Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet - Loving Yourself to Great Health
ByLouise Hay
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book but need to repurchase in print. I originally purchased the book as a kindle read. It is great for reading, however, there are a number of things you would want to come back to again and again so I think it would be nice to have it in print too. Louise Hay always has a wonderful way of explaining things. I'm definitely on the path to good health.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juliana knight
It was decades ago when Louise Hay opened the floodgates to the world of alternative healing with You Can Heal Your Life. Now that those seeds have come into full blossom, it seems natural that she would be the one to move it all up to the next level. The science of wellness, including cutting-edge nutrition and lifestyle changes, is at the tipping point. Even recent PBS pledge drives were weighted heavily with programs about eating to improve health and happiness. Almost everyone in this country must now be aware that the high calorie/low nutrient diet most Americans subscribe to is a death sentence. Yet change is difficult -- UNLESS -- you become engaged by the bigger picture. The BIGGER PICTURE is exactly what Louise Hay is delivering ... and the BIGGER PICTURE is LOVE!
From "we learn to paint the picture we want other people to see" to putting "healthy-food time" on your daily calendar to the metaphysical meaning of poop, Louise Hay is moving the issues of obesity and self-destructive behavior into the spiritual realm. At that level there are only two choices: love and fear. With this groundbreaking book, she is telling readers how to embrace love first and let healthy lifestyle choices fall into place afterwards.
She has chosen two associates who are experts in nutrition and wellness practice to fill in the details. They have done a superb job of that. Once the information is solidly in place, Louise Hay puts it all into context, explaining how easy it can be to let go of fear and choose love once we have decided to do that.
In case you have now become afraid that this is a mood-altering, motivational tome delivered from the mountain top and just out of reach, be assured that this book contains solid physical plane facts and lots of them. Cutting-edge nutrition, which is suddenly cropping up everywhere you look, is covered thoroughly in highly readable discussions. The book itself is extremely well-organized making it a valuable resource tool on many levels.
My favorite section is the recipes at the end. Loaded with snacks and desserts in addition to the basics, these recipes are appealing as well as nutritious.
At the age of 88, Louise Hay has proven that she began as she meant to continue. She's still opening new doors and shouting the good news to the roof tops for the rest of us.
( received a free copy of this book.)
From "we learn to paint the picture we want other people to see" to putting "healthy-food time" on your daily calendar to the metaphysical meaning of poop, Louise Hay is moving the issues of obesity and self-destructive behavior into the spiritual realm. At that level there are only two choices: love and fear. With this groundbreaking book, she is telling readers how to embrace love first and let healthy lifestyle choices fall into place afterwards.
She has chosen two associates who are experts in nutrition and wellness practice to fill in the details. They have done a superb job of that. Once the information is solidly in place, Louise Hay puts it all into context, explaining how easy it can be to let go of fear and choose love once we have decided to do that.
In case you have now become afraid that this is a mood-altering, motivational tome delivered from the mountain top and just out of reach, be assured that this book contains solid physical plane facts and lots of them. Cutting-edge nutrition, which is suddenly cropping up everywhere you look, is covered thoroughly in highly readable discussions. The book itself is extremely well-organized making it a valuable resource tool on many levels.
My favorite section is the recipes at the end. Loaded with snacks and desserts in addition to the basics, these recipes are appealing as well as nutritious.
At the age of 88, Louise Hay has proven that she began as she meant to continue. She's still opening new doors and shouting the good news to the roof tops for the rest of us.
( received a free copy of this book.)
A Positive Affirmation Guide for Loving and Appreciating Your Body :: Feelings Buried Alive Never Die :: Louise L. Hay: You Can Heal Your Life - Der Film :: Attracting Abundance (Sanaya Roman) - Creating Money :: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology - and How You Can Heal
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
subodh shivapuja
It has some very good information in the first 126 pages. It's like two books. The first part of book gives a lot of tools that are VERY helpful. The second part of the book is about recipes and nutrition. There is way TOO MUCH information in the that section of the book. So much that it is overwhelming. Lists and lists of things that are bad for you and short lists of things that are good for you. The recipes are complicated and require intensive shopping. Vegetarians beware, the book espouses meat eating and claims animal fat is the best fat. The side dishes are vegetarian but the main dishes are meat dishes. That wouldn't bother me so much but they don't give vegetarian alternatives. I've upgraded my review to four stars because I'm really getting a lot out of the first part of the book and it's helping me and that makes the book worth purchasing. If there were more vegetarian main dishes this wold be a five star book for me no doubt. In any regard, Louise is a gem. She's one in a million and I appreciate this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tim penick
Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, raw vegan, low carb, gluten free...which diet is THE ONE?
Did you ever consider your thoughts to be equally as important as diet and exercise in the equation of your optimal health? Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro, & Heather Dane teaches that our health hinges on our thoughts. I couldn't agree more.
If this is all too metaphysical for you, no one can deny that before doing anything we almost always think a thought (or a string of thoughts) first. Before going for a walk, eating a piece of pizza, making a green smoothie, drinking a coffee...there is a thought that precedes the action. From a very practical standpoint, it makes perfect sense that our thoughts influence how we look and feel.
