Hell or High Water (The Deep Six)

ByJulie Ann Walker

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
denise jardine
Hell or High Water by Julie Ann Walker combined a taut plot with some pretty good characters with old issues. The threat was credible. My only problem is a slight technical inaccuracy.

Ex-Navy SEAL Leo Anderson, along with his ex-SEAL buddies are relaxing on his ancestral island in the Florida Keys on a long-term lease. But the lease is running out, and he wanted to find a fabled Spanish galleon's treasure that he had heard about, but nobody can find. He had a boat inherited from his father, and his buddies as crew, but it's not making enough money. Then someone from his past intruded... Olivia Mortier, CIA agent... a woman he fell for but knew it couldn't last. And one of the SEALs lost his life protecting her, and they hadn't seen each other... for a long time. But now she's back... and she has an emergency assignment... There is a mole in CIA and in order to draw him out, CIA used the most daring of bait... some real chemical weapons. Three small canisters that fit in a large makeup kit case. Somehow, the case was intercepted by those terrorists from Guantanamo during a prisoner riot... and their ship sank. Now Leo's ship must retrieve those chemical weapons with a dive... before they really disappear into the black market. But the mole is out there, and his followers are ready to kill anyone in their way...

The plot twists are good, but the fight seems a bit... off? I honestly don't believe you can sink a few hundred ton ship with just two RPGs (or "rocket launchers") unless you manage to hole it below the waterline, but wouldn't the RPG go off when you hit the water? A SLAM (much bigger missile), I can believe. But AT-4 / RPG-7? Seriously doubt that. But the plot twists are good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caitlyn schultz
Treasure seekers, CIA mole, terrorists, and a second shot at the girl. Anchor's aweigh!!!!

I really do need to go back and read the author's Black Knights series and I will. Promise. But I have a soft spot for Navy SEALs and diving for treasure in the Caribbean so this one got my full attention.

I've read a novella by the author that was the prequel for this series and was attracted to the author's action plot and writing style that balanced good romance and suspense in equal amounts. I felt she continued that with this book. The SEALs who retired and bought into a salvage business together are a great band of brothers with their wise-cracking ways that turn no-nonsense when the time comes to get down to business. In this case, it was terrorists and CIA mole that stirred up the trouble. The foundation of the brotherhood and their shared warrior past is a big attraction for me and sets up my excitement for the whole series.

The focus is definitely on the action and the past with the romance more intuitive and passionate than one that comes on slowly. I don't prefer that usually, but with this author's writing, she made it work for me.

It was exciting and suspenseful, but its not extreme thriller-style just in case some readers shy away from 'too much'.

It was a quick, engaging and exciting read and I'll definitely be going back for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Well having read some of this authors Black Knights inc series I could not resist this the first book in her new Deep Six series. This series features a group of ex Navy seals who are working together as salvage operatives and their dream is to live life to the full and hopefully find the ultimate prize, a wrecked Spanish galleon carrying treasure. Though they may be retired the work they did with the CIA has not been forgotten and when chemical weapons go missing near Key West a blast from the past shows up requesting their help.
Olivia has never forgotten the searing kiss she shared with sexy seal Leo but things are really kind of complicated. Now she needs his help but there's still a lot she is hiding from him. What starts out as a straightforward retrieval quickly escalates into an action packed battle with terrorists and then there's the mystery of a particularly nasty mole to solve. Add in kidnapping, a hi jacked yacht and seriously alpha males and this story just rockets along to bring an adrenaline fuelled high seas adventure . Romance , humour and non stop action seem to be the name of the game here and it's a different style from the author compared to what I'm used to. Multiple points of view add to the very fast pace and it's hard to believe that most of the plot takes place all in one day! It was an odd mixture of funny dialogue (featuring lots of popular culture references), coupled with romance that constantly got interrupted ! Leo is likeable and a great hero but at times I struggled with Olivia as she's an agent who just isn't really that tough . Brave yes, self sacrificing yes but still a little girl in so many ways. If you enjoy a fast paced action fuelled romance that's bouncy and almost jovial at times then the Deep Six will entertain you , just suspend all belief and go with the flow!
I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review
Love Your Body. - Every Body Yoga - Get On the Mat :: Men We Reaped: A Memoir :: Seychelle Collection (Seychelle Sullivan) :: Knock Knock Why You're My Bestie Fill in the Love Journal :: Devil and the Deep (The Deep Six)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor czernai
Sam’s Review:

Julie Ann Walker begins the book in the past with the story of Captain Bartolome Varga’s fight against Mother Nature on the Santa Cristina to make sure his ship and the treasure on it is salvageable so that his country still has a chance to win the war. It was intense, passionate, and had a great follow through that set the stage not only for Hell or Highwater, but also The Deep Six series.

Hell or Highwater was fast-paced, action-packed and gave this reader something to sink his teeth into. The banter between The Deep Six crew was believable for a group of guys who had served in the military together for years. Moreover, the descriptive depictions of the situations they encountered while serving their country had me biting at the chomps to learn more.

While I enjoyed the passion between the couple, it was the camaraderie between The Deep Six crew that drew me into the plot of the story. The cloak and dagger planning, as well as the fights in and out of the water all combined to make for a heart-racing, pulse pounding roller coaster ride that made me want even more. Ms. Walker may be a new author to me, but I’ll definitely be picking up a copy of the second book in this series to find out what happens next.

Rated 5 Ravens and a Recommended Read by Sam!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a rush! Walker launches her latest series with suspense, intrigue, action, and unbridled passion. The story comes to life through her vivid narrative, bringing you along for the ride. The intricate and unforgettable plot weaves together in such a manner that you can feel the action of the tale. At the same time, the danger and intrigue kept my heart pounding.

I loved getting to know these characters in such an up-close and personal manner. The camaraderie between the characters really did it for me. These aren’t simply individuals thrown together by circumstances; they are friends who’ve been to hell and back together. The verbal and nonverbal communication between them highlighted just how close they are while also showing who they are as individuals. And let’s not forget the fantastic main characters that Walker introduces us to. They were the type of individuals that I could really root for. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and I couldn’t help but laugh at everything that came between them.

