Give Me Yesterday

ByElle Christensen

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sun yung
You could call it a coincidence. You could call it fate. But I prefer to think that when Ben and Victoria met, it was divine providence.

Cold and seemingly unfeeling divorce attorney Victoria could not be bothered to develop relationships, with anyone. Who could blame her? After she loses her two-year-old daughter, and husband, who was the love of her life, Victoria retreated into herself. To protect herself from ever getting hurt like that again, and to ensure that she doesn't forget or betray the memories of the two people who were closest to her, she shuts herself off. She becomes the Ice Queen.

When a case she is handling goes awry, as a condition of not losing her job, she must participate in a grief group led by Dr. Chase Monroe. Dr. Monroe senses the barrier that Victoria has put up. He is determined to break the icy veneer she embraces and bring out the warm woman beneath.

The spirited writing duo of K. Webster and Elle Christensen once more delivers a story that is endearing, memorable, and full of emotion. As you read the story of Victoria, you cannot help but feel the pathos of what she has, or is, experiencing. Her sadness and grief are almost like a palpable vein throbbing underneath her story line. As a reader, I could not help but root for her, urging her character to do something and break free from the grief that has held her captive for years.

While sorrow holds Victoria back, it is never-ending guilt that haunts Chase; a grief that cannot only be alleviated by forgiveness, a forgiveness he keeps chasing after but cannot find.

Give Me Yesterday is about two people who try to handle loss as best they can. But more than that, although Webster and Christensen have very skillfully woven a story about Victoria and Chase, there is a third, crucial character in this story. The five stages of grief are an integral part of the story. The characters navigate through that process defiantly at times, and subtly at others.

One thing that is abundantly clear, the pain of loss is to be shared and not selfishly hoarded. Pain needs support and not isolation. And this is what Webster and Christensen have so clearly pointed out in their story.

Give Me Yesterday is a wonderful story that will make you laugh at times, cheer at times, and tug at your heart strings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tami sutcliffe
The story start when Victoria was in tenth grade and found the love of her life. They both wanted the same thing 2.5 kids with a white picket fence. Little did she know the first time they have sex she gets pregnant but together they make it work and still want there dreams to come true. Then tragedy happens and life changes in a blink of a second. In the first three chapters of the book I did what they call ugly cry my heart broke for Tori. The story jumps ten years in the future and Toni is now an ice queen that only works, eats and sleeps. She has no friends and she doesn't talk to her family. After blowing up with a client her boss tells her she needs to go to grief counseling and that's were she meets Chase. Chase is a professor at the college in Chicago and he's been leading the group to try and help him heal grief. He immediately feels like he can fix the ice queen and while doing so falls in love himself with Tori. Somehow fate has brought these two together but Chase has a secret. Will his secret tear them apart or will there love survive? If your looking for a hot as sin book of sex and a good cry and book that I will definitely be reading again this is your book. Reviewed on behalf of Once Upon An Alpha.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
AMAZING! I loved this heart-wrenchingly good story. My heat hurt, no ACHED, after the first few pages. This book is stuffed with emotions of pain, loss, regret, LOVE and everything in between. I don't want to give anything away, but I cried a lot reading this. Cried because it touched me so deep in my heart. I did the ugly cry. Victoria and Chase meet after Victoria, a successful divorce attorney, is forced into grief counseling and Chase is the brilliantly sexy counselor running the group. They bond over guilt and loss, but that Tori is a tough nut to crack. Leave it to Dr. Chase Munroe to scale those walls and break down her walls. As they progress their through their own issues, learn to lean on one another, and love again things seem to start to fall apart again.