The first part of the book spends a lot of time on the subject of loving ourselves, something that isn't exactly emphasized in our culture as the most important, most basic component of our human power. Although it certainly is!
"Most of us have not been taught to listen to our bodies and inner wisdom, so we don’t trust it."
I never really understood what intuition was, not believing that I could have some supernatural power to predict the future or know if the decision I made was right or wrong. I have a feeling that taking the time to develop a strong sense of personal intuition at a young age would spare a lot of people a lot of pain and heartache. Not to mention save a lot of time spent doing things that don't feel right.
Listening to our bodies, asking our bodies what they need and then really listening, is a foreign concept for most. Some might say it is downright kooky. But that is exactly what this book calls us to do.
Isn't it crazy to think that we are going around not really knowing ourselves? When we are younger, in high school, there is a lot of emphasis on "finding ourselves." This simple process of really knowing ourselves is not something I was ever taught. I have to ask - how can we find ourselves when we don't even really know ourselves? No wonder so many people get so caught up and lost in the expectations of others, myself included.
"Most people have no idea how much food is contributing to their well-being or lack thereof."
Loving Yourself to Great Health does not tell us that we should all be raw vegans or even vegetarians. This actually surprised me, because I have been under the assumption that Louise Hay is a vegan ever since I heard her mantra "if it doesn't grow, I don't eat it" in her book You Can Heal Your Life.
This book is packed to the brim with great health information, from the standpoint that not everyone will respond to the same foods and remedies in the same way. The authors are not preachy by any means. They don't say everyone must drink Louise Hay's asparagus puree or bone broth.
Rather, the authors urge us to carve our own paths, sticking closely to nature along the way. They encourage us to be selective when choosing our doctors and practitioners, to choose to be guided by individuals who honor, respect, and understand nature rather than dismiss the amazing power we are offered by nature everyday.
"If you follow other people’s rules without listening to your body, you’re telling yourself that you don’t matter."
If you are familiar with Louise Hay, you know that you aren't going to read one of her books without being inundated with affirmations, and probably a guided meditation or two. This book would be great to listen to on audio to get the full effect of the affirmations and meditations. It is also an excellent resource to have in print or e copy to look up remedies and foods to focus on and foods to avoid.
This book is quite a lengthy read, and could be thought of as part narrative about thoughts and loving yourself, part reference on foods and home remedies, and part cookbook, as it contains plenty of healthy recipes and guidance on kitchen equipment staples.
I often feel overwhelmed when reading this type of book, especially when it comes time to purge all the unhealthy stuff I have in the kitchen and hit the grocery store armed with the list of approved foods by the author. I appreciate that these authors encourage the reader to develop their own health plan from the basic standpoint of focusing on incorporating more and more whole foods.
The more I read and learn about health, the more fascinated I become with this crazy idea that we are actually designed to feel good - all the time! To feel good about ourselves, in our bodies and in our minds. Choose thoughts and foods that truly feel good, and watch the magic happen!
I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.
Did you ever consider your thoughts to be equally as important as diet and exercise in the equation of your optimal health? Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro, & Heather Dane teaches that our health hinges on our thoughts. I couldn't agree more.
If this is all too metaphysical for you, no one can deny that before doing anything we almost always think a thought (or a string of thoughts) first. Before going for a walk, eating a piece of pizza, making a green smoothie, drinking a coffee...there is a thought that precedes the action. From a very practical standpoint, it makes perfect sense that our thoughts influence how we look and feel.
The first part of the book spends a lot of time on the subject of loving ourselves, something that isn't exactly emphasized in our culture as the most important, most basic component of our human power. Although it certainly is!
"Most of us have not been taught to listen to our bodies and inner wisdom, so we don’t trust it."
I never really understood what intuition was, not believing that I could have some supernatural power to predict the future or know if the decision I made was right or wrong. I have a feeling that taking the time to develop a strong sense of personal intuition at a young age would spare a lot of people a lot of pain and heartache. Not to mention save a lot of time spent doing things that don't feel right.
Listening to our bodies, asking our bodies what they need and then really listening, is a foreign concept for most. Some might say it is downright kooky. But that is exactly what this book calls us to do.
Isn't it crazy to think that we are going around not really knowing ourselves? When we are younger, in high school, there is a lot of emphasis on "finding ourselves." This simple process of really knowing ourselves is not something I was ever taught. I have to ask - how can we find ourselves when we don't even really know ourselves? No wonder so many people get so caught up and lost in the expectations of others, myself included.
"Most people have no idea how much food is contributing to their well-being or lack thereof."
Loving Yourself to Great Health does not tell us that we should all be raw vegans or even vegetarians. This actually surprised me, because I have been under the assumption that Louise Hay is a vegan ever since I heard her mantra "if it doesn't grow, I don't eat it" in her book You Can Heal Your Life.
This book is packed to the brim with great health information, from the standpoint that not everyone will respond to the same foods and remedies in the same way. The authors are not preachy by any means. They don't say everyone must drink Louise Hay's asparagus puree or bone broth.
