Outsider in the White House
BySenator Bernie Sanders
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
intan baiduri
This book was originally written in the mid-90s and this version has been updated with a Introduction and Afterward. What really surprised me is that Bernie Sanders has been saying the same thing and fighting for the same issues his whole life and his whole political career. This book really portrays Sanders' passion for creating a society that benefits everyone and truly convinces me that he genuinely cares about the middle class. It's a quick read, but a little heavy on the acknowledgements of who has helped him in his political career. Although, it is full of passion and great ideas!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucy burrows
I think that every US citizen should read this book. Sen. Sanders documents 20 years in politics....as a man who is for the people. He has gone against all the odds to win elections, and maintain the overwhelming support of his constituents....while never compromising his values or turning to greed. Bernie tells the story of standing up against the very wealthy, powerful institutions that brought the US economy to its knees....and his often very lonely fight against seemingly insurmountable odds. He tells the narrative of earning respect among his colleagues...even those who hold very different viewpoints. For anyone who is uncertain about who to support in the upcoming election, this book will give you an inside look into the mind of one of the few US elected officials that has never forgotten who he works for.....the American people.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh cole
An amazing detailing of Bernie's political career as an independent. A great read for anyone who's on the fence about registering as a democrat in order to vote for him, or who feels he 'sold out' by running as a democrat. He writes, very personably, about his experiences going against money-backed candidates and how he's been able to connect with real people throughout his whole career. He's a good writer and a cool dude.
The Complete Omnibus Collection - The Outsider Series :: That Was Then, This Is Now :: Lords and Ladies (Discworld) :: Dodger :: The Forgotten Child (Finding Love ~ The Outsider Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bradley somer
Having read with interest recent stories in the media on Sen. Sanders's background, I was excited to read this book, in which he tells it in his own words. Anyone looking to learn more about Bernie and the background of his political revolution will find much of use in this book. It will especially be of interest to those thinking about how to organize political insurgencies in their own local areas, to challenge establishment politicians (from either party) and build a new type of politics like the one Sanders has trumpeted in his campaign. I also appreciated John Nichols's 40-page afterword, which discusses the importance of Bernie's presidential campaign. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william stafford
I received this book after making a contribution to Bernie Sanders' campaign.
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who has a real platform and purpose to be the President. We need him! Our country has drifted far from the hopes of our founders. When Benjamin Franklin emerged from the room where our Constitution was drafted, a bystander asked him what form of government it would be. Franklin answered, "A democracy, if you can keep it." The truth is, we haven't been able to keep it. What we have is a typical oligarchy, or a plutocracy. As Bernie Sanders points out, the richest 1% of the population receive 90% of all the new wealth, while the bottom 90% split up the rest. His opponent, Hillary Clinton's personal fortune is around $30 million, and she shows no signs of sharing any of it with her constituents. So please buy this book, ask your friends to do so, and Vote for Bernie!
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who has a real platform and purpose to be the President. We need him! Our country has drifted far from the hopes of our founders. When Benjamin Franklin emerged from the room where our Constitution was drafted, a bystander asked him what form of government it would be. Franklin answered, "A democracy, if you can keep it." The truth is, we haven't been able to keep it. What we have is a typical oligarchy, or a plutocracy. As Bernie Sanders points out, the richest 1% of the population receive 90% of all the new wealth, while the bottom 90% split up the rest. His opponent, Hillary Clinton's personal fortune is around $30 million, and she shows no signs of sharing any of it with her constituents. So please buy this book, ask your friends to do so, and Vote for Bernie!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen gagnon
I'm really enjoying this book. It's a fun look into Bernie as a person (although he doesn't ever get too terribly personal) and into our political system through his eyes as truly an outsider. It's an older book and focuses on his time as mayor, as a congressman, the elections, and his work in the senate. It has been updated slightly to reflect his current run for the White House.
