Politics & Government
Review:Napolitano tells it like it is, sparing the typical fluff you get from the network news analysts. This book provides the insights and template for reversing the insidious government "creep" that is choking what's left of the American Dream. Patriots Unite! Before it's too late. Read more
Review:I bought this simply because so many think no one should be allowed to have it and that was good enough for me, so I orderd it. I haven't read it but I am sure it is prominently placed in my book shelf so it will be as controversial as possible to all my peace love and stoner friends. I actually have no desire to know the stuff in the book but I really don't like people telling me they have read it and others should not be allowed to because it didn't hurt them but others can't handle it. Read more
Review:This book is even more relevant today than it was in the time of Nixon when it was written. The fact that too few people read it explains how this country was able to be suckered by con-servative artists like Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush, along with their cronies in Saudi Arabia, Capitalist China, Silverado, Enron, Halliburton, etc. Read more
Review:I googled Mark Leibovich and realized that his article about Kurt Bardella was the same as one he wrote the NY Times. I then realized this article about Tom Coburn also seemed to be the same as another article.
There are some aspects of this book that are interesting (did you know Bob Kerrey was offered the MPAA job before it went to Chris Dodd?) But at the end of the day, make sure you know what you are getting into before you buy it. Read more
Review:An incisive critique of the enigma that Gandhi was, the gigantuan effort he put into, to shape and wield the political and psychological forces that led to the ousting of the island nation of England, who found India , their 'Jewel in the Crown, too good to leave behind. Great book. Read more
Review:Whatever profession you work in, you will fall behind if you don't understand the principles that Friedman explains so well. Like From Beirut to Jerusalem, this book is extremely well-written and well-told. It's by no means an easy read, but Friedman helps us out by weaving stories from his travels around the globe and giving enough examples so that even non-technological folk will have no problem following his argument. Suddenly you'll understand why the US must be concerned with crises... Read more
Review:The author, Friedman, is a gifted writer. He's won 3 Pulizer prizes so far. A truly brilliant man. I recommend this book to everyone who wants to keep up with the global/international times, especially the electronic/technological times. The book is astonishingly apt to our changing times. This book will "blow your mind." It did mine. I read this book as it was published in 2005, so when the author updated and expanded the book, I was thrilled and could hardly wait to read the new version... Read more
Review:Svetlana Alexievich was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize for literature. ‘The Unwomanly face of War’ has been translated by star Russian to American-English translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, and is being published in the re-vamped Penguin Classics series. That constitutes three good reasons to pay this book some attention.
The author inserts her own voice from time to time, but for the most part her book consists of extracts of letters from and interviews with women who took... Read more
Review:Of all the nonfiction books I have read about the last ten years of our history and why we are were we are, this has to be one of the very best. This book is very well written and is an absoulte page turner. I do wish he would write another. Read more
Review:As always with Jon Krakauer a wonderful book. Informative, detailed and with whatever he brings up about Mortenson well substantiated. A great story to read made overly pleasant by one of the best writers there is! Read more