
An Argeneau Novel (Argeneau Vampire) - Under a Vampire Moon
An Argeneau Novel (Argeneau Vampire) - Under a Vampire Moon

Review:I recommend this series to anyone who likes vampires. Start from book one it has not only handsome vampire men but has humor to, will make you laugh I enjoy this series, if you have'nt tried it you should. Read more

New Adult Dark Paranormal / Sci-fi Romance - The Death Series Boxed Set (Books 1-3)
New Adult Dark Paranormal / Sci-fi Romance - The Death Series Boxed Set (Books 1-3)

Review:I really enjoyed this series. Kept good flow. Not a big fan of the third book being the true beginning, but it does help answer some of the questions that came up. Will there be a fourth book to follow up the story on Clyde and Gale? Read more

New Adult Dark Paranormal / Sci-fi Romance - The Savage Series Boxed Set (Books 1-3)
New Adult Dark Paranormal / Sci-fi Romance - The Savage Series Boxed Set (Books 1-3)

Review:AWESOME BOOKs! I am an avid reader and this series rates in my top 10 without a doubt. The twist and surprises never end. I will be reading book 4 soon. Nice character development with great regional dialect and cultural diversity. Read more

Thirteen (Otherworld)
Thirteen (Otherworld)

Review:Reading this after having read the preceding books (Bitten, Stolen and Dime Store Magic) means that this time around I have a much stronger feel for the character interactions and how they play off each other (the last time I read this, I hadn't read the first two books). Although it is possible to have read this book after only reading "Dime Store Magic," IMHO it is better to have read all preceding books first.

In "Industrial Magic," children of Cabal employees are being attacked and (... Read more

Frostbitten (Otherworld)
Frostbitten (Otherworld)

Review:Elena and Clay head off to Alaska in Frostbitten to track and aid a young mutt in danger. While there they find something far beyond the supernatural they're accustomed to. Frostbitten takes the reader deep into shapeshifter mythology, while also providing a look at both Elena and Clay's pasts.

Frostbitten offers much in the way of action and passion. Elena and Clay away from the twins and their day-to-day lives allows for room to explore their relationship as well as how they've both cha... Read more

Bitten (Otherworld)
Bitten (Otherworld)

Review:Normally you cannot tell a book by its cover, however the publishers of this particular novel were very clever with this jacket and it suits the novel perfectly. Red, being blood and passion, are what this story is about. Elena as a main character is an amusing and interesting character, and the other characters Ms. Armstrong surrounds her with are absorbing and so very unique. I really enjoyed the writing style, considering this is the first book written by the author, and the plot was interest... Read more

Fire and Ice Trilogy Book 3) - Fused in Fire (DDVN World
Fire and Ice Trilogy Book 3) - Fused in Fire (DDVN World

Review:Loved how everything was tied up In this story. Regan and Darius are perfect together. I admit it threw me for a loop about the "wetness" and all that entails, I hope the understanding comes in the future. Thanks for a great trilogy. Read more

Fat Vampire
Fat Vampire

Review:Very entertaining, especially for a free download. Nice to see a twist in the genre. Fat vampires don't get super strength, better hope that you're a smart fat vampire! I'm going to get the full series. Read more

Possession (A Novel of the Fallen Angels Book 5)
Possession (A Novel of the Fallen Angels Book 5)

Review:B-O-R-I-N-G! Can't believe I spent $11.99 (kindle) for a bk from a series I'm not even all that excited about and then to have it turn out to be a snooze. JR Ward is high on my list of my favorite authors, but no more for me with this series. By bk 5 this should have been a good to really great bk or else I was calling it quits. Possession sure took care of that. This series has been a middle of the road 3 stars since the beginning but Possession takes a nose dive into just plain dull. The occa... Read more

Dark Stranger: The Children Of The Gods
Dark Stranger: The Children Of The Gods

Review:Loved the Dark Stranger trilogy! Well written! Great characters! I've read all books in the series so far and cant wait for the next one! Love it as there is an actual story along with the sexy, love parts! Read more

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