what she is finding more and more. She’s a mess, yes, but not the same mess she used to be.

“Wasn’t life supposed to get simpler the older you got? She’d been really looking forward to “simple.”

Ford Walker is a very successful boat racer, which is where he has accumulated most of his money. He is also co-owner of the town bar. He loves being there, talking to the people of the town he has known all his life. The summer he spent with Tara Daniels when they were seventeen years old was like a dream. He fell in love, as much as he could at that age. But, it ended badly. And she left. Well, he let her go. But now she’s back. The worst thing he could do is open up that whole can of worms again. But he can’t seem to stay away. He can’t stop thinking about her. He’s never really gotten her out of his system.

I what Tara?
You remember me.

Tara is trying so hard to resist Ford. But he is most definitely persistent. And let me tell you, he has a gift for words. The things this man says. I might have swooned. Yes, I’ll admit I did. But it’s not as simple as just attraction. They have a history, some of it complicated. And Tara is trying to work on herself. And then there is always that pesky ex-husband to contend with.

“How could he drive her so insane and make her want him with equal intensity? She didn’t understand, she really didn’t.”

How could I not love this book. I loved the first book in the series so much and was rewarded with plenty of snippets of Maddie and Jax in this one. These three sisters are flawed and funny and sweet and I am loving watching their relationship develop and deepen. Ford and Tara couldn’t have been more perfect together. It just took them awhile to finally figure that out. That they could take the best of what they had seventeen years ago and make it even better now that they are adults. I also loved the little hints of chemistry hinted at between Chloe and Sawyer. I can’t wait to continue on with this series with the next book, Head Over Heels, and find out what happens with them. This is such an amazing series and I am so thankful to Jill Shalvis for making our days just a little bit brighter when she takes us to visit Lucky Harbor.

“I feel like I’m home.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amber ruvalcaba
The Sweetest Thing is a great follow up to Simply Irresistible (the 1st in the Lucky Harbor series). Shalvis manages to once again charm us with a great small town romance that has just enough of all the most important elements (family, friendship, humor, secrets, heat, etc.) to make this a win.

Although I didn’t love Tara and her story quite as much as I did Maddie and hers, I was charmed and captivated throughout. Tara is a great character….a really strong woman with lots of hidden vulnerabilities. It was great to learn more about Tara and Ford’s past and see how they reconnected and strengthened their relationship. Although the synopsis makes this one sound as if it is a love triangle do not fear, I promise that is not at all the case.

I also loved seeing more of Lucky Harbor and the developing relationships between the three sisters who are the focus of the series at this point. I loved the development of the Bed & Breakfast and how Tara got her kitchen and ultimately her home in Lucky Harbor.

Jill Shalvis has the formula for a great contemporary romance down. A quick, easy and enjoyable read…there are no surprises here but that is ok. She delivers nonetheless.

NOTE: I read a library copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
linda pear
Danielle James's review Mar 30, 11 · edit
it was amazing
Read from March 15 to 16, 2011

Tara Daniels has finally settled into Lucky Harbor six months after returning. Even though she was thrown into meeting her other two sisters, they are determined to make this Bed & Breakfast work where they can live and and work together. Ford Walker made a career being a winning Sailor. Has has the talent to take on anything he wishes, but he wants to stay in Lucky Harbor. The heat between him and Tara is still very much alive as it was 17 years ago. Convincing Tara wont be a walk in the park and is much easier said than done.

When Tara’s ex-husband shows up in town claiming he wants her back, she no longer has one man trying to win her heart back but two. Can true love conquer all? .

In the first book, Simply Irresistible, I wasn't a big fan of Tara, but towards the end I was hooked. She had a past that she was still hiding. Tara is a difficult character to like because she can be bossy, controlling, a tad pushy and wants everything to be in order. Ford is messy and tends to embrace the day for what it is. Total opposites attract, right?!

Oh yes, I enjoyed Ford very much. This green eyed sailor will grab you hook, line, and sinker. Actually, I mostly enjoyed their team work in trying to solve some past and present issues with their lives. They had to learn to trust each other and realized that they both bring something special to each other.

I absolutely loved this book. Jill Shalvis brings an entertaining spin to Lucky Harbor. I have never laughed and cried so much in a book before. Ford will having you swooning and sighing all over the place. You get a chance to feel what Tara and Ford are feeling from the moment you open the book. Not only do you wonder what will happen in the long run, but a surprise is thrown in that will keep you flipping the pages faster to get to the outcome.To be honest, I still haven't had enough of Ford and Tara.

One thing I know for sure, Jill Shalvis never disappoints. She brings you a hot, sweet, fun, and romantic story. I really don't think it gets any better then this. Shalvis is simply irresistible and original. All in all, I really enjoyed this book and the ending left the biggest smile on my face. I truly hope it will leave one on yours as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Second in the Lucky Harbor cozy romance series and revolving around three sisters. The couple focus is on Tara Daniels and Ford Walker.

My Take
LOL, it's not insta-love...these two fell in love years ago, and Tara is forcibly trying to back away from her attraction. It's so sweet and sad all at once.

I'm not sure how I landed in the midst of all these stories in which the man is in love and wanting a woman who doesn't seem to want him. But it is a treat to find the shoe on the other foot for a change. I do wonder if it's a subconscious reaction of women to women's lib and not wanting to fall for the pretty face, to be an independent woman. For sure Tara is working on finding herself, and with the two different points-of-view—Tara's and Ford's—it's a story of past angst and current self-examination.

The underlying theme of the series is the sisters getting to know each other. Yeah, who'd'a thunk? Tara and Maddie were each raised by their fathers, for the most part, while Chloe traveled with their mother, and they rarely crossed paths. Now that they've inherited the inn, Maddie is determined that they'll stay together, work the B&B, and get to know each other, yep, it's Team Building Wednesdays for these ladies.

Man, these boys have history: Ford and his broke grandma, Jax and his jerk of a father, and Sawyer's stint in juvie! Now, at least one of these past bad boys is finding out what it's like to be the worried daddy.

"The reason I'm so short is that she's in heels." Uh-huh...

No, no, I ain't buyin' it. Tara wants Ford to fight for her? When she keeps kickin' him to the curb? And she's so dang stubborn that no one can ever change her mind? I did enjoy all the macho posturing going on between Ford and Logan. That Facebook poll was a crack-up!

As for the big moment that forces these two together? Whoa! I do love that Shalvis doesn't drag this out over several stories!

Oh, crack me up...I love that scene between Carlos and Ford when Carlos confronts him over the hurt he's doling out to Tara, and Ford shocks himself with his comment!

