Deep (Stage Dive Series Book 4)

ByKylie Scott

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber wilkie
Deep focuses on Stage Dive bass player Ben and Anne's (of the Mal & Anne from Play) sister Liz.
They have a connection right away but things get in the way. And a surprise. A BIG surprise.
This book really had me hooked. Ben. Ben - at times I wanted to strangle him or slap him a bit to say "wake up dummy! You have a good thing here with Liz!!!"
I actually am disappointed that it's done. I want more of not only this couple but all the couple's we have come to love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brad voth
I have loved every book of this series- stunningly hot, amazingly developed hilarious characters that stole my heart. The author does a fabulous job of keeping each of the former characters pertinent in this book without having to re-hash events of previous books.

The characters statements and interactions are so natural, there is no unneeded drama -- the words and story flows so smoothly.

Lizzy is such a strong woman with an awesome attitude. She is incredibly funny and doesn't take any crap from anyone. She knows herself well...and knows for certain that her heart burns for Stage Dive bassist, Ben. Bearded Ben---and we hear all about the benefits of the beard---is beautiful. He is floored when Lizzy reveals her secret and it takes them some time to adjust. When they finally adjust, it's freaking magical.

I love that this book isn't a cheesy, cliche love story. There is lots of bark and a little bite. It seems so natural, I felt like one of the girls-- listening over coffee and watching the interactions for myself. I could almost "see" the heated looks, and feel the tension.

Great book!! While obviously a troublemaker, Martha saved the day and was shocked into muteness.

Love this series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I totally understand why some people may not be giving as positive reviews as the other books in the series - Ben and Lizzy's story, while it has its twists, definitely isn't at the same level of emotion as the previously three. In one scene, I think it was Anne, Ben is described as the one who blends in and just rolls with what is handed to him and that also describes the book. There isn't anything that will make this book stand out. I loved the other three, this one I was satisfied but didn't love. Hope that makes sense :/ That is why I took off a star, I like to give my fives to books I loved.
TWO PRINCES (Sons of Sanctuary MC - Texas Book 1) :: Lie to Me :: Beautiful Mistake :: Racer :: It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love every book on this series but Deep absolutely melted my heart! Ben is just wow and Lizzy is a phenomenal character. What they were faced with and her holding out hope was hard at times. I did get teary eyes and shed some tears. Then the story had me laughing and cheering for love. I also loved that we got to see a different doting side of Jimmy with Lena. And of course who doesn't love MAL and his role of over-protective brother in law. The dynamic of Ben and Lizzy was real and tons of unmarried couples have this struggle. Kylie Scott wrote another chart topper with this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
louisa pickering
A great final book for the Stage Dive series. While not my favourite book in the series I still really enjoyed it - and the series as a whole is one of the few rock star series that has held up to re-reads (for me) since original publication. Overall I wanted a bit more Ben, more insight into his why's and behaviour apart from Liz, and then end was just sort of BAM! HEA Done. But all the Mal and the Jimmy and Lena and rest of the group was awesome, and I'm glad they were all still heavily involved and all over each other's business. Thank you Kylie Scott for bringing us Stage Dive!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
can koklu
I can't believe this series are over! (But remember, this book can be read as standalone)

I did fall inlove with all the characters from the first book, and read them feels like I know them, I feel like I'm part of Stage Dive! What I'm gonna do without them?

Ok, the book, I loved Ben, this is the very first time I fall in love with a bearded men! Hahahaha, and Lizzy, she is so... I loved her.

And this may not be exactly the case but, what started in Vegas has to finish in Vegas!