Rather, the authors urge us to carve our own paths, sticking closely to nature along the way. They encourage us to be selective when choosing our doctors and practitioners, to choose to be guided by individuals who honor, respect, and understand nature rather than dismiss the amazing power we are offered by nature everyday.
"If you follow other people’s rules without listening to your body, you’re telling yourself that you don’t matter."
If you are familiar with Louise Hay, you know that you aren't going to read one of her books without being inundated with affirmations, and probably a guided meditation or two. This book would be great to listen to on audio to get the full effect of the affirmations and meditations. It is also an excellent resource to have in print or e copy to look up remedies and foods to focus on and foods to avoid.
This book is quite a lengthy read, and could be thought of as part narrative about thoughts and loving yourself, part reference on foods and home remedies, and part cookbook, as it contains plenty of healthy recipes and guidance on kitchen equipment staples.
I often feel overwhelmed when reading this type of book, especially when it comes time to purge all the unhealthy stuff I have in the kitchen and hit the grocery store armed with the list of approved foods by the author. I appreciate that these authors encourage the reader to develop their own health plan from the basic standpoint of focusing on incorporating more and more whole foods.
The more I read and learn about health, the more fascinated I become with this crazy idea that we are actually designed to feel good - all the time! To feel good about ourselves, in our bodies and in our minds. Choose thoughts and foods that truly feel good, and watch the magic happen!
I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean rife
Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. ~ Hippocrates
I just finished a great healing book from Hay House and my heart went ahhhh!
Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food -- the Ultimate Diet is a great book by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane. Hint, hint ... it's a book I'd like under my Christmas tree.
The book is a colossal food and thought testament to healing thyself to create a new healthy life. It's a book about crafting a new life of loving yourself -- the most important relationship you will ever have!
Loving Yourself to Great Health is chock-full of ancient healing wisdom, a history of food knowledge and how advertiser manipulation has evolved. It also provides tons of tips, menus, recipes, affirmations and exercises.
The roadmap the authors provide educate about extitotoxins, glutamate, aspartate, cysteine, monosodium glutamate, high fructose, sucrose, and many other disguising words used in the labeling of our food that affect our well-being and behavior.
There is history they share about dyes in food that created hyperactivity in children, why we should be concerned about potassium bromate in our bread, and food used in China that combats obesity.
The authors have done a lot of research and provide great knowledge about 50 healing spices to boost health when creating our healing diets.
All I want for Christmas is Loving Yourself to Great Health in hardcover. The e-book is great, but this is one book I need to keep, not only in my library, but in my kitchen too.
I send you love, blessings and wishes for a prosperous and abundant life.
(I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.)
I just finished a great healing book from Hay House and my heart went ahhhh!
Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food -- the Ultimate Diet is a great book by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane. Hint, hint ... it's a book I'd like under my Christmas tree.
The book is a colossal food and thought testament to healing thyself to create a new healthy life. It's a book about crafting a new life of loving yourself -- the most important relationship you will ever have!
Loving Yourself to Great Health is chock-full of ancient healing wisdom, a history of food knowledge and how advertiser manipulation has evolved. It also provides tons of tips, menus, recipes, affirmations and exercises.
The roadmap the authors provide educate about extitotoxins, glutamate, aspartate, cysteine, monosodium glutamate, high fructose, sucrose, and many other disguising words used in the labeling of our food that affect our well-being and behavior.
There is history they share about dyes in food that created hyperactivity in children, why we should be concerned about potassium bromate in our bread, and food used in China that combats obesity.
The authors have done a lot of research and provide great knowledge about 50 healing spices to boost health when creating our healing diets.
All I want for Christmas is Loving Yourself to Great Health in hardcover. The e-book is great, but this is one book I need to keep, not only in my library, but in my kitchen too.
I send you love, blessings and wishes for a prosperous and abundant life.
(I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brad sherman
Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, raw vegan, low carb, gluten free...which diet is THE ONE?
Did you ever consider your thoughts to be equally as important as diet and exercise in the equation of your optimal health? Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro, & Heather Dane teaches that our health hinges on our thoughts. I couldn't agree more.
If this is all too metaphysical for you, no one can deny that before doing anything we almost always think a thought (or a string of thoughts) first. Before going for a walk, eating a piece of pizza, making a green smoothie, drinking a coffee...there is a thought that precedes the action. From a very practical standpoint, it makes perfect sense that our thoughts influence how we look and feel.
The first part of the book spends a lot of time on the subject of loving ourselves, something that isn't exactly emphasized in our culture as the most important, most basic component of our human power. Although it certainly is!
"Most of us have not been taught to listen to our bodies and inner wisdom, so we don’t trust it."
I never really understood what intuition was, not believing that I could have some supernatural power to predict the future or know if the decision I made was right or wrong. I have a feeling that taking the time to develop a strong sense of personal intuition at a young age would spare a lot of people a lot of pain and heartache. Not to mention save a lot of time spent doing things that don't feel right.
Listening to our bodies, asking our bodies what they need and then really listening, is a foreign concept for most. Some might say it is downright kooky. But that is exactly what this book calls us to do.