"'Huh. I didn't see that one coming.'

'Does anyone?'"

It's a sweet and homey read that will make you chuckle and cry over Tara and Ford's encounters and warm your heart. And hopefully take a page from Ford's book, to not let the past eat at you, to turn the page, and start that new chapter.

The Story
The girls are about to open their new bed-&-breakfast, Lucky Harbor Beach Inn, and Maddie is working hard to keep the three of them together.

It takes a surprise visit from the past with its love and angst repeating all over again to make these two realize the truth.

The Characters
The uptight Tara Daniels is shocked that she's still in Lucky Harbor six months later, and still working as a cook at the Eat Me Diner. Her dad was a government scientist. Logan Perrish is Tara's ex, a nationally known NASCAR race car driver, and he's back. Chloe is the carefree sister raised by their mama, and she's an aesthetician with a beauty line she's promoting. Maddie Moore is the middle sister who's taken up knitting and Jax ( Simply Irresistible , 1). Her dad is a Hollywood set designer. Phoebe Traeger was the free-spirited hippie mama who left them the place.

Ford Walker is the successful, laidback young man with whom Tara had a passionate summer when they were seventeen. She was too angry for words while he was the town bad boy and good-time guy. A world-class sailing expert with a variety of wins and magazine covers under his belt, he kicks back with the bar, The Love Shack, he co-owns with one of his best friends, Jax Cullen. Sawyer Thompson, Lucky Harbor's sheriff, is the other best friend, who is always be rescuing Chloe. Ciera is Ford's sister, and she works at a senior center.

Carlos Rodrigeuz is the local high school kid the ladies have hired to work at the B&B. He's supporting his younger siblings and grandma. Mia Hutchinson, whose parents are splitting up, is a surprise from the past. Both welcome and unwelcome and the needed goad.

Mrs. Taylor owns the local craft and supply store. Lucille is older than dirt, runs an art gallery in town, and keeps the town's Facebook page updated. Rani is the town librarian. Ethel runs the rec center. Sandy is the town clerk and city manager for Lucky Harbor. And they're all pulling for Ford.

Jan is the witch who owns the Eat Me diner; Amy is the waitress. Lance has the ice cream shop on the pier. He also has cystic fibrosis and is on a mission to pack a lotta life into a short span of time. His brother, Tucker, and Chloe are helping him out. Todd Fitzgerald is one of the rock climbers.

Boyd is Ethel's grandson whom she sets up on a blind date with Tara. And hoo-boy...I can see why he has such problems with his dates *shakes my head mournfully*.

The Cover
The cover has a white background with a couple hugging each other out on a pier as calm, turquoise waters ripple behind them. It's a lot of pastel color from the pink in the author's name and the umbrella they're cozying up under to the purple in the title and his shirt to the green of the series name and her dress.

I'm not sure if the title is about Tara's cooking or events, but I can tell you that the story itself is definitely The Sweetest Thing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book 2 in the Lucky Harbor Series features Tara Daniels and Ford Walker, who spent a summer together when they were 17. Tara had gotten pregnant and the stress of being young and pregnant had taken a toll on Tara and Ford. Tara gave up the baby for adoption and moved on, later getting married to Race car driver Logan Daniels. Ford stayed in Lucky Harbor, bartending and taking his life easy.

When Tara’s mom Phoebe died (book 1) leaving her Inn to her 3 daughters, Maddie, Tara & Chloe, Tara came from Texas with the intention of fixing up the Inn so they can sell the Inn and split the profits amongs themselves. She didn’t intend to stick around that small town which held painful memories of a summer of love & loss.

Little did she know that past would catch up with her and force her to deal with the things she ran away from all those years ago. Plus, her past love and present love would battle it out for the right to be her future.

Great writing, a lot more sex than I anticipated, but another great addition to the series. This was the anal retentive OCD, annoying, pretentious sister. In book 1, her poop just didn’t stink. She had a great man, great marriage, great clothes, had such a great life, blah, blah, blah…but at the end of the book we saw it was a façade. Tara was not happy, but this Inn project gave her an opportunity to fix herself as well as the business and Tara took that challenge. I ended up liking her in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tammy nickerson
Welcome back to Lucky Harbor!!! We knew you missed us!

In the first installment of the Lucky Harbor series we met Maddie - the middle child, the "Mouse" - and Jax Cullen a hot sexy man who is the town's mayor and the town's bartender.

In this next installment we meet the oldest one, the "Steel Magnolia" Tara. The one who has it all; the hair, the looks, the cooks, the husband and the sassiness that matches a mama bear!

The real Tara: Her hair is always a mess and takes forever, she hates her looks but doesn't really do anything about it, cooking is great although some would complain here and there, the husband happens to be an EX-husband and the sassiness....well....gotta have one right through this whole ordeal!!

Tara doesn't want to be second best in a relationship with someone....especially to the Bartender/Sailor Ford who once had a relationship but because of family, timing, and another thing it didn't work out. Now that Tara is back in Lucky Harbor it seems nothing will stand in her way of getting the bed and breakfast back on it's feet....not even Ford AND her EX-husband fighting for her!

I really liked this one, it was hard at times to get through, but I love woman who are sassy enough to men and the men still want them. To me that means I still have a chance with men!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary anne
Jill Shalvis is now my favorite contemporary romance author. This book had me laughing, crying, and just overall sighing dreamily over Ford and the myriad other males of Lucky Harbor (cough Jax cough).

In the first book, the three sisters, Maddie, Tara, and Chloe came back to Lucky Harbor after their mother passed away. Tara is known as the Steel Magnolia. Outwardly, she's calm and collected and bossy, but inwardly, as we see in this book, Tara is a worry-wart. Her life was a mess when she arrived at Lucky Harbor and she's still trying to put it together, with her sisters, and with Ford. After reading the first book, it was hard to see Tara with so much pain held inside. What happened in the past, with Ford, and with her ex-husband Logan, made Tara build a wall around herself. I really liked Tara, her strength, and her resilience.

Ford, ohmygod, Ms. Shalvis really knows how to write hot and sexy men. I wanted to jump Jax bones in the first book, and now I WANT FORD!! He's just so delicious and yummy and every time he shows up I feel weak in the knees like Tara! He might be a sailing champ, but he's also easy-going and just generally very real. He'd grown up dirt poor, so he appreciate what he has now in life and doesn't do complications, but Tara is one huge complication in his life, and he can't stay away. Unlike Tara, Ford didn't worry much about his life until he realizes that he wants Tara for real this time. Despite how yummy I find Ford, I didn't feel his character was as well developed as Tara's. He just had less emotional baggage, or maybe he just wasn't weighed down by all the baggage like Tara was. Either way, I still liked his character and enjoyed every minute reading about all the wicked things he and Tara did together!

