
Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor - The Wealth and Poverty of Nations
Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor - The Wealth and Poverty of Nations

Review:The author attempts to cover the effects of culture and religion on economic develop from roughly medieval times to the near present, and in most respects does an excellent job. If you have ever wondered by Switzerland prospers while the comparable sized and resource rich Ghana fails, or why China was the leading nation on earth in 1,000 AD and an impoverished mess in 1900, this book will provide good insight.

The author is a little weak in some areas of economics and to fill in the gaps... Read more

and What They Reveal About the Future - The Patterns of History
and What They Reveal About the Future - The Patterns of History

Review:I found this book through a mention in the Economist. I find it very interesting. It is taking a wholistic approach to looking at history and where the "ruling" power happens to be. I recommend it to others. Read more

Capitalism vs. The Climate - This Changes Everything
Capitalism vs. The Climate - This Changes Everything

Review:This is one of the most comprehensive books about how the economy affects our environment I've ever read, as well as very clearly written, with stories about individuals, corporations, governments and movements. Very easy to read, full of information. Read more

How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability
How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability

Review:Mrs. Chua pounds home the point that "Market Dominant Minorities" are a significant factor, often the dominant players, in developing countries. The situation differs from continent to continent. Ethnic Chinese dominate many Southeast Asian economies, basically everything from Burma eastward. Overseas Indians and a few local tribes are the entrepreneurs of East Africa and Lebanese share West Africa with the locals. Former colonials, of course, retain important roles in South Africa, Zimbabwe... Read more

The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System
The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System

Review:Jim Rickards provides another prescient look into the future of our monetary system. The last 30 pages or so are especially helpful as I have read those several times. Excellent job of breaking down the problems of our monetary and fiscal policy, and realistic enough not to try and sell us any false hope. There is no fix. Only steps you can take to prepare for the inevitable collapse. Excellent and enjoyable read. Read more

The Mystery Of Capital Why Capitalism Succeeds In The West And Fails Everywhere Else
The Mystery Of Capital Why Capitalism Succeeds In The West And Fails Everywhere Else

Review:The Mystery of Capital is recommended, among others, by no less than Milton Friedman, Ronald Coase, Margaret Thatcher, and William F. Buckley Jr. That's not why you should read the book. De Soto examines a necessary and misunderstood topic: why are poor countries poor? His arguments and insights make the book a necessary read for the economist, or other educated person.
The main point of The Mystery of Capital is that the seemingly intractable and hopeless situations in Third World countri... Read more

A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty
A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty

Review:Clearly written and packed with good things to know, specifics and detail backing up broad ideas and concepts. Different approaches to working against poverty presented, with the need to determine what policies and programs are effective always emphasized. Read more

The Lexus and the Olive Tree - Understanding Globalization
The Lexus and the Olive Tree - Understanding Globalization

Review:Whatever profession you work in, you will fall behind if you don't understand the principles that Friedman explains so well. Like From Beirut to Jerusalem, this book is extremely well-written and well-told. It's by no means an easy read, but Friedman helps us out by weaving stories from his travels around the globe and giving enough examples so that even non-technological folk will have no problem following his argument. Suddenly you'll understand why the US must be concerned with crises... Read more

Meaning and Freedom Without the 9-to-5 - The End of Jobs
Meaning and Freedom Without the 9-to-5 - The End of Jobs

Review:I hate inspirational fluff and people selling hope. If you do too and are in need of some direction as an aspiring entrepreneur, read this book. Every chapter is clear and concise with actionable, no BS advice. Read more

Crush the Forex Market with Bigger Profits and Smaller Losses!
Crush the Forex Market with Bigger Profits and Smaller Losses!

Review:If today you came across this booklet on money management by pure coincidence, I bet (no pun intended) that you'll consider this your lucky day. And with good reason: the author does not "beat around the bush' but tells you exactly what the main drawbacks and risks are with traditional money management systems. He also demonstrates with a couple of simple but realistic stories how 'casino-minded' gunslingers who believe in a martingale-based approach end their adventures and he uses these cases ... Read more

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