God, I was gutted reading this book. I love a great emotional read and Elle Christensen and K. Webster BRING IT in "Give Me Yesterday". I talked to myself throughout this book. A lot of "NO!", "It can't be!", Please, I beg you DON'T DO IT!". There is happiness also throughout this read and a special kind of healing that I did not see coming (not just sexual, but that does happen and whoa baby!!). So after I treated myself for a proper book hangover I reread the ending and still cried my eyes out, but this is one of my favorite books so far this year. There is a happy ending, not your typical ending, but one I loved and believed! The situations are very real and both authors treated the subject perfectly and made you really want to fight for Victoria and Chase. I love to be swept up in the emotion of the characters and this book was not lacking AT ALL in emotion. So so so very good. Read this, but make sure you have a box of tissues on hand at all times.
Shared by the Mountain Men (MFM Novella Series Book 1) :: Her Highland Master (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 1) :: Whipped :: Double Daddies :: Don't Look Inside
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristin crocker
I received a copy for an honest review

Victoria Larkin is a divorce lawyer. Her collegues see her as an ice queen. However, ten years ago, she had it all. She'd just graduated high school, going to college, had a loving husband and a beautiful daughter, until she didn't have anymore.
Her boss knows some of this and normally doesn't mind she doesn't take cases where children are involved, until one case she has to take. She snaps, when the wife decides wants to use the child as a pawn. And her boss decides it's time she deals with her past by going to grief counseling.

Chase Monroe is college professor who uses his degree of psychology to help others through their grief. It also helps him with facing his own demons. Guilt about being unable to change the past. Victoria ends up in his group.

As Chase helps Victoria through her grief, she helps him deal with the past.
Will they be able to move past the past and into the future or are they just a carwreck waiting to happen?

These characters' grief was palpable, real. An exemple of how small the world really is. I couldn't put this down, I was hooked from the very first page.
This is also the first book by K. Webster I've actually read, I have one in my library somewhere but haven't gotten around to it yet. Somehow I'm sure I'll get around to it really soon...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie lape
You could call it a coincidence. You could call it fate. But I prefer to think that when Ben and Victoria met, it was divine providence.

Cold and seemingly unfeeling divorce attorney Victoria could not be bothered to develop relationships, with anyone. Who could blame her? After she loses her two-year-old daughter, and husband, who was the love of her life, Victoria retreated into herself. To protect herself from ever getting hurt like that again, and to ensure that she doesn't forget or betray the memories of the two people who were closest to her, she shuts herself off. She becomes the Ice Queen.

When a case she is handling goes awry, as a condition of not losing her job, she must participate in a grief group led by Dr. Chase Monroe. Dr. Monroe senses the barrier that Victoria has put up. He is determined to break the icy veneer she embraces and bring out the warm woman beneath.

The spirited writing duo of K. Webster and Elle Christensen once more delivers a story that is endearing, memorable, and full of emotion. As you read the story of Victoria, you cannot help but feel the pathos of what she has, or is, experiencing. Her sadness and grief are almost like a palpable vein throbbing underneath her story line. As a reader, I could not help but root for her, urging her character to do something and break free from the grief that has held her captive for years.

While sorrow holds Victoria back, it is never-ending guilt that haunts Chase; a grief that cannot only be alleviated by forgiveness, a forgiveness he keeps chasing after but cannot find.

Give Me Yesterday is about two people who try to handle loss as best they can. But more than that, although Webster and Christensen have very skillfully woven a story about Victoria and Chase, there is a third, crucial character in this story. The five stages of grief are an integral part of the story. The characters navigate through that process defiantly at times, and subtly at others.

One thing that is abundantly clear, the pain of loss is to be shared and not selfishly hoarded. Pain needs support and not isolation. And this is what Webster and Christensen have so clearly pointed out in their story.

Give Me Yesterday is a wonderful story that will make you laugh at times, cheer at times, and tug at your heart strings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dean hamilton
WOW - This read is fantastic!
Such a strong emotional beginning you can't help but get sucked in.
A gentle love story with romance that will tear your heart out and stitch it back together again.

