Politics & Government
Review:I would recommend this book highly to anybody interested in learning about World War II. I really enjoyed reading this book. It gave a very interesting perspective on a subject that is very interesting. Read more
Review:good read for anyone who likes the odd stuff in the world i like weird things and this is good read about this things i read a book that had this in it and decieced to but one myself to read more i like it Read more
Review:Although this product was purchased as new, it came damaged with at least 100 pages with the tops of those pages ripped and unlined. It did not affect the writing in the book but still. It would be nice to have a book look like new and not like it had been through a wood-chopper. I will not purchase anything from this seller again. Read more
Review:My son wanted this book, he is a conspiracy nut. My husband read the book first, then we gave it to my son! My husband said it was a very good read, a little far out there, but a good read. Fast shipping. Thanks. Read more
Review:This book should be in every school and classroom in America and be required reading. Our children are being force fed liberal dogma. This book would help counter that garbage ! I am on my third reading ... Read more
Review:As an avid motorcyclist (Harley-Davidson) and cubicle dweller (software engineer), I was intrigued by this book: it spoke in intelligent, cogent, and approachable terms to what I have observed in the workplace - and to what I have felt in my own soul searching. Through introspection, there was a realization (epiphany?) that I get a better sense of satisfaction changing my own oil or getting the FXDWG to start in the springtime than I realize installing a major piece of financial software.
Review:This book was originally written in the mid-90s and this version has been updated with a Introduction and Afterward. What really surprised me is that Bernie Sanders has been saying the same thing and fighting for the same issues his whole life and his whole political career. This book really portrays Sanders' passion for creating a society that benefits everyone and truly convinces me that he genuinely cares about the middle class. It's a quick read, but a little heavy on the acknowledgements... Read more
Review:Published in 1937, George Orwell's The Road to Wigan Pier documents the grinding poverty of northern England, namely Lancashire and Yorkshire. As with Orwell's better-known and somewhat similar Down and Out in Paris and London, the author sets out to investigate the conditions of the poor by living among them and writing about his experiences. There is a chapter on coal miners and mines, and Orwell elucidates on the culture and mechanics of the industry; he goes down a mine to report, taking the... Read more
Review:I'm still in the process of reading the book. It is an occasional reader for me,picking it up when I have a few minutes to burn. I find some of the techniques outlined in the book difficult to duplicate. Yes, I am physically trying to learn the physical skills mentioned. I do have some skills related to survival from past employment, even so, many of these skills/results are difficult to achieve. If the level of information continues to evolve in future chapters as it has to this point I wil... Read more
Review:An incredible book. Very well researched and written. Having lived through this I find it incredible how many lies were being told in the upper levels of government and to the American people. I see too many parallels to what is happening in Iraq. A must read. Read more