
Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith
Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith

Review:All my friends loved Anne Lamott before I knew who she was. As soon as I read Traveling Mercies, I was hooked. I've read much of her work since and I've much enjoyed the journey. This is a great place to start. Read more

Bach: Music in the Castle of Heaven
Bach: Music in the Castle of Heaven

Review:A serious and extraordinarily thorough book on Bach. Probably of particular interest to performers and anyone with a special interest in the choral music.

I found his comments and background to the St John Passion of great interest. Read more

The Ben Carson Story (ZonderKidz Biography) - Gifted Hands
The Ben Carson Story (ZonderKidz Biography) - Gifted Hands

Review:I am currently reading it to my fifth graders. This is the second time I have read this book to my students;the first being my then fourth graders. Each time, the class was enthralled with the book. We need MORE books like this,with realistic story lines and applicable messages that children can apply and get life lessons and inspiration from. I feel the current crop of trendy books are pushing more and more "empty calorie" books on children. Great book! I am ordering several copies for our s... Read more

The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux (the Little Flower) [The Authorized English Translation of Therese's Original Unaltered Manuscripts]
The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux (the Little Flower) [The Authorized English Translation of Therese's Original Unaltered Manuscripts]

Review:I struggled through the first part of this book but as I continued to read it, I was humbled by how much Therese loves God - this book has helped to draw me deeper in my relationship with Him and it has reminded me of the love that we are all called to carry in our hearts for God and for all those around us. Read more

My Book of Little House Paper Dolls - The Big Woods Collection
My Book of Little House Paper Dolls - The Big Woods Collection

Review:This was a small simple gift added to the requested birthday gift of a Little House DVD from my to-be 7-yr old grand daughter. It has been well over 2 months and I got another message today from my son that Addie and her little sister love playing with the paper dolls almost every day. They were in the car and the girls asked to hurry home to get back to the paper dolls, again! Who knew such a simple thing would be so loved? Read more

Frontier Foods from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Classic Stories
Frontier Foods from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Classic Stories

Review:When I purchased this, I also ordered "The Little House Collection Set" of books,too.
May as well have them all.
There are so many interesting recipes in here.
I have already tried some and they are most delightful.
This is a book I would recommend to anyone. Read more

Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story - A Life of David Foster Wallace
Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story - A Life of David Foster Wallace

Review:This is a really engaging book on David Foster Wallace. Sure, people might say that Wallace's life is what makes this book good, but it's not. There would be too much of it to make sense of it all without a good deal of sifting, editing and moulding, which D. T. Max has done here.

It's a chronological book that undoubtedly puts Wallace up front, even though I get the feeling that's what Wallace would least of all have wanted, during his lifetime.

Having read "Infinite Jest" and "Th... Read more

Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink
Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink

Review:Elvis Costello might have been a fine novelist (or, better, short story writer), historian, or music critic. In this lollapalooza of a terrific memoir, he combines all these aptitudes and then some. Frequently brilliant, sometimes startlingly, this episodic tour of a life in music is funny, sad, touching, insightful and self-aware, buoyed by a refreshing sense of gratitude, and shot through with even more guilt and self-reproach than you'd expect from this former altar boy. No fan should think o... Read more

A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles - Spirit Junkie
A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles - Spirit Junkie

Review:Recovery and Course of Miracles, two of my favorite subjects. Spattered with personal experiences brings much to life. A way of putting course of miracles into practice. Very much enjoyed the book and would re-read. Read more

The Friends of Jesus (Life-Changing Bible Study Series Book 2)
The Friends of Jesus (Life-Changing Bible Study Series Book 2)

Review:The author weaves a story around the friends of Jesus so that you remember who they are and what Jesus did for them and how they continued with their life in a positive way. The stories can be found in the Bible. Following Jesus isn't always easy in our complicated life but I found this book to be comforting and understanding of Jesus' ways and miracles. I know He is there for me. Read more

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