Ben and Victoria have the perfect relationship and work through huge issues to get to where they want to be.
Sarah is their ray of sunshine and their life. One person should not have to go through so much and be so strong.
Chase is broken, shattered, but slowly piecing himself back together. Meeting Tori is everything he needs to help himself heal and help her find her own strength.
Their group is their support and with their help, family and a special connection that can not be defined, they help each other heal and live.

The way each of their lives plays out and the way the story progresses is perfect. Not revealing too much and not going too slow or too fast. You learn as you go and heal after you break.

Get your tissues out and be prepared to have your heart broken and melted.
This is one story you will not regret reading and will never forget.
These authors write beautifully on their own but together they make magic!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah young
Review Submitted By: Tina for A Biblioromance Book Blog
(Received ARC in exchange for our honest review.)

I agreed to give my honest review of this book. 11 percent in and I knew that this story would wreck me. What I did not expect was that I'd be sniffling and bawling my eyes out while I was on break at work, and trying to hide the fact that it was because of a book.

The writing was so good that I could not put the book down. I devoured it any chance I got... and in turn it devoured me. From the beginning, I had the story-line pegged, and I was right. Did it affect how I read the book or how I felt? Definitely not, because I shelved presumptions away and hoped beyond hope that I was wrong... forgetting about it until I felt like I was punched in the gut with certain revelations.

Alternating POVs throughout the whole book give you the whole experience. Feeling Victoria's pain and her cold demeanor had me wanting some ray of hope for her. And when I met Chase, there he was, the beacon of light to pull Victoria out of her darkness. For the record, Chase can man-handle me any time!

Not giving much away here, because frankly, I'd rather the reader experience it first-hand. Have the tissues close by and forget the mascara while reading this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Whew! Serious emotional overload for me with this book. Bring the tissues because you will need them. Victoria is an ice-queen divorce attorney and has been that way for the past ten years ever since she lost both her husband and her daughter in a car accident on the day of her high school graduation. No relationships and no real interaction with her family has happened in this time. After an incident at work, she is ordered to attend grief counseling, where she meets Chase, who is a college psychology professor and leader of the grief support group. She grudgingly attends and tries to maintain the ice façade, but Chase sees something and refuses to let her maintain. They start a reluctant friendship and he reluctantly thaws out the ice queen with his persistence and humor. Chase is also hot man candy in a pair of glasses. They eventually start a romantic relationship, but Chase has his own secrets. Surprisingly, I had a feeling I knew what his secret was, but the reveal came as a surprise. Will this break them or bring them closer? This was a beautiful, amazing and emotional story and I loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
oliver ian
I was told this one was an emotional roller coaster of a read and boy they weren't wrong. I had my tissues ready but I wasn't ready to be hit with so much emotions right of the bat. The beginning starts out a little crazy and it had me wondering if I could handle the emotional roller I was in store for if I continued reading. Of course I was hooked on the story and had no choice but to continue reading because I needed to find out what would with Victoria.

Victoria had everything planned out and things looked great then the unthinkable happens and everything is gone. Victoria is a super strong person. On the outside she looks like an ice queen but once you get through her layers, you see the real her. Chase is great for her. He runs a support group but there is so much more to him. He slowly breaks down Victoria's wall and we get to see them both start to live again. We know right from the start what Victoria's lost and pain are but Chase is a little mystery. What causes his pain was a big surprise to me. I was definitely rooting for these two to have a happy ever after.

A copy was received for a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Give Me Yesterday by K Webster and Elle Christensen

3.5 stars

This book is in the POV of Victoria and Chase, two people who have endured devastating life-changing events in their past.

The prologue was my favorite part of the book. It relates Victoria's backstory which details her happiness as a young teenager until the devastating accident that takes everything away from her on the day of her high school graduation. In just this short section of the book the authors made me feel the earnestness of young love, the anxiety of undertaking a scary and overwhelming life event, the pride of meeting that challenge and succeeding, hope for a bright future and then the shock of it being pointlessly and violently ripped away. TONS of emotions in just the first few pages.