This novel was fast paced, captivating and hauntingly suspenseful from beginning to end. Walker has definitely created a crew that will do this series proud.

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria julia
Leo "Lion" Anderson is a retired Navy SEAL turned Salvage Crew team leader along with the rest of his SEAL team. Leo can't seem to forget CIA Agent Olivia Mortier and their soul scorching kiss year and half later. Olivia Mortier thought she'd seen the last of Leo Anderson but now she's going to be asking him for a favor. Olivia's thoughts circle around her head whenever she thinks of Leo. Olivia has kept tabs on Leo's whereabouts and knows he's in need of money. Olivia waltzes over the sandy beach of Key West which leaves Leo speechless at the sight of her. Can Olivia go thru asking Leo for a favor? Will either Leo or Olivia admit their feelings? Your answers await you in Hell or High Water.

What a smashing great beginning for this new series that is a spin-off from Black Knights Series! I'm so glad to be reading this series. I love the characters and the story! The story taught me much about deep sea diving and boats along with what could potentially could go wrong. The story is complex, compelling, intriguing, real, and a real page turner. This book hit the ground running from first page to the last page. The characters are real, flawed, honest, down to earth, fascinating, and complicated too. I look forward to more books in this exciting new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Leo Anderson and his SEAL team have retired off the Florida keys and are on the hunt for sunken treasure. The men of Deep Six Salvage are battle worn and ready for some R&R but before they even get started a sexy sphinx walks back into their lives. Leo can hardly believe it when the sizzling Olivia walks onto his island asking for help. After all their last mission didn’t go exactly as planned.

CIA Agent Olivia Mortier has lost a weapon of mass destruction at the bottom of the sea and needs an expert team to get it back ASAP. She turns to the only man she trusts to get the job done right, but will he help her? Olivia has a bad feeling about this recent assignment and is determined to get the weapons back before they land in the hands of terrorists. However, she never counted on being back in close quarters with Leo and the feelings that would be reawakened. Will they conquer their feelings and the terrorists or let the weapon fall into enemy hands?

I am a huge fan of sunken treasure romances. I was surprised and excited to see my cousin mentioned in Ms. Walker’s book. After all I grew up listening to the family stories of Mel and the Atocha. I like the premise of the Deep Six novels. I mean who doesn’t like to think about a sexy pack of ex-SEALs shirtless diving for treasure? :)

Hell or High Water is a great title for this novel because these characters definitely go through hell on the open seas. Ms. Walker definitely knows how to pack an intense amount of action into her romances. Leo and Olivia are scorching! These two have so much sexual chemistry it’s insane! It’s unfortunate they are lacking for privacy as they are off to save the world. However, this causes for some hilarious moments as they keep getting caught making out!

My only complaint is I could have done with less page time for the bad guys and more of Leo and friends. I really enjoyed getting to know the men of Deep Six Salvage and I cannot wait to read the next book in the series!

Hell or High Water is a passionate, thrilling race against time!

This book was reviewed by Miranda for Joyfully Reviewed (JR), and was provided by the publisher/author at no cost to JR for the purpose of being reviewed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reviewed by Francesca and posted at Under The Covers Book Blog

Hell or High Water is the first installment in Julie Ann Walker’s new Deep Six series. I got a nice little introduction to this world in The Way of the Warrior anthology that was released earlier this year, and it definitely piqued my interest in this author who (I’ve been under a rock) is new to me. Olivia Mortier is a CIA agent who can’t forget ex Navy SEAL Leo Anderson. The feeling is mutual. After a mission in Syria together that ended in tragedy more than a year ago, they parted ways never having consummated their burning attraction towards one another. Fast forward, and Leo and his SEAL buddies have fulfilled their promise to their dying comrade to retire from the Navy and start living. In a paradise off of Key West, Leo has enlisted them on another type of mission: to find the wreckage of the Spanish galleon, La Santa Christina, and all the treasure that’s said to have been her cargo. Unfortunately, funding is running out and Leo is unsure of how to proceed. Until Olivia makes a timely appearance to convince them to come out of “retirement” to help her recover canisters of chemical weapons that have ended up at the bottom of the sea due to some unfortunate circumstances. They’ll be compensated quite nicely for their efforts. It’s an offer he can’t refuse, but the real challenge is how to handle Olivia’s reappearance in his life.

First off, I have to applaud the cool locale of Key West for a romantic suspense novel. I’d been a bit burnt out on the genre and had become a little tired of locations alternating between the Middle East and Central/South America. This is somewhere I’ve been and can relate to, if only for a short vacation a few years ago. As this is the first book in a series, you know you’re in for a lot of introductions and world building. This was no exception and I did get a bit confused at the beginning learning the names of all the team members and catching up on their backgrounds, but that seems to happen to me in most suspense novels. Leo, or LT as his buddies call him, is your classic strong and steady SEAL who melts you with his loyalty. Olivia is a more complex character, having had a very rough childhood, unused to being cared for. She’s actually very likeable despite the rough exterior. The chemistry between these two is palpable and when they get alone in a room together, you’re just dying for them to get to it already. When they do, it’s explosive. I was not prepared for how hot this is written. Sometimes you’re caught by surprise! I have to say also that Julie Ann Walker writes hilarious dialog, both inner and between the characters. I had a bunch of laugh out loud moments. Who would have known that the opposite of cockblocking is cliterference??!! There’s a good dose of action throughout the middle third of the book that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The other ex SEALS are all unique characters that each have their own appeal. I very much enjoyed this one. It’s definitely a feel good book where the good guys win. Sometimes that’s the kind of therapy you need!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
HELL OR HIGH WATER is the first full length installment in Julie Ann Walker’s adult, contemporary Deep Six military, action/suspense romance series focusing on a group of former Navy SEALs who currently own and operate a civilian marine salvage business. This is Lieutenant Leo ‘The Lion’ Anderson, and CIA operative Olivia Mortier’s storyline. The DEEP SIX series is a spinoff from Julie Ann’s BLACK KNIGHTS INC series. There is an introductory novella HOT AS HELL that can be found in the May 2015 anthology-WAY OF THE WARRIOR.

