Devil and the Deep (The Deep Six)

ByJulie Ann Walker

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
naser panjepoor
**I received an ebook from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

STEAMY! That's my one-word summarization! This book is chock full of action, romance, and sex - innuendos, foreplay, and fantasies - both stated and acted. I had a hard time putting the book down. ;)

Bran is a dark and brooding male protagonist with a past that runs deeper then his SEAL training. Maddy is a stubborn, outspoken, wealthy female protagonist who doesn't let go when she sees something she wants. Their personalities have them on a crash course that started when Bran helped rescue for from kidnappers, and has continued via email and calls since.

Bran doesn't feel he is good enough for Maddy, and Maddy has been unsure of his feelings because he keeps running hot and cold. Circumstances have pushed them together as another kidnapping attempt happens, and now they have to figure out what is what.

Loved the story. It was a quick read, and a good one. I look forward to reading more of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kasey wilson
I absolutely fell in love with Bran and Maddy. The second book in the Deep Six series, I found that Maddy was a fun and caring person that knew what she wanted and went for it. Bran, on the other hand, was such a great but damaged character, and would give his all to protect Maddy. In this book, it was all about beating the odds of a kidnapping attempt, violence, a burgeoning relationship between two people, while Bran faces his past with help from Maddy, and just a great relationship with the retired Navy Seal and the woman he must save. There was not a lot of interaction with the rest of the retired Navy Seal Crew except for Mason, who was with Bran on this one, but I look forward to reading more in this series. I hope that Mason's story is next. Julie Ann Walker writes great romantic suspenseful stories which just happens to be my favorite genre. Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for gifting me with a copy only asking me for a review. This is my honest opinion and I highly recommend "Devil and the Deep" 4.5 Stars!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Maddy first met Bran when he rescued her and ever since then they have been emailing and calling each other. Their relationship started off as friendly but their connection has grown deeper. With a chance to meet up in person, Maddy is excited but Bran fears getting too close. A kidnapping attempt though might just force Bran's hand. It's life and death and while Bran has the physical courage, he's going to have to decide if he has the emotional as well.

Second in the Deep Six series about a group of veteran Navy Seals searching for sunken treasure, this could be read as a standalone as the only part you would be missing information on is the continuing tale of the Spanish captain and his treasure in the 1600s. The first in the series had amazing action scenes, an area I think this author excels in, but this one, unfortunately, fell short in that regard. Our villains seem very inept and besides two of them, come off feeling very paper thin. The two that were given more background, well, their motivation and explanation for why they wanted to kidnap Maddy was a bit murky; we don't get the full explanation until the very end. The action plot was severely lacking in credibility, understanding, and excitement.

With the action plot failing me, I tried to focus more on our main couple and romance. While Maddy and Bran met, briefly, in the book before this one, the meat of their relationship should have been here in their own book. Again, unfortunately, this fell short for me too. There was talk of how they grew close over their emails and phone conversations; we aren't shown any of them, just told about them. What we do get shown is how much they have the hots for each other, physically wise, although any bedroom payoffs are left to the very end, during extremely awkward life and death situations. Maddy is in charge of the welfare of three teenage girls who are captured by the kidnappers, Bran has been shot in the leg, and they’re running for their lives but oh hey, look how smooth and muscular Bran's back is. There wasn't much depth to this couple and this awkward lusting during fight and evade scenes gave a pretty corny feel overall.

The over exaggerated speech stereotypes of the characters, southernisms, and very prevalent pop culture add-ins added to the hokey feel. Example:

"I might be bluffing, you miserable, vomitous mass!" Bran yelled.
Oh, for heaven's sake. Really? He's quotin' The Princess Bride?
"But if you wanna test me," he added, "I'm your huckleberry!"
And now he's quotin' Tombstone.

This, of course, being said during a bullets are flying action scene; a bit eye-rolling. I never felt like I knew our heroine Maddy as her background consisted of rich girl, has brothers, and a short blonde haircut. Bran had a little more to him but even his deeper abusive father background felt completely overdone and with lack of emotional depth to it, a gimmick to have him try to keep Maddy at arm’s length. As the resolution for his feelings on this came at, literally, the end of the story, 96% or so, it felt brushed over and insulting to use such a heavy topic like this.

The first book fascinated me with its descriptions of a new fun locale and intense action scenes. Sadly, this one fell way short with no building of the main couple's relationship, paper doll secondary characters, lacking action plot, and awkward dialogue. Like I said, this author can write amazing action scenes, but she needs to leave home the gimmicks and awkwardly placed lusting next time.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sean mahan
Former SEAL Bran Palladino and Maddy Powers are as different as two people can be but there is something between them that can't be explained. Bran's past and the secrets he carries won't allow him to go after her but when he learns she's in trouble he's the first one out the door! Maddy wants Bran but knows he has walls she will never be able to climb. When a fun island trip takes a nightmarish turn Maddy know Bran is the only one who can help her. Will he come?