Fast forward ten years and Victoria has become a shell of a person, pushing away all emotion and people, including men who may have a romantic interest in her. Enter Chase, a man who is has been suffering a long time with an almost all-consuming guilt from a secretive event in his past. He's a bit of a player and can't commit to any woman for more than a couple of dates. So these two emotionally stunted people who are still grief-stricken meet and fall in love....almost instantly. This is where my rating of this book loses a star. Sure there's a physical attraction between them...believable on Chase's part because he's a dude, but it felt rushed on Victoria's part who hasn't so much as looked at a man in ten years.

As Chase and Victoria spend more time together they begin to let down their defenses and also begins their physical relationship. It's pretty steamy but I wish the emotional connection was a little more developed. It felt like the relationship progressed based on sex and I didn't feel there was enough of a foundation built. I would have liked to see more character development...perhaps through more dialogue. Even still, the two bring each other a sense of peace, and begin to heal, and are ready to make a commitment and move forward to a more serious level.

As they get closer we see Victoria reveal a lot of her buried turmoil, guilty feelings, and painful imaginings of "what if" and it is pretty emotional so grab the tissues. Then comes the revelation of Chase's past and its connection to Victoria's tragedy and the confrontation is really fierce.

Ultimately, this story is about overcoming grief, gaining acceptance of loss, and allowing love back in in order to move finding love can heal and breathe life back into someone who's experienced heartbreaking tragedy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Devastation. Victoria know it all too well and has become the ice queen because it is the only way she knew to protect herself from the emotions and the pain of losing those she cared for most.

Chase has his own pain, but he has worked hard to accept things as they are.

When the two are brought together Chase knows there is something special about Tori and he is determined to man handle her or do whatever else is necessary in order to make her, his. Suddenly the ice she has kept surrounding her heart starts to melt...

Chase is a pusher. He'll poke and poke at something until it gives if it's something he knows he wants. He is sweet and caring, but has secrets he has a hard time sharing.

Tori feels the pain of loss deeply and didn't know how to move on, but with a push (well more like a shove) we see her throughout the story as she begins to live again.

The two bring a balance to each other and give the other a shoulder when they need it. There is plenty of pain within each of them but we see as they work to heal each other and themselves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jill schepmann
****received an ARC for a honest review****

4.5 heartbreaking stars.

This was a story with so much heartbreak. Victoria found her love early in life with Ben. An unexpected surprise pregnancy and little Sarah is born.
Victoria loses both of them in a horrible accident. She resolves herself to being an Ice Bitch. No feelings, no love, nothing, just the pain.
After flipping out at work, her boss forces her to group therapy. She meets Chase.
Chase has his own set of losses that he is dealing with. That yellow wall and his Tuesday painting of it.

This story is one of two people helping one another heal through the pain and guilt. How Chase continues to break down York's icy exterior and get to the woman inside is amazing. Tori wants to do the same for Chase.

Without giving spoilers, there is some major issues that the pair have to work through. It was devastating learning everything about Chase.

I am usually the ugly crier with books. This one did have more choked up a few times. But the final scene with Ben and the accident, OMG, why!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hallie randel
This book broke my heart multiple times, but is the kind of well written emotional book that stays with you long after the last page. I actually needed to step away from it for a short while because I was going through some difficult family health issues and it was just so sad. When I came back to it and reread it I couldn't deny how deep lying the characters got under my skin. It is the sign of two wonderful authors that they could write characters who came alive for me. I felt their pain and heartbreak right along with them. Tori and Chase have both been through so much. Tori has built a cold exterior to deal with all of her pain. When she is forced to seek grief counseling because of work she meets Chase, who runs a brief support group. Watching them both try and work through their heartache, pain and grief was both heartbreaking and inspiring. By the end of this story, Tori and Chase give you hope - life might try to break us and we may never fully heal from certain things, but there can be a way through that pain. I recommend this book, though warn you will definitely have several ugly cry moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily rae
A beautiful story of unimaginable heartbreak and finding the strength to love again.

