
Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness
Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness

Review:I found Rosenblum and Kuttner to be sincere in their intentions, honest in their presentation, reasonable in their interpretations, and commendable for their obvious efforts to present this challenging subject to a general audience. In short, I like the authors and what they tried to do. As a result, I'm saddened to report that I finished this book feeling disappointed. The problem is that this book is unbalanced and incomplete. More specifically:

1. Simpler topics are sometimes overe... Read more

Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force - The Mind and the Brain
Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force - The Mind and the Brain

Review:This book makes two controversial points; that we as humans have free will (the less controversial), that we humans have a mind (soul) that is connected to but seperate from our physical brain. It does a great job with the first point, and a pretty good job with the second (which is part of the reason I give it a 5/5)

In the sciences today there is a trend towards academic fatalism (the belief that we as people don't really have freewill but are the victims of our genes and upbringing).Read more

The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth
The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth

Review:I love this book. Its so interesting & theres no way she could just make this stuff up. It will make you think about things totally differently & from a whole new perspective. I would love to meet her one day. Read more

and Islam Screwed My Generation - How Baby Boomers
and Islam Screwed My Generation - How Baby Boomers

Review:Excellent read, well written and spot on analysis for the most part, unlike so many authors in this sphere that depend entirely on feelings and emotions, this book backs up its points with actual citations. Those of the left politically could learn a lot from this book, of where they went wrong, and why they were so out of touch with the rest of us. I would highly recommend this to anyone of any political leaning, Lauren has a great future ahead of (I was going to say her, but recently she has... Read more

New Seeds of Contemplation
New Seeds of Contemplation

Review:This is not easy reading. I sometimes couldn't read more than 3 to 5 pages at a time, but it was well worth the effort I put into understanding and appreciating this book. It is probably as good for a modern day person approaching meditation and contemplative prayer as St Theresa's Interior Castle was for her day. Read more

and Intrusive Thoughts (Happiness is a trainable - 7 Ways to Freedom from Anxiety
and Intrusive Thoughts (Happiness is a trainable - 7 Ways to Freedom from Anxiety

Review:I appreciate the book’s effort to use a scientific approach; however, I found two points to consider. First, this book combines the thoughts behind mindfulness, meditation, and law of attraction. At some point, I am not sure if they complement each other, but, I think the book was able to justify its goals. Second, I think as the title of the book is scientific or psychological, I was actually looking for some factual or scientific analysis in the book. Unfortunately, there is none. All in all, ... Read more

A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces Of History by Howard Bloom (April 1 1997)
A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces Of History by Howard Bloom (April 1 1997)

Review:First, here's my obligatory disclosure. I was only able to make it through 3/4 of the book before I gave up. There were two reasons for that. First, the author's concept of the meme as a 'worldview' idea is a little too narrow. A meme is ANY idea. A melody, a phone number, a concept- not just a 'worldview.' Bloom gives the false impression that all memes are to blame. Nope- just the hateful ones!
Second, there's only a certain amount of repitition I can tolerate. The author not only keeps m... Read more

A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History

Review:The Lucifer Principle is absolutely must reading for anyone who wants to understand racism, violence and war. Bloom has made a remarkable contribution to both cultural anthropology and politics. Military leaders, politicians, police and educators should be required to read The Lucifer Principle as a matter of survival training.
This book also provides a highly salutary alternative to the ghastly public psycho/social philosophy that has been concocted by the American academic community ove... Read more

Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening
Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening

Review:Just finished it, and have started back at the beginning to pick up points I no doubt missed my first time through. Plenty of good advice to be found here - and I must say it's already impacted how I think/respond to things. I'm a "work in progress"!

How timely (election 1 week away now) that politics was mentioned in a few passages, appropriately in a negative light - even touching on "birtherism"!! Read more

The Practice of Being Aware, Right Now, Every Day
The Practice of Being Aware, Right Now, Every Day

Review:This book expanded my knowledge of Buddhism and I will definitely use it frequently. This is not a book that you can read and capture all the meanings of the vocabulary used in the book. I would also recommend it to others who are interested in expanding their knowledge of other religions and beliefs. Read more

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