In Search of the Eleventh Insight - The Secret of Shambhala

ByJames Redfield

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann dulhanty
Purchased for My Mother who read and RE-READ "The Celestine Prophecy" and the second book written first place in this series yearly, and BEGGED Me to do the Same Yearly after she had Re-read them again, She would again beg Me to READ these books until I finally read "The Celestine Prophecy" when I was in My Early 20s.. Years after they'd been published the first time. Then I happened across these online not last Christmas but the One before it, and My Mother who's in the process of losing her memories, I just hoped and prayed She could get though the books I had found on luck and a prayer. She was SO surprised that they had continued the series, it was GREAT!! PERFECT REALLY, even My Husband who was skeptical about the series was pleased with the books appearance and quality.
Thank You So Much From ALL Of Us!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
joshua cohen
Many things in Redfield’s book are beautiful, but something seems off. When the spiritual people in Shambhala view troubled areas of the world, the dialog doesn’t reflect reality. Drug companies are not trying to heal people, but are misinformed. They know exactly what their drugs do. They designed them to slowly kill us. And kids that shoot other students are not doing it because they are picked on; they do it because they were on SSRI drugs, or mind-brain controlled by the CIA. Redfield gives these issues a white-wash. You can’t send these evil men who are controlled by powerful demons a beam of love-light and turn them around. I think the only way you can stop them, is to give them full knowledge of what they are doing— the end result. Their demon is going to turn on them and kill them. And if they don’t, they will wish that they did because they will not want to live in the world they are creating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike van campen
It is excellent and interesting book. And although prayer can be learned from this book please bear in mind that prayer process is given in somewhat general approach and it is not set in stone!!! In short I recommend to back up your knowledge with some solid book about prayer, for ex. Prayer for Beginners from R. Webster. In that way prayer from Shambala book will be more easy to understand and practice.
The Hour of Decision (Celestine Series) - The Twelfth Insight :: Holding the Vision (Celestine Prophecy) - The Tenth Insight :: Will Grayson, will grayson (Dutch Edition) :: Will Grayson, Will Grayson (Spanish Edition) :: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential - The 5 Levels of Leadership
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once you have read The Celestine Prophecy and the 10th Insight, you truly feel that you have tapped into something wonderful, a new world of possibilities, and feel you are getting ready for an incredible future. But again James Redfield surprises me once more with yet another leap into the future: a future based on tapping on specific realities based on the level of your consciousness and your vibratory level.

All these truths were like Chinese to me at the time, again, because these were one of the first spiritual books that I had ever read, so many years ago! And today, these truths are more of a general knowledge and have been integrated into the consciousness movement that is sweeping the planet.

But at the time, I felt like a pioneer at the verge of a discovery that would change humanity. And indeed, this thinking will change humanity, and indeed IS changing humanity! And I will do everything in my power to help others raise their consciousness to become lighter, clearer and unburdened in order to make their highest potential manifest for the benefit of the world.

