Review:Webb's "The Red Circle" is a excellent reflection on how much individuals can and are willed to sacrifice for their country. They will suffer the loss of comrades, close friends and in Webb's case the own family due to divorce. While the book offers extensive insights into the Navy SEAL training and how Webb became the manager for the Navy Sniper course and how he reinvented the curriculum, the book is a bit short on actual experienes in Afghanistan. Not that book is lacking credibility but some... Read more
Review:For the reader seeking a more personal and human perspective of the role played by these three historic figures, Jordan's new book delivers a spell binding story. Their ambitions, emotions, fears, doubts and personal and profession loyalties are presented in a very readable and balanced account of this exceptional partnership that won the war in North Africa and Western Europe. The book's approach should particularly appeal to readers new to the history and details of World War II. Jordan pre... Read more
Review:I found very fascinating how diligently and thoroughly the different branches of the military worked together to bring back the Seals and men lost in the helicopter that was shot down trying to rescue them. Read more
Review:Another solid book. Although it's basically just over battle Currie writes with a clarity that makes the action easy to follow. Something many other authors in the genre could learn from. While the outcome was fairly predictable it was still enjoyable and sets up the next book well. Read more
Review:I recommend this book because it is a remarkable experience for anybody to go through, especially somebody who is in his early 20's. I can relate to it a little since I spent 20 years agricultural flying without having any accidents, thanks to lots of luck, but I did experience numerous incidents. Read more
Review:Hochschild is one of my favorite authors. His King Leopold's Ghost, about Belgian imperialism in the Congo, and Bury the Chains, about the fight to end slavery in the British Empire, are incomparable. In To End All Wars he touches on a theme that has been explored by many authors - how the nations of Europe entered the First World War without apparently having the slightest notion of how bloody, costly and disillusioning it would be. While he is certainly not the first author to portray this,... Read more
Review:I wish some of our politicians were better read. Many of the mistakes and strategy errors described by Thucydides are repeated by our representatives again and again, with the expectation of different results...? Read more
Review:i bought this book because it was a special ed i dont see any special about it cant belive that you charged 65 dollarsplease tell me what makes it worth that thank you lynn jones 1`111 lyons st mt pleasant mich 48858 if you dont get back to me om returning the book Read more
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Review:An incredible story written by a genuine American hero. Dick Winters was probably on of the best infantry unit commanders of WW II. An acquaintance was chosen to re-activate the 506th in the early 70's so I feel a remote connection with Mr. Winters. An absolute "must read". Read more