Isn't it crazy to think that we are going around not really knowing ourselves? When we are younger, in high school, there is a lot of emphasis on "finding ourselves." This simple process of really knowing ourselves is not something I was ever taught. I have to ask - how can we find ourselves when we don't even really know ourselves? No wonder so many people get so caught up and lost in the expectations of others, myself included.
"Most people have no idea how much food is contributing to their well-being or lack thereof."
Loving Yourself to Great Health does not tell us that we should all be raw vegans or even vegetarians. This actually surprised me, because I have been under the assumption that Louise Hay is a vegan ever since I heard her mantra "if it doesn't grow, I don't eat it" in her book You Can Heal Your Life.
This book is packed to the brim with great health information, from the standpoint that not everyone will respond to the same foods and remedies in the same way. The authors are not preachy by any means. They don't say everyone must drink Louise Hay's asparagus puree or bone broth.
Rather, the authors urge us to carve our own paths, sticking closely to nature along the way. They encourage us to be selective when choosing our doctors and practitioners, to choose to be guided by individuals who honor, respect, and understand nature rather than dismiss the amazing power we are offered by nature everyday.
"If you follow other people’s rules without listening to your body, you’re telling yourself that you don’t matter."
If you are familiar with Louise Hay, you know that you aren't going to read one of her books without being inundated with affirmations, and probably a guided meditation or two. This book would be great to listen to on audio to get the full effect of the affirmations and meditations. It is also an excellent resource to have in print or e copy to look up remedies and foods to focus on and foods to avoid.
This book is quite a lengthy read, and could be thought of as part narrative about thoughts and loving yourself, part reference on foods and home remedies, and part cookbook, as it contains plenty of healthy recipes and guidance on kitchen equipment staples.
I often feel overwhelmed when reading this type of book, especially when it comes time to purge all the unhealthy stuff I have in the kitchen and hit the grocery store armed with the list of approved foods by the author. I appreciate that these authors encourage the reader to develop their own health plan from the basic standpoint of focusing on incorporating more and more whole foods.
The more I read and learn about health, the more fascinated I become with this crazy idea that we are actually designed to feel good - all the time! To feel good about ourselves, in our bodies and in our minds. Choose thoughts and foods that truly feel good, and watch the magic happen!
I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.
Did you ever consider your thoughts to be equally as important as diet and exercise in the equation of your optimal health? Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro, & Heather Dane teaches that our health hinges on our thoughts. I couldn't agree more.
If this is all too metaphysical for you, no one can deny that before doing anything we almost always think a thought (or a string of thoughts) first. Before going for a walk, eating a piece of pizza, making a green smoothie, drinking a coffee...there is a thought that precedes the action. From a very practical standpoint, it makes perfect sense that our thoughts influence how we look and feel.
The first part of the book spends a lot of time on the subject of loving ourselves, something that isn't exactly emphasized in our culture as the most important, most basic component of our human power. Although it certainly is!
"Most of us have not been taught to listen to our bodies and inner wisdom, so we don’t trust it."
I never really understood what intuition was, not believing that I could have some supernatural power to predict the future or know if the decision I made was right or wrong. I have a feeling that taking the time to develop a strong sense of personal intuition at a young age would spare a lot of people a lot of pain and heartache. Not to mention save a lot of time spent doing things that don't feel right.
Listening to our bodies, asking our bodies what they need and then really listening, is a foreign concept for most. Some might say it is downright kooky. But that is exactly what this book calls us to do.
Isn't it crazy to think that we are going around not really knowing ourselves? When we are younger, in high school, there is a lot of emphasis on "finding ourselves." This simple process of really knowing ourselves is not something I was ever taught. I have to ask - how can we find ourselves when we don't even really know ourselves? No wonder so many people get so caught up and lost in the expectations of others, myself included.
"Most people have no idea how much food is contributing to their well-being or lack thereof."
Loving Yourself to Great Health does not tell us that we should all be raw vegans or even vegetarians. This actually surprised me, because I have been under the assumption that Louise Hay is a vegan ever since I heard her mantra "if it doesn't grow, I don't eat it" in her book You Can Heal Your Life.
This book is packed to the brim with great health information, from the standpoint that not everyone will respond to the same foods and remedies in the same way. The authors are not preachy by any means. They don't say everyone must drink Louise Hay's asparagus puree or bone broth.
Rather, the authors urge us to carve our own paths, sticking closely to nature along the way. They encourage us to be selective when choosing our doctors and practitioners, to choose to be guided by individuals who honor, respect, and understand nature rather than dismiss the amazing power we are offered by nature everyday.
"If you follow other people’s rules without listening to your body, you’re telling yourself that you don’t matter."
If you are familiar with Louise Hay, you know that you aren't going to read one of her books without being inundated with affirmations, and probably a guided meditation or two. This book would be great to listen to on audio to get the full effect of the affirmations and meditations. It is also an excellent resource to have in print or e copy to look up remedies and foods to focus on and foods to avoid.
This book is quite a lengthy read, and could be thought of as part narrative about thoughts and loving yourself, part reference on foods and home remedies, and part cookbook, as it contains plenty of healthy recipes and guidance on kitchen equipment staples.