Working together in this regards, this book is a wonderful platform to shift people's thinking into what could have been a futuristic possibility, but in fact, the many spiritually aware individuals in the planet know it to be a / the (new) world!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Secret of Shambhala is the best story yet, in Redfield's continuing saga of the Insights. The journey was intriguing, fast paced, and yes, often times predictable, but the ending was great - I would never have imagined it to end that way. The story captivates your attention and will have you pondering and wondering on the marvels of the Eleventh Insight. This insight could very well be applied to life situations now. I would be curious to find out how many have tried and were successful!
I disagree with the other reviewers on bringing the government into the story. I think that it adds to the suspense and one must realize that the country of Tibet is not like our country in the sense of religious freedom that we have.
This book contains many wisdom filled passages, which speak to the heart. In the chapter titled, The Life Process, I was captivated on the "parenting" issues brought up. Makes one stop and think. "We choose our parents in part to be awakened to what is missing, to what needs to be added to human understanding, and we begin that process by being dissatisfied with what we find in our lives with them."
As many are awakening to the spiritual consciousness that is blossoming on this planet, we are learning that our thoughts as well as we are connected. We are learning that our thoughts are energy and we can influence our own lives. This newest book by Redfield helps bring all of that into focus, expounds on this concept and gives us a new tool to use in our spiritual evolution. I highly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lhizz browne
Learn the secret to overcome fear.
Learn that our negative preconceived vision of an outcome of events can manifest them.
Learn that like the law of attraction Positive attraction is as easy to achieve as is negative, what is harder is to retrain ourselves to respond in positive preconceived visionary expectation then to daydream/imagine the worst coming out of an event sequence.
Don't brush off this book, it's worth it to you to listen to or read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book and am grateful for having read The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight - Holding the Vision previously. This book was a definite call to action to really live more consciously at all levels. This acknowledges the difficulty that one can have doing that but the story illustrates so much why it is required to get past that fear. I found it so encouraging that I highly recommend it to everyone who is ready for it. Thanks to the author for this work as well as all that is being done to keep moving humanity ahead based on the insights.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doug nelson
I really liked The Celestine Prophesy and The Tenth Insight (Redfield's previous books), but this third adventure is the best yet! Redfield may never be a Pulizer prize winner for his often confusing prose (especially in the first book), but his writing is improving rapidly and I was gripped by this adventure from the first chapter.
Redfield's strength is his ability to share spiritual truths within a story, making it much more palatable than boring prose. His main character is a pilgrim, learning these truths as he goes thru a colorful adventure, sort of a spiritual science fiction at times. I find his message resonates deeply within me... and I'd much rather read it in a story format.
I was reading this book during a life challenge and it helped me focus on the energy I could expand to resolve the situation. And it worked. I was reassured over and over, and while my adventure didn't take me thru the mountains of Tibet, it opened new doors of possibility.
Redfield has transcended the mundane once again, splintered barriers, and teaches us new ways to look at life....
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
hanisha vaswani
This is a continuation of THE CELESTINE PROPHECY and THE TENTH INSIGHT. This volume leads us on a journey in search of the 11th Insight. He finds Shangri-La near Tibet and learns valuable lessons to help him to further evolve in his mission. Paul Theroux took some of us along vicariously as he documented his trip from China to Lhasa, formerly the home of the Dahlai Lama. Lowell Thomas was allowed to broadcast from Kathmandu in the Himalayas.

So this trip by James Redfield is familiar to those of us who were fans of Thomas and Theroux in the past. When I reviewed his first #1 bestseller to a small group of literary women, a newcomer from California asked, "Are those your words?" I had to admit that they came out of the book (his words) but I had (to make more sense of them) to skip around in the book to put them in order of the insights, which were interwoven in this treasure hunt fable. She was impressed that a Southern woman could do that. My son was not impressed; he said they were standard Eastern doctrines. Redfield was then a resident of Alabama. He's moved around a bit since he won fame for his three motivating adventures about Celestine beliefs and insights.

In THE TENTH INSIGHT, he gave the history and culture which he found in the Appalachians. "Our thoughts and attitudes count in making our dreams come true." This book is intended as the next step in awareness to help realize our destinies and purpose in life. "The Eastern religions emphasized the effects on consciousness itself, the experience of lightness, a sense of oneness with the univrese, the release of the ego's desires, and a certain detachment. Islam emphasized the feeling of unity which came with sharing this experience with others and the power inherent in group action."

Judaism emphasized the importance of tradition based on this connection, of the experience of being chosen, and that each person alive is responsible for pushing forward the evolutin of human spirituality. "Most people are full of energy and enthusiasm in their youth, but then during middle age they lapse into a slow, downhill slide that they pretend not to notice."

The WWII generation fought against tyranny and proved that democracy could not only flourish in the modern world but expand and connect the world's economies. Then, in the middle of the abundance, "the baby boomers arrived to say that there were problems with this expansion, that we were polluting the natural would and losing touch with nature and a spiritual reality which exists beneath the whims of history."

