The Midamerica Zombie Half-Breed Experiment (Plagued States of America Book 1)

ByBetter Hero Army

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison george
:The Midamerica Zombie Half-Breed Experiment. ( Book 1) looks to be an interesting tale. I I chose it because it wasn't to long, in case it was a bit boring. It wasn't..I think it's going to be a good series, as it is somewhat different than a lot I have previously read GOOD LUCK and ENJOY!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
An interesting concept in the huge world of zombies. Tom is a young man forced to go with his brother, Gary, to try to find his younger sister, Larissa. Tom blames himself (as does his father) for allowing Larissa to be turned into a zombie 10 years before. While Tom and Gary are in the zombie trading area, havoc breaks loose as the zombies become free.

The idea that the government would "cure" zombies in order for them to be used as slave labor is unique. What better way to get free workers than to use zombies? Of course, when you have slaves, you also have slave traders, who also seem to function as zombie hunters.

Tom meets a young woman who is a half-breed zombie and decides to use her to find his sister. Questions arise: can he trust Penelope to not hurt him? Can he find Larissa? And, most importantly, can Penelope be cured?

The story was entertaining, but left me with a lot of unanswered questions about what made half-breed zombies. I don't know if there are more books in this series that explain things better, but I would like to know more. All in all, an interesting book if you love zombies.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elaine armstrong
Plagued: The Midamerica Zombie Half-Breed Experiment is a mouthful of a name for a novella written by an author with the pseudonym “Better Hero Army”. The story introduces us to Tom and Gary, brothers who have come to the town of Biter Hill, one of the few locations within the Plagued States where the zombie slave trade occurs, to search out records on their lost sister, Larissa, who was infected ten years earlier and who may have come through the town as a slave at one point. Thorough records are kept on the zombies who pass through and they have been ordered by their father, a powerful senator, to find her. They return to this same place, year in and year out, in an effort to fulfill their father’s wishes.
Tom feels guilt for what happened to Larissa, since she was in his care when she was bitten. But Tom was twelve at the time, and had no experience with dealing with zombies. He struggles with the idea that he shouldn’t be held responsible, but feels guilty nonetheless. It doesn’t help that his father and brother both blame him, in their own particular ways, for what happened.
Tom comes across a half-breed zombie in a slaver’s cage while in Biter’s Hill. She looks like a normal uninfected human. There are claims that half-breeds are creatures born of a human who is infected while pregnant, some other, unknown reason for their existence seems more likely. Though she is savage, there is a connection between the creature and Tom. She also seems rather interested in the picture of his sister when she sees it.
Tom is separated from his brother when the prison in Biter Hill maintaining most of the zombies who are being held for the slave trade has a breakout. Tom has to flee with several zombie hunters and slave traders at that point; including the one who has the half-breed who Tom has discovered is named Penelope. Together, they must enter into the wastelands in an effort to find their way to another place of safety. Tom suspects that Penelope knows something about his missing sister and uses his clout as a senator’s son to get the ragged band of survivors to head to a place where he believes Larissa have migrated to in the decade since she’d turned with the promise of rescue and wealth if they do. And he is going to need Penelope’s help to find her.
Plagued is definitely a different type of zombie apocalypse tale. It is focused on Tom’s personal journey and the relationship he forms with Penelope along the way. The craggy old slave trader Peske was probably my favorite character though, as someone who is gruff and seemingly uncaring about anyone else, he does what it takes to keep everyone alive and seems to have a soft spot for his half-breed who he insists isn’t for sale. Tom is well developed as a character and Penelope, as a confused creature of two worlds generates both intrigue and sympathy.
It’s clear that this will be the first of perhaps a series of zombie stories set in this world, and this is a positive start. The zombies themselves are fairly Romero-esque and traditional, but the introduction of half-breeds other factors like potential cures and being able to eliminate a zombie’s ability to spread infection once they are captured adds some unique elements to this saga. This is a quick read and the world the author created, long past the initial terrifying days of the zompcalypse, had an air of believability to it as the survivors adapt and cope with the fact that the undead are most likely a permanent fixture in their universe.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
darlene rae
I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Tom grew up in the Districts, a community walled-in and safe from the Plagued States of America. When the outbreak first started, before the walls went up, there was absolute chaos, and in that mess Tom's sister was bitten and turned. Ever since, Tom has been blamed by his father and his brother Gary for what happened. Twice a year, Tom and Gary travel to Biter's Hill, a trading outpost where zombies are brought to be logged and sold as mindless slaves. There, they pour over dozens of log books, searching for their sister's face. Their father would give anything to have his baby girl back, still clinging to the hope of finding a cure. It's during this trip that Tom discovers Penelope, a strange half-human, half-zombie. It's also during this trip that the zombies break lose and overrun the outpost. Suddenly, Tom finds himself stranded in Midamerica with Penelope and a band of other survivors. Tom hopes that with Penelope's help he can find his sister and maybe assemble a rescue mission before the zombies close in and tear them limb from limb.