I don't read many contemporary romance, but I love them because of how relatable the characters are. They're not out there trying to save the world, but it's about their person problems and struggles that happens to all of us. Tara and Ford had a lot to work through, but it's good to see that they can separate sex and long-term commitment. Also, though the book definitely isn't as explicit as some other romance I've read, somehow Ms. Shalvis still made the love scenes super steamy! She's really a master at writing delectable men that're amazing in the bedroom, or in the kitchen, or on a boat.

The book wouldn't be as amazing without all the other characters, including the meddlesome townspeople. I love how the sisters are becoming closer together. Maddie and Jax's relationship moves to the next stage. Then there's Sawyer and Chloe! I can't wait to read their story. Oh, and I can't forget Logan and the Facebook poll that made me laugh so hard tears came out. The competition between Ford and Logan was hilarious! And I really wish I was there to see the "Abs of Steel" contest between Ford and Logan!

I really recommend this series if you're looking for a funny and heartwarming read about characters that will steal your heart in no time. It's one of my favorite contemporary series and I'm so happy I still have so many more books to go. I'm sure Ms. Shalvis will provide me with more happy couples that I will fall in love with!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennie richards
Ah Lucky I wish I could somehow find a way to make you real so I could move there and find myself a hunky man to call my own.

This is the second book in the series, and I do believe my personal favorite to date. This time around the focus is on Tara, the unflappable, straight-laced sister to wild-child Chloe and slightly wacky and wonderful Maddie. Tara has decided to stay on in Lucky Harbor to try and help her sisters get their Mother's old B&B back up and running, serving as the resident chef and Mother Hen. But staying in town means seeing ex-boyfriend Ford on a daily basis. And things are complicated further by the arrival of both Tara's estranged husband - intent on winning her back, and the long lost daughter that Tara and Ford gave up for adoption years before.

Yes, the story line sounds a bit convoluted, but trust works on every single level. This is not just a cliche' romance. This book has heart and will win over even the most jaded soul. It definitely won me over. I loved reading about the citizens of Lucky Harbor, and Tara and Ford's story was especially affecting due to the added element of first love, and the fact that they had a daughter together at such an early age.

I loved seeing Maddie & Jax again. And I will always enjoy spending time with all of the crazy residents of this quirky town. This book also happens to feature what was probably my favorite HEA moment of any romance I have read in recent memory (the ending had me more than a little teary-eyed).

This series is just flawless in my opinion, and Jill Shalvis is now at the top of my must-read authors list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paul d
Tara, aka The Steel Magnolia, more than a little of a control freak, is certainly the prickliest and hardest to hook into of the three Phoebe daughters, but as is often the case, she may be the most vulnerable internally.

She and Ford have History: a teenage Summer of Love, a baby daughter given up for adoption. Despite the years that have gone by, there are still physical and emotional connections, even more complicated when her ex-husband comes into town to try to win her back. In a small town like Lucky Harbor, there are no secrets, and the town gossip, Lucille, posts FaceBook updates, photos and even a poll as to which man Tara will choose.

And when their daughter, Mia, comes to town in search of her biological parents, AND also begins a summer romance, it feels very odd for both of them to be on the other side of that equation.

Light, funny, the family dynamics among the sisters are wonderful, the chemistry between Tara and Ford is hot; we get updates on lovebirds Maddie and Jax, and peeks of what's to come between Chloe and Sawyer, but not to the degree that any of them hijack the main storyline. There are a few places where it feels a little info-dumpy, and I think the author missed a golden opportunity to tie Tara's guilt over giving her baby up for adoption to her own feelings of abandonment by her own mother.

Great "beach read," but there are many deeper levels to it, and the ending satisfies.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua yu
Reviewed by Another Look Book Reviews

The Sweetest Thing is book 2 of the Lucky Harbor series. It could be read as a stand alone but why would you? You'd be missing out on Simply Irresistible and that would be a shame.

The Sweetest Thing is really a double entendre because the book itself was the sweetest thing. My favourite type of contemporary romance is when the protagonists have a history that began years earlier. What a treat this book was for me because Tara and Ford's passion started way back when they were only seventeen years old. Unfortunately that passion resulted in an unwanted pregnancy, an adoption and then the ultimate end of their young love.

Tara is the Steel Magnolia of the three sisters. She is quite bossy and takes a bit longer to warm up to. The reader has to look past the hardened outside to see the warm lady inside. She is protective of her sisters, works two jobs to keep them all afloat and maxed out her credit cards to get the B&B up to par. Her sisters easily see past the stubborn barrier and so does Ford.

I finished The Sweetest Thing a few days ago and I am still pinning for Ford. He is funny and oh so sexy. Think about this for a moment. How many hunky heroes have you read that pulled off funny AND sexy? Not many, right? Ford is a gold metal Olympic Sailor and he has the Olympic body to go with that prize.

Tara had divorced two years earlier from her sexy NASCAR driving husband. Guess who shows up in Lucky Harbor claiming he still loves her and misses her? What a fun love triangle The Sweetest Thing ended up being. The little competitions the men conjured up to out do each other made my cheeks hurt from smiling. All the shenanigans kept the residences of Lucky Harbor glued to Facebook lurking for constant updates.

Even though The Sweetest Thing is brimming with fun loving goodness, there are still plenty emotions filled with forgiveness and understanding. Once again Jill Shalvis wrote a perfect balance of happiness and affection all mixed together with a long overdue reprieve. So much more than just a romance story.

Teasers: Abs contest, apple tree battle, sailing, adoption closure, recipe card quotes for life
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tara Daniels, the oldest of the Traeger sisters, was the most reluctant to return to the town of Lucky Harbor. She left when she was 17 and pregnant and now at 34, returning to the scene of so much pain and failure isn't part of her life's plan. Known as the Steel Magnolia because of her Southern ways and tough, bossy nature, she's going to do her part to get the inn ready for sale and then move on with her life. However, the man who caused her so much pain as a teenager is determined to rekindle that old flame and keep things heated, but for how long?