Victoria has suffered a terrible loss but 10 years later, she is still stuck in the anger phase of healing from that loss. When she is forced to join a grief support group, she meets the leader, Chase Monroe, who she has an instant connection with. But is she ready to finally accept the loss and move forward with someone new? And when she discovers Chase has his own hell he is dealing with, will she be strong enough for him, too?

I loved this book! Yes, there are some very painful issues and feelings to deal with, but this story is absolutely beautiful! The chemistry between Victoria and Chase was amazing and I loved both of these characters. Chase is a total swoon worthy, alpha male and Victoria makes such a transformation in her life that it still brings tears to my eyes. K. Webster and Elle Christensen have done a wonderful job with this story and obviously write well together. I look forward to reading more from them, both together and their own works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abe poetra
Victoria Larkin has closed herself off emotionally to love, and not just love in a relationship, but love in general. As long as she doesn't get attached to anyone again, she can't get hurt. She's a high powered divorce attorney and buries her pain behind work, being known as the Ice Queen. Victoria meets Chase Monroe at a group session for grief counseling, which Chase leads.

Chase is completely unintimidated and undeterred by Victoria's frosty demeanor. If anything, it makes him more determined to break down her walls to help her move forward. Chase himself is no newcomer to grief either. His losses still follow him daily and although he copes by assisting others, Chase still has to face his own issues head on. Together, they begin to find purpose in love and life again.

There's more to this story than two people struggling with their pasts. I liked both Chase and Victoria. The story was a bit predictable, but I still empathized with the characters and enjoyed the plot overall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave robertson
The teaser and the cover immediately drew me into this book but I never expected the book to effect me as much as it did. After reading about 6% I was a sobbing mess. No parent should ever have to go through that. K Webster and Elle Christensen did and amazing job with this book. You feel every emotion and can relate with the characters.
We all experience grief in many ways and that was very hard for Victoria. She can't let go of the past so she will never have a future. One day she meets a man who changes all of that. She finds him annoying but he won't go away. Just when she finally opens herself up to him the past comes back in full force and breaks her all over again. Chase dealing with his own grief tries to help others overcome their own. He never thought he would fall in love with the one person who has the power to crush him. Once the truth is revealed will his past mistake be his final doing? This book is one of my favorites and I am honestly not shocked by this K and Elle are my favorite authors. I recommend this book to anyone who loves asn ugly cry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leonardo olmos
I love when K. Webster and Elle Christensen author a book together. This book did not disappoint.

This is the type of books that you will tell all of your friends you NEED to read this book. No like right now. However make sure they are true friends because when they finish the book they will come back to you and say "I hate you for making me read this book and turn into a sniveling, snotty mess." You can then hug them and say thank goodness I am not the only one to feel that way.

Buy the book, prepare to fall in love, get a box of tissues, and then another box of tissues then settle in for a read that you won't put down until you turn the last page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Victoria suffered the greatest loss anyone can imagine at a very young age. She compete changes her image and hardens herself to bury the pain and become the ice queen.
Chase suffers from a traumatic event in his past. He's a professor at a college and runs a support group for people who have lost loved ones.
Their paths cross when Victoria's boss sends her to the group after blowing up at a clients ex. Chase and Victoria are drawn together and he vows he will make her happy again. What happens when their world's collide? Will they be able to forgive and help each other heal? This was an amazing story of love, heartbreak, loss, and finding love again. A true must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First, Give Me Yesterday is one of my UGLY CRYING books of the year. So as I type this, I'm still drying my eyes. This book was so beautiful. It was about so much more than finding a new beginning and falling in love again.

Victoria has been living isolated and immune to all around her beyond working and moving from day to day. She's pushed everything away after losing everything in her life, not willing to risk the same happening again. After an incident at worked, she's forced into attending a support group where she meets Chase, which changes her life.