Told from several third person perspectives using present day and flashbacks, HELL OR HIGH WATER follows three intersecting paths. Along with his former team of fellow SEALs, Leo Anderson has retired from the Marines and has taken over his father’s marine salvage business on Wayfarer Island. Their latest quest finds our heroes searching the ocean depths for the lost ship La Santa Christina, where it is purported to have sunk to the ocean floor, close to five hundred years earlier, with a vast treasure of silver and gold. But a visit from CIA agent Olivia Mortier places the former SEALs back in the action when a powerful chemical weapon, ‘given’ to the enemy, is reported to have been lost at sea and the team is asked to help in the rescue and recovery. What ensues is the search for the missing weapon; a private yacht falling victim to terrorists; and betrayal from within the CIA aka The Company.

HELL OR HIGH WATER is a story of second chances for our leading couple. While on Middle East deployment eighteen months earlier, Olivia and Leo began a relationship that ended too soon when a double cross found Leo’s men in a fight for their lives. Olivia has shouldered the blame for the entire mission that went horribly wrong, and in this she has yet to come to terms with her role in the death of someone close. Working together to retrieve the missing weapon finds our leading couple rekindling their relationship and taking it to the next level. But guilt and grief continue to follow Olivia throughout the story, as we are witness to the events leading up to the present day. The $ex scenes are inventive and provocative. Our couple get caught with their ‘pants down’ on more than one occasion. ;)

We are introduced to Leo’s team of former Navy SEALs (Bran, Wolf, Doc, Romeo and Mason), as well as a cameo appearance by Michael ‘Mad Dog ‘ Wainwright- first introduced in Julie Ann’s BLACK KNIGHTS INC series: Michael and Harper’s story can be found in the novella HOT AS HELL (Way of the Warrior-May 2015). Leo’s Uncle John, a cross between a ‘crusty sea dog and slack –ass hippie’ –as per the storyline description-finds respite with the heroes under the auspices of helping Leo search for the missing treasure. Not sure if Uncle John has a story to tell, but he is a fount of information when needed. There is plenty of friendly teasing and ego bashing, along with the camaraderie found with a friendship forged through mutual understanding and loss. We watch as another potential romance builds between one of Leo’s team members and a woman they helped rescue from the unruly band of terrorists who had all but destroyed Leo’s salvage business. The requisite evil comes from two different but conspiring sources that could have been ripped from today’s newspaper headlines.

HELL OR HIGH WATER is an action packed and intriguing storyline that focuses on the secret mission to retrieve chemical weapons, and the ensuing struggle to stay one step ahead of a mangy group of terrorists that will eventually reveal a mole within the CIA. There are moments of friendship and betrayal, romance and love, adventure and a little bit of suspense. Julie Ann Walker’s use of ‘punny’ comments leads to a few groans and rolling of the eyes; I am not sure if some of the humor using military jargon was appropriate.

The DEEP SIX series follows a similar outline and genre-type to that of Julie Ann’s BLACK KNIGHTS INC series- former military or special ops agents who, upon retirement, set up their own business running secret missions behind the scenes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love books that feature hot Navy SEALs. This new series is full of them. So I settled into this book with a lot of excitement and interest. I was not disappointed! Julie Ann Walker has created some interesting and engaging characters.
Leo and Olivia met when he was assigned to protect her in Syria. He was a SEAL, she works for the CIA as an operative. The two have amazing chemistry and share one spell binding kiss that still has them shaken 18 months later. Olivia needs Leo’s help with a mission, even though he is retired and starting a salvaging business with his former team.
I loved Leo. He is the perfect man. Hot, sexy SEAL in a beach bum attire. He exudes confidence and charisma. A Southern boy, he knows how to charm Olivia and damn well wants her in his arms. He takes the mission for the money, but mostly because he can’t get her out of his head. He wants time with her to explore if all the ‘what ifs’ were real.
Olivia is exactly what I would expect from a spook. No family, no life and no attachments to tie her down. Until she meets Leo. She hasn’t forgotten him, nor that kiss. She also hasn’t forgotten the disaster that happened in Syria. She has a lot of baggage, but Leo manages to cut right through it.
The SEAL guys were awesome. I would love to be on the beach hanging out with them. They tease each other and yet are so deadly. I liked all the characters on the salvage team that Julie Ann Walker introduces. Since this is the start of a new series, we should get to know each of their stories in time.
One thing was a departure from the previous books I have read from this author. The writing style was very relaxed. Full of colloquial terms, this book features some down right funny passages. Case and point “Suddenly, Mr. SwoonWorthyonAnyOtherDay was stalking toward her, the machine gun he’d used to bring down Lead A-hole now strapped to his back”, it was simply the olive atop the s*** sandwich that was this day” and “for their part, the SEALs were locked and loaded, aiming their M4s right back in a good ol’ fashioned high-seas standoff.” This is not to say that the writing was not enjoyable (it was), it was just very casual and not as formal as most books.
This is a very promising start to a new series. I can’t wait to see where the author will take the characters and the plot. They didn’t get to do much salvaging of the Spanish ship, so hopefully in the next books they will find their treasure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gayle siems
Julie Ann Walker has a very unique and quirky voice with her writing. I admit, in her other series Black Knights Inc. it both made me laugh, and it irritated me. There are long inner monologues, that are filled with off the wall pop culture references and cartoon like images. There's outlandish humor in a middle of a serious, deadly scenes, and lust filled thoughts in the middle of an operation about to go bust. BUT, even though this book is riddled with those traits as well, it doesn't irritate me nearly as much here, it was more like seeing an old friend, and laughing at her weirdness, and in an odd way comes addictive.