I knew Tara's story would be complicated, tangled and oh so interesting and it certainly delivers that and much more. I had a suspicion as to who her former lover was and we weren't kept guessing very long. Their reconnection was a three-alarm fire and both were still skittish but Tara moreso. And, there was a hugh surprise in store for the both of them that added another layer of complication and intrigue. Lastly, Tara's ex-husband shows up, determined to throw his hat in the ring. Sisters Chloe and Maddie get a real kick out of seeing the buttoned up and stoic Tara thrown for a loop. Chloe in particular cannot resist taking digs at Tara, not in a mean-spirited way as the three of them have begun to bond as sisters. When the town gets involved in this little triangle, the story becomes absolutely hilarious. It's small town living at its finest, or low point, depending on your perspective.

I loved this story and read it in one day because I wanted to know what was around the next corner. This was a winner and I'm deliberately leaving out details because it will be important for you to discover them on your own, as I did. Settle back and just enjoy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana ibarra
The Sweetest Thing is the second book in the Lucky Harbor series by author Jill Shalvis. After reading the first book, Simply Irresistible, I was anxious to read more about Tara and Ford. In the end of the first book, we learned what secret Tara had been hiding and it included her past with Ford. In this book, we get to deal with the emotions and repercussions that have evolved in each of their lives since that fateful event.

I think I might have loved this book in the series even better than the first book. I loved Ford and his determination when it came to Tara. I loved their interaction with not only her sisters and friends, but with their teenage daughter Mia. I have a soft spot for Ford and have enjoyed his character the most. I also enjoyed his competition with Tara's ex husband throughout the book. The drunken phone calls from Ford, the town giving her ex husband a run for his money, and the overall reaction between Ford and Tara were at times hilarious. I also enjoyed the town rallying together and making a Facebook page dedicated to Tara's love life. It was funny to hear about what was posted and who was winning in the poll to win her heart.

Chloe was in this installment quite a bit and I can't wait to see how Sawyer is going to win her over in the next book. She was her usual hilarious and witty self around Tara in this book and I laughed out loud a few times when she was in the scene. Jax and Maddie are also in this book, but not as much as I would have liked. I missed their romance, but I also understand that they already had their book.

If you are a fan of Jill Shalvis or if you are just on the lookout for your next fun contemporary romance to read, then I urge you to give The Lucky Harbor series a try. You will fall in love with the writing, the characters and the whole town.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren henderson
Second in the Lucky Harbor series, The Sweetest Thing tells the story of Tara, the acerbic, opinionated older sister, and Ford, the handsome sailor who captured her heart years ago and never let it go.

I wasn't sure how well I was going to like this one because Tara wasn't the most likable character in the first book, Simply Irresistible, but Shalvis managed to soften her up here, and blessedly employed the use of the endearment 'Sugar' far less often. I was able not only to like Tara, but to enjoy her personality and to appreciate the emotional journey she made. Ditto Ford, who was a great, sexy, likable hero. The chemistry between them was excellent, and Shalvis, as usual, excelled at the very steamy yet heart meltingly sweet sex scenes.

The other characters provided great support, including Mia, who I really enjoyed reading about. Things came together where she was concerned a little too easily, but the story arc was largely well done and satisfying. An exception might be Tara's ex-husband, whose character and part in the story were underdeveloped and didn't add as much as they could have.

My biggest regret about this book was that it felt rushed at times, in the same way its predecessor did. For example, we don't get to witness Maddie and Chloe meeting Mia at all. Where that scene should have been, instead we skip ahead to the next chapter, the first sentence of which states simply that they met and the two sisters fawned all over her. What an emotional and poignant scene that could have been!

Still, overall, this was a delightful, sensual, satisfying read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew peterson
The Sweetest Thing is the 2nd book in Jill Shalvis' Lucky Harbor series but can be read as a stand-alone. I read the first book in the series, Simply Irresistible (my review here), and while I liked the hero/heroine, I didn't really warm up to to the secondary characters so I wasn't sure how I was going to like this book. I love it when I'm surprised; The Sweetest Thing was fabulous - I tore through it in a day!

Tara Daniels is one of three sisters getting ready to open a Bed & Breakfast in Lucky Harbor, Washington. Although each sister grew up with a different father, they inherited the house together from their mother. Tara is the serious sister, prim, organized, and likes to cook. She's got a secret in her past, her sisters know she had a baby when she was still a teenager and that she gave the baby up for adoption, but they didn't know her then and don't know who the father was.

Ford Walker is the past Tara wants to forget. She spent one summer with Ford in Lucky Harbor as a teen, and when she left, pregnant, she never looked back. Ford let her go and channeled his energy into becoming a world-class sailor. He's back in Lucky Harbor, taking it easy, working in his bar and on his boats... and pursuing Tara.

Tara isn't going to give in, no matter how sexy Ford is. It doesn't matter that he makes her girly bits tingle and she can't stop thinking about him...she's not going to get her heart broken again. In a moment of weakness she gives in, and it's incredible - and then her ex-husband the race car driver shows up, wanting to woo her back!

There's another unexpected summer resident who knocks Tara and Ford for a loop; she knocks their teenage handyman for a loop too *winks* I didn't think I'd like this part of the story but I was won over.

My thoughts: What a fabulous read! As soon as I finished the last page of the book I wanted to open it up and start reading all over again. I needed oven mitts to read The Sweetest Thing; the heat between Tara and Ford rolled off the pages!!! I like that we didn't have to wait until the end of the book for the sexy stuff...These two were smoldering, the sexual tension was so well written I felt like I was holding my breath through most of the book. It's a good thing I read most of it at home as I'm pretty sure I was drooling over Ford through most of it ;)

It was also pretty darn funny - the old biddies conspiring to get Tara and Ford together via Twitter and Facebook by posting all the drama in Tara's love life was hysterical. There was also Ford's drunk dial, the fight between Ford and Logan in the apple tree, the jokes about race car driving not being a real sport...I could go on and on about all the things I loved about this book; this one's going on my keeper shelf.

Ms. Shalvis also worked my curiosity about the third sister, Chloe, and the Sheriff, Sawyer - I absolutely cannot wait for their book; Sawyer is pulling at my heart strings already!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Sweetest Thing takes place about 6 months after Simple Irresistible and while the sisters are still getting to know each other and work together to make their inherited Inn turned B&B into a success they still have a ways to go. I loved the dynamics between the sisters and it`s one of my favorite parts of the series. Their relationship is a work in progress and although sisters Maddie, Tara and Chloe barely know each other, there's no doubt they are 100% committed to working on their sister act.

