Drunks & Monks

ByJohn H. Carmichael

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
humberto elias
A beautiful and heart-felt modern day Prodigal Son story in more ways than one. Witty, amusing and blistering honest, this is a conversion story you will not forget. May it shed light on so many other Catholics who take their faith for granted and for those who don't know what they are missing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a powerful story! Beautifully constructed and told. John Carmichael pulls off the tricky task of creating an easy to read novel which is simultaneously deeply poignant and personal. If you have struggled with faith, you should read this. If you have struggled with your purpose in life, you should read this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
blue jay
You don’t ease into John Carmichael’s autobiographical journey through soul and psyche. You’re immediately thrust into a “perfect modern maelstrom” where his seemingly enchanted life unravels before your eyes. Personal conviction and responsibility crumble and he doesn’t spare us the raw account in an honest and unfiltered stream of narration that brilliantly blends gravity and humor. Carmichael’s personal examination is intertwined with his witty observations of Southern California culture, a modern tale reminiscent at times of Nathaniel West’s take on LA’s absurdity. It’s a tumultuous journey, driven by the author’s insatiable curiosity (intellectual and otherwise), which sends him to new depths but eventually guides him to life-affirming spiritual salvation. Drunks & Monks is an enthralling read that’s thought-provoking and wholeheartedly human.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I would recommend this book. It was pretty intense--so much time was spent on the super dark life prior to Christ (over half the book) and that was emotionally draining. I almost gave up the read because I was losing hope with/for the author. But it was still a valuable conversion story, as are all, and displays the power and grace in Christ.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ronald toles
While I think his conversion itself is beautiful and magnificent in its power and pathos, there were times when the stream of consciousness format became really tedious and rambling, with far too many details that added nothing to the story. I often just had to skip ahead to find defining moments.

In fact, due to some of the content noted below, I am somewhat surprised it received as many favorable reviews as it did.

These are the good points:
1) I could really feel the author's pain in his sufferings, in particular his initial divorce and the gut-wrenching disorientation it caused him.
2) The story of his conversion, and all the depth of spiritual understanding and realization about the truths and answers/solutions to human suffering contained therein that came with it.
3) The witness to the power of the Traditional Latin Mass and the entire body of sound Catholic Catechesis and the profoundly salutary influence this had on his conversion process.

The bad:
1) The rambling format lost my interest many times and I had to move ahead and skip parts.
2) The author shares some VERY raw content with pages of unspeakable, profanity-laden tirades that I have never heard before within a family setting, but which were used at length in his before his conversion. I found this content extremely violent, objectionable and polluting. I had to skip it, and parts I scanned just to get the drift of the story line stayed in my mind with a foul influence. It took a few days to shake it and get it out of my mind. In fact, for those with intact sensibilities, this actually feels like exposure to emotional porn. I'm sorry I read some of those parts before realizing how "infesting" it could be. Be careful!! Foul language this vehement and unrestrained can actually be a vehicle for unhealthy, demonic influence -- no kidding. Exorcists have said as much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you have ever wondered if your soul is separate from your intellect. If you have ever wondered how the mighty can fall, or fallen yourself. If you've hit lows you never imagined, or wondered when you will. If you have witnessed an ounce of Catholicism, or perhaps even if you profess the post-Christian world view. If you want to stay up until 2am to finish something that momentarily stopped your world on its axis. If you frantically google the author at 2:01am because you are dying to know what has occurred in between the Afterward and the present. Read this.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
maryteresa morris osb
Even considering it was a memoir, his constant use of "I" became egotistical and consuming. It was like events only happened to him and everyone else was one dimensional. Even his conversion experience appeared to be another addiction to remove him from the pain in his life, rather than a genuine calling. The authenticity of the writings sadness was obvious, but even in his epiphany, sadness seemed to always be his persistent companion... Maybe it was one long Gulag, but it would have been more interesting to contrast the best points in his life with the devastating lows.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah flynn
An extremely relevant address of modern man’s search for truth. The author locked me in describing his journey beautifully.

