Think Big: Make It Happen in Business and Life
ByDonald J. Trump
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cheryl hill
Got curious to read Trump's books as a result of his presidential run. The media portrays him as a crude, shallow,
hard hearted individual who inherited whatever little wealth he has (and acts like he has a lot more), is despised by
women, and is nothing more than a reality TV star.
My oh my, what a different tale his books tell. The books are often co-authored with some other successful personality.
This one with Bill Zanker, the founder of The Learning Annex. I personally find it hard to believe that someone with
military academy training and a finance MBA from Wharton could possibly be the person the media wants to paint.
It confirms in my mind that there is heavy handed manipulation by media channels to really put this guy down. And in
my case it didn't work. I tend to believe Trump's story line because it seems sensible and his writing transmits with ease
a lot of experiential and personal anecdotes. Though he is called a self centered maniac, how is it possible for such a character
type to freely admit his mistakes? If he really hates women, how is it possible that he blames himself for his divorces, and not
his ex wives? There is an honesty in these bits that speak volumes about him to me. Reading the book, one senses that he really
wants his readers to succeed in life and is not some clown trying to make a quick buck with some snake oil miracle cure.
This book and others written by him help a reader understand the Trump we see today. His abrasive behavior, his long term thinking,
his willingness to change his mind on an issue, are all patterned after his decades of business experiences. While I certainly dont think he is a
saint (couldn't help but laugh as some of the folks in the south tried to elicit his "favorite Bible verse") and is more than capable
and willing to keep his "takedown" cards at the ready, I think, as the book clearly shows him to be, he is an opportunist who wants
to lawfully accumulate wealth and power to achieve his dreams and be charitable along the way. Can't blame a man for such desires!
hard hearted individual who inherited whatever little wealth he has (and acts like he has a lot more), is despised by
women, and is nothing more than a reality TV star.
My oh my, what a different tale his books tell. The books are often co-authored with some other successful personality.
This one with Bill Zanker, the founder of The Learning Annex. I personally find it hard to believe that someone with
military academy training and a finance MBA from Wharton could possibly be the person the media wants to paint.
It confirms in my mind that there is heavy handed manipulation by media channels to really put this guy down. And in
my case it didn't work. I tend to believe Trump's story line because it seems sensible and his writing transmits with ease
a lot of experiential and personal anecdotes. Though he is called a self centered maniac, how is it possible for such a character
type to freely admit his mistakes? If he really hates women, how is it possible that he blames himself for his divorces, and not
his ex wives? There is an honesty in these bits that speak volumes about him to me. Reading the book, one senses that he really
wants his readers to succeed in life and is not some clown trying to make a quick buck with some snake oil miracle cure.
This book and others written by him help a reader understand the Trump we see today. His abrasive behavior, his long term thinking,
his willingness to change his mind on an issue, are all patterned after his decades of business experiences. While I certainly dont think he is a
saint (couldn't help but laugh as some of the folks in the south tried to elicit his "favorite Bible verse") and is more than capable
and willing to keep his "takedown" cards at the ready, I think, as the book clearly shows him to be, he is an opportunist who wants
to lawfully accumulate wealth and power to achieve his dreams and be charitable along the way. Can't blame a man for such desires!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Trying to be as unbiased and neutral as possible, I had read this book thinking it may be the slightest bit insightful when in reality it wasn't. Trump's arrogant attitude bleeds through every page of the text only to provide the reader with very basic information and very simple diction. I honestly felt like I was reading a child's book when going through it and my ego was left offended. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone, it won't help you in the slightest.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn mottlow
If you don't already know from his Presidential campaign, this is a man that doesn't mince words. It's a straight forward quick read. There's some really good advice in this book. It certainly gave me a new perspective on some things. I was also glad he included a lot of his back story. He suffered some dismal setbacks in business but kept on going under immense pressure. Granted he was born into money, but he had to work hard and push himself to the limit to get where he's at. To any Trump fan or Trump hater, I would recommend this book. He's way more level headed and intelligent than the media and bleeding heart liberals paint him to be. He's a shrewd businessman and I think he's really going to shake things up as President. What America needs right now, in the worst way, is change. The status quo isn't working. Read this book and get some insight on his philosophies towards life and business. You may think differently about him.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary bourgeois
I would expect much more than the classics: Work hard, believe in yourself and things like that... I would expect more like a revelation and that annex part is soooo unnecesary... Thats why I give to it only one start... Is it a book about Trump or what?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily booth
If you're considering reading a Trump book, there is no doubt you know he is successful. Likely, you also know that he has an ego the size of Trump Tower. Well then, who better to write a book called "Think Big and Kick Ass"? Trump's personality comes through boldly in the book. Sometimes it is humorous and motivating, other times it can be a little much and get off-topic slightly.
The book is co-written with Bill Zanker, founder of The Learning Annex, an online channel for self improvement. Bill's commentary are at the end of each chapter and are only a couple pages per chapter. What this adds to the book is another point of view for each of Donald's major points.
The book is broken down into 10 chapters, with a summary of Key Points at the end of each chapter, which I think is very helpful when you want a little refresher. There is also a list of books for recommended reading in the Appendix and a Q&A of common questions Trump has received during speeches with the Learning Annex.
Alas, here are the chapters and my commentary on each one:
1. Do You Have What It Takes?
Can you really dream big? If so, there is a multiple-choice test in this chapter to self-assess. This sets the tone for the book. If you don't want to be super successful and aren't willing to bust your hump to get there, don't continue reading.
2. Passion, Passion, Passion!
Do what you love. For Trump, it is real estate and making deals. Maybe for you it is teaching others or baking. Just start doing what makes you happy and take action every day to get bigger and better.
3. Basic Instincts
Go with your instinct, using all knowledge that you have.
4. Creating Luck
I was actually surprised that Trump acknowledged and made some thoughtful points regarding luck. Some people do get lucky and some people get tough times. However, he rightfully tells you to avoid thinking of the world in only these terms. Create your own luck by working hard and putting yourself in the best situations. Mind over matter. Action over standing still.
5. Fear Factor
What I wanted to be my favorite chapter turned out to be my least favorite. He went a little too far off topic on this one. My only takeaway was to realize that people want to go after the #1 and replace them. That means on your way to the top people will try to knock you off and once you get there, you have a target on your back. Essentially, be on the lookout and be aggressive, and don't let others dissuade you.
6. Revenge
Funniest chapter by far. To quote Donald's summary: "When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades."
7. Big Mo!
An object in motion tends to stay in motion. Get going! And once you do, keep the momentum and don't rest on your laurels.
8. Never Take Your Eye Off The Ball
A continuation in thought from the previous chapter. Keep your focus.
9. I Love You, Sign This
Get a prenup. No exceptions. There is no room for error or doubt in the back of your mind about future of the business you are building.
10. Thing Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life
This is the "bring it all together", high-level chapter. If you're familiar with the movie Boiler Room, act "as if". Live the life you think a successful person would live and put yourself in the situations and environments that a successful person would. To a good degree, I like what he is saying. Although I would argue that one shouldn't be irresponsible by living too far beyond their means if they have to support others.
Here's what I think: if you need a little motivation and like the lifestyle of the Donald, you'll probably like this book. I would recommend borrowing from a friend or from the library (that's what I did) to determine whether or not this is a book that you need to buy to keep on your shelf. If you've read books from Napoleon Hill and David Schwartz, you might skip this one and start taking action on your goals instead.
The book is co-written with Bill Zanker, founder of The Learning Annex, an online channel for self improvement. Bill's commentary are at the end of each chapter and are only a couple pages per chapter. What this adds to the book is another point of view for each of Donald's major points.
The book is broken down into 10 chapters, with a summary of Key Points at the end of each chapter, which I think is very helpful when you want a little refresher. There is also a list of books for recommended reading in the Appendix and a Q&A of common questions Trump has received during speeches with the Learning Annex.
Alas, here are the chapters and my commentary on each one:
1. Do You Have What It Takes?
Can you really dream big? If so, there is a multiple-choice test in this chapter to self-assess. This sets the tone for the book. If you don't want to be super successful and aren't willing to bust your hump to get there, don't continue reading.
2. Passion, Passion, Passion!
Do what you love. For Trump, it is real estate and making deals. Maybe for you it is teaching others or baking. Just start doing what makes you happy and take action every day to get bigger and better.
3. Basic Instincts
Go with your instinct, using all knowledge that you have.
4. Creating Luck
I was actually surprised that Trump acknowledged and made some thoughtful points regarding luck. Some people do get lucky and some people get tough times. However, he rightfully tells you to avoid thinking of the world in only these terms. Create your own luck by working hard and putting yourself in the best situations. Mind over matter. Action over standing still.
5. Fear Factor
What I wanted to be my favorite chapter turned out to be my least favorite. He went a little too far off topic on this one. My only takeaway was to realize that people want to go after the #1 and replace them. That means on your way to the top people will try to knock you off and once you get there, you have a target on your back. Essentially, be on the lookout and be aggressive, and don't let others dissuade you.
6. Revenge
Funniest chapter by far. To quote Donald's summary: "When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades."
7. Big Mo!
An object in motion tends to stay in motion. Get going! And once you do, keep the momentum and don't rest on your laurels.
8. Never Take Your Eye Off The Ball
A continuation in thought from the previous chapter. Keep your focus.
9. I Love You, Sign This
Get a prenup. No exceptions. There is no room for error or doubt in the back of your mind about future of the business you are building.
10. Thing Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life
This is the "bring it all together", high-level chapter. If you're familiar with the movie Boiler Room, act "as if". Live the life you think a successful person would live and put yourself in the situations and environments that a successful person would. To a good degree, I like what he is saying. Although I would argue that one shouldn't be irresponsible by living too far beyond their means if they have to support others.
Here's what I think: if you need a little motivation and like the lifestyle of the Donald, you'll probably like this book. I would recommend borrowing from a friend or from the library (that's what I did) to determine whether or not this is a book that you need to buy to keep on your shelf. If you've read books from Napoleon Hill and David Schwartz, you might skip this one and start taking action on your goals instead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
He's got the TV show. He's got the reputation. He has "the hair." There is a plethora of reasons why people will not give this book a shot--many of those are the same reasons why, despite the interest, I didn't rush to buy the book. In fact, my wife brought it home from the library for me. Three days later, I was ranting and raving about this great book I'd read.
If you're looking for a sugar coated business success and how-to book, please, don't open the cover. If you're looking for a kick in the ass, blunt, and very valuable reference, by all means get the book, start reading, and don't stop until the very end. Trump has made a lot of money in his life, and he's been very successful in business. The advice he gives in this book is not for the average Joe who is okay with his mediocre job, mediocre pay, and mediocre life. This is for those of us who want more--we want to succeed, we want to make it.
I would have given the book 5-stars for the advice alone if it weren't for two sections. One, the pre-nup. Yes, divorce rates are sickening. However, you don't run a marriage as you would a business as the CEO. If you do, it'll end up in divorce, as Donald has been well versed. Two, the revenge factor. I get it; I've been screwed by dear friends financially on more than one occasion. However, I don't go out of my way to ruin them, to screw them harder than they screwed me--he'd refer to me as a weak loser in this regard, and I'm okay with that. Aside from those gripes, AWESOME read, well worth the three sittings it took to get through.
If you're looking for a sugar coated business success and how-to book, please, don't open the cover. If you're looking for a kick in the ass, blunt, and very valuable reference, by all means get the book, start reading, and don't stop until the very end. Trump has made a lot of money in his life, and he's been very successful in business. The advice he gives in this book is not for the average Joe who is okay with his mediocre job, mediocre pay, and mediocre life. This is for those of us who want more--we want to succeed, we want to make it.
I would have given the book 5-stars for the advice alone if it weren't for two sections. One, the pre-nup. Yes, divorce rates are sickening. However, you don't run a marriage as you would a business as the CEO. If you do, it'll end up in divorce, as Donald has been well versed. Two, the revenge factor. I get it; I've been screwed by dear friends financially on more than one occasion. However, I don't go out of my way to ruin them, to screw them harder than they screwed me--he'd refer to me as a weak loser in this regard, and I'm okay with that. Aside from those gripes, AWESOME read, well worth the three sittings it took to get through.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have read 100's of very poor books on the Laws of Attraction in the last few years. I started reading books about goal setting, mind control and success principles in 1985. I have used what I learnt from my extensive reading, coupled with academic qualifications, business and psychology experience, to create a consulting company, teaching seminars to corporations in strategic thinking, leadership, marketing, goal setting and business development. I also use the principles to help individuals, by guiding them as a Peak Performance Coach, teaching people cognitive methods to help goal set and enhance their lives beyond what they could do on their own. As such, I read as many books as I can, on a variety of subjects to enhance my knowledge. I can honestly say, that with all that experience, that this book is a very good book to read on self development. It is written by a man who thinks BIG and shares this philosophy to everyone who reads it.
