Real Estate

It's Your Time to Rise and Shine (The Miracle Morning Book Series) (Volume 2)
It's Your Time to Rise and Shine (The Miracle Morning Book Series) (Volume 2)

Review:Great books not just for real estate agents! Lessened learned are Life SAVERS! A must read! This is an inspirational store to move your life and business forward in a positive direction. Check out
#30Mornings it will impact your life in a great way! Read more

Slash your mortgage with a proven system the banks don't want you to know about
Slash your mortgage with a proven system the banks don't want you to know about

Review:I knew about this strategy 7 years ago through the original founder/ inventor of Harj Gil which I saw from a commercial. He brought this system to the US and now copy cats are charging at least $3500-$5000 such as replace your mortgage, truth in equity, the pill method for his concept. If you want to maximize this hack to work for you I suggest you go pay his site a visit, Harj's book however is not as easy to understand as this one. When I read this book that's when I finally... Read more

How to Be a Real Estate Investor
How to Be a Real Estate Investor

Review:I highly recommend Phil Pustejovsky's, book, "How to Be a Real Estate Investor." Written in simple layman's language, it is the perfect read for anyone wanting to get started in real estate investing. Read more

Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional
Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional

Review:I have been full time in the real estate business since 1956. This, without a doubt, is one of the best books ever written, concerning real estate. It is not only good for the new person entering real estate, or thinking about entering, it is also excellent for those that have been practicing for a good number of years. I purchased a book for each of my agents and we reviewed it page by page in subsequent Staff Meetings.

In addition I have purchased several to give away to potential ag... Read more

Creating an Extraordinary Career in Real Estate without Losing Your Friends
Creating an Extraordinary Career in Real Estate without Losing Your Friends

Review:Directed toward the beginning agent, Jennifer Allan approaches a well explored subject from a very different angle. I gleaned several gems from her book's unique perspective that I could easily apply to my own emerging real estate business. Read more

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