The characters are well developed, the Deep Six team is full of alpha males, former SEALs, who are fun, jolly, and ready for action at the drop of the hat. They are protective, they care fiercely, and would sacrifice their lives for each other.
The women are not shy, as ready for action as the SEALs, they face the danger by their side, and kick ass when needed.
There are also moments of pure beauty, illustrating the friendship and brotherhood between the Deep Six men.
Olivia and Leo have serious heat, chemistry and attraction between them. They are so hot together, it is sizzling. Amazing how they find the time and opportunity in the midst of all the chaos and danger for intimacy and passion.
The action is deadly, dangerous, and rough. The twists and surprise elements kept the suspense going. The tale is told by several different viewpoints, also by the villains, giving it a well rounded picture of events to come, providing with a nail-biting, threatening moments.
It was a great introduction to the new series, I am truly intrigued, and can't wait for more
~ Four Spoons and a teaspoon on the side
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mh khosravi
Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: Hell or High Water (Deep Six) by Julie Ann Walker http://wp.me/p3d0RZ-2Kw
Publication Date: July 7, 2015
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated: 5 Stars

I really enjoyed this debut novel for her new series. It immediately reminded me of a Clive Cussler novel but with the addition of a hot romance and a lighter flair. I absolutely love the members of the Deep Six team and how they have an easy camaraderie that kept me smiling. Of course they are all hot in their own way which makes me look forward to the next installments which can’t come soon enough. She also made the women well rounded and easy to identify with. My only comment would be that in the beginning, the description of Leo and Olivia’s attraction seemed a bit forced but that soon smoothed out. This story was action packed and thrilling from the start, full of humor and smoldering romance. A fun read all the way.

*Review copy provided by Sourcebooks in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sruti rallapalli
Excellent, Excellent Excellent read!!! I could not put the book down, Lol. Mrs. Walker's word building and strong alpha character driven men is totally awesome. I started this book late yesterday evening and read the entire thing until 3am! I did not want to go to sleep until I had finished every luscious page of Leo & Olivia's story! WOW! I mean just, WOW! Very informative, even to the minute detail in describing her former Navy Seals-Deep Six team, who upon retirement found 4 of the 6 back in the waters again to help heart and country to save innocents all with a deep love story. Amazing! Non-stop action and witty, sarcastic dialogue from these wonderful men. I CANNOT WAIT for the continuation of this series, which if you have read her Black Knights, Inc story includes reference to those alpha men as well. I can't express the love I have for this book and the wonderful men that they are! Please hurry for the next book in this particular series as I anxiously await her next book in the Black Knights, Inc series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
avril sara cunningham
First in the new series by Julie Ann Walker, Deep Six is a series about retired SEAL Team chasing a dream. Leo Anderson's family has been looking for the lost treasure of La Santa Christina a sunken ship in the Bahamas as a promise to a lost team mate the whole team didn't reenlist and now they are a salvage team looking for a legendary treasure. This is a really good fast paced action romance. Their is no denying that JAW is a great writer, the sexual tension is humorous, the action is intense and a very full filling story with a great hook to leave you wanting the next book already.

Leo is certain that he will find the lost treasure, he's just running out of money and time. The island that has been in his family for generations was a 150 year lease agreement from the government and that lease is running out. He just needs the translator to finish translating and transcribing the old diaries he found.

CIA spook Olivia Mortier and her boss are trying to pin down a leak in the company in the process they messed up and lost some key components to WMDs. Lost in the depths of the ocean Olivia can think of only one team who qualifies unfortunately the team is retired; but a big bag of money tells Olivia they won't turn the job down.

Olivia and Leo have worked together in the past and have a lot of unresolved issues, half of them of the sexual nature. Leo agrees to help only for the money and the chance to spend some more time with Olivia. But the easy job isn't so easy when the the terrorist didn't go down with the boat like they thought and took a yacht hostage. And with the CIA leak still on the loose it quickly snafus.

Overall this is a good book, easy and entertaining to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Walker’s latest contemporary romantic suspense focuses more heavily on the suspense rather than the romance – but it works. And, what sex there was was extremely steamy and described in great detail. Six hot, brave, loyal and accomplished ex-SEALS are living on a privately owned island in the Florida Keys preparing to do salvage work searching for a Spanish treasure that went down with the Santa Cristina in 1624. Their search is interrupted when CIA spy, Olivia, promising a huge payment guaranteeing sufficient funds to cover their treasure hunt, asks for their help in recovering three capsules filled with deadly chemical weapons. Leo, known to his friends as “LT,” is extremely pleased to see Olivia again since he is serious about moving forward on what they had in Syria while on a mission and forging a true long-term relationship. The CIA mission goes anything but smoothly with their salvage boat being sunk, another boat being taken over by terrorists, the killing of the terrorists, the rescuing of hostages, and the discovery of an American traitor. Besides Leo and Olivia’s story, there is a great beginning to what I hope is another novel in this series starring the wonderful secondary characters Bran and Maddy.