We live in an age where in my view, we have sadly thrown away the notion of God and search for truth. In its place, we have developed a moral and intellectual relativism where we now worship our comfort and feelings above all else. The damage of this post modern philosophy is chronicled well by Carmichael. Most profound to me was, he was so desensitized by the world around him, he literally had no idea where to look.

The true miracle occurs when he crosses paths with a religious order that offers an anecdote to his profound angst. The irony was it was there all along. Like so many of us, the pervasive noise of our world is subtly mocking, or certainly dismissing consideration of an almighty God. Instead, the best our world seems to be able to tacitly offer is Christ the community organizer and social reformer.
Carmichael was physically lead to an understanding far deeper....... His journey is profound and to me at least, recognizable and certainly understandable.
I loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim leen
I read this book in anticipation of an interview. But I was drawn to request the interview because of the title. It's cutesy but heavy, everyone loves a funny drunk and certainly cartoon monks always draw a smile. In reality though drunks make for messy, emotionally strained lives and the lives of monks are austere and contemplative, focused on profound relationships with the Divine - traits we may aspire to in our daily lives.

Several of the reviewers mentioned that they couldn't put this book down, for me the experience was different, at some of the more intense, raw experiences with his parents and coarseness of the marriage I had to turn away, such painful encounters are tough to witness, particularly when you so desperately want the relationships and situations to be healed and then thrive.

The author's faith was drained for a number of reasons , not the least of which was his lack of an authentic childhood. Adult children of alcoholics know abandonment from the get-go, and confidence in having a sense of security is never present. This causes one to cling to artificial achievements to prove self-worth. It made sense to me that when John rediscovered his faith that e went full-tilt into Catholic practices and prayer; fully embracing the faith, with our warts and all.

I thought this was a complex and beautiful memoir and look forward to more from Mr. Carmichael.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
casemate publishers
After hearing Jen Fulwiler boasting on the Catholic Channel about the greatness of this book, my first reaction was she may have over sold it. I took no action. Then I heard John on her show again, connecting with his humility and truth in the interview, and I immediately stopped at Barnes and Noble and ordered it. I received the book in the mail and did not put it down until I was done reading it. It was even more exciting as he wrote about Southern California and places I can visit as I live in the OC. I go back to his book often to reread sections and learn more about my faith (it is very rich and deep). While I grew up in alcoholism and am very aware of recovery/sobriety/enabling through twelve step programs, this book was about pain and addiction, but really more about being called back slowly and mercifully to the truth of his childhood Catholic faith. He journeys back to his faith, in A BIG WAY, by taking direction and becoming closer to a fellowship of faithfully formed Catholics and brilliant clergy who understood and can teach the truth of their faith. John has taught me so much from the great writings he quotes from saints, authors and theologians as well as the beauty and grace the sacraments provide us, and then ultimately his demonstration of the truth and conversion back to a Catholic life. Thanks for sharing YOU with us in great humility and strength. I hope to visit the Abbey soon. I recommend this book all the time!!!. I am praying for you John.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zahra ali
I was raised by a loving, devout Catholic father (who’s father died from alcohol at 40) and a loving mother.
Because of that, and finding supportive faith communities in college and beyond, I have always tried to exercise my Faith (“reasonably well”) but I haven’t felt the need to really explore it.
I do now.
John Carmichael’s story has inspired me and challenged me to dig deeper. It is masterfully written.
And the author solicits comments and answers emails!

