Family Relationships

How to Survive the Loss of a Love
How to Survive the Loss of a Love

Review:Many years ago, I was widowed - of all my friends, and all the literature I was given at that time, this is the thing that got me thru. Now I give one to any of my friends that suffer great loss. - They all say that this little volume helps immeasurably. - It's not a book to read, but poetry, affirmations, advice, wisdom and understanding to turn to - on any page, when it seems you can't go on. - I can't reccommend it hightly enough. Read more

Black And Blue
Black And Blue

Review:Whether you've been abused or simply wish to understand the world of those who have been, BLACK AND BLUE is a must read. Having been in abusive relationships I found myself relating intensely to Fran's situation. Anna Quindlen's writing style is uniquely amazing as she glides back and forth from Fran's past to what she is going through as she evolves away from her abuser, trying to start fresh and find herself and help her son heal from the tragedies all children suffer when the two people the... Read more

Life Lessons from My Grandmothers - Don't Sing at the Table
Life Lessons from My Grandmothers - Don't Sing at the Table

Review:I LOVE books that could be referred to as "Dedication of Love" to grand parents! Quite often they even are a wonderful look into a culture and it's traditions, because the grand parents were the ones who "lived these traditions" on the "stage of Life" and engraved them into our hearts, minds and memory forever. This covers areas such as relationships, Love, marriage, family, (life and work) ethics , disappearing trades, cooking and wonderful family recipes, but most of all beautiful and critical... Read more

Resolving the Heart of Conflict - The Anatomy of Peace
Resolving the Heart of Conflict - The Anatomy of Peace

Review:Anyone serious about resolving conflict in their relationships can benefit by learning the principles in this book. Teams in the workplace; schools and their boards; families doing life together. Anyone sharing a mission that they are passionate about will encounter conflict. This book teaches effective ways of dealing with conflict and healing those relationships. The story enhances learning. It was easy to identify with the different characters as they struggled to learn the concepts and princ... Read more

A Piece of Cake: A Memoir
A Piece of Cake: A Memoir

Review:I thought it was well done - captivating.
I read prior reviews and some thought it was poorly written, or that the author 'tried to hard' to get in the third party character. I disagree - I felt she was trying to pull us into the story. Hard to believe anyone can endure so much as a child and have a positive outcome as an adult. Read more

Stories from Our Wild and Wonderful Life - Sisters First
Stories from Our Wild and Wonderful Life - Sisters First

Review:The book made me appreciate the Bush family even more.
Politics aside, the love, respect and kindness that they have for each other is amazing. All the accomplishments that all of them could brag about but don't is just incredible. Most of all these two girls or I should say women give a loving example how we should all live our lives. Read more

The World's Largest Man: A Memoir
The World's Largest Man: A Memoir

Review:I appreciate the theme but was ultimately distracted by the "hyperbolization" of various aspects essentially to support the humor of the incidents. I appreciated the characters presented but was disappointed in that they were developed more as caricatures than real people . Read more

Live Fast Die Hot
Live Fast Die Hot

Review:I was irritated once realized she was married to a rich guy. Her quirks are like most women, except she has NO money issue, has a nanny, owns houses, travels the globe...I have worked and supported myself, kids my whole life, still not able to buy a home, it's frustrating if you aren't in some creepy sell out business that exploits being supported by big business giving to you when you advertise them, etc. I just work pay taxes and can't even afford to buy a house with a college education and a ... Read more

And Getting Better All the Time - Beyond Codependency
And Getting Better All the Time - Beyond Codependency

Review:Melody's books have been my guiding light in identifying my codependency issues and affirming theres nothing wrong with me. I'm grateful to have discovered her books and look forward to reading her other books as part of my self-care recovery program. Read more

A New Way of Creating Solid Self-Esteem - Bradshaw On
A New Way of Creating Solid Self-Esteem - Bradshaw On

Review:John Elliot Bradshaw (born 1933) is a speaker and author who has hosted a number of PBS television programs on topics such as addiction, recovery, codependency and spirituality. He was preparing for the Catholic priesthood, but his alcoholism turned him away, and he found sobriety in a 12-Step group for alcoholics. He has written numerous other books, such as Healing the Shame that Binds You,Read more

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