"Plagued: The Midamerica Zombie Half-Breed Experiment" is an interesting take on the whole zombie apocalypse craze. We typically think of zombies as shells of the person they once were. In "Plagued", however, there are half-breeds, zombies that have been experimented on and administered a possible cure. Although they are not brought back from the dead, they are clearly more human than the full-on zombies, kind of like R in "Warm Bodies".

The writing was sometimes a little hard to follow, but the plot was interesting and fast-paced. I thought the characters needed to be a little more developed; I liked Tom and Penelope, sometimes Hank and Peske, but I didn't really care about anyone else. Like, when a member of the survivors died, I just kind of shrugged and said 'eh', and kept reading. It didn't really hit me too hard like the death of a character normally does.

Oh, and I really liked the cover - very simple with a gorgeous model (even though she is half-dead) and helped me picture Penelope in the story.

The book was quite short and made for a quick read. Although it didn't end with a cliffhanger, I'm still curious to see where book 2 will pick up and where the story will go from there. Not bad!

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
warren cartwright
This captivating book with its refreshing take on what an outbreak of zombies could entail, turned out to be a read-through-in-one-go for me. Compelled by his father, his brother Gary, and his own feeling of guilt, Tom ventures into the zombie plagued states to search for his sister, Larissa. When the zombie trading post is cast into chaos, Tom uses his status as senator's son and the survival of a group of zombie hunters, a half breed, and some tourists, to reach his goal.

I call Plagued a refreshing read because it is not the usual zombie apocalypse and world being overrun with hordes of zombies scenario. In this case the zombies are contained and controlled and, barring accidents, the general population is safe from them. There even seems to be a way to make them safe for use in the states which are not zombie infested.

Full of nonstop adventure and a great deal of edge-of-your-chair suspense, this slightly dystopian novel is definitely one of the very best of its kind, and, thank heavens, not another Hunger Games look alike.

The characters, especially the main characters, are skilfully crafted, fleshed out and realistic. Tom, as ultimate main character, is particularly realistic for a young man with a guilt complex; the desire to do the right thing and the doubts that any person should have in the kind of situation that presents itself to him. Life or death decisions are part of the zombie hunters' daily existence. Tom however, must make a similar decision and that on a much more personal level.

For a read filled with adventure, a few thoroughly horrific incidents and a touching deal of tenderness, I recommend Plagued as an absolute must-read. I sincerely hope that we'll see much more of Evan Ramspott's brilliant writing in the near future. (Ellen Fritz)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike massimino
Not having read much in the way of zombie fiction, I was not sure what I would find in The Midamerica Zombie Half-Breed Experiment besides the usual story of survival against the ravening zombie hoard. I was quite pleasantly surprised, as the book has a lot to offer in its novella sized page count.

The story takes place in a post zombie apocalypse world, where the existence of zombies has become a part of everyday life. The contagion has been contained, and zombies can be "defanged", losing their contagiousness. Further, they are hunted and enslaved, being able to learn simple, unskilled tasks, and becoming an economic base for the surviving human civilization. Tom, the POV, is being handed the task of searching for his lost younger sister, Larissa, who had been turned ten years previously, during the first wave of contagion. Burdened with guilt by his father and older brother for his inability to save her, he travels to the zombie trading town of Biters Hill to search for her among the records of slave zombies who have passed through the town. While there, he makes a connection with a captive half-breed named Penelope (or "Kitty", her slave name). Following a prison breakout, Tom, Penelope, her keeper Peske, and a small number of survivors escape to the wastelands to search for a way to safety. The bond forming between Tom and Penelope becomes the heart of the story, and, eventually, she becomes central in his search for Larissa.

I found the main characters to be quite well drawn. Tom is an interesting, complex person, haunted by guilt and questioning of the morality of the zombie slave trade, which is interesting given the place of the zombie slave trade in this world and his own status within it. Penelope is an intriguing character, a half-breed zombie/human, savage, but with the capacity to form an emotional bond with Tom and with the intelligence and ability to communicate with those who are patient enough to try. Also of note is her keeper, the slave trader Peske. While he is thoroughly businesslike about the trade in zombies, it becomes evident that he is Penelope's protector as well as keeper, as she is in danger from both humans and zombies. Other characters are rather perfunctory, as the length of the book does not allow for much character development. All, however, are realistic, and act accordingly.

At 162 pages, the book is a quick read. My main gripe is that it is far too short. It is clearly the first installment in a series of stories, and the interesting background the author tantalizes us with just calls for more depth and detail. There are moral complexities involved with the zombie slave trade and the origin of the half-breeds that call out for examination, and I would really like to see the interactions of the Jefferson family. Hopefully, these threads will continue into the next installment and be expanded on.

