Stygian: Scars of the Wraiths: Prequel Book 1

ByNashoda Rose

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
eric j gates
This is the second Wraiths book that I have read, I enjoyed Danni's personality.. Although some things just didn't seem to flow well for me. I can't place it, but I couldn't get super into the book like usual.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
LOVED this book! im not a paranormal fan - read a few. but after lots of reccomendations and nagging by my closest friends (more like sisters) i went head on and loved every second. the love and bond between balen and danni is beautiful and everything they've gone thorugh and will go through testing their love is exciting and gets you hooked! READ THIS BOOK!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Stygian” was my second paranormal romance by Nashoda Rose and it was a blast.
I was swept away into a different world – mysterious, dangerous and incredibly sexy. The story was laden with longing, emotion, heart-ache, sexual tension and enough testosterone to bring every red-blooded woman to her knees.

Danni, a young woman who has experienced true horror but can’t remember any of it, is fighting hard to live a normal life. She knows that something bad happened, something that is affecting her life even two years later, paralyzing her with fear and bringing her to the verge of losing her sanity.
The only thing clear to her is a picture in her mind – a picture of a man that gives her a sense of safety. Painting the man turns into obsession. When Balen suddenly stands before her, she knows her world will never be the same and that proves to be true as she’s thrown into a world that seems unreal and would make her question her sanity, if not for the puzzle pieces suddenly falling into place.
But just as fast as he came into her life, Balen might be taken from her again – both due to outside forces and her fear of letting love in.
Danni was one hell of a woman. Despite life knocking her down on a regular basis, she always got back up. Bruised and battered maybe, but willing to fight. And she has lot worth fighting for – for example Balen.

Balen has tried to stay away from her for two years, fighting the evil that was consuming him from the inside. And as if that wouldn’t have been enough to deal with, he was haunted by the guilt of betraying his own people, feeling unworthy of love and forgiveness.
When he gets back to Danni, he can’t deny the pull he feels towards her, no matter how much he tries to fight it.
But the sins of his past are threatening to catch up with him and destroy the future he might have with the woman he loves.
Balen was a force of nature, not bending to rules and expectations when they didn’t feel right. Even at the risk of having to pay for it, he still stood up for what he believed in and kept on fighting. His love for Danni was all-encompassing; it melted and broke my heart at the same time.
Their relationship was intense, making me hold my breath at times, and melting my panties in other moments.

But Balen wasn’t the only panty-melter.
Between the Scar guys Keir, Jared, Kilter (I’m claiming him for myself, btw), Hack, of course Balen and even Waleron, the panties melted into oblivion.

The world created by Nashode Rose is original and complex, making my head spin with the creativity of it.

I can’t wait to learn more about it and the characters.

5+ there’s-nothing-sexier-than-a-rulebreaker stars.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher medjber
5 “Little One” Stars!

“The past is the past. It may be the reason why we’ve become who we are today, but we can change our tomorrow. Another past is seconds away.”

Stygian is the first full-length prequel to the first book, Take, in Nashoda Rose’s series entitled Scars of the Wraiths (book two to be released). There will be three prequels in total, all of which have been previously published and have now been re-written entirely. I was blown away by the awesomeness of Take so, needless to say, I was like a kid in a candy store when I got my hands on this one. Once again, this author has penned an absolutely incredible and distinctive paranormal romance. And, once again, I am taking a ride on the Nashoda Rose choo-choo train of awesome! WOOOO WOOOO chuga chuga WOOO wooo!

Nashoda Rose…SERIOUSLY…I want to live inside your head. Just for a little while. Ok. There must be a whole lot of awesomeness in there just waiting push its way out. A little weird? Sorry. ;)

In this series Nashoda Rose has created an intrinsically unique paranormal world complete with a glossary of terms that you get at the end of this book. With Stygian, I loved how we got more of a history about the Scars and Wraiths and more of an overall picture of the fantastic world that this author has created. At the heart of it all you have the Scars and the Wraiths who evolved from witches in 1610 in Zugarramurdi during the Spanish Inquisition. In order to combat the devastation of the masses during this time five witches swore fealty to the Goddess Azzura and, in turn, she granted them immortality, unique abilities and senses and an Ink that could be called forth for protection. Together Wraiths and Scars spoke an identical oath to the Goddess swearing to protect humanity from darkness. We are given more information about the archenemies of the Scars and Wraiths which are vampires and other creatures from the Center World Others which are the “darkness” I am referring to. There are four Wraiths (earth, fire, air and water) and they have the ability to control certain aspects of nature but their weakness lies in the fact that they are unable to fight against evil in the human world. This is where the Scars come in. Scars are immortal warriors with powerful capabilities derived from the five senses. You have trackers, sounders, healers, tasters, visionaries and reflectors. Each Scar has what is called an Ink which is essentially a tattoo that can be called to life.