Where will he find the twelfth?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you loved Celestine Prophecy but the Tenth Insight left you lagging, you will find yourself once again devouring this latest Redfield book as fast as you can. Also, the four parts of the Eleventh Insight in this book are totally pragmatic tools that you will find sticking to your brain instantly and easily. And if you dare to try them out even for one day, I think that you will be immediately and ecstatically rewarded with the results of using the process outlined many times in the book. Perhaps such a claim is taboo in a book review but I suggest it nonetheless.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you loved Celestine Prophecy but the Tenth Insight left you lagging, you will find yourself once again devouring this latest Redfield book as fast as you can. Also, the four parts of the Eleventh Insight in this book are totally pragmatic tools that you will find sticking to your brain instantly and easily. And if you dare to try them out even for one day, I think that you will be immediately and ecstatically rewarded with the results of using the process outlined many times in the book. Perhaps such a claim is taboo in a book review but I suggest it nonetheless.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
cat miller
I love the 1/st book: "The Celestine Prophecy". Is one of my favorites books, ever. I was absolutely delighted while reading it. I found it very spiritual, motivational and inspiring, without being religious or else. After a few years later, I found it in my library, and need to read it once again, with more understanding than the first time. After so many years, I still recommend these meaningful book.

I also read the 2nd book: "Tenth Insight", from the same author, but liked the first book more than this. The author published another 3rd book in this serie: "The Secret of Shambala...". Maybe it has too long and hard to follow narratives, maybe it was written in another style, and I cannot really appreciated it and grasp the message the author was trying to deliver to us. The third one is the one that I really disliked.

The Celestine Prophecy - The Tenth Insight - The Secret of Shambala
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim couch
Although this is a thrilling adventure story, none of it was terrifying, and I am grateful. This book is as excellent as the first two Celestine books. Redfield continues to illustrate our responsibility for moving our focus from our beliefs based on history to a more beautiful, effective vision for our future. The narrator has the tender humility of Don Juan in Castaneda's books. He is as inspiring as any non-fiction character. I only disliked Redfield's persistent use of the government as the enemy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
annie chubbuck
This is a fine entry in Redfield's "CELESTINE" series. As others have stated, it does feel very "LOST HORIZONish" in plot, but it is much deeper than that. Redfield asks and challenges readers to think-not only about his stories, but about the individual reader themselves. Whoever reads this will have a different opinion on what it means to them-and that's a good thing! I think every reader will agree that more positive energy flow from everybody can only result in good things for the planet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
j m phillippe
The Celestine Prophecy was a great idea for a way to get spirituality across to the public: a synthesis of the most popular threads of 'New Age' thought that were circulating in the mid-1990s, packaged as a fast-paced action-adventure novel. The underlying metaphysics claimed to embrace all religions, yet also professed to be based on an empirical approach to life.
Sales show that a lot of the sensationalism which surrounded Celestine faded with Redfield's consecutive books. Some of this is just the nature of trends: anyone who has such monumental success with their first publication has little chance of producing a sequel that achieves the same results. On the other hand, there are some factors that could account for this decline in popularity.
In his second book, The Tenth Insight, Redfield compromised part of his original formula by introducing themes like reincarnation and animal omens--subjects that departed from the religious middle ground which initially let many people stay open to his theories. He also told his readers that human beings have abilities which are a good stretch further away from Pop Mysticism than communing with nature or perceiving auras. His third book, The Celestine Vision, was nonfiction, and discussed progressions in science and social thought that Redfield believes are precursors to a major revolution in global consciousness; it did well enough, but didn't come near to his early success.
With the release of The Secret of Shambhala, Redfield returned to the ongoing fictional storyline, continuing where The Tenth Insight left off. In this book, he posits that the energy generated by our thoughts and emotions actually goes out into the world as a force that he calls 'prayer,' and influences both outer events and the awareness of the people with whom we interact. I found his theories (which are embedded in the text as elaborate monologues followed by scenarios which illustrate them) to be as applicable to my own experiences as any other book in the series. The concepts were more advanced--and therefore, more challenging--than those in Celestine. This has probably contributed to its (relatively) low sales up to this point.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The original CELESTINE PROPHECSY was successful in part because of its freshness. While Mr. Redfield's core ideas: synchronicity, energy fields, and the spiritual evolution of the planet, were in themselves hardly original, he presented them in an appealing new way that had resonance for contemporary readers. His sequels, however, especially this one, have been disappointments because his thinking has hardened into a kind of repetitive ideology. There's still some compelling material here underlying all this, but Mr. Redfield needs to take a break to get back in touch with it
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
courtney navarro
Unlike Redfields previous two books, The Secret of Shambhala was more of the same, told in every angle, for 250 pages.
The dialogue between the characters was very basic and they lacked any depth in personality. Throughout the book, redfield merely walked his characters to new locations, rehashed what needed to be learned in order to "proceed" and occasionally attempted to mix things up with an already overused (in the celestine prophecy and 10th insight) chase by goverment officials, resulting in a highly anti climatic end where the main character finds shambhala.
Although Redfield conveyed some interesting themes, such as prayer fields, he could have done so in a more origional and interesting fashion.

