Communication & Journalism

7th Edition - Interpersonal Communication - Everyday Encounters
7th Edition - Interpersonal Communication - Everyday Encounters

Review:I had to buy this for a college course. I might as well have wiped myself with the pages. If you are looking for a whole bunch of politically correct lectures about how all of the world's problems are caused by heterosexual, white males, then this is the book for you. If you have to buy this for a college class, I'm sorry. Read more

Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters
Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters

Review:I had to buy this for a college course. I might as well have wiped myself with the pages. If you are looking for a whole bunch of politically correct lectures about how all of the world's problems are caused by heterosexual, white males, then this is the book for you. If you have to buy this for a college class, I'm sorry. Read more

The Power of Talk in a Digital Age - Reclaiming Conversation
The Power of Talk in a Digital Age - Reclaiming Conversation

Review:Ms. Turkle is a keen observer of how our interaction with technology is changing the way we interact with each other at home, at work, and beyond. Though a bit repetitive at points, she has a lot to say, and he book is a must read for parents and managers as we think about e changes our technology is making on ourselves, our Families, and society Read more

Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition
Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition

Review:I purchased this for one of my college classes and have been enjoying the book so far. The one thing I do not like about it is the cover. Textbooks with paper covers do not last the entire semester if you are actually doing your reading and homework. Read more

Based on the BBC Television Series (Penguin Books for Art)
Based on the BBC Television Series (Penguin Books for Art)

Review:Wins the award for worst book design of the year. The text is almost unreadable as it is microscopically small, condensed, boldface and sans-serif, all of these opposite to what is needed for readability. The lines are unreadably wide and the margins are absurdly small, the gutter being so minimal that one must virtually break the spine to read the nearby text. The many illustrations are so muddily printed that one can not make sense of the book's discussion of them. E.g., the text refers to pai... Read more

All the President's Men
All the President's Men

Review:Nearly everyone has general knowledge of Watergate and of the efforts by reporters Woodward & Bernstein to unravel the cover-up of the Watergate burglary (and their subsequent efforts to uncover and expose a massive White House effort to derail the campaigns of the democratic presidential candidates).

This books is for those who want to go beyond general knowledge. The book also shows what a challenge it was for Woodward & Bernstein to root out information and to separate truth f... Read more

The Process of Interpersonal Communication
The Process of Interpersonal Communication

Review:I would highly recommend using Amazon Student because I found this book cheaper online than I did in my college book store. Plus I ordered my book less than three days before classes started and I got it bright and early Monday morning. Free shipping is always an added bonus when paying for heavy textbooks!

The book was in pristine condition when I got it, and I even bought it used. Kudos to Amazon! Read more

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