Wool 5 - The Stranded (Silo series)

ByHugh Howey

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'll keep this short. Fantastic ending to a great story. Between this and the Molly Fyde series, this author is keeping me busy. I've read all of these books on the Kindle, but one thing that is nice is the Author will send you a signed copy, so I bought the Wool synopsis book signed for my son. He's only 1, but this way he can prove he has always been a fan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just finished "The Stranded" (Wool #5), and I must say, Howey brings the series to a very satisfying conclusion. Like the other four books in the series, Howey keeps the action moving, keeps the characters interesting, and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The last novel is much longer than the previous ones, which were more novellas than actual, full stories. For the most part, the additional length is not a hindrance, as there is plenty of story to fill the pages, and it rarely drags. It did feel a bit rushed at the end, as the climatic event that was happening the foreground moves to the background with little detail, but that is being nit-picky.

One more disappointing note - the author suddenly felt it necessary to start dropping F-bombs in #4 and #5. It's as if someone told him that real authors use profanity, and he believed them. Yes, call me a prude, but I think it is unnecessary and most often distracting. And even more so, it is frustrating when you think you've found an author who is in line with you, and then he suddenly switches on you mid-series.

In any case, the book still deserves a solid 4/5 stars.

I think people tend to rate books higher than they should, so I try to rate books on a harder scale, while being consistent over time. Jerry Foster's book rating scale:

5 - Fantastic. Life-altering. Only 10-20 books in a lifetime.
4 - Very good.
3 - Worth your time.
2 - Not very good.
1 - Atrocious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marsha jones
I just finished reading Wool 5 and enjoyed this book as much as 1-4. Totally captivating! Can't praise Hugh Howey enough for his imaginative writing skills. Keep up the good work and look forward to reading more of his books. :)
101 Very Short Stories by 101 Authors - Stories on the Go :: Wool 4 - The Unraveling (Silo series) :: The Walk Up Nameless Ridge (Kindle Single) :: Glitch: A Short Story (Kindle Single) :: The End is Nigh (Apocalypse Triptych Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha cutler
Wonderfully addicting series; gritty characters pushing through their fears towards heroism. The heart thumping action is enriched with the socio-political conflicts of surviving in Howey's SILO WORLD. BONUS: unobtrusively intermingled themes of top-down structure versus freedom and enlightenment make the series a perfect choice for young adult reading and discussion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly wiggains
Loved this series! Thought provoking, action packed, this story was hard to put down. I'm not ready for it to end. Similar reads: hunger games series, chaos walking series, maze runner series. One warning: wool 5 has some cursing & violence - it's a war. The rest of the series was rated G.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberley batchelor
The Wool books were a captivating read. I purchased the first book separately to try out, loved it, and then quickly purchased and read Wool 2 through 5. All the books are very well written, and rich in detail, plot and character development. Hugh Howey has created an original, thought-provoking and imaginative series, devoid of any formulaic story-writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The plot line and the characters are great in this series, but the ending was just disappointing. I think it definitely could have gone into a sixth book, but the ending is very rushed and is not explained well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rarely am I so involved and fascinated with a story that I keep purchasing the next without thinking. But that is exactly what I did with the Wool series. Hugh Howey is a gifted new writer and an inspiration to other "nobody" writers out there (like me !) that good writing will be found and appreciated without needing to beg publishing houses and cajole agents. Welcome to the 21st century and a new way to love books! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracy owens
I truly enjoyed this book in this series. While the first few books in this series are a bit slow, this one really kicked it into high gear. I should point out that the first few books in this series were important for character development which explains the slow pace, but the reward for that was the action in this book. I would recommend this series overall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
widiasti atmadja
The entire Wool series, and Wool 5 in particular, are incredibly good, entertaining (and sometimes scary in the apocalyptic sense) reads. The author has done something that rarely works, in my experience. He creates three different viewpoints and sticks with them through most of the book. Usually, I care much more about one viewpoint than the others and want to skip ahead. The author does this so skillfully that I find myself completely riveted and enthralled equally by all three, never feeling the urge to skim so I can get to my favorite "viewpoint". The conclusion is wonderful and satisfying. There are twists and turns, and revelations that will leave you cold.