I would only reccomend this book if you have read Redfields previous two books and dont mind his repetative style of writing.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
islam elkhateb
From reading "The Tenth Insight" I was very eager to continue the series with "The Secret of Shambhala". I built up an expectation from the prior books that this book would be even better because I thought "The Tenth Insight" was much better than "The Celestine Prophecy". Again Redfield went back to his repetitive writing. If he cut out all the parts he repeated I think the book would be 3/4 the length. I found this book to be mediocre and it does not dwell on the questions we have. I felt that it is was merely a fiction as where I found it, in the fiction section.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved it! James Redfield's interesting new novel is a parable about the power of real love. He shows through the book's storyline that our own prayer fields affect everything that happens in our life. Ultimately, he is showing us how Jesus' last commandment that we "love one another," which means our intentions are for the good of others, can solve all of our problems and answer all our questions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean magee
I loved this book, even though I wasn't completely hooked until I was halfway through. If the whole world read this book, it would be a transformed place...
While the concepts are age-old, the setting of the Tibetan mountains has served me to use the imagery to consciously remember to call in and energize my own prayer-field on a consistent, moment-to-moment basis.
Like The Celestine Prophecy, this book is powerful in its ability to remind us all of why we're here and what we can personally do to transform the world. It's time the world learns how to consciously use our God-given gifts of compassion, prayer and connection. May the dakini be with us all!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah carp
A science fantasy tale of energy fields, psychic weapons and paranoia. The Tibetan monks in this tale talk a strange new age lingo invented by the author, who appears never to have encountered real Tibetans, Tibetan Buddhist teachings, or the Kalachakra Tantra which is the source of Shambhala teachings. I also doubt that he has ever encountered the Tibetan language, given the confusion he makes between transliteration and spoken Tibetan. If you would like to understand the relevance of Shambhala in our age, I would suggest starting with "Shambhala, the Sacred Path of the Warrior" by Trungpa. If you prefer fiction, I find James Hilton's "Lost Horizon" more inspiring.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I will admit that the Celestine prophecy was believable but I was somewhat disappointed with this book. The early chapters were interesting but the last two chapters were unbelievably far fetched and I just could not believe what I was reading. The author comes out with these statements about how we will become better people but the mechanism and guidelines to get there seemed so unachievable and downright complicated. The whole "seeing into the future" bit at the end sounded like a cross between Star Trek and Harry Potter and had me both giggling and laughing out loud. That's it........if nothing else the book is a good laugh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yulianto qin
In a world dominated by pragmatism, hate, and ego, this book gives us hope. We should start loving each other more, we should become more spiritual, not in a religious way, but integrating the spiritual dimension into the complete being that we are, and start improving this dimension as we improve our intellect and our body. The spiritual dimension is as real as it gets, and it should be liberated from the any monopoly. A wonderful book altogether.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I only wish there were more volumes written. I have internalized the teachings and was so hungry for this follow-up book. I was not dissappointed at all. Highly recommend to anyone searching for answers.