I readily admit that i hate it when a reviewer states that a book “is well-written,” but I find myself compelled to say something along these lines about Hell or High Water. It is one of the most expertly written books I’ve read in a long time: great descriptions, well laid out and no grammatical mistakes (that I saw!). Sourcebooks provided me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
p fosten
Wow, what a great new series. Loved the introduction book HOT AS HELL in the Anthology WAY OF THE WARRIOR.
I am not usually a reader of soldier orientated books unless they are different and good. This book was both.
This book has it all, sassy women, alpha men, humour and suspense and even better a great story line. The characters we are meeting are just so real and believable that you just disappear into the story alongside them. I love books that can make you laugh or take you away from everything for a while, not all books manage that but this one does. I couldn’t put it down until I finished and cannot wait for the next book to come out.
The underlying theme about governments, spies, defence of our countries and what is happening today in our world was descriptive, truthful but not overly done.
Loved the prologue and epilogue, a story in themselves.
If you love hot alpha seals with hearts of gold, matched up with feisty women who can hold their own against them and support them when needed, you will enjoy this book and if the rest of the series continues as good as this book (the introduction book HOT AS HELL was a good read too) this series will be a keeper for the shelves (or kindle reader.)
Comparable to Lora Leigh’s Elite Ops and Tempting Seals series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
** Provided by Netgalley in Exchange for an Honest Review **
Judging a Book by it's Cover:
Cover is reminiscent of the many other Action/Suspense stories out there today from any number of authors. Synopsis is good, but again, more standard fair for it's genre and category. To be honest, I may have passed this one up had I not seen the author's name attached to it. On closer inspection, the cover model, to me, does not accurately resemble Leo and worse... his upper right arm looks like a balloon animal arm (Deltoids to Biceps).
Looking Deeper:
The prologue highlights the last moments of La Santa Cristina and her crew before a hurricane turns her and her armed escorts into sacrificial lambs to Mother Ocean.
Third person POV. I don't know if it's because it's an all new cast with just the mildest tie-in to BKI, but I found it difficult to connect to the story and it's characters in the beginning. Within the first twenty percent, you are introduced to Leo and his team*, Olivia, Jonathan Winters**, the bad guys - which are currently split in two groups, and some innocent bystanders. There's been a lot of little movers and shakers, but none of it has drawn me in at this point. By thirty percent, we are beginning to see how the story and all it's counterparts are coming together as well as experiencing the dynamic and camaraderie of the Deep Six crew. It's at this point that the story really begins to takes off with great chemistry between all characters, witty banter, believable interactions and natural-feeling dialogue. The plot is exciting and the story flows really well once all of the chess pieces are laid out be played. There are some conflicts that come up several times and, being the militant professionals that they are, each is resolved in a calm and mature manner... except when dealing with matters of the heart... then they can be a little dumb, as usual. Predictability was quite low and minor.
The conclusion is great, with the inclusion of Mad Dog. I especially enjoy the hints we are seeing of "possibly more" between Bran and Maddy, they were both extremely enjoyable secondary characters. There is an epilogue that expands upon the prologue just a bit and makes for a juicy info nugget. I am actually glad I trudged through the beginning and look forward to reading the next book in the series.
* Mention was made of Michael "Mad Dog" Wainwright, the 7th living member of their former SEAL team. His novella, the series prequel, was featured in WAY OF THE WARRIOR, an anthology benefiting the Wounded Warriors, released in early May.
** Jonathan Winters is a CIA character that has been featured in the BKI series and was raising red flags even then.
Heat Level: 4.5 ~ Score: 4.5 ~ Stars: 5
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Let me start by saying, this book started with characters that seem to be carried over from her last series. I haven't read the last series and was thinking this was a brand new one but the author kept hinting on things that happened between the H and h from Syria and how this has carried over to the longing they felt for each other at the beginning of this book. Then, to add insult to injury, there was a mission that the reader is supposed to somehow grasp what went wrong. The loss of a fellow teammate and how that previous mission was screwed up. It isn't until mid story somewhere that the reader is explained those details from Leo's POV and then later Olivia's POV.

So to start, we are dealing with seven ex- Navy SEALs, who have left the navy and are looking for a sunken ship (that dates back to 1624) that Leo, the leader and hero of the story, has reason to believe has lost treasures at the bottom of the sea. Olivia, our heroine and an agent for the CIA meets up with Leo to get, ask,or more like plead and beg for his assistance to locate nuclear chemicals that are encased and were dropped into the ocean. She explains to him and his men, it would help her to find the mole in the CIA who has been secretly selling info to the tangos (terrorists).

I won't get into the action at sea because that is for the reader to enjoy. However this sudden "love" wasn't believable between Leo and Olivia. Yes, there is angst and secrets...yada..yada..yada but without an introduction to either character, as I previously mentioned, I couldn't really feel the love but went with it anyway. Plus, it took forever for me to warm up to Olivia. Leo was much more likable from start to finish.

Then, another pet peeve of mine is the "straight eight" to celebrate (my words used) is now seven but named DEEP SIX. Being a numerical person, this was a "yeah, whatever" moment even though the author comes up with her plausable reasoning for the title. She uses another logo to describe the original eight but by then I was annoyed.

Another thing to add is that Olivia is always having issues with not being able to take the gore and vomiting. I think that is a sure sign to change your career path SOONER rather then LATER!!

If your a person that doesn't mind a series starting with a question mark and then plunging (no pun intended) into the waters of this book, it is a fun read. For me, I want more details and how the foundation of the H/h started without just being alluded to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura alley dietrich
Reviewed by Robin
Book provided by NetGalley for review
Review originally posted at Romancing the Book

Always a sucker for sunken treasure, romance and the high seas. I have a thing for pirates. So this wasn’t pirates but it was close enough for me. Hot Navy SEALS…need I say more. I really enjoyed this fast paced story that was not only fun but had an element of sexy along with suspense. You can’t go wrong.

Leo and Olivia seemed to set the pages to steamy with their strong chemistry and connection. They had worked together in the past in Syria. Things happened which sent them in different directions. Forward to the present Leo and Olivia are once again thrown together. The sizzling chemistry is still there. Leo has a salvage business with his hunky Navy SEAL buddies and Olivia is a CIA agent.

I really liked ready this story. The plot was fun and fast paced which kept me entertained. Some things tended to be a little far out for me but they were easy to overlook making it a fun story. Ms. Walker does a great job with descriptions making it easy to feel as if I were transported to the various locations. It helps to make the story come alive. She also made the transition between the different POV’s easy to follow as you get into the different heads and scenarios. As I enjoyed the steam, action, romance, and the adventure I would really have liked just a bit more of the Leo and Olivia of the past.

All in all it was a very enjoyable story with characters that were likable both main and secondary ones. It was nice to see a lighter side to the military. We all are aware of the darker side with war but sometimes it is nice to step away with that and let the guys have a fun life which is not always the case.

