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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dianna wise
Tremendous information on turning negatives to positives to heal oneself. Enjoyable reading and easy to apply. Learn how dis-ease in the physical body originates from negative emotions and how to easily and quickly turn this situation around. Includes a very helpful script and tables of information that provide a way to better understand the roots of dis-ease. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amber sullivan
The affirmations in this book are an excellent way to cognitively deal with unresolved issues from your past. It takes some practice but once the basic affirmations are memorized, it's easy to adjust a negative attitude/experience. I recommend writing the basic script onto index cards until you memorize it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has brought such clear understanding to feelings. I highly recommend it. Easy to read, easy to understand, very helpful information to practically use for yourself or others with scripts and lists of feelings, etc. included.
Louise L. Hay: You Can Heal Your Life - Der Film :: Attracting Abundance (Sanaya Roman) - Creating Money :: The Fool's Progress: An Honest Novel :: The Monkey Wrench Gang (P.S.) (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) :: A Positive Affirmation Guide for Loving and Appreciating Your Body
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
malu sciamarelli
I think everyone who reads this book will be better for it! Definitely a must read. She is so open and exact about so many things I have thought about throughout my life! I have more joy and happiness in my life just from reading this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A friend recommended I read this book and told me I could use her copy, but after waiting for several months and hearing that person after person kept passing it along, I decided to order it for myself. I loved the book and was very happy to learn from it. Now if I could just get my husband to read it...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have found the information in this book useful and helpful to improve my over all health. I would recommend it. It took a bit of reading to put the program to use but now that I understand it I find it very useful. It isn't just a book of theory it is practical and applicable. The information in this book is a powerful healing method.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sofia marie
This book explores the psychological effect of physical and emotional injuries, exploring how we process such injuries and how they leave damage on one's whole self. It also outlines in a reasonable way how such "forgotten" injuries may be brought to the surface, processed, and dismissed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison mitchell
I keep this book on my nightstand always! Whenever I feel bad I look up the condition in the back of the book to recognize the emotions I'm feeling that are causing it. It is so powerful to make that connection! Many times my pains or sicknesses will leave me instantly just by recognizing the emotion associated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vivek thangaswamy
WOW!! this book brings up things that I know would/will really make a difference in feelings and thoughts. I am really really enjoying this book, an awesome read. I recommend this book to everybody :D May give you some insights to yourself and/or family members that you never even considered before. Worth every penny spent and then some :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book explores the psychological effect of physical and emotional injuries, exploring how we process such injuries and how they leave damage on one's whole self. It also outlines in a reasonable way how such "forgotten" injuries may be brought to the surface, processed, and dismissed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I keep this book on my nightstand always! Whenever I feel bad I look up the condition in the back of the book to recognize the emotions I'm feeling that are causing it. It is so powerful to make that connection! Many times my pains or sicknesses will leave me instantly just by recognizing the emotion associated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marc manley
WOW!! this book brings up things that I know would/will really make a difference in feelings and thoughts. I am really really enjoying this book, an awesome read. I recommend this book to everybody :D May give you some insights to yourself and/or family members that you never even considered before. Worth every penny spent and then some :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica cameron
This book puts into question everything the world has taught you about your health, your religion and what you need to do to live a healthy happy life. Is there a place for doctors and medicine - of course. However there is also a place for recognizing that past abuse does take a toll and you cannot ignore it and expect to be completely healthy. And it doesn't matter how 'terrible' your situation may or may not have been. We all have pain, we all have feelings that we have tried to bury alive. It is time to deal with it and on the other side find the life you have been looking for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karin randolph
Fabulous book. It gives one insights and a wonderful way to use spirituality to get rid of negatives and bring on the positives in one's life. I have bought & given this to many people as an aid on self-help. It is very helpful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Many people throughout their lives carry memories (feelings and thoughts) they have never closely dealt with. Most people do bury these at least in part alive. Usually such memories contain pain, fear, anger, frustration, unfulfilled needs and various kinds of personal trauma.
Everyone knows of the concept of carrying baggage. The author Karol Truman considers this baggage as a real and almost tangible thing. In many ways it is, as many of our life choices are influenced by what we carry. Unresolved issues that we try to hide from will eventually show up. It could be in areas of our health, personal relationships, work and even the things we find enjoyment in. Most people are unaware of the personal energy that is required to keep those memories buried and that by spending these energies in that way everything in the persons life can be and is affected.
I have a close friend who is rated 100% disabled from PTSD due to his Viet Nam experience. For years I have suggested he take a closer look at what he has been carrying. I sent him a copy of this book and it is helping him clear up unneeded or wanted baggage.
There are some metaphysical areas Karol mentions which for some might be difficult to understand. If that's the case I would overlook those and take in just the books premise. Not recognizing and/or refusing to look at parts of our life experience will not add to your enjoyment of life.
Everyone knows of the concept of carrying baggage. The author Karol Truman considers this baggage as a real and almost tangible thing. In many ways it is, as many of our life choices are influenced by what we carry. Unresolved issues that we try to hide from will eventually show up. It could be in areas of our health, personal relationships, work and even the things we find enjoyment in. Most people are unaware of the personal energy that is required to keep those memories buried and that by spending these energies in that way everything in the persons life can be and is affected.
I have a close friend who is rated 100% disabled from PTSD due to his Viet Nam experience. For years I have suggested he take a closer look at what he has been carrying. I sent him a copy of this book and it is helping him clear up unneeded or wanted baggage.
