The Essential Guide To A Healthy Vegetarian Diet - The New Becoming Vegetarian

ByVesanto Melina MS RD

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura krische
This book is truly useful for those that are interested in becoming vegetarians, or even vegans. It covers a vast range of topics including protein and b12 which is always a question for newbies. On the other hand, if its your child that wants to become a vegetarian or a vegan, this book will help put your mind at ease. It's definitely one of the first books I would recommend to those moving from meat to meatless. There are a couple of others that you could also read and gain a wealth of knowledge and recipes from:

221 New Vegetarian Dishes

Delicious, Healthy And Easy - Tom's Vegetarian Cookbook: Easy Yummy And Nutritional Vegan Recipes

The Black Art Of Cooking: The Raw Truth

The Golden Age Vegetarian Cook Book

Vital Facts about Foods: Included: 200 + Longevity recipes & 250 Food Analyses References

For each of these books you can rely on, I love vegetables, and everything I have tried in these books was just great. In fact, between them all, I have really come to rely on them book not only for recipes, but for reference as well.

Oh, must go, I smell my dinner! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book covered everything. Written by a nutritionalist, it describes in detail everything that may be lacking in a typical vegetarian diet (B-12, Iron), and what foods to eat to avoid any deficiencies. It devotes an entire chapter on protein and which amino acids can be found in which non-meat sources. It also includes many tables of the nutritional content of various foods. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is a vegetarian or is cutting back on their meat intake. I refer to it frequently. This book explains how to make sure your vegetarian diet is healthy. However, the book does go into quite a bit of detail, making it almost like a nutrition book. If you are looking for a simplistic, nontechnical book, than this may not be for you. But, it you want a more comprehensive book that actually explains the "why" and "how" of vegetarian diets, than this is definitely for you. I really don't feel the need to buy another book about vegetarian diets because this one was so inclusive. Go for it... you really will learn a lot by buying this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vince bonanno
If you're just starting out with your new vegetarianism, this book is your guide. If you aren't vegetarian yet, this book will tell you how and why to do it. But it won't shove a veggie agenda down your throat; it presents the positive and negative aspects of carnivorous, vegetarian and vegan diets fairly. If you're a vegetarian gone astray -- you don't eat meat, you just eat chips and junk instead -- this book will get you back on track.

It doesn't just tell you how to avoid meat. It tells you how to be as healthy as possible within the vegetarian and vegan diets. It's not just a vegetarian guide, it's a diet plan as well. The authors tell you exactly what you need to get the nutrients you need, and how to get it.

There are some recipes at the back, but this goes beyond the average cookbook. It helps you learn the vegetarian philosophy, the vegetarian lifestyle. Which products to buy. Where to look for them. Why you need them. Interestingly, it also includes a social guide to being vegetarian, advising you on how to deal with people opposed to your diet, how to deal with eating as a guest, and so on.

A great book at a great price. When vegetarianism was just starting to gain popularity so rapidly, this was one of the first and best books out there. In its new edition it includes all the scientific research since completed, making it the obvious choice for any longstanding or soon-to-be vegetarian.
Quick and Easy Plant-Based Food (Fat Man's Recipes Book 1) :: A Fresh Guide to Eating Well With 700 Foolproof Recipes :: The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity with Vegetables :: How to Achieve Healthy Living & Low Fat Lifestyle (Special Diet Cookbooks & Vegetarian Recipes Collection) :: Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michele rosenthal
if your interested in a healthy diet, of any type, this book is a MUST. for those already or considering vegetarianism, i have not yet found anything that compares.

this book focuses on the "How to be healthy" and leaves preaching (in things one may or may not agree with) aside, so it is an awesome source for everyone. omnivores and veggie/vegans (health, AR, environmentalist or any mix) will feel comfortable reading and reaping the benefits from this book.

in depth but easy to understand explanations of basic dietary needs, info from many studies, and how to make the most of this info in one's everyday eating habits.

it takes time to explain the macronutrients (to include protein requirements and essential amino acid intake), individual minerals and vitamins, essential fatty acids and more.

