Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith

ByAnne Lamott

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim jones
All my friends loved Anne Lamott before I knew who she was. As soon as I read Traveling Mercies, I was hooked. I've read much of her work since and I've much enjoyed the journey. This is a great place to start.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've read and re-read "Traveling Mercies" several times. I've quoted it countless times in my work as a hospital chaplain, especially in my work with clients in addiction treatment, and as a preacher. Her bare-knuckle honesty and devilish sense of humor makes her messages cut straight to the heart.

Anne Lamott is my favorite writer!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Having read some of Lamott's other books, this was a continuation of her autobiographical take on life, religion and spirituality. Entertaining because I had read some of her other books, but nothing to profound in the spirituality department. I do love Lamott's brutal honesty of where she has been in her life and what it has taught her in a very humanistic way.
Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith :: A Journal of My Son's First Son - Some Assembly Required :: Riverhead Hardcover; 1st (first) edition Text Only :: The Informant: A True Story :: Finding God in All the Wrong People - Accidental Saints
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mayra cordero
Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith
I read Traveling Mercies weeks ago and can't quit thinking about it. God's work in her life is amazing.I really clicked with her prayers... so real.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An honest and humorous approach to her thoughts on faith; nothing in your face, all very real. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though I sometimes squirm in my seat when I am reading about people's religious beliefs, because they are so personal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a refreshing way of approaching religion in general, and Christianity in particular: through the eyes and experience of an ordinary person. As a minister I get so weary of all of the top-down preaching. This is a wonderful person-to-person sharing of faith. I'm glad I found Lamott and have already begun reading another of her offerings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kris dinnison
We read this book in our church adult sunday school class. Lamont writes her own life struggles with humor and in such an earthy way that a person just knows they can feel good about their own struggles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alix malpass
I have been waiting to read Anne Lamott for years and got hold of this at just the right time. She writes beautifully, with great economy, and makes it look effortless, which is the mark of a great writer. She is extremely incisive, not afraid to be herself and to reveal her own messy, quirky faith journey which is as far from a pious manual on how to be a Christian as you could possibly imagine. I loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah merchant
Fabulous writing talent - good prose and creative use of worlds and descriptions.
Character analysis good. Just a touch too much repetative information and a slight preoccupation with her dreadlocks, but otherwise a very valuable read, emphaziing her sincerity and perservance to conquer her weaknesses. Would love to have coffee with her - for several hours!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann trimble
I absolutely love Ann Lamott's intelligence and witty and got truthful writing style. As a writer myself she showed me thow I can write on a serious but be funny irreverent about it at the same time. I have not encountered a writer like her before. I am now reading another of her books. BIRD BY BIRD. Her style and voice is consistent in that book as well. I'll be reading every one of her books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rouie barton
This is not your typical Christian inspirational--you know the kind--the one that makes you feel as though you'll never measure up, that the author is just too holy for you. Anne Lamott lays out her problems one by one--alcoholism, bulimia, promiscuity--the list goes on. And how many Christian inspirationals are sprinkled with obscenities? Beware gentle reader. Lamott is a modern Christian and doesn't claim to be perfect.

I found some of the most inspirational and touching stories to be the ones which involved her son, Sam. This single mom and her son have a great relationship and rapport, although here too Lamott is very honest when she describes their imperfect relationship and at least one occasion when she loses her temper big time. Lamott doesn't sugarcoat life or single parenthood or even her relationship with her mom. She describes the pain of seeing her mom grow old and how she seems to become a child again when Lamott is there to lean on, in the same way that children often act more child-like when they are with their parents.

I recall at least one time when Lamott's prayer produced a small miracle, and I was very touched by the story of the day she and Sam witnessed God's handiwork at sea.

If there had been more of these small miracle stories I would be keeping it as an inspirational tome for my bedside. But this is more of a typical coming-of-age story in our modern times when young women find themselves truly lost in a sea of strange men and dangerous substances. It will be a comfort to many young women who wonder will God still love me despite my very imperfect life? Lamott shows how God has reached out to her and been with her through her struggles with sin. But for a Medicare recipient, such as I, perhaps I'm slowing down and need more inspiration and less tribulation.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alison cantrell
With all the positive reviews, I was really looking forward to reading this book, but it did absolutely nothing for me. I read it all the way through, thinking that maybe the author would tie all her musings together in the end, but no, just more rambling thoughts. I really don't understand the reasons for the rave reviews. I found nothing insightful or inspirational in it at all.

This must be an author that you either love or don't... and I don't. If you are considering this book, do yourself a favor and read a few pages first. If you like it, then by all means, order it. If you don't, then don't waste the money because it is all more of the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dallana carreno
I'm still laughing and trying to imagine God being so angry with me that I've made Her "want to drink Gin from the cat dish!!!"

What a delightful read!! Everyone and anyone who has faith and a sense of humor should have this book on their bedside table.
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