Bernie is one of a kind, an independent, and I think this will convince you that there is a reason he will inspire the political revolution we so desperately need.
Bernie is one of a kind, an independent, and I think this will convince you that there is a reason he will inspire the political revolution we so desperately need.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As Bernie says in this book "Don't Underestimate Me". Having won over two decades of elections and the hearts and minds of one of the mot conservative rugged regions of the nation this is a must read. For anyone looking to know more about the man, the message, and possibly our next president do check this out
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul vaden
I received this book for Christmas. By the 20th page of the introductions, I was hooked and could not put it down. I ended up finishing the book by the following day. I am now on my 3rd reading. You will learn who Bernie is and understand his passion for his fellow man. His views from the 1970's are the same views as today. Fairness, Justice, Equality, Integrity.
If you cannot buy today, I recommend going to your bookstore and reading the first 20 pages of the introduction. You too, will want the book by then to find out the inner workings of Congress and the Senate. How the "Powers That Be" work for their own interest. How "Parties" work for their own interest, and how Senator Bernie Sanders is the Outsider, working for the interest of the people... EXCELLENT BOOK!
If you cannot buy today, I recommend going to your bookstore and reading the first 20 pages of the introduction. You too, will want the book by then to find out the inner workings of Congress and the Senate. How the "Powers That Be" work for their own interest. How "Parties" work for their own interest, and how Senator Bernie Sanders is the Outsider, working for the interest of the people... EXCELLENT BOOK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason wardell
The media and his opponents continue to rely on competing with Bernie by attacking the "socialist" label. However there is incredible depth to his past and his plans for the future. If you want to understand what he has always stood for and the incredible progress he's made toward his goals, this book is a great start. There is no harder working person in politics by one who dismisses the lure of money to do what he feels is right.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The ideas that Bernie Sanders proposes just make sense. They are fair and have the intention of making the government run by the people, ran than lobbyists and their special interest groups. The ideas he is proposing are not radical, actually most people in America agree with him. He is also willing to take the unpopular vote out principle such as voting against the war in Iraq. His book shows that he can run a government on the city level, and from DC. Most importantly, this is someone that doesn't break promises and will not be swayed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shirin samimi
Bernie Sanders is the real deal: an honest, passionate, compassionate public servant. His words inspire and motivate WeThePeople to get back into and continue to participate in our political process. #Bernie2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great read, gave a young voter who's unfamiliar with pre-2016 Bernie insight on his political struggles, and how he's prepared for everything they're throwing at him now, because he's faced it all before.
the best book you can buy before he's elected president.
the best book you can buy before he's elected president.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bernie simply tells his story, and the reasons behind his passion. I highly recommend for anyone who's a fan, or who is genuinely interested in learning more about what Bernie has accomplished in his career.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
grace posey
In January 2017,a new commander in chief is going to walk into the oval office.I always eger to have my voice with my vote,we have to be alerted,this situation could have a crippling effect if we have someone in the office,incompetent,aggressive,or dangerous.Bernie Sanders,he is telling us the top between rich and poor has extended,beyond the breaking point of civil society.(I prefer to have rich people in our country ,) he thinks is easy for billionaires to buy elections,to continue sending our jobs to another country.1980s he thinking America,was charged,jobs with low-wage,for me America was strong those days,still is I believe it we are strong,in those days,I had a job,with excellent salary,with health insurance,in August 2 1996, Bernie vote to raise the minimum wage for 5.50 ,I don't understand,when I was making more than that,he said about the union,and none union,workers was at the mercy of the huge corporation,I had union,and they take care of me,and my son,he was a sick kid,and I never paid for hospital,good vacations, good sick days,etc. And now I had my pension,so many people don't have that in this days. " all over the country women who would prefer to stay home with their children,have been forced into the work-place." He needs to look around,special in the park,so many fathers you can see looking after