Fall and Return of the Nephilim (Volume 1) - The Rise

ByRob Skiba

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
paul segal
This book had some interesting premises, but the writer appears to be no scholar. His grasp of the Hebrew seems to come from Strong's Concordance, and even after reading the whole chapter on his theory of the new Watchers and looking at his ideas of the Nephillim in scripture, I find his theories somewhat far-fetched. I did find some facts and Ideas to pursue, and that is why I give it the vaunted rating of OK.. The Nephillim are an ambitious study for anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley roth
This is a very well researched and documented subject on the importance of the seed, the seed of good and the seed of evil. whether we like it or not we live in a war between Light and Darkness. It is important to choose the right side, lest we risk eternal condemnation. Buy it, read it and talk about it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
agustina maya
If you are interested in the giants of the bible, this book is a definite read for you. Rob Skiba takes the bible and tells the story of the land of Yahweh's people and what they had to contend with to enter the holy land they had been given.
If you didn't realize there were giants in the bible, pick it up and read it, they are surely there.

A good book, and an author that cares about the truth he is sharing with you. You can't go wrong this one! Buy and open a new look on our history.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa hall wilson
The Archon Invasion is an easy to follow and easy to read book. I found it very informative. Rob Skiba's opinion of how the giants came after the flood is interesting. I had reservations on his theory before I read the book, but felt he answered most of my questions. If you're researching the Nephilim like so many of us, then please don't pass this one up. This book is a must for your collection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yigit hatipoglu
A little repetitive at the beginning, and some of the author's belief systems I don't concur with-- (Zionist). I liked the graphs, and some explanations I haven't found elsewhere. I wanted to give 3 1/2 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
omar book store
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who desires to be challenged in their view of the supernatural. Rob through the use of his research does a fine job in showing a literal understanding of many things supernatural that have occured throughout time. I highly recommend this book to any Christian who is searching for truth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i suggest this book to everyone who is interested in learning about satans endtime army coming to deceive even GODS own elect.... that is a scripture out of the book of revelation.... the Lord has been revealing things to me about them for years... so i am so glad that He is actually opening up people conscience now to this... i appreciate the biblical point of view very much..as truth!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen spoelstra
I have read many books, by different authors on this subject and I can say that without a doubt the Holy Spirit is guiding and directing Mr. Skiba in his search for truth. Rob starts off by telling everyone that he rushed this book/copy forward in order to get it to print because of a conference that was coming up and it shows in the writing and flow of the chapters. But even with that said, this book, along with his other books are some of the very best that I have ever read. Keep pushing for the truth Rob - Thank You!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a well thought out prospective on the Old Testament. It really adds a layer that “kings” should know…
Proverbs 25:2
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.

Even if you do not agree with everything Rob Skibs says. You still need to read this book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
christi barth
As a clergyperson, I have endeavored to gain knowledge of the many spiritual belief systems that exist today, and also their histories. This book is, well---different. The author states with complete conviction that the Bible is inerrant (it isn't), and that Scripture verifies itself. He also states that Scripture is literal and chronologically accurate. He uses the apocryphal books in addition to Scripture to corroborate his premise. I have no objecting to that, per se, but it comes down to unprovable data verifying unprovable data.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann lee
Rob Skiba has written another awesome book, he goes into great detail about the Nephilim from the time before the flood and after.
His theory or thesis on how the giants returned after the flood is very interesting and logically laid out, I have read many other books on the same subject by other authors and all believed in multiple incursions, but not Rob.
His view is unique and very thought provoking, his information on X and Y Chromosomes are very eye opening and important in understanding how the coruption of the Nephilim happened after the flood.
I highly recommend this book to those seeking answers about the giants found thoughout the bible.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Although a fairly interesting idea, I do not follow the idea that the Archons are of this dimension, but are rather inter dimensional entities who control humanity by feeding and controlling our emotions.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
heba serhan
The author made some interesting points, but from my opinion, a lot of this book appears to be based on the author's religious beliefs and not actual facts. Actually, I ordered the wrong book, but I decided to keep and read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
moudi oy
This is an interesting book, but the author says "Thus we learn that 200 watcher-class fallen angels landed on Mt. Hermon ...mating with women to produce angel-human hybrids known as the Nephilim." He is referring to Genesis 6, where it says "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them." The sons of God don't refer to fallen angels; they refer to the male offspring of the Anunnaki gods. There were no Anunnaki women for them to mate with, so the 200 young gods made a pact, knowing they would get in trouble with their elders, and married earth women. All of this information is in Zecharia Sitchin's books. Also, Jesus said that "sons of God" in the Bible never refers to angels( see the Urantia Book, p. 1841). He also said angels don't reproduce ( 1841 ). Also, the word "Archon" in the title is misleading. It seems to refer to the Nephilim, but they aren't the same being. Archons, according to Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and others, are mind parasites that feed off negative energy. Other than these minor mistakes, the author wrote a very helpful book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ava petrash
This book is an astonishingly insightful read. It is also highly scholarly, but pleasantly straightforward. The author's thesis is simple: genetic engineering is not a new science, but an ancient one. It is a highly seductive science. It allows for man to play God.
Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jane mackay
I enjoyed the book , however I was bogged down several times; seems I lost interest as I was reading and then I would get caught up again. I was interested in what he had written, as to a particular study I was working on, but eventually I got to the point where I read enough and got the gist of what was being said. I did finish the book and I will share my copy. It was alright and better than some of the others i have read on this same subject
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
will van heerden
Almost every book by Rob Skiba is thoroughly researched and accurate. Skiba is a bold author who writes on topics that are not really reader friendly. In other words, he is bold enough to speak the truth as he sees it, even if it goes against commonly accepted ideas and doctrines. At times his writing can seem to be pedantic. And he is often judgmental of those who criticize his ideas because he has not yet learned that intelligent readers are more likely to reject an idea presented judgmentally than an idea that either omits the opposite viewpoint or presents it fairly.