There are some metaphysical areas Karol mentions which for some might be difficult to understand. If that's the case I would overlook those and take in just the books premise. Not recognizing and/or refusing to look at parts of our life experience will not add to your enjoyment of life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased the book version years ago and it was very helpful to me during a difficult time in my life. I relocated and left it behind. I was really happy to find that there was a Kindle version. I am now in the process of reading it and I do hope that I will benefit once again from this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a comprehensive book about dealing with and hopefully mastering the way one's feelings overflow into your life and cause you pain, anxiety and grief. Chapters such as "where feelings begin", "erasing illusions", "the major feelings", "becoming accountable", "discharge your stress", "enjoy the now" and the "feelings list" were all very helpful in coming to terms with, accepting and then working on regulating feelings that i have been ruling your life. This book could be a nice accompaniment in a therapeutic setting such as a support group with assigned reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bethany hansom
Excellent book that I highly recommend. I use Young Living Essential Oils to compliment my wellness and to support emotional cleansing and this book makes it much easier to figure out what I need to focus on next. If you have questions or want to read more of my story you can find me at: facebook.com/BarefootnOily
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is certainly not for everyone.
That said, this book is a fascinating resource that describes the ties between emotional and physical healing.
I was surprised to find it effective.
I recommend this book for anyone who suffers from illness.
That said, this book is a fascinating resource that describes the ties between emotional and physical healing.
I was surprised to find it effective.
I recommend this book for anyone who suffers from illness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
misty kaiser
I first listened to this book on CD, borrowed from a friend. Then, I just had to have a printed copy for my own reference.
I learned much about myself and others in my life. I recommend it to anyone who is open minded in the field of self healing.
I learned much about myself and others in my life. I recommend it to anyone who is open minded in the field of self healing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Each of us has baggage buildup "Feelings Buried Alive" since childhood. These feeling cause dis-ease and ailments in our lifetime and trigger us to relive them over and over again. The Feelings can be removed quickly through THETA HEALING. This book should be on every Theta Healers shelf and everyone wanting to get rid of life's baggage build up!
Oh, the list of beliefs or feelings in the back and the ailments associated with them are a HUGE reason for Theta Healers to own this book. I actually took one of my copies to a local print shop had them cut the spine off it and i bound the feelings & beliefs separately from the front portion of the book to have a quick reference. Karol did a great job with this book.
Must have, must read
Oh, the list of beliefs or feelings in the back and the ailments associated with them are a HUGE reason for Theta Healers to own this book. I actually took one of my copies to a local print shop had them cut the spine off it and i bound the feelings & beliefs separately from the front portion of the book to have a quick reference. Karol did a great job with this book.
Must have, must read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anvaya pratyush
The book is exceptionally helpful. There are notions of quantum consciousness neatly tied in with the same information about us that John Bradshaw revealed in his works. If anyone is examining themselves in an effort to find out what their "story" (Landmark Technology) really is, where it came from, how it drives their Beta mind from the Alpha levels, this is the book that will help them. If you are striving for a higher vibrational level, here is a tool that will aid you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rodrigo borges
Each of us has baggage buildup "Feelings Buried Alive" since childhood. These feeling cause dis-ease and ailments in our lifetime and trigger us to relive them over and over again. The Feelings can be removed quickly through THETA HEALING. This book should be on every Theta Healers shelf and everyone wanting to get rid of life's baggage build up!
Oh, the list of beliefs or feelings in the back and the ailments associated with them are a HUGE reason for Theta Healers to own this book. I actually took one of my copies to a local print shop had them cut the spine off it and i bound the feelings & beliefs separately from the front portion of the book to have a quick reference. Karol did a great job with this book.
Must have, must read
Oh, the list of beliefs or feelings in the back and the ailments associated with them are a HUGE reason for Theta Healers to own this book. I actually took one of my copies to a local print shop had them cut the spine off it and i bound the feelings & beliefs separately from the front portion of the book to have a quick reference. Karol did a great job with this book.
Must have, must read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book is exceptionally helpful. There are notions of quantum consciousness neatly tied in with the same information about us that John Bradshaw revealed in his works. If anyone is examining themselves in an effort to find out what their "story" (Landmark Technology) really is, where it came from, how it drives their Beta mind from the Alpha levels, this is the book that will help them. If you are striving for a higher vibrational level, here is a tool that will aid you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is one everybody should read. I would dare say we all have feelings that have hurt us in the past. Hurts we wanted to bury quickly,to forget ever occurred, so our phychie tells us, "let's bury it, and we'll never have to deal with this again". If that were possible it might be a perfect resolve. Unfortunatly, it isn't that easy. Eventually, one day these hurts may sneak their ugly heads back up, and you may wonder, from where this is coming? Totally unaware that you have, Buried It Alive. I think the title is perfect, and the book very well written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david wayne
Great book! A must read for everyone interested in overcoming themselves, i.e., overcoming their fears, their pains, resentments, etc., and changing their situations/environments by their thoughts and feelings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ordered at least 8 of these. Really great book. Found out why I was so fearful without knowing the cause. So much good info for adults and
especially for parents and how they treat their kids growing up. Can really get rid of baggage been carrying for 70 plus years. Feel so peaceful
now. Still have some more to work on but 85% is probably gone. Strongly recommend this book!!!!!
especially for parents and how they treat their kids growing up. Can really get rid of baggage been carrying for 70 plus years. Feel so peaceful
now. Still have some more to work on but 85% is probably gone. Strongly recommend this book!!!!!
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