There are no amazing insights that you will not find, in other self development book. The self help ideas are interwoven into Trump's own stories of success and some failings. Some of the stories are repeated throughout the book. In fact a lot of the ideas are repeated and repeated. This is another book that could have done with some editing, although every time he repeats a story he does link it to the point he is making. I think the best way to describe this book is that it is motivating, whilst educating the reader how a Billionaire thinks. There are some very good insights on failure and mind set, which most self help readers will like. There is enough business philosophy and deal making ideas to satisfy the business reader.
What I did like, at the end of each chapter, there is a box that provides a summation of the chapter, and then a list of point by point references, to the key parts of the material in the chapter.
Whilst this book could have done with some editing, it is on the whole a great read for those interested in self help or business. It has some very good insights, and I will be reading more Trump books in the future. Whilst not as dense in detail as a John Maxwell self help book, this book offers a great insight into Trump as a; person, businessman and BIG THINKER. Great book, well worth reading.
There are no amazing insights that you will not find, in other self development book. The self help ideas are interwoven into Trump's own stories of success and some failings. Some of the stories are repeated throughout the book. In fact a lot of the ideas are repeated and repeated. This is another book that could have done with some editing, although every time he repeats a story he does link it to the point he is making. I think the best way to describe this book is that it is motivating, whilst educating the reader how a Billionaire thinks. There are some very good insights on failure and mind set, which most self help readers will like. There is enough business philosophy and deal making ideas to satisfy the business reader.
What I did like, at the end of each chapter, there is a box that provides a summation of the chapter, and then a list of point by point references, to the key parts of the material in the chapter.
Whilst this book could have done with some editing, it is on the whole a great read for those interested in self help or business. It has some very good insights, and I will be reading more Trump books in the future. Whilst not as dense in detail as a John Maxwell self help book, this book offers a great insight into Trump as a; person, businessman and BIG THINKER. Great book, well worth reading.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sudaba parnian ahmadi
I read this just to see how many falsehoods were in it. Well let me tell you there are numerous. First off, why would anyone take advice from a man who has filed bankruptcy so many times. Plus it's disturbing to read how he has deceived so many people and calls that good business practice. If you want to be a mob boss and learn how to slander people then this is your book. Otherwise skip it. It's a waste of your time and money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amory blaine
A book about success, managing and leading ideas has to include The Donald. This is a very well written book - also a quick and easy read - with many stories about the greatness of Mr. Trump. And when he feigns modesty, Bill Zanker, the founder of the Learning Annex, steps up with some great Trump stories. However, Donald has done and accomplished much - he has been at the top only to fall toward the bottom and then to rise up even higher. This alone is an accomplishment that business managers and future leaders should read about and can learn from.
The book gives specific circumstances and ways to handle them. The Donald, being such a well known public figure that always appears to tell it like it is, brings to the book a familiarity and personality that we know and can relate to - even though very few can much the wide breath of Trump's activities. Bill Zanker started a small business that grew after he made a bold move by paying Donald Trump $1,000,000 to make a presentation at his Learning Annex and promising Trump he would deliver 15 to 20 times more students than had previously attended a single program.
The book is written in a parallel style with Trump's stories and advise and Zanker's experiences growing his business. I like it - if anything it keeps the pace moving. The main focus of the book is thinking big, bold and out of the box. The kick ass part is not much of my liking, but because of the gossipy style, keeps the book moving.
Some of the specifics in the book are the need to surround yourself with great dedicated and bright people, recognize the time that bold moves are necessary and acting on them, have a passion for what you do, importance of the right timing, using your instincts but only after you've done all your homework and gathered all your backup support - no one becomes successful like Trump without planning, preparation and hard work. Trump uses a quote by golf legend Gary Player who has said "the harder I work, the luckier I get." Not to fall into clichés, some are fully appropriate and there is a chapter subheading that says "Good luck happens when opportunity meets preparation."
Other things in the book talk about being open to new ideas and opportunities, making learning fun, leveraging momentum, be focused, branding is important - it tells people what to expect and a high end quality brand makes it easier to deal, always have a prenuptial agreement - and a business shareholders' or partners' agreement, look successful - how you dress is important, and enjoy what you do.
I don't agree with the revenge part of the book. My way of dealing with people who screwed me is put them out of my mind and forget about them and not waste any energy on them - except if I cross paths with them in a new deal and then I do what I could to have them not get too far in that endeavor.
The book gives specific circumstances and ways to handle them. The Donald, being such a well known public figure that always appears to tell it like it is, brings to the book a familiarity and personality that we know and can relate to - even though very few can much the wide breath of Trump's activities. Bill Zanker started a small business that grew after he made a bold move by paying Donald Trump $1,000,000 to make a presentation at his Learning Annex and promising Trump he would deliver 15 to 20 times more students than had previously attended a single program.
The book is written in a parallel style with Trump's stories and advise and Zanker's experiences growing his business. I like it - if anything it keeps the pace moving. The main focus of the book is thinking big, bold and out of the box. The kick ass part is not much of my liking, but because of the gossipy style, keeps the book moving.
Some of the specifics in the book are the need to surround yourself with great dedicated and bright people, recognize the time that bold moves are necessary and acting on them, have a passion for what you do, importance of the right timing, using your instincts but only after you've done all your homework and gathered all your backup support - no one becomes successful like Trump without planning, preparation and hard work. Trump uses a quote by golf legend Gary Player who has said "the harder I work, the luckier I get." Not to fall into clichés, some are fully appropriate and there is a chapter subheading that says "Good luck happens when opportunity meets preparation."
Other things in the book talk about being open to new ideas and opportunities, making learning fun, leveraging momentum, be focused, branding is important - it tells people what to expect and a high end quality brand makes it easier to deal, always have a prenuptial agreement - and a business shareholders' or partners' agreement, look successful - how you dress is important, and enjoy what you do.
I don't agree with the revenge part of the book. My way of dealing with people who screwed me is put them out of my mind and forget about them and not waste any energy on them - except if I cross paths with them in a new deal and then I do what I could to have them not get too far in that endeavor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
No matter your personal opinion of The Donald. Real-world toughness and brutal honesty are the tools that get you to the top.
It has always been that way, and that's what the Donald lays out in this book.
The subject matter is NOT complex. The Donald points that out. He shows that too many people spend too much time hand-wringing instead of taking action.
Intelligence, wisdom, and instinct coupled with a finely tuned gut in your field of endeavour, followed by decision and action are what turn every day people into leaders, propelling them into the 2% and out of the 98% bracket of mediocrity.
Surely The Donald knows that slogans and insights aren't really useful in untrained hands. You have to have had the experiences that earned that hard-won wisdom first-hand. Otherwise the slogan will fade since it's not anchored into your central-nervous-system.
He also knows that having exposure to the hard-won wisdom of someone who's been there, done that, and is STILL doing it, can accelerate the journey of another. Knowing about it up front makes it much easier to recognize later in the fog of war.
It's no panacea, but it's not meant to be. It's a tool to rejuvinate you and to get you back to thinking BIG, like you know you need to deep down.
Excellent book. Simple advice from one who's mastered it. Too bad so many feel cheated when they don't find the complexity they want to wallow in.
Think Big.
Huntington Beach, Ca.
It has always been that way, and that's what the Donald lays out in this book.
The subject matter is NOT complex. The Donald points that out. He shows that too many people spend too much time hand-wringing instead of taking action.
Intelligence, wisdom, and instinct coupled with a finely tuned gut in your field of endeavour, followed by decision and action are what turn every day people into leaders, propelling them into the 2% and out of the 98% bracket of mediocrity.
Surely The Donald knows that slogans and insights aren't really useful in untrained hands. You have to have had the experiences that earned that hard-won wisdom first-hand. Otherwise the slogan will fade since it's not anchored into your central-nervous-system.
He also knows that having exposure to the hard-won wisdom of someone who's been there, done that, and is STILL doing it, can accelerate the journey of another. Knowing about it up front makes it much easier to recognize later in the fog of war.
It's no panacea, but it's not meant to be. It's a tool to rejuvinate you and to get you back to thinking BIG, like you know you need to deep down.
Excellent book. Simple advice from one who's mastered it. Too bad so many feel cheated when they don't find the complexity they want to wallow in.
Think Big.
Huntington Beach, Ca.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aisha az
This book has probably been the most inspirational book I have ever read in my entire life! I found this book at a thrift store for 10 cents! I had to have it! You can get a very detailed book on how Trump made the amazing career that he did, as well as finding out ways to make these tricks work for you. You can ever learn about how all the tricks he is employing in the presidential race has worked for him in his business life! Anything you thought you knew about Trump from the presidential race will be seriously changed after reading this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I don't care what you think about the man, if you take success seriously, then you must admit that he has it going on. This book really helped me change how I look at things regarding my business and my thought process on success.
Trump and Zanker talk candidly about how they worked their way to where they are now. Being richer than most is not all sunshine and roses, according to these two business tycoons. Both men discuss not only their great successes, but also the tremendously devastating trials of loss.
As is the case with most Trump books, this one is told using stories and personal anecdotes from their journey to power and riches. I personally enjoy hearing the different ups and owns, and how it is NOT impossible to succeed, or at the very least survive in a down economy. Trump talks about how many of his [previously] successful friends lost everything and didn't have the personal strength or confidence to survive or come back.
A fascinating, entertaining, and very informative book.
Trump and Zanker talk candidly about how they worked their way to where they are now. Being richer than most is not all sunshine and roses, according to these two business tycoons. Both men discuss not only their great successes, but also the tremendously devastating trials of loss.
As is the case with most Trump books, this one is told using stories and personal anecdotes from their journey to power and riches. I personally enjoy hearing the different ups and owns, and how it is NOT impossible to succeed, or at the very least survive in a down economy. Trump talks about how many of his [previously] successful friends lost everything and didn't have the personal strength or confidence to survive or come back.
A fascinating, entertaining, and very informative book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirsten t
I personally found this book tremendously helpful. It was enjoyable to read and, for me, really did expose how internal limitations have been holding me back in business and life. After his surprising strength in the election I felt I needed to understand President-Elect Trump better, and the book definitely delivers on that (it's very obvious that his opponents didn't read it). But more than that, it gives great insight into the internal stance that one must cultivate to be successful. The self-test is helpful, especially where he goes through what he thinks the responses should be, his explanations of momentum and overcoming adversity were really insightful, and I got a lot of value out of his discussions of how to think bigger, to build an internal positive dialog, to present yourself to others with confidence, and his focus on esthetics and branding.The Q&A at the end is excellent. After reading the book, I understand that Trump's success is not a fluke, it's a system. More importantly, I feel I can immediately apply that system to my own life and make myself more successful. His co-author Bill Zanker also provides excellent insight in his stories; it has already changed the way I think and act.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew gardner
I consider Donald's book a "guilty pleasure" business book like I consider Starship Troopers a guilty pleasure movie. If I want to learn more about business I will read Peter Drucker. Trump is an over the top egomaniac and I don't worry about pre-nups at my income level and I'm not worried about getting revenge on my enemies. Do most people have "enemies?"
What I do takes away from this book are two things. The first is you do need to think big, which is not a new idea but a good reminder. The second is that if you don't promote yourself, who will? Yes he will tell you how great he is, etc, etc but he is constantly promoting himself and people will pay a premium to live in one of his buildings, or buy his books or they're willing to watch "The Apprentice" for 13 seasons.
What I do takes away from this book are two things. The first is you do need to think big, which is not a new idea but a good reminder. The second is that if you don't promote yourself, who will? Yes he will tell you how great he is, etc, etc but he is constantly promoting himself and people will pay a premium to live in one of his buildings, or buy his books or they're willing to watch "The Apprentice" for 13 seasons.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
key khosro
This is definitely the best of all of Trump's books. I don't think he had a ghost writer for his contributions to this because it sounds exactly like him just talking right down to the hilarious and sometimes profane statements. The chapter on revenge is by far the funniest thing I have ever seen written in a business book. This is actual advice that you can use! Read this book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have read most of Trump's books. Not 'all' of them...but most of them.
Unfortunately, this book goes the way of the last Jack Welch book: for a new reader, it's etnertaining and educational. For an old fan, it's rehash.
I've already heard his views of Prenuptual agreements. I also already heard the story about his stupid friend who married 4 times without one.
