The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth

ByDolores Cannon

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meagan church
I love this book. Its so interesting & theres no way she could just make this stuff up. It will make you think about things totally differently & from a whole new perspective. I would love to meet her one day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is another book that explains so much about the world around us that we are often unaware of. There is so much more to life than we can possibly imagine & Dolores opens many doors of thought with much information!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deanna erdman
Absolutely fascinating! This book explains why the earth is having so many quakes and big storms and things and what further things will be occurring to our planet. And there are souls here who are helping people to awaken. I found it a very interesting read. Loved it.
Overview: A New Perspective of Earth :: Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet :: Life-Changing Stories for Women Today - Twelve Women of the Bible Study Guide :: A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Workbook :: Sanctuary (The New Earth Series Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
achraj singh
The information within was like coming to realize you can control a dream. A good dream. One where you suddenly realize you can fly, and love, and laugh like a child again.

My own QHHT session is in two days... I am looking forward to it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is phenomenal (as are all of Dolores Cannon's books - they are mind blowing and deeply logical all at the same time). However I am having difficulty with the Kindle version because the publishing is so filled with problems. There are words run together in sentences, and the initial letter of the first word in a section is placed on one line while the remainder of the word is on the next line (in almost every section). There are words that are out of place - where you have to figure out what line or other sentence they were meant to connect with. And there is no cover art included. :-(

It just mars the perfection of this, otherwise, life changing dialogue. I am only writing this in hopes that they will reformat the electronic edition and let those of us who have purchased it update it to get a better Kindle version. I would NOT let this problem stop you from reading this book. The picture it creates of the universe that we live in, but are largely ignorant of, is one that is miraculously elegant, deeply profound, and just has to expand your mind. Though it's very tough to wrap one's head around this complex model of the universe, it just seems so much more plausible than our "lone intelligent species", and "lone inhabited planet" hypothesis, despite it being soooo far out of the realm of what we now consider ordinary.

I wish I could give the book 4 stars, but even with the crazy publishing job, I can't downgrade my grade of this because the work is of too superior a value.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this book is what it is. resonating. disturbing. inspiring. powerful. dangerous. it will totally come down to the individual reading it. half way through i started getting bad vibes and stopped reading. It almost felt like there are beings which are contacted and communicated with through human hosts, while the said hosts are under hypnosis, and these multidimensional beings are trying to sculpt our own personal view of reality and alter our own personal truth, which IS our own personal reality at any given moment. The beings speaking through the hosts did not feel like loving beings. to be honest, they felt like fallen beings with an agenda, no more enlightened or benevolent than mankind is today. like clever puppeteers who enjoyed this new form of direct communication and thus manipulation (of the masses via the author). All the power in the universe is in our thoughts - this I know - from source. The narrow path is the true path for each individual (your own). We are all God. And how do you enslave a god? Tell him or her that they are not, for starters. As much as this book resonated with me, and made me feel a part of these three waves, i couldn't help but feel an underlying bad vibe in my gut. read it yourself if you are drawn to it, see what you get out of it. We all have our own path. Perhaps this is yours.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I found this book to be fascinating and so interesting I couldn't put it down. It is a whole new area to be open minded to. What if? Why not? You begin to see the connections not only to biblical writings but cave drawings and Egyptian times. I've already begun reading another of Dolores's books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I found this book to be interesting yet very repetitive. For those looking for this type of information I recommend Journey of Souls: Case Study of Lives Between Lives by Michael Newton followed by his second book Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Lives Between Lives. I don't recall his addressing ET abductions so much as his studies into the spirit world after death...more importantly hypnosis taking the client back before their birth to the time we live between lives. Reading both books has helped me to piece together information that is left out of The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth. It's written in such a way as you are expected to already understand but clearly may not without having prior knowledge. I also recommend The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce by Wynn Free as well as Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts. I've found these books to be much more enlightening than The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ajinkya kolhe
This is the most interesting book about a hypnotist that releases her most intimate facts from her patients travels into the future and from other planets and dimensions. I found her philosophies right on target and made me know I was on track and not alone in this this major undertaking of the new world we are facing.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
diann boehm
This was my first Dolores Cannon book. I was giving this book an honest chance until I arrived at Chapter 30 where we're speaking with "Evelyn." Something I have consistently found strange in this book is that some of the entities we're speaking with have a negative and condescending tone. Which does not correspond with literally every other body of work I've encountered on similar subjects that conclude that aspects of higher self are always coming through to us from a place of unconditional love and understanding. That's my first clue that something could be amiss here. There's a few "We love you and care about you" sentiments haphazardly thrown in but those are random and seem like an afterthought.

Anyway, back to Evelyn.... the being that we're channeling at one point, tells Dolores that Evelyn needs to remove her conscious, stating that Evelyn will be able to function here on Earth without it. Dolores reminds it that humans need their conscious to function in the world, communicate through language, do math and drive cars. And it goes, like - " oh yeah, I guess you're right... we're teaching eachother, ok?"
This leads me to believe that we are not actually dealing with quality beings here. What I think we're dealing with is Evelyn's confused, human subconscious that is projecting itself as her higher self, because that's what her mind is wanting to believe.

We truly do create our own reality. That being said, is Dolores a master hypnotist? I think yes. She's good, no doubt, but the material she's retrieving is diluted through the human psyche and is therefore distorted. Not her fault, and not the subject's fault.. but I feel it's inaccurate. Every interview seems to be rooted in the subject's fears, which is an indicator to me that the material is not truth coming directly from Source.

My opinion is that Source, God, Creator, or whatever you believe in, wants to connect with us in any way it can. So if that's through aliens, angels or organized religion, it will try whatever avenue resonates with a particular soul. I'm glad I explored this particular avenue, but it's not my truth.

If you're interested in the three waves, starseeds, indigoes, crystal children, etc there's plenty of info online to read and dabble in.

edited to add: Part 3 regarding the new earth is definitely the best part of the book. Solid information from some (seemingly) more intelligent, articulate sources. Like anything, examine and extract what theories are meaningful for you and disregard the fear based negativity that does not serve. Peace!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa jane
I loved this book! Each case is very interesting and the information corroborates information I've found elsewhere. I would highly recommend this book to hypnotherapists and anyone who has ever felt like they didn't belong on this planet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an interesting read! Resonates with me as well. I've known about Delores for several years through interviews and youtubes but this is the first book I've read of hers. Sheds a lot of light and answers a lot of questions. I would highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was very interesting and held my attention at every turn. The material was well presented and the author kept my attention throughout.
I recommend this book for anyone looking for some answers as to the current life situation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book incorporates many of Delores' other concepts from past books all into this one. Even if you've never read the others this book will still deliver. Touches on where we are from, why we could be here, and what happens after this life and this Earth.
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