Chase has had his own struggles in life, he's in charge of the group, helping others work through their grief, when he hasn't really worked through his own. Between his job as a professor and his group, Chase hasn't really been into living life either. He feels the need to atone for his past but can never get it jsut right. Then he meets Victoria and finds something new to do with himself.

Chase and Victoria go round and round, pushing and pulling, both trying to get thier own way, but as that evolves they slowly form a close bond and start a relationship. In this time, Chase helps Victoria see that it is okay for her to move on with her life, that it is not disrespecting what she had before. In the same token, Victoria teaches Chase that things are not all on him to hold blame and guilt.

There is a twist in the book, which I'm not going to spoil, but it was a real turning point in the story. It came at me only slightly expected, but once it came out, I was able to understand the characters a whole lot more and feel even more deeply their pain and grief.

Elle and K. have brought to life an extremely moving tale of forgiveness, overcoming grief, and finding acceptance and love through the hardest of times. I enjoyed every minute of this book and will remember this story for a while to come.

*I was given a copy of this book for review. All thoughts are mine. *
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kellie ikirt
This book was incredible. I loved every minute of it. I cannot believe the turn in events that happen towards the end of the book. I cannot believe that I missed all the signs. This book made me fall in love, I was anxious to finish to know what happened. I couldn't read it fast enough. I connected with the characters (they were very easy to love) K Webster and Elle found a way to tackle a theme that most wouldn't write about. I applaud you for that. I can't wait to read everything you have ever written :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am still speechless on this book! This writing duo ( K. Webster & Elle Christensen) had imprinted me with such a power story of grief & deep profound love. I used to say that Molly McAdams was the queen of tearjerkers but these ladies are now up there! I read this book in less in 24 hours because I couldn't put it down. I'm definitely recommending this book to my family, friends, and followers!
5 stars does not do this book justice - it needs to be a 10 star!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly bernier
This story is all about feelings and acceptance. Victoria experienced a double tragedy, losing her husband and daughter, which affected her job so she got sent to a grief group. Where she meets Chase, and eventually they recognizes that they have an amazing chemistry. Then they discovered something that turned their worlds upside down. Will they be able to overcome this or are they just doomed. I loved this story, it taught me that life's so short and to cherish everything, every single moment. And forgiveness is a valuable tool.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina beirne
What an amazing book ..a very emotional read .first time i have read anything by these 2 ladies and it wont be the last . The story starts off with the 2 main characters hiding secrets from each other , Tori is cold and has a hard heart that Chase starts to melt soon as they meet he is persistent which is great he never gives up - they fall for each but the secrets start to be told and BAM you see the whole picture and say wtf how will they get through it . As i said amazing book well worth ready .
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jim leigh
Give Me Yesterday is an emotional and touching story,it breaks you page after page but it will put your heart back together in the end.
The main characters, Chase and Tori, feel so real I saw myself into their actions. I have asked few times to live again an ill-fated day to try and change it but unfortunately no one can give me it.This was the first time I read something written by these two authors but I can't wait to read more of their works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brooks bird
This is officially one of my favorite books of all time! I really wasn't prepared for the emotional roller coaster but it was amazing. You will definitely need tissues for this. My favorite part is the last chapter because there's not a lot of authors who lets you see that point of view and it made everything come together perfectly. Wonderful read! I highly recommend reading this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beryl eichenberger
If you're looking for a heartwarming story that tugs HARD at your heart... This is great!!!

Tears. Smiles. Laughs. And it's HAWT!
This was a great pair up of authors and I'll be watching to see if they do this again. If so, it's a Auto-Buy for me!

Goodness! I've just finished and probably make no sense atm lol. But this is very very good.
More to come!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nabila asad
I really, really liked this! I found it very easy to connect to both characters and while this isn't a super long book, I really felt like I got to know both of them very well. This is an emotional and raw book,but I didn't find it super heavy. There are lots of light-hearted moments and great banter.