Extremely well done for a new(ish) author embarking on his career. I am a now a devoted fan, and can't wait to see what he comes up with next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katharine harding
An interesting division of one story into five installments, each able to stand on its own as a compelling post apocalyptic tale. The characters are mostly well drawn and struggle with adult moral conflicts expressed accessibly for young adult readers as well as a more literary audience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer clay
Wool is such a great series that deserves better ending like this, though I cannot think of one. The ending comes to quickly and easy like the author was rushing his time in getting it done before some deadline. Mr. Hugh did a great job in setting the world, the background, the stage for characters to play, live, fight and love. I was puzzled in the story of Wool1 which turned out to be brilliant and an amazing start of the series. I was touched in Wool2 by the love between an old couple. I was brokenhearted about Jules been caught, sent to clean in Wool3. I was thrilled by Jules's struggle towards a unknown world, to her and me, another Silo. Somehow in Wool 5, these things didn't happen. I am afraid the plot is intriguing but somehow looks similar. The happy ending comes too easy with a powerful man lost this quickly without any detail. Frankly I was confused why Jules didn't walk at the first place before she went down.

I know I expect too much in this 5, less in 6 to be honest, this is a good book deserves reading. I want to give 4 stars and half but not allowed while it is not a 5 star one. Keep up great work, Hugh, I am still a FAN.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nevertheless, just a really great story and if I paid $1 more than I needed to read it all, it's still a great bargain. Hugh Howey describes himself as a nobody or words to that effect but he's a hell of good story-teller with characters you care about and, honestly, outcomes that are satisfying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am impatiently waiting for my husband to read this series so we can discuss it. So well-written! I'm a sci-fi buff, especially works of the dystopian variety... but this series isn't just for sci-fi lovers. I'm not ready to let go of the story yet. Is it silly to be hoping for more? Thanks for a truly compelling tale that is going to be resonating in my mind for a long time. I found WOOL via a Metafilter thread, and I'm so glad I did!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed part 5 of Wool. The scariness of Juliette's underwater journey was so vivid you could feel her fear. The story gives you hope for the future with a real conclusion, yet leaves you wanting to know more. I highly recommend the Wool series to all who love a good story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stumbled upon the first of these books while searching for something else. Once I started reading it I couldn't stop. Now I'm eager to continue. Mr Howdy has me hooked. Can't wait to read more of his writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've just finished Wool 5 - need more, need more, need more!!! I've put off doing all sorts of things that really need to be done, just to finish this series - need more! A wonderful premise, fascinating characters, I just hope Mr. Howey will continue the series! Thanks so much! Now I have to read the Molly Fyde series - after I do some of my chores, of course! :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Each book in the sereies seems to get better than the last. If you read the first one and like it, you'll likley read the rest and then want this one too. Great new writer of the post apocolyptic genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I downloaded the first story in the Wool series with no expectations, only intending to load up on reading material. I had no idea I was stumbling upon a new addiction. Hugh Howey has created a world full of intrigue that begs to be explored. Wool 5 is the climax to everything that we know so far, from the previous books. Every moment is one of anxious anticipation, centered on three main struggles. The author feeds the addiction in small bits, building suspense around one conflict before dropping back in on a different conflict. There was never a moment I wanted to put the book down, I couldn't bare the wait to find out what would happen next.

Buy this book, period.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this series. It was fascinating. I got book 1 and after reading it I got all the rest at once. The concept was so different from anything I had ever come across that I just couldn't stop turning pages.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jason cesare
I devoured Hugh Howey's first four novelettes in the WOOL series in record time. The characters were fascinating, the circumstances intriguing, the action subtle and imaginative; all-in-all, simply wonderful! But WOOL 5 moves from the novelette format, which had demanded a terse writing style that moved events along at a breath-takingly rapid pace, to the more leisurely, time accommodating full blown novel. It seems as though the shift from novelettes to full novel blunted Howey's crisp, concise writing style, slowed the action to a crawl, and resulted in much extraneous filler material that really doesn't need to be there. While reading the novelettes, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough, finding myself amazed at Howey's ability to draw the reader into the emotions of the characters, but now I find myself struggling to stay focused on the slow moving story presented in the novel. The characters are still interesting and the overall concept of the story is still fascinating, but the action simply drags along. I had read all four of the novelettes in a matter of a few hours over a two day period, but now, after a week, I find that I am only half-way through the novel. I will force myself to finish the book because I anticipate that the ending will be awesome (based on the preponderance of Five Star Reviews it has received) and I certainly urge anyone who has not yet read any of the WOOL series to immediately do so, but you should be aware that Howey's handling of the novel length of WOOL 5 makes it a slow slough compared to the blistering pace he set in the WOOL 1 through 4 novelettes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finished the fifth and last book of the Wool series. So interesting and makes you think about the possibility that we could end up in this predicament in the future. Well written series and I hope there may be more to be had in the future for this great story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alice hodgson
Hugh Howey's Wool series always leaves you wanting more through every step and this book is no exception. I think this is a book you can recommend to everyone no matter what their preferred genre because it has a little something for everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah gowan
Fantastic Series! I didn't totally get book 1 and book 2 was ok and engrossing. By book 3 I was hooked, major, and I tore through it and 4 and 5. This is some of the best Science Fiction I've read. I'll continue with book 6 soon. I hope it's as good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandra ashley
Howey really creates a world that you get locked into. This is a read that goes fast and hits hard. Totally worth the time and monetary investment. If post apocalyptic futures are your thing, you will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tim o shea
So much fiction is mass marketed pablum processed through a focus group and stamped with a seal of approval by a team of editors.