I often feel overwhelmed when reading this type of book, especially when it comes time to purge all the unhealthy stuff I have in the kitchen and hit the grocery store armed with the list of approved foods by the author. I appreciate that these authors encourage the reader to develop their own health plan from the basic standpoint of focusing on incorporating more and more whole foods.
The more I read and learn about health, the more fascinated I become with this crazy idea that we are actually designed to feel good - all the time! To feel good about ourselves, in our bodies and in our minds. Choose thoughts and foods that truly feel good, and watch the magic happen!
I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie adams
Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. ~ Hippocrates
I just finished a great healing book from Hay House and my heart went ahhhh!
Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food -- the Ultimate Diet is a great book by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane. Hint, hint ... it's a book I'd like under my Christmas tree.
The book is a colossal food and thought testament to healing thyself to create a new healthy life. It's a book about crafting a new life of loving yourself -- the most important relationship you will ever have!
Loving Yourself to Great Health is chock-full of ancient healing wisdom, a history of food knowledge and how advertiser manipulation has evolved. It also provides tons of tips, menus, recipes, affirmations and exercises.
The roadmap the authors provide educate about extitotoxins, glutamate, aspartate, cysteine, monosodium glutamate, high fructose, sucrose, and many other disguising words used in the labeling of our food that affect our well-being and behavior.
There is history they share about dyes in food that created hyperactivity in children, why we should be concerned about potassium bromate in our bread, and food used in China that combats obesity.
The authors have done a lot of research and provide great knowledge about 50 healing spices to boost health when creating our healing diets.
All I want for Christmas is Loving Yourself to Great Health in hardcover. The e-book is great, but this is one book I need to keep, not only in my library, but in my kitchen too.
I send you love, blessings and wishes for a prosperous and abundant life.
(I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.)
I just finished a great healing book from Hay House and my heart went ahhhh!
Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food -- the Ultimate Diet is a great book by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane. Hint, hint ... it's a book I'd like under my Christmas tree.
The book is a colossal food and thought testament to healing thyself to create a new healthy life. It's a book about crafting a new life of loving yourself -- the most important relationship you will ever have!
Loving Yourself to Great Health is chock-full of ancient healing wisdom, a history of food knowledge and how advertiser manipulation has evolved. It also provides tons of tips, menus, recipes, affirmations and exercises.
The roadmap the authors provide educate about extitotoxins, glutamate, aspartate, cysteine, monosodium glutamate, high fructose, sucrose, and many other disguising words used in the labeling of our food that affect our well-being and behavior.
There is history they share about dyes in food that created hyperactivity in children, why we should be concerned about potassium bromate in our bread, and food used in China that combats obesity.
The authors have done a lot of research and provide great knowledge about 50 healing spices to boost health when creating our healing diets.
All I want for Christmas is Loving Yourself to Great Health in hardcover. The e-book is great, but this is one book I need to keep, not only in my library, but in my kitchen too.
I send you love, blessings and wishes for a prosperous and abundant life.
(I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cory bree
Book Review:
Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet
By Louise L. Hay, Ahlea Khadro, Heather Dane
Louise Hay has teamed up with her nutrition and natural health advisors to give the world this complete guide to attain great health. This book is more than just a diet book and more than just a recipe book. This isn’t the latest fad diet to earn the authors millions of dollars on a scam that only works for a few people. This is a way of life that could change the American obesity epidemic and diseases of ill health.
Loving yourself is not a platitude; it is the basis of all great health. By combining the essentials of the mind, the body and the spirit along with healthy foods, meditations and exercise a person can attain great health that seems elusive in our society.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part comprises seven steps; Step 1: Create a New Perspective on Health. The authors detail why and how the body had disease, illness and symptoms that are crying for your attention. They offer a new perspective to allow the body to heal itself.
Step 2: Love Yourself and Your Body- Food, Weight Loss, Disease and More.
They offer suggestions and a program of healing your body as they discuss ways to achieve the health you want. They include affirmations which Louise Hay is famously, and right so, known for.
Step 3: Know How Your Body Really Works- the Foundation for Health. This chapter discusses how the body works, how it processes food and how thoughts affect the body just as much as food does. It discusses how the body was designed to perform perfectly and to heal itself if given the proper foods and rest.
Step 4: Listen to Your Body-A Powerful, Yet Little-Known Secret. The authors detail how people are not taught to listen to their bodies, either through recurring patterns, dreams, intuition etc. However, the body is screaming at us to pay attention. The body knows how to heal itself if listened to and given the proper nutrients and positivity to do so.
Step 5: Emphasize Food and Thoughts That Heal Your Body and Mind. This chapter discusses which foods to eat and which to avoid for the best health. It details which foods could cause sensitivities or allergies, which are downright unhealthy and even caustic. It also details which foods will heal and nourish the body for the best results.
Step 6: Empower Your Health-Home Remedies for What Ails You. By looking in your garden and kitchen cupboard you can find many remedies that support health and healing. This chapter marries holistic health remedies with an open dialogue with your doctor for your health needs.