My thanks to the Goodreads First Reads program for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ankit singh
I would like to thank Storyteller Press and NetGalley for providing me with an electronic copy to review. Tom is at a trading station with his brother Gary, hoping to find their sister Larissa among the photos of traded zombies, when a group of the undead break out of the prison. Separated from Gary, Tom escapes the chaos with some others and comes up with a plan for all of them to get out safely. With a great concept and unique ideas, Plagued: The Midamerica Zombie Half-Breed Experiment is a typical zombie thriller with a twist. Tom is a great main character, as his compassion combined with his capacity for calmness under pressure make him interesting. I thought the half-breed idea was a breath of fresh air for a zombie book, as this helps to set Plagued apart from the norm. Although I thought the ending was too abrupt, it definitely helped to peak my interest in reading the next part of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan dietrich
The Zombie plagued has hit. Tom and his little sister are trapped, but only he gets out unscathed. The rest of his life, his older brother Gary and he spend looking for the sister they lost years ago. It is on a fateful trip to Biter's Hill, that Tom meets a half-breed zombie. Not 100% eating machine, still has some humanity left. Not much, but enough. Tom knows she is the key to finding his sister, but how? Everyone has to flee Biter's Hill and head for safety on the Mainland. But are they safe there? Zombies still roam in the free area's.

This is a quick read, but well worth it! If you like/love zombies check out this book. There is tons of action which keep you moving. The zombies in this story are different from your regular, bite and maul type. These seem trainable. You learn how half-breeds were created, which is pretty cool. The connection that Penelope, the half-breed and Tom have is weird. Its like he is replacing sister with her. He can only help one, it will be Penelope.

I will be reading book #2!!!! I'm already entwined with this story and the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark ruddy
I read a lot, especially in the zombie/horror genre, so sometimes it's hard to find authors that don't just regurgitate what's already been done. This one stands out in the sea of overdone Walking Dead type novels.

It's well-written and fast paced, but it never felt like there were holes or bits missing. Nothing felt like filler. The pace and action were just right, and this one keeps moving, moving, moving with never a dull or boring moment. I didn't have difficulty keeping track of what was going on but it moved along at a brisk pace.

The main character, Tom, handles his struggles throughout in a realistic way. He's not exactly a hero type, but he's no zero, either. I found him likeable and relatable, and the various other characters were varied and not the post-zombie survivor caricatures you sometimes find in the genre.

Did I mention there's a Duck Boat involved? I've never found one of those in a zombie novel before, and being of the Boston area where Duck Boats are a popular activity, that delighted me to no end.

This would have been a great read even if I didn't love, love, love one character in particular, but she really put this book over the top as one of my favorite reads and new-to-me authors this year. The half-breeds are very interesting, but the main one, 'Kitty' as some refer to her, takes the cake. She puts you on edge because she's unpredictable and a very real threat to the uninfected, but at the same time earns your empathy and respect. If you're a fan of the series in the same genre with 'The Lost Girl' character, she's sort of like that, with a similar wild, dangerous and exotic beauty about her both inside and out.

The half-breeds were a great addition to the story. They exist inbetween the human and zombie world without a place in either and as a threat to both, and they were a very creative addition to this stellar read.

I adored this book and look forward to reading more books in the series. Definitely one to read if you're into zombies/post apocalyptic stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was unique in the sense that during the zombie apocalypse, the living dead are bought/sold/traded. They also are held down as the area containing the contagion that turns people when bitten is removed. There are those who survive the bite, and become 'half-breeds, which have the potential for being turned back but not always.

In this story Tim feels guilty for his sister being bitten and turned at the age of 8 when he was only 12 years old trying protect her. Gary his brother, along with Tim go to a trading base to look through the records/pics of all zombies that enter or leave the area in search of their sister. Only during their stay something goes horribly wrong, and the stable of zombies are somehow let loose and attack the people lulled into the false security of the base. Now it is a matter of survival for Tim and the others who get away to make it to another base and radio for help. I enjoyed it, and would recommend you try it especially if you like Walking Dead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arc from author
I love a good zombie tale, and this one was pretty darn good. It had an interesting world set up that I enjoyed reading. Some territory had been abandoned to the zombies and it was this territory that our two brothers ended up venturing to. Zombies can be made non-contagious in this world and are captured and bought and sold as slave labor. There are also half-breeds in this world, which are neither human or zombie. Just some really interesting kind of nuances to add to the genre.
I really enjoyed the struggle for survival and trip to Midamerica. I enjoyed most of the characters in the book too. Not all of them were developed as much as they could have been, but I kinda liked Peske. Tom as a main character was all right, sometimes he just felt kind of flat to me.
All in all, a quick and enjoyable zombie yarn. I'm so excited I got the chance to read and review it. If you love anything and everything zombie, then go pick this one up. It has enough action, suspense, and intrigue to keep reading until the last page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim luke
I absolutely love zombie books but having read nearly every zombie book I could find I have been having trouble finding ones that aren't exactly the same as every other one I have read. I was pleasantly surprised by this book normally the halfbreed zombie idea wouldn't appeal to me but I thought what the hell I will give it a shot. From the very first page it had me captivated the authors ideas were very unique in a genre that has pretty much covered all bases I loved it I will definitely read more from this author the writing is brilliant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A refreshing addition to the zom-fic genre that is so popular these days! Likable characters and an intriguing plot both make this a good read, without too much gore (but face it, you have to have a bit of gore when zombies are involved!) The idea of half-human zombies is new to me, and the possible relationships (?) with one of them are explored too. Recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristi marchetti
Many write zombie books trying to be different...not the case in this book. It is different but also well written and interesting. Enjoyed it so much it could have been twice as long. Hope the main characters have a second and very long book not just a long story.
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