How nice then to find 'Wool' where the author's vision and characters come through and knit a sweater that you just have to pull on, unraveling the entire compelling, textured story in a series of 5 books. Very enjoyable, easy recommendation. If you have a handful of the store coins you're wondering what to use on, go get Wool or give the first book as a gift.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha thompson
I really enjoyed this series. It's not my typical genre of choice, but I liked the pace and the descriptive environment. I've recommended it to friends (40 years old) as well as my nieces and nephews (young teens). I thought the concept could lead to interesting discussions and look forward to reading more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seth walter
If you like traveling down roads you've never been, surprised at every turn, you are in for a treat reading the Wool series. Lots of twists and turns in the plot keep you riveted. It was hard to put these aside for long,but a girl has to eat, sleep and recharge the Kindle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lawrence ampofo
I stumbled upon Wool a few weeks ago --- and couldn't stop reading. Once I heard that 5 was to be released, I couldn't wait! I logged onto the store to see if I could pre-order, and amazingly, there it was . . . ready for my downloading pleasure (and cheap too!). I read it in a day, I couldn't put it down :) It's awesome to find books like that!
I couldn't be happier with the intensity of this book and its priors, very well written and fun to read.
I just downloaded a few more of Hugh's books and can't wait to start reading. Thanks Mr. Howey, keep it up :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily ludwick
Really enjoyed the originality of this! Was worried for awhile that the author was going to kill off Julliette and had decided I would stop reading it if that happened. I stopped watching Game of Thrones because the author killed off too many leading characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth cace
The first book was interesting with the twist at the end. I slowly worked my way into 2, finding the story moving along at a slow pace with, in some places, like he was describing each second. However, it continued to peak my interest Scarborough I felt I had to practically skim over too much description on feeling, touches, etc. Book 3 I started to really get into the story and by book 4 and 5 I could not put them down. I needed to know what happened and overall I loved them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julia b
The first book was interesting with the twist at the end. I slowly worked my way into 2, finding the story moving along at a slow pace with, in some places, like he was describing each second. However, it continued to peak my interest Scarborough I felt I had to practically skim over too much description on feeling, touches, etc. Book 3 I started to really get into the story and by book 4 and 5 I could not put them down. I needed to know what happened and overall I loved them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa hapney
So I just finished the fifth (and final?) Wool short story. All I can say is I am so glad I ran across the first one. Very grateful that I did not have to wait to snatch up the most recent story. Sad now that Im finished.

One thing I just could not stop thinking about while reading this was how well I could see the characters in my mind. The writing, which at times could be very descriptive, was not tedious at all.

Nothing else to say except READ. Now. Seriously, like go. Right now.

Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful, heroic story! The setting is intriguing, and the author not only meets the challenge of building a plot that supports it, but goes beyond, creating admirable characters who achieve some amazing feats. This would make a great movie.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yes, and thats coming from a daily coffee drinker. Thank goodness I don't have to choose between the two. The Wool series is the first time I've ever bought a book on kindle and felt that I was ripping off the author. It really is that good, but don't take my word for it. Support someone who really deserves it, maybe Hugh will reward us by releasing a few more of these bad boys. Someday when this is a movie you will be able to tell your friends you read it when it first came out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherri gardner
I flew through these books. The author's style of writing is very easy to read and the story is so interesting. Everything comes together in this last book. I am going to start the Shift series right now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
youngmin yook
Although the title Wool eludes me, I could not stop reading this series even though I certainly should have. The concept behind this story line is compelling, obscure and in the end, frightening to contemplate. The strength and the weaknesses of the characters is engaging and horrible to observe and anticipate. So reflective of the range of real people I've known. Great job!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian ridolfo
What a great story combining elements of classic sci-fi in a post apocalyptic setting. I would like to see more from this universe. I enjoyed reading all 5 very much and thank the author for his effort.
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