I loved watching Dr. Monroe break Victoria down and get under her skin. He was very...persuasive. ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
camilla lynch
I cannot find the word to completely describe the feelings I felt when reading this book. The authors put in so much details to describe the heartache both the hero and heroine went through. The story was unbelievably well written. I hope these two authors co-write another book because they did so well with this one. Don't miss out! This book is worth the read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautifully heartbreaking story of loss, love and forgiving. This was such a touching story for me. Each person deals with grief differently...can Victoria see past the pain and learn to love again? Loved this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great emotional story. I couldn't put it down. What an emotional journey for both Victoria and Chase and they bring you along for that journey. They both needed to do a lot of healing and forgiving to move on. This was my first book by these authors and I will definitely be checking out their other stuff. I definitely recommend this book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael ansaldo
This is my first time reading Elle Christensen. This is a great book of two characters finding (Victoria and Chase) love after an unthinkable tragedy. You can feel the pain of Victoria and Chase point of view. It brought tears to my eyes, I do love the way Chase forced Victoria to step out of her comfort zone to allow herself to "feel" and love again. The twist to the storyline was so unexpected (that's all I'm going to say about that ? ). I will definitely read more books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teresa greenlees
WOW! I did not see this book coming. It literally came out of left field and smacked it against the head. I love with K Webster & Elle Christensen get together, they are a powerhouse team. Loved this will not be disappointed at all in this book. LOVE LOVE
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen roberts
This book is amazing! That heartstrings are pulling feeling and the pounding is what you get with each chapter of this book. It's like expect the unexpected and live life to the fullest. A definite must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin revolinski
My heart was aching like crazy from the begining to the end. If you haven't picked this book up yet, DO IT! Like right now one click this amazing heartbreaking story! Make sure to have tissues near by, you'll surely need them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
GUH. this book ❤️❤️
To see the way these characters grew was enough in itself, but what a beautiful love story.

There were parts that were totally predictable, but let's admit something...isn't that what all of us who read romance novels want??

definitely will read more books by these authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle vosburg
I absolutely loved this book! There is nothing better than a story that sucks you in and keeps you turning those pages into the early morning hours. It was emotional, traumatic, and heartbreaking but such a wonderful story. Loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The teaser and the cover immediately drew me into this book but I never expected the book to effect me as much as it did. After reading about 6% I was a sobbing mess. No parent should ever have to go through that. K Webster and Elle Christensen did and amazing job with this book. You feel every emotion and can relate with the characters.
We all experience grief in many ways and that was very hard for Victoria. She can't let go of the past so she will never have a future. One day she meets a man who changes all of that. She finds him annoying but he won't go away. Just when she finally opens herself up to him the past comes back in full force and breaks her all over again. Chase dealing with his own grief tries to help others overcome their own. He never thought he would fall in love with the one person who has the power to crush him. Once the truth is revealed will his past mistake be his final doing? This book is one of my favorites and I am honestly not shocked by this K and Elle are my favorite authors. I recommend this book to anyone who loves asn ugly cry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monica medina
*I received this book in exchange for an honest review!
This is the first title I have read by either author. After reading what it was about, I had to have it! I love this book! Just after reading the prologue had me an ugly mess and had to force myself to put it down only because I couldn't see the words. This is definitely an ugly cry but so worth it! This book will stay with you long after you finish reading it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow....this book....I can't even. The last chapter, I didn't need it. This book made me feel. The emotions are so real and raw. Tori and Chase....God. Epic. Amazing. Wonderful. Just read it. Trust me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book had you crying and smiling and feeling pain and love! I was little iffy on reading about a cold divorce lawyer but loved Victoria through the whole book. Seeing her go through pain and opening up again and enjoying life again mad you feel connected to her. And I loved Chase and how he wouldn’t back down and how he broke down Tori’s walls.
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