their kids,some women make more money than their husbands,women's are getting stronger." This I don't understand,when he is telling us,people don't pay attention to the tv news,don't read the paper,or listen to the radio." " they are not actively involved in the political process,specifically in the trailer-park,and low--income area." Sanders I don't agree with that,I live in Florida for more than 10 years,this is absurd and ridiculous,people who live in trailers,are very educated living la Vida loca,travel,and enjoying life,low-income,always wanted to improve their lives,for the sake of the kids,they don't want to be ignorant,he says he barely survived in 1981 campaign,was the toughest," how we know he will survive this one.?" He has ideas they are old fashioned,he is a good man,but I'm afraid for his health,to be the commander in chief,needs a lot of work." I trust Hillary Clinton,she and her husband,will be a very strong force together in the white house, ( we all not perfect,we have temptations,we are not a saint.) Thelma
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I got the book and bought the audiobook. Gives great insight into the workings of politics and how corrupt the system really is from a man who continues to fight for the moddle class and the poor. A must read!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
hollie greer
Adding the word White to the front of this book is one of the only updates it has apart from the afterword. A lot has happened in the world and in politics since 1997 and if you're interested in CURRENT affairs this is not the book for you. I learned a few points about Sanders politics, but generally feel cheated.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
erick santana
I wanted to like this book. I like Senator Sanders as a person and he has done great things in getting the young people interested in politics. That is a very good thing. However, none of them has read this book or they wouldn’t be supporting him. It’s a terrible book.
It was originally published in the 1980’s, has a new foreword, and afterward added by other people. It meanders back and forth through time and lost me early on. So much of this is dated and just plain silly.
One of the many points Mr. Sanders makes is that losing an election with 6% of the vote is a win, because one of the things he suggested was adapted by the winner. This is like saying that you get a trophy for participating so that everyone is a winner. I’m sorry, 94% of the people did not vote for you. You are not a winner. This same theme is gone over for each of his elections he lost until it was excruciating for me to continue the book.
Another thing I learned from this book is that Mr. Sanders is consistent. He continues to complain about income inequality, the rich getting richer, the GOP and the Democrats of not being the party of the people, etc. He has been saying this for over 20 years! In other words, he has done little to change this fact even though he has been in Congress or the Senate for such a long time.
Another reason I didn’t like this book, (besides the fact that it was re-released to make money, obviously) was that Mr. Sanders tells us little about his life, his family and his motives for doing what he does. Yet the majority of the book is about what a great person he is, with little to justify that belief.
I am a Democrat and if he gets the nomination, I will vote for him, but it won’t be easy.
It was originally published in the 1980’s, has a new foreword, and afterward added by other people. It meanders back and forth through time and lost me early on. So much of this is dated and just plain silly.
One of the many points Mr. Sanders makes is that losing an election with 6% of the vote is a win, because one of the things he suggested was adapted by the winner. This is like saying that you get a trophy for participating so that everyone is a winner. I’m sorry, 94% of the people did not vote for you. You are not a winner. This same theme is gone over for each of his elections he lost until it was excruciating for me to continue the book.
Another thing I learned from this book is that Mr. Sanders is consistent. He continues to complain about income inequality, the rich getting richer, the GOP and the Democrats of not being the party of the people, etc. He has been saying this for over 20 years! In other words, he has done little to change this fact even though he has been in Congress or the Senate for such a long time.
Another reason I didn’t like this book, (besides the fact that it was re-released to make money, obviously) was that Mr. Sanders tells us little about his life, his family and his motives for doing what he does. Yet the majority of the book is about what a great person he is, with little to justify that belief.
I am a Democrat and if he gets the nomination, I will vote for him, but it won’t be easy.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
katherine ellis
Bernie is nuts and this book proves it. He repeats himself endlessly. He exaggerates his influence. The book is poorly written but if you want to know about Bernie it deserves 5 stars because this book shows who he is.... Just don't listen to what he is trying to tell you - listen to what he is telling you.
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