Politics & Government

America and the Age of Genocide - A Problem from Hell
America and the Age of Genocide - A Problem from Hell

Review:After loony Hitler and his acolytes killed 6 million Jews and millions of "undesirables" who didn't live up to Aryan standards, the Western World said, "never again." Ms. Power clearly shows how empty this promise was during the 20th Century. Her primary focus is on the United States due to us being the major superpower as well as a beacon to the rest of the world when it comes to human rights. The problem is we fall very short in the "never again" category. Heck, not only did U.S. Presidents co... Read more

The Truth about Our Nation's Great Comeback - Trump's America
The Truth about Our Nation's Great Comeback - Trump's America

Review:I loved this book. Although Trump can drive me crazy with his delivery sometimes, this book really explains how he has a full understanding of what is wrong with government today and he is going down the right path to fix it. He is on the money when he uses the term "fake news." The media is correct that what they report is mostly true but it is what they decide to emphasize. For example, in Today's paper front and center in Nation and World section-story about how only 53 of the 105 illega... Read more

What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America
What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America

Review:Hard to summarize this excellent book. Johnston has studied Trump for 30 years. It is clear Trump and his family are tied to the mob, and it appears the Russian mob too. They are using the highest position in our government to enrich themselves and at the expense of taxpayers. If he continues in power you can expect the GOP agenda of privatizing government services and products. Prices will go up and those services will go down it will be the theft of the property of American citizens. Trump i... Read more

The Making of Donald Trump
The Making of Donald Trump

Review:Interesting book by a Pulitzer winning writer, journalist who is highly educated in taxes. I can not understand anyone's attraction to this despicable human being. Reading this book should be a requirement before entering the voting booth. Read more

The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump
The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump

Review:Excellent journalistic reporting. Well written. This book takes a close look at the connections between Russia and Trump players in influencing the election of Donald Trump. It exposes the corrupted outreach and influence that Russia has on our country as well as its attempts to control other countries as well. An informative and troubling read with regard to Russia and willingness of persons in our country to threaten our democracy for power and greed. Read more

Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump
Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump

Review:This book provides some useful web links, but it is very biased. Morris and McGann propose that what appeared to be Russian interference in the 2016 election was really a conspiracy by the "leftist" FBI, CIA, and British intelligence services to discredit Trump. The last sentence of the book is "He [Trump] is a very good president. Let's fight to keep him in the White House." That pretty much sums up their viewpoint. For a much more thorough, non-partisan analysis of the same issue, read th... Read more

The Faith of Donald J. Trump - A Spiritual Biography
The Faith of Donald J. Trump - A Spiritual Biography

Review:A+ journalism. I appreciated the clarification I received from this read, as I have watched from afar the dance between evangelicals and Trump. The author does a great job of giving them each voice, speaking in respectful tone, yet, in Philip Yancey style, telling me what I want to know. I am more than ever, motivated in my prayer life for President Trump as I have renewed vision. I got to see how people were praying for him and in turn, it gave me direction beyond THE PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER TEAM i... Read more

The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy - Liars
The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy - Liars

Review:This book tells the truth about the current political environment inside the swamp. Washington has lost touch with the people and all they care about how to get reelected. The swamp needs to be drained and President Trump is working hard to do it and the career politicians can't stand it. This book points out how the career politicians and news media are fighting President Trump. Read more

How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution - The Making of the President 2016
How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution - The Making of the President 2016

Review:Book does a great job outlining the timing and tactics that Trump used to pull off one of the biggest upsets in election history! What Trump has accomplished and Stone documented is truly a revolution. Read more

Time to Get Tough: Make America Great Again!
Time to Get Tough: Make America Great Again!

Review:Published before the last presidential election, yet is just as up to date now as it was then. Trump is right on the mark. If you really care about America, give it a read and pay attention to this Patriot! Read more

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