Step 7: The Road Map for Your Best Health. This chapter sets out a plan of action for you to start at your own pace.
Part 2: I Love My Kitchen-How to Create Delicious, Healthy Meals.
The authors break down kitchen basics so even the most daunted can feel comfortable in the kitchen. They explain what tools to use, food storage and ease of making meals on the go.
In chapter 9, they list sample menus and meal options including shopping lists to find everything at hand.
Chapter 10 is the recipe section, complete with vegetables dishes, smoothies, soups, meats, cereals, pilafs, breads, snack and desserts.
This book includes so much information to get you started toward a healthier life. It brings the best of Louise Hay with her teachings of affirmations and positive thoughts to heal your body and life and adds in holistic nutrition, digestive health, meditation and so much more to comprise this whole health system. They include meditations in the book that you can record yourself and listen to, or buy the accompanying CD. You will find in the chapters in the first half of the book affirmations, meditations and exercise examples to change not only the way you think, but how to distress and how to envision the health you want. The authors state that they are passionate about health and they all know as Louise says, “Thoughts and food-if you get both right, good health follows.” Their passion comes through the words on the pages as they genuinely want to help you achieve great health.
Meditations for Loving Yourself to Great Health
A CD: a guided meditation audio program to support you in changing your way of life to one that focuses on nourishing your body and treating it with love.
This CD includes:
1: Introduction to the Meditations
2: Meditation #1 Reconnecting to the Earth and All Things
3: Meditation #2 Accepting My Physical Perfection
4: Meditation #3 Listening Meditation
5: Meditation #4 Healthy Body, Health Mind, Healthy Digestion Meditation.
FTC Disclaimer: I was given an ARC of this title and CD from Hay House Publishing for review purposes only. No other compensation was awarded.
Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet
By Louise L. Hay, Ahlea Khadro, Heather Dane
Louise Hay has teamed up with her nutrition and natural health advisors to give the world this complete guide to attain great health. This book is more than just a diet book and more than just a recipe book. This isn’t the latest fad diet to earn the authors millions of dollars on a scam that only works for a few people. This is a way of life that could change the American obesity epidemic and diseases of ill health.
Loving yourself is not a platitude; it is the basis of all great health. By combining the essentials of the mind, the body and the spirit along with healthy foods, meditations and exercise a person can attain great health that seems elusive in our society.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part comprises seven steps; Step 1: Create a New Perspective on Health. The authors detail why and how the body had disease, illness and symptoms that are crying for your attention. They offer a new perspective to allow the body to heal itself.
Step 2: Love Yourself and Your Body- Food, Weight Loss, Disease and More.
They offer suggestions and a program of healing your body as they discuss ways to achieve the health you want. They include affirmations which Louise Hay is famously, and right so, known for.
Step 3: Know How Your Body Really Works- the Foundation for Health. This chapter discusses how the body works, how it processes food and how thoughts affect the body just as much as food does. It discusses how the body was designed to perform perfectly and to heal itself if given the proper foods and rest.
Step 4: Listen to Your Body-A Powerful, Yet Little-Known Secret. The authors detail how people are not taught to listen to their bodies, either through recurring patterns, dreams, intuition etc. However, the body is screaming at us to pay attention. The body knows how to heal itself if listened to and given the proper nutrients and positivity to do so.
Step 5: Emphasize Food and Thoughts That Heal Your Body and Mind. This chapter discusses which foods to eat and which to avoid for the best health. It details which foods could cause sensitivities or allergies, which are downright unhealthy and even caustic. It also details which foods will heal and nourish the body for the best results.
Step 6: Empower Your Health-Home Remedies for What Ails You. By looking in your garden and kitchen cupboard you can find many remedies that support health and healing. This chapter marries holistic health remedies with an open dialogue with your doctor for your health needs.
Step 7: The Road Map for Your Best Health. This chapter sets out a plan of action for you to start at your own pace.
Part 2: I Love My Kitchen-How to Create Delicious, Healthy Meals.
The authors break down kitchen basics so even the most daunted can feel comfortable in the kitchen. They explain what tools to use, food storage and ease of making meals on the go.
In chapter 9, they list sample menus and meal options including shopping lists to find everything at hand.
Chapter 10 is the recipe section, complete with vegetables dishes, smoothies, soups, meats, cereals, pilafs, breads, snack and desserts.
This book includes so much information to get you started toward a healthier life. It brings the best of Louise Hay with her teachings of affirmations and positive thoughts to heal your body and life and adds in holistic nutrition, digestive health, meditation and so much more to comprise this whole health system. They include meditations in the book that you can record yourself and listen to, or buy the accompanying CD. You will find in the chapters in the first half of the book affirmations, meditations and exercise examples to change not only the way you think, but how to distress and how to envision the health you want. The authors state that they are passionate about health and they all know as Louise says, “Thoughts and food-if you get both right, good health follows.” Their passion comes through the words on the pages as they genuinely want to help you achieve great health.
Meditations for Loving Yourself to Great Health
A CD: a guided meditation audio program to support you in changing your way of life to one that focuses on nourishing your body and treating it with love.