I already know the story about how the bum in the street was worth 900 million more dollars than he was.
I've already heard him insist on thinking big and promoting your self.
I've also heard him demand that you don't get walked on.
In fact, the only 'new' meaning 'current'...are his tirades about Martha Stewart and Rosie O'Donnell.
So, if you've never read Trump's work'll likely find this book to be rather motivating. I like DOnald Trump, and overall his information is good.
But if you are already familiar with his rhetoric, skip this one. There is nothing new in it that can be deemed 'valuable'.
Unfortunately, this book goes the way of the last Jack Welch book: for a new reader, it's etnertaining and educational. For an old fan, it's rehash.
I've already heard his views of Prenuptual agreements. I also already heard the story about his stupid friend who married 4 times without one.
I already know the story about how the bum in the street was worth 900 million more dollars than he was.
I've already heard him insist on thinking big and promoting your self.
I've also heard him demand that you don't get walked on.
In fact, the only 'new' meaning 'current'...are his tirades about Martha Stewart and Rosie O'Donnell.
So, if you've never read Trump's work'll likely find this book to be rather motivating. I like DOnald Trump, and overall his information is good.
But if you are already familiar with his rhetoric, skip this one. There is nothing new in it that can be deemed 'valuable'.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaytie lee
Donald Trump is not one to back down from a challenge or be afraid to speak his mind. Here, Trump pairs with Bill Zanker, founder of The Learning Annex, which generates annual sales that exceed hundreds of millions, a company that grew dramatically in a short time largely by employing techniques discussed inside these pages. Combining their formidable talents and insight, Trump and Zanker show you in Think BIG and Kick As in Business and Life how to boost your professional and personal success, in the prcoess maximixing your achievements through methods that include harnessing momentum and getting revenge, as well as why signed contracts are vital. The book also holds real-life stories from people who have decided to think big themselves and say that, as a result, their lives are greatly improved. All of the greats in every sport, in finance and business, in the arts, and in government possess something special. A lot of people have it, but frankly, most people do not. Do you have what it takes to think big and kick as? Virtually all self-made millionaires and billionaires, such as Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Walt Disney had the ability to think big and kick as. It is hard to explain, so Don asks you a few questions: --How much money do you want to have in five years? --What is your financial dream? -- Which statement best describes your financial situation? --How much time do you spend each day building your wealth? --How much money do you spend on business, financial education, and training? --What do you do when you are faced with a difficult problem? --What is your attitude toward work? --What would you do if you lost your job or source of income? --Which statement best describes your energy and concentration level? --Which best describes your reaction when someone tells you that you can't do something? --You have an important decision to make and you do not know what to do. Which statement best describes your decision-making process? --What is your attitude toward people? --When someone intentionally harms you or your reputation, how do you react? --You are 'on a roll' and everything seems to be going your way. What do you do now? --What is your attitude toward the business of being in a marriage? Now depending how you answer, Don will categorize you in one of four ways Poor. You need a major attitude overhaul. Average. You need to kick-start your attitude into high gear. Good. You have potential but need to improve. Excellent. You are ready for the big leagues. Let it rip! Do You Have What it Takes? Many celebrities, billionaire businesspeople, and superstar sports figures. It is not easy to explain in a couple of words, but you'll notice that all these successful people have traits that set them apart from the pack: their attitudes, actions, persistence, and passion, plus a whole slew of other qualities that separate the winners from the losers. Also, if you missed reading Tino Georgiou's masterpiece--The Fates, go and read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm not particularly a Donald fan, and I've never seen The Apprentice, but when someone is as famous as Donald Trump, I figure it can't hurt to take a listen to what he has to say.
I loved this book! It was chock-full of entertaining stories, business tips, and irreverent comments. Donald may not be politically correct, but he sure is straight-talking.
I picked up several great tips that will help me in my career:
-Think big (you're thinking anyway -- you might as well think big!)
-You're never defeated until YOU decide you're defeated
-Think positive. It really does work.
I don't agree with his positions on prenups and revenge, but I still enjoyed hearing his opinions.
Zanker's stories were also interesting, though nowhere near as powerful as Trump's. At times, I felt he was stretching to find anecdotes from his life to fit the lessons. All the same, this was a fun and entertaining read, one I'll remember for a long time.
I loved this book! It was chock-full of entertaining stories, business tips, and irreverent comments. Donald may not be politically correct, but he sure is straight-talking.
I picked up several great tips that will help me in my career:
-Think big (you're thinking anyway -- you might as well think big!)
-You're never defeated until YOU decide you're defeated
-Think positive. It really does work.
I don't agree with his positions on prenups and revenge, but I still enjoyed hearing his opinions.
Zanker's stories were also interesting, though nowhere near as powerful as Trump's. At times, I felt he was stretching to find anecdotes from his life to fit the lessons. All the same, this was a fun and entertaining read, one I'll remember for a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin alaia
Donald Trump has one of the most recognizable names in business. He has a successful track record in the real estate and development business segments and in this book, Trump seems anxious to offer his advice and some general ideas that he feels will lead to great success.
Many of the ideas presented in this book are obvious and many other people have stated the same things. Staying positive, maintaining focus, keeping a step ahead of the competition, aiming for the top, etc., are all pretty common pieces of advice that most business people and self- help/motivational authors would agree are important ingredients to success. Trump has his own unique way of saying things, but the basics of most of this advice are pretty clear, and pretty ordinary.
When the book gets interesting is when Trump offers some more unique words of wisdom. This takes place in the chapters that cover fear and distrust, seeking revenge, and demanding a prenuptial agreement. The chapter on trust isn't too far out of the ordinary, but it is still a little different and some of what it says took me by surprise. Trump feels that you can never completely trust anyone, and that includes people you have known for a long time. His bottom line when it comes to employees is "Get the Best People, and Don't Trust Them". Trump has witnessed too many backstabbers and too many shenanigans to put his trust in people again.
The chapter about seeking revenge is probably the most controversial of all. Here, the book recommends something that many would find reprehensible: Getting even with those who have insulted you or damaged you in any way. When someone does you wrong or in any way proves themselves disloyal, you should fight back directly and with such great force that the person will never mess with you again. Trump offers many examples of feuds he has had with other people and former friends who are no longer on his buddy list. In each instance, he has fought back tooth and nail. He feels that revenge is sweet and that anyone who avoids getting even is a schmuck who deserves any bad treatment he/she receives. This chapter is certain to cause controversy among readers and many will likely dismiss it outright, even though I cannot really say that Trump is completely wrong in his assessments.
The other chapter that is controversial is the one on prenuptial agreements. Trump agrees that a prenup is about as unromantic as anything could possibly be, but he feels very strongly about getting one because he feels there is too much at risk if you do not. It is interesting to note that the book doesn't recommend prenups only for the highly successful who own a business and don't want to lose it. It seems to aim this advice at all men and women, even though, in the absence of any wealth, a prenup doesn't seem that important.
Bill Zanker is the co- writer of this book and Zanker offers his own writing segment at the end of each chapter. Zanker's claim to fame is The Learning Annex and he considers Donald Trump to be one of his mentors. His contributions to this book are not very useful, because in every instance, all he does is reaffirm what Trump said earlier in the chapter. He plays the role of the supportive cheerleader, chanting out Trump's name and pointing out how correct Trump is in his pronouncements on business and life. It gets a little boring after a while because you already know what you are going to read before you get there.
Overall, this is a good book from Mr. Donald Trump and his sidekick/head cheerleader, Bill Zanker. This book has been referred to by some as a self- help guide but it is really an empowerment book and I like it better than Trump's recent efforts, like "How to Get Rich" and "Think Like a Billionaire". I like the "Sum it Up" and the Key Points sections at the end of each chapter, because they help to keep the book organized and they make for a good reference tool. I could have done without the input from Zanker, but this is still a good motivational book written by one of the most recognizable names in business. Trump has been there and done that, and he wants you, the reader, to enjoy the great taste of success, just like he has been doing for nearly three decades.
Many of the ideas presented in this book are obvious and many other people have stated the same things. Staying positive, maintaining focus, keeping a step ahead of the competition, aiming for the top, etc., are all pretty common pieces of advice that most business people and self- help/motivational authors would agree are important ingredients to success. Trump has his own unique way of saying things, but the basics of most of this advice are pretty clear, and pretty ordinary.
When the book gets interesting is when Trump offers some more unique words of wisdom. This takes place in the chapters that cover fear and distrust, seeking revenge, and demanding a prenuptial agreement. The chapter on trust isn't too far out of the ordinary, but it is still a little different and some of what it says took me by surprise. Trump feels that you can never completely trust anyone, and that includes people you have known for a long time. His bottom line when it comes to employees is "Get the Best People, and Don't Trust Them". Trump has witnessed too many backstabbers and too many shenanigans to put his trust in people again.
The chapter about seeking revenge is probably the most controversial of all. Here, the book recommends something that many would find reprehensible: Getting even with those who have insulted you or damaged you in any way. When someone does you wrong or in any way proves themselves disloyal, you should fight back directly and with such great force that the person will never mess with you again. Trump offers many examples of feuds he has had with other people and former friends who are no longer on his buddy list. In each instance, he has fought back tooth and nail. He feels that revenge is sweet and that anyone who avoids getting even is a schmuck who deserves any bad treatment he/she receives. This chapter is certain to cause controversy among readers and many will likely dismiss it outright, even though I cannot really say that Trump is completely wrong in his assessments.
The other chapter that is controversial is the one on prenuptial agreements. Trump agrees that a prenup is about as unromantic as anything could possibly be, but he feels very strongly about getting one because he feels there is too much at risk if you do not. It is interesting to note that the book doesn't recommend prenups only for the highly successful who own a business and don't want to lose it. It seems to aim this advice at all men and women, even though, in the absence of any wealth, a prenup doesn't seem that important.
Bill Zanker is the co- writer of this book and Zanker offers his own writing segment at the end of each chapter. Zanker's claim to fame is The Learning Annex and he considers Donald Trump to be one of his mentors. His contributions to this book are not very useful, because in every instance, all he does is reaffirm what Trump said earlier in the chapter. He plays the role of the supportive cheerleader, chanting out Trump's name and pointing out how correct Trump is in his pronouncements on business and life. It gets a little boring after a while because you already know what you are going to read before you get there.
Overall, this is a good book from Mr. Donald Trump and his sidekick/head cheerleader, Bill Zanker. This book has been referred to by some as a self- help guide but it is really an empowerment book and I like it better than Trump's recent efforts, like "How to Get Rich" and "Think Like a Billionaire". I like the "Sum it Up" and the Key Points sections at the end of each chapter, because they help to keep the book organized and they make for a good reference tool. I could have done without the input from Zanker, but this is still a good motivational book written by one of the most recognizable names in business. Trump has been there and done that, and he wants you, the reader, to enjoy the great taste of success, just like he has been doing for nearly three decades.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book! Trump is the ideal example of what America is all about. Take advantage of your freedoms, and be as successful as you want to be. He emphasizes taking responsibility for yourself, and not blaming him or her or whatever. Be passionate about what you do, and strive to be the best at it. He talks about his tiff with Rosie, and explains how to deal with "bullies" in your professional life. One of the many things I love about Trump is that he says to be honest at all costs. Yea, he is honest in the book too. Being successful takes a lot of work and determination. He also talks about a personal hero of mine, "Ronald Reagan." Overall this is a book about capitalism, from the ultimate capitalist. He has gone from bankrupt, fought back, and came back twice as strong. The man worked his azz off for what he has. What this man must pay in taxes is ungodly, and wrong. So if you want to read a book about how to be successful by YOURSELF, and be an individualist, read this book. If you are happy plodding around waiting for the government to coddle you, do not bother reading, but buy it anyway because he deserves the kickback. Somebody has to cover your food stamps.
Trump is a true American hero.
Trump is a true American hero.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j lyon
This is an awesome book! Donald Trump's passion and "take no-nonsense attitude" is refreshing and inspiring. His passion explodes off the pages as he shares his insight on having a successful life. I love how Donald shares his experiences - both the "failures" and "successes". He sees failures as opportunities to learn what doesn't work and how success will follow when you continue to "Think Big" regardless of whether the circumstances are in your preferences. Reading this book comes at a perfect time in my life, as I work at a Bank and have just recently been promoted to an Analyst position. It is now time to write this year's objectives for the next phase of my career. The next promotion will be to an Associate, and I feel so inspired by Donald's book - that anything is possible when I "Think Big".