I am a huge paranormal fan so to have this author pen an engrossing tale that kept me on the edge of my seat with the added bonus of copious amounts of sexy alpha-males….well, now…. that’s just a win-win situation in my books. For those readers who are not necessarily into reading the PNR genre, I would still suggest giving this one a go. This second book goes even into more detail than its predecessor, Take, and I did not find anything too overly complicated. As the story progressed and we are provided with a more complete picture of the overall story arc, it became easier and easier to make sense of this imaginative, rich and vivid world and immerse myself in the tale this author was weaving.

Danielle (a.k.a. Danni) can’t remember much about her time in captivity. She has no recollection of who kidnapped her, where she was kept or what she even endured at the hands of her tormentor. She fully understands that what she experienced was horrifying. Despite the fact that she has no memory of it all, it does not mean that there is no aftermath to be dealt with. Danni is a shell of the girl she once was. Gone is the free-spirited girl who embraced life and took risks. Now she is someone plagued by a paralyzing fear living a life that is a crumbling mess. Even though she is fighting hard to get back a sense of normalcy in her life, Danni can’t seem to move forward. She fixates on a man she has never met, someone she paints over and over again to the point of obsession. Someone with striking green eyes. Someone who gives her a sense of safety. ~“I had to get this guy out of my head before he ruined my life. All I did was think about him, dream about him, and wonder if he existed.”

Balen is a Scar tracker from the Talde in Toronto that was held captive with Danni. Unlike Danni, Balen remembers every second of the horrifying experience. He remembers the pain at the hands of their vampire captor, Ryszard, and remembers feeling helpless being unable to save the young human woman who would cry out in anguish. Balen sells his soul to the devil to save Danni. He does something deplorable to a Scar, breaking their laws and essentially guaranteeing his death and/or banishment. For two years Balen fights against the gnawing ache and anguish that devours him because of consuming vampire blood and letting down his family. He stays away from Danni and everyone else for that time, only the fact that he is a tracker keeping him from being caught by other Scars. He knows he must pay the price for drinking vampire blood even though he did it to save a mortal woman. However, Danni needs him and Balen will risk it all to save her once again.

When Balen suddenly reappears before Danni, her life takes yet another unexpected turn. She is thrust into this unknown and terrifying world and everything she thought she once believed she is now left questioning. Her only sanity, the only thing that is real, seems to be the connection she feels with Balen. They discover that they are bound together by an ancient spell. They must stay together or Danni will die. But, Balen is on the run and is being hunted by the Wraiths who want him to pay for his sins. That means Danni is on the run with him. What they feel for one another is powerful and intense. Can they give into their feelings knowing that it may all be ripped away from them? Will their love be the source of their destruction and demise?

I absolutely loved Danni and Balen. Even knowing that they could be ripped away from one another at any moment, they could not help but succumb to the overwhelming and profound feelings they had for each other. Their passion was real and raw in the midst of such uncertainty and danger. Balen was this honourable force to be reckoned with and his love for Danni was heart-melting. He would do anything for her, protect her until his last dying breath. Danni was so scared and hesitant to give into her feelings, but Balen would have it no other way. He was patient and yet there was no denying him when he went all growly alpha-man. This book may have hand numerous action-packed sequences but there is no refuting that the romance was beautiful and passion-filled.

This book is intense and I loved it. Right from the start I was swept away into this fast-paced and electric ride, enjoying all the twists and turns that came at me. Even though we mostly get Danni’s and Balen’s POV, I loved the fact that we also get a few other POVs throughout the story. It really helped with getting to know other Scars such as Walderon, Delara, Keir, Anstice, Jedrik, etc. It also made me desperate for Kilter’s book. Gah! What as douche of epic proportions! And, I fell whole-heartedly in love with him. Sigh!