Not a fav of mine but overall a decent read. I found the story a bit jumpy and not the smooth easy pace I like. Definitely filled with sizzle and adventure though so if you enjoy those this one's for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eva etzioni halevy
The conversations Bran and Maddy have:
“I’m not a sex addict!!” he whispered impatiently. She turned her head and narrowed her eyes. “How can you be sure? Have you ever consulted a professional?”
He blew out a huge, windy sigh and she could tell he was hanging on to his patience by a thin, red hair. “I am not a sex addict,” he insisted...
I freakin' loved Maddy, she was so entertaining, “wow!” she said, catching her top lip between her teeth. His ***k jumped at the sight, bobbing unabashedly in front of him. “I think you just set a land speed record for droppin’ trou.” I really liked this book just loved Bran and Maddy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie wickliff
This book has plenty of action and romance. Bran and Maddy feel a connection but he wants to protect her from his darkness. When she is in danger, he will do everything in his power to save her.

Bran has a really sad childhood that explains a lot about why he resists his feelings for Maddy for so long. Maddy has been raised in a very wealthy lifestyle and he wants her to be safe. She just wants him. She has a real strength that comes thru when it is needed. She has grown up with alpha men and she is not afraid of them.

If you enjoy a lot of action with your romance, you will enjoy this book. It is quite an adventure as they work to fight his demons and those who would keep them apart.

I received a copy in return for a honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another hit from Julie Ann Walker! I have loved all of her books and Devil and the Deep is no exception. Maddy is the perfect heroine to soothe Bran’s internal demons.
This author’s heroes ooze Alpha male from their pores, and I enjoyed watching him falling for the one woman who could handle all that Alpha-ness. And the sex is hot and steamy.
I didn’t give this story five stars because the author does tend to overdo it a bit with the movie quotes, metaphors and clichés but not enough to spoil the story for me.
The author also pulls time away from the main couple to set up a pair for the next story but I found Alex & Mason enjoyable and can’t wait for more!

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved reading the beginnings of Maddy and Bran in the first book in this series. It was great to read about their story in this book. Not to give anything away, you learn more about Bran in this book and why he shys away from taking things further with Maddy. Maddy is unpretentious and seems to be the perfect fit to shave away at his rough edges. The book begins with an innocent email invite from Maddy to Bran and then Ms. Walker throws in the perfect level of danger and intrigue to suck the reader in and develop the story between Bran and Maddy. Loved this story and so ready for more from Julie Ann Walker!

I did receive an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patrick song
As this series has progressed it has gotten better. I like this installment much more than the previous. The characters are getting to be much more likable and well rounded. It does get a little confusing when it goes back to the times of the shipwreck but I can see that including this does enhance the story more than it detracts. I like the build up of the search for a treasure and all of the obstacles that are encountered along the way that actually have nothing to do with the search for the treasure, it's almost like getting two stories in one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
del brown
Julie ann Walker I thoroughly enjoyed this book with Maddy Powers and Brandon Pallidino they had such a exciting and quick witted banter between them she always tried to look so innocent with her small school girl charm. He caught on quick . Which made this book a great book to read..
I found this book and this SERIES of the DEEP SIX intoxicating and very satisfying. With all the action and high emotion of it all.what a wild ride it was.
I am waiting for more of the DEEP SIX series
Thanks Again Julie Ann Walker for being such a talented author. I AM READY FOR MORE!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love the dynamics between Bran and Maddy. They are like two magnets, powerless to fight their attraction, drawn to each other despite events, surroundings, and their own willpower. Their attraction is exciting and lights them up.

What seems beyond the scope of reality is that Maddy is in danger again. She is also a magnet for trouble! The intrigue in this book wasn't as good or as attention-grabbing as in the previous book. The suspense and danger did allow Bran and Mason to be all alpha tough guy, which is quite enjoyable! ?

Alex and Mason are so entertaining and sparks fly! I cannot wait for their story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this romantic suspense. I received this book for free and I voluntarily chose to review it. I've given it a 4.5* rating. Because of violence and sexual content, not suitable for the under 18 readers. This story pulled me in from the beginning and held my attention throughout. The only thing that bothered me was the timing of the sex. While they were supposed to be keeping watch for danger, they were playing around. Lots of action and violence in this story with a happy ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vicki deane
If you love mission impossible then this book is for you, the espionage and intrigue had the reader on the edge of their seats from start to finish. I loved how the characters used humor and sarcasm to find a silver lining in a bad situation. Bran wow, he didn't allow his past to jaded him too much, he was willing to fight for a better future. Must read, I received this book from netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We met Maddy previously where she was involved in a similar situation. However, this time it's more serious. Bran to the rescue but it's not all that easy. I love the relationship between these two. These Deep Six men like to have their fun, but they can get serious in a hurry. I'm now looking forward to the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Devil and the Deep was a fantastic book with beautiful scenery, hot men, damsels and action. This book has it all, including some hot sex, humor and no drama! I cannot wait for the next book in the series (please tell me there is another book in this series).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lorraine trudeau
This book kept me hooked from the beginning. It had a good blend of romance and action between Bran and Maddy. While this book is a sequel, I could totally follow along with the plot. It actually makes me want to read the previous book, too. I would recommend this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vasu kanna
Former Navy Seal Bran Pallidino and his fellow crew member Mason McCarthy make a trip to a neighboring island to visit Maddy Powers while she's chaperoning there teen scholarship winners. As it happens, Maddy and company are being attacked! In the middle of the teens being in peril and the rescue attempt that's foiled by the baddies, will Bran and Maddy survive the bullets...and their feelings? This book contains just enough steamy situations and heartfelt conversations to entertain any reader
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