
Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future
Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

Review:Disclosures: I do not know Mr. Kelly; I have no financial stake in this book; I did buy it from Amazon. The Inevitable is not really inevitable, but is a great discussion of 12 technology trends that Mr. Kelly has identified. Exactly how those will play out remains to be seen. I give the author credit for mentioning some of the downsides of these trends that have shown up in headlines recently. The book was published in 2016; probably written in 2015. So it's not too out of date. I gua... Read more

at the Right Time - The Creative Curve - How to Develop the Right Idea
at the Right Time - The Creative Curve - How to Develop the Right Idea

Review:Allen makes the case, with great success, that even the most left-brain thinker can generate creative breakthroughs on a regular basis. Deeply thoughtful and sometimes provocative, The Creative Curve is a powerful tour-de-force that challenges the notion of being 'born' with creativity. Can't wait for the next book! Read more

and the Battle that Defined a Generation
and the Battle that Defined a Generation

Review:I have a passion for gaming history books, I think I have read most of the good ones on this topic. Console Wars easily classifies among the top 3/top 5 I have ever read. Well written, full of small anecdotes and deeper analysis as well it really tells the Sega Vs Nintendo tale in a fascinating tale. True, it is much more Sega oriented compared to the pages dedicated Nintendo or other competitors but if you have even the slightest interest in the gaming industry and its history this is a must re... Read more

Genius and Betrayal - The Accidental Billionaires
Genius and Betrayal - The Accidental Billionaires

Review:This is a good read. I was always rather curious about how Facebook started as most articles give a very superficial background of Mark Zuckerberg and how Facebook started in a dorm room. I think that the book tries to focus quite a lot of attention on how Mark Zuckerberg is a bit awkward, singularly focused, and has a tough time reading social signals from people in real life. At least, that's what the book tells us. The interesting thing is that perhaps we should take a lesson from this an... Read more

How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100
How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100

Review:I wanted something gristly and meaty that would ideally focus on cutting edge physical research/developments and how they would directly impact the world. The kind of stuff you get exposed to on a daily basis if you read reddit and other aggregators. I hoped this would be supplemental and informative; having just trudged through the first section, that on computer developments, I am thoroughly underwhelmed. The dude is mealy mouthed and talks about the most broad vague trends in jaundiced termin... Read more

The Hidden DNA of Amazon - and Google
The Hidden DNA of Amazon - and Google

Review:For anyone who is intrigued to learn more about current technological ecosystem. Plenty of insights on what turned those firms to become what they are + some super awesome advices re navigating your way as an employee or an entrepreneur. Read more

When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence - The Age of Spiritual Machines
When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence - The Age of Spiritual Machines

Review:Back in the '50s artificial intelligence researchers Newell, Shaw, and Simon created a program called the General Problem Solver which succeeded in finding solutions to some hard problems in mathematics, to include a completely original proof to a theorem from Principia Mathematica that had never previously been solved. This led Simon and Newell to predict that by 1985 that machines would be able to perform any task that humans can do.
Simon and Newell were brilliant thinkers, but also were g... Read more

The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions
The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions

Review:I bought this book with the intention of using the tips for my side business. The info in the book extends far beyond business. You could put many of the recommendations into practice in your personal and every day life. A great read! Read more

Think Big: Make It Happen in Business and Life
Think Big: Make It Happen in Business and Life

Review:I grew up very financially poor. Being poor was a major motivator to my parents whom were always very entrepreneurial minded - always trying to think of what they might be able to produce, invent, resale, etc… to try to better our financial situation. One of the common concepts was the idea of the "American Dream" - that anyone can do practically anything if they really put their mind to it, work hard, and think big. Following the idea that you can move from poor to rich based on your own action... Read more

How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back
How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back

Review:The recent demise of American across many landscapes is based upon fact, not opinion. This book does a great job tracing how it happened, and what (hopefully) can be done to get us back on course. In the meantime, hedge your bets and start learning Mandarin. Read more

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