Middle sister and control freak Tara Daniels aka The Southern Belle aka The Steel Magnolia gets center stage in The Sweetest Thing. She never planned on staying in Lucky Harbor yet can't seem to leave her sisters and the oh so delicious Ford - even if she has been giving him the cold shoulder the last six months.

And well if Ford isn't just The Sweetest Thang than I don't know what is!

At six-feet-three-inches, Ford was pure testosterone and sinew. He wore low-slung, button-fly Levi`s and a white button-down shoved up to his elbows. His brown hair was sun-kissed, his green eyes sharp, his smile ready. Everything about him said ready, from his tough build to the air of confidence he wore like other men wore cologne.!

Tara and Ford have a lot of history, teenage lovers who had no chance of making a go of it when they were 17 years old, an unplanned pregnancy and a daughter they put up for adoption and now 17 years later - they both get a second chance at love between themselves and their daughter who suddenly shows up to spend the summer in Lucky Harbor in the hopes of getting to know her biological parents.

The town of Lucky Harbor is quaint and filled with quirky characters including the feisty, town gossip and loveable busybody Lucille who uses Twitter and Facebook to conduct a poll to get the townsfolk to vote on who Tara should chose between the loveable hometown hero Ford or the Ex-hubby and NASCAR racer Logan who's made an unexpected pit stop in Lucky Harbor in the hopes of winning Tara back. The antics between Ford and Logan to outdo one another to impress Tara are pretty hilarious.

Shalvis continues with the quips at the start of each chapter which I thoroughly enjoyed in Simply Irresistible and continued to find delightful in The Sweetest Thing. Here are just a couple of gems.

"There is no snooze button on life."
"A conclusion is the place you get to when your tired of thinking.:
"If it's going to be two against one, make sure you aren't the one."

And thanks to The Sweetest Thing I now have a new favorite saying: "Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit" said in my best Paula Dean southern twang voice". I foresee me using this...a lot. It makes me giggle even now just thinking about saying it.

The Sweetest Thing is chock full of love, laughs, touching family moments and is a great second instalment to the series. I can't wait for wild-child Chloe's story paired with the staid and responsible Cop Sawyer. I have a feeling it may be the best one in the series yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david hagerty
USA Today bestselling author Jill Shalvis has penned more than three dozen romance novels. She is a three-time RITA nominee and three-time Readers Choice winner. Other titles include: The Trouble With Paradise, Smart and Sexy, Kissing Santa Claus, Instant Temptation, Slow Heat, Storm Watch, Jinxed, Out of This World, Just Try Me, and Get a Clue. She resides in Lake Tahoe.

This is book two in the Lucky Harbor series, with Simply Irresistible coming before it, and the third book, Head over Heels, coming in December 2011. Though these books are part of a series, they can be stand alone reads. Anything needed to know about the plot in previous books is explained for new readers to catch up.

Two men are one too many... After her life majorly crashes and burns, Tara Daniels has no choice but to return to the little coastal town of Lucky Harbor, Washington, where she once spent a wild, hot, and heartbreaking summer visiting her mother. Now running a restored Bed and Breakfast with her two half-sisters in the house her mother once owned, she finally feels like she has a plan for her new life and is regaining some of her control back. Except a certain tanned, green-eyed sailor from her past has other plans. Plans that involve the two of them rekindling the passion they once shared so long ago. But Ford isn't her only problem. Oh no. Her very sexy ex-husband has shown up in the small town to win her back. These men are two things she can't control, and three is a crowd. And when her deepest secret reappears, Tara is forced to confront her past and discover what she really wants. If she looks close enough, she just might find it right where she is.

I had the pleasure in reviewing the first book in this series, and though I loved it, it would appear these books only get stronger and more intense as the series goes on. I cannot wait for Sawyer and Chloe's story in the last book.

This is an author who knows her conflict, knows how to produce heat, and knows how to invoke powerful emotions-- all while having you gasping with laughter. Not an easy task. The setting in a small resort town was perfect, filled with an array of secondary characters you can't help but love. I love the bantering between the three sisters, very unique and very diverse in their personalities, clashing at every turn. Most of all, this book in particular displays just how haunting the past can be, and just how difficult it can be to overcome it. Highly recommended!

Kelly Moran,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn louise
In The Sweetest Thing we head back to Lucky Harbor where Tara, Chloe, and Maddie are attempting to open the inn their mother left them. They are still struggling to feel and behave like an actual family, but really they have come so far from the three strangers we met in Simply Irresistible (read my review here). The inn is gearing up for opening day, and Tara is continuing to pretend Ford doesn't exist. They had a whirlwind romance years prior that left Tara with a broken heart. So now she is using extreme caution when it comes to the guy who can still make her heart skip a beat. Ford with all his sexy maleness is ignoring her leave me alone vibes and invading her personal space at every opportunity. Then the famous NASCAR star ex shows up determined to win Tara back. This has Ford realizing he might not want to lose Tara a second time, but is he ready to actually get serious about something instead of being the laid back guy with no cares in the world.

I love, love, love this series! I was anxiously awaiting this book as soon as I finished the first in the series. I adore the town of Lucky Harbor, all its quirky residents, and the romantic adventures involving the three sisters. The Sweetest Thing is Tara "The Steel Magnolia" and Ford's story. They are both resisting the urge to try for a second chance at love thanks to a mix of fear and stubbornness. They have very little in common other than their love of cooking, but they still mesh so well. I love when couples in books balance each other so perfectly. We also see Maddie and Jax again, and they are so very happy. Chloe is continuing with her wild child ways, and the tension between her and Sawyer is escalating quickly. I can't wait to read her story in book #3.

This book stars such wonderfully lovable characters paired with witty dialogue. This one also had a family reunion that left me teary eyed on more than one occasion. The perfect mix of humor, romance, and tear jerker moments. I love a book that can make me laugh and cry on the same page. Jill Shalvis is an author who I know I can turn to when I need a comfort read. She writes stories that leave me feeling all warm and fuzzy. I can't get enough, and I know I'll read this one again! If you enjoy contemporary romance you don't want to miss out on this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abe kazemzadeh
On the surface, Tara Daniels may have it all together, but being back in Lucky Harbor - the place where she made one hell of a mistake as a teenager - keeps her frequently on edge. As does sexy sailor Ford Walker. All Tara wants to do is get the inn she co-owns with her sisters up and running while she puts her life back together. She doesn't have time for Ford or the feelings he evokes within her. Too bad her body and heart have no interest in following Tara's plan. To make matters even more complicated, Tara's sexy ex-husband shows up in Lucky Harbor, determined to win her back. The past is catching up with Tara and with two gorgeous men also in pursuit, life in the small town of Lucky Harbor is about to get very, very interesting.