All in all, Stygian is another must-read installment to what is quickly becoming my favorite paranormal series ever. Nashoda Rose has penned a story that is not encompasses this intrinsic and beautifully crafted world full of mystery and danger, but also gives her reader a story with a lot of heart, emotion, grittiness and passion. Wow! Did I ever love this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stygian, by Nashoda Rose, is prequel 1 in the 'Scars of the Wraiths' paranormal series and set before Take ( book 4 in the series) the standalone novel which was released earlier this year.
I fell in love with this different approach to the paranormal genre with the Scars; immortal warriors with enhanced sensory abilities intermingling with other races and creatures on Earth whilst trying to maintain the status quo with the Wraiths, politics and internal power struggles whilst fulfilling their oath of "to protect humanity from any darkness that walked in the shadows." All the while living unknown to the people they've sworn to protect.

Nashoda perfectly balances her introduction to this new series with a gripping plot from the first page with the human Danni facing a horrific ordeal at the hands of a devious, torturous male. She longs for her normal everyday life instead of the hell she's enduring... Minutes, hours, days all blur into one, she's teetering on giving into her abuser's demands but a fellow captive saves her by offering to take her place. This one act has serious consequences for the both of them that will change their lives as they've known them forever.

Two years in from her ordeal and Danni is a successful artist, but gone is the fierce, wild, carefree spirited woman she once was and in her place is a fearful and isolated female who has no recollection of her torture only flashbacks through triggers of smells, sounds and dreams of green eyed male with a Tiger tattoo that she paints obsessively and is desperate to know more on. Recently she's felt a presence around her that's made her feel safe, something she hasn't feel in two years, but what is this presence and what do they want?

Balen, who was held captive alongside Danni, is a loyal and protective Scar who fulfilled his duty to protect the human Danni, but by doing what he did he broke a sacred rule and now has to face the reality of his actions: "Two years I'd stayed away...I'd overpowered the toxic blood I'd consumed. Not that it mattered, according to our laws, I was to be killed." Before he returns he has to see Danni one last time and when he does their reacquaintance is life changing as their connection is all consuming and one that could cost them their lives. When faced with the truth of their connection and what needs to be done both their lives will change irrevocably and test how much their willing to fight for what they truly want.

This book's theme truly asks what lengths are you willing to go to do the right thing. Are you willing to sacrifice your life, happiness, beliefs and the future you want for something you truly believe in?? This is what Danni, Balen and other characters in the book have to make difficult decisions upon each with far reaching effects that ripple out beyond their own lives. As this isn't just a love story it's a full on action adventure as well, as the life of a Scar warrior is far from quiet and Balen's friends are characters you'll want to know more on, especially Kilter, he's one badass you can't help but like and Delara; that's one storyline I hope Nashoda gives us next as she's piqued my curiosity!!

As always Nashoda provides a wealth of depth and twists you don't see coming in her story lines and the internal battles Balen and Danni have against all that's going on around them; the reality of their situation and the bigger picture of what their involved in warring against their love for each other brought me to tears more than once with her ability to make me feel such a range of emotions with her beautifully powerful prose. Nashoda has always been one of my favourite authors for a long time and this book firmly places her as an amazing paranormal writer too!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
v ctor
Stygian is the first of the three part prequel to the Scars of the Wraiths series, originally titled "JUMP" (Senses Series), this story has been revamped and re-written to be this bad-a** tale. I didn't a chance to read Jump, so I can't speak as to the differences between the two, however I can tell you about my experience while reading this tale. What I have come to expect from the author is to be able to deliver a heartbreaking story that is both dark and full of beauty. While I read Take first, this prequel can be read at any time, I was able to relate to some characters I have previously met and get introduced to new ones; all piquing my interest into wanting and needing more.

Balen and Danni, had a powerful connection from the very first moment they met, what they felt for each other was as sure and true. The entire time I spent rooting them on, wishing and looking for ways for it to all work out. I was equally pissed at the Deconry and the CWO, they are supposed to be the difference between good and evil, however the lines are blurred where the Wraiths are concerned.

