Dark Territory: Benjamin Ashwood Book 3

ByAC Cobble

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anouk neerincx
With success comes the increased need for subsequent sequels and less editing. There is still good content in this book, but it suffers due to lack of content editing. Thankfully grammar and spelling are still fine, but the story line goes into more racy details that really aren't needed, and the non-stop action really just keeps a crescendo, with more ludicrous coincidences moving the plot along... I'm still going to read the series, I just think a bit of time in between books is needed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
m k gilroy
It was an exhilarating ending and I enjoyed it greatly. Parts of the book drag though. I understand the author wishes to immerse us in the characters and world he's created and I'm glad. But some of their trips are... boringly pointless. Maybe it takes that long to paint the picture of the land, but how relevant is it. Pages of sloshing through the mud. Instead I would have enjoyed cutting away to the progress of other characters. To build a wall of intrigue and tension as I understand some of the Viel's thoughts and motives or response to how the protagonists are thrawting or abiding her "deeper game." Humanizing or demonizing her as time goes along. The Viel Is just one example. Many of the supporting characters could be more fully developed and followed to create a web of intrigue and suspense.

I feel this author has great potential. One of the reviews that convinced me to read/listen to the narration said it was Tolkien. Not so, but I can see how the author is trying to really build his world and create resonant characters. To meet Tolkien or Jordan standards though the books need to be longer, the story more complex, painting the landscape of the world is great, but it needs to impact the storyline more effectively. We need to see different viewpoints and have a well developed antagonist to despise and feat. This seemed like a young adults book (maybe it was and I didn't pay attention closely, but I feel the author aspires to more. U feel he is on the right track and just needs to take his time to create a richer, lusher story by using more of the tools of the trade available for him. Do it right and this could be special.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brad kuhn
This series started off well, but it has now turned into run, run, run novel. Oh we can't stop or the super powerful death mage will magically find us and no body can stop her. I would have rather them not be under constant overpowered enemy threat and just continued on their journey fighting demons. The demons should be more than enough threat to test the heroes and train them and offer surprises. Its completely unbelievable that these dozens of soldiers have all arrived in time to just almost catch them after having weeks of a head start. I wish the author didn't fall into the pressure trap of a chase novel. It doesn't allow us to learn about the cities or politics if all the characters are just running non-stop. It makes the world feel shallow.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
guessner guess
Read this last evening in a couple hours. Steady pacing, a few surprises, generally good editing, and continues to maintain largely believable characters, full of faults and flaws, rather than becoming the supermen (and women) that so often populate YA series, as the books gain in number. There were a few, just a little too convenient moments, though the author did try to provide some plausible explanation, and some "oh" world-building crumbs that may eventually be important to the tale, but for now appear to be wasted paragraphs - time will tell.

Overall, better than the last book, with a necessary footnote. The story contains description of a singular sexual encounter in some small detail, unlike the past books - if this makes you uncomfortable, or is not something you want your child reading, steer clear. I didn't find it lurid, or even titillating, but it is there and it was necessary to the story. One could quibble a bit over how much detail was needed, but overall, its handled reasonably well. Further encounters between those characters lack in any detail, given passing reference - which seems to be the author's preference (and mine) in this regard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa dale
I have been reading the fantasy genre since before the Wheel of Time started to turn, and before The Sword of Truth quest started. I read Edgar Rice Burroughs. I Chronicled Narnia. I slogged through all the adventures of Bilbo and Frodo. I find these stories to be worthy companions on any book shelf containing the above mentioned giants of Sword and Sorcery fiction. The third book of this series upholds the extremely high standard set by the first two. By this point, the reader cares about what happens to the characters, they are fully developed, and they behave and speak as consistently as any writer could achieve. I take great pleasure in a good book. I find this one to be right up therewith any of this Genre that I have read. Keep them coming.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I entitled this review, "Character development" because this is the book in which the characters show the most and the least character. The protagonists are able to shrug away the death of friends and enemies alike under the guise of moving forward toward the greater good. They show little or no mercy, and in the end seem little better than the antagonists. None of this should stop you from reading this installment or the next. Just know that the protagonists stumble from place to place with little more than mayhem and death every place they go.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bruce wong
Story continues, but without any real ending. Decent story line, interesting mix of characters and fairly compelling. Had some problems with typos (among other items): one incident near the end of this book did bother me :
'Heros' almost constantly agonize about the morality of their actions and yet in the last pages of this book, coldly kill a severely wounded guardman who pleads for his life to be able to return for his family. Alive he could pass on no additional information or further threaten the "heros". Odd actions for 2 that engage in frequent solioqies....'soul searching' and 'chest beatings'.
Still I plan on reading what comes next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great Series! I am looking forward to the next one. The characters are developed and developing. I like that the younger characters are not all prodigies or instant masters. I hope to see them mature. I suspect there's something about Benjamin Ashwoods heritage that will be a surprise. I also want to see more strength from the female characters. Since they started having intimate relationships the female characters don't shine as much. I mean really, men throwing them over their shoulders and rescuing them? A woman warrior would do more then want to have a discussion about that...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic follow up to the first two novels. It is the weaker of the three though. I am giving the novel five stars because the pacing and character development is still there. But i feel like the characters luck into easy answers. Specifically Jasper and another development in the third or forth to last chapter. Knowledgeable, generous, characters seem to magically appear when they are needed most. But enough griping. AC Cobble writes a fantastic engaging novel. I love the Benjamin Ashwood story as a whole. Nit-picks aside, this book delivers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne del
These books are dangerous. I had plans for today, but I was sucked in by the story. I finished book two, and thought I would just see what the next one is like... Dark Territory was fabulous. I started it, plugged in my kindle and finished it. Now I am eagerly awaiting the next book in the series. Dive into this take and lose yourself for an afternoon, or space it out a bit if you want to savor the story. Just as long as you read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
la syrena
I have read this series from the beginning and have loved the story and characters that come to light throughout the 3 books. I read this last addition, even though I had it since it first came out, I waited cause I knew I would have to wait for the next, but I couldn't wait to long. Now I have to wait longer for the next addition to this wonderful series. You Will Not Be Disappointed. Start with the first in this series. Great Reading Eaveryone!
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