Love lost and found is the name of the game in The Sweetest Thing. The second installment in Jill Shalvis's Lucky Harbor alternately sizzles with sexual tension and tugs on your heartstrings. Tara and Ford have each been through things in life that have marked them forever. Though I won't spoil what those events were, there are times that The Sweetest Thing brought tears to my eyes - tears of both joy and sadness. Tara and Ford both show only parts of themselves to the world and as I read The Sweetest Thing, I delighted in uncovering the layers of their personalities. Ms. Shalvis had me rooting for these two to get together, but she didn't make the journey easy on Tara and Ford. Their road to happily ever after was filled with bumps, but the obstacles that had to be overcome made the end result that much sweeter.

A brilliant supporting cast of characters rounds out The Sweetest Thing, further bringing Ms. Shalvis's world of Lucky Harbor, Washington to life. I can't express how much I adored everyone in The Sweetest Thing, but the fact that I began reading the third Lucky Harbor novel, Head Over Heels, as soon as I finished Ford and Tara's book should indicate how much I love this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kandice chew
I have been anxiously awaiting this book since I finished the first book in the Lucky Harbor series titled "Simply Irresistible" and I must say this book was definitely worth the wait. The author pulled me right back into the town of Lucky Harbor with such ease that I literally read this book in one sitting.
This series of books revolve around three half sisters Maddie aka the mouse, Tara the steel magnolia, and Chloe the wild child, who are brought together in Lucky Harbor after the death of their mother Phoebe. In Phoebe's will she leaves a run down inn to the girls and they decide to stick around and turn it into what they hope will be a successful B&B.

In this installment Tara is getting a second chance at love with an old flame from her past. When she was seventeen she spent the summer in Lucky Harbor and had a relationship with Ford Walker, but the relationship ended when she wound up pregnant and gave her baby up for adoption. Fast forward seventeen years Tara is back in Lucky Harbor after a failed marriage ,she is trying to help her sisters get the B&B up and running.She thought she was over Ford, but now that she is back those old feelings are being stirred up all over again, and if that's not enough her ex-husband shows up wanting a second chance. Who will she choose?
I love the relationship that the sisters share. The banter that goes on between them often had me laughing out loud. Because each of the sisters were raised so differently they each have different outlooks on life.While they are still getting to know each other, that bond that only sisters share is certainly there. Tara's character is very uptight, it was nice to see Ford was able to get under her skin.
I loved this story which is funny but also has enough twists to keep you flipping the pages to see how things will turn out. I will be anxiously awaiting the next installment in this fantastic series that's simply irresistible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
phillip low
The Sweetest Thing by Jill Shalvis

This is the second book in Jill Shalvis' series, the Lucky Harbor series.

I read the first book, Simply Irresistible, when I won a copy in a giveaway. I really enjoyed the first book, and anxiously awaited the release of the second. You can read my review of the first book by clicking here.

The Sweetest Thing picks up a few months after the first book left off. While Maddie is still a main character, this book focuses more on her sister, Tara, who has decided to stay in Lucky Harbor and help her sisters, Maddie and Chloe run their mother's inn.

Maddie is now happily dating Jax, and Tara's life quickly gets complicated with men. First, there is the oh-so-handsome Ford, the man she had a fling with when she was just seventeen. He is clearly crazy about her but Tara is doing everything she can to resist his charm in every way, shape and form. He may be gorgeous, but Tara is quite sure that she doesn't need the complication of a man. Second, there is her ex-husband, Logan, shows up in Lucky Harbor, chasing after her for the first time in his life.

Now, Tara has two men after her, her ex-flame from her youth, and her ex-husband who she tried for years to have a relationship with before she finally had to walk away. Yet all she wants is to just be left alone, but no matter how hard she tries, there is just that something about Ford that keeps pulling her back in.

As if enough of Tara's past hasn't showed up on her doorstep, more shows up, throwing her for an even bigger loop when the moment she has been imagining for years finally occurs.

Will Tara be forced to choose between the two men, and if so, who will she choose? Or is Tara better off alone now that something or someone else from her past has shown up? What is it about Ford that keeps pulling her in, and why is Logan suddenly trying to get her back when he never tried once in the past?

Read The Sweetest Thing to find out!

I definitely looked forward to reading this book and am so glad my library purchased a copy for me so I could check it out. However, I cannot say I enjoyed it quite as much as the first book in the series. That being said, I still anxiously await the third book in the series, it is definitely something I do not want to miss.

It was nice to see more of Maddie and Jax, and get to know more about Tara who came off a bit differently in the first book. The story is sweet, maybe a little predictable, but there is a pretty big, and interesting, twist, which I won't reveal for the sake of anyone who wants to read this series!

The one thing I will say is that this book gets a PG-13 RATING!

I don't need to describe why, but there are some adult relations, which have some description. If you do not enjoy anything of that nature, this book is not for you. If you don't mind a more adult read, then consider this series.

3.5 out of 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen fordyce
The Sweetest Thing is the perfect name for this book, because it's one of the sweetest stories I have ever read. Not in a over the top, so cute it hurts your teeth kind of sweet. No, it's a smile on your face with tears in your eyes, oh, I wish I had a Ford kind of sweet. So satisfying.

I loved this book from the first word to the last, and every one in between. Tara is a terrific heroine. She holds tightly to the reins of every situation, trying to keep everything in her life from spinning out of control. She is divorced, living with her sisters and trying to start a B&B. She is back in the town where her life changed 17 years ago, and she tries so hard to just get through each day. You get such a sense of melancholy from Tara. Her life has changed so dramatically in such a short time. She doesn't seem to know how things ended up the way they did. When confronted with a long lost love, a child she gave up for adoption and her ex-husband, Tara learns a lot about herself and exactly how strong she is.

Ford is a dream hero. A reluctant alpha when he has to be, although he is completely content being a beta. Life kind of cruises around him, carrying him along. When Tara points out to him that things come easily to him, and if the going gets tough, he gets going, he at first rejects her statement. As he ponders it, he realizes she is right. Tara tells him time and again that she needs him to not let her walk away, that she needs him to fight for her. When she finally comes to realize his intention was to save her when he didn't fight for her all those years ago, she is stunned.

