How to Effortlessly Start Conversations and Flirt Like a Pro
ByDave Perrotta
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amar pai
The best parts about this book was the question fodder to use for conversations and how to ensure they dont sound like an interview.
Awareness to actual conversation isn't really called to examination at any formal part of life, so the principles and tools in this book do a lot to actually put into picture what makes a 'bad conversation' compared to a meaningful one that builds a connection.
Awareness to actual conversation isn't really called to examination at any formal part of life, so the principles and tools in this book do a lot to actually put into picture what makes a 'bad conversation' compared to a meaningful one that builds a connection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kindra register
Biggest takeaway was to slow down.
Naturally as a Sanguine personality, I tend to be fast paced. I also like to be the center of attention. And one thing pointed out in this book was to connect, you must be selfless. And bring out the best in to other person. This was a great addition to other books I’m reading like, “How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. Of course the focus is a angle different, but the principles are similar. Great read! My younger brother got a lot out of it too.
I could see how his people skills are developing too! So cool!
Naturally as a Sanguine personality, I tend to be fast paced. I also like to be the center of attention. And one thing pointed out in this book was to connect, you must be selfless. And bring out the best in to other person. This was a great addition to other books I’m reading like, “How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. Of course the focus is a angle different, but the principles are similar. Great read! My younger brother got a lot out of it too.
I could see how his people skills are developing too! So cool!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessi kindley
You can tell this book was written by someone who loves women and that is so important because it makes it so natural and real. I do well with women and I found a lot of similarities in what I do here also found new ideas and ways to improve I would definitely recommend to anyone new and even people with experience because sometimes we just need a reminder more than we need to learn something new
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
larisa dumitrica
Wow, with so much garbage written about dating you can tell that Dave teaches mindsets and techniques which work universally rather than being dependent on a specific charechter or charade (such as cocky funny) his teachings create a person who will come of has having SUBSTANCE rather than being seen as a clown or a try hard. The instructions are organized very well and he makes sure not to overinform, I have looked at volumes of content from PUA to evolutionary psychology and this is one of the top reads, without a doubt. Btw just so everyone knows, Dave has some of the best game Iv ever seen in person.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laveen ladharam
I have read similar books and have still learned a lot from this one, you will not be disappointed. This is not quite as detailed as the "dating playbook", but it covers most of the bases as far as conversation is concerned and should get you off to talking with and dating beautiful women.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica blogeared books
This book was actually pretty awesome. I already had a good gake but it was a very sleez bag way of doing it. I learned psychology and spirituality and wanted to change my way of being. This book does it RIGHT and gets you genuine cpnnections with not just woman but anybody and everybody. My life is alot more interesting. Thank you man!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carepear c
Interesting book on conversation with women. Most of the concepts, if you’re familiar with pick-up are not novel. However, the book helps keep things simple, teaches what topics to avoid and which ones to introduce and HOW to talk about them with women. I liked the storytelling part! Other books on storytelling are too complex, this breaks it down and makes it simple. Also, the Vietnam story is inspiring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you find yourself struggling to generate meaningful conversation with women or constantly let them walk right by you because the "situation wasn't right"...then read this book. Dave Perrotta lays out some very rational and honest advice that teaches you how to find your confidence by valuing yourself but more importantly, the beauty and emotional depth of the women you talk to.
Let's #ApproachWomen bro!
Let's #ApproachWomen bro!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think this book has all the ingredients of being basic and foundational for beginners and advanced for guys who think they have it but lost their way one way or another as it happens to most of us because of no solid formal guidance...a must read for every guys who wants to choose women to date and be successful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julia collings
You can seriously change your interactions completely when you ask the right questions. This book has tons of applicable material in each and every chapter. Plan on rereading for sure. If you want to learn how to captivate, flirt, and connect with the ladies. I would recommend this dandy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
risto hajdukovi
I really enjoyed reading this book. So much that I will likely re-read it multiple times. Definitely opened my eyes to a few things I could be more aware of in my actions. I love how he not only gives you guidance on how to talk to women but, reminds you of how women should be treated with respect.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I liked how clear and concise this books was. Two day read. Very practical. Made me realize where I was falling short and motivated me to approach an extremely hot blonde the next day. I got her number, hell yea. Thanks Dave keep up the good work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carmen van deursen
This author takes an overview of who women really are and then give you examples to follow and execute. It won't do you any good to just read this you have to go out there and practice. Easy read and relatable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book contain lots of informations that goes in depth which I was not aware of. One's reading it, learning and improving was what I was seeking. As a result, I found it. I just finished the book. Now i'm reading it, again, for the second time, to understand better
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marcela maldonado
Dave's conversation advice has been instrumental in taking me from a quiet, introverted guy who was single for 29 years to finally meeting my fiancee and getting married. On top of that, his writing is really engaging and fun to read. I highly recommend Dave's book and his work!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book includes the following disclaimer:
‘The book is for entertainment purposes only, and so the views of the author should not be taken as expert instruction or commands. The reader is responsible for his or her actions.
Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility or liability on behalf of the purchaser or reader of this book.’