Overall this is a very entertaining story and I look forward to the next in this series. Settle in your comfy spot with your favorite drink as you won’t want to put this down. It was easy to get caught up in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An exciting high seas Adventure plagued with modern day misadventure. What was supposed to a simple mission, enlisting the help of a few ex-SEALs, turns into long, exciting, turbulent day at sea.

As always, Julie Ann Walker manages to write in a way that keeps you engaged, makes the characters easy to relate to, mixes in just the right amount of adventure and romance, with the ability to carry over plots into subsequent books, which keeps you reaching for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*Complimentary ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review.

Man down!
When the Crazy Eight lost one of their own, it changed everything.

An oath sworn
With his dying breath, Rusty Lawrence made his band of brothers promise him they would leave the Navy and live life to the fullest.

After reading the prequel to this new series in the Way of the Warrior anthology (which was fantastic, and author and publisher proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project), I knew I'd want to read the first, full-length novel. If Navy SEALs are your thing, you need this book! Julie Ann Walker did an amazing job of transporting me to the Florida Keys, and she kept me on the edge of my seat with the brilliantly described scenes of deep sea diving and tactical (underwater) SEAL action. The biggest bonus of all was the humor interlaced throughout, courtesy of Bran, the suspense and tough female characters.

Leo “The Lion” Anderson and his former SEAL team had honored their friend’s dying wish and embarked on a new adventure: the quest for high-seas adventure and treasure hunting. Even after “retirement”, Leo still felt a responsibility towards his men; to make sure their venture would be profitable since they’d thrown their lot in with him. On the personal front, he couldn’t get CIA agent Olivia Mortier out of his head since a mission in Syria. What I really liked about him was that he put others before himself, and he always deferred to the others before making big decisions. As Bran put it, that made him an excellent and trustworthy leader. Once in mission mode, he was calm, focused and deadly.

Olivia (30) was a kicka** heroine. I loved her confidence and courage. Despite having grown up in an orphanage and excelling in a job that didn't allow much room for romantic stability, I loved that she didn’t shy away from her growing feelings for Leo. She embraced them and took what she could. I understood the guilt she carried over Rusty’s death, misplaced as it was.

Bran wasn’t off the mark with his jokes about their combustible chemistry. I enjoyed all the times Bran coc…interrupted their sexy time because duty called. The push and pull between them developed at a good, steady pace, so that when they finally came together, it made the wait well worth while. There were several sexy scenes and one very steamy (pun intended) sex scene. I didn't really like that she didn't dare confess to Leo what had happened in Syria, especially when it became predictable that the truth would come out in a way she couldn't control.

The story was paced well, and above all else, a page turner. The romance didn't overshadow the great suspense. Along with the retrieval of chemical weapons plot, there was also the matter of flushing out a CIA mole, and the setup of Bran's story with the feisty Madison Powers. From the interaction between Bran and Madison, I can't wait for their story as they seemed to make quite a good match. Bran really stood out in this story. I loved how protective he was of Leo, and his team mates in general.

The story was told from multiple POVs (Leo, Olivia, Bran, Mason, and the CIA mole). I deducted half a star for the many pop culture references, mostly movies. Don’t get me wrong, they were funny, and I got all of them, especially the Lethal Weapon reference (one of my favorite Murtaugh moments, by the way). It was cute the first few times, but eventually the cuteness wore off. There was also a brief case of head hopping between Mason and Bran that threw me off a little. But aside from that, this book had EVERYTHING I love in romantic suspense—men of honor, strong female characters, good action and humor. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who shares my taste in books in that genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sonali mishra
I received this book free from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

If you have never read a book by Julie Ann Walker, this would be an excellent first book to read because this is the beginning of a new series, The Deep Six. This book starts out slowly but, before I knew it, I was so fascinated that I had trouble putting it down to do anything else.

All six men in this book were on the same SEAL team before they retired, and they are as close as brothers. All of the men are tall, muscular, powerfully built and just plain sexy. They argue and tease each other endlessly, but they love each other and are always watching each other’s backs.

Olivia Mortier, the heroine, is a strong, independent woman who also is a CIA agent. She has just come off a “mission-gone-wrong,” and comes to Leo Anderson and his group for help to salvage the mission. She and Leo had worked together before, and although, they had never been intimate, neither one could forget the other.

On the whole, this book is non-stop adventure, suspense and romance. However, it also includes a lot of male camaraderie and many humorous situations. In spite of the strong chemistry between Olivia and Leo, the author allows them to be silly and to make fun of themselves. This especially happens when they try to find someplace to be alone and get physical. Unfortunately, someone or something always manages to interrupt them.

Most of all, I love Julie Ann Walker’s metaphor and similes. They are often unusual and humorous. The author states that “nitrogen narcosis” is like feeling “stoned.” Leo compares the “A-team,” who is taking a long time to rescue them, to “a blister. They don’t show up until the work’s all done.” There were a lot more funny moments and conversations, although some of them are off-color and cannot be repeated here.

All-in-all, there are a lot of people trying to kill the group while they are searching underwater for something that is lethal. Olivia and Leo spend a lot of time trying to be alone together which is almost impossible. And to top it off, Olivia has a secret that she is sure will make Leo and the other men hate her.

In other words, this is a wonderful story! I can’t wait to read this author’s next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenny jarvie
Reviewed by Robin
Book provided by NetGalley for review
Review originally posted at Romancing the Book

Always a sucker for sunken treasure, romance and the high seas. I have a thing for pirates. So this wasn’t pirates but it was close enough for me. Hot Navy SEALS…need I say more. I really enjoyed this fast paced story that was not only fun but had an element of sexy along with suspense. You can’t go wrong.

Leo and Olivia seemed to set the pages to steamy with their strong chemistry and connection. They had worked together in the past in Syria. Things happened which sent them in different directions. Forward to the present Leo and Olivia are once again thrown together. The sizzling chemistry is still there. Leo has a salvage business with his hunky Navy SEAL buddies and Olivia is a CIA agent.