The secondary characters that are always a highlight in any Jill Shalvis work are here en force. Lucille and crew, who are running a Facebook contest between Ford and Logan, Tara's ex, are delightful. Logan, Tara's ex, who is almost as lost as Tara. Mia, the child Ford and Tara gave up for adoption. The interaction between the three of them is so realistic. This is no easy reunion. There is resentment and angst, sorrow and joy. Tara yet again feels like she has failed as she struggles to get to know her child. Maddie and Jax are back from Simply Irresistible, and Chloe and Sawyer offer up a tantalizing preview of their story.

The thing is, all of the characters have great depth. No cookie cutter, one dimensional beings here. Tara is so afraid of being hurt she won't let anyone in. Ford isn't sure he is good enough to even take a chance on. Logan is reeling from the loss of his career and wants the one person who put him first back. Yet, even with all of the emotional turmoil, the story never feels like a soap opera. No, it's a study in how real people get through all of the stuff life can throw at them, using humor and love to prop them up.

There is a lot of humor in The Sweetest Thing, another hallmark of Ms. Shalvis' works. Watching Logan challenge Ford for Tara's heart, and seeing Ford go from annoyed to possesive to jealous is too funny. The abs contest was my favorite. Ford is so reluctant to get dragged into the competitiveness that Logan demands, but just can't quite help himself.

There is so much love in this book. It permeates the story,from familial, parental, friends who are like family. It celebrates the ties that bind (and sometimes gag) us all. Tara finally understands that Ford loved her enough to let her go and Ford finally has something worth fighting for. The Sweetest Thing is oh, so sexy.... Heat and love rolled up into one sweet package. It's the best book I have read this year. Can't recommend it enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
january carroll
Tara Daniels inherits an inn in Lucky Harbor, Washington along with her two half-sisters (Tara star of Simply Irresistible and Chloe) whom she never knew existed. The three women share the same mom but different fathers. The three siblings agree to try to run the B&B.

In Lucky Harbor, Tara also runs into her teenage sweetheart Ford Walker. When each was seventeen years old, they had a child that reluctantly but rightfully they gave up for adoption. Ford knows he never stopped loving Tara and regrets they had no choice but to give away their baby as they had no other options. However, his efforts for a second chance are impeded by her former husband, injured NASCAR driver Logan Parrish, arriving in Lucky Harbor to stake his second chance claims on his ex wife.

Second is the key number in this warm Pacific Northwest romance as this is book two in the Lucky Harbor half-sisters trilogy and the two men in Tara's past want another chance with her. Readers will enjoy the triangulation as jocularity and heat combine to make The Sweetest Thing a fun contemporary romance.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jill Shalvis has romance and comedy down pat. I loved returning for the second Lucky Harbor book and catching up with the sisters and other characters in town. Tara, the eldest sister, is a hard nut to crack...and she's determined not to be cracked by the sexy fling from her teen past. But Ford isn't the only part of her past cropping up, and soon Tara has her hands full trying to juggle it all. Choosing between the life she had and the life she has made is a tough one and Tara's being tugged in all directions.

What I love most about Shalvis's writing is the realistic dialogue and relationships between her characters. Her characters come alive, treat each other the way real people treat each other, and have real issues. She's one of the best when it comes to this! Plus, if you can make me laugh AND cry in one're a winning author to me. Can't wait for the next Lucky Harbor book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beth marzoni
The Sweetest Thing is the second book of the Lucky Harbor series. In the first book, Simply Irresistible, we are introduced to three estranged sisters: Maddie, Tara and Chloe. And three hot local hunks: Jax, Ford and Sawyer. Throughout Simply Irresistible, there were hints of a steamy past between Ford and Tara. I instantly fell in love with Ford around page 40 of the first book. I knew that book 2, The Sweetest Thing, would not disappoint.

Tara had no intention of staying in Lucky Harbor long. But 6 months later, she's still there, helping her sister Maddie remodel and open The Lucky Harbor Inn. The sisters have gotten closer, thanks to Maddie's insistence and their relationship has blossomed. They still bicker, argue and push each other's buttons but it's done with sisterly love. Tara is known as the Steel Magnolia. She's uptight, bossy and controlling. She doesn't let go easily and it is a bone of contention with her sisters. Nothing ruffles the feathers of the Steel Magnolia except for one thing - person: Ford. Ford and Tara had a steamy summer affair when they were teenagers; an affair that changed both of their lives forever. Ford wants to pick up where they left off 17 years ago. Tara doesn't want to go down that road again even though her attraction to Ford is more intense than ever.

I wasn't sure if I was going to like Tara. She is a type-A personality. She's not as warm and open and fun as her sisters. I liked Tara from beginning to end. It's hard not to like her. Tara is used to being in control; of living her life a certain way. Her sisters and now Ford, have completely turned her world upside down and she's trying to deal with it the best way she knows how. Add in her ex-husband Logan coming to town to win her back and what's a girl to do?

Ford is a man on a mission. His pursuit of Tara is sexy, single-minded and purposeful. When Logan comes to town, it's game on and may the best man win. Ford doesn't appreciate Logan arriving and throwing a wrench in his plans. It becomes a true competition when the townsfolk get involved and there's a Facebook page where you can vote on which guy you want Tara to end up with.

Like Simply Irresistible, The Sweetest Thing is filled with humor, romance and sexual chemistry that is through the rough. Jill Shalvis knows how to write characters that you fall in love with and root for. Logan, Tara's ex, could have easily been portrayed as the bad guy. But he wasn't. I loved Logan, felt sorry for him at times and hope that he'll eventually find his HEA. Baby sister Chloe almost stole the show with her snarky comments and great one-liners. I can't wait for her book; she's going to give Sawyer a run for his money!

The Sweetest Thing did not disappoint. You know a book is good when you have a big, cheesy grin on your face the entire time while reading it. I finished Ford and Tara's story feeling satisfied and happy. A definite read for any romance lover. Every woman should have a Ford in their life. He's just so.....dreamy. *sigh*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer gray

Everything I read by Jill Shalvis is wonderful, I am yet to pick up one of her books and not fall in love with it.

I have anxiously been awaiting The Sweetest Thing, the 2nd book in the Lucky Harbor Series, the series revolving around 3 half sisters Tara, Maddie and youngest sister Chloe who have been reunited after the death of their mother.

Tara is known as the Steel Magnolia, she is uptight, likes her life organized, she lives for convention, for order and a plan.
As a teen whilst on summer vacation, Tara meets and falls for carefree Ford Walker, Tara falls pregnant but knowing she is too young and not ready for a baby she decides to put her up for adoption & goes on to make a new life for herself in Texas. 17 years later, a now divorced Tara reluctantly returns to Lucky Harbor to help restore the Inn left to the sisters by their mother & to find herself again.