However, I have found information in Rob Skiba's books which I have not been able to find anywhere else. He has increased my understanding of how most of history on the earth has been hidden from us. We have not been given the truth about pre-Adamic and pre-flood civilizations as well as Nephilim invasions on every continent including North America. When Rob Skiba finds the truth, he doesn't reject it for the sake of popularity or finances. Speaking the truth has cost him socially and financially. But he is true to what he believes. He is an author whom I can trust even though I do not completely agree with everything he writes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vivaswan pathak
Rob Skiba is an excellent researcher and has connected a lot of dots on the subject of the Nephlim in the Bible. He's an unabashed Bible beleiver, though he does throw in some extra-Biblical texts like the Book of Enoch. Skiba makes his case well, and I have watched him on Youtube and he's a wonderful speaker.

Archon Invasion is written in an entertaining, yet fact-filled way that easy to read and understand. Skiba includes lots of photos and drawings which adds to understanding the book. There's no doubt that the man knows his subject, is an excellent speaker and is passionate about what he writes about. In fact, if you want a Biblical explanation for the Watchers talked about in Enoch, and the Sons of God who married the women of men, this is your book.

While I disagree with a few of Skiba's conclusions, I am impressed with his work, and will continue to read the books in this series. My disagreements with Skiba's work, is on the subject of Jehovah being all good, and the Nefilim being all-bad. There's no such thing in this world as far as I've seen so far.

The Kolbrin Bible tells the Eygptians side of the exodus story, and the book the Genius of the Few, tells the story of the 'god's' who created us. If Skiba rounded out his research to include these types of books, he's really have it all, but that doesn't take away from what he's done so far.

Here's an example of something I learned from this book, because of it's Biblical point of view. One of Noah's sons Kainam(Kain? I thought he was the bad guy?) Kainam grew up and went to to find himself a place to build a city. "and he found a writing which former (generations) had carved on the rock, and he read what was thereon, and he transcribed it and sinned owing to it; for it contained the teaching of the Watchers in accordance with which they used to observe the omens of the sun and moon and stars in heaven. And he wrote it down and said nothing regarding it; for he was afraid to speak to Noah about it lest he should be angry with him on account of it." Jubilees 8:1-5 page 198

Skiba shows that after the flood, anything having to do with the Watchers was forbidden. The story is that there were higher level beings whose job it was to watch over the developing Earthlings, but not to interfere. 200 of these Watchers decided to break the law and take wives, have children and then teach them things that the naive Earthlings weren't ready for because they hadn't matured yet. As Skiba explains, this breaking of the law had severe penalties which are talked about in the Book the Enoch, with the flood being just one of them.

If I'm fully grasping Skiba's ideas, he believes that 'in the days of Noah' mean that we'll have half-animals, and men again. He believes that we're full on into cloning and if we're told that we've cloned a sheep, then we've probably cloned a lot more.

"All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty together again." This nursery rhyme always struck me as strange, unless you think of a world wide catastrophe hitting the Earth, and a king and his men and centaurs working together to put it back together.

Maybe Rob Skiba is really onto something.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The author makes a solid rationale for the reality of the Nephilim and how they likely interbred with humans in the ancient past. However, once I discovered that the guy is a “flat-earther,” (Yes, this guy actually and dogmatically believes we live on a flat earth) I lost interest in his books. The reader has to really question his other prehistorical observations of early humans and how he interprets biblical history because of his insistence of a flat earth.
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