This CD includes:
1: Introduction to the Meditations
2: Meditation #1 Reconnecting to the Earth and All Things
3: Meditation #2 Accepting My Physical Perfection
4: Meditation #3 Listening Meditation
5: Meditation #4 Healthy Body, Health Mind, Healthy Digestion Meditation.
FTC Disclaimer: I was given an ARC of this title and CD from Hay House Publishing for review purposes only. No other compensation was awarded.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janine mcbudd
This was a very quick and fun read! Everything you need to know, from what thoughts to think to bring more health into your life to how to stock your kitchen to create healthy meals is covered in this book. There are long lists of foods to avoid when shopping, what natural foods to use for healing and good nutrition, and yummy recipes for those who want to eat more healthfully and who have special diets. For instance, the recipes at the end of the book contain easy-to-make meals, snacks, and desserts made with the foods suggested earlier in the book. Most recipes are simple and uncomplicated, perfect for those of us who have busy schedules with many balls up in the air.
Other topics included in the book: loving yourself and your body, understanding how your body works, listening to your body, home remedies, an action plan for implementing new health habits into your life, sample menus, and the recipes I mentioned earlier. I really enjoyed browsing through the recipes, and although I haven't yet tried them, I've already added the simple ingredients for several of them to my grocery list for this week! The recipe section includes recipes for vegetables, smoothies, soups, meat/poultry/fish, gluten free cereals/pilafs/breads/waffles/pancakes, snacks, and desserts. Yum!
Other topics included in the book: loving yourself and your body, understanding how your body works, listening to your body, home remedies, an action plan for implementing new health habits into your life, sample menus, and the recipes I mentioned earlier. I really enjoyed browsing through the recipes, and although I haven't yet tried them, I've already added the simple ingredients for several of them to my grocery list for this week! The recipe section includes recipes for vegetables, smoothies, soups, meat/poultry/fish, gluten free cereals/pilafs/breads/waffles/pancakes, snacks, and desserts. Yum!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just when you thought Louise L. Hay couldn’t write another amazing book filled with knowledge. She does it again this time with the knowable Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane. Together these three share not only their knowledge but their love for a loving health life. At first I thought it was going to be filled with only uplifting inspirations. However what I found was so much for powerful.
For the first time I learnt how the body works in a easy to understanding way. Everything starts in the gut. So in the saying is so true, You are what you eat. Hello!! These 3 ladies inspire you to change your eating habits to healthy ones. They teach you the unhealthy choices and the industries hidden code names. Who knew sugar, corn and other foods had so many different names. I never thought about what I ate but after reading Loving Yourself To Great Health I am more conscious about reading those sneaky labels.
Louise, Ahlea and Heather teach that to heal you must also love yourself but more importantly you need to remove the stress. Stress and negative thoughts are what causes dis-ease. They have no place in a healthy lifestyle. They show that the best way to change is to to love yourself first.
I loves how they shared their years of experience with their patience. At times I felt they were describing me or my loved ones. I was drawn into this book. It takes nutrition to the next level. The recipes and shopping list made the perfect ending. If you love Louise L. Hay then this is the next book for you to read. You will be inspired to make changes to a happy healthier you. I know I was truly inspired.
I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.
For the first time I learnt how the body works in a easy to understanding way. Everything starts in the gut. So in the saying is so true, You are what you eat. Hello!! These 3 ladies inspire you to change your eating habits to healthy ones. They teach you the unhealthy choices and the industries hidden code names. Who knew sugar, corn and other foods had so many different names. I never thought about what I ate but after reading Loving Yourself To Great Health I am more conscious about reading those sneaky labels.
Louise, Ahlea and Heather teach that to heal you must also love yourself but more importantly you need to remove the stress. Stress and negative thoughts are what causes dis-ease. They have no place in a healthy lifestyle. They show that the best way to change is to to love yourself first.
I loves how they shared their years of experience with their patience. At times I felt they were describing me or my loved ones. I was drawn into this book. It takes nutrition to the next level. The recipes and shopping list made the perfect ending. If you love Louise L. Hay then this is the next book for you to read. You will be inspired to make changes to a happy healthier you. I know I was truly inspired.
I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan farnworth
Love this book! It is the perfect combination of emotional(thinking), physical(movement), and fud(eating), to help us on our journey to better health! I have read so many books on these different subject's however, it is all wrapped up in this one great book!!!
So many of us wonder why we don't feel good and, then we do all kinds of things that are just helping us stay feeling bad and, we allow any kind of junk in our body and mind... Like, negative thinking, poor self image, processed food, couch potato??? No wonder we feel bad.
So don't treat your body like a woodshed and throw any kind of junk in it...
Treat it like a "Palace" and love yourself to great health!!!
So many of us wonder why we don't feel good and, then we do all kinds of things that are just helping us stay feeling bad and, we allow any kind of junk in our body and mind... Like, negative thinking, poor self image, processed food, couch potato??? No wonder we feel bad.
So don't treat your body like a woodshed and throw any kind of junk in it...
