Review:Being a philosophy minor in college, I think that I understood about half of this book. Here are some things to know before taking the leap.
1.Nietzsche discusses writers that were around hundred years ago or more that most people today are not familiar with.
2.A few passages in the book are clearly misogynistic.
3.Nietzsche's writing can be long-winded and convoluted at times, though it shows that his work was inspired from deep within him, and is not a bland logical conclusion de... Read more
Review:Not as good as Twisted but all the characters were still there. I liked the rough world of the powerful illegal arms dealers. That added the violence and tension to the story. I liked Lucas as an alpha male. Yulia was cool but she wore me out with the constant whining about Misha. Misha this and Misha that. That got very, very old. Other than that, the story and action was good. Read more
Review:There have been several excellent translations of Dante in the past few years, all worth reading in their own right. But I retain a special affection for John Ciardi's version, as it's the first one I ever read, at the unprepared & overwhelmed age of 15. I knew of its reputation as a major classic & I was ignorant enough to be unfazed by the prospect of reading it.
Well, to say that I was soon in over my head is an understatement! But Ciardi's fine, lyrical translation, as well as... Read more
Review:I teach creative writing in the UCLA Writer's Program (online) and always recommend this book to my students as one of the two best books (along with Janet Burroway's "Writing Fiction") on the craft of writing ever penned. I have used the information in this book time and again in writing my own novels and stories ("The Death of Tarpons" (novel), "Monday's Meal" (story collection), "Over Easy" (thriller forthcoming from Random House, 1999). A more intelligent book than this has yet to be wr... Read more
Review:Although a true account, it reads like a Spy thriller! Can't put it down type read! Especially interesting in that, it was actually the origination of "Mossad"! I bought copies for two other people & they agreed with my assessment. Read more
Review:If this is accurate - and I challenge anyone to challenge Harry Cooper and his team of researchers othrwsie - it changes approaches to school education, conventional history teaching, government policy... for goodness sake one and all, wake up! Please buy and read and even write to your MP. Read more
Review:I am going through Ann Whitford Paul's book, "Writing Picture Books," now, and I love it. It's teaching me more about writing rich, layered books that I ever could've learned on my own. I'm actually using it as a textbook, taking notes, making the signs to post by my computer as she suggests, reading the books she refers to, and doing the homework "before you go on" activities at the end of each chapter.
I've been struggling with two historical fiction stories that aren't all rainbows and... Read more
Review:MY ÁNTONIA by Willa Cather is a classic, award-wing novel I somehow missed in my younger years. It is so moving, with the setting and the characters truly coming to life. The author paints a landscape with her words. The reader can smell the earth and feel the heat of those early Nebraska lands. I came away with a better understanding and appreciation of the early people who settled the area. I purchased this one for my iPad. I have ordered several books in this format now and do enjoy them. Read more
Review:excellent book, somebody recommended this book to me, i'm impressed never thought about thanking God for even the bad things, i know he has a plan for all of us, God loves me unconditionally and has made me unique in the good and the bad. Read more
Review:Very good book. Learned a few new things about the teaching and understanding of nonviolence tactics and how useful MLK used it as a tool to fight Bull Connor and the rest of the segregationist in 1963 Alabama. Read more