a book that i'm extremely pleased to have come across and to have in my library.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
wendy cornelisen
There is a lot of good nutrional information. The author spent a little too much time going into exactly how changing your diet to vegetarianism is going save you from disease. I was very disappointed in the recipes, especially the sandwich recipes. With the exception of one, all of the other 9 choices were a soy-meat substitute. I've been a vegetarian for two months and I'm more creative with veggie pitas, wraps and sandwiches than the author is with her soy-meat substitute lunches.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard stevens
When I first realized that I no longer enjoyed eating meat, I immediately thought that I would need some kind of guide to help me get a healthy and balanced vegetarian diet. I began searching and asking around, and "The New Becoming Vegetarian" was reccomended to me. I'm so happy I bought it. The very first thing that surprised me was how easy it was to read. I was afraid that it be very dry, but it wasn't. It's probably the single most important and informative book I've ever read. I have learned so much from this book. With it, I realized that even when I was eating meat, my diet wasn't necessarily healthy, because I wasn't balancing nutrients correctly. I'm also fueled with so much information, that I can intelligently respond to almost every question or concern that I've been faced with so far. In fact, this book is so full of information that I will definitly have to read it again!

I now know how and where to get every nutrient I need, without eating any meat. I now know how to lower my risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. And I now have a very solid foundation of knowledge on which I can build a vegetarian lifestyle. Now, if only I could actually cook...

My only complaint about the book is Chapter 10: Vegetarian for Life. The chapter gives insite on how to construct a healthy vegetarian diet no matter if you're pregnant or if you're feeding children, or very elderly. However, there is no section for people 19 to 54. The Table of Contents says that "Part 4" of the chapter is for people "13 and over," but when you flip to the section it's really only for teenagers 13-18. Then "Part 5" jumps straight to people 55+. I can't find a section anywhere in the book that's for people in my age group. Ah well, despite that one flaw, it's a very great book overall. I fully reccomend it to anyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric blank
This book has so much information about converting to a plant based diet. It had all the info about the nutrition of vegetarians including what vegetarian diets tend to lack. It dispels all the nutritional rumors and has a handy guide on how to switch and how to deal with those who may chastize you. It even has recepies and cooking tips for the new vegetarian chef.

Whether you do it for your health, for your love of animals, or because you want something new, Becoming Vegetarian is definitly what I would recommend for those new to the switch.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Too much information for someone who is not really that interested in nutrition. I became vegetarian recently and needed to learn how to make a healthy vegetarian diet. This information is definitely in the book, but you have to read so many unimportant facts and opinions before you find it. With half the pages it would be a great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book when I first decided to become vegetarian when my chemistry professor recommended it to me, and I could not be more relieved that I had this book for the first months of vegetarianism. This book tackles common myths associated with being vegetarian (like you won't get enough protein or iron), hits on every essential nutrient and how to incorporate it into your diet and why each nutrient/vitamin is so important, tells you how to handle those awkward social moments of first announcing, "I'm a vegararian!", has a nutritional needs analysis for every stage of life (from pregnancy, infancy, teens, and senior years), and even includes a few great and simple recipes designed by the same nutritionists that write the book (the banana-walnut pancakes are my absolute favorite!). This book is a must-have for any vegetarian who wants to be well-nformed about the vegetarian decission, and for those who want to develope or fine-tune a healthy diet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is an excellent reference for new vegetarians. It answers any nutrition questions you may have about how to go vegetarian healthfully. I've been veg for a couple of years now and thanks to the info from this book I feel comfortable that I am doing it right.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amer salameh
This book is excellent. Before I purchased this book, I had no clue about being vegetarian. This book contains essential information to properly maintain a well balanced diet. It teaches you how to substitute for vitamins and minerals that you would normally need from meat. And the recipes in the back of the book are delicious!!! I love this book and refer to it often. This book is the only book you will need to inform yourself of proper vegetarian eating habits.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carol eyler
this is an awesome book and resource for anyone interested in vegetarianism, new veggies, experienced ones... encouragement, practical information and reliable resources, detailed scientific nutritional stuff, you name it, it's here for you, for life. it also includes info. and data so you can compare/contrast the vegetarian diet to that of omnivores, vegans, every shade in between. i highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is extremely comprehensive. It is the first book about becoming vegetarian that I have read but I am completely satisfied that it covers all the requirements of a vegetarian diet. I would also recommend this book to non-vegetarians, particularly those seeking to reduce meat intake and increase nutrition from plant foods.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
There are some good informations, but the recipes are awfull and I can't believe that, with all the researches underlying that soy is bad for us in many ways, almost in all of them there's soy, also they don't say that eating frequently seitan is not a good idea if you want to protect the calcium in your bones and that if you're celiac you mustn't eat it at all.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I know some people would consider this book essential to vegetarian life but I read it. I was not impressed. It was incredibly boring. And no, its not because it didn't have pictures. It was just not that interesting. As for vegetarian reading, there are better books out there.
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