Bill Murray
Charlottesville, VA
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monica guzman
Many of the reviewers have already offered a synopsis of this book so I won't repeat-- but like so many have already said, I couldn't put this one down. His real, raw, honest reflection of his journey through the mire and the muck of those 7 years pulls at the heart. For anyone who has gone through such darkness or even a sliver of it, this book will resonate and illuminate as it did for me. I appreciate John's writing style and his sense of humor throughout. And very glad he was given such honest and wise counsel about spiritual warfare and my hope is this book will bring that reality into the spiritual conversations between Catholics, non Catholics, Christians and non Christians because this is territory many are scared to discuss. I appreciated the snipits from the spiritual writers which moved him. They move us as well. I highly recommend this one. It's going to explode if it hasn't already and many souls will profit because of this beautiful book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a page turner of a conversion story. Very gritty, darkly humorous in many places, painfully relatable in the very real messiness, and sinfulness of life. However, this is also a very hopeful account of how God can work miracles in our lives that allow us to transcend addiction, and find healing and transformation through faith. I read this all in one weekend, and felt inspired to renew my Catholic faith after reading this book. I highly recommend it to all who are away from their faith and looking for the answers in the wrong places.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A quick and fascinating read. After one night reading til 2 a.m. I concluded I had better finish this thing quickly or else I'd have too many late nights! The author's experiences will catch the interest of those who are keen observers of the human condition in modern times. Can't get more modern than an entertainment lawyer in Southern California. His lack of credence in the Catholic faith will strike a chord with many. As an active Catholic, I learned a lot by seeing a spiritual journey of another whose life experience was so different from mine, but so similar to many others. I have new compassion and understanding, and a strengthened faith. Really enjoyed this book and now the question is how to share it with many friends and family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather miederhoff
Drunks & Monks goes beyond telling a story. The author, John Carmichael's writing style gives the reader an actual sense of being there. He does this by describing events and places with vivid clarity. This is a "tell it like it is" book that describes not only the everyday struggles and challenges that we all face on some level, but also some extraordinary ones. Throughout the book he maintains his sense of humor, even through some very difficult times, while also addressing spiritual issues that unfortunately are not discussed nearly as much as they should be in this day and age. It is refreshing to see them discussed here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca neelis
Loved this story. I'm a cradle Catholic, and bought this book, in part, because I know the Mission and Abbey is the story. I learned so much about faith, behavior and addiction. This is a book I will read again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marcus blair
You will not find a more introspective or insightful book than this. John ventures deep into his soul in the pursuit of ultimate Truth, while showcasing his dry humor along the way. This book holds on to you and doesn't let go. I cannot recommend strongly enough, but beware. If you fear Truth, this may put you through the wringer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trish saunders
The vulnerability and honesty of this conversion story give us a profound example of every human's experience to some degree; the author gives credit to grace and the grace received through the sacraments for his ability to see Truth. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bas kreuger
Compelling story, draws you in almost immediately and does not let go. More than the amazing story, Carmichael is truly gifted as a writer. Imagery, language and style are of such quality that it is hard to believe he is not a trained author. recommend without reservation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A riveting, true-to-life memoir complete with demons and all. A great read for anyone who has felt an emptiness in life and tried to fill the void with something outside of themselves. This isn't so much a story about addiction but rather a story of one man's monumental religious conversion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this story. I'm a cradle Catholic, and bought this book, in part, because I know the Mission and Abbey is the story. I learned so much about faith, behavior and addiction. This is a book I will read again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate wutz
Drunks and Monks was dramatic, inspiring, alarming, enlightening, humorous, sad, riveting, and redemptive. I'm among those readers who couldn't put Carmichael's book down. I wanted his story to go on and on. I'm eager to read more of Carmichael's journey. If he keeps writing, I'll keep reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexis mokler
I just finished the book on August 1. Awesome ebook I only put it down to sleep. Truly inspiring for anyone who struggles with faith. John you are amazing and a gift to the literary world. Thank you for sharing your proof pure faith with us all. It is truly wonderful.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
karen haught
I found the book very interesting especially the part where he's discovering his Catholic Faith.
I did not find it believable however that he , as a small child, was left for days with a drunken Mother.
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