What intrigued me the most was the bond, the drive and the sense of family amongst the Scars. Balen I loved, he was such a tormented-anguished-soul, but as sweet and loving as well. Danni, I felt for, her loss and confusion, but I have to admit that there were times that she pissed me off with her fear, willing her to fight just as much as Balen was for hope. This multi POV read was both sexy and thrilling, inviting us to live in their world. Recommended for dark paranormal lovers out there.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hayley tilley
Danni is trying to rebuild her life, but flashes of memory from the time she was abducted are tormenting her. If she could remember all of it she wouldn't feel like she was going crazy.
All she can remember is the man she can't seem to stop herself from painting.
Balen has spent the last two years hiding from his fellow Scars and overcoming the results of his decision. But secrets have away of revealing themselves.
The Scars are immortal warriors tasked with protecting humans from things they don't know exist.
A very different type of paranormal. We find vampires, wraiths and tattoos that come to life. An emotional and fast paced story with a truly tortured hero and heroine. They have a very hard road to follow .The secondary characters have their own stories to tell, soon I hope.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
So I really wanted to love Stygian but unfortunately I barely finished. I didn't like Danni at all while reading this book. The only reason I finished was because I was curious about the other characters, which BTW would be the only reason I would read another in this series. Its something I need to think about because the dialogue was just bad and I'm not sure I even liked the writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lesley mccannell
I just finished Stygian and I really liked it. It is a Prequel to Scars of the Wraith series and this is Danni and Balen's story. Danni had been kidnapped and doesnt remember much, but just a green eyed warrior. She doesnt remember who he is but she feels safe when she draws him. What she doesnt expect is for him to show up and when things start clicking into place about her abduction, she is completely devasted. So many lies within her circle and she doesnt know who to trust but she feels safe with Balen but what happens when the powers that be need to punish Balen for his transactions and that will leave her alone. You must fight for your life, and love. You just have to read this.

This is so different then what I have read in awhile and what a way to start it. Here is just an FYI on the Scars. There are different kinds of scars....healers (females that can heal scars and humans), reflectors (deals with emotions), sounders (can detect high frequencies), tasters (detects emotions and when emotion change, they can tell by a taste) trackers (ability to track), and visionaries (see through certain objects). They also have their Ink that they can call upon to help them whenever needed. This is why I am saying it is different. Its not what you expect. I will admit I did get confused but that is because there is so much information in this series that you just cannot miss anything or you will be lost but DAYUM still enjoyed it all.

I cannot wait for more. I am so hooked!

Story 5
Sex 5
Overall 5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathie h
Nashoda Rose writes another raw & gut wrenching novel. She amazes me with how she is able to make me feel exactly as her characters do. Some writers tell you what you should be feeling this,is not the case in any of her books. I will continue to buy all Nashoda Rose Books. No, I don't know her just love her writing. Hope you guys do too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Man these males (Scars) are so intense. Granted all the characters are so intense and on edge but damn if it doesn't keep you on your toes and make you keep reading. I loved the storyline. After reading it I didn't know whether to love the book or hate it (laughing). I decided it was a severe case of love hate relationship. There's so much going on from just about every character but the author did do a great job of letting the reader know which character was talking during the chapters. I thoroughly enjoyed Bale and Danni. Even if their bond wasn't true, their love was. It was beautiful. I am looking forward to more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zack hansen
Her books are well written & always on the dark side. This is a prequel to Take (Scars of the Wraiths 1) & I absolutely loved it. In fact, this is the second time I’ve read it because it was previously released as Jump (The Senses book 1) & I loved it then, too.

For two years Danni couldn’t remember anything from the time she was gone. But ever since that time she has been obsessed with painting the portrait of a man she is sure she has never met. And lately certain things have been causing her to have flashbacks; a smell, a sound, the cold. She is determined to get her life back, and then he shows up, the man in her paintings.

Balen is a Scar. Scars were created to protect humans from those things in this world that they don’t even know exist, among them vampires. He too was kidnapped & held prisoner. By the same vampire that had Danni. He found he would do anything to save her, even commit the ultimate sin, be turned by a vampire. When Balen returns to Toronto after two years on the run it triggers Danni’s memories even more. But this shouldn’t be happening, there is a reason she couldn’t remember. Her memory had been wiped because humans can’t know about Scars.

This is Danni & Balen’s story & I loved it. I can’t wait for more Scars of the Wraiths!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carol melde
In this paranormal world there is a race called the Scars, whose job it is to protect humans from numerous bad creatures including vampires. Dannielle, known by friends as Danni, was captured by a vampire and held in a cage and tortured. In a similar cage was held Balen, one of the Scars. His emotional support helps her survive her ordeal but to free her he must drink the vampire's blood and go against one of the Laws he lives by. This gets him in a great deal of trouble. It takes him two years to rid himself of the vampire blood, after which, her returns to find Danni and face the powers that be, who want to punish him for his disobedience. It takes the love and respect of several good friends to get Halen free to finally be with the woman he has come to love.
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