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Bound By Birth
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great book, mostly for making you think about what kind of image you are projecting before you even enter where you are going. If you focus on the positive of life, you will more than likely have positive experiences rather than negative.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I had reservations about Redfield's Celestine Prophecy, so didn't bother with The Tenth Insight. But having some experience with Shambala (note spelling), decided to give The Secret of Shambhala a try. Sorry, but it seems to me to be made up partly of some genuine worthwhile knowledge (which, however, is pretty common knowledge anyway)and partly--or mostly--of a humonguous bunch of buzzwords and buzz concepts--a lot of New Age-type stuff. A very thin read, and Redfield's style is basic English, which I suspect is used to facilitate quick translation in "the world's languages," but which I find most offputting in what purports (I think) to be a serious work. I had hoped to find a connection in this book, but quickly came to the conclusion that Redfield's Shambhala truly is pure fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As we move into the next century insightful thinking like, "The Secret of Shambhala" will help us all find our way. This book builds on Mr. Redfield's earlier work, and goes even farther, helping one gain perspective on ideas ranging from prayer to nutrition. Not only does this book present us with some incredibly important ideas, but it does so in a clear and well thought out manner. It's a pleasure to read!
I strongly suggest that we all take the time to really ponder the important ideas that are put forth in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barroni brown
James Redfield has successfully written another book which not only gives a better understanding of human evolution, but captures the essence of the human spirit in today's ever-changing world. Although the ending is a bit abrupt, Redfield manages to entwine his ideas into a story which captures and keeps the mind focused on what he is trying to express to the reader. I put the book down and wanted to start again from page #1! Previous Celestine reading is not a must, but definately recommended to fully understand the brilliant concept.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As Redfield himself say, we have to thank Larry Dossey for "his pioneering popularization of the scientific research on prayer and intention", but one thing that I think is still missing is the idea of Unity. The more important thing is to see that all the beliefs ( Buddhism, Judaism, Catholic, Islam, Hinduism ) has the idea of Unity, Yoga means Unity, Religion cames from latin "religare" to "relink" the men to God. The more we know ourselves ( self-knowledge ) , the more we are going to see we made part of this Unity. This is also a mission from SHAMBHALA ... "to link the warriors together"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy hsieh
After reading "The Celestine Prophecy" I HAD to read the rest of the books and they are taking me on a journey that is like way more than I had ever expected or ever experienced in my life. At first it was scary but then went with it and visit the most awesome places in my dreams now. Recommended the books to a friend of mine, and he had the same experiences. My life has changed trememdously since reading this books and sent me on a mission to achieve these "insights". If you believe in the afterlife or other civilizations, then you will definately need to read this book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tim yao
I purchased this book at Walmart, which rarely carries books regarding Shambala or any other Eastern ideology. It was cheap and on the clearance rack. I should have know better.

When I realized this was part three in a series I decided to read the first two books, The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight in order to be able to better appreciate the third one. After borrowing and reading the first two, I realized what a sham this series truly is.

First, I realize they are supposed to be fictional. However, when a work of fiction attempts to use historical background for its premise, the author should first do his homework and make sure the historical facts are completely accurate.

Additionally, when usurping a mythical name such as Shambala, one should know what the actual mythology entails, instead of making up one's own notion of what is involed. Shambala is NOT the same as Shangri-la. Shangri-la was a fictional community in a book written in early 20th century Western culture. Shambala is an ancient Eastern mythical kingdom that is in no way similar to the fictional place in Redfield's imagination.

Also, beware of writers who combine religions and mythologies. As Joseph Campbell said many times in his lectures and books, they all contain the truth as seen by different cultures, but they must never be mixed together. It just doesn't work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a survival guide for anyone who has successfully raised their vibrations and encountered the problems living in the world at that level. Those who have experienced karay, the calling of visualizations into the physical world, will not find this story farfetched. This book provides very important information on how to control this power. I just came across it in 2003, I wish it was available in 1997, when I had to learn most of the lessons provided the hard way. Many people will not "get it" but to those that do this is essential reading.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rosemary nissen wade
Shambhala is like a good sandwich with two pieces of bad bread holding it together. It took quite a while to read through what I thought was a slow beginning, then it took off and became really exciting, only to finish with a very weak ending.
I love Redfield, and will read everything he writes, but this one could have been a lot better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
James Redfield has a unique way of delivering prophetic truths in his works. The Celestine Prophecy is a a book every human being should read. There is more to life than the old 9-5 and materialism. Perhaps our politicians & world leaders would learn from this book!
The evolution of one's soul & mind is a terrible gift to lose!
Monique F Lis
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lenny ankireddi
Unlike other James Redfield Books, this book is bordering on pure fiction or fantasy. This book necessiates your lgic and reasoning power to be supressed most of the times.

I feel that creation energy centres which the auhor envisages, is unimaginable for ordinary or even to readers who are familiar and advanced spiritual explorers.
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