So now after you’ve purchased this book you find it is for ‘entertainment’ purposes only, which seemingly makes the book pointless. The book is divided into 7 sections:
1. The Casanova Mindsets
2. Initiate the Conversation
3. 5 Ways to Start a Conversation with any girl
4. The Guide to Sexy Flirting
5. Connect
6. Captivate
7. The Final Conversation
Despite, the alarming warning. There are some good things in this book. The section on overcoming the Need for Validation is very good as it discusses the problems in having ‘needy’ behavior. I also like the section n How to Make a Great First Impression.
However, part 2: Initiate the Conversation is the part that I think the warning refers to. The section advocate approaching women at random in public at random in areas like grocery stores or on the street. It’s one thing to approach women at a bar or a club where people go to meet other people, but in public places it could be embarrassing. Not a good idea.
So overall, the book is not a bad read, but as the warning suggests don’t take it too seriously…
This book includes the following disclaimer:
‘The book is for entertainment purposes only, and so the views of the author should not be taken as expert instruction or commands. The reader is responsible for his or her actions.
Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility or liability on behalf of the purchaser or reader of this book.’
So now after you’ve purchased this book you find it is for ‘entertainment’ purposes only, which seemingly makes the book pointless. The book is divided into 7 sections:
1. The Casanova Mindsets
2. Initiate the Conversation
3. 5 Ways to Start a Conversation with any girl
4. The Guide to Sexy Flirting
5. Connect
6. Captivate
7. The Final Conversation
Despite, the alarming warning. There are some good things in this book. The section on overcoming the Need for Validation is very good as it discusses the problems in having ‘needy’ behavior. I also like the section n How to Make a Great First Impression.
However, part 2: Initiate the Conversation is the part that I think the warning refers to. The section advocate approaching women at random in public at random in areas like grocery stores or on the street. It’s one thing to approach women at a bar or a club where people go to meet other people, but in public places it could be embarrassing. Not a good idea.
So overall, the book is not a bad read, but as the warning suggests don’t take it too seriously…
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the book, it's very straight forward. Really valuable information. Gives a gold sack full of actionable knowledge. Quick read. Entertaining. Really does help a lot when it comes to conversation, flirting and attracting women.
Please RateHow to Effortlessly Start Conversations and Flirt Like a Pro
The other reason why I rated it at 2 stars is because the DOMINANCE part. The whole part of how to convey dominance was completely off to me. When I read the examples of the successful fitness blog or the successful artist I was like: "oh great, so I have to have some degree of success in some already finished project to convey dominance? what if I'm just a regular guy with no grand projects or I'm on my way to be a great entrepreneur?" and I realized those weren't good examples at all, simply because you don't need 'credentials' or some trophies to convey dominance, but the author, even when he says that you don't need to be a successful entrepreneur or businessman to attract women, seems to contradict himself completely with those examples, and this huge mistake can turn down a regular guy who normally doesn't have high ambitions because he'll get the wrong idea of what being DOMINANT really is.
DOMINANCE is a trait found in people who have THE DRIVE to achieve something. If you happen to have some project at hand or some dream you're passionate about, you convey THE POTENTIAL to be successful, and there's nothing more exciting for a woman than to meet a man who has the drive, and hence, the potential to be very successful. However, you can even show yourself as an average guy in terms of success level if you had no grand project at hand and STILL convey dominance by talking passionately about your hobbies or how you're the best at some sport in some local club. And finally, another yet even simpler way to convey dominance, is with something as mindblowingly simple as TAKING THE ROLE OF THE ONE WHO MAKES THE DECISIONS, how? simply by choosing the place where you'll take her, what you'll do after that, and even come up with a blan b in case something goes wrong with the curren plan (all tables are taken at the coffee, the movies function is full, etc).
Dominance is simply a group of smaller traits that together form this perception, like the confidence and fearlessness of speaking your own mind and simply making choices without second thoughts. You can convey dominance with quite subtle actions.
Example: I once had to go to my University to pick some stuff along with a girl I was dating. Some days prior, a friend of mine asked me the favor to stamp some flyers on the walls throughout the different campuses. After finishing the last one I realized that I forgot to leave flyers at another campus that was at the other side of the university. My girl just told me that we could walk and the conversation went on something like this:
Her: Let's just get back by foot!
Me: Nah, it's too far, let's just get on the car.
Her: You gotta be kidding me! We can walk!
Me: (SMILING) Well, then walk if you want so you can excercise those lovely legs you have, I'll meet you there!
(At this point she started to slowly walk to press me into following her.)
Her: Don't be such a wimp, it's not a long way!
(I start walking to my car and open the door while waving my hand a good bye)
Me: I know babe, let's see if my wheels are faster than you!
And so, she just got into the car. I conveyed complete DOMINANCE without coming off as a bossy guy and even having some fun.
As for the rest of the book, it's a quite good starter for really shy people. Other books on the matter to generally improve your social skills are Intimate Connections to overcome your loneliness and avoid to give the impression that you're needy, How to Win Friends & Influence People and The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism which are GOLD and a must read for anyone, no matter your goal.