You have to read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yssa santiago
I have been anxiously awaiting this book for months because I am a huge fan of Kylie Scott's! This book didn't disappoint one bit!! You've got Ben trying to do the right thing and stay away from Lizzie who is his friend/bandmates new sister in law, but one night in Vegas changes the course these two have been travelling in a big way! As with the other 3 books in this series, these 2 don't have an easy go of it and have to deal with the ups and downs of figuring out what they are going to do. I am seriously sad that the series has come to an end, but I have no doubt that Kylie Scott will continue to amaze all of her "groupies" out there with future books!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine b
These characters are great and the ups and downs of Ben and Lizzy just keep you wanting more. Of course I can never get enough of Mal - he is definitely entertaining!!!!! I hope you all love this group as much as I do!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah hess
I am a teensy weensy critical of books. (Judgey people! What are you going to do?!) I don't want something that isn't written realistically or with no real story line. I read the first book and didn't know if I'd like it for the first 25% of the book. After that, she had me for every book! Seriously great reads!! I laughed out loud so many times--loved the sarcasm she used--especially from Anne. Or Lena. Well, also Lizzie. Forget it--I liked them all!! Take a chance on Stage Dive. You won't be sorry!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ok, first things first. Mal is awesome. I know he was just a supporting character, but he is hilarious. Liz and Ben's story was really good. Poor Liz was all over the place and her inner dialog was awesome. Ben is what most people would think a hot, rich, sexy rocker would act like. This was a great conclusion to this series, one I very much enjoyed reading and just might put on the short list of books I will reread.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah couri
I absolutely love this series. David story is a great way to start, Mal story is sad but he is hilarious, Jimmy story you can't help but root for and fall for. But Ben story was disappointing I didn't care for how the story started and the why the character were. Thought it could have been written differently.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fox woods
Kylie Scott has done it again, Deep was everything I expected and wanted. The wait was well worth it. Benny is my second favorite behind Jimmy. I am sad to see the series over with.

I loved seeing Lizzy chase after Ben in the beginning, it was entertaining to read. My heart broke and I wanted to reach into my Kindle and shake Ben and hug Lizzy. Let me not get started on Martha, Lizzy should have smacked her with the vintage whiskey, that wench would have deserved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh another great book by Kylie Scott the Stage Dive Series are awesome. First Kylie will have you falling in love with Davie, rolling on the floor with Mal, rehabbing with Jimmy, and now floating in life with Ben now the journey in each book is specific to each band member but what a journey to take.
Ben is not a relationship kind of guy until he meets Lizzy. A friendship is formed that leads to sex which results in a pregnancy turning Ben's world upside down .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
collegiate online book
The self dialogue Lizzy did was hilarious. I liked it that she was strong and vulnerable, the idea that she owned up to her mistakes and dealt with them. As hard as it was for her in the beginning. I would have liked to get a little more perspective from Ben's POV but that's a personal preference..
And oh my, Martha was a perfectly awful antagonist.

I enjoyed the series and just about everything I've read from Kylie Scott. ........write faster! :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From star to finish this. Look had me. The characters from previous books bring flavor and comedy and then Lizzy.. what can I say, she is a antidote all to herself. Funny self depreciating and just hilarious at times. I want more and hope there will be a happily ever after book for all couples. Feel free to use the name. Stage Dive happily ever after.. This novel left me pinning for more and will leave you feeling gosh darn good..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great story just like the others! Kylie Scott did a great job with these characters and so in love with Mal's character I am so glad he made it in this last book as much as he did... and Andi Arndt is crazy talented on her voices, especially sounded nasally when the character was sick! Seriously she is the BEST Female Narrator!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
zac johnson
Wow, I had been waiting patiently for this last book of the series and was very disappointed. Books 1 thru 3 were great, especially Book 3 with Jimmy and Lena's story. I felt that Kylie Scott should have put more into this story and the ending made me feel like I fell off of a cliff. It started out great and then just went wrong. It felt rushed and incomplete, especially considering this should have tied everything up. I have a feeling this won't be the last in the series, based on other characters in the last few chapters, but I am probably wrong. This last book had so much potential but Ms. Scott lost her way about half way through it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekka istrail
Kylie Scott has done it again, This book was amazing. The story of Ben and Lizzy made me laugh & made me so sad my heart hurt for Lizzy.
The Stage Dive series is well worth reading. I highly recommed it. I won't tell you about the story the publisher has already done it. I will say this is on my read again list. I can not wait to see what Kylie Scott has in store for us next. Five well deserved stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noushin jedi
This series is great just wished that all the book were done more together or in a shorter time frame but if you haven't started this series do so and with book number one for then you will know the hole gang of characters. I guess with a rock stars life style you would never really know when true love shows up if it's real! So enjoy the read and don't forget the audio just makes it great ! !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurel borter
I love this series! Davie, Mal, Jimmy, and Ben...can I please have them all?