Treat it like a "Palace" and love yourself to great health!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a very empowering book that brings confidence to the reader that they can be in control of their own health by the guidance that is given by choosing the right food, thought and identifying patterns that causes problems to our life style. Reading about the experiences of the authors in helping clients become healed through food and thought to over come ailments of Lyme disease, depression, alcoholism and auto immune diseases (which are thought to be incurable in the medical field) left me feeling inspired and empowered to face any challenges I have in my life. Affirmations by Louise Hay are sprinkled through out the book to add additional help and inspiration for the reader. I received this book to in exchange for my honest opinion
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Book Review
Loving Yourself to Great Health
Thoughts & food- the Ultimate Diet
What a beautiful book! And that’s just the outside! I immediately felt the high vibration of it when I picked it up..
We are introduced to Louise Hay, Heather Dane, and Ahlea Khadro – as in a ‘health team’ that pools resources initially to keep Louise at the top of her game, but this book soon became reality in order to help folks at large with a fuller understanding of what it takes to keep body, mind, and spirit in good health.
I was struck by the thinking behind how every thought affects the body – whether that thought is positive or negative. Thoughts affect the immune system and every organ in the body. The book includes many client stories showing the results of positive, loving affirmations. We walk through the body taking a look at where it all begins – in the mouth and touching every system and organ on its way finally ending up in the large intestine and eliminated as poop. Yes, we get a pretty comprehensive understanding of poop as well! You don’t see that often. I understood how my digestive system responds to loving food, loving thoughts, and positive lifestyle changes.
The examples of client stories all through the book provided me with people and situations I could relate to. I found the entire experience to be very spiritual, with Chapter 7 being my favorite.
I learned some new things, but much was already known to me as in the workings of a kitchen, cooking, nutrition, and healthy alternatives. I have always been at home in the kitchen. I did, however, choose about 28 of the recipes to try in the future.
I have no doubt that this in-depth look at the body, nutrition, thoughts, love and how they all work together will be priceless to many seekers, so I can absolutely recommend the read.
FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.
Loving Yourself to Great Health
Thoughts & food- the Ultimate Diet
What a beautiful book! And that’s just the outside! I immediately felt the high vibration of it when I picked it up..
We are introduced to Louise Hay, Heather Dane, and Ahlea Khadro – as in a ‘health team’ that pools resources initially to keep Louise at the top of her game, but this book soon became reality in order to help folks at large with a fuller understanding of what it takes to keep body, mind, and spirit in good health.
I was struck by the thinking behind how every thought affects the body – whether that thought is positive or negative. Thoughts affect the immune system and every organ in the body. The book includes many client stories showing the results of positive, loving affirmations. We walk through the body taking a look at where it all begins – in the mouth and touching every system and organ on its way finally ending up in the large intestine and eliminated as poop. Yes, we get a pretty comprehensive understanding of poop as well! You don’t see that often. I understood how my digestive system responds to loving food, loving thoughts, and positive lifestyle changes.
The examples of client stories all through the book provided me with people and situations I could relate to. I found the entire experience to be very spiritual, with Chapter 7 being my favorite.
I learned some new things, but much was already known to me as in the workings of a kitchen, cooking, nutrition, and healthy alternatives. I have always been at home in the kitchen. I did, however, choose about 28 of the recipes to try in the future.
I have no doubt that this in-depth look at the body, nutrition, thoughts, love and how they all work together will be priceless to many seekers, so I can absolutely recommend the read.
FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
celena k
Very informative book. Louise Hay is 88 years old so she must be doing something right! I've seen her in person many times and she is spry and looks much younger than she is. So I wanted to see what one of her "secrets" is (I already know her positive thinking has helped her mind stay very sharp) and was kind of surprised to find one is "bone broth". I knew she ate very healthfully so I am enjoying finding out just what she does do to keep herself healthy and vibrant. Hope I can do the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For decades, Louise Hay has been walking her talk, and empowering others to find their way to healthier, stronger bodies, minds, and lives. In her latest book Loving Yourself to Great Health, she brings the ideas and experiences of two more incredibly inspiring ladies. Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane are a wealth of information and practical knowledge that can help you in ways you may not have ever considered. This is an important book. As a fitness professional I usually burn through diet books in two or three sittings. This book is so much more than a diet book though. This is nutrition taken to the next level. I found myself having to sit with some of the concepts for a few days, not that I was having trouble understanding them, but rather I was blown away by their powerful simplicity and effectiveness. This book could change everything for you. Another thing I was happy to see, is that there are no hidden agendas or skewing of data to promote one way of eating over another (i.e. 'you must eat vegan because...' or 'paleo is the only way because...'). Taking responsibility for your health is a big step, and the approach in this book is to make gradual improvements rather than drastic, difficult to follow sudden changes. I honestly can't say enough good things about Loving Yourself to Great Health. I was given a free copy of this book, by the publisher, Hay House Inc. I wasn't paid or compensated in any way for my review or opinion.
Please RateThoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet - Loving Yourself to Great Health
You must tell yourself everyday "I am a beautiful, loving, generous and happy person" and each day will get better and better.
The Universe is testing us all at the moment so send out the love and it will return in many wonderful ways.