Authors Ariel & Shya Kane strongly echo Donald Trump's keys to success in their books, Working on Yourself Doesn't Work: A Book About Instantaneous Transformation,How To Create a Magical Relationship, and Being Here: Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment. After reading these books by Ariel & Shya Kane, I quickly climbed the corporate ladder from Admin. Assistant, to Loan Service Admin., to Analyst - in just four years. As I approached my job with excellence, I have found satisfaction in all areas in my life. If you find Donald Trump's book as inspiring as I did, check out the Kanes and discover that life becomes easy when you live in the moment, and success is a wonderful by-product.
Authors Ariel & Shya Kane strongly echo Donald Trump's keys to success in their books, Working on Yourself Doesn't Work: A Book About Instantaneous Transformation,How To Create a Magical Relationship, and Being Here: Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment. After reading these books by Ariel & Shya Kane, I quickly climbed the corporate ladder from Admin. Assistant, to Loan Service Admin., to Analyst - in just four years. As I approached my job with excellence, I have found satisfaction in all areas in my life. If you find Donald Trump's book as inspiring as I did, check out the Kanes and discover that life becomes easy when you live in the moment, and success is a wonderful by-product.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sophie blackwell
I actually checked this book out at the library and ended up loving it so much I plan to purchase it from Amazaon. I own a small business and am always searching for a new perspective on anything regarding business so I thought I would see what the Donald had to say about it.
I appreciate his direct approach and the book was always entertaining. Yes, he was born into money but the man has guts and has experienced his fair share of low points in his business endeavors. He has a lot of passion for what he does and although his advice is simple, "common sense" it is still informative- if you are willing to apply your knowledge. It's a book I will refer to often, even if it's just to keep my confidence levels high and build my momentum. I recommend it.
I appreciate his direct approach and the book was always entertaining. Yes, he was born into money but the man has guts and has experienced his fair share of low points in his business endeavors. He has a lot of passion for what he does and although his advice is simple, "common sense" it is still informative- if you are willing to apply your knowledge. It's a book I will refer to often, even if it's just to keep my confidence levels high and build my momentum. I recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana apperley
I picked this book up while browsing at a local Borders Books recently. I actually chuckled as I began turning pages and skimming through the table of contents and the first few pages.
Soon, I found myself sitting down - the book still in my hands. Next thing I know, I'm at the checkout paying for it. What happened??
Trump is an egotistical, self-serving man, no doubt. But let's be totally objective, as I was that day: good advice is good advice. And, most writers do not have the courage to dispense such advice in such raw terms as Trump does.
This book holds nothing back. Trump lays it all out on the table with blatant opinions, ideas and thoughts about those who've crossed him, helped him, etc. He tells you how you need to be (not just what you need to do - read that again!) to be successful. However - and this is the most important point of my review - there's truth to so much of what he says. It's helpful. You'll look at yourself differently. You'll gain insight, and you'll learn things about yourself that you did not previously know. You might even be vaulted to a new level based on what you read; I don't know - that depends on you, the reader, and your potential application of what Trump discusses.
I'm not a huge fan of Trump, the man, but I cannot argue with his success. Forget those who claim he was born into money; that may be true, but he continues to make headlines with regularity. His projects are everywhere; his stamp is clearly there in the real estate world.
If you like Trump, you'll love this book. If you don't care for him, and can put your personal feelings aside (he's never done anything to hurt me, so I was ok in that area!), you're in for a mind-altering , no-holds-barred, shot-in-the-arm volume of encouragement, confidence-building tenets.
This book made me want to run out of the bookstore and head right for my office to go to work (and it was Saturday afternoon). Highly Recommended!
Soon, I found myself sitting down - the book still in my hands. Next thing I know, I'm at the checkout paying for it. What happened??
Trump is an egotistical, self-serving man, no doubt. But let's be totally objective, as I was that day: good advice is good advice. And, most writers do not have the courage to dispense such advice in such raw terms as Trump does.
This book holds nothing back. Trump lays it all out on the table with blatant opinions, ideas and thoughts about those who've crossed him, helped him, etc. He tells you how you need to be (not just what you need to do - read that again!) to be successful. However - and this is the most important point of my review - there's truth to so much of what he says. It's helpful. You'll look at yourself differently. You'll gain insight, and you'll learn things about yourself that you did not previously know. You might even be vaulted to a new level based on what you read; I don't know - that depends on you, the reader, and your potential application of what Trump discusses.
I'm not a huge fan of Trump, the man, but I cannot argue with his success. Forget those who claim he was born into money; that may be true, but he continues to make headlines with regularity. His projects are everywhere; his stamp is clearly there in the real estate world.
If you like Trump, you'll love this book. If you don't care for him, and can put your personal feelings aside (he's never done anything to hurt me, so I was ok in that area!), you're in for a mind-altering , no-holds-barred, shot-in-the-arm volume of encouragement, confidence-building tenets.
This book made me want to run out of the bookstore and head right for my office to go to work (and it was Saturday afternoon). Highly Recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fee doyle
This book is motivating and inspirational. It is advice that anyone can use to ensure success in their chosen profession ----- whether the person is a stay-at-home mom, an entrepreneur or someone looking to move up in his/her career. Though the title is a bit shocking (my local librarian glared at me when I asked for the book by name), you will find lots of intelligent and invaluable advice. It's a reading that will have you laughing out loud at times as both men describe some of their experiences and methods. Though I don't believe, as Mr. Trump does, in blatant revenge for a wrong, I do appreciate the subtext of the idea that one should make it clear that there will be WILL be consequences for infractions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather leroy
This book is a creative and to-the-point lesson on changing your perception of life, love, and business. I have read many other books that were "motivational" and have praised works such as "The Secret". Rightly so, those works were excellent. This book offers a look into the same idea through a different lens, a harder lense, a lense to be proud of.
In my case, this book is the key to the ignition in going all the way. Not just in business, but in my relationships and in life. Donald Trump and Bill Zanker crafted this piece to make it a very enjoyable read, a very uplifting read, and most of all, a very educational and motivational read. I wanted to put this book down so many times, but that was because I was too motivated to complete what I knew needed completing and start what I knew needed to be started. I had to put the book down. I had to get to work, because this book crafted in me a new sense of enjoyment and respect for my work and my life.
I am not here to sell this book to anybody. I am here to show you what this book has instilled in me. Thank you for this fantastic read. I am going to be starting this book over again. There is way too much here not to be soaked in.
In my case, this book is the key to the ignition in going all the way. Not just in business, but in my relationships and in life. Donald Trump and Bill Zanker crafted this piece to make it a very enjoyable read, a very uplifting read, and most of all, a very educational and motivational read. I wanted to put this book down so many times, but that was because I was too motivated to complete what I knew needed completing and start what I knew needed to be started. I had to put the book down. I had to get to work, because this book crafted in me a new sense of enjoyment and respect for my work and my life.
I am not here to sell this book to anybody. I am here to show you what this book has instilled in me. Thank you for this fantastic read. I am going to be starting this book over again. There is way too much here not to be soaked in.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brent goheen
THINK BIG!.....Right opportunity at the Right Time! Billionaire Donald Trump has become the most prominent businessman in the world. I am here to tell you that for various reasons I have positioned myself in partnership with Donald Trump in his new venture with Trump Network. The Trump Network is an opportunity of a lifetime! This is a brand new network marketing company where Donald Trump is the head of it all. This company is in Pre-Launch and is just starting to leak out to the public. The official launch of Trump Network will be November 13, 2009.
I have no doubt that Donald Trump will make history with The Trump Network, already slotted for shows like Oprah, Larry King, The View and more. I believe this will be the legacy he leaves with all Americans and the American Dream. It's time to pull ourselves together and opt out of the recession! I believe that Donald Trump's plan to teach you how to get rich will work.
For those of you who are considering joining Trump Network, feel free to contact me and I will be happy to discuss my reasons I decided to join the Trump Network. Whether you are interested in the opportunity or not, I think you would greatly benefit from hearing first hand what has transpired over the last several weeks with regard to my affiliation with The Trump Network.
I have no doubt that Donald Trump will make history with The Trump Network, already slotted for shows like Oprah, Larry King, The View and more. I believe this will be the legacy he leaves with all Americans and the American Dream. It's time to pull ourselves together and opt out of the recession! I believe that Donald Trump's plan to teach you how to get rich will work.
For those of you who are considering joining Trump Network, feel free to contact me and I will be happy to discuss my reasons I decided to join the Trump Network. Whether you are interested in the opportunity or not, I think you would greatly benefit from hearing first hand what has transpired over the last several weeks with regard to my affiliation with The Trump Network.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoyed reading this book. There were a lot of useful nuggets on information that I thought were interesting and worthy of further elaboration. The first few chapters were the strongest.
However, there are several drawbacks:
1. Complaining about other people. Donald spends considerable time talking about other celebrities and complaining about ones he didn't like, the ones he fought with etc etc. This gets boring.
2. Bragging. More and more which gets tiresome over several chapters.
3. Complaining about losing money. He complains the most about losing money in divorces and has a chapter devoted to getting a pre-nup (yes,really).
Be aware that if you find Donald's personality grating to begin with, this book is unlikely to convert you to be a fan. If you can overlook that, then it's a worthy read.
However, there are several drawbacks:
1. Complaining about other people. Donald spends considerable time talking about other celebrities and complaining about ones he didn't like, the ones he fought with etc etc. This gets boring.
2. Bragging. More and more which gets tiresome over several chapters.
3. Complaining about losing money. He complains the most about losing money in divorces and has a chapter devoted to getting a pre-nup (yes,really).
Be aware that if you find Donald's personality grating to begin with, this book is unlikely to convert you to be a fan. If you can overlook that, then it's a worthy read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
temmy arthapuri
Firstly, I have a confession to make. I am not a billionaire!!
Now that makes this review kind of merky because who is to question a billionaire right? I must admit when I was 2/3 finish with this book I was already to give it 4 stars. I guess you're thinking so what changed? Well after doing away with the adage that because Mr. Trump is a billionaire that this book, "must be", the gospel and I "must" follow. I realized that I have an opinion of my own. I think the begginning of the book, the quiz, absolutely sucks and is definetly not for every one. ALthough, I "passed", the quiz I felt like it was a bogus one with assumptions that everyone has a spouse and other rediculous Q & A. What was funny is once your finish with the quiz you see the answers then Donald says," If you didn't pass the quiz read the book and you should be certain to pass,lol. Aside from that alot of the book is regurgitaded repeating many of the same points over and over. I think the chapter on momentum and keep your eye on the ball are really the same. However, the authors decided to break them up to stretch the book out. Also, the book is not like other reads in that Donald trys to give real world approach to business. His style of business is not my style. People who work 18 hour days and no time for other things have convinced themselves that what they do makes them happy. I hate to break it to you but business is business and know matter how much you may love your work it is a job(besides who says, when I grow up I wanna be a real estate developer). I think I will take Tim Feriss advice over Donald and Bill on this one. Another thing I had a problem with is the, "buy the best of things in life" even if you don't have it!! Assuming you will recoup it from your business clients after they see how, "rich" you look. There got to be a better way. I'd hate to see somebody lose everything taking such a gamble. I would rather take the, "millionaire next door" approach to business here.
Aside from all my complaints about this book there is nothing wrong with reading it. The inspiration of "thinking big" may just be the inspiration you need to help you be on your way. If you could use a little inspiration and a, "rah rah" moment then pick this book up from your local library and enjoy it. In fairness to Bill Zanker I liked his anecdotes they worked for him and they was nice to read and also Donald had some interesting things that are great reminders of being a business titan. For instance, when he says there's no win win in business. Donald Trump frankness is refreshing and that is what I like about this book. Although, I don't agree with some things, overall this book is an OK read. Why not snatch it up from your library? It won't cost you nothing to decide your self.
Now that makes this review kind of merky because who is to question a billionaire right? I must admit when I was 2/3 finish with this book I was already to give it 4 stars. I guess you're thinking so what changed? Well after doing away with the adage that because Mr. Trump is a billionaire that this book, "must be", the gospel and I "must" follow. I realized that I have an opinion of my own. I think the begginning of the book, the quiz, absolutely sucks and is definetly not for every one. ALthough, I "passed", the quiz I felt like it was a bogus one with assumptions that everyone has a spouse and other rediculous Q & A. What was funny is once your finish with the quiz you see the answers then Donald says," If you didn't pass the quiz read the book and you should be certain to pass,lol. Aside from that alot of the book is regurgitaded repeating many of the same points over and over. I think the chapter on momentum and keep your eye on the ball are really the same. However, the authors decided to break them up to stretch the book out. Also, the book is not like other reads in that Donald trys to give real world approach to business. His style of business is not my style. People who work 18 hour days and no time for other things have convinced themselves that what they do makes them happy. I hate to break it to you but business is business and know matter how much you may love your work it is a job(besides who says, when I grow up I wanna be a real estate developer). I think I will take Tim Feriss advice over Donald and Bill on this one. Another thing I had a problem with is the, "buy the best of things in life" even if you don't have it!! Assuming you will recoup it from your business clients after they see how, "rich" you look. There got to be a better way. I'd hate to see somebody lose everything taking such a gamble. I would rather take the, "millionaire next door" approach to business here.