I really liked ready this story. The plot was fun and fast paced which kept me entertained. Some things tended to be a little far out for me but they were easy to overlook making it a fun story. Ms. Walker does a great job with descriptions making it easy to feel as if I were transported to the various locations. It helps to make the story come alive. She also made the transition between the different POV’s easy to follow as you get into the different heads and scenarios. As I enjoyed the steam, action, romance, and the adventure I would really have liked just a bit more of the Leo and Olivia of the past.

All in all it was a very enjoyable story with characters that were likable both main and secondary ones. It was nice to see a lighter side to the military. We all are aware of the darker side with war but sometimes it is nice to step away with that and let the guys have a fun life which is not always the case.

Overall this is a very entertaining story and I look forward to the next in this series. Settle in your comfy spot with your favorite drink as you won’t want to put this down. It was easy to get caught up in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary jefferson
An exciting high seas Adventure plagued with modern day misadventure. What was supposed to a simple mission, enlisting the help of a few ex-SEALs, turns into long, exciting, turbulent day at sea.

As always, Julie Ann Walker manages to write in a way that keeps you engaged, makes the characters easy to relate to, mixes in just the right amount of adventure and romance, with the ability to carry over plots into subsequent books, which keeps you reaching for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*Complimentary ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review.

Man down!
When the Crazy Eight lost one of their own, it changed everything.

An oath sworn
With his dying breath, Rusty Lawrence made his band of brothers promise him they would leave the Navy and live life to the fullest.

After reading the prequel to this new series in the Way of the Warrior anthology (which was fantastic, and author and publisher proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project), I knew I'd want to read the first, full-length novel. If Navy SEALs are your thing, you need this book! Julie Ann Walker did an amazing job of transporting me to the Florida Keys, and she kept me on the edge of my seat with the brilliantly described scenes of deep sea diving and tactical (underwater) SEAL action. The biggest bonus of all was the humor interlaced throughout, courtesy of Bran, the suspense and tough female characters.

Leo “The Lion” Anderson and his former SEAL team had honored their friend’s dying wish and embarked on a new adventure: the quest for high-seas adventure and treasure hunting. Even after “retirement”, Leo still felt a responsibility towards his men; to make sure their venture would be profitable since they’d thrown their lot in with him. On the personal front, he couldn’t get CIA agent Olivia Mortier out of his head since a mission in Syria. What I really liked about him was that he put others before himself, and he always deferred to the others before making big decisions. As Bran put it, that made him an excellent and trustworthy leader. Once in mission mode, he was calm, focused and deadly.

Olivia (30) was a kicka** heroine. I loved her confidence and courage. Despite having grown up in an orphanage and excelling in a job that didn't allow much room for romantic stability, I loved that she didn’t shy away from her growing feelings for Leo. She embraced them and took what she could. I understood the guilt she carried over Rusty’s death, misplaced as it was.

Bran wasn’t off the mark with his jokes about their combustible chemistry. I enjoyed all the times Bran coc…interrupted their sexy time because duty called. The push and pull between them developed at a good, steady pace, so that when they finally came together, it made the wait well worth while. There were several sexy scenes and one very steamy (pun intended) sex scene. I didn't really like that she didn't dare confess to Leo what had happened in Syria, especially when it became predictable that the truth would come out in a way she couldn't control.

The story was paced well, and above all else, a page turner. The romance didn't overshadow the great suspense. Along with the retrieval of chemical weapons plot, there was also the matter of flushing out a CIA mole, and the setup of Bran's story with the feisty Madison Powers. From the interaction between Bran and Madison, I can't wait for their story as they seemed to make quite a good match. Bran really stood out in this story. I loved how protective he was of Leo, and his team mates in general.

The story was told from multiple POVs (Leo, Olivia, Bran, Mason, and the CIA mole). I deducted half a star for the many pop culture references, mostly movies. Don’t get me wrong, they were funny, and I got all of them, especially the Lethal Weapon reference (one of my favorite Murtaugh moments, by the way). It was cute the first few times, but eventually the cuteness wore off. There was also a brief case of head hopping between Mason and Bran that threw me off a little. But aside from that, this book had EVERYTHING I love in romantic suspense—men of honor, strong female characters, good action and humor. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who shares my taste in books in that genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Leo Anderson and his fellow Seals have retired to an idyllic island. They have formed a company to search for,a lost sunken ship, the La Santa Christina. When CIA agent Olivia Mortier shows up looking for their help Leo isn't interested. He has no desire to return to the world he has left behind, but canisters of chemical weapons are lost on the bottom of the sea. Leo and his men are the closest qualified people to retrieve the canisters before terrorists can. This was an action packed book with the attraction between Leo and Oliva thrown into the mix. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
WOW!!! When Julie Ann wants to start a new series she does it in style. Hell or High Water is book one in the Deep Six series and we get to me Leo “The Lion” Anderson and his band of merry men. They are all ex-Navy SEALs. All trying to put a real life together after a promise to a fallen comrade. But of course things can’t so smoothly. Oh no.... smooth would be to easy.
I really enjoyed this book. I enjoyed learning about all the guys a little. Their backstory is heartbreaking and I will admit I shed a few tears. The adventure kept me turning the pages. The tension between Leo & Olivia was a perfect balance to tug and pull. It was also great to get a little cameo from one of Ms. Walker’s Black Knight Inc. characters :)
I can’t wait to see what is next for this six guys. The future is looking pretty bright even if they have to go deep to find it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley & SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reviewed for Net Galley and Fresh Fiction

Former Navy Seal Leo Anderson returns to the world of black-ops to help the one person he can't seem to forget, CIA Agent Olivia Mortier.

Olivia needs Leo and his guys help to retrieve a chemical weapons capsule from some terrorists fanatics.

They have a race against the clock and things really heat up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Leo Anderson and his other SEAL buddies have left the service and started a salvage business. Leo's father was a treasure hunter who spent his life looking for a sunken Spanish treasure ship. After his death, Leo decided to try to find the ship himself.

