Review:Of all the Andrew Clements school books I've read, Lunch Money was by far the least engaging. The reason for this is that a large part of the book focuses on numbers instead of people, and where Clements has succeeded in the past is in his ability to make us really like his leading characters. Greg, the lead character in this book, is not very nice. He's largely driven by money and selfishness, and although Clements does try to make Greg more personable by depicting his change of attitude, th... Read more
Review:my kid picked this for a school assignment book the book wasn't written very well jumped around a lot for the age group and the language it was wrote in to denote the tongue that the kids were speaking in was hard to follow Read more
Review:This is a powerful book! It offered so much food for thought, was certainly empowering to think how much control we have over our health...a very different approach than traditional Western medicine. Read more
Review:Having purchased the original encyclopedia nearly 20 years ago, I found this newer version to be a perfect update. While some killers (Bundy, Dahmer and Fish) weren't updated due in part to their entries being done and over with, some others are still open and alive and have had their entries enhanced (Mason, Jack the Ripper and Wuronos to name a few) as well as a few new entries as well. Whether your interested in it for psychological reasons, crime reasons or want a nice coffee table book to s... Read more
Review:Written based upon his real-life experience as a scullery worker in a Paris hotel and a tramp in London, George Orwell's recounting of the stories of the impecunious stands alone in its authenticity of the content and veritability of the experiences The substantiality of poverty was boredom and inconvenience, according to Orwell because poverty freed people from standard s of ordinary behaviors. Nevertheless, this book is not a book of socialist manifesto that urges the impecunious to revolt ag... Read more
Review:Overall with a dash of accounting and finance lectures thrown in for good measure the book is a good basis to see what Buffett thinks. Now one could get most of this from Berkshires website but the oldest reports (which aren't online) have some of the best insights into how the man thinks and make for a good overall read. Read more
Review:Only after reading this does it become blatantly obvious how enlightened Ben really was. As a non-american, you hear very little about who the man was, however this book really shows his effortless brilliance. Read more
Review:Very detailed and well organized book. Unbiased straight facts recommend for anyone trying to stay safe! Contains everything thing to know about many drugs and overall general knowledge about how the body works. Read more
Review:I read book Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking. It gave me practical skills to do my presentation in the right way. I defended my thesis on 29th of December 2010. Some professors said me, that it was interesting speech. The principle of effective learning is read and do as written. Moreover it allow me to raise my language skills in English, because this book is written in understandable way and I am Russian. Many thanks to author and people who produced this book. Danil from Tomsk, Siberi... Read more
Review:Brian K. Vaughan is the best writer in comics. Of this, I'm sure. I have loved almost everything he's written and was happy to finally get a chance to read this. He has an amazing way of humanizing so many different types of characters. The plot here, based on a true story, is simple and pure: survival. He takes it so far past that. Just an amazing story. The art was very good. Overall a fantastic must read! Read more