Aside from all my complaints about this book there is nothing wrong with reading it. The inspiration of "thinking big" may just be the inspiration you need to help you be on your way. If you could use a little inspiration and a, "rah rah" moment then pick this book up from your local library and enjoy it. In fairness to Bill Zanker I liked his anecdotes they worked for him and they was nice to read and also Donald had some interesting things that are great reminders of being a business titan. For instance, when he says there's no win win in business. Donald Trump frankness is refreshing and that is what I like about this book. Although, I don't agree with some things, overall this book is an OK read. Why not snatch it up from your library? It won't cost you nothing to decide your self.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Trump and Zanker give solid advice for the entrepreneur. In an era where many people still believe that wishful thinking will bring success, Donald shows you what it really takes. Equipped with a Wharton School of Finance education, love of making a deal, he has mastered the art of branding. Donald believes you must love what you do if you want to make it. It would be hard to find someone with Donald's brilliance and charisma, so I thoroughly recommend this book along with two others. Optimal Thinking: How to Be Your Best Self to optimize your thinking and How to Win Friends & Influence People to gain the skills to influence others. Read all three books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
maya donelson
My Review is actually 3.5 Stars. I am a fan of Donald Trump which is why I bought this book however Bill Zanker kind of annoyed me. He came across as a little mini-me basically saying the same thing Donald just said in the book. I enjoyed the book but he kind of was out of place. I think if he had wrote the book himself he would have been okay but he wanted to make sure it had a great chance for success so he let Donald take the lead,stayed in the shadow, and repeated everything. Now with that said this book has plenty of advice you can learn from but you have to read the book with an open mind to gain the knowledge. This book is not for everyone but I did enjoy it for the most part. Donald does slide in a few punches at some people he does not like and says a few things regarding his life that not everyone will appreciate. However if you just take what you need from the book and move on you will be fine and should enjoy it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
deja mays
I read somewhere that Mr. Trump's father left him 5,000 rental units in prime New York City. I would really like to know what the value of those 5,000 units would be worth today; that is, what Mr. Trump's net worth would be had he done NOTHING but ride the market as opposed to saying he created all this wealth on his own. And I am NOT being coy, but Mr. Trump at some point must acknowledge what he inherited. And if I inherited millions, I too would be walking around with confidence galore.
That issue aside, this book is basically shallow. "Don't give up." "Be prepared to fight." "Don't lose focus."
Towards the end, he lambasts Geraldo for blabbing who Geraldo has slept with, and I agree: Geraldo dropped the ball there, like anyone even cares. But behind this "respect" for women and their attraction to his confidence (true--women love confident men), I somehow can't get his calling Rosie a fat pig out of my mind.....
In so many ways, Mr. Trump is a man's man. This is a rah-rah cheerleading book. In order to understand the fundamentals and the brand, we have to know where to find those initial millions just like he did. And maybe like Kerry's military medals, it's time for Mr. Trump to come clean on those facts.
That issue aside, this book is basically shallow. "Don't give up." "Be prepared to fight." "Don't lose focus."
Towards the end, he lambasts Geraldo for blabbing who Geraldo has slept with, and I agree: Geraldo dropped the ball there, like anyone even cares. But behind this "respect" for women and their attraction to his confidence (true--women love confident men), I somehow can't get his calling Rosie a fat pig out of my mind.....
In so many ways, Mr. Trump is a man's man. This is a rah-rah cheerleading book. In order to understand the fundamentals and the brand, we have to know where to find those initial millions just like he did. And maybe like Kerry's military medals, it's time for Mr. Trump to come clean on those facts.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book is an amazing book by the Donald and the founder of the Learning Annex. The most useful aspect of this book is that you have the lessons learned from the life experience of these two people who have developed themselves to where they are now. You have it right here, between these pages.
The only caution that I have about this book is to take what suits you and leave the rest. All of the talk about "pre-nups", "taking revenge and using revenge as the key to fuel you", "screwing people who screwed you 10 times over" and so forth is just a bit too much and shouldn't be taken too seriously regardless of how serious The Donald makes it sound.
Learn the lessons and live your life! That's it! Don't take every word as gospel, after all, not everyone's perfect.
The only caution that I have about this book is to take what suits you and leave the rest. All of the talk about "pre-nups", "taking revenge and using revenge as the key to fuel you", "screwing people who screwed you 10 times over" and so forth is just a bit too much and shouldn't be taken too seriously regardless of how serious The Donald makes it sound.
Learn the lessons and live your life! That's it! Don't take every word as gospel, after all, not everyone's perfect.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
hsinlan wang
This is the first Trump book I've read, so I can't compare it to his other works. I found the book motivational and would give it 4 stars if that were the only criteria. Unfortunately, the book is extremly short on substance. There's little if any actual gritty details about specific negotiations or deals. This is much less of a real estate instructional than a pep talk. On the negative side it seems to be at times nothing more than a forum for Trump to settle some old scores by dissing some people while paying some gratuitous compliments to others. It's also extremely repetitive. In conslusion, Trump is an infinitely better builder than he is a writer. Zanker's input is actually a bit better than Trump's, but again, that's not saying much. I learned very little from this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cort jensen
I would highly recommend this book. This is for anyone who really wants to get out there, work their butts off, and see the financial rewards. I wouldn't recommend this book for people that are looking for handouts or wanting things for free.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annette tang
This book is truly great. Its another winner written by Donald Trump. This time he focuses on obtaining the right mindset in order to become successful. Many of his examples are useful and seem to have a positive influence for building a business.
I highly recommned this book to anyone interested in a solid motivating book on business.
I highly recommned this book to anyone interested in a solid motivating book on business.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is for everyone and whether you have reached the pinnacle of success, your a top CEO who wants to go to another level or those just starting out and want to fast track your success - everyone can learn something let alone pass it on to others.
I read a lot of so called `success books' as I consult and coach many high profiles from Fortune 500 CEO's to`A' list Celebrities from London to Hollywood and from working with these people I have noticed a very common theme about can be boiled down to its all about inner attitude traits and developing certain qualities that make them who they are and thus who they become including those that lose everything and have the ability to get back up and start all over from scratch.
I am originally from England travelling all over the world etc, with my work and I have had very positive feedback from numerous top Company CEO's in London etc and small business owners where I have done talks and consultany work and the census is they are really impressed with this book and overall content and Trumps wisdom.
Love him or maybe loathe him, Donald Trump has nailed a great "how to" Success Book he's captured vital and important distinctions very elegantly in this great book, wonderfully and artfully explained it through out let alone so much more great concepts and ideas and how too's and great gems to actually take away!
Infact I borrowed some concepts from this fab book in a recent high profile coaching session and talk with major executives already at the top of their field and got a standing ovation and lucrative contract to coach people in some of these approaches!
Bottom line Great book and well laid out, terrific metaphors and related stories and an easy read with good humor sprinkled throughout and good substance overall and well thought out -the book title says it all!
I read a lot of so called `success books' as I consult and coach many high profiles from Fortune 500 CEO's to`A' list Celebrities from London to Hollywood and from working with these people I have noticed a very common theme about can be boiled down to its all about inner attitude traits and developing certain qualities that make them who they are and thus who they become including those that lose everything and have the ability to get back up and start all over from scratch.
I am originally from England travelling all over the world etc, with my work and I have had very positive feedback from numerous top Company CEO's in London etc and small business owners where I have done talks and consultany work and the census is they are really impressed with this book and overall content and Trumps wisdom.
Love him or maybe loathe him, Donald Trump has nailed a great "how to" Success Book he's captured vital and important distinctions very elegantly in this great book, wonderfully and artfully explained it through out let alone so much more great concepts and ideas and how too's and great gems to actually take away!
Infact I borrowed some concepts from this fab book in a recent high profile coaching session and talk with major executives already at the top of their field and got a standing ovation and lucrative contract to coach people in some of these approaches!
Bottom line Great book and well laid out, terrific metaphors and related stories and an easy read with good humor sprinkled throughout and good substance overall and well thought out -the book title says it all!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love books like this - that is books that deal with success, etc. For example "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield is one of my all time favorites.
This book goes right there with it. It provides so many examples of the means to Think Big. In addition, the writing is very conversational. It is like spending a couple of hours with Donald Trump and most folks would be 100 times the cost of this book to spend some time with Trump and getting his insight on how to live and do business.
This is a great book and I would definitely say it is a must read!
This book goes right there with it. It provides so many examples of the means to Think Big. In addition, the writing is very conversational. It is like spending a couple of hours with Donald Trump and most folks would be 100 times the cost of this book to spend some time with Trump and getting his insight on how to live and do business.
This is a great book and I would definitely say it is a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny check
I was impressed with how clear and grounded Donald Trump was with great examples. My brother sent me this book as a gift just as I was looking to see how I will expand my business. It was the perfect book for this time in my life. It was also great to see how the book used the Learning Annex vehicle to further illustrate with similar examples that just buttressed the examples from Donald Trump's experiences and setbacks, failures and huge successes. Wonderful read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was able to read this book in one sitting and was able to take things from it that I can apply to my own business life. I will disagree with him on Chapter 9 concerning pre-nuptual agreements. My attitude is that if you need that much "certainty", then you have NO BUSINESS getting or being married. If you're married to your business where the spouse takes a back seat, don't get married. What I wished Trump would man up about is that it wasn't his "marriage" to the business that got him in hot water, but his own infidelity that caused the demise of his first two marriages.
I always recommend that people treat books like these as you would a Chinese buffet: take what you need and leave the rest for the next man.
I always recommend that people treat books like these as you would a Chinese buffet: take what you need and leave the rest for the next man.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'd hear Donald Trump as a regular guest on the Jim Kerr Rock and Roll Morning Show in New York. I bought this book to give myself another perspective of Donald Trump.
Intuition, instinct, a fight-back attitude among other attitudes and character traits confirmed what I had already gleaned from Mr. Trump's public image. A young entrepreneur with thoughts of taking on the world, and the mindset for keeping the wealth they someday may create would do well to consider a read of the book.
There are no formulas or specifics, though. Page 113 describes a conversation at a bankers convention. A "barbarian" bank loan officer that had already bankrupted others has now set his sights on The Don who, at this time owed the bank 147 million. After talking to this barbarian about women at the convention, the next day Mr. Trump meets the loan officer and they work out a deal to everyone's satisfaction. I was disappointed, and I'm sure many foreclosed home mortgage owners would have enjoyed reading the nitty-gritty details on how this was done. To the common folk, the peon such as myself, this type of information spelled out in detail throughout a collection of different incidents inside the book would have made this book a fantastic read. Darn!
On page 94, Mr. Trump claims, "I could negotiate peace in the Middle East-- very few other people could." I know this is stated inside a book that wants one to Think Big, but ...., there are millions of Islamists who attend Islamist universities and to eventually learn that the Qur'an (and thus Allah) commands them to strive to bring Sharia Law over every nation of the earth. These Qur'anic passages are and have been the motivation behind all their terrorist acts towards the West. No ambiguity or reinterpretation of the words inside the Qur'an stating this Sharia Law objective is needed. If one were not to follow this teaching and to subscribe to this objective then said person is not a true thus not the best Muslim. More inferior are you in the eyes of other more violent-minded Muslims if you are taught at a university and you are a radical or in some way rebellious to this objective of bringing Sharia Laws over every nation. The ideal rabble-rousing Muslim will quote from the Qur'an to refute the moderate Muslim, the belligerent Muslim then rising to the top of the next Islamist sect or denomination that wants to title themselves with being with the true, pure Muslim tradition. There were in the past and there will always be in the future the group of Islamists who read and understand those passages inside the Qur'an and know what the devout Muslim should do to please Allah. Read those passages and realize how difficult to consider refutation of the claim those passages are not inspired. The Islamist scholars themselves cannot find alternative rational for what is stated explicitly. All the words inside the Qur'an are inspired by Allah and must be obeyed and thus to subjugate and kill the infidel if necessary, or all the words inside the Qur'an ARE NOT inspired by Allah. Take your pick, Don, and good luck talking to a group of "educated" and very proud Islamists while on this peace train ride you're on. I digress.