They are living on Leo's family island when Leo's old flame CIA agent Olivia shows up asking for a favor. She and her CIA boss planned a sting involving chemical weapons in order to unmask a mole in the CIA but things went wrong. She needs the team's expertise to recover the chemicals without letting the mole know.

The chemistry between Leo and Olivia is hot but their lifestyles are not compatible. Also, Olivia is on orphan who grew up never having anyone love her or want to stay with her. It takes a while but that is what Leo wants. Now, all he has to do is convince Olivia. Of course, he has to do his convincing while battling ISIS terrorists who hijack a yacht, blow up their salvage boat, and otherwise cause mayhem.

There was a little too much overly descriptive sex in this one but I did find the characters engaging and will probably follow along with this series to see if the other men also find their true loves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yowza! Having devoured the Black Knights Inc. series, I couldn't wait for the Deep Six series to begin. As expected, it's one kick ass ride from start to finish. Love the characters, love the storyline, love everything about it. Hot alpha males, smart savvy women, plenty of action, smoldering love scenes and lost treasure. What more could you ask for?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Read from June 07 to 09, 2015

Book Info
Mass MARKET Paperback, 384 pages
Expected publication: July 7th 2015 by Sourcebooks CASABLANCA
ISBN 1492608904 (ISBN13: 9781492608905)
edition language English
other editions (1)
Source:Netgalley EARC

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In a world on the brink…

Six men. One sunken Spanish galleon. Millions in gold and silver coins lying on the ocean floor. And a past that refuses to let the guys of Deep Six Salvage forget the Navy SEAL motto: the only easy day was yesterday...

There's more than one kind of treasure…

The nation's security has always been CIA agent Olivia Mortier's top priority. But a mission-gone-wrong has begun to make her wonder if there's more to life than risking hers.

And more than one secret at the bottom of the sea…

Only two things could make Leo Anderson abandon his hunt for the legendary lost ship, La Santa Christina, and return to the world of weapons and warfare he swore to leave behind: a capsule of enriched uranium, lost on the ocean floor, and a plea for assistance from the one woman he can't seem to forget...

My Thoughts

The dynamics in this were interesting, part action adventure, part romantic suspense, part mystery and an eclectic cast of all around bold as brass characters who you will want to read more about in books to come.

Flashing back in time for the beginning prologue setting up the future story was kind of disconcerting at first and than made sense the further into the book I read.

Enjoyed the characters, the action scenes, the romance angle and the buildup to an ending that led to hope for a spectacular new beginning for not only Leo and Olivia but his 5 friends and business partners as well.

Not the best first book in a new series but by no means the worst either.

[EArc from Netgalley in exchange for honest review]
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
larry fine
Its always disappointing when you've loved a previous series of an author and when they come out with a new one you just cannot connect to it. That is the case for me with Deep Six. The base of the series being about retired Navy Seals switching to underwater treasure hunters just didnt thrill me. And sadly neither did any of the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arvind passey
I received this book free from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

If you have never read a book by Julie Ann Walker, this would be an excellent first book to read because this is the beginning of a new series, The Deep Six. This book starts out slowly but, before I knew it, I was so fascinated that I had trouble putting it down to do anything else.

All six men in this book were on the same SEAL team before they retired, and they are as close as brothers. All of the men are tall, muscular, powerfully built and just plain sexy. They argue and tease each other endlessly, but they love each other and are always watching each other’s backs.

Olivia Mortier, the heroine, is a strong, independent woman who also is a CIA agent. She has just come off a “mission-gone-wrong,” and comes to Leo Anderson and his group for help to salvage the mission. She and Leo had worked together before, and although, they had never been intimate, neither one could forget the other.

On the whole, this book is non-stop adventure, suspense and romance. However, it also includes a lot of male camaraderie and many humorous situations. In spite of the strong chemistry between Olivia and Leo, the author allows them to be silly and to make fun of themselves. This especially happens when they try to find someplace to be alone and get physical. Unfortunately, someone or something always manages to interrupt them.

Most of all, I love Julie Ann Walker’s metaphor and similes. They are often unusual and humorous. The author states that “nitrogen narcosis” is like feeling “stoned.” Leo compares the “A-team,” who is taking a long time to rescue them, to “a blister. They don’t show up until the work’s all done.” There were a lot more funny moments and conversations, although some of them are off-color and cannot be repeated here.

All-in-all, there are a lot of people trying to kill the group while they are searching underwater for something that is lethal. Olivia and Leo spend a lot of time trying to be alone together which is almost impossible. And to top it off, Olivia has a secret that she is sure will make Leo and the other men hate her.

In other words, this is a wonderful story! I can’t wait to read this author’s next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was full of laughs, suspense, and thrills. Julie Walker knows how to keep her readers coming back for more. I have read all of her Black Knight Ink books and even have book 9 preordered. Can hardly wait to start reading the next book in the Deep Six Series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Olivia is such a great character. She has a backbone of steel and a heart of gold. She is also CIA so trouble tends to happen when she is around. Leo is a sexy smart alpha man, who appreciates the value of the opinions of those around him. It takes a strong man to be able to do that. He's also able to look beyond what she shows and see that there's so much more to her.

The story is action packed and filled with adventure on every page. I love that the story basically takes place on the ocean. What better place for a group of X-Seals to retire too. Mystery, treachery, along with sunken ships and treasure. Alpha males & hot sex, laughter & romance. New characters with witty personalities. You're going to laugh.

I would suggest reading the Black Knight series, particularly book #7 - Full Throttle first to give you that bit of background. The Black Knight series is awesome and you'll be so happy that you started with them.

Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel gonzalez
Walker writes characters and stories that keep you turning the pages. Retired SEAL, Leo helps CIA agent, Olivia recover chemical weapons. The heat between Leo and Olivia is scorching and the supporting characters provide a few laughs. The suspense of being out on the high seas and staying ahead if the bad guys makes the story over fast-paced. I really enjoy reading a story by Walker. She always delivers.
Please RateHell or High Water (The Deep Six)
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