I don't want to say good-bye to them. Refuse to. Can I please have Sam and Martha's story and Reece's story? Or what's going on with them 5 years later. I need...NEED...more of them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda sidebottom
Great story to finish up the Stage Dive series. Just enough love, just enough heat, and just enough passion, mixed up with a comedy flavor that keeps you reading.
I loved Ben's commitment to figuring things out, even when he didn't seem to know what he wanted. I didn't really get Martha's appearance though. That was the one thing that confused me and felt unnecessary.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
niki campbell seidel
Loved catching up with the Stage Dive band again. Ben and Lizzy have a one night stand in Las Vegas and now Lizzy is pregnant. While Ben keeps saying he will be there he doesn’t always come through on that promise. Lizzy keeps giving him chances to be involved and gets her heart broken a bit more each time he fails to be there. A good HEA story and great way to wrap up the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bexy ross
Great series & this one in particular often had me in stitches. Less performing/creating emphasis more on relationship building/toppling with a commitment phobe who's fighting it but can't keep his hands off his baby mama.

Motivational segment at the end a hoot.

It's wonderful Stage dive is all loved up & procreating. Looking forward to more from Kylie Scott.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elisa velazquez
Kylie Scott's final book in the Stage Dive series doesn't disappoint.
The story of Ben and Lizzy is funny, deep and meaningful and deals with the drama of falling pregnant.
While everyone around them tries to keep these two apart, their attraction to one another is undeniable.
Nothing like a rock star romance and I do like a Happy Ever After.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This series of standalones have bern very entertaining. My only problem with this story was that the ending felt a bit too rushed. I did love how Ben wasn't the usual kind of amazing man. He was flawed, immature and a bit selfish. And that made the story more believable in a way. I do think Ben should have suffered a bit more for his bad desicions. But all on all a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline cunniffe
What a great series! Ben and Lizzy are awesome. I love how sweet Lizzy is. It was cool watching them getting to know each other thru texting. Ben is hot and sometimes bruting. I worried a bit in the middle that maybe things may not come together but I was happy with the ending. I'd love a novella wrapping everyone's story up, seeing them in 5 or 10 years. Great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany morris
Love it! When I first started reading the Stage Dive Series, I thought Lick was the best. Then I read Play (I have read it at least 10 times). This one by far is my favorite. I couldn't wait for Lead (I was on vacation and got up early just to read it). I didn't like it at all. I did not like Lena. Jimmy is Jimmy, but the way they got together - yuck. I was hoping Deep would not be another Lead and it did not disappoint me. Maybe it is something about the Rolllins girls, but I like their feisty ways. I really do not want this to end. Just maybe we can continue the series?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah hoffman
I am seriously going to miss this series. Lizzy was hilarious listening to her talk to her self had me laughing so hard. Poor Ben he was so happy living his life and then bam. I understood but his back and forth was a bit much. This was a very enjoyable book and the prologue was too funny. Thanks Kylie can't wait to see what you will write next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine harwood
Loved the characters and their roles. The erotic love scenes and dialog were tantalizing! (love the dirty talk between lovers, need more of that)! Definitely approve and suggest this book to adults who enjoy a fun read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy turner
Ben, Ben,! I just read this masterpiece in one sitting. I simply devoured it. Every word was absolute perfection. I'm so incredibly sad to see this series end, but it ended so beautifully. I know I have the ability to reread whenever I need to revisit the guys and ladies of Stage Dive. Standing Ovation, Kylie Scott! Effing, BRAVO!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d today
EFFING LOVED THIS BOOK LIKE I EFFING LOVED ALL THE OTHERS! This woman Kylie Scott rocketed up to my top three favorite authors like a freaking firework and has held strong ever since. Elated with book four, but absolutely devastated that the series is over! Please, Ms Scott, find a way to make more!!
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