Mr. Zanker is the founder of the Learning Annex and co-authored the book, Think Big. He offers another individual insight into the mindset of the successful: those who created and then knew how to maintain the wealth they created.
I'm over fifty years of age. I found the read and the information inside the stories confirming my own demeanor and attitudes in life. Especially a passage at the end of the book where the advice is to think and plan and set up for any of the future events you anticipate and want to have happen before you are ready to actually commence the activity. Yes, set up your contractors, distributors, management, and construction companies, and anything else you can imagine you'll need even before you've bought the land and begin to construct the building! At fifty y.o. this to me is common sense, though I imagine not so to some young whipper snapper.
It's a good book. I'm glad I bought it. And Donald Trump is a good guy, which is what I wanted to know.
Intuition, instinct, a fight-back attitude among other attitudes and character traits confirmed what I had already gleaned from Mr. Trump's public image. A young entrepreneur with thoughts of taking on the world, and the mindset for keeping the wealth they someday may create would do well to consider a read of the book.
There are no formulas or specifics, though. Page 113 describes a conversation at a bankers convention. A "barbarian" bank loan officer that had already bankrupted others has now set his sights on The Don who, at this time owed the bank 147 million. After talking to this barbarian about women at the convention, the next day Mr. Trump meets the loan officer and they work out a deal to everyone's satisfaction. I was disappointed, and I'm sure many foreclosed home mortgage owners would have enjoyed reading the nitty-gritty details on how this was done. To the common folk, the peon such as myself, this type of information spelled out in detail throughout a collection of different incidents inside the book would have made this book a fantastic read. Darn!
On page 94, Mr. Trump claims, "I could negotiate peace in the Middle East-- very few other people could." I know this is stated inside a book that wants one to Think Big, but ...., there are millions of Islamists who attend Islamist universities and to eventually learn that the Qur'an (and thus Allah) commands them to strive to bring Sharia Law over every nation of the earth. These Qur'anic passages are and have been the motivation behind all their terrorist acts towards the West. No ambiguity or reinterpretation of the words inside the Qur'an stating this Sharia Law objective is needed. If one were not to follow this teaching and to subscribe to this objective then said person is not a true thus not the best Muslim. More inferior are you in the eyes of other more violent-minded Muslims if you are taught at a university and you are a radical or in some way rebellious to this objective of bringing Sharia Laws over every nation. The ideal rabble-rousing Muslim will quote from the Qur'an to refute the moderate Muslim, the belligerent Muslim then rising to the top of the next Islamist sect or denomination that wants to title themselves with being with the true, pure Muslim tradition. There were in the past and there will always be in the future the group of Islamists who read and understand those passages inside the Qur'an and know what the devout Muslim should do to please Allah. Read those passages and realize how difficult to consider refutation of the claim those passages are not inspired. The Islamist scholars themselves cannot find alternative rational for what is stated explicitly. All the words inside the Qur'an are inspired by Allah and must be obeyed and thus to subjugate and kill the infidel if necessary, or all the words inside the Qur'an ARE NOT inspired by Allah. Take your pick, Don, and good luck talking to a group of "educated" and very proud Islamists while on this peace train ride you're on. I digress.
Mr. Zanker is the founder of the Learning Annex and co-authored the book, Think Big. He offers another individual insight into the mindset of the successful: those who created and then knew how to maintain the wealth they created.
I'm over fifty years of age. I found the read and the information inside the stories confirming my own demeanor and attitudes in life. Especially a passage at the end of the book where the advice is to think and plan and set up for any of the future events you anticipate and want to have happen before you are ready to actually commence the activity. Yes, set up your contractors, distributors, management, and construction companies, and anything else you can imagine you'll need even before you've bought the land and begin to construct the building! At fifty y.o. this to me is common sense, though I imagine not so to some young whipper snapper.
It's a good book. I'm glad I bought it. And Donald Trump is a good guy, which is what I wanted to know.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison newton
If you asked someone who said "Think BIG," I bet that many would be able to point to Trump. This man does everything big. He has to build the tallest buildings, work with the best people, and make the most money. He portrays an image that he is larger than life. Some might admire him and others might hate his arrogance. Whatever you think, it works for him and it is contagious. He is, no question, the American success story.
I think that Trump is the kind of person that "you get what you see." In this book, he provides advice on how be successful in life and business. His advice is straight to the point, and he doesn't care if it offends anyone. I am not a huge fan of him, but for some reason, he just keeps me interested. I guess he is a good salesman. His advice makes total sense and I agree with a lot of it.
- Mariusz Skonieczny, author of Why Are We So Clueless about the Stock Market? Learn how to invest your money, how to pick stocks, and how to make money in the stock market
I think that Trump is the kind of person that "you get what you see." In this book, he provides advice on how be successful in life and business. His advice is straight to the point, and he doesn't care if it offends anyone. I am not a huge fan of him, but for some reason, he just keeps me interested. I guess he is a good salesman. His advice makes total sense and I agree with a lot of it.
- Mariusz Skonieczny, author of Why Are We So Clueless about the Stock Market? Learn how to invest your money, how to pick stocks, and how to make money in the stock market
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mahmoud sherif
Many people will not like this, because the typical Trump approach applies throughout the book. However, I think I limit myself by not thinking big enough. This book was perfect for me.
I am working on a new business and as I move closer to this being a reality, I had started to scale down my goals. As I scaled down to more "reasonable" goals, I felt worse about the business. After reading this book I realized the only reason I had scaled down was fear. It was going to take a bigger commitment to start at the bigger better level.
Glad I read the book. It was a good shot in the arm and something I think I will reread regularly to remind myself of the proper mindset.
I am working on a new business and as I move closer to this being a reality, I had started to scale down my goals. As I scaled down to more "reasonable" goals, I felt worse about the business. After reading this book I realized the only reason I had scaled down was fear. It was going to take a bigger commitment to start at the bigger better level.
Glad I read the book. It was a good shot in the arm and something I think I will reread regularly to remind myself of the proper mindset.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ana seivert
Just like the author, the book is shallow and predictable. It contains some good advice on how to approach business dealings and some tips on the effective use of attitude and posture when negotiating. The truly valuable information could probably fit on one page. The rest of the book simply expounds on how great Donald Trump is. When he says he loves to work, he means that he loves one thing in life, money. The funniest unintentional joke in the book is when Donald boasts of his sexual conquests and that he has something that women can not resist. He certainly does. It can be found in his back pocket.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brandin greco
This book offers good advice for all. As with any book, not all of the content will apply to each reader, but enough of it goes beyond mere commonsense and presents the valuable experience of someone who has had the courage to think big, make deals, and learn from their successes and mistakes. You could read a lot of books with complex theories that are hard to put into practice in your life without making you feel creepy, like you are trying to be someone else, but this book is written in simple language from the heart. Buy it, read it, and you will benefit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby foley
I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Donald Trump's enthusiasm for life leaps off the page and is infectious. This is a man who loves his job his family and friends.
His secrets for success are passion and integrity. He lives his life fully, dreams big, and encourages his readers to go for life with gusto. He believes that everything matters; from the huge real estate deals to the right shade of trim in a room, it all matters. This high-powered businessman writes of "riding the waves" of daily experiences and staying present for all life has to offer.
Living life with honesty and integrity reminds me of Being Here: Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment by Ariel and Shya Kane. This powerful book is filled with
stories of wisdom and truth that are inspirational as well as practical. It's possible to live fully in the brilliance of the moment and have a magical life, instantaneously! Both of these books move me to live fully and embrace the gifts life has to offer.
His secrets for success are passion and integrity. He lives his life fully, dreams big, and encourages his readers to go for life with gusto. He believes that everything matters; from the huge real estate deals to the right shade of trim in a room, it all matters. This high-powered businessman writes of "riding the waves" of daily experiences and staying present for all life has to offer.
Living life with honesty and integrity reminds me of Being Here: Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment by Ariel and Shya Kane. This powerful book is filled with
stories of wisdom and truth that are inspirational as well as practical. It's possible to live fully in the brilliance of the moment and have a magical life, instantaneously! Both of these books move me to live fully and embrace the gifts life has to offer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crystal allen
This latest publication by Trump is both an easy read and is classic Trump. All the branding that made Trump so successful is contained in this book. The advice delivered by Trump is highly motivational and addresses some of his failures that he turned into successes. Sure the same advice has been delivered before but the frankness of Trump's lessons is truly memorable. If you have ever wondered what happened to Carolyn on the Apprentice and or his motivation for standing up to Rosie O'Donnell it's all inside.
In the event you manage to miss the main points they are summarized at the end of each chapter. Bill Zanker does an impressive job in each chapter reinforcing Trump's points with examples of how he applied the concepts discussed while building the Learning Annex.
In the event you manage to miss the main points they are summarized at the end of each chapter. Bill Zanker does an impressive job in each chapter reinforcing Trump's points with examples of how he applied the concepts discussed while building the Learning Annex.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa chapman
This book was sent to me as a gift. I read the book cover to cover in no time flat, highlighted half of the book because there was so much great content and then was inpsired to order all of his other books!
Simply a must read for any business owner.
This book was sent to me as a gift. I read the book cover to cover in no time flat, highlighted half of the book because there was so much great content and then was inpsired to order all of his other books!
Simply a must read for any business owner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tanya girl plus books
You either love him or hate him. Either way, this book tells it how it is. While I don't agree with every aspect, i.e. hire someone and then don't trust them, it has worked for him and can clearly work for many others. I can definitely take some of his ideas and implement them. Success is a mindset. If you don't think that you can be succesful, you won't be. Simple as that. Read this book from front to back and then read it again. You'll laugh, get upset, agree, disagree, maybe cry, but no doubt you'll be back for more. One last thing, anyone who says that he's a trust fund baby is a moron. There are simply too many people who have lost millions to believe that you don't have to be smart to keep what you have and make it grow into billions!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It is not a text book, it's just real world. Totally agree that the world is a brutal place and you have to protec yourself. A place full of negative people that use their lives self justification and never get ahead with positives and creatives ideas. It's a very positive point of view given by two successful bussines people. It's not just about how to make money, it's how to use your creative attitude to get ahead in life. I can recomend for people how likes to have the best into each one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly rist
I can't say great but I can say read it.
This is a fundamental American message: Take advantage of your freedoms, and be as successful as you want to be. He emphasizes taking responsibility for yourself, and not blaming him or her or society or the government or whoever. Be passionate about what you do, and strive to be the best at it. The basic message is a good one that should be taught in schools about personal responsibility and ability.
This is a fundamental American message: Take advantage of your freedoms, and be as successful as you want to be. He emphasizes taking responsibility for yourself, and not blaming him or her or society or the government or whoever. Be passionate about what you do, and strive to be the best at it. The basic message is a good one that should be taught in schools about personal responsibility and ability.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Strongly recommended. I was very pleased with this team-up. Trump and Zanker have done what many mega millionaires don't take the time to do - share not just how they got where they are, but how they think and deal with different situations! Trump and Zanker talk about mentoring and how important it is. Obviously Zanker's mentor is Trump and Zanker is proof of how successful mentoring can be.
Life is tough and you really need to protect yourself. Trump and Zanker talk about this and are very frank about real life and real life situations. They don't sugar coat anything. Some of their experiences directly relate to what I'm currently going through.
The bottom line is, we need to take control of our finances or someone else will! I'm really going to take a hard look at my finances and property and make sure I've got it protected. Someone is bound to screw me sometime.
The book is written in a very simple, easy to read, conversational tone. Read about some of their mistakes and life experiences. I appreciate them for sharing and caring enough to write it!
Life is tough and you really need to protect yourself. Trump and Zanker talk about this and are very frank about real life and real life situations. They don't sugar coat anything. Some of their experiences directly relate to what I'm currently going through.
The bottom line is, we need to take control of our finances or someone else will! I'm really going to take a hard look at my finances and property and make sure I've got it protected. Someone is bound to screw me sometime.
The book is written in a very simple, easy to read, conversational tone. Read about some of their mistakes and life experiences. I appreciate them for sharing and caring enough to write it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While I chose to skip over the chapter on revenge and a few other lines along the way, I found myself benefiting from Trump's and Zanker's wisdom and experience. Trump's got "good attitude" down! I am a young professional working overseas for a small non-profit. For the most part, "business" is not part of my job but its important to be on top of things and educate myself as the need may arise. Business and non-business people alike can benefit from this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Each chapter of this book has two parts. One "written" by Donald Trump and the other by Bill Zanker. Bill's contribution is short and precise. Frankly, I learned more reading Bill's part than Donald's.