Gorgeous Ford Walker (Sigh... Where do I find myself a Ford) is a guy who appears to not a have a care in the world, he likes to live with both feet firmly in the present, he is caring, funny, sexy & absolutely wonderful. He co-owns a bar & is a competitive sailor. He is well known and loved by all in the small town of Lucky Harbor.

The chemistry & sexual tension between Tara & Ford was wonderful! they are characters both with an emotional past, what happened between them when they were teens left them both feeling raw & now they are reunited Tara tries her best to keep him at arms length to protect her heart even though he is all she can think of, the feelings are reciprocated with Ford thinking of a future with Tara, something he has never found himself doing.

I am not usually a fan of love triangles but the arrival of Tara's ex-husband of 2 years to Lucky Harbor in the hope of renewing their relationship had Tara thinking more of who and what she actually wanted from a relationship, the way the town rallied around was hilarious!

I absolutely love the relationship the sister's share, the banter that goes on between them often had me laughing out loud & Wednesday's Team Building to get them reunited was such a fun idea & typical of something Maddie would do. Chloe's antics are as usual classic.

Also, Tara's unexpected visitor was a pleasant surprise! I was glad for how this relationship panned out. (I will keep you guessing as to who this is ;)

It was a story of real life emotions, of heartbreak, love and romance with a beautiful HEA. There wasn't a thing I didn't love about this book & it was named perfectly because it was truly The Sweetest Thing.

I can't wait for Chloe's story, Head over Heels, she is fabulous & I'm sure she will have me in hysterics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the second book about Lucky Harbor and the three sisters who inherit their Mother's resort. The first book was Simply Irresistible (A Lucky Harbor Novel) ). This book is about Tara is the oldest sister who with her sister she is attempting to re-open her deceased Mother's resort she encounters her ex-boyfriend Ford. Ford and Tara were lovers when they were 17 and they had a child together. The chemistry between Tara and Ford is great. The fun twist is that Tara's ex-husband/NASCAR driver husband also shows up trying to win her back... Excellent - can't wait for Head Over Heels (A Lucky Harbor Novel) due out November 2011.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeanine mecham
I loved this book. Jill writes with passion, humor and love. A beautiful story of two people, Ford and Tara, who fell in love long ago but unfortunately having to face a difficult decision at such a young age would send them their separate ways. More than a decade later Tara arrives back in Lucky Harbor with her two sisters and will soon figure out that the love she had for Ford all them years ago never really went away. Great story and I highly recommend it! Can't wait to continue the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kasia klimiuk
Another charming book in the series! I really don't tend to like second chance/reunion romances but this one is so well done. The angst is handled with realism and demands only the emotions that are due. I love an uptight heroine so watching Tara ease into herself was great. Ford coming to terms with himself was also a joy and they were great together. Throw is a great cast of secondary characters and we have a great read on our hands!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa kjorness
I thoroughly enjoyed The Sweetest Thing! What a perfect mix of likeable characters, snappy dialogue with deep underpinnings. Tara and Ford's history gave a compelling and heart-tugging edge to the present. I was rooting for them the whole way! The whole ensemble of characters and their funny, funny exchanges reminded me a lot of a Susan Elizabeth Phillips novel. I look forward to picking up more of Jill Shalvis' Lucky Harbor novels. A sassy, steamy, heart-tugger - I loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
linda hunt
This was cute, quick, had several chuckle moments, several awwww moments, and plenty of romance. I had been curious how things would work out for Tara and Ford from reading book one in the series and I couldn't have been happier with the story! Now on to book 3!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill millard
Tara and Ford are wonderfully complex and interesting. They add both heat & sweet to the second in the flat-out amazing Cold Harbor series. Don't worry if you didn't read the first Cold Harbor book as this one stands on its own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Lucky Harbour series is like a big, cozy sweater. Or a bunch of kittens. They just give you warm fuzzies.

Jill Shalvis walks a fine line with this series in a way that threatens to be too cheesy, but somehow she manages to keep it cute and endearing instead of annoying. Dropping a well placed expletive keeps the writing from becoming too sugary and sanctimonious.

A light, warm read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Based on the reviews I so looked forward to this. I enjoy reading about families and their complex relationships. I enjoy novels set in close proximity to water. I enjoy reading about renovation, inns and B & B's.

But I also want characters who have some depth and relationships that are realistic. I am no prude, but their complete preoccupation with sex stretched my willing suspension of disbelief to the breaking point. And when I say preoccupied, I mean ALL the time.

There is so much potential here! The many complex relationships, including the appearance of Tara and Ford's daughter. It isn't even the predictability that bothered me; predictability can, and often is, well done. These characters were so shallow and self-centered that I was embarassed for them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha cutler
An enjoyable little read but I should have spaced reading the first and second in this series with a good suspense instead of back to back.
Still all in all a sweet light entertainment. Please note that I rate books by categories mentally; so this book is not rated against suspenses, Harlequins, Nobel prize winners or Christian romances.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jill Shalvis is on a roll. The Sweetest Thing is a great follow-up to Simply Irrestible. I think Ms. Shalvis has done a great job at showing the differences in all three sisters. Because of her insight, you get to see where Tara had broken pieces and how she began to heal and form a solid relationship with her sisters and other family. Ford was a delight. You could see how he had matured over the years and accepted Tara for who she was. I really hope that the Lucky Harbor series continues after Chloe's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alma horn
I truly enjoyed this book. Ford and Tara had history together and you could feel the tension even in the first book. I loved their chemistry, and Logan was funny when added to the mix! I hardly put this book down and I stayed up WAY too late!!! My ONLY complaint is that there are a bit too many sex scenes. They were well done and not distasteful or anything, but it gave the story more of a "its all about the sex" feel to me and had she cut it back just a bit I would have felt more love rather than lust I think.. BUT that said it was still a great book and I can't wait for Chloe!!! I am thinking it's her and Sawyer!!! (I haven't peeked yet but I will start reading it tonight!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan corcoran
This was a book that gives you everything. At times I laughed out loud, some times I cried and I also found my mouth hanging open. "The Sweetest Thing" is one of the best books that I have read in a long time. That's the reason I bought the next book in the Lucky Harbor series. Try it, you might become a fan too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really like this series. Fun to read. However, I was a little annoyed by the whole "Mia" part. Okay, she had a baby and gave it up for adoption but I found it weird that Mia all of a sudden showed up on her front door step and the next thing you know, they are all cooking in the kitchen talking about every day stuff like they've known each other forever.
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