I think this is not a book for everyone. The book is really for those who want to quantum leap their business and thoughts. I didn't like the chapter about revenge. I also didn't appreciate Donald citing well known name like Lee Iacocca, Angela Jolie, Mark Cuban, and many other saying negative things about them. What is the point of doing that in a book that is supposed to last? Therefore, I gave the book 4 stars. I'm still recommending it.
I think this is not a book for everyone. The book is really for those who want to quantum leap their business and thoughts. I didn't like the chapter about revenge. I also didn't appreciate Donald citing well known name like Lee Iacocca, Angela Jolie, Mark Cuban, and many other saying negative things about them. What is the point of doing that in a book that is supposed to last? Therefore, I gave the book 4 stars. I'm still recommending it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa weatherwax
Wow - what a breath of fresh air - I love it!
This book is unexpectedly fun, readable, and direct.
It is oddly not about money really at all - it is about how to manage situations, sometimes financial, mostly people related. I love Trump's code of honor, so to speak - what is acceptable vs what is absolutely not tolerable and how to handle it directly. He has a 'quiz' at the end that is a remarkable way to 'see' yourself, to look at the way you may label, and thereby, limit yourself, especially financially. And in this quiz, he clearly offers another way to look at the same issue, the way he might handle it - this is what I mean by a breath of fresh air. His way of seeing problems is like a quantum shift in perspective, he does not seem to have the considerations that limit most of us in our actions and decisions. I highly recommend this book. I also highly recommend Ariel and Shya Kane's books, Working on Yourself Doesn't Work: The 3 Simple Ideas That Can Instantaneously Transform Your Life and Being Here: Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment. They are exceptional - their way of seeing things/situations that confront all of us is an equally quantum shift in perspective on life, relationship, and well-being.
What I respect most about Mr. Trump and the Kane's is, in fact, their willingness to share their astonishingly unique perspectives - Thank You!
This book is unexpectedly fun, readable, and direct.
It is oddly not about money really at all - it is about how to manage situations, sometimes financial, mostly people related. I love Trump's code of honor, so to speak - what is acceptable vs what is absolutely not tolerable and how to handle it directly. He has a 'quiz' at the end that is a remarkable way to 'see' yourself, to look at the way you may label, and thereby, limit yourself, especially financially. And in this quiz, he clearly offers another way to look at the same issue, the way he might handle it - this is what I mean by a breath of fresh air. His way of seeing problems is like a quantum shift in perspective, he does not seem to have the considerations that limit most of us in our actions and decisions. I highly recommend this book. I also highly recommend Ariel and Shya Kane's books, Working on Yourself Doesn't Work: The 3 Simple Ideas That Can Instantaneously Transform Your Life and Being Here: Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment. They are exceptional - their way of seeing things/situations that confront all of us is an equally quantum shift in perspective on life, relationship, and well-being.
What I respect most about Mr. Trump and the Kane's is, in fact, their willingness to share their astonishingly unique perspectives - Thank You!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are a fan of Trump's like I am, this book is a must read. I love motivational reading, and Trump's no-nonsense, no B.S. style is spot on. Trump spells it out the way it is in REAL LIFE, how to deal with the sharks in the world of business (there are MANY) and how to be successful in business and in your personal life.
The biggest point I took from this book is to do what you love. The money will follow. At the end of each chapter are bullet points that reinforce and summarize the chapter.
Trump, thank you for releasing an EXCELLENT book without sugar coating or making it Politically Correct. Right to the point, the way it should be. This book will no doubt take my real estate business to the next level.
The biggest point I took from this book is to do what you love. The money will follow. At the end of each chapter are bullet points that reinforce and summarize the chapter.
Trump, thank you for releasing an EXCELLENT book without sugar coating or making it Politically Correct. Right to the point, the way it should be. This book will no doubt take my real estate business to the next level.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dr savage
This book is for all those people that are committed to the process of creating success in their life. Both the Donald and Bill Zanker do a great job of communicating that the process of success is not for the faint of heart. In order WIN BIG, you have to THINK BIG. Great Read!
Jeremy Hill
JB Capital Management
Jeremy Hill
JB Capital Management
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is A Man to watch and learn from and his abilty to Expand his mind in to the Big Picture is well 5 StarOkuma Voyager Travel Fishing Kit (100/6)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sherif mns
Best book by the Donald yet. Lots to like, but some annoyances that keep me from giving the book five stars.
First, a disclaimer. Those who are repulsed by the author's bombastic style will not enjoy this book and likely will not be able to see through the style issues to mine the exceptional wisdom offered throughout the book.
Set aside style issues, here is what you can expect. Clearly, the author has achieved incredible business success. And, clearly he is also a master at personal branding. As such, his candid offering of the keys to his success is good stuff.
Enhancing the wisdom Trump offers up is the reinforcement offered by co-author Bill Zanker, founder of the Learning Annex. I thoroughly enjoyed Zanker's commentary and his style. I came away admiring Zanker for what he has built and how he has apparently personally grown through that building process.
Kudos to publisher Harper Collins for the interesting use of a co-author to an icon such as Trump. Boos to the publisher for what I found to be poor editing (e.g. points and events introduced in subsequent chapters as if they were being introduced for the first time). Yes, we live in a fast paced ADD world but some of us actually recall what we read in the previous chapter(s).
So here is the bottom line: nuggets of gold in this book if one can set aside the repetitive aspect and the bombastic style that sometimes is very annoying.
Wayne Dyer and other great philosophers are long on making the point that we can learn from others, even from the tyrants who come into our life. Trump is someone I have learned from and will continue to learn from. Some of the learnings are positive, others are in the form of strong messages of how I don't want to be like him. Point is that he is a strong teacher for me and can be others if you put his thoughts, action, etc. in the context of developing ones personal philosophy of success, as opposed to just trying to replicate him.
PS Let there be no doubt that the author fully understands that controversy sells books and other products, at least for him. Count on it that Trump will understand that the flame ratings that likely will start showing here will help sell more books. As Rosie O'Donnell has proven, flaming the Donald just creates controversy that keeps him in the news, thereby enhancing his visibility.
First, a disclaimer. Those who are repulsed by the author's bombastic style will not enjoy this book and likely will not be able to see through the style issues to mine the exceptional wisdom offered throughout the book.
Set aside style issues, here is what you can expect. Clearly, the author has achieved incredible business success. And, clearly he is also a master at personal branding. As such, his candid offering of the keys to his success is good stuff.
Enhancing the wisdom Trump offers up is the reinforcement offered by co-author Bill Zanker, founder of the Learning Annex. I thoroughly enjoyed Zanker's commentary and his style. I came away admiring Zanker for what he has built and how he has apparently personally grown through that building process.
Kudos to publisher Harper Collins for the interesting use of a co-author to an icon such as Trump. Boos to the publisher for what I found to be poor editing (e.g. points and events introduced in subsequent chapters as if they were being introduced for the first time). Yes, we live in a fast paced ADD world but some of us actually recall what we read in the previous chapter(s).
So here is the bottom line: nuggets of gold in this book if one can set aside the repetitive aspect and the bombastic style that sometimes is very annoying.
Wayne Dyer and other great philosophers are long on making the point that we can learn from others, even from the tyrants who come into our life. Trump is someone I have learned from and will continue to learn from. Some of the learnings are positive, others are in the form of strong messages of how I don't want to be like him. Point is that he is a strong teacher for me and can be others if you put his thoughts, action, etc. in the context of developing ones personal philosophy of success, as opposed to just trying to replicate him.
PS Let there be no doubt that the author fully understands that controversy sells books and other products, at least for him. Count on it that Trump will understand that the flame ratings that likely will start showing here will help sell more books. As Rosie O'Donnell has proven, flaming the Donald just creates controversy that keeps him in the news, thereby enhancing his visibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is terrific! I like all of Donald's books, but this is his best yet! Together Donald Trump and Bill Zanker delve into telling us the ins and outs of being an entrepreneur and what it takes to be successful. I know firsthand that running a business is war, and there are challenges and stress every day. The entrepreneur needs to thrive on those challenges and use stress to achieve. Entrepreneurs must also love what they do with a passion that solves all day to day challenges. I love when Bill Zanker, president and founder of the Learning Annex talks about his first event with Donald and how Donald pushed him into his "uncomfort-zone" which ultimately pushed the Learning Annex into the stratosphere. This book was fun to read and inspiring, I give 5 full stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirill sukhanov
This book is readable, direct and fun.
Each Chapter gives you specific circumstances and ways to handle them.
At the end of each chapter, you will find is a box that provides a summation of the chapter, and then a list of point by point references,
to the key parts of the material in the chapter.
It is a great read for those interested in self help and/or business.
Each Chapter gives you specific circumstances and ways to handle them.
At the end of each chapter, you will find is a box that provides a summation of the chapter, and then a list of point by point references,
to the key parts of the material in the chapter.
It is a great read for those interested in self help and/or business.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reinhardt schoenfeld
This is an extremely readable and entertaining book of this type. I like also that Trump teamed up with Zanker to show that his business and life lessons have relevance to people other than billionaires. Trump alway has a reliable pantry of illustrative stories, but Zanker's stories are surprisingly good, too. I won't give it away, but Zanker's story about how he got the NY deli Zabar's owner Murray Klein to teach for The Learning Annex is one of the best in the book.
Kudos to Trump and Zanker on this one.
Kudos to Trump and Zanker on this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristina howard
This is the best business book I have read, I love the ideas of Mr. Trump and feel all business owners need to upgrade their thinking. This book has helped me catapult my sales and career. I really enjoyed this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott ollivier
Thank goodness he tells it like it is! Not everyday a regular joe millionaire like him makes it big. Not everybody could overcome the shame of being born with such tiny hands but he shows us how rich parents can make anything possible. Recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
louis pz
This book is very straight forward. I like the guy because he is straightforward and has a no-nonsense approach towards life and work. He provides sort of fatherly and mentor advice that a college student like me would find very helpful. Love his competitive edge.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is not a text book, it's just real world. Totally agree that the world is a brutal place and you have to protect yourself. A place full of negative people that use in their lives self-justification and never get ahead with positives and creative ideas. It is a very positive point of view given by two successful bussines people. It's not just about how to make money, but how to use your creative attitude to get ahead in life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just wanted to write a quick review. this book could not be more true. It is identical to how I have lived my life and it has worked for me. The book reads about as easy as any If have done. Normally I am a one-book-a-month guy. This one I finished in a week.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pat mccoy
This is the best book from Donald Trump that I've read. It is filled with priceless knowledge and tips on how to be successful in business. Bill Zanker also provides some nice touches at the end of each chapter. Anyone who can turn a 5 million dollar business into an 100 million dollar business - is worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
audi martel
A another great book by THE DONALD. I feel lucky to receive his advice and learn from his experiences that he shares in this book. The price of the book is well worth the street smarts that DONALD lays down here. Reading this book felt like I personally had the mentorship of Donald Trump in person in the comfort of my own living room. I appreciate the generosity!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
salma said
I've always thought of myself as being internally motivated and someone who would walk right past this book in the store. Thanks to a friend who dropped this read on my desk, I have a new rejuvenated sense of what I can do mentally and professionally to take myself to the next level. Will it make me as rich as Trump? Highly unlikely, but it did infuse a new sense of motivation and provided a number of great reminders for when visit clients.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Yes, Donald Trump has a big ego. In this book. he addresses many of his comapnies and buildings by name. So you know how important he's become and how many buildings and golf courses are named after him. However, this book really outlines some useful business principles which I found incredibly useful. And always entertaining if you can take his boasting with a grain of salt.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased this book knowing that if anyone could piont me in the right business direction it was "THE DONALD". I was right, ever since I purchased this book I have gone on to purchase the Trump University Books and CANNOT put them down. I will be JOB FREE in 2008!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
brooke binkowski
A book full of redundant inspirational advice. Good advice, but nothing new, just affirmations of all those things we already know. Did he mention the wonderful Trump Towers? Oh yeah,about 28 times.
Donald mentioned that he has been able to date (screw) many beautiful women. Does he think that the world doesn't know he gets a piece from the women he's dated?
We get it. Unlike Donald, who doesn't seem to get it, he actually said that he doesn't know what he's got that has the beautiful women so attracted to him. Donald- It may be a shock, but your attraction is-YOUR MONEY.
If someone that clueless can make millions, we all have a chance, with or without a rich father in the business. Donald has more than he will even need but he just doesn't get "it", and probably never will.
Donald mentioned that he has been able to date (screw) many beautiful women. Does he think that the world doesn't know he gets a piece from the women he's dated?
We get it. Unlike Donald, who doesn't seem to get it, he actually said that he doesn't know what he's got that has the beautiful women so attracted to him. Donald- It may be a shock, but your attraction is-YOUR MONEY.
If someone that clueless can make millions, we all have a chance, with or without a rich father in the business. Donald has more than he will even need but he just doesn't get "it", and probably never will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ronald cheng
If you have any interest in business, this book is a must read! Whether it's getting advice for making a more meaningful impact in your current workplace or bettering your future in both business and life, this book will give you priceless tips and advice. Donald Trump and Bill Zanker have given me a fresh outlook on the rest of my life!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kiki hahn
These books are a dime a dozen. I read this in a few sessions and each session of reading I was more predictable than the last. Do what you love to do, work hard, take risks, study, learn from others, don't back down when times get rough, learn from others mistakes. Which is one of the most important lessons the books tells of, I'm teaching you from my mistake of buying this book. There I summed the entire book up for you, don't waste your time unless you want to read brag sessions from two men who are wealthy. I am in no way taking from Trump's or the Learning Annex guy's experiences they are tremendous businessmen, we all know that. I would love to have them mentor me, who wouldn't however this book does not teach you anything you do not already know. Seriously, if you are looking for motivation, take a real college course, look for a mentor, DO NOT fall for this trap. It could be that I'm jealous I'm not making a ton of cash for writing about my successes and spewing common sense, if I had a known name like Trump that I could piggy back on I would too. Awesome for them, the money pours...
This was one big brag session by the authors, which is fine, congratulations to them for such amazing businesses, again common knowledge, who doesn't know Trump is a billionaire and had some hard times, who doesn't know that the Learning Annex is successful, heck it was mentioned in the show 'Sex and the City' you know you've made when you get that type of publicity. This book could have been and should have been much more informative coming from such wise, successful businessmen, however it's just another way to build their bankroll, again which is fine, I fell for it. I wanted to learn.
Granted I have a MBA and own a small business myself, of course no where as successful as either of the authors and I know I need all the help I can get and I am looking to learn from anyone, of course from these two authors, which is one reason I thought this book may help me that these two amazing men may teach me...this book provided nothing but common sense business idioms and the authors personal success stories, period.
The book pushes the Learning Annex "Wealth Building Seminars". Which makes sense, this book will get hundreds of thousand of people to attend now, it's not worth it. I went to one in Los Angeles, long before this book ever came out, I went last March. It was two days of being inundated with live late night infomercials marketing a variety very expensive products masked as wealth building seminars in which you have a choice of many different wealth building seminars to sit in throughout the day. All of which end with about 45 minutes of selling you the real program, a few days training for thousands of dollars. I'm not saying the training isn't worth the thousands you'll pay, some of the mini sales "seminars" taught me enough to think I needed to buy the rest, great sales people and motivational speakers give these speeches. I personally spoke, and this is no exaggeration, to nearly 100 people (out of the 50+K who were there over the course of the two days) who spent near and over 10k a few over 25k on real estate and various other get rich programs which included many DVD's and more seminars to go to. Many of which could not afford to spend this much, but they did, they have financing. I'm not hurting for money so I didn't feel all that bad spending 9k on a program that I got sucked in to a very good speaker (I thought I was thick skinned). I've ventured in real estate thought this guy's program could take it to the next level. I felt the same as a majority of everyone else who was there did about this and many other programs. After I listened and watched the 6 DVD's and traveled to the seminar training location, I was presented with another three day marketing ploy to get me to attend the "real" training that will really push my wealth building over the edge for an additional 25k! I was furious, this was nearly what I paid for two years of college for three days of "training"! I pushed until I got my money back, thank goodness. Wish I could have my money back for this book.
Congratulations to these gentlemen on having such a solid following of people who will pay all their savings after being pumped up by many charismatic speakers, they are good. I heard these exact same stories at the conference. True be told, I know nothing about real estate, I paid as I said 9k for a worthless training by a big name from this seminar, I took a $75 course at the local community college and learned more in this course than any 9k or 25k seminar. If you buy this book you'll know that Trump is rich as is the Learning Annex guy and you'll read a few stories of how they got rich, that's it.
This was one big brag session by the authors, which is fine, congratulations to them for such amazing businesses, again common knowledge, who doesn't know Trump is a billionaire and had some hard times, who doesn't know that the Learning Annex is successful, heck it was mentioned in the show 'Sex and the City' you know you've made when you get that type of publicity. This book could have been and should have been much more informative coming from such wise, successful businessmen, however it's just another way to build their bankroll, again which is fine, I fell for it. I wanted to learn.
Granted I have a MBA and own a small business myself, of course no where as successful as either of the authors and I know I need all the help I can get and I am looking to learn from anyone, of course from these two authors, which is one reason I thought this book may help me that these two amazing men may teach me...this book provided nothing but common sense business idioms and the authors personal success stories, period.
The book pushes the Learning Annex "Wealth Building Seminars". Which makes sense, this book will get hundreds of thousand of people to attend now, it's not worth it. I went to one in Los Angeles, long before this book ever came out, I went last March. It was two days of being inundated with live late night infomercials marketing a variety very expensive products masked as wealth building seminars in which you have a choice of many different wealth building seminars to sit in throughout the day. All of which end with about 45 minutes of selling you the real program, a few days training for thousands of dollars. I'm not saying the training isn't worth the thousands you'll pay, some of the mini sales "seminars" taught me enough to think I needed to buy the rest, great sales people and motivational speakers give these speeches. I personally spoke, and this is no exaggeration, to nearly 100 people (out of the 50+K who were there over the course of the two days) who spent near and over 10k a few over 25k on real estate and various other get rich programs which included many DVD's and more seminars to go to. Many of which could not afford to spend this much, but they did, they have financing. I'm not hurting for money so I didn't feel all that bad spending 9k on a program that I got sucked in to a very good speaker (I thought I was thick skinned). I've ventured in real estate thought this guy's program could take it to the next level. I felt the same as a majority of everyone else who was there did about this and many other programs. After I listened and watched the 6 DVD's and traveled to the seminar training location, I was presented with another three day marketing ploy to get me to attend the "real" training that will really push my wealth building over the edge for an additional 25k! I was furious, this was nearly what I paid for two years of college for three days of "training"! I pushed until I got my money back, thank goodness. Wish I could have my money back for this book.
Congratulations to these gentlemen on having such a solid following of people who will pay all their savings after being pumped up by many charismatic speakers, they are good. I heard these exact same stories at the conference. True be told, I know nothing about real estate, I paid as I said 9k for a worthless training by a big name from this seminar, I took a $75 course at the local community college and learned more in this course than any 9k or 25k seminar. If you buy this book you'll know that Trump is rich as is the Learning Annex guy and you'll read a few stories of how they got rich, that's it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
abhay kumar
Every Trump book that I pick up talks about having passion for the business that you are in. It makes sense, but I was looking for some more meat to this book. A lot of filler and worthless information. I try to be a fan of Trump, but its hard after this book. He even tells us that he got to where he is because of luck. If it wasn't for a lucky event with a group of bankers, he would be cleaning my toilets.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
What a disappointment. Reading about this guys and his little sidekick bragging about their companies is not at all inspiring to me. I got to the chapter about getting even with your enemies and it's truly disgusting. I just had to get the book out of my house, so i went right out to the trash bin and dumped it. I have never done that with a book in my entire life.
If this guy is considered a role model and an icon, i feel sorry for humanity.
If this guy is considered a role model and an icon, i feel sorry for humanity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Before I got this book, I though if I went to college, studied hard, and got a degree with a high GPA, I could make a life out of myself... Until I read this book... I dropped out of school, and all I had to do was blame the Mexicans for not having a job and Muslims for all my fears... Now I'm on my way to become a billionaire after 4 bankruptcies, 3 divorces, and pissed off every ethinicity of the world
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
theresa grdina
The worst book I have ever read in my life. I can not understand how derogative he talks about people. I could not read the book to the end because it is garbage and this guy is sick. I regret every penny I spent on this book and I am sorry this guy wants to be an ideal for us!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Wall Street journal claims Trump has lost most of his wealth and what is left is tied up in partnerships and lawsuits. Regardless, this guy will probably kick ass and make our military even bigger. Countries like Syria and North Korea will be blown to bits if they mess with this huge, "Really Huge" self-aggrandizing personality.
Please RateThink Big: Make It Happen in Business and Life
I agree and I took this mentality to heart. I have been determined since I was very young that I would one day be rich! It is not unattainable or impossible. Too many people set arbitrary limitations on themselves, or think the system is stacked against them, or whatever excuse they use to keep from making the mental leap that can actually get them there. It's a shame. And, although I have not gotten rich (YET!), I am still in pursuit of that goal. Sometimes the obstacles are hard to resolve - depending on your interests and where you are in life. But the idea is still valid and the end result is attainable.
Donald Trump and Bill Zanker have laid out this exact concept PLUS some in this book. There is a definite mental attitude that has to be adopted to be able to make it big but I believe as they've said in this book that it is proportional to the level of "think big" you settle on. If you're idea of thinking big is to make $100K a year as a VP on some company and you truly put in the work and effort - you can get there. But this is a self-limiting barrier. Why not the owner of the company? Why not "THE" company in that arena? Why not a multinational corporation selling franchises in that business?
I like the fact that in this book they make the point that you still need real knowledge. You have to know what you are doing. You don't simply slap on a strong, confident face and attitude portraying "I know what I'm doing, so you should just go along because I have a strong personality!" No. You need real knowledge to go into the deal. Read, study, work in the field, etc… But gain real knowledge. Put that together with a confident, charismatic, can-do attitude and you have a winning combination. Without that, you're just a con man that can't fulfill your promises. People will feel more comfortable trusting you because you can talk the talk and if you follow through and get the job done - you establish credibility.
Never get complacent or overconfident to the point of allowing what you're building to come to a standstill or even fall apart.
To be successful is a lot of work. It requires real knowledge - expertise in the field. It requires risk. It requires learning from failure. Getting back on the horse to keeping on moving forward.
I think Donald Trump is the epitome of the "American Dream"! Even though he started out with a pretty successful company started by his father, he still had hardships that brought him down to practically nothing - working out of his limousine as an office. And he built himself back up a magnitude above what he started with. Purportedly, he was given a $40 million company from his father. Yet he has built that into a $10 BILLION company - that's 250 times larger. This didn’t happen because he is a bloviating bombastic baboon… No. It took focus, a huge amount of work, dedication, etc… He suffered the consequences in some areas to work at this level, where he admits he made mistakes, in his failed marriages due to too much focus on work verses his wives. There is a lesson to learn in this - prioritization and balance has to be a factor in the process.
Bill Zanker was successful - but with Donald Trump's push - he went to places in his business that he never thought possible. Think big!
This is a very inspirational book. It is a good read to get into Donald Trump's mindset. Is it bombastic, obnoxious, over-the-top, conceited? I personally don't think so. He has pride in his accomplishments. He has a very strong and positive attitude.
He makes the point, which in his current Presidential run he has shown by example, that if you are attacked, attack back - 10 times harder! Make the attacker think twice about doing it again. How often have we heard and experienced the bully who is confronted - sternly - that then backs off and stops the bullying. I don't see examples of Trump initiating bullying - but when he is confronted with it - he meets it head on - in force. He's right - it usually stops the bullying.
These are ideas that I have grown up with. Do a good job and be proud of it - why hide it or feel ashamed of it? It is so odd to me that so many people attack him over his personality - yet are in favor or the "trophies for everyone" logic to improve the self-esteem of kids. Kids who did not earn their reward, who become overly confident in themselves with no true basis in their over-confidence. They expect, demand, and become overbearing and obnoxious for real as they have no true basis for their attitudes. Yet when Trump, Rush Limbaugh, or others who have not only succeeded, but excelled show a high level of confidence in themselves, which they've EARNED, they are condemned for their attitudes. It is something to look up to and to emulate. Showing confidence in one's self, based on actual accomplishments and a can do attitude, followed by actual follow through is to be expected - not criticized.
My only minor complaint about the book is that sometimes it was not apparent when Donald Trump was writing to when it transitioned to Bill Zanker. I didn't notice the transition until the context made it apparent - like when Zanker would make a reference to The Learning Annex. It would have been a nice little bit of editing to clarify these transitions a little better. But other than that, an excellent exercise in how to approach life, work, and business to make the best of your life - emotionally and financially!
Thank you Donald Trump and Bill Zanker!
(And I hope you make a lot of money selling your books!)